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      • KCI등재

        汉字结构分析的历史演变 -试论六书、偏旁与部件之更替

        施正宇 한국한자한문교육학회 2013 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.30 No.-

        The author of this paper combined the six categories of Chinese characters, radicals, components and the evolution of Chinese characters font to investigate the difference between the three and their inner links based on the diachronic analysis method and drew the following conclusions: The six categories of Chinese characters, radicals and components were three different structure analysis methods used on different font during the different historical period of the Chinese characters font evolution. The six categories of Chinese characters was the one of the three methods which was created by a man whose surname was Bao in Zhou dynasty to analyse the ancient Chinese character structure so that can let the temporal students initiate Chinese characters; The radicals were obtained from the disposable analysis of temporal font of the period from the official script to the regular script; The components came from the multiple stereoscopic segmentation of Chinese characters, which are the ways to simplify them and process their information. The six categories of Chinese characters, radicals and the components are relatively independent and have some certain gradualism and inheritance as well. 本文采用历时分析的方法,将六书、偏旁和部件与汉字形体的演变发展相结合,考察三者之间的区别与内在联系,得出了以下结论:六书、偏旁和部件是人们在汉字形体演变的不同历史时期,针对不同字体所采用的结构分析法,其中,周官保氏为国子开蒙而总结归纳出来的、对古文字形进行结构分析的方法是六书;对从隶变到楷定时期的今文字形进行一次性分析得出来的是偏旁;以简化汉字和中文信息处理为契机,可对从古至今的汉字形体进行多层次的立体切分得出来的是部件。六书、偏旁与部件之间既具有相对的独立性,又具有一定的渐进性和传承性。

      • KCI등재

        기획주제(企劃主題) : 동아시아 한자(漢字),한자교육(漢字敎育)의 현황(現況)과 과제(課題); 漢字結構分析的曆史演變 -試論六書、偏旁與部件之更替

        ( Zheng Yu Shi ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2013 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.30 No.-

        한자의 구조 분석 중 육서와 편방, 부건의 구체적 함의와 상호 관계 등의 문제는 항상 한자의 이론 연구와 교육 실천에 있어서 어려운 문제였다. 필자는 어떠한구조 분석법이라도 모두가 상상에서 나온 것이 아니라, 육서와 편방, 부건의 출현이 한자의 변천 과정 중 몇 차례 있었던 대변화의 시기와 맞물려 있다고 생각하여, 이 문제들을 이해하는데 도움을 주고자 하였다. 이를 위해 필자는 한자 발전의 각도에서 이 세 가지 용어의 기원과 발전 맥락을 분석하고, 이와 함께 이 세 가지가 내포하고 있는 함의와 관계에 대해 정리하였다. The author of this paper combined the six categories of Chinese characters, radicals, components and the evolution of Chinese characters font to investigate the difference between the three and their inner links based on the diachronic analysis method and drew the following conclusions: The six categories of Chinese characters, radicals and components were three different structure analysis methods used on different font during the different historical period of the Chinese characters font evolution. The six categories of Chinese characters was the one of the three methods which was created by a man whose surname was Bao in Zhou dynasty to analyse the ancient Chinese character structure so that can let the temporal students initiate Chinese characters; The radicals were obtained from the disposable analysis of temporal font of the period from the official script to the regular script; The components came from the multiple stereoscopic segmentation of Chinese characters, which are the ways to simplify them and process their information. The six categories of Chinese characters, radicals and the components are relatively independent and have some certain gradualism and inheritance as well.

      • KCI등재


        黃震遐 한국한자한문교육학회 2015 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.37 No.-

        Bushou is the traditional indexing instrument for Hanzi. With few exceptions, all the semantic radicals in Hanzi are included amongst the Bushou. Although some have suggested that Bushou can be used to teach Hanzi acquisition, it is not certain whether all Bushou are suitable or only those that are semantic radicals, and whether this belief is true. We analyzed nearly thirty thousand Hanzi, to see if all Bushou possess semantic properties, and whether their level of semantic representation is similar. At the same time we also analyzed the ability for sound representation. The study revealed that as Bushou was developed for indexing purpose, about a fifth contain Hanzi which may share only common physical appearance and few semantic or phonological proximity. Some other Bushou contain more than one semantic property, or include just physically close Hanzi. Thus the degree of reliable semantic representation varies. About 20% of Bushou are based on physical appearance alone, the Hanzi within these Bushou do not share semantic relationships. Reliance on Bushou which are of low semantic reliability to access meaning can lead to serious misinterpretation of Hanzi and frustration. We selected 66 highly reliable semantic radicals, one of which is not a Bushou, as the most useful to learn. The use of semantically reliable radicals rather than Bushou will improve the semantic transparency of Hanzi, leading to better learning. 部首是漢字的傳統檢索工具. 由於漢字中能表達字意的意符都幾乎全包含在部首內, 不少人提議用部首教漢字學習. 但此觀點似乎從未得到分析証實. 我們分析了約三萬漢字, 以圖理解部首是否適合教授漢字學習, 如果並非全部, 則什麼部首只是擔當檢索分類任務, 什麼部首的意符或音符功能比較可靠, 對教育工作者會有幫助. 分析發現由於部首的首要任務是檢索, 因此, 二成部首其實表意能力薄弱或欠缺, 同部首內的字並無相同意義. 有些部首含有多於一個意符, 以及只是近形而不是相關意義字符. 因此, 一般部首並不會對有效教學起積極作用. 只有表意準確的意符才有教育價值. 錯誤使用表意不準確的部首來分析字義只會引致學生的誤解及挫折感. 我們篩選出66個應該優先教的常見而表意功能可靠的意符. 其中24個更是表音能力可靠.

      • KCI등재


        황진하 ( Chen Ya Huang ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2015 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.37 No.-

        Bushou is the traditional indexing instrument for Hanzi. With few exceptions, all the semantic radicals in Hanzi are included amongst the Bushou. Although some have suggested that Bushou can be used to teach Hanzi acquisition, it is not certain whether all Bushou are suitable or only those that are semantic radicals, and whether this belief is true. We analyzed nearly thirty thousand Hanzi, to see if all Bushou possess semantic properties, and whether their level of semantic representation is similar. At the same time we also analyzed the ability for sound representation. The study revealed that as Bushou was developed for indexing purpose, about a fifth contain Hanzi which may share only common physical appearance and few semantic or phonological proximity. Some other Bushou contain more than one semantic property, or include just physically close Hanzi. Thus the degree of reliable semantic representation varies. About 20% of Bushou are based on physical appearance alone, the Hanzi within these Bushou do not share semantic relationships. Reliance on Bushou which are of low semantic reliability to access meaning can lead to serious misinterpretation of Hanzi and frustration. We selected 66 highly reliable semantic radicals, one of which is not a Bushou, as the most useful to learn. The use of semantically reliable radicals rather than Bushou will improve the semantic transparency of Hanzi, leading to better learning.

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