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      • 生态地理条件下的终南文化特征论

        张毅 상명대학교 한중문화정보연구소 2021 中國地域文化硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        当前的终南文化研究尚未对整体特征进行研究和总结。本文做出终南文化的总特征是“博大”的结论,并且这一特征表现在广度、长度、高度、深度四个方面。而其“博大”总特征形成的基础原因就是终南文化的所处的、所拥有的生态地理空间的“博大”和资源的“丰富”。在诸多历史文献如《尚书古文疏证》《<山海经>笺疏》《<通鉴>地理通释》中就看到多处使用终南山的别称“太(大)乙山”,这个“太(大)”字就表明其“博大”之意。(一)广度最广,因为位居中国中部的地理原因,终南文化的博大在广度上具体表现为兼容了中国东、西、南、北各大空间的多种地域文化,是兼容性最强、最有广度的中国地域文化;(二)长度极长,地理上东西绵延600公里以上,文化上从史前到近现代的文化史,长度均位居中国最前列;(三)“高度”最高,终南山兼领中国域内众山之高,地理上拥有中国大陆东部海拔最高峰,孕育了儒家、道家,光大了法家,有佛教六大宗派祖庭,显示了极高的文化高度。(四)令人印象深刻的自然“深度”和文化“深度”。仅其北麓30公里深藏有丰富的地质遗产和世界级珍稀动植物资源及3000多种中药材,促生了深厚的“中草药”文化;其南麓更深的山地则蕴藏着其他诸如茶、丝绸、古栈道、商旅、神秘文化等极富“深度”的文化遗迹和遗产。另外,终南山“一地多名”现象也从侧面证明它的“博大”。这样的结论说明了终南文化曾经是中国历史上最具代表性的文化,这启示了我们必须重新认识当下还处于边缘化的终南山及其文化的地位,同时也对深度认识中国文化提供了一个相当关键的窗口。 The current Zhongnan culture research has not studied and summarized the overall characteristics. This paper concludes that Zhongnan culture is characterized by breadth, length, height and depth. The basic reason for the formation of the general feature of "extensive" is the "extensive" of the ecological geographical space and the "abundant" of resources of Zhongnan culture. In many historical documents, such as the Ancient Literature of Shang Shu, Shan Hai Jing, and The General Interpretation of Geography of the Zi Zhi TongJian, we can see that Zhongnan Mountain has been named "Tai (Da) Yi Mountain" in many places, and the word "Tai (Da)" indicates its "broad" meaning. (1) It is the most extensive. Because it is located in the middle of China, the breadth of Zhongnan culture is embodied in the compatibility of various regional cultures in the east, west, south and north of China. It is the most compatible and broadest Chinese regional culture. (2) It is extremely long, extending over 600 kilometers from east to west geographically. Culturally, it ranks first in China in terms of the length of cultural history from prehistoric times to modern times; (3) "Height" is the highest. Zhongnan Mountain is also the highest mountain in China. Geographically, Zhongnan Mountain has the highest altitude in the eastern part of mainland China. (4) Impressive natural and cultural depth. Only 30 kilometers deep in the northern foothills, there are rich geological heritages, world-class rare animal and plant resources and more than 3,000 kinds of Chinese medicinal materials, promoting the growth of a profound "Chinese herbal medicine" culture. The deeper mountains to the south contain other "deep" cultural relics and heritages, such as tea, silk, ancient trestle road, business travel and mysterious culture. In addition, the phenomenon of "multiple names in one place" in Zhongnan Mountain also proves its "broad" from the side. This conclusion shows that Zhongnan culture was once the most representative culture in Chinese history, which enlighten us to re-understand the status of Zhongnan Mountain and its culture, which is still marginalized at present, and at the same time, it also provides a very critical window for the in-depth understanding of Chinese culture.

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