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      • KCI등재


        쉬지엔 한국서예학회 2022 서예학연구 Vol.40 No.-

        Wu Dacheng is a famous official, scholar, an expert in epigraphy, paleographer, calligraphers and painters of the late Qing Dynasty. He made achievements in his life as an official, scholar and artist. September of the sixth year of Guangxu (1880) - September of the fifteenth year of Guangxu (1886), Wu was ordered twice to carry out border affairs in the northeast of China, including Sanxing city, Ninggu tower and Hunchun, to benefit the local community and the people, and achieved a great deal during the six years. While performing border duties in the northeast, Wu also left a large calligraphic legacy here, which was one of the largest among the literati of the Qing Dynasty. The calligraphic remains handed down from ancient times in the Northeast are very rare compared to the culturally developed areas of the Central Plains, making the authentic calligraphic inscriptions left behind by Wu Dacheng during his border duties all the more precious. These calligraphic remains left by Wu in the northeast fully testify to his historical achievements in defending China's sovereignty and the development of frontier areas, such as boundary markers, bronze pillars, and dragon and tiger stone carvings, all of which are good proof of Wu's indelible contributions to boundary settlement. Wu Dacheng was between 45 and 51 years old when he was carrying out border affairs in the northeast. These calligraphic remains left behind are a reflection of his mature style, enough to highlight his calligraphic style and artistic characteristics, and the value of these calligraphic remains is worth studying and discovering. In order to study the calligraphic remains of Wu Dacheng in the northeast, the author personally went to the field to investigate and research, and combined the documentary and historical records and thesis research to systematically sort out the places Wu Dacheng visited in his northeast border affairs, his achievements in border affairs, and the calligraphic remains he left here; this paper discusses three aspects of the calligraphic legacy left by Wu Dacheng,calligraphy taking method, calligraphy style aesthetic, calligraphy achievements, and calligraphic achievements; this paper summarizes the completed background and artistic characteristics of these calligraphic remains, reflecting the artistic value of Wu's northeastern border affairs calligraphic remains, with a view to providing the calligraphic community and researchers with more historical materials and tablet calligraphy about Wu's calligraphy to study and research. 吴大澂,晚清著名的官员、学者、金石学家、古文字学家及书画家,一生为官、为学、为艺皆有建树。光绪六年九月(1880年)——光绪十五年(1886年)九月,六年间吴大澂前后两次奉命来到三姓、宁古塔、珲春等东北地区执行边务,造福地方,福祉于民,成就了一番事业。 吴大澂在东北执行边务的同时还为这里留下了大量的书法遗产,是清代文人中最多的一位。东北地区古代流传下来的书法遗迹相对中原文化发达的地区非常稀少,因此,吴大澂执行边务时留下的书法碑刻真迹更显珍贵。吴大澂在东北留下的这些书法遗迹充分见证了他对捍卫中国主权及边疆地区开发的历史功绩,如界碑、铜柱、龙虎石刻等都很好地证明了吴大澂为勘边所作出的不可磨灭的贡献。同时对研究在东北边务时期的吴大澂具有重要的史料价值。吴大澂东北执行边务时在45—51岁之间,这些遗留下来书法遗迹正是其成熟风格的体现,足以彰显其书法风格及艺术特色,对于这些书法遗迹的价值是值得研究发掘的。 为了研究吴大徵东北的书法遗迹,笔者亲自到实地考察调研,结合文献史料的记载和论文的研究。对吴大徵东北边务的所到之地,边务政绩,以及他在这里留下书法遗迹进行做了系统梳理;对吴大澂留下书法遗迹的书学取法、书风审美、书法成就三个方面进行了论述;对这些书法遗迹的完成背景和艺术特点进行了总结,反映了吴大澂东北边务书法遗迹的艺术价值,以期为书法界和研究人员提供更多有关吴大澂的史料和碑刻书法来学习和研究。

      • KCI등재

        한자 편방(偏旁) 분석에 대한 고찰

        金正男(Kim, Jung-nam) 중국어문학연구회 2016 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.96

        Thereafter the development of the Chinese character component analysis by Wu-Dacheng and Sun-Yirang made huge contribution in making Chinese Graphonomy one of a kind it’s field. With the appearance of the Chinese character component analysis, the time period and locality of ancient texts were able to be brought to light and a system of analysis for ancient writing able to be established. Using the Chinese character component analysis for the first time Sun-Yirang showed an objective model of research for ancient writing and analysis oriented on character types from inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapaces being compared to those on epigraphs. Tang-Lan highlighted the significance of the Chinese character component analysis as the first to propose a subject for research concerning and to present the meaning and scope of Chinese ancient writing. Using Tan-Lan’s theory as a basis, Rong-Yuchun introduced in detail three uses of the Chinese character component analysis. He-Linyi gained the attention of the Warring State Period concerning characters and used the existing Chinese character component analysis in an adaptable fashion. I introduced supplementary 4 points to consider when analyzing an author from Chinese character component along with the existing Chinese character component analysis. Firstly was the interpretation method of unpacking the sentence and reading it by applying direct transcription and modern character transcription concurrently. Secondly was the interpretation method of characters based upon the movement of the brush on silk and bamboo strips. Thirdly was the necessity of analysis of characters by basic-factor elements present in the fundamental composition of Chinese characters. Fourthly was differentiating the shibi(饰笔) did not accompany the meaning and phonetics. If the aforementioned 4 points are considered during interpretation, a more objective conclusion may be drawn and anticipated.

      • 《吳愙齋尺牘》所錄古璽研究

        徐在國 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2012 한자연구 Vol.0 No.6

        The Epistle in Kezhai is one of Bronze-stone Series published by National Peking Library. It collected 58 letters from the famous epigraphy of the late Qing dynasty Wu Dacheng(Kezhai) to Chen Jieqi(Fuzhai). Ten of them referred to more than 20 ancient seals altogether. We discuss the explanations of the ancient seals, on basis of absorbing merits in this field.

      • KCI등재

        《설문해자익징(說文解字翼徵)》과 《설문고주보(說文古주補)》비교(比較) 고찰(考察)

        문준혜 중국어문학회 2010 中國語文學誌 Vol.32 No.-

        This paper investigates the nature of the two books, Pak Sonsu(Choson dynasty)`s Shuowenjieziyizheng and Wu Dacheng(Qing dynasty)`s Shuowenguzhoubu, by comparing their forms, contents, research materials and the dates of completion. Both Shuowenjieziyizheng and Shuowenguzhoubu studied Shuowenjiezi using the bronze inscriptions in the late 19th century, but they have many differences even though they share same methodology and subject. Shuowenjieziyizheng discusses various graphonomical topics regarding Chinese characters included in Shuowenjiezi, but Shuowenguzhoubu focuses on providing guwen(古文) and zhouwen(주文) characters to supplement Shuowenjiezi. Therefore Shuowenjieziyizheng can be seen as a commentary of Shuowenjiezi, while Shuowenguzhoubu can be regarded as a source book of old letters.

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