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      • KCI등재

        원치 않은 임신에 대한 아이의 부

        봉영준 대한의료법학회 2011 의료법학 Vol.12 No.2

        “Wrongful conception” is a medical malpractice claim in which the plaintiff is the parent of a normal, healthy infant whose conception was unplanned and unwanted. Medical malpractice in wrongful conception can be the result of a failure to provide informed consent to a patient, failure to properly perform a surgery, or a physician's negligent handling of a patient's problems. In the concrete, wrongful conception cases fall into two categories; those involving pre-conception negligence, such as a failed contraceptive, sterilization or failing of the controlling of embryo-number on the IVF, and those involving post-conception negligence, such as a failure to diagnose a pregnancy or to perform an abortion procedure. In addition, Medical malpractice can be the result of a failure to provide informed consent to a patient. When bad results occur by medical malpractice or failure to provide informed consent to a patient, the range of recovery of damages is decided by a traditional civil liability law. However the calculation of damages for wrongful conception is not easy because the high value of life is included in that case. So many courts opinions in foreign country and Seoul High Court decision in 1996 allow damages for the pregnancy, birthing process and sterilization costs, but refuses to allow damages for child rearing expenses. As to the range of recovery of damages for wrongful conception, one approach says that to allow damages in a suit such as this would mean that the physician would have to pay for the fun, joy and affection which plaintiff will have in the rearing and educating of the plaintiff's baby. To allow such damages would be against the dignity of the baby based on article 10 of the Constitution. However another approach says that damages are recoverable for all expenses related to child birth as well as for child rearing costs. Because the damages that the parents should bear a burden to the tort damage done is not a baby itself but child rearing costs. In other words, although the baby is healthy or not, economic burden of the parents can not be disregard. And denial of compensation for costs of child rearing may invalidate the role of liability law, grant the physician with a exemption certificate of liability. As a result, the medical field of procreation can be easily isolated from a liability of reparation. Therefore, on the liability law like the other medical malpractice action, parents who became pregnant or gave a birth by physician, wrongfully performed sterilization operation, etc. should be compensated for all damages relevant to unplanned and unwanted conception or birth as well as costs of child rearing.

      • KCI등재후보

        이른바 ‘원치 않은 아이의 出生으로 인한 損害賠償’에 대한 오스트리아 最高法院의 判例

        이동진 대한변호사협회 2009 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.392

        Recently, the supreme court of Austria has decided several cases of wrongful birth, rongful life and wrongful conception. According to the ratio of the decisions, in wrongful birth cases, medical doctor would be responsible for the full maintenance to the handicapped child, whereas in wrongful conception cases, he wouldn’t at all. H. Koziol and F. Bydlinski agreed with the decisions, supporting the result by the reason as follows : a parents-child relationship is made up with not only the burden of maintenance but also the pleasure of having a child, the untearable complex of which prevents it from being considered as any kind of detriment. However, the parents-child relationship as a whole can be considered as a detriment when the child is handicapped, raising the child means an extraordinary burden to the parents. In normal situation - when a healthy child is born, the principle of liability is subordinate to the principle of the respect of the child’s personality, while it isn’t in the abnormal situation - when a handicapped child is born. In spite of all these arguments, the supreme court of Austria doesn’t make it clear whether it follows the reasoning presented above or not, why and how it differentiates both types. Though the decisions are under strict criticism, they are expected to give some intuition to the our discussion on the same problem. 오스트리아 최고법원은 최근, 이른바 ‘원치 않은 아이의 출생으로 인한 손해배상’의 문제에 관하여, 장애아 부모형에서는 장애로 인하여 추가로 드는 양육비를 포함한 양육비 전액 상당의 손해배상을 인정하면서도, 정상아형에서는 전혀 손해배상을 인정하지 아니하는 입장을 명확히 하였다. 일찍이 Koziol, Bydlinski 등이 정상아형의 경우 아이의 존재로 인한 부양의 부담과 그로 인한 기쁨 기타 친자관계 전체는 포괄적으로 불이익한 것으로 평가될 수 없으나, 장애아의 경우와 같이 그로 인하여 부모에게 특별한 부담이 지워지게 되는 경우에는 위 관계 전체가 불이익으로 평가될 수 있다거나, 통상의 경우에는 아이의 인격을 존중하여 손해 전보원칙이 후퇴하여야 하나 장애아가 태어나 특별한 부담이 지워진 경우에는 손해전보원칙이 우선해야 한다는 등 이를 뒷받침하는 논거를 제시한 바 있으나, 최고법원은 위와 같은 차별적 처리의 근거를 명확히 하지 아니하고 있어, 상당한 비판을 받고 있다. 이와 같은 오스트리아 최고법원 판례 및 이를 둘러싼 논의는 비교법적으로 매우 특이한 것으로, 같은 문제를 둘러싼 우리의 논의에도 참고가 되리라고 여겨진다.

      • KCI등재

        원치 않은 아이 소송의 개념정의와 유형화에 대한 새로운 시도

        이은영(Eun Young Lee) 중앙법학회 2009 中央法學 Vol.11 No.2

        The possibility of birth-related torts by medical doctors or health care providers has been increased with the medical malpractices of contraception, sterilization, TOP(termination of pregnancy) and ART(Assisted Reproductive Technologies). Among birth-related torts, in the case of that an unwanted child is being pregnant or is born caused by medical malpractice, parents or children bring lawsuits against medical doctors or health care providers for damages. These actions are called as claims for damages resulting from unwanted children in general. These actions for damages resulting from unwanted children can be divided into wrongful pregnancy, wrongful birth and wrongful life. Traditionally the wrongful pregnancy action means an action brought against a doctor or hospital that pregnant women was delivered of health child caused by medical malpractice in order for a patent, while the wrongful birth action is and action for damages resulting from the birth of an abnormality child caused by medical malpractice. The wrongful life action, on the other hand, is brought by the very child against a doctor who caused unwanted birth to claim for damages resulting from by his or her own birth. But, the traditional definition of these actions went wrong. This article, therefore, attempts a new definition and classification. According to the new definition the wrongful pregnancy action can be brought against a doctor or hospital to caused medical malpractice in order for a parent to seek the damages for the pregnancy itself, while the wrongful birth action is an action for damages resulting from the birth of an unwanted child caused by medical malpractice, regardless of child`s abnormality. The wrongful life action, on the other hand, is brought by the very child against a doctor who caused unwanted birth to claim for damages resulting from by his or her own birth. In addition, actions for damages resulting from an unwanted child can be divided into actions resulting from wanted/unwanted pregnancy, TOP, birth in accordance with the wish of parents, and actions by healthy/unhealthy child and/or parents in accordance with the condition of their health.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        원치 않은 임신에서의 부양비에 관한 비교법적 고찰

        봉영준(Bong, Young-Jun) 한양법학회 2013 漢陽法學 Vol.24 No.1

        A claim for wrongful conception arises from the birth of an unplanned but healthy child following the negligent performance of an contraceptive device, sterilization procedure, abortion, or failing of controlling of embryo-number on the IVF by a doctor as well as pharmacist’s fault for prescription. In addition, the lawsuit against pharmaceutical firm or manufacturer of contraceptive device may be brought up by flaw of birth control pills or the device. Questions that arise with this type of claim are whether a new baby itself is damage and who will pay for the cost of child rearing. Damages in wrongful conception cases are hotly debated among jurisdictions. Because a high level of value that is birth of human being is associated with damages in these lawsuits. Usually, damages that are replacement contraception, the cost of prenatal care, labor and delivery expenses, and sometimes a small award for emotional distress are recognized in wrongful conception cases. However if the woman chooses to terminate the pregnancy, courts usually won’t force the defendant to pay for an abortion. The method of the awarding damages for the cost of child rearing are divided in four theories. However I think that the allowance of costs of child rearing is not an aspersion upon the value of the child’s life, but is rather a recognition of the increase of welfare by a compensation. And this can realize the principle of damages in tort or contract law. The nations that admit of the cost of child rearing calculate the cost by actual damages which will occur during the growth of a child until the age of majority while Seoul District Court in 1996 did calculate it by a change of consumption expenditure following the member of children for an average household in Korea without considering a household income which is the most important calculative factor in other countries. It seems to me that the cost of child rearing must be calculated by the consumption expenditure in an average household rather than an income level of plaintiff which is primary factor in family law as getting a divorce. Because the damages in wrongful conception case are based on the liability law not family law and defendant can not predict how the income level of the patient is. In conclusion, the assessment of the cost of child rearing should be fundamentally based on the income of an average household in Korea, the step of age and number.

      • KCI등재

        경구피임약 포장결함에 의한 제약회사의 손해배상책임

        봉영준 ( Young Jun Bong ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2015 법학논총 Vol.32 No.2

        최근 경구피임약의 배열순서가 잘못된 경우와 정해진 활성제의 숫자가 잘못 들어가는 경우가 발생하여 이를 복용한 여성들이 원치 않은 임신을 하게 된 사례가 발생하였다. 이와 같이원치 않은 임신에 관하여 과거 국내·국외에서 논의되어 왔던 의사-환자 사이의 원치 않은 아이 논쟁이 검토되어 질 수 있는데, 경구피임약 포장에 있어서 잘못이 있다면 제조물의 표시상의 결함에 해당하여 제약회사의 제조물책임이 문제된다. 특히 제조물책임법 제3조 제1항의 제조물의 결함으로 신체손해에 해당하는 것과 관련하여 원치 않은 임신으로 정상아나 장애아를 임신·출산하는 것 그 자체가 여성의 신체 상해가 될 수 있는가가 문제된다. 비교법적으로 이를 신체상해에 해당한다고 보는 입장과 신체상해에 해당하지 않는 입장이 나뉘고 있는데, 원치 않은 임신은 여성의 생리적 기능을 훼손할 뿐만 아니라, 임신 자체가 아름답고 여성으로서 겪어야 할 자연적인 것이라고 할 수 없으므로 신체상해성을 인정하여야 할 것이다. 또한 제약회사의 경구피임약 포장결함에 의하여 정상아 또는 장애아를 출산한 경우 그 결함과 아이의 부양비의 손해 발생과의 인과관계가 문제되는데, 경구피임약의 제조회사도 제품 결함에 의한 소비자의 임신을 야기하여 통상 부양비의 손해가 발생하였다면 그것이 원고에게 직접적이고 근원적으로 야기된 손해라고 볼 수 있다. 그리고 제약회사의 경구피임약 결함으로 소비자의 장애아 임신·출산이 있는 경우는 언제라도 제품 결함이 있는 경우 제약회사는 장애아 의 임신을 야기할 수 있다는 것을 충분히 예견할 수 있었을 것이고, 소비자가 경구피임약을 복용한 것은 소비자가 장애아의 양육을 위하여 필요한 추가비용만을 회피하려고 하는 것이 아니며, 장애아가 있는 자녀 자체를 출산하지 않으려고 복용한 것이므로 추가양육비에 대하여도 제약회사는 책임을 부담하여야 할 것이다. 결국 경구피임약 포장결함에 의한 제약회사의 부양비 손해배상책임은 의사의 의료행위상 과오에 의한 원치 않은 임신·출산과 차이가 없다고 볼 것이다. Even in the case of unwanted pregnancy to defects of oral contraceptives, as well as litigation by medical malpractice, Court should admit the compensation of the child rearing expenses. Pregnancy itself is not a natural step although a woman want it or not. Because p unwanted pregnancy gives changes and pain to the body of woman and causes interference to the body integrity. Therefore it is possible to claim for the mental and property damages and relatives, for example her husband, can claim mental damages on the basis of Arthicle 752 of the Civil Code. In addition plaintiff can claim accident compensation to the insurance company. Pharmaceutical company should pay for the child rearing expenses in case wrongful conception and wrongful birth caused by defects of birth control pill. As for the cause and effect relationship between fault and damages, pharmaceutical company’s liability in packaging defects of birth control pill is same like the liability of doctor that fails to operate properly sterlization, diagnosis of pregnancy, diagnose hereditary problems, and abortion. In case chlild rearing expenses for wrongful conception and wrongful birth is admitted, I think the compensation should be based on the table of the child rearing expenses calculation by Seoul Family Court.

      • KCI등재

        미국에서의 원치 않는 아이 소송의 역사와 법적 쟁점 - 기존의 논의에 대한 비판적 검토를 겸하여 -

        이은영 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2009 외법논집 Vol.33 No.3

        The actions for damages resulting from an unwanted child has been discussed in practice first in Korea. And then the academic scholars have taken the subject into account by analysing precedents in the United States. Thus, the United States' discourse on the actions for damages resulting from an unwanted child is reflected on our legal theories and precedents. The actions for damages resulting from an unwanted child, in fact, are under the jurisdiction of state and regulated by state courts in the United States. So, it is difficult to find out a unified view. But it is necessary to research the history of actions for damages resulting from an unwanted child in the United States focusing on leading cases and to put in order standpoints of state court cases from the horizontal aspect. The history of actions for damages resulting from unwanted child has started in the 1930s and developed into the direction of permitting and extending reliefs in the United States. However, the cases are not always advantage to plaintiffs. For the present, there is a lively controversy on permissibility and its extent of damages. Most of states approve medical expenses and consolation money resulting from wrongful conception and birth. However, an heated debate is going on the approval of child-rearing costs. While the child-rearing costs of a healthy child are approved by a few state courts, the additional child-rearing costs of an abnormal child are approved by a half of the states. In case of wrongful life, only a few states approve additional child-rearing costs.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠에서의 Sexual Harassment에 대한 인식, 실태 및 발생원인 분석을 위한 통합방법론적 접근

        김인형 한국스포츠사회학회 2010 한국스포츠사회학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        The integrated method of qualitative and quantitative research has been used for analysis of the recognition,current status and cause of sexual harassment in sports. For the quantitative and qualitative research, 660students and 12 people who was former athletes were sampled studying sports majors of the universities that have sports department. The results of the questionnaire were compared by the groups and the data was processed by frequency analysis and t-test using SPSS 12.0 program and toxonomic analysis by Nvivo 2program was used which includes grouping method and theme analysis for the result of qualitative. The results are as following; The result of the quantitative research. first, as the result of comparing two groups of the sex,the male students have more wrong understandings about sexual harassment and wrong common concepts about sexual harassment. And, the male students have more permits about behavior of sex violence. Second, 8.6% of sports majoring students is said to have been sexually harassed. Both male and female students have the sexual harassment experiences, which are physical, verbal, and visual abuses in order. 11.3% of the elite players is said to have been sexually harassed. The sports items are individual, personal and group items in order. The experiences are physical, verbal and visual abuses in order. Also, comparing male and female players, the sexual harassment problems of female students are more serious than male students'. Next, the result of the qualitative research. First, causes identified on a personal level include lack of timely and systematic sex education to female athletes, desensitize to physical contacts, low guard against their male coaches, and silence due to fear that whistle-blowing might undermine their growth as an athlete. Second, sexual harassment is also attributed to practices or cultures within the athletic community or team. Girls are desensitized to physical contact with male coaches. They are not properly given chances to stand up against the coaches, who dictate everything in their life. Girls restrain themselves from responding actively due to the uncertainty over the future. Plus, sexual harassment is recognized by some coaches obsessed with achievement as one of control measures. Third, causes of sexual harassment studied in the socio-structural context include lack of the public awareness of sexual harassment issue, lenient punishment against sex offender and possible subsequent reprisals from them. Not only that, sex harassment cases are not properly reported and shared in this still paternalistic society. 본 연구는 스포츠에서의 sexual harassment 실태와 이에 대한 인식분석, 구조적 발생 원인을 심층적인측면에서 분석하여 규명하고자 통합방법론적 접근을 사용하였다. 이를 위하여 체육전공 대학생 660명과엘리트 선수 출신 12명을 대상으로 설문조사와 심층면담을 실시하였다. SPSS프로그램을 사용하여 빈도분석, t-test 분석을 실시하였고, Nvivo 2 프로그램을 이용하여 분류체제 분석을 사용하여 다음과 같은결론을 도출하였다. 양적연구결과 첫째, 성희롱 개념의 이해와 문제인식에서는 남학생이 잘못된 인지수준이 높은 것으로 나타났고, 성희롱에 대한 오류성 통념과 관련하여 행위오해, 과잉반응, 책임귀인 모두남학생이 높게 나타났다. 성폭력 행동에 있어서도 언어적, 정신적 성폭력의 허용정도가 남학생이 높은것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 스포츠에서의 성희롱은 8.6% 정도가 경험이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 성희롱 경험 부위는 신체적 성희롱, 언어적 성희롱, 시각적 성희롱의 순으로 경험한 것으로 나타났다. 엘리트 선수들만을 분석한 결과 11.3%의 학생이 성희롱 피해 경험이 있고, 운동종목에 따라서는 개인종목, 대인종목, 단체종목의 순으로 나타났다. 신체적 성희롱, 언어적 성희롱, 시각적 성희롱의 순으로 성희롱을경험한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 스포츠계의 성폭력문제의 심각성은 여학생이 남학생보다 높게 인지하고있으며, 스포츠 상황에서의 성희롱 허용척도는 모든 문항에서 남학생이 여학생에 비하여 허용수준이 높다고 나타났다. 질적연구결과 스포츠계에서 성희롱 발생의 구조적원인은 3가지 측면에서 분석되었다. 첫째, 개인적인 측면으로 체계적인 성교육 부재, 신체접촉에 관한 무감각, 지도자에 대한 낮은 경계심,묵시적 침묵으로 분류되었다. 둘째 운동팀 문화 특성의 측면에서는 합숙훈련, 신체접촉 지도에 대한 낮은 인식, 지도자에 대한 반항기회의 부재, 소극적 대처로 분류되었다. 셋째, 사회구조적 측면에서는 성희롱에 대한 낮은 인식의 사회적 풍토, 신고시 보복의 두려움, 피해사실 공개의 어려움, 남성지도자의그릇된 사고 등으로 분류되었다.

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