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        일반논문 : 미국의 스포츠 세계화전략: 월드베이스볼클래식(World Baseball Classic)대회를 중심으로

        김석수 ( Suk Soo Kim ) 한국외국어대학교 글로벌정치연구소 2010 글로벌정치연구 Vol.3 No.1

        야구는 미국인의 경기이고 미국의 국기라고 알려져 있다. 야구는 미국을 중심으로 미국의 영향력이 강했거나 강한 지역에서 유행하는 경기이다. 야구가 발전하고 세계인의 스포츠인 축구의 인기를 넘어서고 있는 지역은 미국, 한국, 쿠바, 일본, 캐나다, 대만, 멕시코 일부 지역 그리고 미국의 보호국, 식민지였거나 미국의 영향력이 강하게 남아있는 지역과 국가들이다. 그래서 야구는 자연스럽게 미국이 종주국이라는 인식이 뿌리내렸다. 한편, 국제축구연맹(FIFA)에 가입한 208개국이 치열한 지역예선을 거쳐 겨우 32개국만이 본선에 진출해 지역의 대표로서 경기하는 하는 것이 축구 월드컵이다. 그러나 미국은 양대 리그인 아메리칸 리그와 내셔널리그의 우승팀이 경기를 벌이는 것을 월드시리즈(World Series)라고 부르고 있다. 미국 야구의 월드시리즈는 미국인들과 미국프로야구(MLB: Major League Baseball)가 보여주는 오만함의 극치이다. 축구는 1930년에 제1회 월드컵을 우루과이에서 개최했다. 2006년에 야구는 미프로야구협회(Office of Commissioner of Baseball)가 월드베이스볼클래식(WBC: World Baseball Classic) 대회를 개최해 16개국이 참가하면서 겨우 세계적 스포츠 시대로 접어들었다고 할 수 있다. The `globalization of Major League Baseball` is critically assessed through its most visible effort in that direction. The World Baseball Classic debuted in 2006 to stellar reviews, but in examining how this tournament was structured Major League Baseball reveals its view of what globalization means for the industry. This tournament is further examined against a backdrop of globalization as a continuum. The two ends of that continuum, `Testicular Globalization` and `Tough Love Globalization` represent two poles that differ in terms of how much power is centralized or decentralized. By this standard, Major League Baseball is not only far behind sports such as football (soccer) and the National Basketball Association, but we now have more sophisticated criteria to assess globalization.

      • KCI등재

        야구와 전쟁을 통한 1940-50년대 미국 역사와 문화 교육

        오승아 한국영미문학교육학회 2013 영미문학교육 Vol.17 No.2

        Whitman and Twain celebrated baseball as the quintessential symbol of America, and Jacques Barzun stated that you need to learn baseball to understand "the heart and mind of America." As one of the most representative American sports, baseball has long been canonized as an American pastime, and Americans' infatuation with the game can be easily found in American popular culture and literary texts. In the course of American Literature and Culture, I have chosen three baseball-related texts as a lens to view and interrogate American culture and history in the period spanning the Second World War and the Korean War. While the objective is to initiate the first-year students into college level reading and analysis, and the course material highlights the intersection of American culture and literature with the significant implications of baseball in America. A League of Their Own (1992) chronicles the era of the Second World War, when the women's baseball league was established to fill the absence of major league baseball players. American Pastime (2007) portrays the same era but the focuses on the Japanese American internment camp where baseball functioned as an apparatus to maintain a sense of normalcy. Finally, Keeping Score (2008) intertwines plots of female bildungsroman with the love of baseball and the war in Korea. This article will demonstrate the ways in which all these texts allow students to engage the important questions of gender, race, identity, history, and America through baseball in spite of varying perspectives and strategies.

      • KCI등재

        소셜 빅데이터 분석을 활용한 한국 야구 국가대표팀에 대한 인식 분석 : 2023 월드 베이스볼 클래식(World Baseball Classic)을 중심으로

        정산,오응수 한국스포츠학회 2023 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        This study aims to understand the overall perception of the South Korean national baseball team in the 2023 World Baseball Classic (WBC) and provide insights for improving public perception and marketing strategies for the WBC tournament. Using the TextoM big data processing solution, various analyses were conducted on data collected from Naver, Daum, and Google during different WBC phases. The research findings are as follows: Firstly, keyword analysis revealed that before the WBC opening, the predominant keywords revolved around information about the South Korean national baseball team, training, broadcasting, while during the WBC tournament, the focus shifted to participating countries, players, match schedules, and results. After the WBC's conclusion, keywords were related to tournament information, the start of the professional baseball season, and team performance issues. Secondly, network visualization and CONCOR analysis unveiled distinct groupings during different phases. Prior to the WBC opening, there were four groups comprising the South Korean national baseball team, WBC match issues, training, and commentary. During the WBC tournament, five groups emerged, including the South Korean national baseball team, WBC match issues, match results, WBC opening, and national team retirements. After the WBC's conclusion, four groups surfaced, involving the South Korean team's performance, downturn, Asian Games preparation, and match issues. Based on these results, this study aims to contribute to public perception analysis research and the development of the domestic sports industry by suggesting improvements in public perception and WBC activation strategies.

      • KCI등재

        인문,사회과학편 : 월드베이스볼클래식(World Baseball Classic) 한·일전에 대한 한국과 일본의 주요 신문보도 비교분석

        조성식(SeongSikCho),유재구(JaeGuYu),김혜자(HyeJaKim) 한국체육학회 2007 한국체육학회지 Vol.46 No.3

        이 연구는 WBC대회 한 · 일전 경기에 대한 한국과 일본의 주요 신문의 보도를 양적인 면과 질적인 면에서 비교 분석을 시도한 것이다. 이를 위해 양국에서 최대의 발행 부수를 가진 것으로 알려진 각각 두개의 신문을 대상으로, 대회 기간 중 발행 신문에 대한 내용분석을 통해 한 · 일전에 대한 기사와 사진의 보도 분량과 보도 위치가 비교 분석되었다. 그리고 해석적 텍스트분석을 통해 한 · 일전 경기 과정과 결과에 대하여 양국의 신문이 어떻게 묘사하는지를 연구하여, 그 언어적 내용의 상징적 의미를 이해하고 분석하였다. 한국 신문은 일본 신문에 비해 WBC대회 한 · 일전에 대하여 많은 지면을 할애하고 보도하였으며, 특히 스포츠면을 벗어난 1면, 사회면 등 다른 지면에까지 관련 기사와 사진을 적극적으로 실었다. 또한 한 · 일전 승패에 대하여 양국의 신문은 자국팀이 승리 할 경우 스포츠경기 차원을 넘어선 민족적 자존심 대결의 승리로 확대하여 보도하는 경향을 드러내었다. 그러나 패배할 경우 스포츠경기의 단순한 패배로 그 의미를 축소하거나, 긍정적으로 보도하여 독자들의 자존심과 자부심을 유지하려는 보도 관행을 나타내었다. This study attempted to make a comparative analysis for the major newspapers' coverage of Korea versus Japan matches in World Baseball Classic. Two major newspapers with the most subscription were selected in each country. The content analysis was used to figure out to what extent each newspaper covered Korea-Japan matches in WBC. And the interpretive textual analysis was employed to analyze the symbolic meanings and implications of newspaper headlines and articles. The results showed that Korean newspapers paid more attention to the coverage of Korean-Japan matches than Japanese newspapers; they covered the rival competitions in many pages beyond the sports-section Each country's newspapers revealed the extended, political, or ideological coverage practices of the matches; when their nation won the game, they tended to portray the outcomes of the games as the victory of symbolic war or the increase of people's pride and dignity. When their nation lost, the newspapers tended to highlight the positive and constructive aspects of the game results, instead of reporting people's disappointment and frustration.

      • KCI등재

        World Baseball Classic 에서 나타난 뉴스프레임 분석

        손기혁(Sohn Ki-Hyuk),조성원(Jo, Sung-Won) 한국웰니스학회 2017 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구는 지상파 3사 대표 뉴스 프로그램 (KBS 뉴스9, MBC 뉴스데스크, SBS 8시 뉴스)에서 보도된 WBC 뉴스를 분석하여 뉴스프레임을 파악하고자 하였다. 이에 제 1회(2006년), 제 2회(2009년), 제 3회(2013년) WBC 대회의 국가대표팀 출정일부터 해당 WBC 대회의 관련 뉴스가 마지막으로 보도된 날짜까지 지상파 3사 대표 뉴스 프로그램에서 보도된 총 970건의 뉴스를 각 방송사의 뉴스 데이터베이스를 통해 자료를 수집하여 귀납적 분석 방법을 통해 내용 분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 총 10개 프레임으로 도출되었고, 도출된 프레임은 첫째, 전달 프레임, 둘째, 반응 프레임, 셋째, 확대 해석/표현 프레임, 넷째, 비교/분석 프레임, 다섯째, 영웅/스타 프레임, 여섯째, 각오/목표 프레임, 일곱째, 준비/전략 프레임, 여덟째, 예측/전망 프레임, 아홉째, 문제인식/개선 프레임, 열 번째, 독려/칭찬 프레임이다. 본 연구를 통해 도출된 10개의 프레임을 토대로 뉴스 제목, 앵커 멘트, 기자 리포트로 분류된 WBC 뉴스를 각각 제목 프레임, 앵커 프레임, 기자 프레임으로 명명하고 프레임 분류 및 양적 특성을 분석하였다. 그 결과, 제목 프레임과 앵커 프레임에서는 전달 프레임, 반응 프레임, 확대 해석/표현 프레임, 비교/분석 프레임이 높은 비율을 보였던 반면, 기자 프레임에서는 각 프레임별로 고른 비율로 분포되었다. The purpose of this study was to find out WBC"s news frame through analyzing the WBC news reported in the three major national terrestrial broadcasters" representative news program. The study was conducted by content analysis using an inductive method on 970 news collected from news database system of each broadcaster. As a result, 10 different frames were drawn from it and those are as follows. The first frame is a delivery frame; the second frame is a response frame; the third frame is a broad interpretation/ expression frame; the fourth frame is a comparison/analysis frame; the fifth frame is a hero/star frame; the sixth frame is a resolution/goal frame; the seventh frame is a preparation/strategy frame; the eighth frame is a prediction/prospect frame; the ninth frame is a problem recognition/betterment frame; the tenth frame is a encouragement/compliment frame. After that, the news classified as news title, anchor"s speech and reporter"s report named as title frame, anchor"s frame and reporter"s frame were analyzed to understand quantitative capabilities based on those frames. Consequently, a delivery frame, a response frame, a broad interpretation/expression frame and a comparison/analysis frame were highly rated on title frame and anchor"s frame. On the other hand, the frames were evenly distributed on reporter"s frame.

      • The Negative Influence of Prior World Series Victory on Attendance: Winning and Increased Fan Apathy

        Timothy E. Zimmer 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Journal of Global Sport Management Vol.3 No.4

        The paper examines attendance data for Major League Baseball (MLB). The results indicate a negative relationship between prior World Series wins and current attendance. The results are consistent with a proposed theory called the World Series apathy effect. This novel theory postulates that the cumulative effect of prior team success, defined as World Series victories, de-sensitizes a cohort of fans and alters expectations. The altered expectations increase fan indifference and decrease current attendance. For some fans, prior team success becomes a source of apathy.

      • KCI등재

        2009 월드베이스볼클래식대회 한,일전 경기의 민족주의적 기사보도행태

        임재구(Jae Goo Lim),정동근(Dong Keun Jung) 한국사회체육학회 2010 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.39

        This study is about what an effect journalism has on the nationalistic tendency in terms of national characteristics of Korea and Japan. We mainly investigate the sports articles. First, we`ll collect and investigate the articles about 2009 WBC posted on the internet, then analyze the nationalistic news behaviors in Korea-Japan match and look for the problems that have. In the other hand, we`ll see how the articles say about 2009 WBC from the side of nationalism. During 2009 WBC 1418 articles about Korean matches were dealt with in the journals and 584 of them were about the matches with Japan. Lots of articles were about Korea-Japan matches. One reason is that Korea had 5 times matches with Japan among total 9 matches, but main reason is because of the strong sense of rivalry traditionally two countries have had historically. Moreover, more than 10 articles mentioned about only 11 players who had a match among total 28 players in Korean team. Bong Joong Geun was mostly mentioned(114 times), next Choo Shin Soo(94 times), third Kim Tae Kyun(89 times). It seems like that Mr. Bong was mostly mentioned because of his outstanding pitch in Japan match. We can easily see journals focused on Korea-Japan matches in 2009 WBC. The strong sense of rivalry formed by the historical memories that Korea had been colonialized by Japan for 36 years made Korean people think that they must beat Japan in all sports games, and this is why most journals deal with the matches favorably to Korea more.

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