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      • KCI등재

        Wanna Contraction and Prosodic Boundary

        Young-Sun Kim 한국생성문법학회 2012 생성문법연구 Vol.22 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to explore that the wanna-contraction is not a purely syntactic phenomenon but a phonological one. Wanna-contraction in terms of a strict syntactic analysis should be reanalyzed in terms of its phonological process. However, it is true that syntactic movements and deletions might affect the location of the prosodic boundary. When want is followed by a moved element, the prosodic boundary comes in place of the moved element. Since want is lengthened with the prosodic boundary immediately following after, contraction is blocked. Wanna contraction is also blocked where there is some missing element immediately following after to. With the prosodic boundary in place of the deleted element, the duration of to is lengthened at a phrase-final or a sentence-final position, and no contraction will take place. Wanna contraction is by nature a phonological weakening or shortening of the function word to. It is sensitive to the lengthening of the syllables at the prosodic boundary and thus no more reducing arises when the function word is stressed or lengthened. I propose that the additional lengthening of want or to at the prosodic boundary may block the wanna contraction. This can be extended to explain all varieties of contractions. It should be also noted that wanna contraction is often found in rapid and causal speech. This also implies that there is no prosodic boundary between want and to when wanna contraction takes place.

      • KCI등재

        Wanna Contraction and Prosodic Boundary

        김영선 한국생성문법학회 2012 생성문법연구 Vol.22 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to explore that the wanna-contraction is not a purely syntactic phenomenon but a phonological one. Wanna-contraction in terms of a strict syntactic analysis should be reanalyzed in terms of its phonological process. However, it is true that syntactic movements and deletions might affect the location of the prosodic boundary. When want is followed by a moved element, the prosodic boundary comes in place of the moved element. Since want is lengthened with the prosodic boundary immediately following after,contraction is blocked. Wanna contraction is also blocked where there is some missing element immediately following after to. With the prosodic boundary in place of the deleted element, the duration of to is lengthened at a phrase-final or a sentence-final position, and no contraction will take place. Wanna contraction is by nature a phonological weakening or shortening of the function word to. It is sensitive to the lengthening of the syllables at the prosodic boundary and thus no more reducing arises when the function word is stressed or lengthened. I propose that the additional lengthening of want or to at the prosodic boundary may block the wanna contraction. This can be extended to explain all varieties of contractions. It should be also noted that wanna contraction is often found in rapid and causal speech. This also implies that there is no prosodic boundary between want and to when wanna contraction takes place.

      • KCI등재

        경북방언의 어절축약현상과 억양과의 상관성

        김무식 한국문학언어학회 2003 어문론총 Vol.39 No.-

        The aim of this study is to investigate a pattern of intonation and its traits in Kyungbook dialects, especially the province of Cheongdo. I also made an effort to investigate the correlation between intonation and word contraction in this dialect and to investigate the correlation between tone and intimation, and to investigate correlation between intonation and other linguistic cues. I want to investigate a goal of my this study by use of an experimental technique, especially acoustic technique. The conclusion that I investigated in this thesis is as follows: First, I investigated that the intonation pattern of terminal sentence at the predicate of sentence is the general one, the falling intonation pattern. Second, I investigated that the intonation of terminal sentence at the question sentence is two type, falling and raising intonation. Third, I investigate that the linguistic factors that is influenced at the intonation pattern is tone, word contraction, non-phonological factors, and the tone is the most important factor among these factors.

      • KCI등재

        문장 생성의 이중 구조에서 본 조사 ‘-는’의 기본적 의미 기능

        박호관(Park Ho-gwan) 우리말글학회 2007 우리말 글 Vol.39 No.-

        This study would like to make clear through the dual structure of sentence formation that the meaning of ‘topic’ or ‘contracting’ is not the basic meaning function of postpositional word ‘-neun(는)’ but the one of marking a speaker's ‘[+deulchum( 들춤)]’ aspect. A discussion in this article can be summarized as follows; First, both the meaning section in which the directive words by selected & fixed by a speaker are in logic meaning relation, and the talk section which reflects a speaker's psychological attitude, have something to do with the sentence formation structure in Korean language. Second, ‘topic’ or ‘contrasting’ which was discussed as the meaning function of postpositional word ‘-neun(는)’ has not the basic meaning function of the word ‘-neun(는)’, but its basic meaning function is to conduct the ‘[+deulchum( 들춤)]’ role in which, with the flection of a speaker's psychological attitude, the directive word is transferred into the ‘stating clearly’ word. 1) Grammatical function: in the sentence(composition), to make move a copula word into the ‘stating clearly’ word position, and ‘-neun(는)’, as a sign of ‘making expose’, is realized. 2) Meaning function: by exposing a specific designated word among the sentence components, to conduct logical(meaning) function in accordance with a specific component of other sentence or with a premise or implication. 3) Colloquial function: In the process of information delivery, to represent the aspectual attitude of a speaker who try to make clear a specific object publicly.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 연결어미와 중국어 관련사에 대한 분류

        LIULU 이중언어학회 2016 이중언어학 Vol.64 No.-

        Scholars classify Korean Conjunction Endings and Chinese Conjunctive Words from various perspectives. However, it is not conducive for Korean & Chinese contract study by different standards for the classification of Korean Conjunction Endings and Chinese Conjunctive Words. Therefore, the author in the article systematically reclassifies Korean Conjunction Endings and Chinese Conjunctive Words from the perspective of language philosophy by redefined the concepts and content.

      • KCI등재

        경상도방언의 어절축약 현상과 억양

        김무식 한국어문학회 2005 語文學 Vol.0 No.87

        This study aims to investigate patterns of intonation and its characteristics in Gyungsang-do dialects, especially the Cheongdo region in Gyungsangbook-do and Busan. I have also attempted to investigate the correlations between intonation and word contraction in these dialects, between tone and intonation, and between intonation and other linguistic cues. This study of mine is carried out in terms of an acoustic technique though experimental. The conclusion that I have reached in this study is as follows : First, The intonation pattern of a terminal sentence of the question sentence is two types, falling and raising patterns of intonation. These intonation types appear as differences in sub-dialects. Second, The linguistic factors influenced by the intonation pattern are tone, word contraction, and non-phonological factors; the tone is the most important factor among these factors. Third, an intonation type of Gyungsang-do dialects by the influence of word contraction is as following conditions : 1)a deleting syllable which was repeated by the identical pitch, 2)a deleting syllable of low frequency which was realized together with high frequency syllable, 3)a deleting a intermediate or coda syllable which is located at word.

      • KCI등재

        대학생 한국어 학습자 특수어의 형성과 차용

        배도용 우리말학회 2020 우리말연구 Vol.62 No.-

        The purpose of this article was to examine the formation and borrowing of special language for Korean middle and high-level learners attending Korean universities. There is a need for research, given that no special language research has been conducted on them. Looking at the results obtained, i) the low-frequency vocabulary accounts for about 40 percent of the frequency of use of the Korean language learner special language, and ii) the number of vocabulary words with more than three frequencies in its pure vocabulary list was only about 150. iii) There were many derived and compound nouns in the formation of special Korean language learners. There were acronym more than clipped word or contraction. And blend included 'AB+CD=AD type', 'BC type', 'ACD type' and 'ABD type'. ⅳ) In borrowing special words, the proportion of hybrid words was higher than that of native, sino-korean and foreign words. 이 글은 국내 대학교에 재학 중인 한국어 중․고급 학습자의 특수어 형성과 차용을 살펴보는 데 그 목적이 있었다. 이들을 대상으로 하는 특수어 연구는 그간 전혀 이뤄지지 않았다는 점에서 연구의 필요성이 제기되었다. 도출된 연구 결과를 살펴보면, ⅰ) 대학생 한국어 학습자 특수어의 사용 빈도에서 1회-2회의 저빈도 어휘가 40% 가량 차지하며 ⅱ) 그것의 순 어휘 출현 빈도 3회 이상인 어휘 수는 대략 150여개에 지나지 않았다. ⅲ) 대학생 한국어 학습자 특수어 형성에서 파생명사와 합성명사가 많았으며 절단어나 단축어에 비해 두자어가 많았다. 그리고 혼성어는 ‘AB+CD=AD형’ 외에도 ‘BC형’, ‘ACD형’, ‘ABD형’이 있었다. ⅳ) 특수어의 차용에서 고유어, 한자어, 외래어보다 혼종어의 비중이 더 높았다.

      • KCI등재

        즉시연금보험약관의 법적 쟁점

        김은경 한국상사법학회 2023 商事法硏究 Vol.42 No.3

        Starting from September 2018, 15 lawsuits related to immediate annuity in total have been filed. Regarding the application for mediation, the insurer has accepted the recommendation of the Financial Disputes Settlement Committee(FDSC) of Financial Supervisory Service(FSS) in Korea. However, the problem began when the insurer filed a lawsuit for confirmation of nonexistence of obligation against other policyholders who were applying for dispute mediation, insisting they would be judged by the court through litigation. The lawsuit regarding immediate annuity, reaching the total amount of disputes about 1 trillion won, is currently pending in the Supreme Court of Korea as the result of the first trial courtʼs ruling was in favor of the consumer, and then the result of the High Courtʼs ruling was in favor of insurer. Analyzing the judicial precedents related to immediate annuity cases leads to the issues that the instructional wordings of the calculation method cannot be incorporated into the annuity policy(or T&C), and that the incorporation of the policy per se has already become fait accomplias and it is determined whether the duty to explain is violated. The calculation method is a professional actuarial document with mathematics formulas and is one of the basic documents along with the policy under the Korea Insurance Business Act. It is questionable whether the instructional wordings alone can be considered as the contents of the policy. In order for the policy to be effectively incorporated into a contract, the insurer must provide the contents of the policy in a way that consumers can easily understand them in accordance with the principle of transparency in Art. 3 of the Korea Standard Form Contract Regulation Act(or T&C Regulation Act), and according to the duty to explain the policy, the contents of the policy, depending on the type, must be specified in a generally expected manner, and when requested by the consumer, a copy of the policy must be delivered to the consumer. Of course, the insurer must also perform its duty to explain the important contents of the policy so that consumers can comprehend them without any difficulties. In consumer contracts utilizing the policy(or T&C), there is a possibility that the insurer, that is the policy maker, can abuse the formative status on the contents of the policy for its own contractual interest, and the superior status is a result of information asymmetry using the instructional wordings of the calculation method in this immediate annuity case, and it leads to a continuous imbalanced relationship. This imbalance must be corrected, at least through judicial control on the policy, which in turn ensures fairness to consumer contracts in regard to the policy. Therefore, the calculation method with actuarial mathematics formulas that are hard to understand, just by using the instructional wordings in the annuity policy, should not be incorporated into the content of the contract. Even if the calculation method is included in the policy with the indirect instructions, as the insurer insists, it is important content in the contract and is subject to the duty to explain. The duty to explain the policy is an obligation added before the contract to mitigate information asymmetry between insurer and policyholder, and to be incorporated into the policy, the duty to explain the significant contents of the contract must be implemented. Only then the unbalanced state of interest caused by the difference in unequal bargaining power will be complemented or corrected. In accordance with this comprehensive perspective, the indirect instructional wordings of the calculation method etc. are not incorporated into the immediate annuity policy. 2018년 9월을 시작으로 총 15건의 즉시연금 관련 소송이 제기되었다. 즉시연금과 관련하여 금융감독원 금융분쟁조정위원회 조정신청에 따른 결정에 대하여 보험자가 이를 수락한 바 있다. 그러나 분쟁조정 신청 중에 있는 다른 계약자에 대하여는 소송으로 법원의 판단을 받겠다며 채무부존재확인을 제기한 것이 문제의 발단이었다. 1심 최초 판결의 결과가 소비자의 승소였다가, 이후 보험사의 승소 결과로 나는 건이 생기면서 현재 즉시연금 소송 건은 대법원에 계류 중이다. 총 분쟁규모는 약 1조 원에 다다른다. 즉시연금 사건과 관련한 판례를 분석해 보건대 크게 보험약관에 지시문구를 통한 산출방법서 편입이 안된다는 것과 이미 약관편입을 기정사실화하고 설명의무 위반 여부를 판단하는 것으로 나뉘어 있다. 산출방법서는 수식이 주로 나온 전문적인 보험계리문서이고 보험업법상 약관과 함께 기초서류 중 하나이다. 이것이 지시문구만으로 즉시 약관의 내용으로 볼 수 있을지는 의문이다. 약관이 계약으로 유효하게 편입되기 위해서는 약관규제법 제3조 투명성의 원칙에 따라 고객에게 약관의 내용을 쉽게 알 수 있도록 작성해야 하며, 약관명시·교부의무에 따라 약관의 내용을 종류에 따라서 일반적으로 예상되는 방법으로 명시해야하고, 고객이 요구할 때에는 당해 약관의 사본을 교부하여야 한다. 물론 약관의 중요한 내용을 고객이 이해할 수 있도록 설명하여야 할 약관설명의무를 빼놓을 수 없다. 약관을 활용한 소비자계약에서는 약관작성자가 가지는 해당 계약 내용에 대한 형성적 지위를 자신의 계약적 이익을 위해 활용할 가능성이 있고 그 우월적 지위는 금번 즉시연금의 경우 산출방법서의 간접지시방식을 활용하는 정보의 비대칭의 결과로 나타나 지속적인 불균형 관계에 있게 된다. 적어도 약관의 사법적 통제를 통하여 이 불균형은 교정되어야 하며 이것이 결국은 약관에 있어서의 소비자 계약에 대한 공정성을 담보하는 길이다. 그러므로 보험약관에 지시문구를 활용하여 이해하기도 어려운 수식의 산출방법서를 계약의 내용으로 편입시킬 수는 없다. 설령 보험자가 고집하는 바와 같이 간접 지시문구로 약관에 포함되었다고 하더라도 이는 계약상 매우 중요한 내용으로서 설명의무의 대상이다. 약관의 설명의무는 보험자와 보험계약자 간의 정보비대칭을 교정하기 위하여 계약 전에 부가되는 의무로서, 보험약관에 편입되기 위해서는 계약의 중요내용에 대한 보험약관의 명시설명의무가 이행되어져야 한다. 그래야 협상력의 차이로 인한 이익의 불균형 상태가 보완이 되거나 교정이 된다. 이러한 종합적인 관점에 따르면 즉시연금보험약관에서 산출방법서의 간접지시문구 등은 약관에 편입되지 아니한다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Blockchain Technology and Its Utilization in the Music Industry

        왕명욱 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.6

        A Study on Blockchain Technology and Its Utilization in the Music Industry Mingxu Wang Abstract: This study is to analyze if it is worth utilizing the emerging technology of blockchain in the music industry. It utilizes a literature analyzing research approach on the technology and its application to the music industry. To judge the value of blockchain in music industry, it shows its potential as an alternative to the abusive technologies and current examples of its application, and then analyzes the pros and cons that the technology can provide. The use of blockchain technology can make a positive effects on the music market that traditionally complex music market structure can be reformed into simple one through the characterized security of the technology and direct participation by smart contract. The weak points of its application are mere subordinate to the operational issues, which can easily be ignored by the advantages. Key Words: Blockchain, Music Industry, Abusive Technologies, Security of Blockchain, Smart A Study on Blockchain Technology and Its Utilizationin the Music IndustryMingxu Wang Abstract: This study is to analyze if it is worth utilizing the emerging technology of blockchain in the music industry. It utilizes a literature analyzing research approach on the technology and its application to the music industry. To judge the value of blockchain in music industry, it shows its potential as an alternative to the abusive technologies and current examples of its application, and then analyzes the pros and cons that the technology can provide. The use of blockchain technology can make a positive effects on the music market that traditionally complex music market structure can be reformed into simple one through the characterized security of the technology and direct participation by smart contract. The weak points of its application are mere subordinate to the operational issues, which can easily be ignored by the advantages. Key Words: Blockchain, Music Industry, Abusive Technologies, Security of Blockchain, Smart Contracts

      • KCI등재

        고대 한어 허사 焉의 품사 연구

        장정임(Chang, Jung-Im) 한국중어중문학회 2019 中語中文學 Vol.- No.77

        Yān 焉 is a function word with a wide range of usages in Old Chinese. Its part of speech has been the subject of controversy. In one view, 焉 is considered a fusion of [於+pronoun], while another view treats it as a special type of demonstrative. This study argues that 焉 came into existence through the fusion of[於+*n(demonstrative)], based on an analysis of all occurrences of 焉 and 於 in Zuo’s Commentary (『左傳』). The analysis shows that the usages of 焉 and [於+demonstrative] are identical. Both are used as spatial goal markers, spatial source markers, or as locative markers. They are used as dative markers or as source markers co-occurring with a verb of giving or depriving. They also mark the addressee or the source when they appear with a verb of speech or inquiry. Both are used as a so-called “concern marker,” corresponding to ‘on, about, in regard to’ in English. They mark the agent in a passive sentence or indicate the standard of comparison in a comparative sentence. The fact that the semantic scopes of 焉 and [於+demonstrative] in Zuo"s Commentary completely overlap reveals that 焉 came into existence via the fusion of [於+demonstrative]. This paper also suggests that the term jiāncí 兼詞 (literally “combined word”) must be discarded. The term 兼詞 invites misunderstanding; it is easily misconstrued as a part of speech parallel to dòngcí 動詞, míngcí 名詞, liáncí 連詞, and so on. This study suggests, instead, that 焉 should be called a fusion word, or a contraction of 於 plus a demonstrative with the initial *n.

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