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        절수에 의한 Mongolain gerbil 뇌 Dopamine성 면역반응세포의 분포와 미세구조의 변화에 관한 연구

        송치원,이경열,박일권,권효정,김무강,이강이,Song, Chi-Won,Lee, Kyoung-Youl,Park, Il-Kwon,Kwon, Hyo-Jung,Kim, Moo-Kang,Lee, Kang-Lee 한국현미경학회 2000 Applied microscopy Vol.30 No.2

        Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)은 선천적으로 불완전한 뇌바닥동백고리와 특이한 콜레스테롤 대사를 가진 동물로서 수분의 섭취없이도 장기간 생존이 가능하기 때문에 최근 뇌신경학 연구방법에 많이 이용되는 동물이다. 따라서 본 연구는 mongolian gerbil을 절수 시켰을 때 시간의 경과에 따라 뇌에서의 catecholaminergic neuron의 형태적인 변화에 관하여 알아보고자 $50\sim80g$의 mongolian gerbil 25마리를 이용하여 5마리는 뇌도보를 작성하였으며 나머지는 정상군, 5일군, 10일군, 20일군으로 각각 5마리씩 나누어 TH, DBH, PNMT항체를 이용하여 면역조직화학염색하여 절수의 시간에 따른 뇌에서의 catecholaminer-gic neuron의 형태적인 변화를 광학 및 전자현미경적으로 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 정상군의 경우 시상하부의 제 3 뇌실주위에 있는 뇌실곁핵과 뇌실주위회백질에 TH면역반응세포들이 나타났고 이들의 신경세포돌기 및 신경섬유들도 많이 분포하였으나 20일군에서 감소되는 양상을 보였다. 2. 중뇌 및 교뇌에서는 catecholamine성 신경세포중 dopamine성 신경세포가 뚜렷히 관찰되었으나 noradrenalin성 신경세포는 약하게 관찰되었다. 3. 흑색질의 치밀부분과 배쪽피개영역에서 TH항체에 대한 면역반응을 보이는 Dopamine성 신경세포 밀집도가 높았으며 그물부분에서도 소수 관찰되었다. 그러나 이 부위에서 dopamine성 신경세포도 절수에 따라 5일군까지 신경세포체와 돌기 및 섬유들이 감소되었으나 10일군에서는 다시 증가하였으며 20일군에서부터 감소하는 양상을 보였다. 4. 절수에 의한 뇌의 TH면역반응세포체의 전자현미경적 소견은 정상군에 비해 5일군에서 핵의 농축 및 변형, 신경연접의 소실, 사립체의 감소, 축삭 수의 감소 등이 나타나 TH의 분비에 영향을 주는 것으로 보인다. 그러나 ER등의 변화는 크게 관찰할 수 없었다. 이러한 연구결과는 정상군의 경우 다른 동물과 유사했으나 다른 동물에서는 청색반점이나 교뇌부위에서 noradrenaline성 신경이 많다고 하였지만 본 연구에서는 그러한 차이를 발견하지 못했으며 이것은 동물간의 유전적, 환경적 차이로 사료된다. 그러므로 mongolian gerbil의 수분대사에 dopamine이 관여할 것으로 보고 탈수 질환모델로 개발하기 위한 기능적인 연구와 더불어 많은 형태학적인 연구가 병행되어야 할 것이다. Nowadays, mongolian gerbil is widely utilized in the research of brain and water deprivation because of congenitally incomplete Willis' circle, audiogenic seizure in low noise, and special cholesterol metabolism without water absorption for a long time. In this study, we intended to identify the time lapse changes in the general morphoogy and ultrastructure of the catecholaminergic neurons of mongolian gerbil brain in after long-term water deprivation. Fifteen mongolian gerbils were divided into 3 groups (5, 10, and 20-day water deprivation groups), each with 5 mongolian gerbils. Additional 5 mongolian gerbils which received water without limitation were used as a control. The brain sections were immunostained using tyrosine hysroxylase (TH), $ dopamine-\beta-hydroxylase$ (DBH), and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltrasferase (PMNT) antibodies. And immunoreactive cells were observed by electromicroscopy for the ultrastructural changes . The TH-immunoreactive (TH-IR) nerve cells were observed in the para- and peri-ventricular nucleus of the 3 rd ventricle in the hypothalamus and the substantia nigra. The number of TH-IR neurons in these areas was decreased from the 5th day of the water deprivation to the 10 th day and reincreased until 20 th day water deprivation. The shape and density of the dopamine-secreting cells identified by immunohistochemistry showed changes in the continuous water deprivation. Electron microscopy revealed a round nucleus in the neurons of control group but 5-day water deprivation group showed a dense and irregularly shaped nucleus. Also in the 5-day water-deprived group, mitochondria was decreased in number and junctins were disappered. Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex did not show changes after water-deprivation. In this results, we can conclude that dopamine are involved in the water metabolism in mongolian gerbil, and mongolian gerbil could be used as an animal model for the researches of water deprivation.

      • KCI등재

        절수에 의한 Mongolian gerbil 신장조직의 변화에 관한 형태학적 연구

        김무강,이근좌,정영길,송치원,이경열,박일권,이철호,이기훈,현병화,김길수,Kim, Moo-Kang,Lee, Keun-Jwa,Jeong, Young-Gil,Song, Chi-Won,Lee, Kyeng-Youl,Park, Il-Koun,Lee, Chul-Ho,Lee, Ki-Houn,Hyun, Byung-Hwa,Kim, Gil-Soo 한국현미경학회 1997 Applied microscopy Vol.27 No.4

        Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) has been as an animal model for studing the neurological diseases such as stroke and epilepsy because of the congenital incompleteries in Willis circle, as well as the investigation of water metabolism because of the long time-survival in the condition of water-deprived desert condition, compared with other species animals. In order to accomplish the this research, first of all another divided the laboratory animals 5 groups of which each group include the 5 animals. In this study were investigated the histological structure in the kidney, measured the plasma osmolalities at the time of sacrifice of indivisual animals, and the body weights every day during water-deprived. The results obtained in this study were summarized as followings: 1. The body weights and decreasing rates of the body weight in water-deprived mongolian gerbil groups were continuosly decreased. 2. The plasma osmolalities were increased from the 5th water-deprived day, after then the gradually increasing reached nearly its equilibrium state at the 10th water-deprived day. 3. The urine volumes were abruptly decreased from the 2th water-deprived day, after then the gradually decreasing patterns were reached nearly its equilibrium state at the 10th day, and stopped the 11th day. 4. In the light microscopical observation of the kidney, glomerular capillary loop thickening, mesangial matrix increasing, sclerosis, glomerular cystic atrophy, interstitial fibrosis, tubular dilatation, mononuclear interstitial inflammation, interstitial mineralization, and hyperplasia of the collecting duct epithelium in the cortex area, were observed from the 10th water deprived day, and the lesions were gradually severe changed as the time lapse. 5. In the electron microscopical findings of the kidney, the degenerative changes of endothelial cell, podocyte and mesangial cell in glomeruli were initially observed on the 10th water-deprived day as well as the degeneration of microvilli and intracellular organelle in the renal tubules.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        절수에 의한 mongolian gerbil 종뇌 및 간뇌에서 dopamine성 면역반응세포의 분포변화

        송치원,이경열,박일권,정주영,권효정,이철호,현병화,이근좌,송운재,정영길,이강이,김무강,Song, Chi-won,Lee, Kyoung-youl,Park, Il-kwon,Jung, Ju-young,Kwon, Hyo-jung,Lee, Chul-ho,Hyun, Byung-hwa,Lee, Geun-jwa,Song, Woon-jae,Jung, Young-gil,Lee 대한수의학회 2000 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.40 No.1

        Nowadays, mongolian gerbil is notably utilized for the research of brain and water deprivation because of a congenital incomplete willis circle structure in the brain, audiogenic seizure in low noise, and special cholesterol metabolism without water absorption for a long time. In this study, we are intend to identify the morphological changes of the catecholaminergic neuron of brain according to the time lapse in the condition of long term water deprivation. 55 mongolian gerbil were divided 10 groups(control, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 42th day water deprivation group), of which each group include 5 mongolian gerbils and 5 normal mongolian gerbils in control group were also used for brain atlas as a control. The brains were observed by the immunohistochemical stain using the TH, DBH and PMNT antibody. The results were as followings; 1. The nerve fibers of the TH-immunoreactive neuron were observed only in the and corpus striatum of the telencephalon. 2. Intensity of the immunostain of the nerve fiber in the cerebral cortex and corpus striatum was decreased gradually day by day after water deprivation. 3. The TH-immunoreactive nerve cells were observed in the paraventricular and periventricular nucleus of the 3rd ventricular in the hypothalamus of mongolian gerbil but the number of nerve cells were decreased from the first day of the water deprivation to the 10th day and increased until the 20th day, after than redecreased from the 20th day by the continuous water deprivation. The number of nerve fibers in this area were increased in the first day, but decreased from the 2nd day of water deprivation. The shape and density of the dopamine secreting cells in the brain of mongolian gerbil by the immunoreactive stain were changed in the continuous water deprivation. In this results, we can conclude that dopamine concerned in the water metabolism of mongolian gerbil, and mongolian gerbil could be used as an animal model for the research of water deprivation.

      • 절수에 의한 mongolian gerbil의 체중 변화에 관한 연구

        이경열,송치원,김무강,조성환,류시윤,김상근,박배근 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1996 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.4 No.-

        Recently, the mongolian gerbils have been used in neurology and the study of water metabolism because of their easy onset of epileptic seizure and typical resistance to water deprivation. The sebaceous glands which are under the control of the gonadal hrmones are differently developed from the other laboratory animals. However the physiological data on the changes of body weight following water deprivation in mongolian gerbils is not available until now. In order to investigate the effect of the water deprivation on the body weight, the animals were deprived of water for 15 days. The body weights were measured daily by the torsion balance. The mean, the standard deviation, the standard error and the coefficient of variance of the body weights were calculated. The correlation was examined. The potential regression equation was y = 61.5458 - 2.0533 * x + 0.0487 * x^2. The regression coefficient was 0.993. The results obtained were as follows : 1. The body weights of the mongolian gerbils were continuously decrased from the 1st day to the 15th day after the water deprivation. 2. The mean body weight on the water deprivation was 63.0±7.00g and that at the 15th day was 41.4 ± 5.42g. 3. The coefficients of the variance showed the highest (13.09) at the 15th day and the lowest (10.10) at the 10th day. the coefficients of the variance kept decreasing until the 10th day and thereafter gradually increased until the 15th day. 4. The changing rate of the body weight kept continuously decreasing from the 1st day to the 15th day showing the daily loss of 1.0 - 3.3%. 5.The deviations (M - QBW) between the measured values (m) and the theorical values (QBW) using the regression equation showed the highest (1.494) at the 1st day and the lowest (0.053) at the 13th day. 6. The sum of the devitions was 0.179 and that of the deviation square was 1.15. The sum of the deviation rates between the mesaured body weights and the theorical ones was 0.484. 7. The daily body weight loss showed the highest at the 1st day by 2.053g and the lowest at the 15th day by 0.591g. 8. The specific body weight changing rates which were the rate of the body weight changing velocity to the changed body weight were decreased from 0.033% at the 1st day to 0.014% at the 15th day.


        Physiological Relationship Between Thirst Level and Feed Intake in Goats Fed on Alfalfa Hay Cubes

        Prasetiyono, Bambang W.H.E.,Sunagawa, Katsunori,Shinjo, Akihisa,Shiroma, Sadao Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2000 Animal Bioscience Vol.13 No.11

        The present study was carried out to measure changes of feed intake and thirst level caused by water deprivation in goats fed on dry feed and to elucidate the relationship between those two parameters. Water deprivation significantly (p<0.01) decreased cumulative feed intake and rate of eating at 30, 60, 90 and 120 min, respectively, after feed presentation. Cumulative feed intake, after completion of 2 h feeding, was reduced by about 20, 21 and 64 % due to water deprivation during feeding for 2 h (WD2), for 22 h (WD22) and for 46 h (WD46), respectively, compared to free access to water (FAW). Compared to the FAW, WD2, WD22 and WD46 increased thirst level by about 5, 5 and 9 times, respectively. Mean thirst level (X, g/30 min) was negatively correlated with cumulative feed intake (Y, g DM) after completion of 2h feeding (Y=1302-0.2 X, $r^2=0.97$, p<0.05). Water deprivation depressed plasma volume and there was a significant positive regression between plasma volume (X, ml) and cumulative feed intake (Y, g DM) after completion of 2h feeding (Y=-1003+0.6 X, $r^2=0.99$, p<0.01). Mean plasma osmolality (X, mOsmol/l) correlated significantly and negatively with cumulative feed intake (Y, g DM) after completion of 2h feeding (Y=27004-84.9 X, $r^2=0.95$, p<0.05). In conclusion, a decrease of feed intake during water deprivation is mainly due to an increase of thirst level quantitatively, and the act of feeding itself induces thirst more than the length of water-deprivation periods in goats fed on dry feeds. The present findings suggest that plasma osmolality and plasma volume which affect thirst level are involved in the decrease of feed intake in water-deprived goats.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI우수등재

        Behavioral and physiological changes during heat stress in Corriedale ewes exposed to water deprivation

        ( Jalil Ghassemi Nejad ),( Kyung-il Sung ) 한국축산학회 2017 한국축산학회지 Vol.59 No.7

        This study was conducted to investigate the behavioral and physiological changes of heat stressed Corriedale ewes exposed to water deprivation. Nine Corriedale ewes (average BW = 45 ± 3.7 kg) were individually fed diets based on maintenance requirements in metabolic crates. Ewes were assigned into three groups (9 sheep per treatment) according to a 3 × 3 Latin square design for 3 periods with 21-d duration for each period. The control (CON) group was given free access to water, 2 h water deprivation (2hWD), and 3 h water deprivation (3hWD) following feeding. No differences were found in fecal excretion frequency, standing frequency (number/d), and sitting frequency among the groups (p > 0.05). Measurements of standing duration (min/d) and urine excretion frequency (number/d) showed a significant decrease whereas sitting duration (min/d) showed a significant increase in the 2hWD and 3hWD groups when compared with the CON group (p < 0.05). Fecal score and heart rate (number/min) were not different among the groups (p > 0.05). However, respiratory rate (number/min) and panting score were found to be significantly higher in the 2hWD and 3hWD groups than in the CON group (p < 0.05). It is concluded that water deprivation following feeding intensifies physiological heat stress related indicators such as respiratory rate and panting score and changes behavioral parameters such as water intake and urine excretion frequency in heat stressed ewes. Daily adaptation to the extreme environmental conditions may occur actively in ewes.

      • KCI등재후보

        Effect of Brain Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists and Antisense Oligonucleotide on Drinking and Renal Renin in Rats

        Hyeon-kyeong Cho,Eun-kyoung Yang,Hee-suk Han,Won-jung Lee,M. Ian Phillips 대한생리학회-대한약리학회 2000 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.4 No.2

        <P> The physiological roles of brain angiotensin II in mediating water deprivation-induced drinking and in regulating renal renin release were assessed in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Specific AT<SUB>1</SUB> receptor antagonists, losartan and SK 1080, and antisense oligonucleotide (AS-ODN) directed to AT<SUB>1</SUB> receptor mRNA were intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) administered in conscious unrestrained rats. When water was given 20 min after i.c.v. injection of AT<SUB>1</SUB> receptor antagonists in 48-h water-deprived rats, losartan and SK 1080 produced approximatly 20% and 50% decrease in 1-h water intake, respectively. In contrast, i.c.v. treatment of the AS-ODN to AT<SUB>1 </SUB>receptor mRNA for 24-h did not alter 1-h water intake in 24-h water-deprived rats, but prevented the increase in overnight water intake after 24-h water-deprivation. Six-day i.c.v. treatment of AS-ODN did not alter either the basal plasma renin concentration or renal cortical levels of renin and renin mRNA. The present results suggest that endogenous brain Ang II plays an important role in thirst and water intake through AT<SUB>1</SUB> receptors, but further studies are required to elucidate its regulatory role in renal renin synthesis.

      • KCI등재

        수면박탈 후 해양심층수 타라소테라피 적용에 따른 스트레스 호르몬 및 자율신경계의 변화

        김남익(Nam-Ik Kim) 한국발육발달학회 2018 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to verify the effect of the deep sea water tarassotherapy(DSWTT) program on stress hormone and autonomic nervous system function after sleep deprivation. And suggested the possibility of applying a safe underwater exercise program and tried to identify the characteristics inherent in deep sea water(DSW). The subjects were randomly selected from 30 male college students: Control group(CG, n=10), Water exercise group(WEG, n=10), and Deep sea water exercise group(DSWEG, n=10). The DSWTT program consisted of warm-up, treatment programs, and cool-down. The DSWTT program conducted stretching and massage(the upper body, lower body, back, and body as a hole) in the deep water tank for a total of 25minutes. The measurement of the variables performed blood tests and autonomic nervous system functions. Stress factors in the measurement items were cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, and autonomic nervous system factors were TP<SUP>log</SUP>, HF<SUP>log</SUP>, LF<SUP>log</SUP>, LF/HF ratio, and BDNN. The results of the study showed that stress factors after the DSWTT program were cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine(p<.001) and interaction effect(p<.001). The post-hoc analysis showed that DSWEG decreased significantly compared to CG and WEG(p<.01). The autonomic function variables were TP<SUP>log</SUP>, HF<SUP>log</SUP>, LF<SUP>log</SUP>, LF/HF ratio, and BDNN, with the main effect(p<.001 and interaction effect(p<.001). The post-hoc analysis showed that DSWEG decreased significantly compared to CG and WEG(p<.01). In conclusion, the DSWTT program applied to this study has a significant effect on stress relief and autonomic nervous system function. Therefore, if the DSWTT program is applied in the field such as hot springs, it is expected to contribute to the improvement of public health care and improvement and quality of life.

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