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        OOP 개념에 기초한 유동해석용 전처리 프로그램 개발

        명현국(Hyon Kook Myong),안종기(Jong Ki Ahn) 대한기계학회 2008 大韓機械學會論文集B Vol.32 No.1

        A pre-processing program based on the OOP(object-oriented programming) concept has been developed. The program consists of the input of a 2D or 3D flow problem to a CFD program by means of an user-friendly interface and the subsequent transformation of this input into a form suitable for the solver(PowerCFD) using unstructured cell-centered method. User-friendly GUI(graphic user interface) has been built on the base of MFC(Microsoft Foundation Class). The program is organized as modules by classes based on VTK(Visualization ToolKit)-library, and these classes are made to function through inheritance and cooperation which is an important and valuable concept of object-oriented programming. The major functions of this program are introduced and demonstrated, which include mesh generation, boundary settings, solver settings, generation of grid connectivity and geometric data etc.

      • KCI등재

        OOP 개념에 기초한 유동해석용 후처리 프로그램 개발

        명현국(Hyon Kook Myong),안종기(Jong Ki Ahn) 대한기계학회 2008 大韓機械學會論文集B Vol.32 No.1

        A post-processing program based on the OOP(Object-Oriented Programming) concept has been developed for flow visualization of the flow analysis code(PowerCFD) using unstructured cell-centered method. User-friendly GUI(Graphic User Interface) has been built on the base of MFC(Microsoft Foundation Class). The program is organized as modules by classes including those based on VTK(Visualization ToolKit)-library, and these classes are made to function through inheritance and cooperation which is an important and valuable OOP concept. The major functions of this post-processor program are introduced and demonstrated, which include mesh plot, contour plot, vector plot, surface plots, cut plot, clip plot, xy-plot and streamline plot as well as view manipulation (translation, rotation, scaling etc).

      • MRI Data 가시화용 후처리 프로그램 개발

        명현국(H.K. Myong),최훈희(H.H. Choi) 한국전산유체공학회 2007 한국전산유체공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.-

        A post-processing program based on the OOP(Object-Oriented Programming) concept has been developed for visualization of MRI. User-friendly GUI(Graphic User Interface) has been built on the base of MFC(Microsoft Foundation Class). The program is organized as modules by classes based on VTK-library, and these classes are made to function through inheritance and cooperation which are an important and valuable concept of object-oriented programming. The major functions of this post-processor program are introduced and demonstrated, which include contour plot, surface plots, cut plot and clip plot as well as view manipulation (translation, rotation, scaling etc).

      • KCI등재후보

        Open innovation and the value of crowds: implications for the fashion industry

        C. Anthony Di Benedetto 한국마케팅과학회 2014 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.5 No.1

        Firms in many industries are seeking to incorporate ideas from outside parties tocomplement their own internal resources and capabilities. Suppliers, distributors, endusers, scientists, firms in unrelated industries and even competitors can be importantsources of information and ideas. Furthermore, with the computing capabilitiesavailable today, firms can scan online communities for sources of ideas and evenharness the ideas generated by a select few key users with insights into emergingmainstream customer needs. All of this additional input helps firms compete profitablyin an increasingly difficult environment. New trends include open innovation,crowdsourcing, user toolkits, mass customization and lead-user analysis. While there isemerging academic research on all of these topics, their usefulness in fashionmarketing and merchandising remains relatively unexplored. This is potentially a greatresearch opportunity, as fashion designers can obtain key ideas that boostcompetitiveness by working more closely with customers, suppliers, retailersand other parties. This article presents the state of the art in each of these trends,and concludes with a discussion of the implications for fashion marketing andmerchandising academic research and practice.

      • KCI등재

        産品設計: 硏究趨勢與未來規劃

        ( C. Anthony Di Benedetto ) 한국마케팅과학회 2012 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.3 No.3

        産品設計无疑是使新産品暢銷的重要因素, 新産品設計的學術硏究也越來越廣泛。近年來, 對于設計的新定義層出不窮, 而且對于能구創造意義與創新過程的設計的作用也有新的理解。在這樣一個高速發展的硏究領域里, 我們面臨着許多富有挑戰性、高難度的問題。如下궤方面的問題就有待硏究: 作爲一種戰略資源的設計的重要性, 新産品團隊中設計師的地位, 在産品設計中顧客意見的采納以及産品設計是즘樣在不同文化中傳播的。本文旨在對如上궤方面及産品設計硏究相關問題進行分析。本文首先討論了在創新設計新理論中設計的作用。傳統認爲, 産品創新的動力來自于市場或者科技。在兩種情況下, 設計都有改良的作用(使産品設計更符合顧客期望或者産品性能特点)。著名的設計學家Roberto Verganti指出, 像Alessi這樣的大設計公司都將設計看作是偉大創新的動力。産品設計還未有被公認的定義, 但在産品設計師眼中産品設計的作用及其在企業中的重要性是无需置疑的。卽使在企業的最高戰略層中, 設計也是産品創新中重要的一環。出色的設計可以使企業在以下궤方面奪得競爭優勢: 通過設計降低生産成本或快速將産品投放到可以帶來成本效益市場中, 同時通過設計可以加大産品差異性或者滿足顧客需求。在企業環保義務方面, 通過産品設計還可以提高可持續發展的能力。凡此種種原因, 加强産品設計的力度可以提高企業的競爭力。在創新這一學術領域中, 與之相近的課題便是新産品團隊中成員的合作與團結。但是, 之前的硏究都將重点放到市場中的互動, 硏究與開發與制造業員工方面, 却忽視了設計師的地位。新興的硏究重在分析營銷人員與設計師的中間層面, 這樣便能구在新産品生産過程的初始階段乃至全過程中引進工效學及美學。령一個需要考慮的問題是近年來跨國新産品團隊是즘樣運作的。設計師們正面臨這一問題, 他們必須與世界各地的同事共事幷且爲全世界的客戶進行産品設計。設計普遍性這一課題在學術領域中被發掘潛力還흔大, 這里我們부부是在新産品發展這一課題中開了一個頭。最近, 設計學中又開피了一個新硏究領域, 主要分析了顧客意見的作用。在當下的産品配置中(消費者可以網絡購物幷且T恤衫, 포鞋, 手表甚至汽車都可以自行設計。顧客意見的价値尙是一個有爭議的話題。相關的硏究員通過衡量購買意愿的强度來評고用戶貢獻的价値, 幷且發現顧客意見確實可以提高其他顧客的購買意愿進而高价購買, 這是因爲顧客設計的産品更加适應用戶偏好。同樣, 這是一個能구引起興趣的學科, 但仍有待發展。綜合考慮産品創新學科中以上及其他最新硏究趨勢, 本文爲産品設計提出了未來硏究規劃。通過大量的文獻, 其中包括關于設計的最前沿的創新期刊, 本文闡述了在發展硏究規劃中有助于激勵設計硏究員的硏究趨勢。除上文論述外, 這些趨勢還包括: 産品設計中形式與功能的互動; 産品設計對産品意義的影響; 設計對享樂主義行爲的影響; B2B産品與服務中的設計; 設計與環境以及産品設計變化與提高的表現結果。最后, 本文討論了這些趨勢是즘樣影響硏究員以及最新時尙與奢侈品牌商品相關從業人員的。 Academic research in product design is growing in popularity, and new challenging research questions are emerging. This article explores several of these product design research issues. We first explore the role of design as a driver of innovation and as a strategic resource to senior managers for competitive advantage. We revisit the topic of functional integration on the new product team, focusing in particular on the cooperation between designers and marketers. There is also a rich literature emerging on customer-initiated design and user toolkits for design, and we explore this intriguing stream as well. Considering these topics, and several others identified in a recent special issue on design research in the Journal of Product Innovation Management, we present an agenda for research in product design. We conclude with a discussion of how these design research trends affect researchers as well as practitioners involved in high-fashion or luxury-brand goods.

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      • KCI등재

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