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      • KCI등재

        Application of Motion Analysis to User Participation Behavior Model

        Jieun Kwon,Ken Nah 대한인간공학회 2014 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.33 No.3

        Objective: The goal of this research is to develop new user behavior model using user motion analysis with microscopic perspective for attracting user"s participation in interactive space. Background: The interactive space is "human"s place", which is made up of complex elements of digital virtual space and traditional analog and physical environment based on human-computer interaction system. Human behavior has changed in it at the same time. If the user couldn"t make participation in interaction, the purpose of the system is not met, which reduces its effect. Therefore, we need to focus on interactive space that is potential future direction from a new point of view. Method: For this research, we would discuss and study fields of interactive space; (1) finding definition of interactive space and studying background of theory about it. (2) providing base of user behavior model with study of user"s context that is to be user information and motion. (3) examining user motion, classify basic motion type and making user participation behavior model in phases. Results: Through this process, user"s basic twenty motions which are systematized are taken as a standard for analysis of interaction process and participation in interactive space. Then, ‘NK-I5 (I Five)" model is developed for user participation types in interactive space. There are five phases of user participation behavior: Imperception, Interest, Involvement, Immersion, and Influence. In this analysis, three indicators which are time, motion types, and user relationship are found to be related to participation. Conclusion: The capabilities and limitation of this research is discussed to attract user participation. This paper focuses especially on contribution of design to lead user"s participation in interactive system and expectation to help adapt to user centered design of various interactive space with new aspect of user behavior research. Application: The results of the ‘NK-I5 (I Five)" model might help to realize successful interactive space based on user centered design.

      • KCI등재후보

        해양레저스포츠 활동 참가 만족과 경험이 재참여 의도에 미치는 영향

        심민보,장재훈,오정석 한국체육정책학회 2011 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        Our study focused on verification of relationship between satisfaction of participants and intention to re-participate in the activity with in marine leisure sports participants. We also investigated effect of user-experience factors on satisfaction factor and re-participation intention at exploratory level. The results show that satisfaction factor has positive influence on user-experience and user-experience also has positive effect on re-participation intention factor. In details, all 3 factors of user-experience (sense of freedom, social interaction, natural interaction) showed significant positive effects. Meanwhile, We made a model based on results shown above that assumes satisfaction factor influences user-experience and user-experience effects re-participation intention factor sequentially. We compared it with alternative model in which satisfaction factor also directly modulates re-participation intention. We found that our model is more compatible with data, which imply that satisfaction factor modulates re-participation intention indirectly through use-experience rather than directly effects it.

      • KCI우수등재

        이용자 생산 콘텐츠 플랫폼 사이트 내에서 생산자 참여가 소비자 선택과 몰입에 미치는 차별적 영향

        최정혜(Jeong Hye Choi),손정민(Jung Min Son),박경민(Kyung Min Park),박선주(Sun Ju Park),정승화(Seung Wha Chung) 한국경영학회 2013 經營學硏究 Vol.42 No.2

        User-generated contents (hereafter, UGC) are the contents produced by individual users. In addition to the conventional role of individuals as consumers, nowadays individuals can play an additional role as producers. Individual producers create their own virtual contents and share them with others, and some active producers try to communicate with their UGC users. As information technology advances and diffuses over space and time, this UGC-related market has grown substantially with the growing numbers of participants and the high quality contents. The popular UGC platform sites include: Youtube.com, Twitter.com, Facebook.com, and Wikipedia.com, which in fact belong to the top 10 Internet sites according to site traffic(Alexa Internet Inc., 2012). There has been much effort to understand the mechanism by which online performance is determined. Well-studied measures include product sales(Van den Bulte and Joshi, 2007; Dellarocas et al., 2007), sales ranks(Chevalier and Mayzlin, 2006), company profit(Liu, 2006; Chan et al., 2011). Key factors to derive online performance include product quality(Dichter, 1966), word-of-mouth among consumers(Liu, 2006), producers` particiation(Schwartz et al., 2011). For example, it is well known that product popularity has a positive influence on product sales(Kohler et al., 2011). Here, product popularity serves as a proxy for product quality and performance is measured using consumers` choices. UGC platformsites provide users opportunities to not only select but also engage by reviewing products and making recommendations, and this kind of behavior can reflect consumers` engagement(O`Hern et al., 2011; Schmitt et al., 2011). Thus, this research extends performance measures beyond choice-based ones and incorporate consumers` engagement-based measure. On the UGC platform sites, producers can easily observe communication among users, and some producers participate in consumers` conversation(O`Hern et al., 2011). Despite this growing producers` participation, there is limited research on its effect on performance. On the one hand, producers` communication with users can improve the relationship with users, which in turn increases users` interest and promote product choice(Doney and Cannon, 1997). On the other hand, producers` participation can inhibit consumers from speaking out(Kohler et al., 2011). Therefore it is needed to understand whether producers` participation improves or deteriorates UGC performance. This research collects data from Youtube.com in the category of `how to & style` using snowball sampling. On Youtube.com, users can view videos and leave comments, and also upload video clips. All the video-related and users` activities are collected and analyzed. The empirical analyses support all the proposed hypotheses. First, producers` participation has the positive impact on the choice-based performance and this positive effect strengthens with increasing product popularity. This means that when producers of popular products communicate with consumers, the choice-based performance improves(Kohler et al., 2011). On the contrary, producers` participation has the negative impact on the engagement-based performance and this negative effect gets stronger as products become more popular. This means that when producers of popular products participate in consumers` conversation, consumers are demotivated and do not express their opinion(Dellarocas et al., 2010). Producers` particition has the positive effect on consumer choice but the negative effect on consumer engagement. Therefore, in order to understand to what extent producers participate, both performance measures must be considered simultaneously. Further empirical investigation provides the following practical guidelines to decide on the level of producers` participation. First, producers of popular UGC should activily communicate with users. Avid participation by producers of popular UGC increases consumers` choices to the much greate

      • KCI등재

        사용자 참여중심 디자인 패러다임 연구 -참여적 디자인, 공동창조, 리빙 랩, 오픈 디자인을 중심으로-

        이선미,현은령 한국디자인문화학회 2019 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        New design approaches are appearing in order to meet user needs which becomes more diverse and complicated today. They promote participation of end-users in a design process. Designers are proving the usefulness of the new design approaches such as Participatory Design, Co-Creation, Living Lab, and Open Design in a various fields of policy, business, social issues. However, we do not fully understand the concept and mutual relation of the new design approaches so this study researches definition and features through literature review and the case studies. As a result, this study found that participatory approaches such as Participatory Design, Co-creation, Living Lab, Open Design can be distinct from user-centered design, recognizing user as subject. Thus, this study categorizes user-centered design in ‘passive participation stage’. In Participatory Design, the concept of ‘user participation’ was started and in Co-Creation and Liviing Lab, the role of users was expanded as ‘partner’ cooperating with a producer. Co-Creation was started in a point of view of business whereas Living Lab emphasis on social issues. Participatory Design, Co-Creation, and Living Lab can be categorized in ‘active participation stage’ as users are perceived as a partner. Lastly, in Open Design, a user is perceived as ‘creator’ and this study categorizes Open Design in ‘open stage’. In open stage, the role of designers and users is not divided and an end user can create a product at any time and any places when they want. And users can suggest social problems and solve them by themselves based on the progress of ICT. This study can be an advanced research that suggests the role of designer with understanding the change of the role of users in design. 오늘날 점점 복잡해지는 사용자 요구에 대한 해답을 찾으려는 방법으로, 디자인 과정에 최종 사용자의참여를 촉진하는 새로운 접근법들이 등장하고 있다. 참여적 디자인, 공동창조, 리빙 랩, 오픈 디자인 등의용어로 요약되는 사용자 참여중심 디자인은 정책, 비즈니스, 사회문제의 다양한 분야에서 디자인 프로젝트를 통해 그 유용성을 증명하고 있다. 하지만 정작 사용자 참여 중심 디자인의 다양한 접근법들에 대한 개념과 상호관계성의 이해가 부족한 실정이다. 따라서본 연구에서는 사용자 참여 디자인방법론이 나오게된 배경 탐색과 더불어 참여적 디자인, 공동창조, 리빙 랩, 오픈 디자인의 등장 배경과 정의 및 특징을 문헌연구를 통해 고찰하였다. 나아가 각각의 사용자 참여 중심 디자인 접근법과 관련한 사례탐색을 통해 주요 도구 및 과정, 그리고 그 효과성을 확인하고자 하였다. 그 결과, 참여적 디자인, 공동창조, 리빙 랩, 오픈 디자인 등으로 정리되는 사용자 참여중심의 디자인 접근법들은, 사용자를 ‘대상’으로 인식하여 인터뷰, 관찰 정도의 도구를 통해 참여를 유도하는 사용자 중심 디자인과는 차별화된다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 사용자 중심 디자인을 사용자를 대상으로 보는 ‘소극적 참여단계’로 정의한다. 또 1970년대 시작된 참여적 디자인은 디자인에서 ‘사용자 참여’ 에 대한 개념의 시작으로, 그 후 20세기 초 공동창조및 리빙 랩에서 사용자의 역할을 협력단계의 ‘파트너’ 로 확장한다. 특히 공동창조는 비즈니스에서 기업과고객의 제품 및 서비스에 대한 공동가치 창조를 위해시작되었고, 리빙 랩은 사회문제 또는 지역 문제의 혁신적 해결을 위해 실제 생활공간에 있는 주민과의 협력을 강조한다는 점에서 두 개념이 구분되었다. 즉, 세 용어는 사용자를 파트너로 인식하는 상호관련성을바탕으로 ‘적극적 참여단계’로 정의될 수 있었다. 마지막으로 20세기 후반에 등장한 오픈 디자인은 사용자를 ‘창조자’로 인식하여 참여의 가장 높은 ‘개방단계’ 로 정의될 수 있었다. 개방단계에서는 디자이너와 사용자의 역할이 더 이상 분리되지 않으며 최종 사용자가 원하는 시간에, 원하는 장소에서 제품을 생산할 수있으며, 그들 스스로 사회문제를 건의하고 또 해결할수 있다. 이러한 참여적 접근들의 발전은 ICT 기술및 지능정보기술의 융합에 근거하고 있다. 결과적으로본 연구는 디자인에서 미래 사용자의 역할 변화를 인식하고 그 적용방안과 함께 디자이너가 앞으로 나아가야 할 방향을 논의하는 선행연구가 되는데 그 목적이 있다.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문(硏究論文) : 사용자 참여가 사용자 만족도 및 시스템 이용도에 미치는 영향 -호텔회계정보시스템 유형의 조절효과를 중심으로-

        최해수 ( Hae Soo Choi ) 한국관광산업학회 2009 Tourism Research Vol.28 No.-

        This study aimed at the performance evaluation of hotel accounting information systems being established in the tourist hotels. There are used user`s participation as a independent variable, user`s satisfaction and system usage as dependent variables, and the type of hotel accounting information systems as moderating variable. The sample sizes are 103 hotel companies including deluxe hotels and first class hotels. This study is empirical analysis study by the hypothesis-test through questionnaire survey. The methods of hypothesis tests are simple regression analysis as moderating regression analysis, and there is used cluster analysis for classifying hotel accounting information systems. The tool being used in analysing is the SPSS 12.0 for windows. The results are followings. First, The type of hotel accounting information systems by cluster analysis is divided by two types of hotel accounting information systems, that is, one operational accounting information systems and the other management accounting information systems definitely. Second, the results of descriptive statistics analysis show high in user`s participation, user`s satisfaction, system usage. Third, the results of correlation analysis show the positive correlation between user`s participation and user`s satisfaction, system usage, and between user`s satisfaction and system usage. Forth, the user`s participation influenced both user`s satisfaction and system usage, system performance variables. Fifth, the results of moderating effect analysis show that only the operational accounting information systems have the moderating effect between user`s participation and system usage.

      • KCI등재

        UCC 마케팅에서 참여 동기에 따른 효율적인 참여 방법에 관한 연구

        민성혜(Min Sunghye),백수희(Baek Soohee) 한국디지털디자인학회 2008 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.8 No.1

        최근 하나의 문화로 자리 잡은 UCC를 각 기업에서는 마케팅 수단으로 이용하고 있다. 공중파 광고와 달리 적은 비용으로 큰 효과를 낼 수 있는 UCC 마케팅에서 성공하기 위한 가장 중요한 점은 사용자의 참여를 이끌어 내는 것이다. 사용자의 참여를 이끌어 내기 위해서는 동기부여가 필요하다. 귀찮은 것을 싫어하는 사용자가 기업을 위해 UCC 마케팅에 참여 할리 없기 때문이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 UCC 마케팅에서 사용자의 참여를 중심으로 참여 동기의 요인을 여섯가지 요인으로 추출하였다. 참여 동기 요인에 따라 여섯가지로 분류한 참여방법에 대해 설문조사를 하여 실증분석을 한 결과 전체적 참여 방법이 UCC를 보거나 댓글을 다는 등의 소극적 참여 방법 인데 반해 참여 동기에 따른 참여 방법에서는 참여 동기 요인별로 적극적 참여가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이로 참여 동기가 크게 작용할수록 사용자의 적극적 참여를 이끌어 낸다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이에 본 논문에서는 UCC 마케팅에 있어서 참여 동기에 따른 효율적인 참여 방법을 실증분석을 통해 알아보는데 의의가 있다. UCC(User Created Contents) which secured its position as a kind of culture is being used as a marketing scheme. Unlike any public commercial UCC marketing can exert a great impact with relatively low cost and the important key to success of UCC marketing is to draw users' participation. In order to encourage users' participation they need to be motivated. Users who do not like something irksome will never participate in UCC marketing for companies. Accordingly this study extracted six factors stimulating users participation with its focus on participation of users in UCC marketing. With inquiries the study surveyed the ways of participation that users chose among the six participating ways according to motivating factors for participation. According to the results it was revealed that overall participating ways were passive participations such as watching UCC or writing a reply while in the participating ways according to participating motivation they showed a high level of participation according to the motivating factors for participation. From the result it can be said that the more motivation to participate means more active participation from users. Therefore it is significant in that the study tried to identify effective ways to encourage uses' participation in UCC marketing through a positive analysis.

      • KCI등재

        인터랙티브 스페이스에서의 사용자 참여 단계 모델 개발

        권지은(Kwon, Jieun),나건(Nah, Ken) 한국디지털디자인협의회 2013 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.13 No.4

        최근 공간(Space)은 최첨단 디지털 기술과 감성적 패러다임의 변화로 단순히 삶을 영위하기 위한 의미로서의 장소가 아닌, 인간과 교류하고 커뮤니케이션하는 대상으로 변모하고 있다. 특히, 인터랙티브 스페이스(Interactive Space)는 인간-컴퓨터 시스템의 상호작용을 기반으로 한 가상공간과 전통적인 아날로그 감성, 그리고 물리적 환경이 복합적으로 구성되어 있는 인간의 장이다. 이러한 공간에서의 사용자의 역할과 의미도 변모하고 있다. 인터랙티브 스페이스에서의 사용자 참여는 디자인의 성패를 좌우하고 공간 시스템의 목적을 달성하게 하는 핵심 요소이다. 따라서 본 논문은 인터랙티브 스페이스라는 새로운 형태의 공간에서의 사용자 참여단계 유형을 모델로 정립하여 사용자 참여 유도를 위한 방법을 제시하고 디자인 개발 시 적용할 수 있는 가이드를 제안하는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구를 위해 첫째, 인터랙티브 스페이스에 대한 개념을 정립하고 특징에 따른 사용자와의 관계를 살펴본다. 국내외 논문, 단행본, 사전, 리서치 자료 그리고 인터넷 자료를 활용한 문헌조사를 실시한다. 둘째, 사용자 참여의 개념과 전통적 방식과 디지털 방식 매체에 따른 참여 단계 유형을 이론적으로 고찰한다. 셋째, 인터랙티브 스페이스에서의 사용자 참여 단계 유형을 재구성하여 참여 단계 모델을 구축한다. 이러한 프로세스를 통한 연구 결과, 참여의 정도에 따른 단계별 사용자 모델인 NK-I?(I Five)을 구축하여 효과적인 인터랙티브 스페이스 디자인을 위한 개발 과정에 적용할 수 있는 가이드를 제안한다. Recently, space design, which was place to lead a life basically, has become a subject to communicate and interchange with human. Especially, interactive space is "human"s place", which is made up complex elements of digital virtual space and traditional analog and physical environment based on human-computer interaction system. Users" role and meaning have changed in it at the same time. User participation is a significant subject to lead successful design and achieve an aim of space system. The goal of this paper is to develop user participation model in interactive space as new form and to suggest framework for design planning. For this research, the first of all, we would found definition of interactive space and studied relationship with users. The second part of this article presents main theory and concept of user"s participation through previous studies that are traditional and digital media of participation. The third, we make user participation model by stage for interactive space. Through this process, ‘NK-I?(I Five)’ model is developed for user participation types in interactive space. Furthermore, we would present the point of issue that there are considerations and design guide to successful interactive space by user participation model.

      • KCI등재후보

        거주시설에서의 이용자 참여실태와 과제

        백은령,임성만 한국장애인재활협회 2006 재활복지 Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 거주시설의 이용자 참여현황과 이용자 참여에 대한 인식과 실태를 파악하는데 있다. 이를 위해 전국에 있는 생활시설과 공동생활가정의 관리자 종사자, 이용자를 대상으로 우편조사를 실시하였다. 그 결과, 조사대상 시설들은 이용자 참여와 관련된 시스템을 대체로 갖추고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 재정관리의 주체는 시설인 경우가 많았고 대다수의 기관이 현물로 급여를 제공하고 있었다. 이용자 참여에 대한 거주자의 인식과 실태에 있어서는, 전체집단에 영향을 미치는 결정에의 참여와 관련해서는 위원회참여, 시설운영에 대한 의견제안, 이용자 전체 논의, 이용자 집단에의 참여 등에서 인식정도에 비해서 참여정도가 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 개인생활에서의 참여의 경우는 입소결정, 하루일과, 직업선택에서 인식정도에 비해서 실제 참여정도가 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 관리자, 종사자, 거주자별로 이용자참여에 대한인식과 실태를 비교해 본 결과, 인식의 경우, 관리자, 종사자, 이용자에서 거의 모두 평균 3점 이상으로, 이용자 참여가 필요하다는 인식은 비교적 높은 것으로 나타났다. 각 응답집단이 지각하고 있는 이용자 참여실태는 종사자의 경우가 관리자와 이용자에 비해 상대적으로 낮은 평균값을 보이고 있었다. 이러한 분석결과를 토대로 거주시설에서의 이용자 참여 증진방안을 모색하였다. This Paper concerns the issues of the condition of system operation. Also this paper concern the issues of the perception and the condition of the user participation. The administrators, workers, users who worked in the facilities of institution for person with disabilities and group home were questioned with structured survey by mail. The results suggest that, most of the facilities, which were questioned, were equipped the system of the user participation. And the results suggest that the user participation was lower than the user's perception of the committees, suggestion to the operation, at the group level. And at the personal level, the user participation was also lower in the admission, daily work and job choice. We compared the perception with the condition of the user participation which were divided into three group, administrator, worker, user. The results shows that the perception of the user participation were relatively high. But at the perceived condition of each group. the worker group response was lower than those of other's group. We suggest the promotion plan of the user participation in residential facilities.

      • KCI등재

        장애인활동지원서비스에서 이용자 참여, 접점 만족, 서비스 품질의 구조적 관계

        박수지,박형존 강원대학교 사회과학연구원 2023 사회과학연구 Vol.62 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the structural relationship among user participation, encounter satisfaction, and service quality in personal assistance services for disabled. As for the analysis data, users of three organizations that personal assistance services in w City were selected and used data from a total of 278 cases. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model were employed to verify of reliability, validity, and relationship of user participation, encounter satisfaction, and service quality. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, the reliability and validity of customer participation, encounter satisfaction, and service quality scale were verified in the personal assistance services for disabled. Second, user participation has been shown to have a positive effect on the encounter satisfaction. Third, it was found that user participation did not have a significant effect on the service quality. Fourth, there was no significant effect of user participation on service quality. Fifth, it was found that in the relationship between the user participation and service quality, the encounter satisfaction worked completely mediated factors. In the conclusion, it was proposed to use of the scales, support for users' participation activities, support for interaction between users and service provider, and expand the autonomy of operating guidelines.

      • KCI등재

        컨텐츠 유통 플랫폼에서 이용자 참여와 생산자 반응의 적합성 효과에 관한 연구

        손정민,이준섭 한국유통과학회 2015 유통과학연구 Vol.13 No.8

        Purpose - This study’s objective is to analyze the content of the communications between users and producers based on the construal level theory. User generated content refers to content created in an online-based service where users and producers communicate interactively with each other. In a user generated content platform, the messages sent and received between the many players, the users and producers who use the content, may be analyzed at the psychological level based on construal level theory. Research design, data, and methodology - This study gathered user and producer participation through a snow-bowling sampling method. The data analyzed includes 125 video clips and 2,912 comments. The period of the data collection was from September 2014 to December 2014. The collected data was analyzed using a t-test and two-way ANOVA. Results - This study obtained the following research results. First, users who were a short social distance from producers responded to user participatory activities stated in concrete language rather than abstract language. In contrast, users who were at a longer social distance from producers tended to respond to the content requesting user participation through abstract language. Second, if users and producers were at a short social distance from each other, user preference increased more when a producer response to user participation was expressed concretely rather than when it was expressed abstractly. In contrast, if the users were at a longer social distance, users’ preferences increased more when producer response was expressed abstractly rather than when it was expressed concretely. Conclusion - This study found that the effect of suitability, in which the social distance and the content were in congruence at the construal level, could be observed. Therefore, based on this, academic and practical implications were drawn. The three main insights of the study are as follows. First, firms can use psychological factors to analyze the message content of users in their distribution platforms. This study reveals managerial implications for marketing managers who want to take make use of this analysis of user and producer communications. This study indicates that the main factors include the concrete and abstract scores and social distance between users and producers. Second, we also provide the strategic guidelines to maximizing user preferences and other outcomes. The main dependent variable in this study is the user preference shift; the variable increases through the congruence effect; and the construal level is determined by the social distance between the users and producers and the type of producer response. The outcomes here from users can be utilized to develop several systemic strategies. One process to use the outcomes could be: (1) firms could measure the users and producers social distance; (2) calculate the concreteness or abstractness of the messages; and, (3) predict the user preference outcomes by the congruence between user and producer social distance and the abstractness or concreteness of the message content.

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