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      • KCI등재

        어민이 바라본 자원관리형 어업의 지속불가능성과 기회 - 흑산도 참홍어 TAC제도를 중심으로 -

        이경아 한국도서(섬)학회 2023 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.35 No.1

        This study starts with a question about the sustainability of resource management-based fisheries in the face of increasing uncertainty in fishery production. The study aims to examine the limitations of resource management-based fisheries as perceived by fishermen and explore alternative solutions. Although the TAC (Total Allowable Catch) system has been in place for over twenty years and while the system has been somewhat established, there are still complaints about the system and conflicts among fishermen persist. Despite the introduction of scientifically proven TAC systems that are effective in managing and protecting fishery resources, the government has not yet gained the trust of fishermen in its pursuit of resource management-based fisheries. This study examines the flaws in the operation of the TAC system raised by fishermen through qualitative research on the system introduced for the efficient management of shared resources in fishing villages. Generally, the success or failure of a system depends on its flexibility or changeability, and through various trials and errors, it can lead to modifications and evolution of the system. This study focuses on how resource-managed fisheries, which were initially deemed unsustainable due to government intervention and institutional contradictions and pitfalls, reach optimal results through social consensus. To analyze the cause of the acute confrontation regarding TAC, this study sought to hear the experiences of fishermen in the actual fishing industry, rather than from a legal or institutional perspective. Therefore, by describing the experiences of fishermen directly affected by the problems of the TAC system in a nationalistic manner, it was confirmed that the conflict arises not from the flaws in the system, but from the contradictions in its operation. Furthermore, through ethnographic research and discussion, the study examines how fishermen in Heuksando who catch Hongeo(skate) exercise community powers to overcome the sustainability challenges of fishing. In this study, while ethnography describing the experiences of fishermen with the TAC system, it was confirmed that the problem was not with the system itself, but with its operational issues. The TAC system for Raja pulchra, which was introduced to reduce excessive competition among fishermen and maximize fishing profits, instead caused conflicts and reverse discrimination among them. In other words, due to the contradiction in its operation, the government's fishery resource management did not have an impact on non-TAC fishing industries, which allowed them to benefit unfairly. From the outset, this created an uneven playing field. There is a high likelihood that non-designated fisheries without TAC will contribute to the unsustainable nature of fishing due to "free riding.” Fortunately, the moral sentiments of fishermen who exhibit empathy capacity can also function as the energy for building trust and solidarity and for creating alternative worlds. Unlike market exchanges which is immediate, one-time, profit-seeking, the principle of reciprocal exchange is personal, obligatory, and cyclical, and includes a sense of obligation and moral sentiment in giving and receiving. In this respect, the governance formed around the designation of national important fisheries heritage was not a relationship that only derived rational choices. Especially, fishermen consider not only costs and benefits in the decision-making process, but also social values such as public interest and norm compliance. In other words, fishermen pursue bounded rationality, which is possible because it is based on reciprocity through the formation of trust and solidarity. Ultimately, fishermen were able to create opportunities to prevent the sustainability crisis of fisheries based on the community of resident autonomy, rather than government regulations and interventions. This paper aims to examine the social dilemma in the operation of t...

      • KCI등재

        (Un)Sustainable transitions towards fast and ultra-fast fashion

        Tulin Dzhengiz,Teresa Haukkala,Olli Sahimaa 한국의류학회 2023 Fashion and Textiles Vol.10 No.1

        Due to pressing sustainability challenges, the fashion industry is undergoing tremendous change. Surprisingly, even though the unique context of fashion presents an opportunity for scholars to explore the (un)sustainable transitions, this context has yet to receive the attention of transition scholars. Our article explores fashion transitions and develops a conceptual framework demonstrating this transition's multi-level and multi-dimensional interactions. We draw on three literature areas: multi-level perspective (MLP) of sustainable transitions, institutional logics and framing contests. We then introduce a conceptual framework and illustrative examples from the industry and demonstrate the tensions between positive and negative environmental and social sustainability developments at the niche, regime and landscape levels. We show that while many positive developments can be seen in the regime players through the adoption of corporate sustainability initiatives, new business models and collaborations, more attention should also be given to some adverse developments. Overall, we contribute to the literature by exploring fashion transitions, an under-explored context, and by demonstrating the complexity of interactions due to the diffusion of heterogeneous institutional logics and framing contests between players.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 디지털 혁명에 응답하는 한국 신학 ―불이적(不二的, advaya) 사랑

        신익상 한신대학교 한신신학연구소 2022 신학연구 Vol.59 No.1

        본 논문은 그리스도의 ‘사랑’이 ‘초-연결’을 핵심으로 하는 새로운 디지털 혁명의 시대에 어떤 지향과 문제의식으로 응답해야 하는지에 관한 한국 상황에서의 신학적 단상이다. 이를 위해 먼저 ‘초-연결’의 개념을 살피고, 이 개념이 지탱하는 구조적인 욕망인 효율성과 지속가능성의 밀접한 관련성을 지적한다. 이어서 그리스도의 사랑에 대한 한국 신학의 이해로서 ‘불이적 사랑’이라는 개념을 ‘아무것도 아닌 것들이 살아내는 삶’이라는 주제로 소개하고 논한다. 그렇게 함으로써, 새로운 디지털 혁명의 시대에 그리스도의 사랑이 어떻게 이해되고 실천될 수 있을지를 밝힌다. 여기에는 성육신 개념의 해석을 통한 불이적 사랑의 소개, 그리고 이 사랑의 실천과 관련된 아무것도 아닌 것들의 신학적 주체성의 제시가 포함된다. 마지막으로, 효율성을 극대화해서 지속 가능한 세상을 만들려는 새로운 디지털 혁명의 불가능한 발상에 ‘지속불가능성’이라는 방법론으로 대응함으로써 불이적 사랑의 실천을 구체화할 수 있음을 논한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        巨文島 洞神祭儀의 실상과 지속가능성

        김준옥(kim, junok) 국어문학회 2014 국어문학 Vol.56 No.-

        이 논문은 빠르게 진행되고 있는 문화변동 속에서 거문도 동신제의(洞神祭儀)가 기능적으로 주민들의 신명(神明)으로 지속해서 작동될 수 있을 것인가에 주목하고 기필되었다. 신석기시대 및 청동기시대의 유물이 출토될 정도로 장구한 역사를 간직한 거문도는 여수와 제주 중간 수역에 위치한 절해 고도(絶海孤島)이다. 일찍이 한중일(韓中日) 간 해상 교류의 길목이기도 했으며, 근래까지 어항(漁港), 상항(商港), 피항(避港)으로서 호황을 누렸다. 근현대에는 러시아, 일본, 영국, 미국 등으로부터 침범을 당하기도 했다. 이 같은 환경 속에서, 거문도는 6개 마을이 형성되었다. 6개 마을에서는 모두 8개의 동신제의가 거행되었는데, 현재는 2개 마을에서 형식적으로 시행되고 있고, 4개 마을 제의는 ‘거문도한마음어촌전통문화재현행사’로 통합되었다. 그 변동양상은 희박한 신앙성(信仰性), 결여된 민중성(民衆性), 강화된 연희성(演戱性)으로 요약할 수 있었다. 이로 말미암아 거문도 동신제의의 기능적 지속가능성을 ‘부정적’으로 판단했다. 다만, 옛 의례(儀禮)가 지역축제 프로그램으로 활용되고 대중예술로 재창조되고 있는 현상을 볼 때, 거문도 동신제의는 그 기능을 이탈한 변동의 가능성은 있을 것이다. 이 연구 결과는 거의 모든 도서(島嶼) 동신제의의 지속 가능성을 규명하는 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. This research is prepared wondering whether the rituals for the village guardians of Geomun-do could remain as guardian spirits of the residents facing a rapid change of culture and lifestyle. Geomun-do is a remote island located intermediately between Yeosu and Jeju thrived until recently as a port for fish, commerce or retreat. Geomun-do has been carrying the relics since the Neolithic and Bronze Ages and had once played a major role for marine trades among Korea, China and Japan. Among 8 sorts of rituals respective for the guardians of 6 Geomun-do towns, ritual services are being carried out these days only superficially in no more than 2 towns and the rituals of the other 4 towns have been combined as a ‘Geomun-do one mind fishing village traditional culture revival event’ which is analyzed due to the shallow piety, lack of popularity or insufficient entertainment factors. Thus the rituals for the village guardians in Geomun-do are diagnosed to be unsustainable with function. It must be, however, premature to conclude that the rituals have been completely forgotten as the ancient ritual services are conducted yet in some areas for the local festivity. This research is expected to be utilized for the examination of the sustainability of rituals in almost all islands.

      • KCI등재

        주거환경에 영향을 미치는 난개발 유형구분과 방지대책 - 경상남도 함안군 개별공장 입지분석을 중심으로 -

        주희선 한국주거학회 2019 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.30 No.2

        난개발은 1990년 중반 준농림지제도를 도입과 동시에 행위제한 방식이 변화되면서 전국적으로 난개발이 촉발되기 시작했다. 난개발은 도로, 상하수도 및 학교 등 기반시설과 공공시설의 부족 문제가 주요내용이었다. 교외지역에서 무분별하게 발생하는 개별공장이 난립하여 발생하는 기반시설 부족문제, 무분별한 택지개발로 인한 환경오염, 인근 주민들의 주거환경 악화, 농경지 및 임야 잠식 등 다양한 사회문제를 야기하고 있다. 이는 민간의 개발이익을 극대화하기 위한 개발사업 추진으로 장기적으로는 사회적 비용이 증가하게 된 것이다. 경남도의 경우, 지역마다 특성이 다르긴 하지만 대도시 인근의 중소도시나 농촌지역에서는 난개발의 압력은 높은 편이다. 본 연구에서는 난개발의 개념, 지방중소도시인 함안구의 난개발 특성과 유형분류하고 난개발의 수준과 경향을 파악하는 것이 목적이다. 이를 위해, 함안군 내 개별공장 입지를 통해 난개발 현황을 실증분석하고, 경사도별 공장입지분석, 개발가능지 분석, 신규공장 입지가능지역을 분석하였다. 이러한 분석을 바탕으로 적정 경사도를 도출하고자 하였다. 본 연구결과는 지방의 도시개발 전략과 방향을 모색하기 위한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. The primary attributes of unsustainable development are insufficient infrastructure and a lack of public facilities such as roads, water supply and sewage, and schools. More specifically, suburban areas where factories are densely placed, unsustainable development is causing environmental pollution due to indiscriminate housing development, deterioration of residential environments for neighboring residents, and farm and forest lands being encroached upon. These projects maximize the development gains of citizens but increase long-term social costs. Though characteristics in each of Gyeongnam-do’s regions may differ, the pressures of unsustainable development are high in the small and medium-sized cities that neighbor metropolises. The purpose of the present study is to define the concept of unsustainable development, classify the characteristics of unsustainable development in the town of Haman-gun , and determine the levels and trends of unsustainable development. To this end, this study conducted an empirical analysis of the present condition of unsustainable development using the locations of individual factories within Haman-gun, and it analyzed the gradient of each factory location, potential areas for development, and potential locations for new factories. Based on these analyses this study attempted to deduce an optimum gradient. The results of this study may be used as baseline data to search for strategies to direct local urban development.

      • KCI등재

        지속불가능한 휴먼, 번성가능한 포스트휴먼:

        주기화(Kee wha Joo) 한국영미문학교육학회 2018 영미문학교육 Vol.22 No.1

        This paper analyzes the catastrophe of the ‘unsustainable human’ imagined by Margaret Atwood in Oryx and Crake, and proposes a thrivable new life form suitable for the posthuman era beyond neoliberal humanism, nihilism, and techno-utopia. In this regard, Bruno Latour’s ‘Actor-Network Theory’(ANT) and Gilbert Simondon’s ‘Transindividual Human-Machine Ensemble’ provide a useful framework for analysis. Analysis reveals that the total crisis of the near future portrayed in this work is due to 1)the relationship between human and nonhuman that are not appropriately controlled for technological development, 2)the mechanism of human control and detachment of nonhuman, 3)the succession of previous relations, and 4)the absence of new relations that have not yet been established. Therefore it is necessary to reflect the previous human-nonhuman network and to study and invent a new human-nonhuman network adapted to technological development. Inspite of the terrible apocalyptic factor, this work warns against a harmful ‘human-nonhuman network’ and suggests the transindividual ‘human-nonhuman ensemble.’ This novel also shows that the ontological phase of human can transit from the ‘unsustainable human’ that dominated nature to the ‘thrivable posthuman.’

      • KCI등재

        개발행위허가 및 인구증가 기준에 의한DIF 구역지정 비교연구 -합역 및 핫스팟 기법을 중심으로-

        김성훈,최내영 한국지방자치학회 2018 韓國地方自治學會報 Vol.30 No.3

        The administrative tool currently available in Korea to counteract the urban sprawls is to set the Development Impact Fee (DIF) zones. The reported incidences of the DIF zone designation nationwide is, however, quite trivial until now. The study, in an effort to enhance the viability of the DIF zoning, adopts the Hotspot Analysis technique as well as Aggregation technique suggested in the DIF manual in determining the primary DIF zones. Simulations are run over the case area of Jeju City by both methods, and the outcomes are evaluated based on the ‘stability’ and ‘precision’ criteria. Consequently, the hotspot analysis has proven to designate the greater number of the primary DIF zones with the larger areal sizes, yet with significantly higher level of stability and precision. Importantly, it seemed possible to use the technique not only for the criterion of the number of development permits, but also for the criterion of the population increase rate dictated in the manual as well in specifying the DIF zones. 현재 우리나라에서 난개발 현상을 사전에 방지하기 위하여 필요 기반시설을 예측하고 설치하기 위한정책적 도구로는 기반시설부담구역제도(DIF)가 있다. 그러나 전국적으로 위 제도가 그 정책적 취지에 비해 활성화되어 있지 못함과 동시에 특히 제도실행 방법론상의 개선여지가 지적되고 있는 것이 현실이다. 본 연구는 이러한 맥락에서 현재 개발이 활발한 제주시를 대상지로 하여 기반시설부담구역 제1단계 구역을 지정함에 있어 현행 제도 운영지침에서 제시하고 있는 공간병합 방법과 함께 그 대안으로서 핫스팟분석기법을 모의실험을 통해 적용해 보고 양 방식 간 도출결과를 안정성 및 정확성 등의 평가지표에 기초하여 비교 평가해 보았다. 결과적으로, 핫스팟 방법이 기존의 공간병합 방법보다 더 큰 규모의 공간단위로 더 많은 기반시설부담구역 제1단계 구역을 지정할 수 있음과 동시에 안정성과 정확성에 있어서도더 양호한 도출결과를 가져온다는 점을 확인하였으며, 또한 개발행위허가 증가율 기준 뿐만 아니라 인구증가율 기준의 구역지정에 있어서도 매우 유용하게 적용될 수 있음을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        택지개발사업지구 지정에 따른 주변지역 개발행위허가 공간분포 실태분석: 청주시를 대상으로

        황희연 ( Hee Yun Hwang ),권정주 ( Jeong Ju Kwon ) 한국도시지리학회 2010 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        This study is to establish the foundation to improve development permit system through in-depth analysis of how designated land development affects development permit on the surrounding area. To progress this study, concepts of development permit system, operating conditions of development permit system, and theoretical systems of space centrality were established. It was followed by the analysis of objects to development permit system based on preserving dossiers (2004~2009) of development permit system in Cheong-ju city and analysis of space centrality by GIS. After the analysis, properties of land classification, zoning centralized by development permit system in surrounding areas of land development, space centrality; and space distribution changes in objects of development permit system in Chungju city were studied. This study has significant meaning that it used a quantitative method to analyze spatial distribution of development permit system by designated land development and spatial analysis using GIS method to understand the distributional patterns of development permit system.

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