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        연변대학의 한국학 현황과 과제

        송현호 한중인문학회 2013 한중인문학연구 Vol.41 No.-

        이 글은 연변대학의 한국학 인프라를 한국의 학계에 알리는 동시에 연변대학 스스로 자신들이 보유하고 있는 가치를 잘 이해하고 한국학진흥사업단 중핵대학사업의 아젠다를 결정하는데 도움을 주기 위해 작성되었다. 연변대학은 우리의 문화유산이 현존하고 조선족 공동체가 유지되고 있는 중국동북지역의민족 종합대학이면 서 중국 한국학의 선두주자라는 점에서 세계 어느 대학보다 중요한 의미를지니고 있다. 우리가 연변대학에 관 심을 갖고 지원하고 협조를 구하는 것은 바로 그 때문이다. 연변대학은 한국학 인프라가 잘 갖추어진 민족 종합대학이다. 특히 정부의 지원도 많고,교수들의 한국학 교육 과 연구 수준도 한국의 어느 대학에 못지않다. 학술논문을 한국의 등재지에 게재하는 양, 빈도수, 인용지수 등 도 한국의 대학이나 별 차이가 없다. 해외중핵사업단은오랜 시행착오를 거치면서 이제 제 자리를 찾아가고 있 다. 시행착오 과정에서 발견한 사업의목표에서 문제의 본질을 발견해야 한다. 연변대학의 중핵사업단은 중국의 각 대학에서 실시하고 있는 한국학 교육을 실질적으로지도하고 교원을 제공 하고 있는 민족종합대학이라는 사실에 국한되지 않고, 고구려와 발해의문화유산이 산재해 있으며 일제 강점 기 한민족 디아스포라들이 거주하던 공간이라는 역사적인 사실과 남북의 완충지대라는 사실을 잊어서는 안 된다. 향후 해외중핵사업을 재신청할 경우 아젠다는 연변대학은 중국해양대학, 남경대학, 산동대학과 변별적인 특 성, 연변대학만이 할 수 있는 사업을 아주 분명하게 제시하여야 한다. 하바드대, 옥스퍼드대, 동경대, 북경대, 버클리대, 워싱턴대, 런던대, 미시간대, 뉴욕주립대 등을 모방할 필요가 없다. 한국학 연구와 교육의 인프라는 연변대학만한 대학이 없다. 그러나 아젠다는동북 지역 및 중국의 한국학 발전, 다원공존, 한중 이해 증진을 위 한 한국학 연구와 전파, 한중문화와 상호소통 가운데 어떤 것으로 하더라도 중국 동북의 한국학 학술거점지로 서 특성이 드러날 수 있는 연구와 교육의 틀을 갖추고 선택과 집중을 하는 것이 무엇보다도 중요하다. 연변대학은 민족 종합대학이기에 다양한 학문 분야에 걸쳐 한국학의 선도적 역할을 하고있고 다양한 학문 분 야의 융합적 연구와 교육을 수행할 능력을 지니고 있다. 이 점은 약이될 수도 있고 독이 될 수도 있다. 후발 대 학들이 한국학 연구와 교육을 수행하는데 어려움이없도록 노하우를 공유하는 것은 약이 될 수 있지만, 종합 대학의 특성을 강조하다보면 너무잡다한 것까지 다루는 우를 범할 수 있다. 연변대학 중핵사업단만이 할 수 있는 사업을 선택하여 집중적으로 지원함으로써 중국 최고의 한국학연구교육센터로 키우기 위한 전략을 마련 하고 비전을 제시할 필요가 있다. At the same time inform the academic community of South Korea the Korean Studies infrastructure of Yanbian University, this article is to help you determine the agenda of the Korean Studies Promotion Service to understand the value of their holds himself Yanbian University was created. While being a University for Nationalities of Northeast China to ethnic Korean community is maintained our cultural heritage is in existence, and in terms of leader China, the Korean Studies, Yanbian University, more important than any university in the world I have a meaning. We do you seek the cooperation and support to interested in Yanbian University, because its just. Yanbian University is an ethnic Korean Studies University infrastructure is well-equipped. In particular, support of government many, it is not inferior to university in Korea Korean studies education and research level of Professor. There is no difference and most Korean universities amount to be published in the Do~unjeji Korean academic paper, frequency, as well as citation index. Through the trial and error of many years, current, Agency of overseas center,looking for my place. In business purposes found in the process of trial and error, it must discover the nature of the problem. Is not limited to being a University for Nationalities, which provides teachers with guidance substantially Korean studies education that is carried out at the universities of China , the central Agency of Yanbian University, cultural heritage of Bohai and Koguryo but you are scattered, we should not forget the fact that buffer zone units and inter historical fact that space Diaspora of Korean people in Japan Emperor lived. If you want to re- apply for a business overseas center of the future, the agenda , distinctive characteristics Ocean University of China, Nanjing University, and Shandong University, Yanbian University, to be presented very clearly the business only Yanbian University can be does not. Do not need to imitate Harvard, University of Oxford, University of Tokyo, Peking University,Berkeley University, Washington University, University of London, University of Michigan, and the State University of New York. The infrastructure of research and teaching of Korean studies, there is no University of only Yanbian University. However, propagation development of Korean Studies of China and Northeast region, coexistence of the polygraph, and Korean studies research for the public understanding of China and South Korea, such as any that, agenda,Northeast China in the cross-pollination of Korean and Chinese culture it is provided with a frame of research and education that can be characterized as Korea academic voluntarily report becomes clear, make a selection and concentration is more important than anything. Yanbian University because it is University for Nationalities, we have the lead role of Korean studies across academic various fields, you have the ability to do research and teaching interdisciplinary academic various fields. This point can become medicines, to be a poison in. To share the know-how so that there is no difficulty University of generic is to conduct research and education of Korean studies can be a medicine, but when highlights the characteristics of the university, ranging too miscellaneous it is possible to make a case to cover. By selecting a business that only the center Agency of Yanbian University can, to support intensive, there is a need to present a vision by preparing a strategy to grow in Korean Studies Research and Education Center of China's best.

      • Barriers and Problems: How to Develop University Sport in China

        ( Wang Yong Shun ) 한국체육학회 2015 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.1

        Purpose: Some experiences and lessons has been obtained since 1986,when china begin to develop university sports and hold the related games. While there are still some problems need to solve in the development of university sports in China. In the new condition of education and spot system’s reform, we have to answer these questions, how to develop university sport, how to understand the role of university sport what is the purpose of university sport, what are the main factors in the development of college sport. Method: literature review, expert interview and questionnaire survey. Conclusion: first, The important role of university sport is helping improve the development of university, attracting more people participate in sport, constructing the college culture and bringing economical benefits to university. Second, due to the sport management system’s reform, there is a good environment for the development of university sport in china. Third, the inside environment is vital to china’s university sport, the management framwork is so symple and lack of management and laws. Forth, there are some problems in athletes students, they always have problems in study and job finding, so there are should be some changes in recruiting and cultivating these students.

      • KCI등재

        중국 대학교 역사교재의 ‘조선시대 한중관계 및 문화’ 서술과 인식

        구도영 동북아역사재단 2023 東北亞歷史論叢 Vol.- No.79

        Recently, China is moving to nationalize not only middle and high school textbooks but also history textbooks used in universities. Therefore, this study aims to select three representative historical textbooks currently used by Chinese universities to examine the relationship between Korea and China and the cultural description of the Joseon Dynasty and to confirm their aspects. The first textbook to be analyzed is Main points of Chinese history(『中國史綱要』) compiled by Zen Bojian(剪伯贊). It is a history textbook that is widely adopted by Chinese universities today, including Peking University. It is China’s “National History” textbook, and the contents are concentrated in Chinese domestic history, so the only content about Joseon is the Imjin War(壬辰倭亂). Although it has been revised since it was compiled in the 1960s, the book does not contain the ‘North-east Historical Project of China(東北工程)’ style historical perception that has taken place in China since the 2000s. The second textbook to be analyzed is The ancient history of the world(『世界中古史』), which is used as a textbook for world history by various universities such as Beijing Normal University. This book is a world history textbook, but the content is close to European history. As for Asian countries, only Joseon, Japan, and Indian history are introduced, and the volume is very small. I am concerned that Chinese students will perceive world history as centered on European history. In this textbook, Korea-China relations during the Joseon Dynasty were all about the Imjin War. As for Joseon culture, we highly appreciate Hangeul, science, and medical technology, and there is no attempt to interpret Korean culture as China-centered, such as the “Chinese Culture Origination Theory” in recent Chinese academia. The third textbook to be analyzed is The ancient Chinese history (『中國古代史』) created by various local universities such as Hwadong Normal University and Shandong University, which are universities of education in Shanghai, China. It is a university association textbook near Shanghai, not Beijing, so it differs from other history textbooks in terms of content. It is also characterized by the fact that it contains more contents of exchanges with foreign countries than the textbook of The ancient history of the world(『世界中古史』), and that the history of cultural exchange is composed of a separate table of contents. In the section explaining the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, the Japanese emperor’s name is written with the Chinese emperor, and the name of the war called by the Japanese academic community is also mentioned. In this book, I am concerned that the relationship between Joseon and the Qing Dynasty was defined as a ‘Zongfan(宗藩) relationship’, not a tribute relationship. In short, Chinese university textbooks were written in the early and mid-2000s, and there is no such content as the ‘the theory of cultural origin(文化起源論)’ of Chinese academia, and the contents of Korea-China relations during the Joseon Dynasty are concentrated in the Imjin War. Recently, research on the history of the Joseon Dynasty and cultural history has been rapidly increasing in Chinese academia, so it is necessary to track how Chinese history textbooks will describe Korean culture in the future. 최근 중국은 중고등학교 교과서에서 나아가 대학교에서 사용하는 역사교재도 국정화하려는 움직임을 보이고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 현재 중국 대학교에서 활용하는 대표적인 역사교재 3가지를 선정하여, 조선시대 한중관계와 문화 서술을 살펴보고 그 양상을 확인하고자 한다. 첫 번째 분석 대상 교재는 젠보짠(剪伯贊) 주편 『중국사강요』이다. 북경대를 비롯해 현재 중국 대학에서 가장 많이 활용하는 역사교재이다. 중국의 ‘국사’ 교재로, 중국 국내사에 내용이 집중되어 있어 조선에 대한 내용은 임진왜란뿐이다. 1960년대 편찬된 이후 개정되기는 했으나 젠보짠이 만든 마르크스주의적 시각이 관철되어 있어, 2000년대 이후 중국에서 벌어진 동북공정식 역사 인식은 보이지 않는다. 두 번째 분석 대상 교재는 북경사범대학 등 여러 대학에서 세계사 교재로 활용하는 『세계중고사』이다. 이 책은 세계사 교재이지만, 내용은 유럽사에 가깝다. 아시아는 조선, 일본, 인도사만 소개되고 있으며 분량도 매우 적다. 세계사를 유럽사 중심으로 인식할 가능성이 커 보인다. 조선시대 한중관계는 임진왜란이 전부이고, 조선문화에 대해서는 한글, 과학, 의학 기술을 높이 평가하며, 최근 중국학계에서 보이는 ‘중국문화 기원론’과 같이 한국문화를 중국 중심으로 해석하려는 모습이 보이지 않는다. 세 번째 분석 대상 교재는 중국 상해의 사범대학인 화동사범대학교, 산동대학교 등의 여러 지방대학이 연합해서 만든 『중국고대사』이다. 북경이 아닌 상해 인근 대학 연합 교재여서 앞서 분석한 역사교재와 내용 면에서 차이가 있다. 앞서 『세계중고사』보다 외국들과의 교류 내용이 더 많고, 문화교류사를 별도의 목차로 구성하고 있다는 점도 특기할 만하다. 임진왜란 편에서 일본 천황 연호를 중국 황제와 병기하고, 일본학계에서 부르는 전쟁명을 별도로 언급한 것도 다른 교재들과 차별적이다. 조선과 청과의 관계를 조공관계가 아니라 ‘종번(宗藩)관계’라고 정의한 것은 우려되는 부분이다. 요컨대 중국 대학 교재가 2000년대 초중반 집필되어 최근 중국학계의 ‘문화 원조론’과 같은 내용은 없으며, 조선시대 한중관계에 대한 내용은 임진왜란에 집중되어 있다. 최근 중국학계에서 조선시대사와 문화사 연구가 급증하고 있으니, 향후 중국의 역사교재에서 한국문화가 어떻게 서술될지 관심을 기울여야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 국가이미지에 대한 인식 연구 -한국 사이버대학교 중국 학습자를 대상으로-

        임규섭 한중사회과학학회 2022 한중사회과학연구 Vol.20 No.3

        Recently, conflicts between Korea and China have emerged in various fields, Korea’s anti-China sentiment has intensified, and Koreans’ favorability toward China has declined significantly. In particular, the younger generation’s antipathy to China has grown even greater. Therefore, this study, as part of a study on Korea’s perception of China, conducted a survey of university students who studied China at cyber university to analyze China’s national image formation path, components, and favorable feelings toward China. The students participated in the survey had various backgrounds, including gender, age, occupation, academic background, experience in China and university major. They have learned knowledge of Chinese language, history, culture, society, politics, economy, and international relations opened by the department of Chinese Studies at Cyber University. In addition, the students acquired information and knowledge about China for at least one hour each week. In particular, many students have visited China for reasons such as residence, business trip, and travel. As a result of analyzing the survey, students usually understood China through various methods, and among them, they preferred the ‘Internet’ using mobile phones the most. Next was ‘local visit to China’, and the proportion of ‘regular school education’ and books was relatively low. In addition, the method that had the greatest influence on the formation of the national image and favorability of China was local visit to China, followed by news media. Regarding China’s national image, students saw China as an economically emerging country that inherited traditional culture well and had a unique culture. Yet, China’s politics, society, national character, and Korea-China relations were negatively recognized, and trust in China was not high either. However, the students did not have a bad affinity for China, recognized China as a very important partner country, and said that they should understand and study China in the future. 최근 한국과 중국은 여러 영역에서 갈등을 보이면서, 한국의 반중 정서는 심해지고 한국인의 중국에 대한 호감도는 크게 하락하였다. 특히, 젊은 세대의 중국에 대한 반감은 더욱 커졌다. 이에 본 연구는 한국의 중국에 대한 인식 연구의 일환으로, 사이버대학교에서 중국을학습한 대학생을 대상으로 설문조사를 진행하여 중국의 국가이미지 형성 경로, 구성 요소및 중국에 대한 호감도를 분석하였다. 설문조사에 참여한 학생들은 성별, 연령, 직업, 학력, 중국 경험 및 대학 전공 등 다양한 배경을 가졌고, 사이버대학 중국학과에서 개설한 중국어및 중국의 역사, 문화, 사회, 정치, 경제 및 국제관계 등의 지식을 학습하였으며, 매주 최소 1 시간 이상 중국에 대한 정보 및 지식을 습득하였다. 특히, 다수의 학생은 거주, 출장, 여행 등이유로 중국을 방문한 경험이 있었다. 설문을 분석한 결과, 학생들은 평소 다양한 경로를 통해 중국을 이해하였으며, 그중 핸드폰을 이용한 ‘인터넷’을 가장 선호했고, 그다음은 ‘중국 현지 방문’이었으며, ‘학교 정규 교육’ 및 서적의 비중은 비교적 작았다. 또한 중국에 대한 국가이미지 형성 및 호감도에 가장크게 영향을 미친 경로는 중국 현지 방문이었고 그다음은 언론매체였다. 중국의 국가이미지에 대해 학생들은 중국을 경제적으로 부상한 국가이며 전통문화를 잘 계승하고 문화적 독창성도 가지고 있지만, 정치, 사회, 국민성 및 한중관계에 대해서는 부정적으로 인식하였고, 중국에 대한 신뢰도 높지 않았다. 그러나 학생들은 중국에 대한 호감이 그다지 나쁘지 않았고, 중국을 매우 중요한 협력 국가로 인식하였으며, 앞으로도 중국을 이해하고 공부해야 한다고했다.

      • KCI등재

        중앙민족대학의 한국학 현황과 과제

        송현호 한중인문학회 2013 한중인문학연구 Vol.40 No.-

        2000년대 들어 한국의 많은 대학들이 경제논리를 내세워 한국학 관련 학과를 폐지하거나 통합하는데 반해 중국에서의 한국학은 급속히 발전해가고 있다. 한국학 인프라를 잘 갖추고 있는 중앙민족대학의 경우도 그 중 하나로, 정부의 지원도 많고, 교수들의 한국학 교육과 연구 수준도 한국의 어느 대학에 못지않다. 다만 학술논문을 한국의 등재지에 게재하는 양, 빈도수, 인용지수 등이 한국의 대학이나 연변대학에 비해 상대적으로 적은 편이다. 학문 평가는 질과 양을 모두 중시하고 있지만 객관성을 담보하기 곤란할 때 양적 평가를 우위에 두는 경우가 종종 있다. 중앙민족대학이 학과목 또는 정품/우수 학과목 건설을 위해 노력하는 것은 이 대학의 주요 목표가 교육 프로그램을 강화하는 것에 있음을 고려하면 의미 있는 시도라 할 수 있다. 또한 국제학술대회와 대학원생 학술 포럼 등을 통해 한국 대학이나 학생과의 교류를 확산하고 있 으며 사업 참가자들이 관련성과를 다수 제출하고 있는 점도 긍정적이다. 하지만 대부분의 사 업목표가 중점에 두고 있는 교육프로그램 강화를 넘어서 한국학의 전 분야에 걸쳐 다방면의 활성화를 제시하고 있다는 점에서 사업목표를 재조정하여 본 대학만의 특성을 강화할 필요가 있다. 특히 교육부의 한국학진흥사업이나 중핵대학사업은 한국학 교육과 연구의 체계적 지원과 관련이 있고, 교육과 연구가 불가분의 관계에 있음을 상기할 필요가 있다. 이는 ‘북경지역에서 의 한국학 교육과 교류의 자립기반 구축에 이론적, 학문적 기여’라는 사업 목표와 ‘한국학 교 육과 연구 영역의 확대 및 발굴’이라는 세부 목표의 범주를 재규정해야 할 것을 제기하는 것 이다. 교육목표 연구, 교육과정 연구, 교육프로그램 연구 등은 교육의 범주로만 국한할 수 없 기 때문이다. 중앙민족대학은 어문학에 국한되지 않고 다양한 학문 분야에 걸쳐 한국학의 선도적 역할 을 하고 있고 다양한 학문 분야의 융합적 연구와 교육을 수행할 능력을 지니고 있다. 이는 조선어문학부 교수들의 부담을 가중시키는 결과를 초래하기도 하지만 어문학 교육에 치중하 고 있는 중국 내의 다른 대학들에 역사, 철학, 정치, 경제 등의 분야에서의 한국학 연구와 교육 의 노하우를 공유하여 한국어 교육 중심의 학술 교류를 한국학 전반으로 확대할 수 있는 토대 를 마련할 역량을 가지고 있음을 의미한다. 따라서 중앙민족대학은 자신들이 지니고 있는 토 대와 역량을 십분 발휘하여 남한과 북한의 학술적인 성과를 연결하고, 나아가 통일 시대 한국 학을 선도하는 대학이 되어야 할 것이다. 2000s, many universities in Korea abolished or integrated department related Korean based on economic logic, while Korean Studies in China is rapidly evolving. Studies in well-equipped infrastructure in the case of Minzu University of China(中央民族大学) is one of them, lots of support from the government, Professor of Educational Studies and Research levels are as good as any university in Korea. However, South Korea's KCI academic papers published in volume, frequency, citation index, such as the University of South Korea and the Yanbian University(延邊大學) is relatively small compared to. In Academic evaluation, the emphasis on both quality and quantity is important, but to ensure objectivity, quantitative evaluation is often put in the lead. Minzu University of China(中央民族大学) courses or standard / excellent subjects for the construction of the university's main goal is to try to enhance the educational program, considering that what is meaningful work. The International Conference and graduate students through academic forums, Korea University and the spread and exchange of students and project participants are submitted by a number of related performance is also positive. However, most focus on business objectives to strengthen education programs in place across all sectors over many aspects of Korean Studies suggest that the activation of the restructuring on the business objectives and the nature of the university have to be strengthen. In particular, Core University business and Korean Studies Promotion business of the Ministry of education of the Korean associated with systemic support, and education and research an integral relationship that needs to be said. This 'Studies in the Beijing area of training and exchanges to build self-reliance based on the theoretical and scholarly contribution' business objectives and the 'Korean education and research area, zoom in and excavation' the need to redefine the category of targets that will be raised. Research educational goals, curriculum research, research training programs of education can not be limited only to the category is. Minzu University of China(中央民族大学) is not limited to the language and literature across a variety of disciplines and leading role in Korean, and the convergence of multiple disciplines study skills and education has to do is Professor of the Faculty of Korean language that burden may result in language and literature, but concentrated on education and other universities in China in the history, philosophy, politics, economics, etc. Studies in the field of research and education by sharing know-how of the Korean Training Center Studies of academic exchanges to expand the overall capacity to provide a foundation on which means that there. So they Minzu University of China(中央民族大学) has shown the advantage of the foundation and capabilities of North and South Korea connect academic performance and further unification period leading Korean universities will have to be.

      • KCI등재


        朴晶敏,채영호 한중법학회 2024 中國法硏究 Vol.54 No.-

        A first-class undergraduate major refers to an undergraduate major implemented by the Chinese Ministry of Education under the “Double Ten Thousand Plan” based on first-class undergraduate education. The “Double Ten Thousand Plan” of the Chinese Ministry of Education encourages classified and distinctive development, bringing significant development opportunities to the professional construction of local universities in China, which is conducive to the sustainable development of professional construction in local universities in China. Firstly, based on the investigation of the construction of first-class majors in local universities in China, this article proposes the elements for the construction of first-class majors in law in local universities in China, and analyzes the limiting factors for the development of law majors in local universities in China. The construction of first-class legal majors in local universities in China provides strong support for the cultivation of local legal talents with regional characteristics. Local Chinese universities should choose a distinctive talent training model for law majors. Positioning legal education in local universities as a distinctive talent cultivation model is an objective need for China’s economic and social development, an inevitable requirement for the development of China’s legal education industry, and an inevitable choice for improving the quality of China’s legal education.Furthermore, based on the examination of the necessity of implementing regional characteristic talent cultivation in the law major of local universities in China, this article elaborates on the connotation and positioning of regional characteristic law talent cultivation in local universities in China. Starting from promoting educational reform, updating and improving the curriculum system, strengthening practical teaching, strengthening the construction of the teacher team, and exploring new models of foreign-related legal talent cultivation, the article carries out construction, We will comprehensively improve the training efficiency of legal professionals with regional characteristics in local universities in China.

      • KCI등재

        한중 대학생 창업의 지역경제효과에 대한 비교분석

        임진아,왕하 한국벤처창업학회 2024 벤처창업연구 Vol.19 No.2

        This study examines the impact of university graduate Startup rates on economic growth in the regions where universities are located, using panel data from 35 universities in 17 regions in Korea and 21 universities in 13 cities in China over a six-year period from 2016 to 2021. In Korea, a total of 35 universities were selected as part of the Ministry of Education's "University-initiated Startup" policy, including Startup-oriented universities, leading universities in Startup education innovation, Startup education bases, and excellent universities in Startup education, while in China, 21 universities were selected as part of the pilot bases established as part of the "Mass Entrepreneurship, Mass Innovation" policy. To analyze the economic impact of the universities on the regions where they are located, we aimed to conduct an empirical analysis of the economic impact using economic indicators of the economic growth rate of the regions where they are located. The results of the empirical analysis show that the Startup rate of university graduates in Korea and China both have a positive impact on the regional economic growth rate, but the Startup rate of local university graduates in Korea has a greater impact on the regional economy than in China. Based on the findings that the number of entrepreneurs produced by universities has a positive impact on the economic growth of their regions, this study draws implications for the role of universities and regions in revitalizing local economies and the establishment of systems to resolve the imbalance between metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas.

      • KCI등재

        대학홍보영상 정보성의 한·중 비교 연구

        유췌,이보희 한국콘텐츠학회 2022 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.22 No.5

        With the fierce competition between universities and the diversification and rapid development of multimedia, university promotional videos have become one of the effective means for universities to instill a better brand image, increase their competitiveness, and attract more new students. There were not many studies on university promotional videos in the field of advertising promotion, and there were no comparative studies on university promotional videos in Korea and China. Accordingly, this study aims to analyze promotional videos of the top 30 universities in Korea and China by referring to the world university rankings released by the 2021 World University Rankings (QS) World University Evaluation Agency and explore the differences between the two countries. According to the results of the study, it was found that there were some significant differences between Korea and China's university promotional images in each analysis category. This study is meaningful in that it will serve as a reference for the production of promotional videos for schools in the future while presenting the differences between Korean and Chinese university promotional videos. 대학 간 경쟁이 치열해지고 멀티미디어의 다양화 및 급속한 발전으로 대학홍보영상은 대학들이 더 좋은 브랜드 이미지를 심어주고 경쟁력을 높이며 신입생을 더 많이 유치할 수 있는 효과적인 수단 중 하나가 되었다. 광고홍보영역에서 대학홍보영상에 관한 연구가 많이 없고, 한국과 중국의 대학홍보영상에 관한 비교연구도 없었다. 이에 따라서 본 연구는 2021 QS(World University Rankings) 세계대학평가기관에서 발표한 세계 대학교 순위명단을 참고하여 한국과 중국의 상위 30개 대학의 홍보영상을 분석하고 두 국가 간 어떠한 차이점이 나타나는지 모색해 보고자 한다. 연구결과에 따라 한국과 중국의 대학홍보영상은 각 분석유목에서 일부 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 한국과 중국의 대학홍보영상의 차이점을 제시하면서 향후 학교 홍보영상의 제작에 참고가 된다는 점에 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Human Rights DISASTER: China's Human Rights Policy toward North Korean Refugees

        이상수 J-INSTITUTE 2021 International Journal of Human & Disaster Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: The Purpose of this article is to review China’s abuse of human rights and the use of cultural relativ-ism in dealing with North Korean refugees in China. It also examines China's human rights policy toward North Korean refugees. China treats the North Korean escapees as illegal economic migrants even though there are many reasons to define them as political refugees. Method: To better appreciate the context of Universalism innate in United Nations and U.S. human rights policies for North Korea, this article analyzes the characteristics of the U.S. North Korean Human Rights Act 2012(NKHRA) and China's agreement with the UN human rights covenant. China's repatriation of the North Korean refugees was an unprecedented incident compared with previous cases. China’s human rights policy towards North Korean refugees is unlikely to change in the Xi Jinping regime. Result: This article draws three findings in connection with the universalism of human rights as follows. First, China thinks that human rights universalism is detrimental to their socialism and government attempts to maintain stability. Second, China puts its political priority on keeping good relations with the North Korean lea-dership and cooperating with the regime. Third, China wants to control the North Korean refugees who may bring disorder to the border region by de-porting them to the DPRK. Conclusion: This article emphasizes China’s negligence concerning its human rights agreement with the UN and concludes that the enhancement of human rights for North Korean refugees in China can be realized by empowering the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’(UNHCR) activity in China and convincing China to behave as a responsible stakeholder through pressure from the international community.

      • KCI등재

        西方影响与中国近代教育 — 以教会大学与中国教育现代化为个案 —

        田正平 교육사학회 2009 교육사학연구 Vol.19 No.2

        Western influence was regarded as one of the important factors in the generation and development process of China modern education. As the carrier of western education that appeared in the particular historical circumstances and under the protection of the unfair treaties, church university had existed in the mainland of China for more than 70 years. And this period was exactly the important time that the Chinese education was transmitted from tradition to modernity. During these years, the church university had cultivated a batch of talents for the Chinese education modernization as well as promoted the development of modern woman education in China. All in all, the church universities had accelerated but had not suspended the process of the traditional feudalistic education to decline, collapse and even die out. For the generation and development of China modern education, church universities had made a certain contributions to promote the process in a variety of ways. 西方影响是中国近代教育产生、发展进程中的一个重要因素。教会大学作为受到不平等条约保护、在特殊历史条件下出现的西方教育的载体,在中国大陆存在了70多年。而这一时期正是中国教育从传统向现代转换的重要时期。70多年间,教会大学为中国教育现代化培养了一批人才,促进了近代女子教育的发展。在传统封建教育衰败、瓦解直至被废除的历史过程中,教会大学所起的作用,总的来看,是加速而不是延缓了这个过程。对于近代新式教育的产生发展而言,教会大学以多种方式为推进这个过程做出了一定的贡献。

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