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      • 일본의 군사전략과 우리의 대응

        권태환 ( Kwon Tae Whan ) 한국군사학회 2020 군사논단 Vol.100 No.1

        In recent years, Japan has continued its normal state by strengthening the US-Japan alliance based on the Indo-Pacific strategy, while promoting new military strategies such as concession of collective self-defense rights, and the distribution of marine Corps and aircraft carrier forces. These activities accelerate the arms race in the region, coupled with increased military threats such as China's 「one belt-one road」 for pursuit of regional hegemony and sea-going North Korean nuclear and missile launches. Japan is actively pursuing normal nations based on the USJapan alliance, with [active pacifism] among the rapidly changing domestic and international security environments, such as the dissolution of the Cold War. Japan, which signed the US-Japan Security Treaty in 1960, and has pursued national security that relies on the US-Japan alliance, adopts the 1976 National Defense Prom Guideline, and the 1978 US-Japan guidelines. Afterwards, the defense plan outline was revised five times in 2018, and the USJapan guideline was revised two times in 2015, and 2013 announced a national security strategy and equipped with a national security system. From this point of view, Japan's military strategy has been developed to reflect various changes, including changes in the situation, while maintaining consistency based on a stable USJapan alliance. To analyze Japan's military strategy 1) At the national security strategy level, defense plan outline, US-Japan guideline, security legislation, Japan-India-Pacific strategy. 2) Performance Deployment of Self-Defense Forces Defense Cost Management Analysis of the defense industry by land and air power evaluation. Japan's military strategy was: 1) US-Japan unification strategy; 2) future-first military strategy; 3) self-contained military strategy capable of independent remote power projection; 4) alliance network military strategy; 5) multidimensional integrated military strategy. The future prospects and challenges are: 1) changes in USChina relations, 2) accelerated arms competition in Northeast Asia, 3) changes in security awareness among Japanese people, and 4) the possibility of Korean Peninsula unification. In conclusion, if we present our response from the perspective of Korea-Japan and Korea-US-Japan security cooperation, 1) actively promote Korea-US security cooperation at the ROK-US alliance level. 2) Promote effective Korea-Japan and Korea-USJapan security cooperation in order to suppress and cope with the Korean peninsula. 3) Promote cooperation, including mutual visits by the defense ministers. 4) Expanding capacity for allied operations with the United Nations and other allies. 5) Korea-Japan national consensus spreads Korean-Japanese relations are not just created, but to be created. War guarantees victory only to those who prepare. It is hoped that the analysis of Japan's military strategy will help not only the perspective of Korea and Japan but also Korea-US-Japan security cooperation actually improve their relations in order to turn the crisis into an opportunity amid rising military tensions and uncertainties in Northeast Asia.

      • KCI등재후보

        트럼프 행정부의 대중 군사전략 : 압도적 우위를 위한 군사태세의 재조정

        최영근,손한별 사단법인 한국국가전략연구원 2019 한국국가전략 Vol.4 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to examine what is the military strategy against China of the Trump administration. To this end, we reviewed the A2/AD strategy as China's Great Strategy and the military strategy against US, and the changes in US threat perception due to China's military rise. We embodied Trump administration's military strategy against China through Indo-Pacific Strategy, JAM-GC, and Multi-Area Operation in terms of ends, ways and means. The main contents and implications of the paper are as follows. First, the US military strategy ends are closely related to the administration's change in threat perceptions against China. The Bush and Obama administration did not recognize China as its biggest threat, while the Trump administration embodied its military end of overwhelming China's military power based on its perceived threat to China. Second, the ways are closely related to changes in the concept of operations that each group performs collectively. To cope with the China’s A2/AD threat, the US military newly developed the JAM-GC which emphasizes preventive, multi-dimensional, and intrusive measures. To be specific, this concept establishes a variety of countermeasures based on the threat level of the opponent and secures operational victory through ground operations. Third, US forces in the Indo-Pacific region are being readjusted as a means. The pressure on mass containment against China continues to be increased by strengthening the size and power of ground forces such as the army and marines, power generation of advanced weapons and missiles by the Navy and Air Force, and strengthening alliance and allied military training with allies and allies in the region. The military conflict between the US and China is a matter of choice for ROK, which has a military alliance with the United States and has a economic relationship with China. Therefore, ROK should keep an eye on changes in US-China military strategy and expand ROK's strategic space. 본 논문은 트럼프 행정부의 대중 군사전략은 무엇인가를 살펴보는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 중국의 대전략과 대미국 군사전략으로서 A2/AD 전략을 살펴보고, 중국의 군사적 부상에 따른 미국의 위협인식의 변화를 살펴본 이후, 미국의 인도-태평양 전략, JAM-GC, 그리고 다영역작전을 관통하고 있는 트럼프 행정부의 대중국 군사전략을 목표, 방법, 그리고 수단으로 구체화 하였다. 논문의 주요내용과 함의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 미국의 군사전략 목표는 행정부의 중국 위협인식 변화와 밀접하게 관련된다. 부시∼오바마 행정부는 중국을 가장 큰 위협의 대상으로 인식하지 않은 반면, 트럼프 행정부는 중국에 대한 위협 인식을 바탕으로 중국의 군사력을 압도하려는 군사 목표를 구체화하고 있다. 둘째, 방법은 각 군이 통합적으로 수행하는 작전개념의 변화와 밀접하게 관련된다. 중국의 A2/AD 위협에 대응하여 미군이 새롭게 발전시킨 JAM-GC는 예방, 다중, 그리고 침투를 강조함으로써 상대의 위협수준에 따라 다양한 대응방안을 마련하고 지상 작전을 통해 작전적인 승리를 확보하는 방법으로 구체화하고 있다. 셋째, 수단으로는 인도-태평양 지역에서 미군의 군사력이 재조정하고 있다. 육군·해병대 등 지상군의 규모와 전력 강화, 해·공군의 첨단 무기와 미사일 전력 발전, 그리고 역내 우방 및 동맹국과 연합 군사훈련을 강화함으로써 대중 견제 압박을 지속 높이고 있다. 미중의 군사적 갈등은 군사적으로 미국과 동맹을 유지하고 경제적으로는 중국과 상생 관계를 맺고 있는 한국에게 선택의 어려움을 던지는 문제이다. 따라서 역내 미중의 군사전략 변화를 지속 주목하고 한국 스스로 전략 공간을 확장해가야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        2020~2040년 미.중 경쟁과 한국의 군사전략 : 미국의 군사전략 변화를 중심으로

        최영근,박찬익,송태용,조형민 미래군사학회 2022 한국군사학논총 Vol.11 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to predict the current (2020-2030) and future (2030-2040) US military strategy for China based on the military power and military expenditure of the US and China, and to suggest Korea's military strategy against the US. have. While the United States is currently (2020-2030) militarily overpowering China, the United States' military strategy for China will maintain the "status-maintenance strategy through strengthening alliances". On the other hand, in the future (2030-2040), when China's military power and military spending will approach the level of the United States, the US military strategy for China will actively block the rise of China with a 'preemptive strike strategy through short-term, high-intensity conflict'. Based on this, South Korea's current U.S. strategy against the U.S. military strategy for China is to maintain close relations with the U.S. while maintaining military communication with China where possible. On the other hand, Korea's future US military strategy toward the US against the US has is to expand our autonomy by strengthening our national power in the midst of great powers, recognize that the validity period of 'strategic ambiguity' is ending and move on to 'strategic clarity'.

      • KCI등재후보

        미국의 안보전략과 한,미 군사관계 변화의 함의: 한국군 구조개편 사례를 중심으로

        김동한 ( Dong Han Kim ) 조선대학교 동북아연구소(구 통일문제연구소) 2012 동북아연구 Vol.27 No.2

        본 연구는 미국의 안보전략 변화가 한미 군사관계에 미치는 영향을 한국군 구조 개편 사례를 중심으로 분석하였다. 한미연합방위체제를 기축으로 하는 한국군의 경우, 미국의 대한(對韓) 군사전략 변화가 한국군 구조개편 문제를 촉발시키고 이를 제도화하는 과정에 직간접적인 영향을 미쳤다고 할 수 있다. 노태우 정부의 818계획의 경우, 탈냉전의 조류에 부응하여 주한 미군병력의 일부 철수, 한국군의 역할 확대, 지휘관계 조정과 같은 미국의 구상이 한국군 지휘구조 개편에 영향을 미친 것으로 보인다. 노무현 정부의 국방개혁2020의 경우에도 9·11 이후 미국의 안보전략 변화에 따라 해외 주둔 미군기지를 재배치하고 주한 미군 병력의 일부를 철수하며 한국군의 역할 확대를 요구함에 따라, 이에 연동하여 한국군 구조 개편을 추진하였다고 볼 수 있다. 이명박 정부의 국방개혁307계획 역시 주한 미군의 운용 개념이 변화하고 그에 따라 전시작전권 전환 문제가 부상함으로써 한국군의 상부 지휘구조 개편 계획이 추진될 수 있었다. 이처럼 한미 연합방위체제를 근간으로 하는 한국군의 속성상, 미국의 군사전략 변화는 한국군의 구조 개편 문제를 추동하게 되는 인과관계가 양자 간에 존재한다고 볼 수 있다. This research analyzes the effect of changes in US security strategies upon ROK-US military relations with a focus on case studies from the history of Korean military command structure reformations. For the Korean military, which is anchored to the ROK-US Combined Defense System, shifts in the US military strategy toward South Korea have instigated the issue of the Korean military reformation and exercised direct and indirect influence in the course of its institutionalization. For example, in the case of Roh Tae Woo administration`s 8·18 plans, the US` post-Cold War military roadmap including partial withdrawal of the US military stationed in Korea, enlargement of Korean military`s role and adjustment of command relations, has shaped the direction of the reformation. Similarly, military structure reformations under Roh Moo Hyun administration`s ``Military Reform 2020`` were carried on within the context of the US`` changing security strategies, which were calling for a greater role for the Korean military by the rearrangement of American bases stationed abroad and partial withdrawal of the US troops in Korea. In line with the previous cases, reformation of upper command structure under Lee Myung Bak administration`s ``Military Reform 307`` has received its momentum as operational principles of the US military evolved, bringing Wartime Operational Control (OCA) issue to the discussion table. In conclusion, there is a strong causal relation between shifts in US military strategies and Korea`s military structural reformation trend.

      • KCI등재후보

        China's Military Rise and the US Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific: PROTECTION of ROK's National Interest

        이상수 J-INSTITUTE 2021 Protection Convergence Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: This article examines China's military rise in the Asia Pacific region and the US-led response, based on its global strategy." This paper suggests that China's military rise is based on defensive realism as opposed to offensive realism. The basic assumption of this paper is that the US strategy has the goal of counterbalancing China's expansionism. The US response to China's expansionism is to check China's military rise as a superpower by strengthening its network of alliances in the Indo-Pacific region and Northeast Asia. In the Indo-Pacific region, the US has attempted to check China using the QUAD-Plus(Quadrilateral Security Dialogue with Japan, India, and Australia + Newzealand, South Korea, and Vietnam) which is a sea-based form of security cooperation. Method: In this effort, the article uses a framework of international politics based on the theory of realism, which stresses the salience of "survival," "the maximization of national interest," and "self-help. A realist's perspective of the world rests on the following assumptions: the pursuit of survival, maximization of interests, and self-help. Defensive realists try to preserve power, rather than increasing it as the main goal of states. China's self-assertion in the South China Sea has been galvanized by the survival mindset against the US containment policy toward China. Results: China's self-assertion in the South China Sea has been galvanized by the survival mindset against the US containment policy toward China. China's survival can be better secured by the occupation of the South China Sea to protect its sea lines of communication. China's militarization of the South China Sea and its military build-up can be illustrated as a self-help project for the maximization of its security interest in the Indo-Pacific region. Conclusion: In this article, I have reached the following conclusions. China's military rise is based on defensive realism, not offensive realism. The basic assumption of this paper is that the US strategy is aiming at the coun-terbalance of China's expansionism. First, The US response to China's expansionism is to check China's military rise as a superpower with the network of alliance-making in the Indo-Pacific region and Northeast Asia. Second, China tries to build a military facility in the South China Sea to maximize its interest in terms of energy, fish, and security. Third, China's military build-up can be illustrated as self-help to meet the balance with the US formidable military might. In the Indo-Pacific region, the US tries to check China through the QUAD-PLUS.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 안보정책과 한국군의 국방력 발전방향: 군사적 역할을 중심으로

        김순태 국가안보전략연구원 2018 국가안보와 전략 Vol.18 No.1

        From announcing the New Defense Strategic Guidance in the beginning of 2012 to establishing JAM-GC including Air-Sea Battle, JAM-GC and Offset Strategy, the United States(US) Trump administration has made attempts to change the important US military strategy. The Korean Peninsula is located in the special security environment with North Korea and also surrounded by the world powers. For these reasons, the alliance between the Republic of Korea(ROK) and US is a realistic choice, and the preparation for the changes of the US military strategy is an inevitable for ROK. Therefore, ROK needs to deal with not only US security policy changes and neighboring countries’ security policy changes, derived from the US military strategy changes, and also needs to seek realistic plans to strengthen the military power. Firstly, the cutting-edge core military power programs needs to be continued as scheduled, and the earlier procurement of weapon systems for the current security situation such as North Korea’s nuclear crisis needs to be considered. Secondly, the procurement of capability to attack the strategic targets by integrating network systems is needed. Thirdly, the increase of ROK naval power is needed to ensure maritime security that are recent issues. Fourthly, the establishment of ROK aerospace power is needed in order to promptly and strongly encounter cutting-edge weapon systems of neighboring powerful nations in case of emergency. Fifthly, strengthening capability and enlarging organization of the Marine Corps and Army Special Forces is needed in order to effectively encounter forseeable future conflicts as well as currently existing threats As the political implication, firstly, the alliance management such as sharing defense costs and guaranteeing expansion deterrence is important to ensure the reliability of ROK and US alliance. Secondly, the firm national security system such as the current Combined Forces Command should be continuously maintained. Thirdly, the Korean independent national defense capability such as the currently ongoing Aquisition Development Strategy should be achieved. 미국은 2012년 초 ‘신 국방전략지침’ 발표를 시작으로 공해전투(Air- Sea Battle)와 합동전투개념(JAM-GC) 정립을 포함한 새로운 상쇄전략(Offset Strategy)에 이르기까지 군사전략에 대한 변화를 트럼프행정부에서도 시도하고 있다. 한반도는 북한과의 특수한 안보상황에 놓여 있고, 강대국들에 둘러싸인지정학적 위치 등으로 미국과의 군사동맹인 한미동맹만이 현실적 선택임을감안하면 미국의 군사전략 변화에 따른 대비는 불가피하다고 볼 수 있으며, 미국의 군사전략 변화로 파생되는 미국의 안보정책 변화뿐만 아니라, 주변국의 안보정책 변화에도 대응을 해야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 현실적인 군사력 확대방안이 필요하다. 첫째, 최첨단 핵심전력 관련 사업들은 정상추진하고, 더 나아가 북핵위기 등 현 안보상황에 필요한 무기체계는 조기 확보도 검토되어야 한다.둘째, 네트워크를 통합하여 전략적 목표를 공격할 수 있는 능력 확보가 필요하다. 셋째, 최근 이슈가 되고 있는 해양안보를 지키기 위한 해군력 증강이필요하다. 넷째, 유사시 주변 강대국들의 최첨단 무기체계에 대응하기 위해서는 신속하고 강력히 대응할 수 있는 항공우주전력 구축이 필요하다. 다섯째, 현존 위협뿐만 아니라, 가까운 미래의 분쟁 등에 효과적으로 대응할 수 있는 해병대 및 육군 특수전 수행 능력 강화와조직 확대가 필요하다. 정책적 함의로서 첫째, 방위비 분담 비용 문제와 확장억제 보장 등 한미동맹 신뢰성 확보를 위한 동맹관리가 중요하다. 둘째, 전작권 전환 대비한다는 차원에서 현재의 연합사와 같은 시스템은 지속 유지되어야 한다. 셋째, 현재 추진중인 획득 개발 전력 등 한국의 안보상황에 맞는 자주국방력 확보를 위한 한국형 군사전략 변화가 뒷받침되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 군사부문 혁신(1977-1991)에 대한 RMA적 사후해석의 극복 : 카터 행정부의 ‘상쇄전략’에 대한 기술 기회론적 분석을 중심으로

        박상연 국가안보전략연구원 2019 국가안보와 전략 Vol.19 No.1

        In 2014, the US Department of the Defense initiated a new defense innovation initiative named ‘third offset strategy’. This term reflects the strategic culture of the United States which tries to offset adversary’s quantitative military superiority with the qualitative superiority of the US military force achieved by the military technology innovations. Technology determinists who advocate the third offset strategy assert that the ‘second offset strategy’ was an example of successful process of the Revolution in Military Affairs, in which the technological innovations initiated the systemic, operational and organizational innovations in order to employ the new weapon system and sub-systems. However, strategists are skeptical on the perspective of the technology determinists’. This research analyzes the second ‘offset strategy’ of Harold Brown, who was the Secretary of the DoD(1977-1981), based on the fact that he never mentioned the term. By analyzing the historical records and official history of DoD of the United States, the research found that there are hindsight biases on the technology determinists’ and the strategists’ explanations on the US defense innovations between 1977 and 1991. Although Brown’s defense program didn’t have strategic direction, Brown concretely chose the primary threat among the numerous threats, developed the technological concept to offset the primary threat by employing new technologies and recognized the limits of the technological concept. These combined efforts of Harold Brown set the foundation of the United States’ military innovation to the joint operation between 1982 and 1991. From the lessons of the ‘second’ offset strategy, this research criticizes that recent debates on ‘the third offset strategy’ tends to be focused on the dichotomous arguments between the technology determinists and the strategists. The debates on ‘the third offset strategy’ should be based on the concrete threat perception and the clear knowledge about the opportunities and the limits of the new technologies in dealing with that threat. 미국의 최근 국방 혁신 구상인 ‘3차 상쇄 전략’은 국방과학 기술 혁신을 통해 확보된 질적 군사력 우위로 적의 양적 군사력 우위를 ‘상쇄’시켰다는 미국의 전략문화를 반영한다. 기술결정론자들은 미국의 군사혁신(Revolution in Military Affairs, RMA)을 이끌어냈던 브라운 국방부 장관의 2차 ‘상쇄전략’ 의 성과를 근거로 3차 상쇄 전략에 대해 낙관적인 입장을 취하는 반면, 전략중심주의자들은 기술 결정론적 관점에 반대하면서 3차 상쇄 전략도 RMA가 노정한 한계에 직면할 것이라고 주장하면서 회의적인 입장을 취한다. 본고는 브라운 장관이 ‘상쇄전략’이라는 용어를 언급한 적이 없다는 점에 착안하여 ‘상쇄전략’의 실체를 재검토했다. 그 결과, 1977년부터 1991년까지 전개된 미국의 군사부문 혁신에 대한 기존의 서술들은 RMA를 진행하던 기술결정론자와 RMA를 거부하던 전략 중심주의자에 의해 사후적으로재구성되었음을 확인했다. ‘상쇄 전략’은 특정한 관점에 기반을 둔 일관된전략적 행위가 아니었다. 그러나 ‘상쇄 전략’은 위협을 구체적으로 설정하고 위협을 극복할 수 있는 첨단기술의 작전적 활용 개념을 도출하는 한편, 기술의 한계를 동시에 인식했다는 점에서 1980년대에 미국의 합동작전을위한 군사부문 혁신의 토대를 제공했다. 본고는 ‘상쇄전략’이 제공하는 함의를 통해 최근의 ‘3차 상쇄 전략’에 대한 논의도 기술결정론과 전략중심주의의 이분법에서 벗어나야 한다고 주장한다. ‘3차 상쇄전략’이 성공적인 군사부문 혁신으로 이어지려면 현재 위협을 구체적으로 파악하고, 첨단 기술의 전술적 이점을 활용해서 해당 위협을극복할 수 있는 작전적⋅전략적 개념을 모색하는 과정이 선행되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        억제의 불균형: 핵3원 체제와 핵전략을 통해 본 미중 군사 경쟁

        신성호 세종연구소 2016 국가전략 Vol.22 No.4

        Despite their increasing military competition in the Asia-Pacific, the US-China nuclear rivalry remains stable so far. As China has maintained its minimum deterrence strategy since its first nuclear weapons development in 1964, the US enjoys commanding lead both in terms of the numbers and quality of its nuclear weapons capability over China. Unlike the Cold War confrontation between US and the Soviet Union with thousands of nuclear weapons against each other, the new Cold War in the 21st Century has not seen a full nuclear competition between the US and China. Yet, the increasing Chinese concern of US nuclear superiority against its expanding military interest in the Asia-Pacific could provoke a nuclear arms race between Beijing and Washington. Any Chinese efforts to enhance its nuclear triad or to move away from its long-standing defense nuclear strategy based on minimum deterrence and non-first use will indicate emerging nuclear rivalry between the two giants in the 21st Century. 미중의 핵무기 분야의 군사 경쟁은 아직은 비교적 안정적이고 평화적이다. 중국은 1964년 핵무기를 개발한 이래 최소한의 억제수준에서 방어적 핵전략을 고수해 오고 있다. 미국은 핵무기의 양과 지상, 해상, 공중의 핵 3원 무기체제의 질적 내용면에서 모두 중국을 압도한다. 수천 개의 핵무기가 서로를 겨눈 채 전면 핵전쟁을 준비하던 핵전략 경쟁이 20세기 미소 간 냉전의 핵심이었다면, 21세기 미중간의 신냉전은 적어도 핵무기 분야에서는 아직 존재하지 않는다. 그럼에도 불구하고 점증하는 미중간의 견제와 긴장이 아시아 태평양 지역을 중심으로 지속될 경우 핵무기 체계와 핵전략에서 미중간의 경쟁이 본격화 될 가능성도 배제할 수 없다. 중국은 미국과의 전면적인 핵전쟁 필요성이나 그 가능성을 상정하지 않지만, 미국의 압도적인 핵 군사력이 중국의 아태지역에서의 군사안보이익 추구에 주요한 억제력으로 작용할 수 있다는 우려를 가진다. 향후 중국이 미국과 같은 핵 3원 체제를 갖추기 위해 노력하거나 현재의 비선제공격 원칙에 입각한 최소억제의 방어적 핵전략을 수정하는지의 여부가 앞으로 미중간의 새로운 핵 군사경쟁을 가늠하는 주요한 지표가 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        China’s Military Expansion Schemes in the Global South Through the Belt and Road Initiative

        주재우 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2024 Journal of International and Area Studies Vol.31 No.1

        This article attempts to unveil some of the less told stories regarding China’s Belt and Road Initivative(BRI). One of them is its historical root in the so-called Yitiaoxian strategy (一条线战略) from the 1970’s. They share a similar intent and goals in that they were designed to build a strategic deterrence line expanding from China’s peripheral regions to Africa and Europe. In the past it was aimed at the Soviet’s expansionism and now US-led Indo-Pacific Strategy. The other therefore is its inherent military purposes and goals. Military aspects were added to BRI for two reasons. China’s overseas interests has been expanding and the urge to independently protect them was widely recognized by the top level leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. To meet this challenge, a Chinese narrative on building overseas “strategic pivot points(战略支点)” was first undertaken by the Chinese scholarly community before the top leadership overtook in 2014. BRI’s military strategy is anchored at Africa and Djibouti in particular. In conclusion, the article contends that for such military reasons China has shown a propensity to exclude partner countries of BRI including base- hosting countries to join the construct of BRI’s infrastructure overseas.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 해양안보전략과 다자안보협력 증진방안

        길병옥 ( Kil Byung Ok ) 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2020 한국시베리아연구 Vol.24 No.3

        최근 동북아 지역정세에서 주목할 만한 부분이 해양에서의 패권경쟁이다. 특히 중국의 급격한 국력증강과 과기강국(科技强國)에 의한 화평굴기(和平屈起) 전략이 대외정책에서 공세적으로 변화된 모습을 보이고 있고 이에 대응하려는 주변국들의 외교정책과 중국의 부상을 견제하여 패권을 유지하려는 미국의 아시아 회귀 및 재균형 전략이 혼재되어 발생하고 있다. 한국의 강력한 동맹국인 미국과 다자안보협력 증진의 주요 파트너인 중국이 해양패권을 위한 경쟁 내지는 충돌하는 상황에서 한국은 양자동맹과 다자협력을 동시에 추진하진 해야 하는 어려움이 있는 것이 사실이다. 현재의 상황에서 한국이 선택 가능한 해양안보정책 방향은 ①한·미동맹 발전 우선 다자안보협력 증진 참여 ②한·미동맹 발전 및 다자안보협력 증진 동시 추진 ③다자안보협력 증진 우선 한·미동맹 유지 등 세 가지 가운데 하나로 보인다. 한국이 처한 안보환경 상 가장 이상적인 방향은 공동번영과 평화유지 차원의 동맹과 협력의 공진화(共進化, coevolution)이지만 안보환경과 지역 국가들간의 패권경쟁과 국익추구 등의 이해관계가 복잡하게 얽혀있어 한국은 선택적 차원에서 심도 있는 전략적 판단과 분석이 요구된다. 본 연구는 한국이 그동안 추진해 온 한·미동맹과 관련된 군사외교활동, 다자안보협력 증진의 방안으로서 주변국과의 군사외교활동, 다자안 보협력기구와의 군사외교활동 등에 대한 통시적 분석을 시도한다. 한국의 다자안보협력 군사외교활동은 미·중 패권경쟁의 일환으로 진행되고 있는 갈등으로 인해 전략적 선택에 제한을 받고 있다. 따라서 향후 해양분쟁요인 중 군사적/비군사적 분쟁요인과 전통적/비전통적 분쟁요인에 대한 분석과 지역 정세변화에 대한 면밀한 고찰을 통해 우리의 정책적 대안을 마련하는 것이 방향이다. 한국은 미국을 포함하여 전략적 해양동맹 및 협력체제를 구축하고 동맹의 다변화를 추진해야 한다는 점을 강조한다. Recently, a noteworthy part in the Northeast Asian regional politics is a competition for the hegemony in the sea. In particular, there are complexities with China’s rising strategy through peace and stability, by way of abrupt state building and strong nation on the basis of science and technology, portrayed in a way that is aggressive and in respective neighboring countries’ foreign policies and the US, maintaining hegemony, retrospective and re-balancing strategy toward Asia aimed at prohibiting China’s rising. In the midst of the US and China struggling for the maritime hegemony, South Korea has limitations in promoting both alliance and multinational cooperation at the same time. The former is a powerful alliance and the latter is a major partner of multinational security cooperation to South Korea. In the current status, a selectable direction for the maritime security policies is one of the following: ①ROK-US alliance first and participating multinational security cooperation, ②promoting ROK-US alliance and multinational security cooperation simultaneously, and ③multinational security cooperation first and maintaining ROK-US alliance. The most ideal direction is a coevolution of alliance and cooperation in the dimension of co-prosperity and peace maintenance, but South Korea needs to have a thoughtful strategic judgment and analysis due to the complexities of security environment and regional powers’ coercion forcing South Korea to select policy options. This inquiry attempts to have a longitudinal research on the military diplomacy activities with regard to the ROK-US alliance, multinational security cooperation, and multinational security institutions. South Korea has been faced limitations in selecting policy strategies for the multinational security cooperation because of the struggles competing for the hegemony between the US and China. Thus, a policy direction lies in the preparation of possible alternatives through a scrupulous and careful review on the changes of regional security politics as well as analysis on the military/non-military and traditional/nontraditional conflict factors in the future. This study stresses on the promotion of a strategic maritime alliance and cooperation system including the US and diversification of alliance mechanism.

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