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      • KCI우수등재

        전통목구조 중깃 사용벽체의 면외방향 한계변형에 관한 연구

        황종국(Hwang, Jong-Kook),권양희(Kwon, Yang-Hee) 대한건축학회 2020 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.36 No.9

        A study was conducted to determine the limit drift ratio of a traditional wooden structure wall. One of the national treasure traditional wooden buildings, the deformation is proceeding from the right side wall of Muyangsujeon to the out-of-plane direction. By this reason, the limit drift ratio was determined by selecting the wall of Muyangsujeon as an example of this study. Although there is a limitation that the Muyangsujeon wall does not mean all walls of the traditional wooden structures, the purpose was to provide basic data to choice a reasonable determination in the case of a Traditional Wall constructed in a similar way to the Muyangsujeon wall. In the case of historical buildings, it is often difficult to know exactly what is needed, so this study tried to determine the limit drift ratio of a traditional wall by using the minimum information available such as wall deformation and wall size. It has been confirmed that in the case of a traditional wall with studs inside, such as the right wall of Muyangsujeon wall, an unstable condition may occur when the limit drift ratio of the point in the center of the wall divided by the height of the wall divided by the wall height approaches 3.1%.

      • KCI등재

        전통담의 구성 요소를 응용한 의상 작품 제작-장식봉제기법을 활용하여-

        문명옥 ( Moon Myeng-ok ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2015 한국디자인포럼 Vol.48 No.-

        본 연구는 전통 건축 요소인 전통담을 의상에 접목하기 위하여 전통담의 구성 요소의 특성에 대하여 고찰하고 이를 바탕으로 의상에서 응용할 수 있는 주요 요소를 장식봉제기법으로 표현하는 방법을 연구하여 의상 작품을 제작하였다. 전통담은 담의 재료가 되는 요소들의 구성 기법과 무늬로 꾸미는 기법에 의하여 다양한 디자인으로 나타나고 있었다. 전통담을 구성하는 요소들 중 질감과 입체감이 뚜렷한 요소들은 돌, 기와와 장식무늬 등이었으며 이들 요소를 의상에 접목하여 표현하기 위하여 직물의 표면 형태에 입체감을 부여하는 장식봉제기법을 활용하였다. 돌의 거친 질감을 표현하기 위해 직물을 불규칙하게 구기고 다려서 사용하였고 자연 상태의 돌은 개더링과 셔링으로 표현하였으며 인위적인 가공을 한 사각 형태의 돌은 턱킹으로 표현하였다. 머리부 기와가 가진 곡선의 율동감은 부드러운 곡선과 풍성한 입체감을 표현하는 러플을 활용하였으며 몸통부 기와의 중첩에 의한 반복 패턴은 플리팅으로 표현하였다. 장식무늬는 코드나 스티치로 무늬를 자유롭게 표현하며 직물 표면에 입체감을 생기게 하는 기법인 코딩과 퀼팅으로 표현하였다. 전통담의 구성 요소인 돌, 기와와 장식무늬의 특징을 잘 보여주는 소쇄원의 담, 종묘 정전의 담, 쌍계사의 담과 경복궁 자경전의 담 등을 선택하여 장식봉제기법을 활용하여 전통담의 구성 요소를 활용한 의상 작품 4점을 제작하였다. 의상 작품에 활용한 표현 기법들은 장식봉제기법에 한한 것으로 전통담이 갖고 있는 다양한 특성을 의상으로 접목시켜 활용하기 위해서는 더 많은 표현 방법들을 지속적으로 연구하여야 하겠다. The Korean traditional wall has shown its various designs with the composition of materials of the wall and the decorative patterns. Stones, wall tiles and decorative patterns had obvious texture and three dimensional effect among the materials consisting of the Korean traditional wall. The sewing techniques of manipulating fabric were utilized to express stone, wall tile and decorative pattern in costumes. Fabrics were crumpled and ironed irregularly for the rough texture of the stones. The stones of the natural state were expressed by gathering and shirring and the processed into square stones were expressed by tucking. For flowing curves of wall tiles used in the head part of a wall, ruffles adding the dimensionality of multiple folds and fluttering edges to the surface were utilized and the repeated patterns of wall tiles being piled up one on another in the body part of a wall were expressed by pleating. Decorative patterns were freely expressed by the codes or stitches with cording and quilting for adding the three-dimensional effect on the surface of the fabric. Four costume works imagining the Korean traditional wall were made with the utilization of sewing techniques of manipulating fabric with the selection of walls of Soswaewon Garden, the principal palace of Jongmyo Shrine, Ssanggyesa Temple, Jagyeongjeon Chamber in Gyeongbokgung Palace.

      • KCI우수등재

        13세기 이후 한·중·일 목조건축유산 외엮기 벽체 바탕 구성 비교

        홍은기,황종국 대한건축학회 2023 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.39 No.8

        This study compared wall-based materials and construction techniques in Korea, China, and Japan, all part of the same wooden culture, usingdata such as repair records, drawings, and photos. The composition methods, terminology, and detailed construction techniques of the wallbases in these three countries were compared and analyzed. The results showed that these countries have similar methods of applying soilafter forming a wall base using wood, known by different names: "외엮기벽" in Korea, "木舞壁(コマイカベ)" in China, and "夹泥墙" inJapan. Additionally, "夹泥墙" is used in various regions in China, unlike the common perception of Chinese walls using warp stones. Interms of wall construction, Korean walls use Mullions in upper and lower inbangs and install Batten and Oe between them, woven togetherusing rope. Chinese walls mainly use Mullion, Batten, and Oe or bamboo, fixed on the outer surface through bending. Japanese walls usethin plate Mullion and Oe as the wall background, incorporating variable materials such as braces. Although the terminology for walls inthese countries shares similarities due to their Chinese character culture, there are differences in pronunciation and character usage. Additionally, Korean and Japanese walls separate the plaster layer from the inner structure layer, while Chinese walls view the wall itself asa structural component. While the constituent materials of the walls show similarities among the three countries, differences exist in themethod of installing Mullion and Oe. In Korea, only Batten and Oe are woven into rope without weaving in Mullion. In Japan, allcomponents, including Mullion, are woven into rope with variations in their connection techniques compared to Korea. 본 연구는 수리기록, 도면, 사진 등 비교 가능한 자료들을 통해 동일 목조문화권에 속하는 한·중·일 3국의 벽체 바탕 구성재료 및 시공기법을 살펴보았다. 또한 한·중·일 3국의 벽체 바탕의 구성방법과 사용재료에 대해 사용하는 용어와 세부 시공기법을 비교분석 해 보았다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 내부에 목재를 사용해 벽체 바탕을 구성한 후 흙을 바르는 방식의 벽을 한국에서는 외엮기벽, 중국에서는 협니장, 일본에서는 목무벽 등 각기 다른 명칭으로 사용되고 있었다. 특히, 중국의 벽은 일반적으로 전돌을 사용해 벽을 구성하는 것으로 알려진 바와 다르게, 협니장이 지역적으로 중국 내 다양한 위치에서 사용되고 있음을 확인하였다. 둘째, 한국의 외엮기벽은 주로 상·하인방에 중깃을 고정하고, 가시새와 외를 중깃사이에 설치해 외엮기 벽을 구성한다. 중깃을 제외한 외와 가시새는 서로 외엮기줄을 사용해 엮는다. 중국의 협니장은 목재를 사용해 벽의 바탕을 구성한 후 흙을 바르는 벽체를 협니장으로 부르며 주로 중깃과 가시새, 대나무 외만을 사용해 벽체바탕을 구성한다. 대나무 외는 외를 휘게 하여 고정하는 방식을 사용한다. 일본 목무벽은 얇은 판재의 중깃과 외를 주로 사용해 벽체바탕을 구성하고 가새 등 가변적인 재료들이 사용되고 있다. 셋째, 동일한 한자문화권에 속하는 3개국의 용어를 살펴보면 벽을 지칭하는 부재들의 성격은 유사하지만 한자어가 다른 명칭들을 사용한다. 다만, 벽체의 바탕이라는 의미를 사용하는 한국과 일본과 달리 중국에서는 벽체 자체를 하나의 구조체로 보아 벽의 바탕부분을 골조로 보는 시각이 있음을 추론해볼 수 있었다. 넷째, 벽체의 구성재료는 삼국에서 유사성을 갖고 있었지만, 시공방법 중 중깃과 외를 설치하는 방법에서 3개국의 차이점을 확인하였다. 한국은 중깃에 외엮기를 하지 않고 가시새와 외만을 외엮기줄로 엮는 반면, 중국은 외엮기줄을 사용하지 않고 외를 휘어 앞뒤로 교차하는 방식으로 설치한다. 일본은 중깃을 포함해 모두 외엮기 줄로 엮지만, 외엮기 줄의 사용과 결구된 모습에서 한국과의 차이가 있음을 확인하였다.

      • KCI우수등재SCOPUS

        조선시대 가구식 구조의 담장에 관한 연구

        이은정(Lee, Eun-Jung),유우상(Yoo, Uoo-Sang) 대한건축학회 2022 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.38 No.6

        This study investigated the name, function, structure, and type and usage pattern of Gagusikdam(Post-lintel wall) of the Joseon Dynasty by collecting and analyzing literature and historiacal materials related to Post-lintel walls. The findings of the study are as follows. First, Post-lintel wall is a name related to the structure of the wall, and in terms of dictionary definitions and usage examples, the description of the Tofanjang(土板墻) of the Joseon Dynasty was most similar to it. Second, Post-lintel walls were widely used during the Joseon Dynasty in not only public places such as palaces, government buildings, royal tombs, but also private houses. Third, Post-lintel walls were mainly installed in enclosed areas, especially in the female space. Fourth, the main functions of Post-lintel wall were space-dividing and visibility control in intimate areas. In addition, it was installed to prevent fires. Fifth, Post-lintel walls could be identified three types according to the material and the facade: Stone & Plastering, Stone & Wood Panelling, and All Plastering. Since the facade of Post-lintel wall is similar to the building walls, they were installed to form a continuous landscape with the surrounding buildings. Post-lintel walls have a unique structure differentiated from the known traditional walls. The study is meaningful in that it deals with in depth the historical and structural aspects of Post-lintel walls that were commonly used in the Joseon Dynasty, but are not well known now.

      • KCI등재

        全南地方 傳統住居建築 壁面의 比例特性 관한 硏究

        천득염,김선영,이영미 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.6

        This thesis try to search the proportion character existing in the wall surfaces by examining the proportion relations appearing in the windows and doors of the traditional residence architecture, that is the opening, with numerical data. And the results of the analysis on this study are as follows.1) The Shaping Principles by the Make-up Elements① Shaping Principles by Embellishment Materials : The types of the make-up elements are varied according to the functions of the respective rooms. ② Shaping Principles by the Walls and Doors : In the case of the facade, visual features seems to have been considered much, whereas the rear side has the feature of being relatively free compared to the facade. 2) The Shaping Principles by the proportion relations of the Walls① One-dimensional proportion : In both horizontal and vertical proportions, the proportion relation between Woman's quaters bedroom to the Hall the kitchen to the Hall have respectively different system, and it is thought to be the shaping principle following a hierarchy② Two-dimensional proportion : The shape of 1 and √2 grid is found between the walls and the opening. In the elevation of the building, there seems to be the proportion relation that our ancestors preferred. And such kind of proportion relation is different from the existing western proportion relations like rootgoldenrectangular proportion, it can be thought to be the very Korean proportion system existing as the formative standard in our traditional architecture.

      • KCI우수등재

        17세기~19세기 영건 및 산릉의궤에 기록된 벽체에 관한 연구

        황희영,권양희 대한건축학회 2020 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.36 No.5

        In this study, the royal protocols of the Joseon Dynasty, known as uigwes, were reviewed to clarify the materials and structure of Koreantraditional walls. For this, the Yeonggeon-and Sanreng-uigwes were thoroughly reviewed, and then the names, materials, and constructionmethods of the traditional walls were systematically organized. In addition, mix proportions of plastering materials used in the walls wereestimated based on the records in the uigwes; these were compared with the ratios specified in the current specifications. As a result of thecomprehensive review, it was found that the mix proportions of the plastering materials varied depending on importance of buildings, type ofwalls, and the raw materials. Based on this, it was concluded that the characteristics of each uigwe should be considered when studying themix proportion of materials for the traditional walls. It was also found that there were differences between the traditional and modernspecifications for the wall constructions. That is, historical records and the specifications currently used were different in terms of constituentmaterials, construction methods and mix proportions. As a cause of the difference, the disconnection of the traditional methods and theintroduction of foreign plastering techniques during the rapid social change in the 20th century were suggested. 본 연구는 의궤에 수록된 전통 벽체의 구성에 대해 재정리하고 이를 바탕으로 의궤별 전통 벽체 미장재 혼합비 결정요인과 변화과정을 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 먼저, 조선시대에 제작된 영건의궤와 산릉의궤를 통해 전통 벽체의 명칭과 사용재료 그리고 구성에 대해 재정리하였다. 이후 의궤에 기록된 벽체 미장재의 혼합비를 정리하고, 현재 혼합비와 비교하였다. 그 결과, 건물의 위계와 벽체 종류, 그리고 사용재료의 변화가 벽체 혼합비의 가장 큰 변화 요인임을 알 수 있다.

      • 전통 흙벽과 조립식 벽체의 성능 비교에 관한 기초 연구

        황용운(Hwang Yong-Woon),김태곤(Kim Tae-Gon),최소영(Choi So-Young) 대한건축학회 2011 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.31 No.2(계획계)

        There are many demerits in traditional earth wall.(week on water, construction cost is expensive, difficult to maintain, construction duration is longer than modern architecture it etc.) So. the purpose of this study is supplement with demerits of traditional earth wall and develop new pre-fabricating wall and then performance compare between traditional earth wall and pre-fabricating wall in various test which are insulation test, freeze & fusion test, impact test, weight measure etc.(The size of materials for an experiment is 69㎝×105㎝.) As the result of various test : It proved that pre-fabricating wall is better than traditional earth wall through experiment.

      • KCI등재

        느헤미야와 포로 후기 예언자들이 선포한 ‘예루살렘 성벽의 파괴와 복구’에 관한 연구

        이희학(Hee-Hak Lee) 한국구약학회 2020 구약논단 Vol.26 No.3

        After returning from the Babylonian captivity, the prophets proclaimed the restoration of Israel as the restoration of the wall of Jerusalem, based on the profound religious meaning of Jerusalem. The restoration of the wall of Jerusalem was regarded as a religious symbol of Israel’s restoration, and the purpose of this paper is to compare and analyze from a tradition-historical perspective the messages proclaimed by Nehemiah and post-exilic prophets on the destruction and restoration of the walls of Jerusalem. The theme of the ruins of Jerusalem’s walls and the restoration of the walls appears in the various texts of the Third Isaiah also, which is evaluated to belong to the post-exilic prophetic literature (Isa 58:12; 60:10-11, 18; 61:4; 62:6-12; 64:9-11). By using various terms, they proclaim that the ruins of Jerusalem is a symbol of the old age, and that the restoration of the walls is a symbol of the new age. The passages that are shown to be the closest in terms of contents to Nehemiah’s texts on the construction of the walls of Jerusalem are Isaiah 58:12 and 61:4. There is no way to deny that the two passages show a close literary interrelationship in that they are almost identical sentences. We can see here the motif and tradition-historical contact points of the ‘destruction (#rp) and reconstruction (hnb) of the walls of Jerusalem’ which are mentioned in Nehemiah. The prophecy of Jerusalem’s judgment and restoration is also found in the several apocalyptic prophetic texts (Amos 9:11-15; Micah 7:11), which are viewed as additions during the post-exilic period. One thing in common in Amos 9:11 and Isaiah 58:12 is that the Hebrew noun #r,P, (‘breach’) is suggested as the object of the Hebrew verb rdg (‘wall up’) only in these two places throughout the Old Testament. Moreover, the thematic words, such as ‘set up’ (~wq), ‘build’ (hnb), and ‘old’ (~l"A[), mentioned in Amos 9:11 suggest very similar commonality to Isaiah 58:12 and 61:4. From a tradition-historical point of view, it can be said that Micah 7:11 is on the same line with Isaiah 58:12, 61:4, and Amos 9:11, 14 in that Micah 7:11 strongly expects the restoration of Jerusalem (Judah). In conclusion, I argue that the Book of Nehemiah and the various prophetic texts, which were born in the post-exilic period, utilize a wide variety of words and motifs in regard to the destruction of Jerusalem and the restoration of the crumbled walls of Jerusalem. To restore the walls of the city of Jerusalem, especially concerning the “breaches” of the destroyed walls, was declared as a sign of a new beginning period of salvation. I demonstrated through textual comparisons that the texts of the trito-Isaiah and the apocalyptic texts of Amos and Micah, which are attributed to the final editors of the postexilic period, even though they are in very original and characteristic forms, are tradition-historically closely related to the texts of Nehemiah.

      • KCI등재

        한국 전통 동성마을의 영역성에 대한 의식과 표현특성에 관한 연구 - 고성군 왕곡마을을 중심으로 -

        류혜지,윤영선 한국기초조형학회 2008 기초조형학연구 Vol.9 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the expression and the concept of residents about the territorialization of the traditional same family origin village, Wanggok in Kosung-gun. For this study, researchers analyzed books and drawing books, visited and interviewed the residents of the Wanggok village. The result of the case study was as follows : The first, the residents of the Wanggok village thought back-dam was the most important dam in their house, they usually put jars and did their housework in the back yard. And the residents thought front yard was semi-public zone and could use together with their neighborhood. The second, it was to be classified into three zones about housing territorialization of the Wanggok village ; such as zone 1(front-dam), zone 2(side-dam) and zone-3(back-dam). Zone 1 had not walls. But zone 2 and 3 had walls. Zone 1 was open space and zone 2, 3 were closed and only family could use in their house. The third, the materials of front-dam were trees, flowers or stones. The materials of side-dam were not only mud walls but also trees, flowers or lawns. Back-dam was consisted with mud walls with tiles or stones. Back yard was the perfect space for privacy in the house in the Wanggok village. Finally, these special characteristics in the Wanggok village were very useful to design of the front of house, apartment or community center.

      • KCI우수등재

        시멘트 벽돌 채움 전단벽 사용 신축 전통목구조물의 지진 응답에 관한 연구

        황종국,권양희 대한건축학회 2020 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.36 No.10

        This study was conducted with the aim of verifying the earthquake resistance capacity when cement bricks were used on divided traditionalwooden walls. The nonlinear spectral displacement was calculated to determine the seismic stability of new traditional houses. Spectraldisplacement response was calculated by applying the capacity spectrum. The new traditional houses were selected in two types, small andlarge, among the standard Gyeongsangbuk-do drawings. Capacity curves for each X and Y direction were obtained. The hysteresis curve wassimplified into two straight lines, divided into the initial elastic part and the fully plastic part. The table of resistance moment that can beused in the design of traditional wooden structures was calculated. The seismic resistance capacity analysis was performed. Response spectrafor seismic design were calculated in accordance with Korean Building Code and Commentary (KBC 2016). The effective ground accelerationand ground amplification factors were calculated according to the conditions applied to the traditional wooden structure based on small-scalestructural standard. In sample model, it was concluded that the drift ratio of 1.39% and 1.34% in the X direction were maintained. 본 연구는 시멘트 벽돌벽의 내력을 크기별로 확인한 후 조각된 전통목구조 벽체에 시멘트 벽돌이 사용되었을 때 지진에 대한 대응능력을 검증하고자 하는 목적으로 수행되었다. 새로운 전통주택의 내진 안정성을 판단하기 위해 발생 가능한 비선형 변위응답을 산출하였다. 변위응답은 능력스펙트럼법을 적용하여 산출하였다. 새로운 전통주택은 경북형 표준 도면 중 소형, 대형의 두 가지 형식을 선택하였다. X, Y 방향별 능력곡선은 사용된 전통벽체 유형에 대해서 각 유형별로 능력곡선을 구하고 방향별로 합성하여 구하였다. 이력곡선은 초기 탄성구간과 완전 소성구간으로 구분되는 두 개의 직선으로 단순화 하였다. 전통목구조 설계에 사용할 수 있는 저항모멘트 표를 산출하였다. 지진저항능력 분석은 표준화 도면을 대상으로 수행하였다. 지진 설계용 응답스펙트럼은 건축구조기준및해설(KBC 2016)에 따라 산출하였다. 유효지반가속도와 지반증폭계수는 소규모구조기준 전통목구조에서 적용하고 있는 조건에 따라 산출하였다. 소형, 대형 예제에서 X 방향의 경우 1.39%의 변위비와 1.34%의 변위비를 나타내었다.

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