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      • KCI등재

        조동사 NEED의 쇠퇴에 대한 코퍼스 연구

        김혜리(Kim, Hyeree) 한국영어학학회 2011 영어학연구 Vol.17 No.3

        This paper is a corpus-based study in the modal auxiliary need, the main verb need to and their blends. The examination of the Corpus of Historical American English (COHA) covering from 1810 to 2009 shows the continuous fall of the frequency of the modal need: The frequency of [need not (needn’t)+bare infinitive] has dropped by 85.3% from its peak period (the 1880s) to the 2000s, and that of the inverted [need+nominative+bare infinitive] has dropped by 92.6% from the 1810s to the 2000s. By contrast, the frequency of the main verb need to shows the continuous rise from the 1810s to the 2000s: The 2000s shows about 100 times increase compared with the 1810s. The main verb use exceeded the modal use around 1910/20 and rapidly increased (showing a steep “s” curve) since the 1970s. The blending constructions have also been found throughout these years, such as [needs (not)+bare infinitive], [needed (not)+bare infinitive], [aux+need+bare infinitive], [need+nominative+to-infinitive], though they were unproductive. This paper attempts to explain why the modal use is declining while its counterpart is increasing. In the long span of history, NEED underwent grammaticalization, like the central modals WILL, SHALL, CAN, etc. However, NEED began to develop its grammatical function (i.e. modal verb) much later (around the end of the fifteenth century) than these central modals, and while the new function was not fully established and the layering of the old and new ones still existed, the reduction of the overall modals began to occur in recent English.

      • KCI등재

        집단상담자 경력에 따른 집단상담 수퍼비전 교육내용 요구분석

        이미선,권경인 한국상담학회 2009 상담학연구 Vol.10 No.2

        This study recognizes supervision of group work educational need as to analyze according to careers of group workers. From the research which sees after investigating a territory and an educational contents, analyzed the group work supervision demand which follows the result in group worker career about group work supervision demand of the group worker. In order to realize this objective, group counseling was managed and need analysis was performed with 214 group workers. The analysis on a large scale about six kind educational contents territory and that subordinate contents, and group work supervision interaction level territory, the priority order of educational needs (importance X, back-calculated skillfulness X, expectations) was compared on the level of interactions of the supervision in group work, according to career levels of group workers and degree of educational needs was also compared through one-way ANOVA. As the result, as careers of group workers are higher, degree of educational need on educational contents of the supervision becomes lower gradually, and the reason why it becomes lower as careers of group workers are high, is they tend to recognize difference of skillfulness, rather than to recognize importance or expectations differently. However, they showed similar tendency on the priority order of educational need. That means, beginners, middle levels and skillful counselors group had high educational need commonly on ‘Group dynamics’ and ‘Intervention skill’ and relatively, educational needs on ‘Interaction and communication’ and Counseling plans and construction' was low as a whole. Also, as a result of needs analysis of subordinate contents of each level, they showed high tendency in ‘Difficult measurement of group dynamics’, ‘Various intervention methods in group dynamics’, ‘Negative or strong emotions’, ‘Trouble settling skill of group members’ and ‘Efficient facing’. On the other side, they showed low educational needs in ‘Proper distribution of group participation’, ‘Limitations of time-limited group and effective management’, ‘Understanding of compatible objects for works’, ‘Troubles between leader and co-leader’ and ‘An ethical dilemma’ relatively. However, there were some contents that the priority order of educational needs among beginners, middle levels and skillful counselor group, was different clearly, ‘Group members that don't have problems and refuse feedback’, ‘Time for the proper intervention and decision of the level’, ‘Connection of core problems of Here-Now and interviewee’ and ‘Understanding of matters hidden in a group’ were included herein. Finally, in case of needs of three levels of interaction in group work supervision, elementary counselors had high needs in the individual level and middle levels and skillful counselors had high needs in the group-as-a-system level and needs on the interpersonal level was low in all careers. 본 연구는 집단상담 수퍼비전 교육요구를 상담자들의 경력수준에 따라 분석하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 집단상담자들의 집단상담 수퍼비전 요구에 대한 영역과 교육내용을 조사한 후 그 결과를 집단상담자 경력에 따른 집단상담 수퍼비전 요구를 분석하였다. 이를 위해 집단상담을 운영 해 본 집단상담자 214명을 대상으로 요구분석을 실시하였다. 분석은 크게 여섯 가지 교육내용 영역과 그 하위내용, 그리고 집단상담 수퍼비전 상호작용 차원 영역에 대해 집단상담자들의 경력수준에 따른 교육요구(중요도×역산한 숙달도×기대수준)의 우선순위를 비교하고, 일원변량분석을 통해 교육요구도를 비교하는 절차로 이루어졌다. 그 결과, 집단상담자들의 경력수준이 높아짐에 따라 수퍼비전의 교육내용에 대한 교육요구도는 점차 낮아지고 있다. 하지만, 교육요구의 우선순위는 대체로 유사한 경향이 있음이 발견되었다. 초보, 중간수준, 그리고 숙련상담자 집단은 공통적으로 ‘집단역동’, ‘개입기술’ 영역에 대한 교육요구가 높았으며, 상대적으로 ‘상호작용 및 의사소통’, ‘상담계획 및 구조화’ 영역에 대한 교육요구는 대체로 낮은 경향이 있었다. 또한 각 영역별 하위내용들에 대한 요구를 분석한 결과, ‘어려운 집단역동의 대처’, ‘집단역동에 대한 다양한 개입방법’, ‘부정적이거나 강렬한 감정처리’, ‘집단원들 사이의 갈등처리기술’, ‘효율적 직면’, ‘전이감정의 인식 및 생산적 활용’ 등이 높은 경향이 있었다. 반면, ‘집단 참여의 적절한 분배’, ‘시간제한 집단의 한계 및 효율적 운영방법’, ‘작업을 위해 연결할 적합한 대상자 파악’, ‘집단 상담자와 코리더의 갈등’, ‘윤리적 딜레마’ 등에서 상대적으로 낮은 교육요구 경향이 있었다. 그러나 초보, 중간수준, 숙련 상담자 집단 간에 교육요구의 우선순위가 비교적 뚜렷하게 차이가 나는 내용들도 있었는데, ‘문제를 소유하지 않고 피드백을 거부하는 집단원’, ‘적절한 개입의 시기 및 수준의 결정’, ‘지금-여기와 내담자의 핵심문제 연결하기’, ‘집단 안에 숨겨진 안건 파악’, ‘집단 밖 문제를 상호작용 작업으로 전환’, ‘집단원이 말하거나 느낀 것의 심층적인 의미의 포착 및 반영’ 등이 포함되었다. 마지막으로 집단상담 수퍼비전 상호작용 세 가지 차원별 요구도를 보면 초보상담자는 개인차원, 중간수준과 숙련 상담자들은 집단전체 차원에 대한 요구도가 높았으며, 모든 경력수준에서 대인관계차원에 대한 요구도가 낮았다.

      • KCI등재후보

        지역 사회에 거주하는 저소득층 만성 정신질환자의 요구도조사

        조성진,김용익,조맹제,서동우,박계식,배재남,신철진,지경환,함봉진,정인원 대한신경정신의학회 2003 신경정신의학 Vol.42 No.6

        Objectives:The purposes of the study were to assess the unmet needs of the chronic mental ill in low income class living in community and to provide basic data for developing services and programs in community mental health. Methods:Face to face interviews were done for the subjects (n=320) who were diagnosed as schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, and bipolar I disorder. The Korean version of Camberwell Assessment of Need Short Appraisal Scale (CANSAS) was used as the assessment tool of the needs. Frequencies and rates of met needs and unmet needs of each 22 items of CANSAS were estimated. We classified 22 items into six need areas by operational definition, and then estimated mean percentages of unmet needs and met needs for each 6 need areas. We also classified subjects into 2 groups by the presence of psychiatric care needs, and then estimated mean percentage of unmet needs for other 5 need areas according to psychiatric care needs. Results:Among the respondents, 77.7% of them had no spouses, and 66.4% had the education of six years and over. Of the respondents, 53.8% were males, 46.2% females. And 74.3% used medical aid in social security. Most respondents did not have present occupations and persons who were living with their parents were 48.3% and persons living alone reached 8%. The diagnosis of schizophrenia was 60.9%, major depressive disorder 15.2%, respectively. Most respondents (73.6%) had been admitted to the hospitals, but they hardly used rehabilitation services or programs during the daytimes. In estimating the unmet needs for each 22 items of CANAS, the need of company of others was the highest and that of welfare benefit and daytime activity were next. Information for treatment, intimate relationship, psychological distress, money, and psychotic symptoms follow the order. The mean percentages of unmet needs for each 6 needs area were 29.5% for income needs, 26.9% for social relation needs, 17.0% for physical care needs, 14.2% for psychiatric care needs, 11.6% for daily living skill needs, and 9.6% for residency needs. We classified subjects into 2 groups by the presence of psychiatric care needs: 49% of the subjects had no psychiatric care needs and 51% had psychiatric care needs. The group that had psychiatric care needs also had higher mean percentage of unmet need in 5 other needs areas than group that had no psychiatric care needs. And these results showed statistically significant except residency needs area. Conclusion:When preparing services or programs in community mental health, occupational rehabilitation and social support should be included as basic services. Other services such as physical treatment, psychiatric treatment, social skill training, and residency could be considered as optional.

      • KCI등재

        소비자의 상위 욕구 충족을 통한 디자인의 선호성 향상에 관한 연구 : 연관 디자인심리 원리와 공간디자인에의 적용사례 분석

        이정민 ( Lee Jeongmin ) 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.7

        (Background and Purpose) Human-centered design is a major design paradigm in the contemporary era. As the proportion of service industry has increased, companies have become interested in the consumer experience that creates high added-value. When companies sell the product, they want to maximize its value by providing it in combination with experience, story, and service. Therefore, companies want to reflect psychological features of consumers in their designs in order to increase consumer preference. To support theses social and economic changes, this paper studies psychological principles of design. In particular, it analyzes psychological principles for improving consumer preference in relation to satisfying upper-level needs of consumers in the need hierarchy. Through this, the research intends to provide systematic information necessary to design high-quality consumer experiences. (Method) This study was conducted through literature review, case analysis, and field study. Chapters 2 and 3 were done with literature review, and chapter 4 was proceeded with case analyses of spatial designs. Data for case analysis was collected through field studies, interviews, literature, and articles. (Results) This paper analyzed psychological principles of design regarding belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs in Maslow's Need Hierarchy. First, experiential focus for each stage of needs were analyzed and were categorized into familiarity(pursuit of conservative experience), newness(pursuit of innovative experience), and balance(pursuit of midroad experience). The next step was to analyze psychological principles associated with these three foci. In relation to familiarity(pursuit of conservative experience), Bandwagon Effect, Preference for Archetype, Preference for Golden Ratio, Light-from-above Assumption, and Preference for Anthropomorphism were analyzed. Concerning newness(pursuit of innovative experience), Snob Effect and Scarcity Effect were analyzed. With regard to balance(pursuit of midroad experience), MAYA Principle, Mere Exposure Effect, and Flow Theory were analyzed. In Chapter 4, through case analyses of spatial designs, it was confirmed that all of these principles can be properly applied to spatial designs. Also, it was found that among the design components of spatial designs(exterior, interior, and display/contents), the one to which these principles are most frequently applied is the display/contents part. (Conclusions) Psychological principles for familiarity are associated with belongingness and love needs. In this study, more principles related to familiarity were analyzed compared to newness or balance. This result is consistent with the claim of Maslow's Need Hierarchy (lower needs are stronger, and only after lower needs are fulfilled, higher needs will be evoked). Therefore, if a brand targets a wide range of consumers, the priority should be given to the psychological principles related to familiar experiences. However, in this study, it was also confirmed that a brand needs to provide a new and innovative experience if it targets highly segmented consumers who seek esteem needs, or self-actualization needs.

      • 호스피스 환자의 돌봄 요구와 가족이 인지하는 환자의 돌봄 요구 비교: Q 방법론

        용진선,홍현자,Yong, Jin-Sun,Hong, Hyun-Ja 한국호스피스완화의료학회 2004 한국호스피스.완화의료학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        목적: 본 연구의 목적은 호스피스 병동에 입원한 호스피스 환자들의 돌봄 요구 유형과 가족간호자가 인지하는 환자의 돌봄 요구 유형을 파악하고, 두 군 간에 차이가 있는지 비교하여 호스피스 환자의 돌봄 요구를 만족시키기에 도움이 되는 방법을 모색하는데 필요한 기초 자료를 제공하고자 한다. 연구방법으로는 개인에 대한 내적 의미에 중심을 두고 인간의 주관성이나 태도 유형을 심층적으로 측정할 수 있는 연구 방법론인 Q방법론을 적용하였다. 방법: 본 연구를 위한 Q표본은 호스피스 환자들의 돌봄 요구에 대한 경험으로 구성된 23개의 진술문이다. 자료는 2002년 12월부터 2003년 2월까지 23개의 Q-표본을 이용하여 C 대학 K 병원 호스피스병동에 입원하고 연구에 동의한 환자 20명군과 이들을 간호하는 주 가족간호자 20명군으로 가족 20쌍의 P-표본으로부터 각각 수집하였다. 탈분포도는 정상 분포방식에 따라 9점 척도 상에 대상자의 의견과 일치하는 정도에 따라 분류하도록 하였으며, 면담시 대상자의 구술도 기록하였다. 자료 분석은 Quanl PC 프로그램을 통한 Q요인분석인 주인자 분석방법을 이용하여, 요구 유형을 파악하기 위하여 평균분석, 요인 가중치, 영역별 요인 분석, 요인 배열을 하였고, 요인수의 결정을 위해 아이겐값은 1.0 이상을 기준으로 하였다. 결과: 연구결과 호스피스 환자 군과 가족간호자 군이 인지한 호스피스 환자의 돌봄 요구 유형은 네 가지로 확인되었다. 신체적, 정서적, 영적, 그리고 사회적 돌봄 요구 유형. 돌봄 요구 유형에 대한 두 군 간의 전체 일치률은 48%이었다. 제 1유형은 '신체적 돌봄 요구형' 으로 통증조절이 안된 상태로 통증으로 인하여 심한 고통을 당하고 있어 주호소인 통증 및 신체적 안위에 대한 돌봄을 우선적으로 요구하였다. 두 군 간의 일치율은 62.5%이었다. 제 2유형은 '정서적 돌봄 요구형' 으로 가족과 친밀감과 사랑을 나누기를 원하고 죽음에 대한 두려움을 따뜻한 대화로써 정서적으로 지지 받기를 원하였다. 두 군 간의 일치율은 20%이었다. 제 3유형은 '영적 돌봄 요구형' 으로 대상자 모두 종교를 가지고 신심이 깊었으며 절대자에게 용서 받고 싶은 욕구가 많았고 기도와 사목자의 방문을 원하였다. 두 군 간의 일치율은 60%이었다. 제 4유형은 '사회적 돌봄 요구형'으로 자신이 하던 일에 대한 마무리와 봉사를 원하는 것으로 나타났다. 두 군 간의 일치율은 50%이었다. 이상으로 볼 때, 호스피스 환자와 가족간호자가 인지한 환자의 돌봄 요구는 큰 차이가 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 따라서, 호스피스 간호사는 호스피스 환자의 돌봄 요구를 만족시키기 위해서 환자와 가족간호자간에 환자의 돌봄 요구에 대한 인지의 차이를 좁히기 위한 적절한 방법을 모색하고, 가족간호자에게 환자의 돌봄 요구를 사정하기 위한 교육을 시켜야 하겠다. Purpose: The purpose of tile study was to identify types of care needs of hospice patients and those from the family caregivers' perspective and to compare these two groups in reporting patients' care needs through Q-methodology. Methods: Twenty three Q-statements concerning care needs were selected through in-depth interviews of hospice patients. Data were collected from 20 hospice patients as well as 20 family caregivers respectively by sorting 23 Q-statements into 9 points standard. Data analysis was performed by using PC QUANL program. Results: Principal component analysis identified four types of care needs of the hospice patients. Overall, the accuracy of family caregiver reports was 48% in all types of care needs. Type 1 was named 'physical care needs type' for those whose greatest need was physical care to be free of pain and comfortable. The accuracy in Type 1 was 62.5%. Type 2 was named 'emotional care needs type' for those who would like to share love and intimacy with their family members. The accuracy in Type 2 was 20%. Type 3 was named 'spiritual care needs type' for those who would like to receive forgiveness from their God and prayers and visitation of clergy. The accuracy in Type 3 was 60%. Type 4 was named 'social care needs type' for those who would like to complete their ongoing work and to give service to others. The accuracy in Type 4 was 50%. Conclusion: There was a great difference between hospice patients and the family caregivers in reporting patients' care needs. Thus, hospice nurses need to educate family caregivers to more accurately assess patients' care needs.

      • KCI등재

        Unmet Needs of Breast Cancer Patients Relative to Survival Duration

        박병우,황숙연 연세대학교의과대학 2012 Yonsei medical journal Vol.53 No.1

        Purpose: The present study aims to evaluate the prevalence of unmet needs among breast cancer survivors, to assess the relationships between unmet needs and depression and quality of life, and to explore the extent to which unmet needs of breast cancer patients relate to the time elapsed since surgery. Materials and Methods: Among 1,250 eligible patients who participated in the study, 1,084 cases (86.7%) were used for analysis. Clinicopathological and social parameters were reviewed and the Supportive Care Needs Survey, Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast cancer instrument, and Beck Depression Inventory were administered. The frequency of unmet needs, the association between unmet needs and depression and/or quality of life (QOL) and the impact of the time elapsed since surgery on the patients’ unmet needs were analyzed. Results: The highest levels of unmet needs were found to be in the health system and information domain. Patients with a survival duration of less than 1 year since surgery showed significantly higher unmet needs in all need domains except the sexuality domain (p<0.001) than participants in the other groups. Patients with a survival duration of 1-3 years also experienced significantly higher psychological and information needs than long-term survivors (>5 years). In addition, unmet needs were significantly associated with depression (p<0.001) and QOL (p<0.001). Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that long-term breast cancer survivors had a significantly lower level of unmet needs than patients with survival duration of less than 3 years after surgery and patients with survival duration of less than 1 year since surgery suffered the greatest unmet needs. QOL might be enhanced if interventions are made for specific unmet needs of each patient group.

      • 노인성 치매환자 가족의 간호요구에 대한 연구

        유은정,하양숙 서울대학교 간호대학 간호과학연구소 1995 간호학 논문집 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of the study was to explore the care need of the senile dementia patient's family Subjects were 36 family members of senile dementia in-patient or out-patient of 1 university hospital and 1 city hospital in Seoul. The instrument used in the study was made by the researcher, composed of 40 items. Content validity of the instrument was tested by two head nurses and one professor majoring in nursing. Internal validity by calculation of Cronbach's αwith data of the respondents was .93 which was highly accepted. Data was analyzed by SPSS PC+, using mean standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation. The results were summarized as follows, 1. The mean score of the sum of the care need of family was 3.63 and the highest-mean item was 'need to be coped with symptom of problem action(wrong thought, food reject, wandering, amnesia etc..)(M=4.83)' and the lowest-mean items were 'need to be participated in meeting of dementia families(M=2.72)' and 'need to be treated language of dementia elder(M=2.72)'. 2. The each mean score of 4 categories classified by homogeneity of the item and it's order was; 1st, Care needs to be informed on the care way, 3.96 2nd, Care needs for treatment, 3.41 3rd, Care needs for well being, 3.14 4th, Care needs emotional support of family, 3.66 3. The variables influencing the degree of care needs perceived by family member of senile dementia patient. a) Among the demographic variables of family, sex and relation of dementia elderly influenced care needs. The male family member had higher level of care need than female and the brothers, sisters of dementia elderly had the highest level of care need. b) Among the variables related to the dementia patient's condition, the periods elapsed of development of dementia symptom and existence of the care shift influenced care needs. The illness period was over 9 months had higher level of care need than under 9 months and existence of the care shift had higher level of care need than non-existence. 4. Depression of family and care needs had positive correlation statistically. The above findings may be used as the basic data of the educational program for senile dementia patient's family.

      • KCI등재

        요양시설 노인의 간호요구도 및 일상생활 수행능력

        김귀분,이혜경,석소현 지역사회간호학회 2009 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Purpose: The study was a survey study to identify the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and nursing needs of the elderly in the nursing home and derive the fundamental data for offering the better quality of nursing service to them. Methods:The subjects were the 111 elderly aged over sixty five living in the nursing home located in Seoul. Measures were the nursing needs scale and ADL scale. The data were analyzed by SAS 11.0. Results: First, with regard to the nursing needs, the general need was scored average 3.0, and the emotional · social need was 3.7, and the physical need was 3.1, and the informational need was 2.7. Second, the ADL was scored at the average of 2.7, bathing 1.9, eating 3.1. Third, In correlation between the nursing needs by area, the informational nursing needs showed the sheer correlation with the physical nursing needs, emotional · social nursing needs. The physical nursing needs showed the sheer correlation with the informationalㆍsocial nursing needs, and the inverse correlation with the ADL. Conclusion: It is necessary that it should improve the service to meet the emotional and social nursing needs and develop the extensive nursing programs satisfying their desires based on the general traits of the elderly.

      • KCI등재

        평생교육프로그램 사회적 요구분석 모형

        윤규원,김문섭,김진숙 국제문화기술진흥원 2021 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.7 No.2

        This study aims to develop the model of needs analysis for lifelong education program in order to verify social needs as well as personal needs. The overall process of this study is as follows. Firstly, a questionaire based on six mode classification of lifelong education program was invented in order to apply to program development. Secondly, a questionaire was designed to evaluate personal needs and social needs simultaneously. Thirdly, t-test, needs analysis of Borich model, and the Locus for Focus model were conducted with a view to analyze the difference between personal needs and social needs. As a result, there showed the categories of education which are high in both personal and social needs, whereas a category like certification program is higher in social needs rather than in personal needs. The results represent the necessities of promoting programs which are high in social needs even if there is no personal needs. Therefore the needs survey and the needs analysis need to be conducted to find out not only personal needs but also social needs. 본 연구는 평생교육프로그램 개발 및 평가 과정 중 요구분석 단계에서 개인적 요구와 사회적 요구도를 확인할 수 있는 평생교육프로그램 사회적 요구분석 모형을 개발하는 것이 목적이다. 이 연구의 주요 과정과 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한국평생교육 6진 분류체계에 근거한 질문항목으로 설문지를 만들어 요구도 조사의 결과를 프로그램 개발에 적용할 수 있도록 내용을 구성하였다. 둘째, 개인적 요구와 사회적 요구도를 동시에 측정할 수 있도록 설문지를 구성하였다. 셋째, 재구성하여 개발한 요구분석 설문지를 사용하여 평생교육 요구 조사를 실시하고 t-검정, Borich의 요구도, The Locus for Focus 모델을 통해 개인적 요구도와 사회적 요구도를 모두 고려한 요구분석 모형을 적용하였다. 요구분석 결과, 개인적 요구도와 사회적 요구도가 모두 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이 중 자격인증과 같은 개인적 요구도는 낮지만 사회적 요구도가 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 이는 개인의 요구는 없지만 사회적으로 필요한 프로그램이 개설되어야 하는 당위성을 대변해주는 결과이다. 따라서 본 연구에서 제시하는 요구 조사 설문방법과 요구분석 우선순위 결정 모형을 활용하여 개별 평생교육기관들이 학습자의 요구를 조사하여 분석한다면 사회적으로 반드시 필요한 프로그램들이 개설되는 계기가 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • 위암환자의 질병과정에 따른 사회적 지지요구 및 지각된 사회적 지지

        이동숙,이은옥 서울대학교 간호대학 간호과학연구소 1997 간호학 논문집 Vol.11 No.2

        Social support has emerged in recent years as a major topic in investigations of psychosocial variables influencing health-related outcomes. Findings fro studies (Castelli, 1992; Johnson, 1982; McIllnurray & Holdcroft, 1993; Spegel, Bollm & Yalom, 1981) suggest that social support helps cancer patients adjust themselves psychosocially to cancer. Depending on the stages of disease, need of social support may be different in cancer patients. For that reason, it proposed to assess social support at more than a single point in time. With these backgrounds, this study was conducted to examine different contents and sources of need of social support and perceived social support and perceived social support according to disease process, and provide guidelines for specific and proper supportive care for them. In Korea, gastric cancer is revealed the highest death rate in male cancer patients. Subjects were composed of 103 patients with gastric cancer; 18 in diagnostic period, 23 undergoing surgery, 44 undergoing chemotherapy and 18 in post-treatment adjustment period. They were contacted either in oncologic wards or put patient department in one tertiary hospital in Seoul. The instruments of this study were Social Support Scale which were developed by the researcher. These scales in the form of 5-point Likert type, consists of 20 items, including 3 subscales of emotional support, informational support and instrumental support. The higher the score, the higher the need of social support or the perceived social support. Data were analyzed by SPSS/PC+ program; ANOVA was used to examine differences of needs of social support and perceived social support at 4 points of time (diagnostic period, surgical period, period of chemotherapy and post-treatment period), respectively. Paired-test was used to compare need of social support with perceived social support at each point. The results were as follows. 1. There was no significant differences in total need of social support at 4 points of time. But there were significant differences in need of informational support and need of instrumental support among 3 subscales. Need of informational support was the highest in diagnostic period. 2. There were no significant differences in total perceived social support and 3 subscale at 4 points of time, respectively. 3. Need of instrumental support was higher in women than men, while age was a factor of perceived instrumental support, Perceived instrumental support was the highest at sixties, and the lowest as fifties. 4. In comparison of need of social support and perceived social support at 4 points of time, mean score of total need of social support was significantly higher than score of total perceived social support in diagnostic period, mean score of perceived emotional support higher than score of emotional support need in the period of chemotherapy, and mean score of need of informational support was higher than score of perceived informational support at each period. 5. Main sources of emotional support need were spouse, doctors, and brothers or sisters in order, sources of informational support need were doctors, spouse, and nurses in order, and sources of instrumental support need were spouse, brothers or sisters, and children in order. Sources of perceived emotional social support were spouse, children and nurses in order, sources of perceived informational social support were doctors spouse, and children in order, and sources of perceived instrumental social support were spouse, brothers or sisters, children in order. In conclusions, need of social support and perceived social support in patients having gastric cancer were different as to changing disease process. As sex and age influenced instrumental social support. The results of the study indicate that nurses and other health care workers who deal with the patients with gastric cancer should pay attention to the disease process as well as the kinds of support that the patients need. They also indicate that nurses should provide the support, especially focusing on the informational need of gatric cancer patients.

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