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      • KCI등재

        Disorientation and Multiple-identities in John Marston's The Malcontent

        남장현 한국중세근세영문학회 2010 고전·르네상스 영문학 Vol.19 No.1

        This study attempts to examine John Marston’s The Malcontent with regard to his unique characterization and the concept of identity in Elizabethan and Jacobean England. He has been regarded as one of the most idiosyncratic dramatists of his era. His characterizations are allegedly flawed in the sense that each individual, like the playwright himself, lacks coherence and consistent stability throughout his works. However, this lack of coherence in his characters can be said to be quite intentional, since there is evidence to support Marston paid a great deal of attention to human mutability in his verses and dramas. Human mutability, when it is dramatized on stage, opens the possibility that Marston may not have believed one integrated harmonious identity but the coexistence of multiple identities in a human being. In this hypothesis, the first party of this study investigates the social disorientation and disjunction that a group of characters in The Malcontent experience and their mental state in which they cannot sustain their own consistent self. Consequently, each character wishes to annihilate his/her own identity, by eroding their self and yearning for death. Through such an unbearable experience, the characters start to assume multiple identities in one self which are incompatible, or sometimes entirely contradictory. Therefore, the second part highlights the course that the characters adopt various identities through dramatic devices such as disguise, deceit and role-playing. In particular, the character Malevole can be shown to portray a number of identities as a direct result of the turmoil and strife to which he finds himself subjected. Examining Marston’s play The Malcontent in terms of the possibility of multiple identities may not only illustrate Marston’s unique idea of human nature and his own perplexing character but also many critics’ diatribes of his character’s inconsistency. Marston leads us to think that, perhaps, living in his Jacobean world is akin to having the capability of possessing multiple identities, should they need or wish to do so. At the conclusion of the performance, the audience is left believing that any character could metamorphose into new contradictory identities at any time, and that they can achieve anything they put their minds to. Such potential flexibility certainly parallels the reality of human nature of the Jacobean era in which courtiers needed to adapt in order to survive.

      • KCI등재후보

        『하얀 악마』의 연구 : 플라미네오의 역할을 중심으로

        박옥진(Park Ok-Jin) 신영어영문학회 2003 신영어영문학 Vol.25 No.-

        This study is about John Webster's attitude towards the chaotic world of the early seventeenth century in England by examining Flamineo, a villain character in The White Devil. The world that John Webster's The White Devil reveals is a dark one governed by Machiavellian power structure in which its appearance and reality are different and evil prevails. Flamineo, as a villain character, is a frustrated intellectual that is alienated from the power and constantly strives to attain the power to no avail. Flamineo epitomizes the whole class of Englishmen whose ambitions for public service produce only disenchantment. He typifies the plight of the intellectual in the world of state, at once its agent, and its victim. Through Flamineo, Webster severly criticizes this situation which intellectuals encounter in the society in which they cannot be provided with a place to use their talents and fulfil their sense of self-esteem and honour. In conclusion, Webster satirizes through the dramatic type of scholarly malcontent, Flamineo. Jacobean England where moral values and political aims were corrupted.

      • KCI등재

        A Proposal for a New Theoretical Perspective of Language Test Malcontents: Three Stories

        이영주,프레드 데이비슨 한국영어교육학회 2010 ENGLISH TEACHING(영어교육) Vol.65 No.4

        This study reports three international graduate students who took an English as a Second Language (ESL) test at a large U.S. public university. Some test takers might be misclassified as non-masters, required to take ESL courses, and thus unable to register for a full load of content courses. The three test-takers perceived themselves to be mis-classified; we call them “malcontents.” These three students were tracked as they began their academic program, via in-depth, face-to-face interviews. Each was audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. We present narratives starting from the test-taking experience and reaching into the first year of graduate program. Two malcontents who were not convinced about their local test results at the beginning later accepted the results after their required ESL courses. Findings indicate that test contentment cannot be judged about the test alone, but can only be judged about the test in concert with any courses into which the test-taker is placed. The stories of malcontents must be identified because their experiences in subsequent courses are an important aspect of establishing the validity evidence; hence, this paper proposes a new theoretical perspective of language test malcontents.

      • KCI등재

        1572년 8월 24일, 생 바르텔르미 대학살

        박효근 한국프랑스사학회 2018 프랑스사연구 Vol.- No.38

        본 논문에서는 프랑스 종교내전 시기 가장 잔인한 순간이었던 생 바르텔르미 대학살의 역사적 배경과 전개, 그리고 결과를 되짚어 보고, 1572년 8월 24일의 학살이 발생한 원인과 책임을 규명하고자 한다. 학살 시기 왕실의 성급한 정치적 결단과 유례없는 민중폭력으로 인해 촉발된 논쟁은 결국 가톨릭 프랑스의 형성과 절대왕정의 성립에 핵심적인 기반이 되었다. 나아가 생 바르텔르미 학살과 같은 비극은 타자에 대한 배척과 증오가 존재하는 한 여전히 현재진행형일 수 있음에 주목하였다. In this paper, we review the historical background, development, and results of the Saint Bartholomew massacre, the most brutal moment of the French religious civil war, then identify the cause and responsibility of the massacre. Through this analysis, the political decision of the royal family and the popular violence occurred during the slaughter acted as a key basis for the coming of absolute monarchy and the formation of Catholic France. Furthermore, we should concern that tragedies such as the slaughter of Saint Bartholomew may still be possible as long as there is hatred and antipathy against Others.

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