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      • KCI등재

        유럽 이슬람화의 실상과 선교적 대응

        최하영 ( Choi Ha Young ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2017 복음과 선교 Vol.37 No.-

        Recently, many refugees and immigrants flocked to Europe due to the civil war in Syria, and Europeans feel a sense of crisis. Moreover, since most of the refugees in 2015 and 2016 were Muslims, Europeans are fearing that Europe will become Islamic. I would like to raise an argument against whether Europe will become Islamic. The first statement is that Europe is becoming Islamic due to the increase of immigrants. Among the total population of Europe, Muslims are 5.9% (19 million people) in 2010 and expect to become 10.2% in 2050. In 2016, worldwide Muslims are 23% of the world`s population, and will become 30% of the world`s population by 2050. Can you say that Europe is soon becoming Islamic compared to the rest of the world? Second opinion is that Europe is becoming Islamic is due to fertility rates of Muslims. By 2050, European Muslims can be 10.2%, assuming that these Muslims have an average birth rate of 5.0 to 8.0 as much as that in their hometown. In 2005 ~ 2010, European Muslims had an average fertility rate of 2.2, and by 2050 it is expected to be 1.8. Therefore, by 2050, the Muslims in Europe will be less than 30% under the precondition of 10.2%. Thus, by 2050, Muslims in Europe are 7.3%, far less than 30% of the world`s Muslims. Third, European Islam is not melting into European multiculturalism due to its ghettoization. They are ghettoized living in a homogeneous groups and forming an Islamic culture that is separated from European Christian culture. So they rather want to go their hometown. Fourth, Europeans` idea of Islamic way of life is the same as living in Stone Age. As a result, Islamophobia is becoming more and more intense for Europeans. Anti-Muslimism became more prevalent. In this way, Lord does not Islamize Europe. However, He uses European Muslims as a stimulus for Europeans. Historically, Europe has not been Islamized unless Islam states conquer it with force. However, Europe is advanced than Islamic countries in all aspects: economic, military, etc. These European Muslims are new missionary neighbors. Therefore, I suggest for Korean churches and missionaries who have never been in competition, friendly, respectful, and community-oriented, and close to Asian culture, to go closer to European Muslims as brothers and neighbors.

      • KCI등재

        동·서양인의 업무공간 LED조명환경 연구

        양정순(Yang Jungsoon) 한국조명·전기설비학회 2017 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.31 No.7

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the preference characteristics of the lighting environment in the East and the West working space through the research on the light environment perception of Koreans and Europeans. As a result of the experiment, The color temperature is preferred to 4000K for both Koreans and Europeans in suitable lighting environment for the work space. The preferred lighting method is direct and indirect lighting and indirect lighting in Europe, and Koreans prefer direct lighting or direct and indirect lighting. For the illumination level, 700lx-1000lx were preferred to Koreans and 500lx-700lx to Europeans. We could find additional grounds for interpretation of the work environment lighting preference result in the study of psychological cognitive evaluation and expectation lighting environment according to work characteristics. Also, we could understand the similarity and difference of light recognition in Korea and Europe. The interpretation of the results shows that the determination of conformity to the work personality in Europe is highly related to the comfort of the lighting environment, and the possibility of categorization of the lighting environment in Korea can be seen. Also, in the work space, correlated color temperature of rich spectrum by combination of Cool White, Warm White and RGB LED chip was evaluated highly even in the white lighting environment. In addition, in Korea, high illumination level is required for the reading and writing objects itself. In Europe, it is preferable that the lighting environment enhances the visual sensibility with the brightness distribution of the entire space in addition to the appropriate illumination level of the object itself. In Europe, where the lighting industry is advanced, the work space has highly evaluated the value of the space design in which the overall harmonious brightness distribution is recognized by the expansion of space and visual comfort through direct and indirect lighting and indirect lighting. This design direction should also be noted in the interior of a country. Through this research process, it is revealed that the significance of this study is to reveal the importance of research on the local users in the globalization strategy of the lighting industry and propose research methods.

      • The Influence of Whiteness on Social and Professional Integration: The Case of Highly Skilled Europeans in Japan

        Miladinovic, Adrijana World Association for Triple Helix and Future Stra 2020 Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia Vol.19 No.2

        Spurred by the ongoing globalization, an increase in mobility has diversified migrant categories and strengthened intercultural rapport. Alongside the "traditional" migrants, "White" (Caucasian) individuals are coming into greater focus of migration studies as "lifestyle migrants". Although White migrations are not a new phenomenon, the deep-seated idea of White supremacy continues to play an important role in contemporary intercultural communication, awarding Whites across communities a "cosmopolitan" status of highly educated cultural elites. As such, the focus of this research is on highly skilled White European migrants, on their subjective experiences of integration in Japan, and whether they perceive Whiteness as an obstacle or an advantage in this process, if integration is desired at all. To discern the connection between race and integration, this research investigates the non-White majority society of Japan as it has established racial hierarchies according to the Western models, consequently influencing the status of its contemporary White immigrants. Privileged, yet singled out as racial and cultural role models, White Europeans' integration seemingly becomes nearly impossible. The data obtained in fifteen semi-structured interviews confirms that Whiteness grants advantages when entering the Japanese job market, but remains an obstacle in everyday community integration. European professionals do not feel accepted and abandon efforts to integrate, if such were made, retreating into "cosmopolitan islets" wherein they renegotiate their White European identities.

      • KCI등재

        에스토니아 내 러시아인 디아스포라의 정체성 변화

        김혜진 한국외국어대학교 EU연구소 2024 EU연구 Vol.- No.69

        소련으로부터 독립한 이후 에스토니아 정부는 소비에트 시기 억압받았던 민족어와 민족 문화 되살리기에 나섰다. 이는 주권을 되찾은 에스토니아의 당연한 선택이자, 그동안의 민족적 설움을 보상하는 결정이었다. 다른 한편에서는 러시아인을 비롯한 비에스토니아인들이 시민권 취득과 참정권 행사에 문제를 겪게 됐으며, 언어와 직결된 사회생활에서 소외되기도 했다. 그렇지만 에스토니아의 경제적 성취와 유럽연합 가입은 이곳 러시아인들이 겪어야 했던 여러 어려움을 상쇄하며 이들을 에스토니아 시민으로 남게 했다. 이러한 상황에서 이들은 정체성의 변화를 경험하게 됐다. 에스토니아의 러시아인들은 가정 내 의사소통 언어로서의 러시아어를 유지하고, 가족과 러시아 언론 등을 통해 러시아에 대한 정보와 지식은 습득하고 있지만, 에스토니아와 러시아를 각각 ‘조국’과 ‘역사적 조국’으로 분리하고 있으며, 러시아 본토의 러시아인과도 자신을 구분한다. 이들은 모국의 동포와는 다른 ‘러시아계 유럽인’(Euro-Russians) 또는 ‘유럽계 러시아인’(Russian Europeans)으로 자신을 정의하고 있다. 이들은 유럽과 러시아를 분명히 나누고 오래전부터 러시아인들이 선망해왔던 유럽 쪽에 자신을 배치하며 유럽인과 자신을 동일시한다. 여기서 흥미로운 것은 ‘러시아계 에스토니아인’(Russian-Estonians)이 아닌, ‘러시아계 유럽인’이라고 자신을 정의한다는 것이다. 이는 자신을 러시아의 러시아인보다 우월한 존재임을 상정하고, 동시에 에스토니아 시민으로서의 동일시보다는, ‘유럽(인)’과의 동일시를 선호하는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. Following its independence from the Soviet Union, the Estonian government embarked on a concerted effort to rejuvenate the national language and culture, which had endured suppression during the Soviet era. This commitment found direct manifestation in governmental policies, representing an imperative choice for Estonia in the restoration of its sovereignty. The emphasis on the expansion of Estonian language and its education served as a means to redress the national grievances incurred during the preceding period. On the other hand, non-Estonian communities, notably Russians, encountered challenges in obtaining citizenship, faced limitations on political suffrage, and experienced social alienation linked to linguistic factors. Nonetheless, Estonia's economic accomplishments and accession to the European Union mitigated the adversities faced by the Russian population, facilitating their retention of Estonian citizenship. In these circumstances, individuals within this community underwent shifts in identity, with some even constructing entirely new identities. Russians residing in Estonia persist in utilizing the Russian language for communication within their family and preserving knowledge of Russian culture through familial and media channels. However, they draws a conceptual distinction between Estonia and Russia, designating them as their 'homeland' and 'historical homeland,' respectively. This demarcation also extends to Russians residing in mainland Russia. Notably, they self-identify as 'Euro-Russians,' thereby differentiating themselves from their counterparts. This self-definition involves positioning themselves on the side of Europe, aligning with a region that Russians have historically admired, and asserting an identity congruent with European values. Notably intriguing is their self-identification as 'Euro-Russians' or ‘Russian Europeans’ rather than 'Russian-Estonians.' This choice suggests a perceived superiority vis-à-vis Russians in Russia while concurrently expressing a preference for identification as 'Europeans' over national identity of Estonians.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Relation between European Citizenship and European Identity An Empirical Study on the Development of European Identity

        이선필 한독사회과학회 2012 한독사회과학논총 Vol.22 No.3

        This study purports to assess if European Citizenship has contributed to the development of European identity. It is assumed that European Citizenship represents a strong instrument for forming a‘European demos’, with a distinctly European identity, because it was created to instill‘European consciousness’among nationals of member countries. European Citizenship and European identity are, therefore, believed to be strongly interrelated. This study attempts to verify whether such an assumption coincides with the attitudes and beliefs of European citizens by assessing the responses to a Eurobarometer surveys before and after the creation of European Citizenship. The survey results show that reality differs from the above assumption. European identity, projected through loyalty to the EU and its symbols and policies and a feeling of citizenship, was stable during the 1990s and 2000s and did not develop much with respect to the 1980s. The feeling of citizenship among European citizens did not notably improveafter the establishment of European Citizenship. In conclusion, European identity has not developed in a strictly positive sense during the 60 years of European integration to date.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Relation between European Citizenship and European Identity : An Empirical Study on the Development of European Identity

        SonPhil LEE 한독사회과학회 2012 한독사회과학논총 Vol.22 No.3

        이 연구는 유럽시민권 제도가 유럽정체성의 발전에 기여했는가를 산정해 보기 위한 것이다. 일반적으로 유럽시민권은 유럽연합 회원국 시민들 사이에‘유럽인 의식’을 고무하기 위한 목적으로 형성되었기 때문에‘유러피언 데모스’를 형성하기 위한 강력할 도구라고 인정되고 있다. 따라서 유럽시민권과 유럽정체성은 서로 긴밀하게연계되어 있다고 가정되고 있다. 이 연구는 유럽시민권 제도의 형성 이전과 이후의 유로바로미터 여론조사를 평가하여 이러한 가정이 유럽 시민들의 태도와 신념과 일치하는가를 판단하기 위한 것이다. 유로바로미터 조사 결과는 현실이 위에서 언급한 가정과 다르다는 것을 보여주고 있다. 유럽연합, 유럽연합의 상징과 정책에 대한 충성을 통해서 투영되어 나타나는 유럽정체성은 1990년대와 2000년대에 정체되어 있었고, 1980년대에 비해 많은 발전을 하지 못했다. 결국 유럽시민권 제도의 형성 이후 유럽시민들 사이에서 유럽시민 의식은 크게 향상되지 못했다. 결과적으로 유럽정체성은 현재까지 약 60여년의 유럽통합 기간 동안 긍정적으로 발전하지 못했다고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        구한말 서양인의 눈에 비친 조선인의 몸

        김종갑 ( Jong Gab Kim ) 한국비교문학회 2011 比較文學 Vol.53 No.-

        How does one experience the other in his or her first encounter with the other? What does happen especially when he or she encounters the other whose body radically differs from his or her own? Is it possible for the subject to see the other with innocent eyes not contaminated by racial and cultural ideologies? This paper is an attempt to answer such a question by analyzing travel writings on Korea by European travelers at the end of the 19th century. Among so such travelogues, Ernst Jakob Oppert`s A Forbidden Land and Henry Savage-Landor`s Corea or Cho-Sen: The Land of the Morning Calm will be discussed in detail, since the phenomenon of the encounter of the other is most predominantly foregrounded there. The author of this paper found that European travellers experienced Koreans indirectly, that is, through the mediation of racial and cultural schema. Racial schema enabled them to penetrate into the mystery of the Korean body, which would have remained indecipherable otherwise: Korean body should be described, characterized, and then categorized according to the then leading racial theory: theory produces the Korean body. For Oppert, Koreans are of two races, Mongolians and Caucasians with the latter of which he felt solidarity. Of course, such a notion of two races is produced by the racial schema which dichotomized the infinitely diverse Korean bodies, while ignoring bodily characteristics which do not confirm to the racial categories available. However, such a violent theoretical gaze at the Koreans happened to reveal the materiality of the Korean bodies invisible to the innocent eyes. The material condition of Korean nobility make them look like Caucasians whereas the Koreans laborers exposed to the harsh weather and the scorching and pitiless sun looked like black. Racial gaze inadvertently hit upon the fact that body is constituted according the class lines.

      • KCI등재

        구한말 서양인의 눈에 비친 조선인의 몸

        김종갑 한국비교문학회 2011 比較文學 Vol.0 No.53

        How does one experience the other in his or her first encounter with the other? What does happen especially when he or she encounters the other whose body radically differs from his or her own? Is it possible for the subject to see the other with innocent eyes not contaminated by racial and cultural ideologies? This paper is an attempt to answer such a question by analyzing travel writings on Korea by European travelers at the end of the 19th century. Among so such travelogues, Ernst Jakob Oppert's A Forbidden Land and Henry Savage-Landor's Corea or Cho-Sen: The Land of the Morning Calm will be discussed in detail, since the phenomenon of the encounter of the other is most predominantly foregrounded there. The author of this paper found that European travellers experienced Koreans indirectly, that is, through the mediation of racial and cultural schema. Racial schema enabled them to penetrate into the mystery of the Korean body, which would have remained indecipherable otherwise: Korean body should be described, characterized, and then categorized according to the then leading racial theory: theory produces the Korean body. For Oppert, Koreans are of two races, Mongolians and Caucasians with the latter of which he felt solidarity. Of course, such a notion of two races is produced by the racial schema which dichotomized the infinitely diverse Korean bodies, while ignoring bodily characteristics which do not confirm to the racial categories available. However, such a violent theoretical gaze at the Koreans happened to reveal the materiality of the Korean bodies invisible to the innocent eyes. The material condition of Korean nobility make them look like Caucasians whereas the Koreans laborers exposed to the harsh weather and the scorching and pitiless sun looked like black. Racial gaze inadvertently hit upon the fact that body is constituted according the class lines.

      • KCI등재후보

        Behind and Beyond the Archaeology of the Silk Road: Laboratory Analyses in Eurasia, Some Results, Discussions, and Interpretations for Protohistory and Antiquity

        Henri-Paul FRANCFORT 계명대학교 실크로드 중앙아시아연구원 2023 Acta Via Serica Vol.8 No.2

        The paper presents some new results illustrating some developments related to the concept of the Silk Road and subsequent methodological reflections. New laboratory results of scientific analyses of plants, minerals, and human remains in combination with more conventional methods of research contribute to a better understanding of the multidirectionality of exchanges in Pre- and Protohistory. Unsuspected long-distance transfers of items, especially of metals (tin) and biological materials (plants, pathogens, etc.) are discovered. Adding ancient DNA and petroglyphs to the vexed question of the Indo-European migrations across Eurasia complexifies the familiar linguistic, historical, and archaeological research landscape. Recent excavations show the impact of the adoption of artistic elements adapted from the Achaemenid arts, far in the steppe world, and up to China. Multidirectional (including North-South lanes) and multidisciplinary approaches leave space and hope for more rigorous scientific modelizations for the archaeology of Eurasia and the Silk Road.

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