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        한-태 문화교류 전시의 양상: <The Spirit of Thailand: from Traditional to Contemporary>를 중심으로

        김유미,김상민 한국콘텐츠학회 2023 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.23 No.6

        Thailand culture is receiving relatively little attention in Korean academia, and its history, ideology, and spiritual values are not well known. Under the current circumstances, cultural exchange exhibitions that inform the Korean public about the world of Thailand art can improve awareness of Thailand culture and further promote mutual understanding between the two countries. In this regard, this study examined the characteristics of the exhibition <The Spirit of Thailand: from traditional to contemporary> and was able to find the following implications. The exhibition selected various generations of participating artists, including two national artists, and selected works with traditional and contemporary expression techniques, allowing Korean visitors to experience the diverse aspects of Thailand culture. The study also analyzed the characteristics of the exhibition into three keywords, commonly pointed out by many studies, that constituted the cultural identities of Thailand: monarchy, Buddhism, and nation. Meanwhile, this exhibition suggests the importance of background explanation to help visitors' socio-cultural understanding of the works on the exhibition site. Through analyzing an exhibition on how Thailand art culture is delivered in Korea, this study expects further research on Thailand art culture and its reception in Korea. 현재 한국 학계에서 태국의 문화는 상대적으로 적은 관심을 받고 있으며, 태국의 역사와 사상, 정신적 가치 역시 잘 알려져 있지 않다. 이러한 현실에서 한국의 대중에게 태국의 예술 세계에 대한 이해를 알리는 문화교류 전시는 태국에 대한 이해와 인식 개선에 있어 필수적이며 장기적으로 지속될 때 진정한 상호소통을 기대할 수 있다. 이러한 기대에서 본고는 한국에서 개최된 공식적인 태국 문화교류의 첫 전시인 <The Spirit of Thailand: from traditional to contemporary>의 특성을 살펴보며 다음의 시사점을 발견할 수 있었다. 전시는 두 명의 국가예술가를 포함한, 특정한 세대에 치우치지 않은 다양한 세대의 참여작가를 선발하였고 작품에서는 전통과 현대적 표현 기법이 포괄적으로 배치되어 한국 관람객에게 태국 문화의 다양성을 살펴볼 기회를 제공했다. 이어서 연구는 국내·외의 선행 연구가 공통으로 짚어내는 태국 예술문화의 주요 요소가 왕실, 불교, 지역적 정체성이라는 점을 밝히고 전시가 이러한 요소를 충족시켰는지 분석했다. 그리고 전시된 작품 대다수가 태국 국내외에서 태국의 문화적 정체성을 설명하는 키워드를 반영했음을 알 수 있었다. 한편 이번 전시는 전시 현장에서 작품의 사회문화적 이해를 돕는 배경설명이 상세해야 한다는 점을 시사하기도 한다. 태국의 예술문화가 한국에 전달되는 방식으로서 전시를 분석한 이번 연구를 통해 태국 예술문화의 한국 수용 연구가 양적 및 질적으로 강화되는 발판이 되기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        태국내 화교의 정착 양상에 대한 고찰: 태국 소설 『태국에서 온 편지』를 중심으로

        최난옥 ( Nanoak Choi ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2015 유라시아연구 Vol.12 No.3

        This study examined the settlement aspects of overseas Chinese in Thailand under the periodical background from 1945 to 1967 through Botan’s novel Letters from Thailand that consists of 100 letters. The background for inflow of Chinese in Thailand shows that the primary reason why Chinese emigrate to other countries such as Thailand is because of overpopulation and barren natural environment. The secondary reason is the Sinocentrism developed based on pride of their blood and the sense of duty that they will let the world know of how outstanding Chinese people are. The protagonist Tan Suang U lives in another country but still takes pride in being a Chinese, and has the strong will to spread the excellence of Chinese culture to the world. Emphasizing the excellent disposition of survival by Chinese, he does not feel that it is necessary to make efforts to understand the local Thai culture or Thai people. He also does not perceive that the Thai culture or Thai people’s disposition is a product of the environment. In Thailand, Chinese people protect their traditional Chinese culture by helping one another and solidifying cohesion with among those with the same last names, in addition to friends and relatives. The settlement process of Chinese in Thailand shows how first-generation Chinese and second-generation Chinese face conflicts in insisting on different lifestyles and mindsets. Tan Suang U, who is a first-generation Chinese, has a strong sense of Sinocentrism and thus sticks to the traditional Chinese culture and tries to inherit this to his children. He forces the duties of the Chinese blood on his children, giving a more excessive sense of duty with greater expectations to his son than daughter so that he will take over the family business, which rather leads to deviation. Tan Suang U’s children, who are second-generation Chinese, are born in Thailand and thus have Thai nationality, and want to live in Thailand where they were born. The settlement aspects of Chinese in Thailand show that Chinese face the tough situation in which they cannot go to China when the identity changes to the People’s Republic of China in 1949 and diplomatic relations are in a rupture between Thailand and China. Chinese people succeed in commerce as they take advantage of the favorable opportunity in which Thai people are not good at commerce, but Thai people begin to resist toward rich Chinese people who struggle to gain wealth rather than understanding the Thai culture. The conflicts that arise from the difference in social standing between Chinese employer and Thai employee lead to the conflicts between Chinese people who cannot go back to China due to changes in identity and Thai people who have ownership of Thailand. In the process of settlement fornot only second-generation Chinese who have Thai nationality but also first-generation Chinese who insist on traditional Chinese culture, the Thai people’s competency in national assimilation according to the territorial principle of Thailand played the biggest role. Both generations accept marriage partners regardless of whether they are Chinese or Thai, as long as they are engaged in commerce or have an earnest personality, which shows that they have the post-nationalist and universal perspective on outstanding figures.

      • KCI등재

        Korean Studies Education in Thailand

        Soontaree Larprungrueng,Lee Sang Beum 한국태국학회 2020 한국태국학회논총 Vol.26 No.2

        This research aimed to study the current status of Korean Studies education in Thailand. The strengths and weaknesses of Korean Studies education were examined. In this study also showed the obstacles and problems for development of Korean studies education in Thai and showed some suggestions for future development. Korean language education in Thailand began in earnest from the mid-1980s. Currently, many universities teach Korean, and 11 universities of them offered as major. Since 2008, Korean has been designated as the second foreign language of high school, and students are learning Korean in middle and high school level. There are three strengths of Korean studies education in Thailand. First, Thailand is the center of ASEAN, with low cost of living and labor and convenient transportation, and many Korean investors come and invest. This means an expansion of the job market. Second, the Thai government recognizes and acts on the importance of Korean language education. Third, institutions that promote Korean Studies education in Thailand are increasing. There are Korean Studies Center, Korean Education Center, Korean Cultural Center, and King Sejong Institute in each region of Thailand. There is also a weakness in Korean Studies education in Thailand. Lack of Korean language instructors, lack of proper and adequate textbooks for Thai learners, problems with the management of Korean studies centers, and lack of budget to promote Korean studies. These weaknesses are considered to be a major obstacle to the development of Korean studies in Thailand. Some suggestions for the development of Korean Studies education in Thailand. Academic exchanges should be more active in exchanges between Korea and Thailand. The number and skills of Thai Korean language instructors should be improved. The program for training and improving Korean language proficiency should be increased. Korean studies researchers and Korean language instructors are urgent to produce and develop textbooks and learning materials suitable for Thai learners and to promote the development of Korean studies in Thailand, it is urgent to establish a network of Korean instructors throughout the country for further cooperation.

      • Perspectives on Emerging Ethics for Instructors at Graduate Programs in Private Higher Education Institutions in Thailand

        Chongyan Zhang 한국공공가치학회 2024 공공가치연구 Vol.7 No.-

        Purpose: As social development, instructors in graduate programs are meeting ethical dilemmas for emerging problems in private higher education; such as conflicts between quality of teaching and students’ satisfaction; nowadays, there were similar problems in graduate programs in Thailand’s private higher education institutions; thus, the researcher synthesized a total of 20 of academic articles to propose perspectives on emerging ethics for instructors to face the ethical dilemmas and problems in working in Thailand; there were three research questions under the research: 1) what are emerging problems in graduate programs in private higher education institutions in Thailand; 2) what are ethical dilemmas the instructors suffered in graduate programs in private higher education institutions in Thailand; 3) what types of emerging ethics for the instructors might assist to solve to the frontline problems and the ethical dilemmas in graduate programs in private institutions in Thailand. Method: The research was a kind of synthesis of literature reviews; then, the literature searching was conducted by keywords in the research topic, such as instructional ethics, postgraduate programs, private higher education, and Thailand; there were a total of twenty academic articles as the crucial documents, which were searching from famous academic platforms, like google scholar, research gate, and online libraries in universities, etc.; then, the researcher would like to combinate these informational documents to propose the perspectives on emerging ethics suitable for instructors in graduate programs in private higher institutions in Thailand. Results: In the research question one, there was a finding that three types of emerging problems in graduate programs in private institutions in Thailand: decrease quality of teaching; shortage of students’ attendance; decrease community partnerships; in the research question two, the researcher found three kinds of ethical dilemmas for instructors in graduate programs in private higher education in Thailand: dilemmas balance in quality of teaching and students’ satisfaction, teaching on research skills and professional skills, standard requirements and students’ satisfaction; in the research question three, the researcher disclosed three categories of emerging ethics may assist to instructors in graduate programs in private higher education in Thailand: tolerance, benevolence, and empowerment. Conclusions: in Conclusion, the research finding could contribute to suitable considerations on improve quality of teaching and learning in graduate programs in private higher education institutions in Thailand and offer to perspectives to stakeholders in higher education in Thailand.

      • KCI등재

        태국 내 일본 대중문화: 현주소와 시사점

        이미지 한국태국학회 2017 한국태국학회논총 Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to review the current introduction and consumption of Japanese Popular Culture in Thailand, where Japan is considered the most influential country in Southeast Asia. In the late 1980s, Japanese Popular Culture was introduced considerably into Thailand and began based on the close economic relationship between the countries, however since the mid-2000s, incoming culture has tended to be slightly reduced. This study will identify the background of the factors in both Thailand and Japan, and what the effects are. The early introduction of Japanese Popular Culture into Thailand was not a Japanese strategy but needs of Thailand itself. Thailand was active and voluntary in acceptance process. Despite the great popularity of Japanese Popular Culture in Thailand, Japan has passively exported its culture to East-Asia until recently and that created obstructive factors when Thailand attempted to purchase Japanese cultural goods. The main obstacle of importing Japanese Popular Culture into Thailand was the perception difference of the copyrights laws and illegal distribution. In regards to this situation, Korea is only engrossed in profit of copyrighting than need to deal with the regional condition as Thailand and Southeast Asia.

      • KCI등재

        태국의 수입 및 FDI가 라오스의 경제성장에 미친 영향

        김규,권기철 한국콘텐츠학회 2020 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.20 No.1

        Laos is rich in natural resources but lacks the capital to develop them. Partly alleviating the shortage is FDI from neighboring countries, especially Thailand. Not only does this contribute to directly increasing GDP by increasing effective demand, it also has an additional GDP increase effect by expanding Laos’ production capacity. Laos' exports mostly consist of mineral resources and electricity. This, too, contributes to an increase in GDP by increasing the effective demand. Thailand accounts for more than 40 percent of Laos' exports. This paper tries to confirm the economic impact on Laos in Thailand through a econometric analysis of Laos' GDP, Laos' exports to Thailand and Thailand's FDI to Laos. It turns out that economic ties with Thailand, including exports to Thailand and Thailand's FDI, play a very important role in Laos' economic growth. Laos recently recorded relatively robust economic growth, but its driving force is weak. That’s because Laos’ growth engines are very limited and have no resilience to external shocks. Moreover, economic growth has not been linked to an increase in employment because the economy is not diversified and growth in the hydroelectric power sector does not lead to growth in other sectors. Given this, Laos needs to actively take advantage of its geographical proximity to Thailand. It is necessary to create a more active environment for the inflow of FDI in Thailand, to foster resource-based and labor-based manufacturing to take advantage of the Thai market. 라오스는 천연자원은 풍부하지만 그것을 개발할 자본은 부족하다. 이 부족을 부분적으로 완화시켜 준 것이 인접국, 특히 태국으로부터 오는 FDI이다. 이것은 유효수요를 늘려서 직접적으로 GDP를 증가시키는데 기여할 뿐만 아니라, 라오스의 생산능력을 확충함으로써 추가적인 GDP 증대효과를 가져온다. 라오스의 수출은 광물자원과 전력이 대부분을 차지한다. 이것 역시 유효수요를 증대시켜 GDP의 증가에 기여한다. 라오스의 수출에서 태국은 40% 이상의 비중을 차지한다. 본 논문은 라오스의 GDP, 라오스의 대 태국 수출, 태국의 라오스에 대한 FDI를 대상으로 한 계량분석을 통해 태국의 라오스에 대한 경제적 영향을 확인하고자 한다. 대 태국 수출과 태국의 대 라오스 FDI 등 태국과의 경제적 연관이 라오스의 경제성장에서 매우 중요한 역할을 한다는 것이 밝혀진다. 최근 라오스는 비교적 견고한 경제성장을 기록했지만 그 추진동력은 취약하다. 그것은 라오스의 성장 동력이 매우 제한적이고 외부 충격에 대해 탄력성을 갖고 있지 못하기 때문이다. 뿐만 아니라 경제성장이 고용의 증가로 연결되지 못하고 있는데, 그 이유는 경제가 다양화되어 있지 않고 수력발전 부문의 성장이 다른 부문의 성장을 이끌지 못하기 때문이다. 이런 점을 고려할 때, 라오스는 태국과의 지리적 인접성과 강을 사이에 둔 접근성을 적극 활용할 필요가 있다. 태국의 FDI의 유입을 위한 더욱 적극적인 환경 조성, 태국 시장을 활용할 수 있는 자원 기반 및 노동력 기반 제조업의 육성이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        태국의 아세안 교육

        김규식 ( Gyu Sik Kim ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2013 東南亞硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        Education in Thailand began during the Sukhothai period, when the Thai language was first formed, to reach the modern times. Education in Thailand changed through time. During the Sukhothai period, the royal authority was strengthened and the society was stable, leading to greater development in education. The Thai alphabet was formed, and subsequently literature in Thailand came to have its early beginnings. Education during the Ayutthaya period took place centered around Buddhist temples, and the introduction of western cultures and religion led to greater scope of education and teaching, but war with Burma inflicted significant damages to the country. During the Rattanakosin period, printing was implemented and the traditional education system in Thailand came to experience changes. During the reign of King Rama V, an agency dedicated to oversee education was instituted, and the western education system was implemented, resulting in education being provided separately for general courses and special courses. Since the change in governing structure of Thailand in 1932 until now, education policies are still regarded to be very important in that they are instrumental in raising up human resources to ultimately help develop the nation. Recently, education methods have changed to be more studentfocused to align better with globalization, and the lifelong education system has also been improved to build a society based on knowledge and raise citizens of the world. Meanwhile, as the ASEAN Community will be formed in 2015, Thailand is providing education on the ASEAN community for elementary, middle, and high school students. The goal of education on the ASEAN community is to allow the youths of Thailand to be equipped with knowledge related to the ASEAN community, the capacity to live with the people of other ASEAN member nations, and the awareness of themselves as the member of the ASEAN community. In order to achieve these goals, the Ministry of Education in Thailand designed their educational courses so that human and material resources available at each school can be utilized efficiently, and also promotes collaboration with related public and private organizations to this end. Thailand is putting forth effort to serve the central role across several fields among Southeast Asian nations after the formation of the ASEAN Community. The interest and support provided for education of ASEAN can be considered a part of such efforts. While sufficient time is required for the process of improving educational achievements through execution and evaluation of Thailand`s ASEAN education according to it stated objectives and contents, considering the interest and passion that the government of Thailand is displaying towards the education on the ASEAN community, we expect significant talents that will be actively working within the ASEAN Community to be raised up through the education.

      • KCI등재

        한국교회의 태국선교 -역사, 특징과 과제, 선교신학적 쟁점

        황홍렬 한국기독교학회 선교신학회 2013 선교신학 Vol.34 No.-

        The aim of this thesis is to outline the history of the mission of the Korean Church in Thailand and its characteristics, tasks and mission theological issues so that the thesis searches for the way of the mission of the Korean Church to contributing to the unity and empowerment of the Church of Thailand. To achieve this aim, the thesis deals with the social characteristics and value systems of Thai society and the history of the mission of Roman Catholics and of Protestants. Through suggesting the contour of the history of the mission of the Korean Church in Thailand, some characteristics of the mission of Korean Church are church plant, church-centered passion, project-centered and materialistic mission, and independent seminaries. Tasks of the mission of Korean Church in Thailand are acceptance of Thai Christians' critiques on Korean missionaries, Korean missionaries' understanding of Thai culture in depth, meagerness and lack of mission strategies, halt in mission, missionary kids' education, partnership in mission, acceptance of difference of Thai church culture, understanding of the missionary tasks from the socio-cultural and religious situation of Thai church, and theological issues. The main results of the research are as follows: first of all, there are two kinds of church in Thailand: one belongs to the Church of Christ in Thailand, the other to the Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand. Some Korean missionaries, however, established independent denominations and ran seminaries so that those denominations and seminaries obstructed the unity of Church in Thailand. These activities of Korean Church cannot be regarded as mission. Secondly, Korean missionaries to Thailand should not transplant the culture of the Korean Church to Thailand. Rather with Thai Church leaders, their missionary tasks are looking for the ways of how to communicate and share the Gospel with Buddhist Thais and identifying the appropriate ecclesiology in Buddhist society. Thirdly, the future of the mission of Korean Church to Thailand depends on whether Korean missionaries could expand the model of the partnership in mission done by the missionaries belonged to the Presbyterian Church of Korea to the relation between the Church of Thailand and Korean missionaries. Lastly, such an expansion of the model of the partnership in mission will be possible only when the ecumenical churches and the evangelical churches can reach a common conclusion through coming to an agreement on the theological issues such as human-centered theology, religious pluralism and mission methods and mission theology in the Buddhist country.

      • KCI등재

        태국과 미국의 외교관계 연구

        이병도 한국태국학회 2017 한국태국학회논총 Vol.24 No.1

        This paper examines the relationship between Thailand and the United States since the modern period, and aims to analyze how Thailand's flexible diplomatic efficiency is changing due to recent emergence of China. The relationship between Thailand and the United States first began at the civilian level, but after the Second World War, it became a matter of political interest, adhering to anti-Communist ideals. Thailand was able to maintain a close alliance with the United States, receiving tremendous military aid from the United States under the Government of the Phibun, Sarit and Thanom. In addition, Thailand was able to achieve many economic benefits. However, as the US 's security role in Southeast Asia shrinks as the post-Cold War era begins, Thailand has made economic development a top priority for foreign policy. In the relationship with the United States, it reduced security dependence and expanded the open policy, transforming ideological and political systems into diplomatic policies that expand the channels of dialogue with other countries and establish functional relations. In particular, the rise of China in the 1990s limited Thailand 's diplomatic strategy to maintain a balance between the United States and China in line with the domestic political and economic situation of Thailand. The foreign policy that closely coincided with China during the Thaksin government period, the attitude that was plagued by suicide terrorist attack on the 11th of September 2001 in the United States and the TPP participation decision showed that the policy of balancing is becoming increasingly difficult. In conclusion, Thailand recently shows that it is increasingly difficult to maintain traditional flexibility and a realistic diplomatic tradition due to the internal factors such as political polarization and the resurgence of nationalistic sentiments and external factors due to close ties with China.

      • Role of Japanese Industrial Cluster in Thailand’s Industrial Development

        ( Nisit Panthamit ),( Yasuhide Ozawa ),( Paisarn Panthamitr ) 한국EU학회 2019 Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies Vol.17 No.2

        Arrival of Japanese investment has flooded into Thailand since the 1960s. In Thailand, the country carrying out most of the investment is Japan. Thus Thailand has become an important investment area for Japanese companies. The study found that a regional characteristic of Japanese-affiliated companies in Thailand are concentrated in and around the capital known as Bangkok. Even the Thai government actively promoted investment in areas outside of Bangkok. Many Japanese companies chose locations in the Bangkok-wide area because of the access to the harbor and the relationship with business partners and associated firms. But specific places of accumulation differ by the dominated industry type; i.e., automotive industry, the electric/electronics industry, and the electronic component/electronic device industry. Such regional lumps are referred to as specific regional industrial agglomerations or industrial clusters. Japanese firms are increasingly transferring the development function, and thus strengthening local unification supervising function for ASEAN. The results from this study suggest that in the Thai industrial cluster, there is a possibility to stimulate innovation with competition coexisting with cooperation. Furthermore, in the presence of intense competition there are cost reductions as well as.

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