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        방송통신 융합의 기술적 개념과 법적 개념의 정합성에 관한 연구

        김민호(Kim, Min-Ho),김현정(Kim, Hyun-Jung) 한국토지공법학회 2009 土地公法硏究 Vol.46 No.-

        과학기술의 발달에 따라 방송과 통신 이외에 방송통신 융합서비스라고 하는 새로운 서비스가 등장하게 되었다. 일반적으로 방송통신 융합서비스는 방송과 통신의 양 특성을 모두 포함하고 있는 서비스, 일명 중간영역 또는 경계 영역 서비스라 한다. 이러한 방송통신 융합서비스를 방송과 통신 중 어느 영역에 포섭하는 것이 적절한지, 아니면 제3의 영역으로 규율하는 것이 적절한지에 대하여 논의가 진행되어 왔다. 그러나 방송과 통신은 각각 헌법적 규율이념과 법적 규율체계를 달리하고 있는 바, 방송과 통신의 양 특성을 모두 지니고 있는 방송통신융합서비스를 하나의 법적 개념으로 정의하는 것은 자칫 기존의 방송과 통신에 대한 규율체계를 근원적으로 혼란스럽게 할 수 있다. 더욱이 방송상 통신은 헌법상 기본권적 속성이 다르기 때문에 방송통신 융합을 하나의 법적인 개념으로 정의할 경우 헌법상 기본권의 융합 또는 새로운 기본권의 도출이 전제되어야할 것이다. 이러한 문제점을 인식하고, 기술적 개념인 방송통신의 융합이 과연 법적 개념으로 정의될 수 있는 것인지에 대한 기술적 개념과 법적 개념의 정합성 여부의 고찰하였다. 이러한 분석을 통하여 방송통신 융합은 기술적 개념에 불과한 것이며, 법적 개념의 융합은 적절하지 못하다는 결론을 도출하였다. 기존의 방송통신 융합의 개념은 방송과 통신이 기술적으로 융합된 개념으로서 물리적 융합만을 이룬 것에 불가하다. 따라서 방송통신 융합의 법적 개념은 기존의 방송개념과 통신개념이 병렬적으로 존재하는 “방송․통신”의 개념으로 정의되는 것이 타당할 것이다. According to the development of science and technology, a new service which is called a convergence service of broadcasting and telecommunication appeared. Usually such a convergence service includes both characters of broadcasting and telecommunication services and it is called a midterm sphere service or a boundary sphere service. A lot of discussions got accomplished about this subject, because the present legal system is based on the traditional broadcasting and telecommunication system, and the ordination of the legal system for the new convergence system is insufficient. Especially the discussions went on progress to regulate if it's more adequate to subsume the convergence service into the broadcasting sphere or into the telecom- munication sphere, or even in a new tertiary sphere. However, broadcasting and telecommunication have different legal concepts, and the ideological pact of the regulation and the regulation principle of the two services are different from their legal roots on. In the case of the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication service, this one has both characters of broadcasting and telecommunication. So if the convergence service is subsumed into one traditional legal concept, the basis of the broadcasting and telecommunication system will collapse. In addition, broadcasting and telecommunication are different in their constitutional fundamental rights and these rights cannot be converged. If the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication is defined in a legal concept, it results to a convergence of the fundamental rights of the constitution. This thesis recognizes this problem, and the principal main subject of this thesis is about the adequacy of the legal concept of the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication, the technological concept of the convergence is of course possible. According to these analysis, the regulation ideology and theory of the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication is not a theoretical fusion of the regulation ideology and theory of broadcasting and telecommunication each, it is only a pilled mix of them. Thus, each fundamental right is just entangled and there does not exist any new fundamental right. That means that the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication might exist in a technological concept due to the fact that it has elements of both broadcasting and telecommunication, but it cannot become a legal concept. The convergence of them is only a technological concept, and in legal matter the broadcasting part of the convergence has to be handled just as broadcasting, and the telecommunication part of the convergence has to be handled just as telecommuni- cation. The convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication must be understanded as a "Broadcasting․Telecommunication" as a individual concept each.

      • KCI등재

        포스트 코로나에서 정보통신의 헌법적 의미와 과제

        박상돈(Park Sangdon) 한국헌법학회 2021 憲法學硏究 Vol.27 No.2

        첨단과학기술사회에서 국가는 일정한 역할을 하여야 하며 이는 규범적인 면에서는 궁극적으로 헌법적 문제로 귀결될 것이다. 그러한 과학기술 중 오늘날 가장 주목받는 것 중 하나가 바로 정보통신이며 정보통신에 대한 헌법적 대응은 오늘날 헌법학의 주요 과제 중 하나이다. 한편 코로나19 팬데믹은 사회적으로 여러 가지 변화상을 만들었고 그 과정에서 나타난 정보통신의 여러 가지 이슈들은 정보통신의 의미와 과제, 그리고 헌법과의 관계를 다시 한번 생각하도록 하는 계기가 되었다. 이 글에서는 정보통신과 헌법의 기본적인 관계를 확인하고 코로나19 팬데믹을 통하여 알 수 있는 정보통신의 현재와 미래를 살펴보면서 포스트 코로나 시대에 정보통신에 관하여 헌법적 대응이 요구되는 바가 무엇이고 그 방향은 어떠하여야 하는지를 논한다. 코로나19 팬데믹에서 정보통신은 감염병 대응을 위한 효과적인 수단을 제공하였지만 그 과정에서 기본권 침해 문제가 대두되었으며 정보격차 문제에 대한 재조명이 있었고 허위정보의 유통도 문제가 되었다는 점을 확인할 수 있다. 또한 코로나19 팬데믹은 디지털 전환을 가속화하여 뉴노멀 시대의 도래를 이끌어낼 것이라는 전망이 우세하다. 코로나19 팬데믹에서 나타난 이와 같은 정보통신 관련 현상들을 고려하여 포스트 코로나 시대의 정보통신에 대한 헌법적 대응으로서 정보기본권의 보장, 정보격차 해소 및 정보통신기반 구축, 안전한 정보통신환경 조성 등이 요구된다. 이러한 사항들에 대한 헌법적 대응을 통하여 개인의 권리를 보장하고 보편적인 정보통신의 활용 여건을 발전시킬 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 오늘날 정보통신은 이미 중요한 사회적 토대가 되었고 이러한 현상은 향후 더욱 심화될 것이다. 현행 헌법의 해석론을 발전시키고 향후 헌법개정시 정보통신에 관한 헌법적 가치를 실질적으로 반영하고 조문화하여 표현하는 구체적 방안에 대한 논의가 다양하게 이루어지는 것이 바람직하다. A state must perform it’s role in a high technology society, and it will ultimately be constitutional issues. Information and telecommunication is one of the most noticeable things among such matters. and the response to social changes by information and telecommunication is an important issus of constitutional studies. COVID-19 pandemic has made many social changes and they include various issues related to information and telecommunication. It makes an opportunity to recognize importance and of information and telecommunication and relationship between it and constitution. This paper checks the relationship between information and telecommunication and constitution and review it in COVID-19 pandemic. And then it is discussesed what is required and how it will be done for constitutional response in post COVID-19 in this paper. In COVID-19 pandemic, information and telecommunication provides effective means for responding to the infectious disease, but some problems are founded in the process. They are the violation of fundamental rights, digital divide and misinformation. In addition, the pandemic accelerates the digital transformation and it will lead the new normal. As constitutional response to information and telecommunication in the post COVID-19, it is required to protect fundamental rights on information, to get rid of digital divide, to establish an information and telecommunication infrastructure and to make safe environment for information and telecommunication. These response should ensure the rights of individuals and develop the conditions for universal use of information and telecommunication. Today, information and telecommunication has already become an important social basis, and it will intensify in the future. It is desirable to variously discuss the way to develop interpretation of the current constitution and to codify the constitutional values of information and telecommunication when Korean constitution will be revised in the future.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 방송통신 융합법제의 현황과 전망에 관한 연구

        김현정(Hyun Jung Kim) 한국언론법학회 2010 언론과 법 Vol.9 No.1

        방송과 통신의 양 특성을 지닌 방송통신 융합이라는 새로운 서비스가 등장함에 따라 이에 대한 법적 규제의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 현행 방송통신 융합에 관한 법제로는 방송법과 통신 관련 법, 그리고 방송통신 융합법제로 분류되어 있으며, 대표적인 법제로서 방송법, 전기통신 사업법, 전기통신 기본법, 정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호에 관한 법률, 방송통신 위원회 설립 및 운영에 관한 법률, 인터넷 멀티미디어 방송법, 방송통신 기본법이 존재한다. 그러나 수직적 분류에 따른 기존의 법제는 동일한 서비스에 대해 동일한 규제를 해야 한다는 방통융합시대의 규제방식으로 작용하는데 어려움이 따른다. 그 개선안으로서 <방송통신 기본법>을 기반으로 한 방송통신 사업법(안) 이 추진 중에있다. 방송과 통신을 통합하여 수평적 규제를 목적으로 하고 있으나 방송과 통신이 법적 개념 등이 상이한 바, 이를 하나의 범주에 포함시킬 수 있는 지 여부에 대한 심층적인 논의가 필요하다. 이러한 논의를 바탕으로 방송통신 사업법(안) 의제정방향이 설정되어야 할 것이다. 뿐만 아니라 방송통신 융합에 대비하기 위한 법제로서 공영방송법(안)과 인터넷기반서비스 기본법(안) 제정과 정보통신망법 개정안이 추진 중인 바, 개별법들의 법제 정비 및 개별 법제들 간의 관계에 관한 논의도 필요하다. 이와 같은 방송통신 융합법제의 현황과 전망을 통하여 방송통신융합에 대응하기 위한 법제에 관한 지속적인 연구가 이루어져야 한다. The prospects and the present condition of the convergence law of broadcasting and telecommunication in the Korea. Due to the development of the technology, a new service which has both sides of broadcasting and telecommunication generated, and the necessity for legal regulation for this convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication arose. According to the traditional regulating ideology of broadcasting and telecommunication, these two are entirely different and the convergence is difficult to be regulated by the traditional legal system. However, such a convergence becomes more common day by day, and proper legal regulation must be accomplished. The existing legislations for convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication (hereafter “CONVERGENCE”) are divided into broadcasting act, acts for telecommunication and acts for CONVERGENCE. Representatives are broadcasting act, act for electro-communication business, basic act for electro-communication, act for usage of the broadcast net and protection of information, the act for establishment and operation of KCC (Korea Communications Commission), act for multimedia broadcasting in Internet and basic act for broadcasting and telecommunication. However, the existing legislations are perpendicular and this makes it difficult to regulate the same services equitable. Therefore, reformation of traditional legislation system is needed and for such reformation a new act, the “act for broadcasting and telecommunication business” is on promotion. The purpose of this new act is a lateral legislation of broadcasting and telecommunication, but since the legal ideology of these two are different, many investigations have to be made if these two can be regulated with one act. The aim of this act should be based on such investigations. Furthermore, to prepare the CONVERGENCE, act for public broadcasting and act for Internet-based service are going to be established and act for broadcastingnet is going to be reformed. Consolidation of these individual acts and the relationships of them should be investigated too. For the above present condition and prospect of the CONVERGENCE, continuous researches have to made to confront the CONVERGENCE of broadcasting and telecommunication.

      • KCI등재

        통신사기피해환급법 개정방안에 관한 연구 : 제21대 국회에 계류 중인 10개 법률안을 중심으로

        주문호(Joo, Moon-Ho),권헌영(Kwon, Hun-Yeong),김기범(Kim, Gi-Bum) 한국형사정책학회 2021 刑事政策 Vol.33 No.2

        전기통신금융사기 범죄 피해는 지속 증가하고 있으며, 그 피해액은 2020년에 역대 최대인 7천억원에 육박하는 등 심각한 사회문제가 되고 있다. 전기통신금융사기범죄 피해자에 대한 구제를 위해 2011년 제정된 「전기통신금융사기 피해 방지 및 피해금 환급에 관한 특별법」은 새로운 범죄 기법 출현에 따른 법률적·정책적 사후 대응의 한계를 극복하기 위해 그동안 총 6차례의 개정을 거쳐왔으며 현재 제21대 국회에는 총 10건의 개정법률안이 제출되어 계류 중이다. 이에 본고는 해당 개정안들을 전기통신금융사기 처벌 범위와 법정형, 금융회사의 책임 및 의무, 전기통신금융사기 대응 거버넌스 체계를 중심으로 검토하여, 총 세 가지 입법방향을 제시하였다. 첫째, 전기통신금융사기 법정형 처벌을 강화하고 새로운 범죄 대응을 위해 전기통신금융사기의 적용범위를 확대하여야 한다. 둘째, 금융회사의 전기통신금융사기 예방책임 강화가 필요하다. 셋째, 전기통신금융사기대응위원회를 신설하여 거버넌스 체계를 확립해야 한다. 전기통신금융사기 근절을 위해 국회에서 조속히 관련 입법이 이루어지기를 촉구한다. Telecommunication-based financial fraud crimes continue to increase, and the amount of damage reached an all-time high of KRW 700 billion in 2020. This is becoming a serious social problem. The 「Special Act on the Prevention of Loss caused by Telecommunications-Based Financial Fraud and Refund for Loss」, enacted in 2011 to provide relief to victims of telecommunication-based financial fraud crimes, has A total of six amendments have been made, and a total of 10 amendments have been submitted to the 21st National Assembly and are pending. Accordingly, this paper reviewed the amendments focusing on the scope of punishment for telecommunication-based financial fraud, legal punishment, responsibility and obligations of financial companies, and the governance system for responding to telecommunication-based financial fraud, and suggested three legislative directions. First, the statutory punishment for telecommunication-based financial fraud should be strengthened and the scope of application of telecommunication-based financial fraud should be expanded to respond to new crimes. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the responsibility of financial companies to prevent telecommunication financial fraud. Third, a new telecommunication- based financial fraud response committee should be established to establish a governance system. We urge the National Assembly to promptly enact relevant legislation to eradicate telecommunication financial fraud.

      • KCI등재

        방송통신 융합서비스에서의 방송과 통신의 법적 개념에 관한 연구

        김현정 ( Hyun Jung Kim ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2010 법학논총 Vol.34 No.1

        Technically, the convergence of Broadcasting and Telecommunication means an appearance of a new media or service due to the development of the convergence technology. Since the legislation has to be developed according to the current of the time, a modification of the legislation system is being needed, suitable for the convergence service. The legal system has fundamental rights or ideologies which have to be protected. Freedom for Broadcasting and protection of secrets and freedom for Telecommunication are the constitutional protection ideologies of them. Therefore, to converge these concepts and regulate them by one united legislation, a convergence of both fundamental rights or a creation of a new fundamental right is required. However, converging different fundamental rights is impossible unless these are reiterated, and for creating a new fundamental right, the grounds are insufficient. Therefore, though a technical concept of convergence of Broadcasting and Telecommunication exists, a legal concept of such a convergence does not. But, by regulating the “new” service with the “traditional” regulations would cause vacuum or repetition of the legislation system, for that reasons, the modification of the legal regulation system is necessary. To regulate this “convergence service”, a dividing this service into “Broadcasting Service” and “Telecommunication Service”, and regulating them separately adoptable to their different legal ideologies seems reasonable. For dividing the convergence service separately into “Broadcasting” and “Telecommunication”, “real time” and “selection authority” could be the criteria. Using this criteria, “the freedom for Broadcasting” and “protection of Telecommunication” can be divided without losing their basic ideology. The service provided in “real time” and without “selection authority” is Broadcasting, and the service provided with “selection authority” but not in “real time” is Telecommunication. The modification of the legislation system could be done by using this standard. After the modification of the regulation system, the individual strength of the regulating system each has to be set, and many investigations for the obvious definition of the purpose, ideology and regulation direction have to be accomplished.

      • KCI등재

        방송통신 융합의 법적규율이념에 관한 연구

        김현정 ( Hyun Jung Kim ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2009 법학논총 Vol.33 No.2

        Due to the rapid advances in science and technology, a new technically converged service between broadcasting and telecommunication appeared which is called the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication. But such a convergence between broadcasting and telecommunication has only a technical significance, and it`s incongruent to grant a legal regulation meaning to it. Each notion is different defined in the present broadcasting related and telecommunication related codes and the constitutional origin and ideology of broadcasting and telecommunication differ from each. It`s not adequate to treat a technical convergence as a legal one disregarding the differences of the legal basis. This thesis compares and analyzes the legal regulation ideology of constitutional ideology of broadcasting, based on the freedom of broadcasting and public interest, and the legal regulation ideology of telecommunication, based on the freedom of telecommunication and common service. Studying on the legal regulation ideology of the converged service, based on the comparison and analysis of the two services, the conclusion leads to the fact that the legal regulation ideologies of broadcasting and telecommunication are not to be converged, but exists in the technical converged service separately each.

      • KCI등재

        통신제한조치의 현황 및 그 개선방안

        박찬걸 ( Chan Keal Park ),강동욱 ( Dong Wook Kang ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2014 법학논총 Vol.31 No.1

        Current Protection of Communications Secrets Act has reached its present form after substances related to communications secret were revised as law No. 9752 on May 28, 2009, and unlike the situations at the time that 3G communication service was forming the mainstream, the necessity of revision arises greatly as the law was considered improper to reflect the phase of the times which is changed in current smart fusion·convergence communication environment. Thus, seeking for solution capable of establishing a protective policy for communications secret effectively and working out a system through researches on legal monitoring issue with respect to new services and related matters are strongly demanded through in-depth consideration on the revised bill of the Protection of Communications Secrets Act submitted to the 18th and 19th National Assembly by referring to the legislation case and system of foreign countries related to fusion·convergence communication environment. Hereinafter, this study looks into the current state that telecommunication carriers provided for government institutions by subdividing into institution, means of communication and the number of telephone numbers(or IDs) in comparison with the number of documents related to the enforcement of limitation on telecommunication during the most recent 3 years, and makes an analysis on the meaning of constitutional discordance adjudication as of December 28, 2010 with respect to the regulation of ‘extension of period of limitation on telecommunication’ related to the requirements of limitation on telecommunication for criminal investigation, suggesting direction for rational revision by comparing·reviewing attitude of the revised bill of the Protection of Communications Secrets Act as well as legislation case of advanced foreign countries such as USA, Japan, Germany, England, France etc. With respect to the emergent limitation on telecommunication, this study, after examining the necessity of the aforementioned system, terminates an argument by suggesting a realistic alternative for preparation of an institutional controlling strategy for preventing abuse of emergent limitation on telecommunication.

      • KCI등재

        미디어서비스에 대한 소비자법리의 적용과 그 한계

        정진명 ( Jin Myung Chung ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2009 법학논총 Vol.33 No.1

        The current development of telecommunication technology functions as a basic motive of change and evolution in various ways. In the sphere of the broadcasting and telecommunication, digital technology has served to make an advent of the new convergence service of the broadcast and telecommunication and the broadband convergence network is capable of providing with various forms of contents in two way services. The new media-service born by fusion of the broadcast and telecommunication has got over conventional broadcasting limits that were divided the broadcast and telecommunication and in it`s contents, it has also created change and evolution in almost fields such as dynamic structure concerned with the subject and the object of activity, market system and regulation system through substituting conventional analogue technique. Especially, such change of media-structure has been making a change media receiver that were passive consumers in the past into passive consumers as well as active producers. Thus the problem about the way how media receivers, consumers must be protected can be raised. This paper examines that legal theory for consumers can be applied for media-service newly born by the merger of the broadcast and telecommunication. If it is possible, it tries to find what its limitations are. For this, it tries to establish the thesis for concept about consumers to solve the problem of division between viewers as right subjects and ones as consumers. Then, what the limits of protection for consumers are in the change of media-environment as the merge of the broadcast and telecommunication are checked and as an alternative to solve these problems, possibility about application of consumers` protection law is considered.

      • 정보통신 사용 소비자들의 사용 행태, 만족도와 표준에 대한 인지도

        이승신 건국대학교 생활문화연구소 2003 생활문화ㆍ예술논집 Vol.26 No.-

        The number of people using telecommunication service is increasing rapidly nation wide. Our information society is expected to continue. But the policies and standards governing the industry is still quite not appropriately protect consumer rights. Therefore, a research study on identifying the nature of consumer complaints and exploring various solutions is imperative. This study analyzed the usage of telecommunication, the consumer satisfaction for telecommunications and recognition of standards for telecommunications. Also, the relation between satisfaction and recognition for telecommunications was analyzed in this study. This study was used survey on internet for the sample of 1060 from Oct. 21 to 28 in 2002. The sample was on-line internet user. The result of this study was that consumers' satisfaction for telecommunication was lower. Consumers know the word of standards for telecommunication, but they did not know well about the content of standards. Because the standards for communication can improve the satisfaction of consumers for telecommunication. it is necessary for respond consumers' opinion to making standards for telecommunication.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 기술의 발전과 전파법의 구조 변동 - 이동통신을 중심으로 시론(試論) -

        송시강(Sikang Song) 서울대학교 공익산업법센터 2024 경제규제와 법 Vol.17 No.3

        이동통신(달리 ‘무선통신’이라고도 한다)과 그 전·후방 연관산업은 1997년 외환위기의 극복과 이후 경제성장에 핵심적인 역할을 하였으나, 최근 정치·경제·사회·기술적 환경의 변화로 인하여 중대한 위기에 처해 있다. 표면적인 위기는 이동통신에 기반하는 온라인플랫폼과 디바이스플랫폼의 발전으로 인하여 이동통신의 새로운 투자 부담이 가중되는 데 반하여 이동통신이 그 자연독점 구조에서 누리던 초과잉여가 온라인플랫폼과 디바이스플랫폼으로 이전되어 수익성이 악화되는 점이다. 소비자의 관점에서 이동통신은 이제 더 이상 최종적 소비재가 아니므로, 기술 품질 경쟁을 통해서 고부가가치를 창출하는 이동통신의 전략은 갈수록 어려워지고 있다. 이러한 경향은 자율주행, 모빌리티, 인공지능과 같은 디지털 기술 발전의 고도화로 인하여 전방위적으로 확산하고 있다. 세상 모든 것이 이동통신으로 작동하는 체계가 되어 가고 있지만 세상 속에 살아가는 우리 의식 속에 이동통신의 존재감은 사라지고 있다. 이동통신의 세계 속에서 이동통신이 실종된 사태가 도래하고 있다. 이러한 경제적 변화는 정치적 압력으로 나타나기 마련이다. 소비자는 이동통신의 요금을 직접적인 효용을 느낄 수 없는 세금처럼 받아들이고 있다. 이에 반응하는 언론과 정치는 이동통신의 지속 가능한 발전에 역행하는 요금 인하에 화력을 집중하고, 불확실성 증가에 따른 신규 투자 지체로 단기적으로 이동통신의 순익이 증대되는 상황을 참지 못한다. 이러한 감정선을 타는 여론 앞에서 지금의 이익은 과거의 투자로 인한 것이며 투자가 지체되는 것은 미래가 불안하기 때문이라는 점을 논리적으로 설득하기 어렵다. 이러한 상황 속에 가장 근본적인 위기가 점점 더 빨리 다가오고 있는바, 그것은 바로 인구 감소와 지역 소멸이다. 온라인플랫폼, 디바이스플랫폼의 발전으로 소비자에 직접 호소할 가능성이 제약되고 있는 상황 속에서, 소비자의 숫자 자체가 줄어들고 있고, 특히 새로운 기술에 기꺼이 비용을 부담할 용의와 능력이 있는 세대가 급격하게 감소한다. 급속한 지역소멸은 전국 네트워크 산업의 채산성 악화를 초래하여 이동통신의 기반을 근본적으로 뒤흔든다. 이러한 복합적 위기에 처한 이동통신에 대한 국가의 처방은 변화에 대한 신축적 대응과 도전적 혁신을 가능하게 하는 제도를 조성하는 것이어야 한다. 이를 위해 가장 중요한 일은 ‘전파법’을 근본적으로 개혁하는 것이다. 우리 통신산업의 발전역사에 비추어 보면, ‘전기통신사업법’은 이동통신과 인터넷 접속을 위한 네트워크 구축을 핵심으로 하는 제1세대 발전을 견인하였고. ‘정보통신망법’은 인터넷포털을 핵심으로 하는 제2 세대 발전을 뒷받침하였다. 최근 온라인플랫폼에 관한 법안이 논의되고 있으나, 그보다 더 시급하고 중요한 일은 ‘전파법’의 근본적인 개정을 통해 이동통신의 혁신을 가능하게끔 하고, 이로써 제3 세대 발전을 촉진하는 것이다. 좀 더 구체적으로 설명하면, (1) ‘전파법’의 내용을 2가지 측면, 즉 내적인 관점의 규율(discipline)과 외적인 관점의 규제(regulation)로 구분해야 한다. 이로써 ‘공물로서 전파를 대상으로 하는 법제’와 ‘전파를 이용하는 산업에 관한 법제’의 혼동을 피할 수 있는바, 영역별 차별적인 접근을 통해 전체적으로 제도를 합리적으로 개선할 수 있다. (2) 주파수할당, 무선국개설 기타 ‘이용관계’와 주파수할당대가, 전파사용료, 기금 등 ‘이용대가’에 관한 오랜 첨예한 쟁점들은 이제 위험분담(risk sharing)과 발전행정(development administration)이라는 관점에서 새롭게 구성되어야 한다. (3) 이동통신의 혁신에 초점을 맞추어 ‘전파법’, ‘전기통신사업법’, ‘정보통신망법’의 관련 규정을 통합하는 한편으로 특례를 정하는 ‘무선통신산업발전특례법’(가칭)의 제정이 필요하다. Mobile telecommunications (also known as wireless communications) and its ancillary industries played a key role in overcoming the 1997 foreign exchange crisis and subsequent economic growth, but are now facing a major crisis due to changes in the political, economic, social, and technological environment. The ostensible crisis is that the development of online platforms and device platforms based on mobile telecommunications is putting new investment burdens on mobile telecommunications, while the surplus that mobile telecommunications enjoyed in its natural monopoly structure is being transferred to online platforms and device platforms, resulting in deteriorating profitability. From the consumers perspective, telecommunications is no longer a final consumer good, so it is becoming increasingly difficult for telecommunications to create added value through technology quality competition. This trend is being driven by the increasing sophistication of digital technology advancements such as autonomous driving, mobility, and artificial intelligence. Everything in the world is becoming a mobile communication system, but the presence of mobile communication in our consciousness is disappearing. In the world of mobile communications, a situation where mobile communications is missing is coming. This economic shift is often accompanied by political pressure. Consumers perceive mobile telecommunication fees as a tax that they cannot directly benefit from. In response, the media and politicians focus on reducing rates, which is contrary to the sustainable development of mobile telecommunications, and cannot tolerate a situation where new investments are delayed due to increased uncertainty, which increases mobile telecommunication profits in the short term. In the face of such emotionally charged public opinion, it is difficult to convince them logically that current profits are the result of past investments and that delayed investments are the result of an uncertain future. In the midst of all this, the most fundamental crisis is approaching faster and faster: population decline and local community extinction. With the evolution of online and device platforms limiting the possibility of appealing directly to consumers, the number of consumers themselves is shrinking, especially the generation that is willing and able to pay for new technologies. Rapid local community extinction leads to deteriorating profitability of the national network industry, fundamentally shaking the foundations of mobile telecommunications. The national prescription for mobile telecommunications in the face of this complex crisis should be to create institutions that enable flexible responses to change and challenging innovation. The most important thing to do is to fundamentally reform the Radio Act. The Telecommunications Business Act underpinned the first generation of development, which centered on network construction for mobile telecommunications and the Internet, while the Information and Telecommunications Network Act underpinned the second generation of development, which centered on Internet portals. Recently, legislation on online platforms has been discussed, but what is more urgent and important is to fundamentally revise the Radio Act to enable innovation in telecommunications, thereby facilitating the third generation of development. To be more specific, (1) the system of the Radio Act should be divided into two aspects: discipline from an internal perspective and regulation from an external perspective. This will avoid the confusion between the law on radio waves as public domain and the law on industries that utilize radio waves, and the system as a whole can be rationally improved through a differentiated approach in each area. (2) The long-standing and acute issues of frequency allocation, radio station establishment and other use relationships and use fees such as frequency allocation fees, radio license fees and funds

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