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        기술평가를 위한평가 참조정보 생성 방안에 관한 연구 : 기술적 속성 유사성 관점에서

        최성철,서원철 한국지식재산연구원 2019 지식재산연구 Vol.14 No.2

        Technology evaluation is generally recognized as a basis for realizing technology finance which refers to providing financial support based on the evaluation of technology innovation and commercialization capability of firms. It is naturally performed in a combination of quantitative evaluation by quantified data and qualitative evaluation by experts in relevant field. Among the both, the results from qualitative evaluation tend to directly affect the ultimate evaluation results. To facilitate the qualitative work, various institutes related to technology evaluation have tried to identify several firms that are similar to the target firm and generate reference information for the evaluation of target firm’s technology. However, the existing approaches have limitations in that they cannot reflect the features of technology itself, only considering the similarity in terms of the industrial or technological classification. This study proposes a methodology for identifying similar firms to the target firm in terms of technological features by measuring the similarity their technological contents and generating reference information from the information of the similar firms. To measure the similarity between technological context, we apply a doc2vec method which is one of the most representative deep-learning based models to represent textual document information to vector. This study can contribute to improving the efficiency and reliability of qualitative technology evaluation work by providing practical reference information in a quantitative way. 기술금융은 기업의 기술혁신 및 사업화 역량에 대한 평가를 바탕으로 적정 수준의 자금을 공급하는 것을 의미하며, 기술평가는 이를 실현하기 위한기반으로서 인식된다. 기술평가는 계량화된 데이터에 의한 정량적 평가와해당 분야의 전문가에 의한 정성적 평가의 혼합으로 이루어지며, 계량화된모형은 정성적 평가를 지원하는 역할을 수행하기 때문에 정성적 평가 결과가 최종 기술평가 결과에 직접적으로 영향을 미치는 경향이 강하다. 하지만정성적 평가는 평가자의 개별적 역량 및 성향 차이에 따라 일관적이지 못한결과를 도출할 수 있기 때문에, 다양한 기술평가 관련 기관들은 평가 대상기업과 속성이 유사한 기업들을 peer group으로 정의하고 이들의 평가 관련정보를 평가 참조정보로서 제공하고 있다. 하지만 기존의 방안들은 주로 산업분류 또는 기술분류 간 유사성만을 고려할 뿐, 기술 자체의 속성을 고려하지 못한다는 한계를 지닌다. 이에 본 연구는 딥러닝에서 사용되는 텍스트 문서의 벡터 정보 모델링기법인 doc2vec 모델을 사용하여 기술내용 간 유사도수준을 측정하여 평가 대상기업과 기술적 속성 관점에서 유사성을 지닌 기업들을 발굴하고 이들로부터 평가 참조정보를 생성하기 위한 방법론을 제시한다. 또한 본 방법론에 의해 산출된 결과와 기존의 peer group 정의 방안에의해 산출된 결과를 비교하고, 본 방법론의 타당성에 대한 논의를 수행한다. 본 방법론은 실용적 평가 참조정보를 정량적 방안에 따라 제공함으로써 정성적 기술평가 작업의 효율성을 향상시키는 데 기여할 수 있다. 또한 평가자의 개인적 역량 및 성향에 따른 기술평가 결과의 편차를 줄여 줌으로써 기술평가 작업의 신뢰성도 증진시킬 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        사회연결망 k-코어를 활용한 기술융합 분석: 방위산업 기업의 보유기술 중심

        박동수,윤한성 (사)디지털산업정보학회 2022 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.18 No.3

        A technology can be newly formed through technological convergence achieved by the intersection of two or more technological fields. As the complexity of technology development increases, related interest is increasing. Researches have been carried out on the concept, related indicators and analysis of technology convergence including method of social networks. This paper intends to suggest an analysis method of technology convergence using social networks based on the company's possessing technologies. According to the similarity of technologies among companies, a social network was constructed and the technology convergence was analyzed using k-core, a social network subgroup method. Using the result of k-core, base and element technologies for convergence was identified with their relations. Using the suggested method, technology convergence was analyzed on real technology data of defense-industry companies. When the minimum technology similarity is 0, the overall technology convergence relations between technology elements can be identified. In the scope of data in this paper, technologies of defense S/W, aircraft structure and structural materials are identified as important base technology for convergence.

      • KCI등재

        기업의 기술유사도 사회연결망을 통한 기술확산 분석 - 방위산업 기업의 보유기술 데이터를 중심으로 -

        박동수,윤한성 경성대학교 산업개발연구소 2022 산업혁신연구 Vol.38 No.2

        Technology diffusion is viewed as a phenomenon in which the number of adopters of a specific technology expands through communication in a social system. As a subject of technology diffusion, a company communicates with the society through its technology and products as the main medium. Companies possessing the same category of technologies may have a high possibility of having similar information and knowledge to acquire or exchange with each other. From this point of view, a method to construct a social network based on the similarity of the technologies and to analyze the technology diffusion between companies using k-core analysis is summarized and suggested. Company groups based on technology similarity and the links between groups were identified. And the degree and the possibility of technology diffusion were calculated as static diffusion and dynamic diffusion. In addition, the ranking of high possibility of technology diffusion was checked with a dynamic diffusion ranking based on the connection relationship of social networks. In the scope of data analyzed in this paper, the degree of technology diffusion in the fields of defense S/W and structural materials is high. In the field of aircraft structures and structural materials, the ratio of possessing technologies in common with external groups is high. 개인 또는 집단으로 구성되는 사회적 시스템에 의해서 구체적인 커뮤니케이션을 통해 시간을 두고 특정 기술의 수용자 수가 확대되는 것으로 정의되는 기술확산은 생산성 및 국가경쟁력 향상의 차원에서 중요하게 다루어지는 요소이다. 기술혁신의 주체이기도 한 기업은 보유기술 및 이를 활용한 제품을 주요 매개체로 하여 소속하고 있는 사회와 커뮤니케이션을 이루어간다고 볼 수 있다. 이와 같은 맥락에서, 동일한 범주의 기술을 보유한 기업들은 추구하거나 습득하는 정보․지식에 있어서 종류가 유사하거나 서로 직․간접적인 교환의 가능성이 크다고 볼 수 있다. 한편 사회연결망은 개체 간의 관계를 네트워크 형태로 표현하는 방식으로서, 본 논문에서 주요 분석도구로 활용하기로 한다. 사회연결망의 개체를 기업으로 두고, 개별 기업의 보유기술 속성으로 계산한 개체 간 유사도를 연결선으로 하는 사회연결망을 구성할 수 있다. 구성한 사회연결망에서 서브그룹 방식인 k-코어 분석을 활용한 기술확산 분석방식을 정리하여 제안하였다. 분석방식에서 기업들의 보유기술 유사성을 바탕으로 k-코어 그룹을 확인하고, 그룹 간 연결관계를 확인하여 기술확산 정도와 가능성의 크기를 정적 확산도와 동적 확산도로 확인하는 방식을 정리하였다. 그리고 국내 방위산업 수행기관의 실제 기술기업 현황 데이터에 대해 제안된 분석방식에 따라 기술확산에 대한 분석 및 평가를 진행하였다. 활용할 기술관리 자료는 해당 기관에서 기술동향의 파악을 위해 전국단위의 기술기반 중소․벤처 기업의 기업별 보유기술 데이터이다. 분석한 데이터의 범위에서는 국방S/W 및 구조재료의 분야에서 기술확산의 정도가 크며, 비행체구조 및 구조재료의 분야에서 외부 기술 분야의 기업들과 공통된 보유기술을 보유한 비율이 높으므로 향후 기술확산의 가능성이 큰 것으로 보인다.

      • KCI등재

        기술거래 네트워크에서의 기술제공자 선택 모델

        이종일 ( Jong Il Lee ),정봉주 ( Bong Ju Jeong ),노가연 ( Ka Yeon Noh ),심승배 ( Seung Bae Sim ) 기술경영경제학회 2010 Journal of Technology Innovation Vol.18 No.2

        본 논문은 기술거래 네트워크와 기술거래 관리의 개념을 제시하고 기술도입자가 도입하고자 하는 기술을 제공하는 최적의 기술제공자를 선택하는 방법론을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 기술거래 네트워크는 기술제공자, 기술마케터, 기술도입자로 구성되며 기술거래 관리는 기술평가, 기술거래, 기술사업화의 단계로 이루어진다. 기술거래 네트워크에서 기술의 연관도와 기술도입비용의 최적화방법을 통해 기술도입자가 도입하고자 하는 기술을 제공하는 최적의 기술제공자를 선택하는 방법론을 제시하며 이 방법은 기술도입자가 기술을 선택하는데 있어서 유용하게 사용될 것으로 기대된다. 기술제공자 선택 방법론은 기술평가 프로세스와 기술제공자 선택 프로세스로 구성된다. 기술평가 프로세스에서는 기술성에 중점을 둔 새로운 개념의 기술평가방법을 개발하여 기술연관도를 정량적으로 산출하였고 기술제공자 선택 프로세스에서는 기술도입에 따른 제반비용을 정의한 후 기술연관도가 최대가 되고 기술도입비용이 최소가 되는 수리모형을 목표계획법을 이용하여 설계하였다. 기술도입자의 요구조건에 대한 성능을 효과적으로 분석하기 위하여 하위기술 별로 방향성을 부여하여 기술네트워크를 각각 구성하였고 이를 효과적으로 목표계획법에 반영하였다. 사례분석에서는 차기전차 기술제공자 선택 사례를 분석하였다. This study presents a concept of technology trade network and management, and proposes a procedural method for optimally selecting the technology transferor when a technology transferee needs to buy a specific technology. We develop a technology trade network where technology supplier, technology marketer, and technology transferee are informatively linked. And a technology trade management consists of three step of estimating technology, trading technology, and commercialization technology. Technology transferees could import the best appropriate technology which they want through these technology network method and cost optimization method. And we hope that these methodologies can be used in selecting new technology. A methodology can be classified into an estimating technology process and a choice of technology supplier process. In an estimating technology process, we calculate the technology similarity quantitatively through developing method of estimating technology which is focused on its technological characteristics. After defining the related cost of technology introduction, we suggest goal programming model to find a solution which can be acceptable both maximizing the technology similarity and minimizing the cost of technology. And suggested model is verified with a supplier selection problem of next generation tanks.

      • KCI등재

        The Moderating Effects of the Cultural Similarity in the Path of Technology Transfer between the Parent Firm and the Foreign Subsidiary

        조연성 대한경영학회 2015 大韓經營學會誌 Vol.28 No.9

        This study was conducted to find out a path characteristic centered around the moderating effects of organizational culture similarity in the process of technology transfer to foreign subsidiary. This study has its research purpose to offer practical implication to related corporations by analyzing path characteristic of technology transfer performance of MNEs to advance foreign market. For the purpose, this research sets four potential variations such as organizational culture similarity, disseminative capacity of the parent firm, absorptive capacity of the subsidiary and transfer performance. After verifying overall validity of measurement 17 items, this research conducted hypotheses test through path analysis using partial least square (PLS). There were 173 samples and this study proposed total 9 hypotheses including moderating effects of the organizational culture similarity between the HQ and the foreign subsidiary. The result of analysis has shown that for the effect of organizational culture similarity on disseminative capacity, coefficient value is statistically significant. The organizational culture similarity has shown positive effect on the absorptive capacity. But the relationship between the organizational culture similarity and the transfer performance did not have statistically significant. In the result of hypotheses about the relationship between the disseminative capacity, the absorptive capacity and the transfer performance, both of them show the statistically significant. In addition, the hypothesis between the absorptive capacity and the transfer performance has shown a statistically significant result. For the hypotheses about moderating effects of the organizational culture similarity, only the path coefficient value of it between the disseminative capacity and the transfer performance has shown significant result. Thus, only the moderating effect of the organizational culture similarity is selected and the others are dismissed. The result of this study based on the dynamic view of culture centered around organizational culture similarity has implication as theoretically it verified moderating effects of organizational culture similarity. These resultss offer theoretical discussions to future studies centered around organizational culture in the dynamic view of culture

      • KCI등재

        미국 ICT기업의 국제특허분류 공동출현 네트워크 특성에 관한 연구: 기술유사성과 기술응용성을 중심으로

        노태우,조길수,이창준 한국혁신학회 2021 한국혁신학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to confirm the degree of technology similarity of MAGA, which leads the US ICT industry, and to examine the technology application of each company. MAGA (Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon), the four major ICT companies in the United States and a group of companies leading the future, accumulated intellectual property through patents. Through international patent classification (IPC), we examined how MAGA’s technologies are combined with other technologies and investigated differences in technology application by each company. In order to confirm the technology similarity of MAGA, we used the IPC co-occurrence network. The number of IPC samples limited to MAGA is 68,732, inclusive of registered and applied patents. We analyzed the technologies used in common by forming a pair of the top 10 companies in each company’s IPC in order of frequency. The top 10 IPCs were extracted based on the degree of centrality for each company, and the similarity and application of the technologies were verified with an edge value. The most commonly registered and applied technology by MAGA is G06F, which shows that it uses the most electrical digital data processing, and most of the other technologies are verified to be similar. 4차산업혁명 시대가 도래하면서 사물인터넷, 인공지능, 빅데이터 등 관련 기술에 관한 관심이 증가하고 있다. 기술은 혁신을 통해 생성되기 때문에 기업은 기술혁신을 통한 기업성장에 주목해야 한다. 기업의 기술혁신을 통해 생성된 지식은 생산성을 향상하는 등 기업성장에 중심적인 역할을 한다. 미국의 4대 ICT 기업이자 미래를 선도하는 기업인 MAGA (Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon)는 특허를 통해 지식재산을 축적하였다. 본 연구는 과연 미국 ICT 산업을 선도하는 MAGA가 가지는 기술유사성은 어느 정도인지를 확인하고 각 기업이 가지는 기술응용성을 확인하고자 한다. MAGA가 보유한 기술을 국제특허분류(IPC, international patent classification)를 통해 어떤 기술들이 다른 기술들과 결합하는지 살펴보고, 기업별로 기술응용에 나타나는 차이를 살펴보았다. MAGA의 기술유사성을 확인하기 위해 본 연구는 IPC 공동출현 네트워크를 이용하였다. MAGA로 한정한 IPC 표본의 수는 등록 및 출원특허를 합한 68,732개이며, 이 정보는 빈도수 분석과 네트워크 분석을 통해 검증하였다. 기업별 IPC는 빈도순으로 상위 10개를 기업끼리 짝(pair)을 이루어서 공통으로 사용하고 있는 기술을 살펴보았다. 기업별 중심성(centrality)을 정도(degree) 기준으로 상위 10개의 IPC를 추출하여 유사성(similarity)을 확인하고 엣지(edge) 값으로 기술들의 연관성을 보았다. 분석결과 MAGA가 공통으로 가장 많이 등록, 출원한 기술은 G06F으로 전자 정보 처리(electrical digital data processing)를 가장 많이 사용하는 것으로 나타나며 나머지 기술들도 대부분 유사한 것으로 검증되었다.

      • KCI등재

        제품 및 서비스 개선을 위한 기술기회 발굴: 특허와 상표 데이터 활용

        박서인,이지호,이승현,윤장혁,손창호 한국산업경영시스템학회 2023 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.46 No.4

        As markets and industries continue to evolve rapidly, technology opportunity discovery (TOD) has become critical to a firm's survival. From a common consensus that TOD based on a firm’s capabilities is a valuable method for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and reduces the risk of failure in technology development, studies for TOD based on a firm’s capabilities have been actively conducted. However, previous studies mainly focused on a firm's technological capabilities and rarely on business capabilities. Since discovered technologies can create market value when utilized in a firm's business, a firm’s current business capabilities should be considered in discovering technology opportunities. In this context, this study proposes a TOD method that considers both a firm's business and technological capabilities. To this end, this study uses patent data, which represents the firm's technological capabilities, and trademark data, which represents the firm's business capabilities. The proposed method comprises four steps: 1) Constructing firm technology and business capability matrices using patent classification codes and trade- mark similarity group codes; 2) Transforming the capability matrices to preference matrices using the fuzzy function; 3) Identifying a target firm’s candidate technology opportunities using the collaborative filtering algorithm; 4) Recommending technology oppor- tunities using a portfolio map constructed based on technology similarity and applicability indices. A case study is conducted on a security firm to determine the validity of the proposed method. The proposed method can assist SMEs that face resource constraints in identifying technology opportunities. Further, it can be used by firms that do not possess patents since the proposed method uncovers technology opportunities based on business capabilities.

      • KCI등재

        Technological Relatedness, Uncertainty, and R&D Alliance Formation

        배준형 한국인사조직학회 2022 인사조직연구 Vol.30 No.4

        Prior studies on R&D alliances have assumed that technological complementarity is a subset of or a moderate level of technological similarity. This study suggests that technological similarity and complementarity are two distinct concepts and affect firms’ decision-making in R&D alliance formation differently. While firms conduct local searches to identify alliance partners that possess similar areas of technological knowledge, they also conduct relatively distant searches to identify alliance partners with complementary areas of knowledge. As such, R&D alliances focusing on technological similarity bear low project-specific uncertainty regarding the outcome of an alliance, whereas those driven by technological complementarity involve high project-specific uncertainty. Based on this observation, we investigate the impact of technological similarity and complementarity on the likelihood of R&D alliance formation between established pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology ventures within the biopharmaceutical industry. We find that while technological similarity is positively associated with the formation of late-stage R&D alliances, technological complementarity is positively associated with early-stage R&D alliance formation. We also find that in the presence of high uncertainty regarding an established pharmaceutical firm’s future performance, the positive effect of technological similarity on the likelihood of R&D alliance formation is amplified. However, the positive effect of technological complementarity on the likelihood of R&D alliance formation is diminished.

      • KCI등재

        The Identification of Emerging Technologies of Automotive Semiconductor

        남대경,최경현 한국인터넷정보학회 2023 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.17 No.2

        As the paradigm of future vehicles changes, the interest in automotive semiconductor, which plays a key role in realizing this, is increasing. Automotive semiconductors are the technology with very high entry barriers that require a lot of effort and time because it must secure technology readiness level and also consider safety and reliability. In this technology field, it is very important to develop new businesses and create opportunities through technology trend analysis. However, systematic analysis and application of automotive semiconductor technology trends are currently lacking. In this paper, U.S. registered patent documents related to automotive semiconductor were collected and investigated based on the patent's IPC. The main technology of automotive semiconductor was analyzed through topic modeling, and the technology path such as emerging technology was investigated through cosine similarity. We identified that those emerging technologies such as driving control for vehicle and AI service appeared. We observed that as time passed, both convergence and independence of automotive semiconductor technology proceeded simultaneously.

      • 기술기회 발굴 지원을 위한 텍스트 분석 기반의 기술-디자인 트리 구축

        윤주호(Juho Yoon),권세훈(Sae Hoon Kwon),김병훈(Byunghoon Kim) 대한산업공학회 2024 대한산업공학회지 Vol.50 No.3

        This paper introduces a novel methodology for constructing technology-design trees based on text analysis to support the discovery of technology opportunities. The methodology employs KeyBERT(Keyword extraction with Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) model to extract meaningful keywords from patents and design rights documents, thus facilitating the analysis of semantic similarities and categorization into similar technological and design groups. Further, it utilizes Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) and Locarno Classification (LOC) to build technology trees and design trees, respectively, through the analysis of technical and product similarities. Additionally, the methodology employs structural similarity index mapping (SSIM) on patent and design right drawings to validate the constructed trees. The approach is distinguished by its minimal reliance on expert intervention, enhancing the efficiency and scalability of technology opportunity discovery processes.

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