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      • Application technology opportunity discovery from technology portfolios: Use of patent classification and collaborative filtering

        Park, Y.,Yoon, J. American Elsevier 2017 TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE Vol.118 No.-

        Technology opportunity discovery (TOD), customized to a firm's current technology capability, can be a good starting point to formulate a technology strategy for a firm that lacks technology information, experts, and/or facilities. Although patent-based studies have suggested systematic methods for customized TOD, these methods have limitations such as insufficient consideration of a target firm's technology portfolio and difficulty of method reproducibility due to expert intervention-based text mining. Therefore, this paper proposes an approach to determine application technology opportunities customized to a target firm by applying collaborative filtering to firms' technology portfolios, which are represented as a set of patent classification codes of the firm's patents. The proposed method involves 1) structuring technology portfolios as firm-international patent classification (IPC) distribution vectors using main group-level IPC codes of the applicants' patents, 2) recommending main group-level IPCs untapped by the target firm and with high preference scores by using collaborative filtering, and 3) classifying the recommended IPCs for the firm's strategic decision-making support using indexes of heterogeneity, growth rate, and competition level. To show the workings of this approach, we applied it to a high-tech firm with wireless communication technology, building on the analysis of large-scale patents and their applicants. This approach is expected to contribute to the systematic identification of application technology opportunities customized to firms and across various industries, and to become a basis for developing future technology intelligence systems.

      • KCI등재

        학술연구 : 기술기반 부품,소재기업의 성장전략 분석

        최경규 ( Gyoung Gyu Choi ) 한국중소기업학회 2010 中小企業硏究 Vol.32 No.4

        이 연구는 디지털천자, 소재 및 산업전자 분야에서 고유기술을 기반으로 성장하고 있는 기술혁신형 부품소재기업의 기업특성과 산업환경을 포함한 외부환경을 검토하고, 개별기업이 성장하는데 활용하는 전략의 공통분모를 찾아내어 유형화하고 기업유형별 성장전략을 분석하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이 연구에서는 19개 기업에 대한 사례연구를 통해, 부품소재기업을 기술의 종류에 따라 원천기술형 기업과 응용개발형 기업으로 구분하여 각각의 경영전략 및 기술전략에 대하여 분석하였다. 사례분석을 통해 얻어진 중요한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 원천기술형(원천기술기반) 기업이나 응용개발형(개발상용화) 기업이나 CEO의 성향에 따라 사용하는 전략에 차이가 나타났다. CEO가 모험지향적인 경우에는, R&D 자금으로 외부자금을 사용하는 것을 선호하며, 대기업과의 연계 등으로 영역 간(inter=sectoral) 제품개발과 관련다각화를 통하여 제품의 개발이나 기술개발 등 혁신활동을 하는 반면, CEO가 안정지향적인 경우에는 자기자본을 활용하여 R&D를 하거나, 성과급을 주고, 성장전략도 보수적으로 제품개선이나 관련다각화를 선택하는 경향이 있었다. 둘째, 원천기술형 기업은 기술의 범위가 넓고 범용적인 원천기술을 바탕으로 모듈형 제품을 생산하며 이는 다품종소량생산 방식과 연결되는 경향이 있다. 반면, 응용개발형 기업은 기술의 범위가 좁고 전문적인 경향이 있으며, 이는 소품종대량생산과 연결되는 경향이 있으며, 이러한 차이는 성장전략에 있어서도 영향을 준다. 셋째, 원천기술형 기업은 가치사슬에서의 전후방수직통합전략과 대기업과의 협력을 통해 보유한 기술을 기반으로 보수적으로 업그레이딩(upgrading)과 관련다각화에 초점을 맞추는 반면, 응용개발형 부품소재기업은 대기업 전후방연계전략으로 수요대기업의 협력과 후방기업과의 우호적 관계를 바탕으로 혁신적인 신제품개발과 관련다각화 등을 하여 외국에 진출하고 동시에 대량생산에 의한 가격경쟁력을 바탕으로 외국진출을 시도하는 경우가 많았다. 이 연구에 따른 정책제언은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 부품소재기업 혹은 기술기반 혁신기업의 경우, 기술개발 초기에 정부의 기술지원, 금용지원 혹은 세제지원 등을 통하여 기술기반기업들이 원천기술 혹은 상용화기술을 개발하거나 기술추격형 기술의 국산화를 통한 업그레이딩이 이루어지도록 지원하는 것이 효과적인 정책이다. 둘째, 정부정책으로 전후방기업 간의 연계가 이루어질 수 있도록 대기업-중소기업 상생정책을 통하여 중소혁신기업에 대한 지원정책을 펴는 것이 필요하다. 셋째, 기술기반 혁신기업이 외부자금을 활용할 때, 신기술, 관련다각화에 의한 혁신활동에 중점을 두는 것을 볼 때, 혁신에 대한 위험을 보충정책이나 금융지원에 의해 정부가 위험을 어느 정도 함께 공유 할 수 있는 방법이나, 대기업이 위험과 성과를 함께 공유할 수 있는 성과공유제 등을 지원하는 것이 필요하다, 넷째, 부품소재기업의 외국진출이 가치사슬 상의 우호적인 전후방기업들과 함께 제품 및 기술개발 등을 하여 가치사슬상의 기능을 함께 협력적으로 수행하는 데 있어 정부가 수출지원이나 판매망과 외국시장에 대한 정보의 제공 등의 체계적인 지원이 필요하다. Technology-based materials and components firms are important players in the national econo-my, as these firms provide the competitive nucleus in industries which use their products as inputs. Among small and medium sized rums (SMEs), technology-based materials and components firms have demonstrated strong growth even in the midst of the global economic depression. Korean firms of this type have become significant players in the global marketplace. However, the common success factors of these firms have not been investigated in a systematic way to date. By identifying the firm characteristics, paths of growth and success factors which have led to the success of firms producing similar products we will be better positioned to frame the most effective government support policy for industry and the needs of SMEs. To analyze the above objectives, we have adopted the following case study framework: Using background theories of resources and capabilities, and the characteristics of organization and external environments (market and industry), each firm`s characteristics are reviewed in the dimensions of organization, control and incentives, networks, market position, and the six forces of the industry as well as each firm`s position in it. Furthermore, by focusing on firm strategy with regards to technology development, commercialization, growth and performance, we have identified the strategic fits among success factors in the backdrop of the organiza-tional characteristics, industrial forces and cooperation network structures in the value chain. The strategic foci identified are upgrading, diversification and alliances. The upgrading strategies used by firms are progress, product, functionality, technology, and inter-sectoral product upgrading. The diversification strategies include product and geographic dimemsions. The strategic alliances employed are backward and for-ward integration as well as network strategies. This study analyzes the growth strategies of technology-based materials and components rums. From the digital electronics, materials and industrial electronics industries, we selected 19 firms that have been success-ful in developing technologies and utilizing them in the market. By reviewing the organizational character-istics of the rums (including the CEO`s risk profile), their industrial environments, and their strategies, we have tried to identify and categorize the common factors of their success. The firms are divided into two technology types: Original technology and application technology. In addi-tion to the corresponding products and the value chain of the firms, their alliance and cooperation types have also been considered in order to recognize the relevant growth strategies. Although this paper explains the success factors in firm growth, the framework is not dynamic which may explain the current leading factor - progress - in the performance of firm growth. The analysis highlights several points which may suggest im- portant strategic fits of technology-driven firms. The strategic fits are categorized firstly according to their technology type, since these types dictate the most prominent characteristic differences between firms that may thereupon affect the differences in product production and growth strategies. The findings of the study are as follows. First, in the case of original technology firms, if there exist entry barriers and few substitutes in the industry, the firms use low risk upgrading strategies such as improvement of products and technology, rather than high-risk innovative strategies such as inter-sectoral new product development. The incumbent firms do not need to take on risky projects in a secure market. However, when the CEO is a risk taker, the firm tries to expand to foreign markets with big allied firms. In these cases, the firm will take a `little` bold step such as vertical integration in the value chain, related diversification or inter-sectoral product development. Typically, the risk-taking CEO attempts to use external financial resources for such projects, while the risk-averse CEO will choose to use retained earnings inside the firm instead. In a mature market, firms are likely to finance from external sources to balance the risk associated with exploring inter-sectoral product development. Second, in an alliance strategy, an original technology firm having a good relationship with a customer firm will pursue foreign expansion with an interdependent customer firm through forward alliance, in order to diversity products and/or develop new products inter-sectorally. On the other hand, the application technology firm in cooperation with a customer firm of higher bargaining power will use the customization strategy for their ally abroad with help from the ally. Third, in the application firm`s case, a strategy employing mass production is used to utilize production economies of scale. The economies of scale from mass production will ensure the price competitiveness of the firm in the market. Brand reputation along with low price from mass production in the various marketing channels allows the firm to pursue localization technology upgrading and inter-sectoral product development. Fourth, localization technology upgrading leads to securing a sustainable technology brand, which in turn makes external financing possible. The vertical alliance, forward as well as backward, also helps with related diversification and inter-sectoral diversification. Vertically-allied firms thus develop a core competency in for-eign expansion with the help of the big buyer firm`s power in marketing channels. In the virtuous cycle of mass production comprising strategic alliances with backward and forward firms, and technology/product up-grading and diversification - vertical alliances are the key success factor in the survival and growth of materials and components firms. Fifth, growth strategies are dependent upon the nature of the CEOs` risk profile. With a risk-taking CEO, outside financing is preferred for innovation and product development, while a risk-averse CEO prefers to use internal funding for less risky projects and for compensating researchers. Original technology firms use verti-cal integration in the value chain, while application technology firms use vertical alliances. From the results of this study a few policy recommendations are suggested: Government support in the form of technology or financing is very important for the survival of technol-ogy-driven firms. Also, alliances with big firms are essential in the growth of technology-driven firms. Government policy to promote alliances between big firms and small to medium sized firms is a must to secure sustainable growth of SMEs. Since technology-driven firms use external research funds for innovative activities such as development of new products, external financing needs to be available to firms with innovative but high-risk projects. The government may support those firms by providing credit guarantees or financial support. However, tight mon-itoring should accompany generous support for high risk projects to avoid the pitfalls of moral hazard. Foreign marketing channel access and local information in foreign countries are also valuable assets to the success of technology-driven firms in international expansion. Governments may provide this information and connect firms to foreign marketing channels in expansion markets, enhancing the sustainability of technol-ogy-driven firm growth. The study has the following limitations. By selecting successful firms as cases, this study does not cover the initial stage of the firm`s growth. Although the objective of this study is to identify the success factors of the technology-driven firms, the survival of the SMEs in the initial stage is very crucial for the ensuing growth after the survival. The distinctions between original technology firms and application strategies are not quite conspicuous, although there are many different aspects between firms in two technology categories. If we have enough number of firms, more systematic statistical analysis of the success factors that guarantee the high returns of the technology-driven firms.

      • KCI등재

        축구경기력 영향 심리요인 연구와 현장적용에 4차산업혁명 첨단기술의 도입가능성

        윤영길 ( Youngkil Yun ),김현주 ( Hyeonju Kim ) 한국스포츠심리학회 2021 한국스포츠심리학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        목적: 본 연구는 축구경기력 영향 심리요인 연구와 현장적용에서 4차산업혁명 범용핵심기술과 분야별응용기술의 도입가능성 분류를 목적으로 진행하였다. 방법: 본 연구는 스포츠심리학 박사 8인, 공학박사 4인 등 총 12명을 대상으로, 축구경기력 영향 심리요인 연구와 현장적용에 범정부합동회의에서 제안된 4차산업 범용핵심기술과 분야별응용기술(이하 첨단기술)의 평균과 표준편차 기반으로 도입가능성을 검토하였다. 결과: 첫째, 향후 10년 이내 축구경기력 영향 심리요인 연구와 현장적용에서 빅데이터, 모바일, 인공지능(AI)의 도입가능성(PT)은 매우높고, 증강현실(AR)/가상현실(VR), 사물인터넷(IoT), 클라우드, 웨어러블, 가상물리시템(CPS), 지능형센서는 높다. 반면, 로보틱스, 차량사물통신(V2X), 블록체인의 도입가능성(P<sub>T</sub>)은 낮고, 신소재, 3D프린팅, 유전자가위, 신재생에너지의 도입가능성(P<sub>T</sub>)은 매우낮다. 둘째, 향후 10년 이내 분석력, 학습능력, 컨디션, 실천지능의 연구와 현장적용에 첨단 기술의 도입가능성(P<sub>P</sub>)은 매우높고, 집중력은 높다. 반면, 창의력, 불안감조절, 동료소통, 지도자소통, 부담감조절, 압박감조절에 도입가능성(P<sub>P</sub>)은 낮고, 의욕, 자신감, 투지에 도입가능성(P<sub>P</sub>)은 매우낮다. 셋째, 향후 10년 이내 심리요인 하위요인별 첨단기술 도입가능성(P<sub>TP</sub>)은 분석력, 학습능력, 컨디션, 실천지능, 집중력, 창의력, 불안감조절, 동료소통, 지도자소통, 압박감조절, 부담감조절, 의욕, 자신감, 투지 순으로 산출되었다. 넷째, 향후 10년 이내 축구경기력 영향 심리요인 연구와 현장적용에서 유전자가위, 신소재, 신재생에너지는 축구경기력 영향 심리요인 전반의 연구와 적용에 도입가능성이 매우낮은 기술로 평가되고 있다. 결론: 스포츠심리학 연구와 현장적용에 4차산업혁명 첨단기술 도입에 대한 스포츠심리학계의 공감대 형성이 필요하다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to classify the possibilities of adopting general core technologies and application technologies to the fields of research on and application of psychological factors affecting football performance. Methods: This study was conducted on 12 PhDs including 8 Doctors of Sport psychology and 4 Doctors of Engineering. Data on the prospect of applications of general core technologies and application technologies (Advanced technologies) proposed by the joint governmental forum were reviewed based on mean and standard deviation. Results: First, within the next 10 years of the research on and application of psychological factors affecting football performance, it is looked forward that the possibilities(Pr) of applying Big data, Mobile, Artificial Intelligence were Very High, while the possibilities of applying Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality, Internet of Things, Cloud, Wearable, Cyber-Physical Systems, Intelligent sensors were High. However, the possibilities of the application were Low in the cases of Robotics, V2X, Blockchain, while New material, 3D Printing, Genetic scissors, Renewable energy had Very low possibilities of applications. Second, within the next 10 years of the research on and application of psychological factors affecting football performance, the possibilities(Pp) of applying advanced technologies to the fields of research on and application of Analyzing abilities, Learning capabilities, Condition, Practical Intelligence were Very High, while the possibility of applying advanced technologies to Concentration was High. However, the possibilities were Low in the cases of Creativity, Anxiety control, Communications with teammates, Communications with coaches, Burden control, and Pressure control. Will power, Confidence, Fighting spirit showed Very low possibilities of applications. Third, within the next 10 years, the possibilities of being applied the advanced technologies were in the order of Analyzing abilities, Learning capabilities, Condition, Practical intelligence, Concentration, Creativity, Anxiety control, Communications with teammates, Communications with coaches, Pressure control, Burden control, Will power, Confidence, and Fighting spirit. Fourth, within the next 10 years, Genetic scissors, New materials, and Renewable energy were unlikely to be applied to the fields of research on and application of the general psychological factors affecting football performance. Conclusion: We look forward to the active interests of our peers in sport psychology research and application in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and advanced technologies.

      • Understanding Technology Readiness Factors Influencing Customer Experience towards Continuance Usage Intention of Grab Application in Malaysia: A Conceptual Review

        Noor Aslinda Abu SEMAN,Umi Kartini RASHID,Ahmad Kaseri RAMIN,Nurazwa AHMAD 한국유통과학회 2018 KODISA ICBE (International Conference on Business Vol.2018 No.-

        The emerging of e-hailing services such as Grab application gave many benefits to daily life of community nowadays, for instance providing better service, lower fares and convenience rides to customer. However, as a new technology of mobile application in transportation sector, Grab application also may had some failure and technical difficulties that may impact on customers’ experience while using it. Limited studies on the adoption of Grab application based on technology readiness factors. Also, lack discussion on the overall customer experience towards the usage of Grab application. Since the Grab application penetrated the Malaysian market five years ago in 2014, there is still a room to improve the understanding on the adoption and customers’ satisfaction of an application among customers, thus indirectly lead customer to continue use of the application. Therefore, this paper attempts to review and assess the Grab application using proposed structural relationship model of technology readiness factors (TR), customer experience model (CEM) and continuance usage of intention (CUI). All related constructs were presented in the proposed research conceptual model where research hypotheses were developed. As a conclusion, the paper brought forward suggestions for future research.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Application of Blockchain Technology in the Construction Industry

        김경백,이가연,김상범 대한토목학회 2020 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.24 No.9

        Blockchain technology has been recognized as one of the emerging technologies that can significantly innovate many industries. Major advantages of using blockchain technology includes reducing transaction costs, preventing data forgery and alteration, and further flexibility. The construction industry is generally considered as an industry that has great potentials for blockchain technology utilization mainly due to the high volume of transactions among various entities. Despite the perceived positive impact, there have been few cases of blockchain applications within the construction industry. This study is conducted with an aim of finding ways to apply blockchain technology to the construction industry. In order to identify potential application areas, construction lifecycle and project management knowledgeareas are used in developing a survey questionnaire. Data collected from the survey is analyzed by employing importance performance analysis (IPA) method considering both applicability of the technology and anticipated impact from utilizing the technology. In relation to the construction project lifecycle, ‘Project Cost/Change Management’, ‘Contract Bidding and Formation’, and ‘Procurement Evaluation’ are emerged as top three candidates for blockchain application with high applicability and impact. Regarding the knowledge area, ‘Procurement Management’ and ‘Cost Management’ are identified as the main blockchain application areas with high applicability and impact. All the identified specific construction tasks with high applicability and impact are related to ‘Procurement’, ‘Contract’, and ‘Cost’. Therefore, it is reasonable to start focusing blockchain convergence efforts these areas and then expand them as the technology matures.

      • KCI등재

        Determinants and Influential Factors in Technology Valuation in Korea

        Park, Hyun-Woo,Shin, Woo-Taek The Korea Contents Association 2010 International Journal of Contents Vol.6 No.3

        This study empirically analyzes the characteristics of the various attributes of technology that influence the economic values of technologies, based on the cases of technology valuation carried out in Korea. To do so, we collect the cases of technology valuation carried out by major technology valuation institutions in Korea and extract from these data the information about various characteristics of the subject technologies of valuation and the primary factors applied to the technology valuation. Based on such extracted information, we examine the overall trends of technology valuation in Korea and analyze how the main factors of technology valuation vary with the attributes of technology.

      • KCI등재

        Determinants and Influential Factors in Technology Valuation in Korea

        Hyun-Woo Park,Woo-Taek Shin 한국콘텐츠학회(IJOC) 2010 International Journal of Contents Vol.6 No.3

        This study empirically analyzes the characteristics of the various attributes of technology that influence the economic values of technologies, based on the cases of technology valuation carried out in Korea. To do so, we collect the cases of technology valuation carried out by major technology valuation institutions in Korea and extract from these data the information about various characteristics of the subject technologies of valuation and the primary factors applied to the technology valuation. Based on such extracted information, we examine the overall trends of technology valuation in Korea and analyze how the main factors of technology valuation vary with the attributes of technology.

      • SCOPUS

        Factors Influencing Usage of University Mobile Application Among University Students

        ALJAAIDI, Khaled Salmen,BAGAIS, Omer Ali,SHARMA, Raj Bahadur Korea Distribution Science Association 2020 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.7 No.10

        This study investigates the factors influencing the usage of PSAU Mobile Application by the students at Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University (PSAU). This study used Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a framework to predict the factors influencing 67 students' usage of PSAU M-Application. The results of this study were consistent with the TAM framework in predicting the actual usage of the PSAU mobile application for academic activities. The results indicated a significantly positive association of the perceived ease-to-use with perceived usefulness, significantly positive associations of the perceived ease-to-use and the perceived usefulness with the attitude toward the usage of the PSAU's mobile application, a significantly positive association of the perceived usefulness with the behavioral intention toward the usage of the PSAU's mobile application, a significantly positive association of the students' attitude toward the usage of the PSAU's mobile application with the behavioral intention of using the application, and a significantly positive association of the behavioral intention with the actual usage of the PSAU's mobile application. The results of this study should be useful to educational policymakers at PSAU University and elsewhere, as there is an opportunity to enhance the existing technology or adopt new technologies for academic activities.

      • KCI등재

        기술유출방지를 위한 「특허출원공개제도」에 관한 고찰

        윤선희 한국지식재산학회 2022 産業財産權 Vol.- No.71

        As a result of the technology hegemonic war between the United States and China, the Global Value Chain has been reorganized, with each country enacting and revising various laws to protect their key technologies. Countries all over the world have implemented and are operating an application disclosure system in the Patent Act that provides exceptions to related technologies to treat patented inventions as confidential without public disclosure in the case of 'inventions necessary for national security or national defense.' The Korean Patent Act contains exceptions as well, but it can only be treated as a secret patent when it is necessary for national defense. As a result, it is difficult to apply in emergency status other than those required for national defense, such as wartime, or in situations that endanger national safety. In addition to the Patent Act, Korea has enacted and is operating the Act On Prevention Of Divulgence And Protection Of Industrial Technology, the Defense Technology Security Act, and the Foreign Trade Act separately, but there are parts that are not linked to one another other. To better understand these issues, the application disclosure and its exception system under the Patent Act were examined, and whether technology leakage could be prevented by the exception provision (Article 41 of the Patent Act) was compared and reviewed with other related laws. As an alternative, this study proposed mandating domestic applications as first applications prior to filing an overseas patent application and broadening the scope of application disclosure. 미·중 간 기술 패권 전쟁으로 인하여 글로벌 가치사슬(Global Value Chain)로 재편되면서 각국은 자국의 중요한 기술들을 보호하기 위해 각종 법제를 제·개정하고 있다. 우리나라를 비롯한 세계 각국은 특허법상 출원공개제도에서는 ‘국가의 안전을 해치는 경우 또는 국방상 필요한 발명’에 대하여 출원한 발명을 공개하지 않고 비밀로 취급하여 관련기술들을 특허출원공개제도의 예외규정으로 도입하여 운영하고 있다. 우리 특허법도 예외규정을 두고는 있으나, ‘국방상 필요한 경우’에 한정하여 비밀특허로 취급할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 전시 등의 국방상 필요한 경우 이외의 긴급사태나 국가의 안전을 해치는 경우에는 적용하기 어렵다. 또한 우리나라는 특허법 외에도 산업기술보호법, 방위산업기술보호법, 대외무역법 등을 별도로 제정하여 운용하고 있으나 서로 연계가 되어 있지 않는 부분이 있다. 이러한 문제점을 파악하기 위하여 특허법상의 특허출원공개제도와 그 예외제도에 살펴보고, 예외(특허법 제41조)제도에 의해 기술유출을 방지할 수 있는지 여부를 다른 법률과도 비교·검토한 후 그 대안으로 해외 특허출원 전에 반드시 국내출원을 제1출원으로 의무화하고 출원공개범위도 확대하는 방안을 검토하였다.

      • KCI등재

        태양광기술의 건물 적용 시험 요구조건에 관한 연구

        이유진,노훈구,신대욱 한국태양에너지학회 2022 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.42 No.1

        Because photovoltaic technology applied to the building is intended for long-term use, it is important to undergoes sufficient test before installation. In general, testing of photovoltaic technology is mainly performed on the components of the system. However, because each component is combined with the building’s applied solar technology, various tests are required in its combined state with the building. Therefore, in this study, the current status of photovoltaic technology, procedures, and related facilities were investigated to derive the requirements of the building application test for photovoltaic technology. Based on the results of the investigation, test requirements were derived, such as content to be considered when testing building-applied photovoltaic technology and facility requirements for testing and certification.

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