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      • KCI등재

        수단 분쟁의 중재와 평화에 관한 연구

        유왕종(Yoo, Wang-Jong) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2006 중동문제연구 Vol.5 No.-

        The causes of Sudan conflict are numerous and are rooted in tribal, economic, religious, social and political factors. It is important to point out that these divergent political and socio-economic factors are both vital to, and yet have been detrimental for, Sudan' s economic development and political emancipation. Successive Sudanese governments have abused and exploited these factors, turning them from a well-spring of strength into a menace and source of diversion and violence. Given Sudan' s diverse ethnic makeup, unless there is clear leadership, determined political will, democratic governance and respect for human rights, there is always bound to be a problem of quarrels and discomfort within the country. How such quarrels have developed into a savage civil war and spilled over into neighboring countries is a sad history of misunderstandings and lethal parochialism. The sense of grievance felt in the South over the persistent attempts to impose Islamic law (Shariah law) escalated when the religious hard-line National Islamic Front took over power from the moderate government of Sadiq in 1989. Gen. Omar al-Bashir was installed as leader and assisted by the extremist Islamic leader al-Turabi. The regime wanted to continue with the policy of imposing the shariah law, which had become the main cause of conflict. The new regime assumed that coercion would bring the southern people to their knees, which is yet to be the case. To date, this has been the problem; northern leaders have not comprehended strongly how the South feels against the imposition of shariah law. The Sudanese government and the country's main southern rebel group (SPLM) was signed a peace agreement Jan. 10, 2005 in Kenya to end more than 21 years of civil war. The "conflict", often consisting of the northern Islamic government's military bombing southern Sudan villages and churches, claimed more than 2 million lives, primarily from war-induced famine and disease in the south. I hope and pray that Sudan will enter into a peaceful period although there remains skepticism for two reasons. First, the U. N. is heavily involved. After the recent and ongoing oil-for-food scandal and the reports of widespread sexual abuse in the Congo the organization has very little credibility (in my opinion). In fact, even after the Khartoum government's human rights violations were well known, the U. N. elected the government of Sudan to be a watchdog for human rights [more]. Second, the north Sudanese government cannot be trusted. It engages in slavery, has committed genocide, and breaks peace agreements.

      • KCI등재

        Scoping Review of the Occupational Health and Safety Governance in Sudan: The Story So Far

        Abdelrahim Rasha A.,Otitolaiye Victor O.,Omer Faris,Abdelbasit Zeena 한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 2023 Safety and health at work Vol.14 No.2

        Background: The reoccurrence of occupational accidents in Sudan is evidence of a lack of effective Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) governance in Sudan. Methods: This scope review research articles on OSH governance in Sudan from different sources, including international websites, official government websites, original research articles in journals, and various reports. The five stages of the scoping review followed in this study are: identifying the research question; identifying relevant studies; study selection; charting the data; collating, summarizing, and reporting the results. Results: There is numerous legislation in place; however, there is no evidence of their enforcement, and no formal bodies at the national level are identified as being responsible for their enforcement. Conclusion: Having multiple authorities with overlapping responsibilities hinders OSH governance. An integrated governance model is proposed to eliminate overlapping duties and to facilitate the participation of all stakeholders in the governance process.

      • KCI등재

        수단 남-북내전에 관한 연구

        박찬기 한독사회과학회 2007 한독사회과학논총 Vol.17 No.3

        수단은 독립 한 해전인 1955년부터 2005년까지 두 차례의 남-북내전을 겪었다. 그간 2백만의 희생자를 냈으며 또 다른 수백만의 난민을 초래했다. 그러므로 일반적으로 수단이 내전에 취약한 특성을 가지고 있다고 주장하고 있다. 그러나 본 논문에서는 수단의 특수성이 아니라 일반적인 내전의 조건이 수단에 부여되었기에 내전이 발생했다고 주장하고 있다. 일반적인 내전의 원인은 중앙정부 기능의 약화, 장기간의 정치적인 불안 그리고 반군의 은신처 및 동조자 등의 조건이다. 수단은 영국의 식민지통치기간에 남과 북의 분리통치로 독립 후 국가통합에 실패하면서 중앙정부의 기능을 향상시킬 여건을 구비하지 못했다. 뿐만 아니라 민정 군정 구별 없이 모든 정부에서 지나치게 아랍/이슬람화정책을 추진하면서 기존의 국가분열을 더욱더 악화시켰다. 또한 계속 이어지는 쿠데타는 정치적인 불안을 가중시켰으며 양대 이슬람 수피조직인 안사르(Ansar)와 카트미야(Khatmiyya)의 갈등은 민간정부의 붕괴를 초래했다. 즉, 이러한 불안과 갈등으로 인하여 수단은 자체의 정치체제를 제도화할 기회를 상실했다. 이러한 상황에서 남부인들은 중앙정부의 정책에 반기를 들었으며 남부의 광활한 수풀지역과 이웃국가들을 그들의 반정부투쟁의 은신장소로 택하였다. 이러한 조건들은 일반적인 내전의 원인과 매우 일치하고 있다. 또한 수단 남-북내전의 성격은 냉전종식 전의 일반적인 내전의 성격과 일치하고 있다. 즉, 남-북내전의 지도자들은 개인적인 권력욕심보다는 남부전체의 광의의 문제해결에 더 치중하였다. 내전지지자에 있어서도 남-북내전은 남부반군이 남부인 뿐만 아니라 중부의 누바산악지역 주민과 동부의 베자(Beja)족으로 부터도 지지를 받았으며 공조하였다. 폭력의 사용면에서도 남-북내전은 냉전종식 전의 일반적인 내전과 같이 통제된 폭력을 행사했다. 그러므로 수단의 남-북내전은 그 원인과 성격 및 폭력행사유형에서 일반적인 내전과 매우 비슷하기 때문에 2차에 걸친 남-북내전의 원인을 수단자체의 특수성으로 간주하는 것은 잘못이다. The Sudan experienced two north-south civil wars from 1955 to 2005. Approximately two million people were killed during this period, and millions of others were displaced from their villages. Some have argued that the Sudan possesses certain characteristics that make the nation prone to civil wars. This paper, however, argues that the main causes of the Sudanese civil wars are very similar to those of civil wars in general. These general causes include the weakness of the central government, political instability, and suitable environmental conditions for recruiting, training, and hiding rebels. All of these conditions were met in the Sudan. The Sudan experienced a great deal of difficulty uniting and consolidating the country after gaining independence because of the "divide and rule" policy that was in place during the British colonial period. After gaining independence, the rift between the north and south widened because of the Arab/Islamization policy implemented by the central government. In addition, the frequent military coups created political instability, and the power struggle between the two Sufi organizations, the Ansar and the Khatmiyya, caused the collapse of civil governments. As a result, the Sudan lost its chance to institutionalize its political system. Under these circumstances, the southern people united to rise up against the northern government. They used both the bush in the south as well as the lands of neighboring countries to hide from the northern soldiers. These described causes for the Sudanese North-South civil war are very similar to those of general civil wars. Furthermore, the characteristics and the patterns of applying forces of the north-south civil war are similar to those of general civil wars. In sum, the Sudanese North-South civil war is not unique but is very similar to general civil wars in its causes and characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        복자 이도기 바오로의 거주지와 신앙 증거터⋅순교터 고증

        차기진 (재)한국교회사연구소 2018 敎會史硏究 Vol.0 No.53

        Blessed Paul Yi Do-gi accepted the Catholic faith around 1786. And the period which Catholic faith was propagated in Cheongyang, Chungcheong-do, was before that time. The residential village which Yi Do-gi accepted the Catholic faith was Sudan-ri in Cheongyang, and he must have been born in Sudan-ri or near village. It is estimated that Paul Yi Do-gi left Sudan-ri before the Sinhae Persecution in 1791. After this he emigrated five or six times, and propagated the Catholic faith to the non-believers living in Cheongyang, Boryeong, Eunjin, Kongju and so on. He had a close connection with many people by means of Catholicism. Then he settled in pottery branch of non-believer in Jeongsan before the Eulmyo Persecution in 1795. This pottery branch must have been in Nakji-ri, Jeokkok-myeon of Jeongsan(now, Nakji-ri, Jangpyeong-myeon, Cheongyang-gun). Yi Do-gi was arrested at pottery branch of Nakji-ri on July 31, 1797, and transferred to Jeongsan by that night. And then he professed his faith in God despite of the severe torture until martyrdom on July 24, 1798(June 12 by the lunar calendar). The places which he testified to his faith in God were confirmed as pottery branch of Nakji-ri(twice), the government office in Jeongsan(now, office in Seojeong-ri, Jeongsan-myeon, 8∼9 times), the marketplace of Jeongsan called Chiseong-jangteo or Chiseom-jangteo(now, 139∼163 Yeokchon-ri, Jeongsan-myeon, three times), and prison cell & prison alley of Jeongsan etc. The place where he martyred must have been outside of Jeongsan prison cell. 복자 이도기 바오로가 천주 신앙을 받아들인 것은 1786년 무렵이었으며, 지금의 충청도 청양 지역에 천주 신앙이 전파된 시기는 그 이전이었다. 이도기가 천주 신앙을 받아들인 거주지는 청양 수단리(현 청양군 남양면 신왕1리)였고, 그의 탄생지는 수단리 혹은 그 인접 마을이었을 것이다. 이도기 바오로는 1791년의 신해박해 이전에 수단리를 떠난 것으로 추정된다. 이후 그는 대여섯 차례 이주하면서 청양, 보령, 은진, 공주 등지에 거주하는 비신자들에게 천주 신앙을 전파하였고, 천주교를 매개로 여러 사람들과 밀접하게 교류하였다. 그러다가 1795년의 을묘박해 이전에 정산의 비신자 옹기점에 정착하였다. 이 옹기점은 정산의 적곡면 낙지리(현 청양군 장평면 낙지리)에 있었을 것이다. 1797년 7월 31일, 이도기는 낙지리 옹기점에서 체포되어 그날 밤 정산으로 압송되었다. 그런 다음 1798년 7월 24일(음력 6월 12일)에 순교할 때까지 여러 차례혹형을 받았지만 굳게 신앙을 증거하였다. 그가 신앙을 증거한 장소는낙지리 옹기점(2회), 정산 동헌(현 정산면 서정리의 면사무소, 8∼9회), 정산 치성장터 즉 치섬장터(현 정산면 역촌리 139∼163번지, 3회), 정산옥과 옥거리(현 정산면 서정리 120번지) 등으로 확인된다. 그리고 그가장살로 순교한 장소는 정산 옥 밖이었음이 분명하다.

      • KCI등재

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