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      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Competency-based Application Model of Youth Welfare Subjects

        조우홍 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.6

        A Study on the Competency-based Application Modelof Youth Welfare SubjectsWoohong Cho Abstract: The purpose of this study was conducted as a way to improve learning analysis and quality management through competency-based application of youth welfare subjects. Data obtained through literature search, data related to topics and learning methods, and learners’ participation and activity data were used as basic data for competency-based application. Competency-based application of subjects was conducted as a result of the 1st stage youth welfare subject competency-based search, 2nd stage course evaluation result analysis and CQI analysis, 3rd stage competency-based learning application, and 4th stage subject competency- based application. First, it is necessary to develop welfare services with local community network capabilities. Second, it is necessary to improve professional skills in welfare service as a capability to overcome the dilemma. Third, it is necessary to understand foreign marriage families as a capacity to accommodate multicultural families. Fourth, it is necessary to focus on case analysis and service connection with client case management and counseling capabilities. Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to expand to analyze other subjects in follow-up studies. Key Words: Youth Welfare, Competency-based, CQI, Subject Analysis, Application of Subject A Study on the Competency-based Application Modelof Youth Welfare SubjectsWoohong Cho Abstract: The purpose of this study was conducted as a way to improve learning analysis and quality management through competency-based application of youth welfare subjects. Data obtained through literature search, data related to topics and learning methods, and learners’ participation and activity data were used as basic data for competency-based application. Competency-based application of subjects was conducted as a result of the 1st stage youth welfare subject competency-based search, 2nd stage course evaluation result analysis and CQI analysis, 3rd stage competency-based learning application, and 4th stage subject competency- based application. First, it is necessary to develop welfare services with local community network capabilities. Second, it is necessary to improve professional skills in welfare service as a capability to overcome the dilemma. Third, it is necessary to understand foreign marriage families as a capacity to accommodate multicultural families. Fourth, it is necessary to focus on case analysis and service connection with client case management and counseling capabilities. Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to expand to analyze other subjects in follow-up studies. Key Words: Youth Welfare, Competency-based, CQI, Subject Analysis, Application of Subject

      • KCI등재

        텍스트 마이닝과 감성 분석을 활용한교직교과목 교수역량 강화 방안 연구

        장은지 한국핵심역량교육학회 2022 핵심역량교육연구 Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develop a plan for reinforcing teaching competency in subject. For this purpose, attention was paid to analysis of the texts in the responses to the subject lecture evaluations in the subjects for teaching profession. Specifically, top 100 texts were drawn according to the frequency of words in a total of 1,187(1,120) texts through text mining analysis among the analyses of the texts in the responses to the subjective lecture evaluations for Educational Sociology, which is the subject for teaching profession in the first term of 2022 in D, H, J, and K Universities to review the general trend in operating the subjects for teaching profession. The main texts drawn included 'participatory class,' 'question,' 'Socrates,' 'subject for teaching profession,' 'this term,' 'other,' 'most,' 'instructor-centered,' and 'theory-based.' This result indicates what has been controversial in teacher training institutions and confirms the need of a new approach to teaching-learning. The results of the text mining analysis were reflected in sentiment analysis. The sentiment analysis found the trend of 'positive' sentiment in most of the 40 paragraphs. 'Strongly positive' sentiment was found in 15 paragraphs, and 'negative' sentiment in 13 paragraphs. It was hard to find the trend of 'neutral' and 'strongly negative' sentiment. While emphasis was placed on reinforcement of learners' competency in 'strongly positive' sentiment, focus was placed on learners' own reflection rather than on instruction or instructor assessment in 'negative' sentiment. On the basis of the results from the text mining and sentiment analyses, policy-based plans for reinforcing teaching competency in subject can be suggested as follows: What is to be changed most urgently is instructors' awareness. Using the strengths of professors that only each university can present as a specialized strategy, it proposes a plan to set up a "teacher talent award." This study is most significant in that qualitative data were used to analyze texts with the objective of developing a plan for reinforcing teaching competency in subject. 이 연구는 교직교과목의 교수역량 강화 방안 모색을 시도한다. 이를 위해 교직교과목 강의평가 서술형 문항 응답 자료에서 나타난 텍스트 분석에 주목하였다. 구체적으로 D대학, H대학, J대학, K대학 2022학년도 1학기 교직교과목 ‘교육사회’ 강의평가 서술형 문항 응답 자료(총 1,187개 중 1,120개) 중 텍스트 마이닝 분석을 통해, 단어의 출현 빈도에 따라 상위 100개의 텍스트를 도출하여 교직교과목 운영과 관련한 전반적인 경향성을 검토하였다. 주로 ‘참여수업’, ‘질문’, ‘소크라테스’, ‘교직과목’, ‘이번학기’, ‘다른’, ‘가장’, ‘교수자중심’, ‘이론중심’ 등의 텍스트가 도출되었다. 이러한 결과는 그동안 교원양성기관에서 이슈가 되고 있는 점을 보여주는 것과 동시에 교수역량에 대한 새로운 접근이 필요하다는 점을 확인시켜 준다. 그리고 텍스트 마이닝 분석결과를 바탕으로 감성 분석을 실시하였는데, 감성 분석 결과, 140문단 중 대부분의 문단에서 ‘긍정’ 감성 경향을 보인 것으로 나타났다. ‘강한 긍정’ 감성은 15개 문단, ‘부정’ 감성은 13개 문단에서 발견할 수 있었다. 반면에 ‘중립’과 ‘강한 부정’에 대한 감성 경향은 찾아보기가 어려웠다. ‘확실히 긍정’ 감성에서는 학습자의 역량이 강화되었다는 점이 강조된 반면에 ‘부정’ 감성에서는 수업이나 교수자 평가에 초점을 두기보다는 학습자 스스로의 성찰 내용이 주를 이루었다. 텍스트 마이닝과 감성 분석을 통해 얻은 결과를 바탕으로 교직교과목 교수역량 강화의 정책적 방안을 제안하면 다음의 내용과 같다. 가장 시급한 변화는 교수자의 인식 변화이다. 또한 각 대학만이 내세울 수 있는 교수자들의 강점을 특성화 전략으로 삼아, ‘교수자 인재상’을 설정하는 방안을 제안한다. 이 연구는 교직교과목 교수역량 강화 방안을 모색하기 위해 질적 데이터인 텍스트를 활용하여 분석을 시도하였다는 점에서 의미를 갖는다.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 화제의 한국어 대응 양상 분석

        김현희 중국어문학연구회 2019 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.118

        This paper analyzes the Korean correspondence of Chinese topics by comparing the original Chinese and Korean translations of the novel 『Luotuoxiangzi』, and examines the differences between the two languages. First, in the process of translating Chinese topics into Korean, 47.2% of all survey items are translated into the same topic. This is the most unmarked aspect, which conforms to the law of information equivalence between the original text and the translated text. In addition, 25% of Chinese topics were omitted and 15.8% of Chinese topics were converted to subject. It is common that a gap with the original text occurs in the translation process. Linguistically, differences in translation can be used as a contrasting resource between two language operating systems. Therefore, this paper attempted to analyze Chinese topics and Korean topics and subjects by paying attention to the omissions and transitions to subjects. Omission is one way of anaphoring to a preceding word. Omission occurs only when accessibility and restoration potential are high, and the topic of discourse is a component that is easily omitted because it satisfies the above characteristics well. In both Chinese and Korean, the omission of the topic is frequent, but the omission of the topic occurred in the process of translating Chinese into Korean. In other words, we can see that Korean is more frequently omitted than Chinese. As a result of analyzing the semantic features of the vocabulary, the omission phenomenon was concentrated on the three vocabulary items (“他”, “祥子”, “自己”) that refer to “Xiangzi”, the main character of『Luotuo』. On the other hand, the frequency of these words appearing as topics or subjects in Korean translations was very low. These are vocabularies with [+ Human] feature, and the omission of Chinese topics in Korean translation shows a close correlation. In the case where the topic of Chinese is converted into subject, subject has attributes of focus, exclusivity and new information. The subclauses of Korean sentences use subjects rather than topics, which is also because the subjects of subordinate clauses require focus and exclusivity. On the other hand, even in the case of short sentences rather than subordinate clauses, the subject was used when the following discourse was in the context of giving focus, exclusivity and attributes of the new information to the subject. When analyzing the semantic features of the vocabulary used as the subject, it is very rare that the "meta topic" of "他", "祥子", and "自己" is used as the subject. In other words, these vocabulary words with high topicality were rarely selected as subjects in Korean translations, and general noun vocabulary was used as subjects. This suggests that Chinese sentence head NP generally has a topical nature, but there are differences in the individual attributes of sentence head NPs present in the discourse. This result is derived from the analysis of correspondence with Korean language, which may provide clues for future research.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 듣기 교재에 대한 텍스트기호학적 분석

        백승주 중앙어문학회 2022 語文論集 Vol.91 No.-

        In contrast to other classes where learners can check their learning content when they need it, it is difficult in listening classes. The only time learners can check the ‘listening content’ is while performing listening activities. Due to these limitations, the composition of listening textbooks is more difficult than in other textbooks. The listening textbook’s text is the only clue learners can rely on for understanding listening content, whereas for instructors, it is the only tool that can provide learners with input and output opportunities. In this study, we investigated how these restrictions are overcome in Korean listening subject textbooks from the perspective of text-semiotic analysis. To this end, the two textbooks were compared and analyzed. Text-semiotic analysis was performed following two procedures. The first analysis procedure is the analysis of ‘communication participants and the acceptance pattern of text.’ This analysis includes ‘classroom situation analysis,’ ‘class situation analysis,’ and ‘teacher and learner situation analysis.’ The second analysis procedure is ‘text structure analysis,’ which includes ‘separate partial text from the full text and superficial communication function analysis,’ ‘Analysis of the usage patterns and relationships of language signs and visual signs,’ and ‘interpretation of partial text function and teaching learning intention according to the class stage.’ The analysis revealed that the two textbooks were based on the same teaching method and listening model, but there were differences in various points. In the case of textbook A, one listening content was designed to be taught and learned through 10 partial texts, whereas in the case of textbook B, two listening contents were composed of five partial texts. It was confirmed that the patterns of coherence and cohesion between the partial texts of textbook A and textbook B appeared differently. Textbook A provides learners with abundant input and output opportunities. However, in the case of textbook B, it was found that coherence and cohesion were weak, and thus the provision of opportunities for input and output is insufficient. 필요할 때 교수학습 내용을 확인할 수 있는 다른 과목과는 달리 듣기 수업은 교수학습내용을 확인하는 것이 어렵다. ‘듣기 내용’은 듣기 활동을 수행할 때만 확인할 수 있기 때문이다. 이런 제약 때문에 듣기 교재의 구성은 다른 교재에 비해 더 까다롭다. 듣기 교재텍스트는 학습자에게는 의존할 수 있는 유일한 단서이고, 교수자에게 입력과 출력 기회를제공할 수 있는 유일한 도구이다. 이 연구에서는 한국어 듣기 과목 교재에서 이런 제약을어떤 방식으로 극복하고 있는지를 텍스트기호학의 관점에서 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 의사소통 중심 교수법과, 하향식 듣기 모형을 기반으로 하는 두 교재를 비교 분석하였다. 텍스트기호학적 분석은 크게 두 가지 절차를 따라 수행되었다. 첫 번째 분석 절차는 ‘의사소통 참여자 및 텍스트의 수용 양상’ 분석이다. 이 분석에는 ‘교실 상황 분석’, ‘수업 상황 분석’, ‘교사 및 학습자 상황 분석’이 포함된다. 두 번째 분석 절차는 ‘텍스트 구조 분석’으로이 절차 안에는 ‘부분텍스트 판정 및 표면적 의사소통 기능 분석’, ‘언어기호 및 시각기호의 사용 양상 및 관계 파악’, ‘수업 단계에 따른 부분텍스트의 기능 및 교수 학습 의의 분석’이 포함된다. 분석 결과 두 교재가 같은 교수법과 듣기 모형에 기반하고 있지만, 여러가지 지점에서 차이가 있다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. A 교재의 경우 하나의 듣기 내용을부분 텍스트 10개를 통해 교수 학습하도록 설계되어 있었지만, B 교재의 경우 두 개의 듣기 내용을 5개의 부분 텍스트로 구성하고 있었다. A 교재와 B교재의 부분 텍스트들 간의응집성과 응결성의 양상이 다르게 나타난다는 점을 확인할 수 있었다. A 교재는 부분 텍스트들이 형식적으로나 내용적으로 긴밀하게 결속되어 있어, 학습자에게 풍부한 입력과출력 기회를 제공할 수 있었다. 그러나 B교재의 경우는 응집성과 응결성이 약하고, 따라서입력과 출력의 기회 제공이 부족한 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        2015 개정 교육과정 교과역량의 타당성 분석 - 통합교과 교육과정을 중심으로 -

        강이화(Kang E wha) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2015 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.15 No.12

        2015 개정 교육과정의 중요한 쟁점의 하나는 핵심역량이다. 본 연구는 교육과정 총론에서 제시된 핵심역량이 교육과정 각론의 교과역량과 어떤 관계가 있는지, 각 역량은 타당하게 반영되고 있는지 분석하는 데에 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 교육과 정 문서상에서 통합교과 교육과정을 중심으로 교과역량이 드러나는지, 그 역량들 간 의 관계와 긴밀성 등 구조적 특징은 무엇인지를 언어네트워크분석을 통해 분석하였 다. 2015 개정 교육과정 총론에 제시된 핵심역량 여섯 가지 가운데, 세 통합교과 교 육과정에는 심미적 감성 역량, 지식정보처리 역량, 창의적 사고 역량, 자기관리 역 량, 공동체 역량 다섯 가지가 중점적으로 나타났고 그것들은 서로 긴밀한 연결 구조 를 가지고 있었다. 그러나 통합교과에서 추구하는 공통역량인 의사소통 역량은 미비 한 중요도를 보였고 고립된 형태로 나타났다. 각 교과별로 분석한 결과, 통합교과에 서 핵심역량이 교과역량으로 가장 적극적으로 반영되는 교과는 ‘즐거운 생활’이었 다. 이에 총론의 핵심역량을 각론의 교과역량으로 구현하고자 할 때 나타나는 문제, 각 교과 교육과정에서 나타나는 교과역량의 선택과 균형의 문제에 대한 검토가 필 요하다고 제안하였다. One of the hot issues of the 2015 revised curriculum is the key competency. The goal of this study is to analyze whether there are any sorts of relationships between the key competency presented in the curriculum guideline and the subject-specific competency in the subject curriculum, and whether each competency is reasonably reflected. The semantic network analysis was used to identify whether the subject-specific competency is revealed on the curriculum documents focusing on the integrated subject curriculum, and what are structural features such as relationships among competencies and coherence. Among the six key competencies presented in the 2015 revised curriculum guideline, five competencies such as the aesthetic sensibility competency, the knowledge and information processing competency, the creative thinking competency, the self-management competency, and the community competency appeared mainly, and they had a close connection structure. However, the common ability, the communication competency appeared in very much insufficient and isolated ways. According to the analysis of each subject, the subject which reflects and pursues the key competency as the subject-specific competency most actively in the integrated curriculum, is ‘Enjoyable Life’. Even in this case, the communication competency was found not to function as a common integrated curriculum competency. Thereupon, two problems are brought up: one is the time when you just want to put the key competency of the curriculum guideline into the subject-specific competency of the subject curriculum, and the other is the importance and the balance among the subject-specific competencies appearing in each subject curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        2015 개정 교육과정 적용에 따른 일반고 학생의 과목 선택기준에 대한 중요도-수행도 분석

        서혜경,차성현 인하대학교 교육연구소 2020 교육문화연구 Vol.26 No.1

        The purpose of the study is to investigate what criteria students consider important and actually apply in selecting subjects when the 2015 national curriculum has been implemented in general high schools. Survey data were collected from 434 high school second grade students in G city, Korea and utilized for Revised Importance-Performance Analysis. 22 items of subject selection criteria were developed and 7 factors were extracted from them through factor analysis. Results showed that the highest level criteria of both importance and performance were ‘subjects related to desired occupation’ and ‘subjects related to desired department of study’. In contrast, ‘subject chosen by close friends’ was the lowest level in both importance and performance. The biggest difference between importance and performance level was ‘subjects useful for real life’, while the smallest one was ‘subject to meet the completion unit designated by the school’. According to results of R-IPA, quadrant I (keep up the good work) includes such criteria as ‘subject I like’ and ‘subject that I am good at’. The criterion of ‘subject I could get higher score’ belongs to quadrant Ⅳ (possible over-skill). Based on the findings, the study suggested that a variety of subjects should be provided, cooperative curriculum among schools be more activated, and students’ career-related competency be improved in order to successful implementation of the 2015 national curriculum. 이 연구는 2015 개정 교육과정의 적용에 따른 일반고 학생들의 과목 선택기준 및 실제 행위에 대한 인식을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 G시의 일반고 2학년 434명을 대상으로 설문조사를 하였고, 중요도-수행도 분석(Importance-Performance Analysis)을 수행하였다. 문헌연구, 초점집단면담, 전문가 검토 등을 거쳐 22개의 과목 선택기준문항을 개발하였으며, 탐색적 요인분석을 통해 7개의 ‘과목 선택기준 요인’으로 조사 문항을 구조화하였다. 분석방법은 R-IPA(Revised-IPA)를 활용하였다. 분석결과, 2015 개정 교육과정에서 중요도와 수행도가 가장 높은 학생의과목 선택기준은 ‘희망 직업과 관련 있는 과목’과 ‘진학 희망 학과와 관련된 과목’이었으며, 중요도와 수행도가 가장낮은 선택기준은 ‘친한 친구가 선택하는 과목’이었다. 중요도와 수행도 차이가 가장 큰 기준은 ‘실생활이나 사회생활에서유용한 과목’이었으며, 차이가 가장 작은 기준은 ‘학교에서 지정한 이수단위를 맞추기 위한 과목’이었다. R-IPA 분석 결과, 중요도와 수행도가 모두 높은 ‘현상유지’ 영역에는 ‘내가 좋아하는 과목’과 ‘내가 잘하는 과목’ 등의 기준이 포함되었으며, 중요도에 비해 수행도가 높은 ‘초과달성’ 영역에는 ‘수능에서 등급이 잘 나올 수 있는과목’이 포함되었다. 본 연구결과를 토대로, 2015 개정 교육과정의 안정적 정착을 위해 진로 관련 다양한 과목의개설,학교간 공동협력교육과정 운영 활성화, 학생들의 진로 역량 증진을 위한 노력이 필요함을 제언하였다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어에서의 영논항의 본질

        엄홍준(Hong-Joon Um) 현대문법학회 2011 현대문법연구 Vol.63 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to reconfirm that the null arguments (the null subject and null object) in Korean should be identified as empty NPs, not as pro under Kim s (1991) argument ellipsis analysis, not under Huang s (1984, 1987) null-topic variable analysis, Otani and Whitman s (1991) VP ellipsis Analysis, and Moon s (2010) pro analysis. To begin with, the merits and drawbacks of the three analyses except Kim s analysis are examined: especially we focus on Moon s analysis because she claims that the null arguments should be identified as pro in Korean unlike the argument in the analysis we adopt. According to the argument ellipsis analysis we take, the null NPs in the object position must be empty NPs with no featural content. Using the analysis, we attempts to solve the problems we find in the three analyses. Furthermore, in this paper we apply Kim s analysis to the null NPs in the subject position and argue that they, too, should be treated as empty NPs because the property of these NPs is the same as that of the NPs the object position in that they can allow sloppy identity readings and strict identity readings. As a result, we reached that the null arguments in Korean must be empty NPs, contra Moon s analysis.

      • KCI등재

        한문교과(漢文敎科)와 생명과학교과(生命科學敎科)의 상관성고찰(相關性考察) -일반고이학과정학생(一般高理學課程學生)들의 교과성취도(敎科成就度)와 생명과학용어(生命科學用語)의 학습양상(學習樣相)을 中心으로-

        이성형 ( Soung Hyung Lee ) 한국한문고전학회(구 성신한문학회) 2014 漢文古典硏究 Vol.28 No.1

        본고는 일반고 이학과정 학생들의 교과 성취도와 생명과학 용어의 학습양상을 중심으로 한문교과와 생명과학교과의 상관성을 고찰해 보았다. 설문 결과를 통해서 이학계열 학생들은 과목의 중요도와 선호도에서 본인의 소질과 특기를 계발할 수 있고, 흥미 있는 과목을 선택하려는 경향이 뚜렷 했다. 따라서 한문교과가 교양을 기르는데 도움이 되고, 다른 교과 수업에도 직접 도움이 된다는 인식을 갖게 수업을 설계함으로써 한문교과의 중요도와 흥미도를 제고할 필요가 있다. 한문교과와 생명과학교과의 상관성은 통계분석 패키지인 I-STATistic을 활용하여 고찰해 보았다. 한문교과와 생명과학교과 간 성취도는 생명과학 용어군의 학습방법은 한자군 용어와 서양어군 용어가 유의미한 차이를 보였고, 한자군 용어는 학습 방법이 교과 성취도와 상관관계가 있었으며, 서양어군 용어는 성취도가 교과 성취도와 상관관계가 있다는 통계 분석적 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 한자군 생명과학 용어의 효율적인 지도 방안을 모색하기 위하여 생명과학교과서의 용어를 분석한 결과, 사용빈도가 높은 한자에 중학교 교육용 한자의 비율이 높았고, 비교적 용이한 한자 어휘로 구성되어, 한문교과에서 선수학습과 관련된 어휘를 지도할 경우에 예시로 활용하기에도 적절했다. 한자군 생명과학 용어의 기본 지도 방향으로 네 가지를 고려할 필요가 있다. 첫째 생명과학교과의 학술 용어를 학습할 때에 사용빈도가 높아 학습 간 전이가(轉移價)가 높은 한자를 중심으로 교육할 필요가 있다. 둘째 국어화 된 어휘, 교육용 한자 1800자를 벗어나 지나치게 난해한 어휘, 한자로 이해하는 것이 비효율적인 고유 명사용 어휘 등은 의미를 분석하지 않는 것이 바람직하다. 셋째 한문교과와 생명과학교과 간 상관성(相關性)을 높이려면 국어 독해 능력을 신장시키는 데에 도움이 되는 교육과정과 교재의 구성을 긍정적으로 검토할 필요가 있다. 넷째 이상의 제안이 실효를 거두려면 제도적인 측면에서 ``한글전용``정책이 수정되어 교과서나 교재에 한글·한자 병행표기를 할 수 있는 환경이 조성되어야 한다. This article considered correlation between the Chinese subject and the life science subject focusing on the subject achievement and aspects of learning life science terms of students in the course of natural sciences at general high school. According to the results of the survey, students in the course of natural sciences have a strong tendency to develop their aptitude and specialty and choose subjects that are interesting to them in terms of the importance and preference of subjects. Therefore, it is needed to enhance the degree of importance and interest of the Chinese subject by designing the class properly so that they can regard that the Chinese subject is helpful in cultivating their refinement and directly in learning other subjects, too. Correlation between the Chinese subject and the life science subject was considered by using a statistical analysis package, I-STATistic. Regarding their achievement between the Chinese subject and the life science subject, in the way of learning life science terms` group, there was significant difference between Chinese characters` group terms and Western words` group terms. About Chinese characters` group terms, the statistical analysis has shown that the way of learning was correlated with subject achievement while the achievement of Western words` group terms is correlated with subject achievement. According to the results of analyzing the terms contained in life science textbooks in order to develop efficient teaching methods for Chinese characters` group life science terms, Chinese characters showing high frequency of use include many Chinese characters for middle school education, and they consist of Chinese characters that can be learned relatively easily, and in the Chinese subject, they can be properly used as examples when teaching words related with prerequisite learning. As basic directions for teaching Chinese characters` group life science terms, we should consider four things: first, when teaching academic terms for the life science subject, it is necessary to use mainly the Chinese characters highly transferable in learning as they show high frequency of use. Second, it is desirable not to analyze the meaning of words that have been included in Korean, highly abstruse words not included in 1800 Chinese characters for education, or proper nouns inefficient to be understood with Chinese characters. Third, in order to increase correlation between the Chinese subject and the life science subject, it is needed to examine positively the organization of the curriculum and textbooks that are helpful in enhancing Korean reading skills. Fourth, to make above suggestions produce actual results, it is necessary to revise ``exclusive Hangul use`` policy institutionally so that we can establish an environment to write Hangul and Chinese characters together in textbooks or teaching materials.

      • KCI등재

        한ㆍ중 피동 표현 대조 연구 - 한국어 행위주 표지와 중국어 피동 표지 대비 중심으로 -

        우동동 ( Yu,Tong-tong ),김인균 ( Kim,In-kyun ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2017 비교문화연구 Vol.47 No.-

        본고는 피동 표현에서의 한국어 행위주 표지 `-에게(한테)`, `-에, -로`와 중국어 피동 표지 `被[bei]/讓[rang]/叫[jiao]/給[g?i]`를 연구 대상으로 삼아 그 분포양상 및 특징을 살피고 이들 형태를 비교 대조를 통하여 그 대응 관계를 면밀히 고찰해 보고자 하였다. 대조 분석 시 두 언어의 유형적 특징, 피동 표현에서의 행위주, 피동주에 대한 선택 제약, 그리고 `받다`류 피동 표현에서 행위주(피동) 표지의 사용 제약과 같은 3가지 측면에 중점을 두었다. 본 대조 분석을 통해 확인한바, 한ㆍ중 피동 표현에서 한국어 행위주 표지 `-에게(한테)`, `-에, -로`와 중국어 피동 표지 `被/讓/叫/給`는 각각 행위주와 결합하여 부사어 역할을 하고 있는 공통점에도 불구하고 용법에 있어 차이점을 보였다. 먼저 두 언어 유형적 특징에 따라 피동 표현에서 행위주와의 결합 방식이 각각 달리 나타남을 확인하였다. 그리고 한국어 행위주 표지는 오로지 조사 역할을 하여 `행위주 유정성 유무`에 대한 제약만 받는 반면, 중국어 피동 표지 `被/讓/叫/給`는 각각 문법화 정도에 따라 행위주 유무뿐만 아니라 피동주 유정성 유무 그리고 문장에 나타나는 어휘의 의미에 따른 제약 등을 보인다. 특히 한국어 `받다`류 피동 표현에서 한국어의 행위주 표지 `에게(한테), -에, -로`는 그대로 사용되지만 대응하는 중국어에서는 피동 표지 사용에 여러 제약이 있음을 확인하였다. This paper is based on a comparative analysis of the Korean act subject marks `-에게(한테), -로, -에` and Chinese passive marks `被[bei]/讓[rang]/叫 [jiao]/給[g?i]`. Each distribution`s aspects and characteristics were examined and corresponding relationships were analyzed by comparison of these forms. The method of this comparative analysis focused on three aspects such as tangible characteristics of the two languages, selective restrictions on the `act subject` or `passive subject` in the passive expression, and constraints on the use of the act subject (passive) marks in the Korean passive expression by `받다`. In this comparative analysis Korean act subject markers `-에게(한테), -로, -에` and Chinese passive markers `被/讓/叫/給` are always as an adverb in passive expression in combination with the act subject. Despite this common point, some differences were revealed relative to the use of the two languages. First, we reveal that the `act subject` and the conjoined manner follow the passive expression according to characteristics of the two languages. In addition, the act subject marks of Korean passive expressions `에게/한테, -에/ 로` only serve as an investigative role. They are limited only to [±animate] of the act subject. But Chinese passive markers `被/讓/叫/給` are often restricted by [±animate] of passive subject, existence and non-existence of act subject. In the Korean passive expression by `받다`, it is used as act subject marks `에게/한테, -에/로` but the Chinese passive marks are restricted by the meaning of lexical items in a sentence.

      • KCI등재

        2015 개정 교육과정의 핵심역량과 교과의 관계성 분석:

        임유나(Lim, YooNa),장소영(Jang, SoYoung) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2016 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.16 No.10

        The purpose of this study is to analyze an influence of six key competencies suggested in the 2015 revised general curriculum on subjects and relationship between competencies. For this purpose, this study is applied the Semantic Network Analysis method targeting ‘nature of subject’ section of ten subjects curricula that explains characteristics of each subject and kinds and definition of subject competencies. As a result, it is revealed that kinds and power of key competencies and the network relations between competencies are different. Key competencies that shows great influence and forms strong network throughout subjects are ‘knowledge information processing competency’ and ‘self-management competency’, while the influences of ‘creative thinking competency’ and ‘communication competency’ are relatively small. This result is reflected that school education has focused on the aspects of the ‘knowledge information processing competency’ and ‘self-management competency’; on the other hand, the result indicates it is necessary to reconsider that the range of each key competency’s meaning is not balanced but has a big difference. Also, it is found that although subject competencies is different in their names and the range of meanings by subject, they were set up almost not to get out of the range of key competencies. Therefore, this study suggests that it could be a way of promoting key competencies by setting up a few key competencies appropriately and educating well in accordance with each subject’s nature, rather than setting up separate subject competencies and making the status of key competencies and subject objectives ambiguous. 본 연구는 2015 개정 교육과정 총론의 핵심역량이 교과에서 나타내고 있는 영향력과 역량 간의 관계성을 분석하는 데 연구의 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 교과별 특성과 교과역량을 안내하고 있는 교과교육과정의 성격 영역을 대상으로 언어 네트워크 분 석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 교과에 따라 반영되고 있는 핵심역량의 종류와 비중, 역량 간 네트워크 관계가 다르게 나타나고 있는 것을 확인하였다. 교과 전체적으로 영향력을 보이며 강한 네트워크를 형성하고 있는 것은 지식정보처리 역량과 자기 관리 역량이었고, 상대적으로 창의적 사고 역량과 의사소통 역량의 영향력은 작게 나타났다. 이는 학교교육이 지식정보처리 및 자기관리 역량이 포함하고 있는 측면들에 비중을 두고 있다는 점을 반영한 결과이기도 하지만, 핵심역량의 의미 범위가 균 형적이지 못하고 큰 차이를 지니고 있다는 것도 재고할 필요가 있을 것으로 보았다. 한편, 교과역량은 교과에 따라 명칭과 의미 범위를 달리하고는 있지만 총론 핵심역량의 범위 내에서 거의 벗어나지 않게 설정되었다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 교과역량을 별도로 설정하여 핵심역량과 교과목표의 위상을 모호하게 하기보다는, 소수 의 핵심역량을 타당하게 설정하고 이를 비전으로 삼아 교과의 특성을 잘 살리는 교육을 한다면 그것이 곧 핵심역량을 함양할 수 있는 길이 될 것으로 제언하였다.

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