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        Incidence of Bladder Cancer in Sri Lanka: Analysis of the Cancer Registry Data and Review of the Incidence of Bladder Cancer in the South Asian Population

        Weranja K. B. Ranasinghe,Daswin De Silva,M.V.C. De Silva,Tamra I J Ranasinghe,Nathan Lawrentschuk,Damien Bolton,Raj Persad 대한비뇨의학회 2012 Investigative and Clinical Urology Vol.53 No.5

        Purpose: To investigate the incidence of bladder cancer (BC) in Sri Lanka and to compare risk factors and outcomes with those of other South Asian nations and South Asian migrants to the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US). Materials and Methods: The incidence of BC in Sri Lanka was examined by using two separate cancer registry databases over a 5-year period. Smoking rates were compiled by using a population-based survey from 2001 to 2009 and the relative risk was calculated by using published data. Results: A total of 637 new cases of BC were diagnosed over the 5-year period. Sri Lankan BC incidence increased from 1985 but remained low (1.36 and 0.3 per 100,000 in males and females) and was similar to the incidence in other South Asian countries. The incidence was lower, however, than in migrant populations in the US and the UK. In densely populated districts of Sri Lanka, these rates almost doubled. Urothelial carcinoma accounted for 72%. The prevalence of male smokers in Sri Lanka was 39%, whereas Pakistan had higher smoking rates with a 6-fold increase in BC. Conclusions: Sri Lankan BC incidence was low, similar to other South Asian countries (apart from Pakistan), but the actual incidence is likely higher than the cancer registry rates. Smoking is likely to be the main risk factor for BC. Possible under-reporting in rural areas could account for the low rates of BC in Sri Lanka. Any genetic or environmental protective effects of BC in South Asians seem to be lost on migration to the UK or the US and with higher levels of smoking, as seen in Pakistan. Purpose: To investigate the incidence of bladder cancer (BC) in Sri Lanka and to compare risk factors and outcomes with those of other South Asian nations and South Asian migrants to the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US). Materials and Methods: The incidence of BC in Sri Lanka was examined by using two separate cancer registry databases over a 5-year period. Smoking rates were compiled by using a population-based survey from 2001 to 2009 and the relative risk was calculated by using published data. Results: A total of 637 new cases of BC were diagnosed over the 5-year period. Sri Lankan BC incidence increased from 1985 but remained low (1.36 and 0.3 per 100,000 in males and females) and was similar to the incidence in other South Asian countries. The incidence was lower, however, than in migrant populations in the US and the UK. In densely populated districts of Sri Lanka, these rates almost doubled. Urothelial carcinoma accounted for 72%. The prevalence of male smokers in Sri Lanka was 39%, whereas Pakistan had higher smoking rates with a 6-fold increase in BC. Conclusions: Sri Lankan BC incidence was low, similar to other South Asian countries (apart from Pakistan), but the actual incidence is likely higher than the cancer registry rates. Smoking is likely to be the main risk factor for BC. Possible under-reporting in rural areas could account for the low rates of BC in Sri Lanka. Any genetic or environmental protective effects of BC in South Asians seem to be lost on migration to the UK or the US and with higher levels of smoking, as seen in Pakistan.

      • KCI등재

        스리랑카의 對 인도 및 중국 정책변화 연구

        유경완(Yoo, Kyeong-Wan) 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2016 남아시아연구 Vol.22 No.2

        지난 2009년 27년간 이어져온 스리랑카의 긴 내전이 종식되었다. 아시아 최장기 내전으로 기록된 이 전쟁 동안 10만 명 이상이 숨졌으며 실종 14만 명, 난민 수는 160만 명에 달한다. 스리랑카의 내전기간 동안 최대 무기 공급처는 중국이었다. 스리랑카는 중국과 1991년 1억 달러의 무기 공급 계약을 체결한 후부터 2013년까지 약 20년간 소총, 탄약, 탱크, 전투기 등 20억 달러의 군사용 무기를 공급받았다. 또한 중국은 스리랑카 군대의 훈련, 정보수집교육, 해상기지 현대화 등에 자금을 투입하는 등 콜롬보 정부에 대한 군사지원을 제공했다. 스리랑카가 오랜 동안 내전을 겪으며 치안과 질서 유지에 집중하고 있을 때 중국은 무기를 제공함으로써 손쉽게 인도 견제를 위한 진주목걸이 전략을 착실히 진행할 수 있었던 것이다. 내전이 종식되기 직전해인 2008년에만 스리랑카가 중국으로부터 제공받은 무기는 7,500만 달러에 달한다. 2009년 내전이 종료된 후 2014년까지 중국의 대 스리랑카 원조액은 46.7억 달러에 달한다. 이는 인접국 인도의 원조액인 15억 달러를 3배를 넘기는 액수이다. 라자팍사가 정권을 가진 2004년부터 11년 동안 인도와 스리랑카의 무역액이 연평균 16% 늘어난 것에 비해 중국과의 무역액은 연평균 34.5%나 증가했다. 중국이 이렇게 스리랑카에 집중하는 이유는 자국의 진주목걸이 전략의 핵심국가이기 때문이다. 이 전략은 인도를 에워싸는 이웃국가들의 항구개발과 인프라구축을 원조하며 인도를 견제하고자 하는 목적으로 2013년 시진핑주석의 ‘일대일로’ 정책으로 구체화된다. 스리랑카의 라자팍사 대통령(2005-2014)은 친중외교정책을 바탕으로 중국으로부터 막대한 금액의 투자유치에 성공하였다. 이에 중국의 경쟁국이자 스리랑카와 오랜 유대관계를 가진 인도는 뒤늦게 친 스리랑카 정책을 펼치고 있다. 2014년 총리에 오른 모디는 전 라지브 간디 총리의 암살로 오랫동안 냉각된 국교를 정상화 하고자 인도 정상으로서는 28년 만인 2015년 스리랑카에 방문했다. 그는 실용주의 외교를 내걸고 양국 간 통화스와프협정, 안보협력, 농업협력, 민간원자력개발협력 등 4개 분야에 지원할 것을 합의하였다. 2015년은 인도와 중국의 대 스리랑카 외교에 중요한 분수령이었다. 친중 정책을 펼친 라자팍사 대통령이 3선에 실패하고 친인도 성향의 시리세나가 대통령으로 선출되었기 때문이다. 친인도·친모디 성향인 시리세나는 취임 후 불과 한 달 만인 2015년 2월 인도에 방문, 모디총리를 만나 지난 정권의 친중 노선을 재검토하겠다고 밝혔다. 곧바로 중국이 14억 달러를 투자하기로 한 초대형 프로젝트인 콜롬보미래항구도시 개발사업에 제동이 걸렸다. 그러나 친인도 성향일 것이라 예상됐던 시리세나 정부는 2016년도 들어서 실용주의에 입각한 두 강대국 사이의 줄타기외교정책을 펼치고 있다. 시리세나는 인도를 방문하며 각종 국익에 관련된 투자유치를 체결하면서 위크레메싱게 총리를 베이징으로 보내 콜롬보미래항구 프로젝트를 재개하며 시진핑을 달래주었다. 시리세나 대통령은 전임 라자팍사가 중국과 관계 강화에 주력했던 것과 차별화된 모습을 보이고 있는 것이다. 그는 불과 취임 15개월 만에 인도·중국과의 외교관계의 균형추를 맞추고 있고 두 강대국을 상대로 지정학적·지경학적 요소를 정치적 지렛대로 사용하며 국가의 안보 및 경제발전을 확보하고 있다. China has emerged as a superpower in the world and became one of the important factors in India-Sri Lanka relations. China’s footprints as a “String of Pearls” framework is one of the major players in the Sri Lanka in many fields. Between Beijing and Colombo has increased tremendously their trade and investment in the last 10 years. Sri Lanka is seen as “an important hub on the Maritime Silk Road” by China. The Chinese involvement in Sri Lanka ranges from infrastructure development, economic aid, oil exploration, investments, trade, and a strong diplomatic support to the island state when in need, especially closing the civil war. China invested the island state include Hambantota port, Expressway, Power plant Project, Airport, Colombo South Harbour Expansion Project and the National Art Center in Colombo. Statistically speaking, funding from China accounts for more than half of Sri Lanka’s construction and development loans. In value terms, it is estimated at over USD five billion-more. The main objective behind is to ensure the security of its sea lanes. After Rajapaksa regime, Maithripala Sirisena became the Sri Lankan President. He visited India in 2015, and has discussed forging closer ties with India during landmark talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. By visiting India he is making it clear that ties with Delhi are a priority. Prime Minister Modi described Sri Lanka as India"s "closest neighbour and friend" following the talks. The two leaders signed four agreements, including one on increasing trade as well as a landmark deal on civilian nuclear co-operation - the first that Sri Lanka has signed with any country. In these situation, Colombo government aims to balanced international relations so called the hedging strategy. While Sri Lanka under a new government may not entirely disengage China given its surging cash reliance on Beijing to build its infrastructure, New Delhi could look forward to a correction in Colombo’s strategic proximity to Beijing as well as an overall rebalancing of the island nation’s external relations. Bilateral ties under Sirisena will likely see more focus on the state of Sri Lanka"s economy.

      • The Development of Sino-Sri Lankan Humanities Exchange from the Perspective of Community of Shared Future for Mankind: Present Situation, Challenges and Thinking

        Liu Ting 아시아사회과학학회 2022 Jornal of Asia Social Science Vol.6 No.3

        This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sri Lanka and the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Mijiao Agreement. Under the framework of jointly building the the belt and road initiative , the friendly and pragmatic cooperation between China and Sri Lanka in various fields of humanities has been continuously promoted, which has consolidated the foundation of friendship and public opinion between the two countries and promoted the common development of the two countries. However, there are also great challenges in the cooperation between China and Sri Lanka. Starting from the historical basis and development status of Sino-Sri Lanka cultural exchanges and cooperation, this paper points out the existing problems in Sino-Sri Lanka cultural cooperation and makes corresponding reflections, so as to provide reference for promoting the cultural exchanges between the two countries from the perspective of Community of Shared Future for Mankind.

      • KCI등재

        사회 갈등과 불교의 역할-스리랑카를 중심으로-

        야나로카 ( Athaudakande Gnanaloka ) 인도철학회 2015 印度哲學 Vol.0 No.45

        스리랑카는 1983년부터 2009년까지 26년간의 타밀 분리 독립 운동으로 시작된 내전을 경험하였다. 스리랑카 내전에 대해서 국내에서는 불교-힌두교의 갈등으로 인해 발생한 문제로 인식되어 있으며, 본고는 스리랑카 내전이 단순히 불교-힌두교의 갈등으로 비롯된 것으로 해석하는 것보다 스리랑카 내전 역사를 통해 이 문제를 다른 관점에서 보는 것과 내전이 종료 된지 6년이 지난 현재 시점에서 스리랑카 불교 및 승가에게 주어진 역할이 무엇인지를 논의하고 있다.종교 간의 갈등 및 갈등 해소에 대해서 붓다의 가르침을 파알리 텍스트를 인용해 설명하고 있으며, 사회 갈등의 원인 및 해소에 대해 붓다가 어떤 방식으로 설하고 있는지를 파알리 텍스트에서 확인되는 희론(papanca), 잠재번뇌(anusaya) 및 견해(ditthi)와 같은 용어의 의미를 통해 살펴보고 있다. 또한 그 내용을 사회갈등 해소에 있어서 불교 입장을 표명하는데 도입시켜 설명하고 있다. 싱할라족과 타밀 민족 간의 갈등은 스리랑카 역사 내내 발생한 일이며, 본고에서 이러한 갈등의 원인이 스리랑카 불교 교단과 승가와 어떤 관계가 있는지를 검토한다. 스리랑카 불교 교단 및 승가가 예부터 항상 왕권과 밀접한 관계를 맺고 발전되어 온 것이 싱할라 민족과 마찬가지로 스리랑카에서 긴 역사를 가진 타밀 민족과의 갈등의 원인으로 제시할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 현재 스리랑카 승가의 적극적인 정치 참여의 원인이 되기도 하다. 본고에서 마지막으로 스리랑카 내전 이후 현재 스리랑카 사회 및 승가에게 주어진 역할이 무엇인지를 간략하게 제시하고 있다. The aim of the present paper is to investigate the origin of Sri Lankan civil war from a different standpoint which ended in 2009 between Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and Sri Lankan government. Origin of this civil war in Sri Lanka has been recognized in Korea as a conflict between Buddhists and Hindus. However Sri Lankan civil war was not originated as a conflict between these two religions. This paper is trying to discuss the origin of this civil war by going through in history of Sri Lanka and solve gross misunderstanding in Korean society which breed by some scholars. Besides this after civil war had been ended, this research is attempt to discuss the role of society and Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka. Moreover this paper discusses what are the explanations of Buddhism Regarding conflicts and dissolution of conflicts by going through Pali texts and analyzation of words such as diffuseness(papanca), latent passion(anusaya) and speculative opinion(ditthi).Conflict between Sinhalese and Tamils has shown throughout Sri Lankan history. This paper is trying to discover the origin of this conflict and Buddhism. As discovered, Sri Lankan Buddhist monks and their orders have been connected closely to the line of Sinhalese kings throughout history of Sri Lanka. This should be one of the origins of conflict between Sinhalese and Tamils. Also the origin of active political participation of Buddhist monks at present in Sri Lanka. Lastly this paper is discussing from the present point the role of Sri Lankan Buddhist monks after the civil war.

      • KCI등재

        Social Policy Legacies and the Contemporary Development Trajectory of Sri Lanka

        Ananda Karunarathna,Edo Andriesse 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2018 남아시아연구 Vol.24 No.1

        Sri Lanka is one of the lower-middle income countries in the South Asian region, yet it has simultaneously experienced ‘High Human Development’. This is all the more remarkable given the 1983-2009 civil war. This paper has two objectives. First, it reviews the reasons for Sri Lanka’s considerable human development achievements while still being a low middle income country by synthesizing the existing body of literature on Sri Lanka’s socioeconomic development. Second, it provides an assessment of contemporary human developments. How has Sri Lanka fared in the last two decades? We pay special attention to the country’s health and education policies. Based on a review of secondary sources we conclude that since the end of the civil war, Sri Lanka has experienced a substantial peace dividend. The task for Sri Lanka is to build on this peace dividend, to provide employment in the northern and eastern areas as well as to foster inclusive development throughout the country. The fact that Sri Lanka is classified as a high-human development should be no reason for complacency, given the remaining socio-economic and socio-spatial challenges. Promising industries are medical tourism, maritime logistics and agri-business.

      • KCI등재

        Strengthening Public-Private Partnership in Sri Lanka’s Infrastructure Development Project : The Colombo Port Case

        Taekyoon Kim Institute for International Trade and Cooperation, 2019 Asian International Studies Review Vol.20 No.1

        Infrastructure has been a key component to Sri Lanka’s economic and social development especially through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), but Sri Lanka is currently at a crossroads in term of fostering its PPP framework for infrastructure. This study sets out to examine and delineate the current landscape as well as the future prospects of Sri Lanka’s PPP with the particular reference to the Colombo Port Expansion projects implemented since 1999 as a proxy for Sri Lanka’s outlook of infrastructure PPP. It further contends that a given rule-of-thumb on PPP projects is not feasible in developing countries given their economic and political volatility, but positive changes in government strategies and policies can be suggested for better practices and effectiveness in Sri Lanka’s infrastructure PPP. Rather than simply suggesting a positive-descriptive overview of the Colombo Port case, this study advances the proper management of the PPP unit as a critical juncture for strengthening the future landscape of Sri Lanka’s PPP initiatives.

      • KCI등재

        The Current Status and Breeding Perspective of Major Vegetable Crops in Sri Lanka

        M.J.M.P. Kumararathna,M.A.P.W.K. Malaviarachchci,W.M.W. Weerakoon,Won Byoung Chae,Myeong Cheoul Cho,A.M. Perera,Min-Kyeong Kim,Eun Young Yang 한국국제농업개발학회 2020 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.32 No.1

        스리랑카는 채소의 주년 생산에 적합한 기후를 갖고 있는 열대국가이다. 열대, 아열대 채소의 재배면적은 전체 농지(105,062 ha)의 약 3%이다. 지난 50년 동안 스리랑카에서 채소 육종에 관한 체계적인 연구가 이루어졌고 채소 부문은 지속적으로 증가하였다. 하지만 채소 육종, 재배 및 가공과 관련된 기술이 선진국에 비해 많이 뒤떨어져 있는 형편이다. 전통 육종법을 통해 개발된 다양한 농업적 형질을 가진 품종이 현재까지 스리랑카의 채소 생산에 이용되고 있지만 생명공학적 방법을 접목한 채소 품종 육종법의 중요성이 점차로 부각되고 있다. 본 논문은 스리랑카에서 중요한 채소 작물인 토마토, 고추류, 콩류, 가지 및 여주의 육종과 품종 현황을 소개하고 향후 스리랑카 육종 전망에 대해 논의하였다. Sri Lanka is a tropical country having a favourable climate for year around vegetable production. Many tropical and sub-tropical vegetables are grown in approximately 3% of total agriculture lands (105,062ha). In Sri Lanka, systematic studies on vegetable improvement have been conducted for 50 years and, since then, Sri Lanka has gradually increased its vegetable sector. However, Sri Lanka fall behind in technologies for vegetable breeding, cultivation and processing compared with developed countries. Cultivars with various agronomic characteristics developed through conventional breeding approach have been contributed to vegetable production in Sri Lanka. Since the crop improvement through conventional breeding has been realized at a slower phase, integrated approach with biotechnological tools became important for vegetable development. Here, we provided the current states of five major vegetables such as tomato, capsicum, beans, brinjal and bitter gourd and their leading cultivars. The outlook of breeding activities in Sri Lanka was also discussed.

      • 스리랑카 내전, 정부군의 승리 요인과 반군 LTTE의 궤멸 요인

        김재명 육군군사연구소 2010 군사연구 Vol.- No.130

        In May 2009, Sri Lanka's 26 year civil war was finally over and Sri Lankan government reestablished control over entire island. The separatist militant organization, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (the LTTE,usually known as the Tamil Tigers) which had fought to create an independent Tamil state, was defeated by the Sri Lankan military force, and top leaders of the LTTE including Vellupillai Prabhakaran were killed or captured. Based on the concept of balance of power and the third-party intervention, this paper analyzes the main reasons why Sri Lanka's civil war could prolong for 26 years, and what caused the LTTE to be defeated. Firstly, the breakup of the LTTE leadership; From the start of insurgency,the LTTE was led by Vellupillai Prabhakaran. In 2004, A split has emerged inside the LTTE, with an eastern commander, Colonel Karuna, setting up on his own power and starting a blood struggle inside the LTTE. The Sri Lankan government successfully encouraged Karuna in order to weaken the LTTE. Secondly, the hawkish line of the LTTE leadership which denied any political compromises; Although there were several chances to end the civil war through peace negotiation with the mediation of third party, the hardliners in the LTTE preferred military options to peaceful ones. This hawkish line of the LTTE stimulated the all-out military offense led by Mahinda Rajapaksa,Sri Lankan President since 2005. Thirdly, the blockade of financial support and arms import against the LTTE; the international society including the United States and European Union, which listed the LTTE as a Terrorist Group,weakened the rebel power by sanctioning the influx of money and military equipment for the LTTE. Lastly, the most decisive factor is the Chinese support which broke the military balance in Sri Lanka; Chinese military and diplomatic aid was crucial to Sri Lankan victory over the LTTE. Sri Lanka’s victory owed decisively to the recent rush of arms aid from China, as well as robust diplomatic support at the United Nations since 2007. In conclusion, intervention of the third party in the form of military aid from China was the decisive factor in ending the 26 year civil war. 1983년부터 무려 26년을 끌어온 스리랑카 내전이 2009년5월 마침내 막을 내렸다. 다수민족인 싱할리족(Sinhalese)으로 이뤄진 정부군과 소수민족 타밀족(Tamils) 반군 ‘타밀엘람 해방호랑이들’(Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, 약칭LTTE) 사이의 평화협상 노력들은 모두 실패했고, 군사력이 최종해법이 됐다. LTTE 지도자 벨루필라이 프라바카란(Vellupillai Prabhakaran)과 지도부는 정부군에게 사살됐다. 본고는 ‘힘의 균형’이라는 개념에 바탕을 두고, 제3자의 개입이 국제분쟁과 내전에서 군사적 균형을 무너뜨린 가장 최근의 보기가 스리랑카 내전임을 분석했다. 스리랑카 정부군 승리와 LTTE 패배의 요인은 힘의 균형론과 관련해 크게네 가지로 정리해볼 수 있다. 첫째, LTTE 내부의 분열. LTTE의 지도력은 출범 초기부터 프라바카란의 강력한 카리스마 아래 있으나 내전 말기에 금이 가기 시작했다. 2004년 3월 LTTE 의 동부지역사령관 카루나가 지지자들과 함께 LTTE에서 떨어져나와 타밀인민해방호랑이(Tamil People's Liberation Tigers, TMVP)란 당파를 조직해 갈등을 빚었다. 둘째, 정치적 타결을 거부한 LTTE의 강경일변도 노선. LTTE는 그동안 몇 차례휴전협정을 통해 내전을 그치고 그들이 바라는 (독립국가까지는 아니더라도) 정치적 독립을 이룰 기회가 있었으나 놓쳤다. 라자팍사 대통령은 협상보다는 군사력으로 내전을 끝낸다는 강경전략을 세우고 LTTE를 몰아붙여 승리를 거두었다. 셋째, LTTE에 대한 돈줄과 무기수입 차단. LTTE는 자폭테러전술로써 어느정도 심리적 군사적 효과를 보긴 했지만, 이로 말미암아 1997년 미국이, 2006년유럽연합(EU)이 LTTE를 ‘테러단체’로 규정, 금융제재(해외자금 유입경로 차단)와더불어 무기금수조치를 당했다. 이는 LTTE의 전쟁수행능력을 크게 떨어뜨렸다. 넷째, 가장 결정적인 요인으로, 내전 말기 스리랑카 정부군에 대한 중국의 대규모 군사지원. 스리랑카 내전의 군사적 균형이 무너뜨린 것은 내전 말기에 이뤄졌던 중국의 군사원조였다. 중국은 스리랑카에 전투기, 고성능 레이더, 대공포, 탄약등을 판매함으로써 스리랑카 정부군과 LTTE의 군사적 균형을 깨뜨려 26년 내전을 끝내는 데 결정적으로 기여했다. 힘의 균형이 깨뜨려지는 원인은 복합적이지만, 제3자 개입(중국의 군사지원 형태의 개입)이 스리랑카 내전에서는 결정적인 요인이다. 현재 스리랑카 정부에게주어진 임무는 전쟁의 상흔을 치유하고 평화를 구축하는 것이다. 전후 재건과정에서는 ‘정의로운 평화’의 수립은 무엇보다 소망스럽다.

      • KCI등재

        The phylogenetic history of the old world butterfly subtribe Mycalesina extended: the Mycalesis (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) of Sri Lanka

        Kshanika Goonesekera,Patricia L.M. Lee,George van der Poorten,Gaya R. Ranawaka 한국응용곤충학회 2019 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.22 No.1

        Sri Lanka, together with the Western Ghats, is one of the world's biodiversity hotspots, yet little is known about the genetic diversity of the butterflies here. Within the framework of the recently reconstructed molecular phylogeny for the subtribe Mycalesina, we determined the phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history of the five species of Mycalesis butterflies that are found in Sri Lanka. Sequences of Elongation Factor 1-α (EF1-α), Wingless (Wgl) and the barcode region of the Cytochrome c Oxidase sub unit 1 (COI) were used to confirm the identity of species, to resolve taxonomic queries and to infer the phylogenetic history of the group. Time-calibrated analysis of genetic data suggests that the Mycalesis species that occur in Sri Lanka diverged in the Miocene (5–23 million years ago). The results of phylogenetic analyses confirmed the following; the endemicity of Mycalesis rama to Sri Lanka; the subspecies classification of M. perseus typhlus and, the close sister relationship of the Sri Lankan M. patnia patnia to M. p. junonia of India. However, whether or not M. subdita of Sri Lanka and India are genetically similar remains unknown. Lastly, genetic evidence emerged suggesting that M. mineus forms a cryptic species complex in the Oriental region, and that in Sri Lanka, there may be occasional hybridization between M. mineus and M. perseus. As a case study of island colonization and diversification by the Mycalesis species, this study further extends our understanding of the Old World butterfly subtribe of Mycalesina.


        Women after the tsunami : Impact, empowerment and changes in post-disaster situations of Sri Lanka and Aceh, Indonesia

        Ruwani RENUKA,Eka SRIMULYANI 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2015 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.21 No.2

        Tanggal 26 Desember, 2004 selalu diingat oleh masyarakat di kalangan masyarakat di kawasan Samudera Hindia akan selalu dikenang ketika gelombang besar bencana tsunami menyapu daerah pantai dari beberapa negara kawasan Samudera Hindia. Aceh adalah salah satu provinsi di Indonesia that mendapat kerusakan yang sangat parah, dan Sri Lanka adalah negara lainnya yang memiliki jumlah korban meninggal yang cukup tinggi. Dalam beberapa kasus, bencana telah merubah beberapa aspek dari kheidupan sosial dan politik, kehidupan dari orang tua tinggal, dan perubahan dari sisi livelihood, dan juga dampak dari program-program pemulihan pasca tsunami itu sendiri. Kajian ini fokus pada bagaimana bencana, dan program-program pemulihan pasca bencana mempengaruhi kehidupan perempuan dalam berbagai spektrum aktivitas ekonomi, partisipasi politik dan sebagainya. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat situasi perempuan dalam kontek pasca bencana, dan bagaimana mereka memperolah daya tahan,serta memmbangun kembali kehidupan mereka dalam baik di Aceh maupun di Sri Lanka. Hal ini termasuk melihat konsistensi dari perubahan dan dampak setelah sepuluh tahun dari kejadian bencana tersebut, dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap masyarakat yang ditimpa bencana tersebut, terutama perempuan, dan interfensi dari program pembangunan tersebut yang menjadikan perempuan sebagai kelompok sasaran. December 26, 2004 will always be remembered by communities in the Indian Ocean region when the tsunami tidal wave swept away the coastal areas of several countries in the region. Among others, Aceh—one of the provinces of Indonesia—and Sri Lanka had the most tragic devastation and had a major death toll. Indeed, the disaster changed several aspects of people’s lives and their livelihood activities. This study focuses on how the disaster and post-disaster recovery and development affected women’s lives. It seeks to examine the situation of women in the post-disaster situation and how they gained resilience and rebuilt their lives in the contexts of Aceh and Sri Lanka. It also looks at the consistency of change and its impact after ten years and how the development intervention programs affected the societies, particularly women.

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