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        과포화 확산 방지를 위한 네트워크 단위 앞막힘 예방 제어 전략 개발

        김준원,김영찬 대한교통학회 2019 대한교통학회지 Vol.37 No.2

        Metropolis such as Seoul are experiencing oversaturation at the signal intersection several times a day. Without suitable measures, the queues increase to such an extent that they can not control, leading to blockage at the intersection reaching the upstream intersection. If there is no appropriate action for oversaturation, the queue becomes uncontrollable and block the upstream intersection. If blockage at intersection occur, it is difficult to cross the intersection in green time, so that the oversaturated situation is spreaded again to the upstream intersection, which causes congestion to the entire network. In this study, to overcome the limitation of the control strategy at oversaturated situation in the COSMOS, we develop the network-wide signal control strategy for preventing blockage at intersection using the front detection system of the COSMOS system. The network-wide signal control strategy for preventing blockage at intersection is a strategy that can immediately respond to the occurrence of the blockage at the intersection and can adjust phase considering the upstream and downstream network traffic conditions. In addition, the control strategy is simplified so that it can be applied to the actual field, and a signal control strategy which is ordered by stages is proposed. Simulation results using the VISSIM Com-interface show that The network-wide signal control strategy for preventing blockage at intersection reduces the average control delay per vehicle by about 30 seconds and the stopping frequency per vehicle by about 2.5 times compared with the conventional TOD signal operation. 서울을 비롯한 국내 대도시에서는 신호교차로에서 하루에도 수없이 과포화상황을 경험하고 있는데, 이때 적절한 조치가 없으면 대기행렬이 제어할 수 없을 정도로 증가해 상류 교차로까지 도달하는 교차로 앞막힘이 발생한다. 현재 국내에서 개발되어 운영 중인 신신호시스템(COSMOS)은 이와같은 과포화상황에 대응하기 위해 앞막힘 예방제어전략을 수행하고 있다. 그러나 신신호시스템의 과포화 전략은 주변 네트워크의 교통상황을 고려하지 않고 해당 교차로 앞막힘 상황만 고려해 앞막힘 발생방향 유입 현시의 녹색시간을 조기종결 함으로써, 오히려 전체 네트워크적인 측면에서 혼잡이 악화될 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존 앞막힘 예방제어 전략의 한계를 극복하기 위해 기존 신신호 시스템의 앞막힘 검지체계를 이용한 네트워크 단위 앞막힘 예방 제어전략을 개발하였다. 네트워크 단위 앞막힘 예방 제어전략은 교차로 앞막힘 발생에 즉각적으로 대응할 수 있고 상하류 네트워크 교통상황을 고려하여 현시를 조정할 수 있는 전략이다. 또한 실제 현장에 적용할 수 있도록 제어전략을 간략화 하여 단계별로 규칙화한 신호제어 전략을 제시하였다. VISSIM Com-interface를 이용한 모의실험 결과 기존 TOD (Time of Day) 신호운영에 비해 차량당 평균제어지체가 30초 정도 줄어들었으며 차량당 정지 횟수 역시 2.5회 정도 줄어든 것으로 나타나, 네트워크 단위 앞막힘 예방 제어전략이 과포화상황 개선에 효과적인 것으로 분석되었다.

      • KCI등재

        3지 교차로에서 보행자 교통량에 따른 보행자작동신호기를 이용한 신호제어효율에 관한 분석

        김응철,조한선,정동우,김형수 한국도로학회 2009 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.11 No.3

        This study has proposed the signal operating system to use both semi-actuated signal control and pedestrian push-button as a way to make up for the problems of 3 leg intersections which are operated inefficiently in the signal operation, one of the methods of traffic operations. In case of the semi-actuated signal control, it can reduce delay inside the intersection by serving to uncongested traffic on the main road where there is not much traffic volume on the secondary road and push-button signal can reduce unnecessary waiting time it could happen to vehicles by operating it though there is no pedestrian. Quantitative analysis was tried regarding the average delay reduction per vehicle using VISSIM, microscopic simulation program regarding how much effect it has compared with the existing signal control system and semi-actuated signal control system when the above two advantages are collected. The field test was performed for one three-leg intersection of Incheon. According to respectively signal control method pedestrian traffic changed and executed a sensitivity analysis. The result which compares the average delay time per a vehicle of scenarios, the signal control method of using the pedestrian push-button system in comparison with the fixed signal control method showed to decrease effect of a minimum 3.7 second (10%), a maximum 5.8 second (16%). When the pedestrian traffic volume was 20% or less of the measurement traffic volume, The signal control method of using the pedestrian push-button system appeared to be more efficient the semi-actuated signal control with object intersection. 본 연구는 기존 정주기식 신호제어로 인하여 비효율적으로 운영되고 있는 3지 교차로의 문제점을 보완하는 방안으로써 반감응 신호제어를 기본으로 하고 보행자작동신호기를 사용하는 신호운영방식의 효율성을 분석하였다. 반감응 신호제어의 경우 부도로에 교통량이 적을 때 주도로의 교통소통을 원활히 하여 교차로 내 지체를 감소시킬 수 있으며, 보행자작동신호기는 보행자가 없음에도 불구하고 보행자 신호를 작동시켜 발생하는 불필요한 대기시간을 줄일 수 있는 장점을 가지고 있다. 위의 두 가지의 장점을 모았을 경우 기존의 정주기식 신호제어와 반감응식 신호제어에 비하여 얼마나 효과가 있는지 미시적 시뮬레이션 프로그램인 VISSIM을 사용하여 정량화된 차량당 평균지체 감소의 정도를 분석하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 인천의 1개 3지 교차로를 대상으로 현장조사를 실시하였고 각각의 신호제어 방식에 따라서 보행자 교통량을 변화시켜 민감도 분석을 실시하였다. 시나리오 별 분석을 통하여 차량당 평균지체시간을 비교한 결과, 대상교차로는 정주기식 신호제어에 비하여 보행자작동신호기를 이용한 신호제어방식이 최소 3.7초(10%), 최대 6초(16%)의 감소효과를 나타내었으며 반감응식 신호제어와의 비교에서는 보행자교통량이 측정교통량의 20% 이하 일 때 보다 효율적인 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        Signal Design for Displaced Left-Turn Intersection using Monte Carlo Method

        서원호,Michael P. Hunter 대한토목학회 2014 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.18 No.4

        Unconventional intersection designs have been receiving increased consideration at intersections that serve high traffic demands. Although operational performance of unconventional intersections has been evaluated in a number of studies, little research has beenconducted regarding methodologies to obtain optimal signal timings for them. Several studies have reported that commercial signaltiming packages have not been able to be utilized to develop optimal signal timings due to the unique design features of theunconventional intersections. In this paper a Monte Carlo simulation method to minimize intersection delay is described as well as abandwidth maximization method for a Displaced Left-Turn (DLT) intersection, one of the most popular unconventional intersections. The proposed method is applied to a representative intersection design for two different traffic demand scenarios. It is seen that thetwo optimization approaches may result in different optimal solutions and the Monte Carlo simulation is able to provide nearoptimumparameter selection ranges for the given traffic demands. Also, it is found that the Monte Carlo method is sufficientlyflexible to provide intersection-tailored solutions with intersection specific design parameters.

      • KCI등재

        VISSIM을 이용한 Signal Preemption 전략도입 및 효과분석

        조한선,오주택,박동주,이재명 대한교통학회 2006 대한교통학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        The signalized intersections near highway-railroad grade crossing are operated without signal preemption in Korea when trains are approaching the crossing. This signal operation is very dangerous because queues from the intersection can extend back over the track, thereby creating the potential for a serious vehicle-train accident. And the queues from the crossing can extend to the intersection with the normal signal operation while trains pass the crossing. In this case the intersection is disrupted, and delay and the potential for vehicle accident increase highly. In order to improve the intersection performance and protect the accident the crossings and intersections. signal preemption designed to provide a special control mode should be implemented. In this study it was shown that intersection performance near highway-railroad grade crossing improved using signal preemption. When signal preemption is implemented at the test site, the delay was reduced by about 9 sec/veh. Even though there were vehicle-train accidents at the crossing in all 30 simulations without signal preemption, there was no vehicle-train accidents at all when signal preemption is used. 현재 우리나라에는 철도건널목 인근 신호교차로에 Signal Preemption이 도입되지 않아 열차의 철도건널목 통과 시 철도건널목의 안전이나 인근신호교차로의 운영에 상당한 문제를 야기하고 있다. 철도와 교차하는 신호교차로의 접근로에서는 신호대기로 인한 대기행렬이 철도건널목까지 언제든지 늘어날 수 있고, 이때 열차가 건널목에 접근하게 되면 철도건널목 위에서 대기하고 있던 차량이 열차와 충돌하는 사고가 발생할 수 있다. 그러므로, 열차의 철도건널목 도착 전에 철도건널목 위의 대기차량들은 반드시 소거되어야 한다. 또한, 열차의 철도건널목 통과 시에도 철도와 교차되는 접근로의 차단으로 인해 특별한 신호 운영이 필요하다. 따라서 철도건널목과 인근신호교차로의 안전 향상과 합리적인 신호운영을 위해서는 열차 진입 시 교차로 및 철도건널목에 접근하는 교통류를 고려한 Signal Preemption 전략이 구축되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 Signal Preemption의 효과를 현장조사 및 시뮬레이션을 이용하여 가시적으로 제시하였다. 오전첨두시 교통량과 30대 열차의 철도건널목 도착시간 예측치를 이용하여 시뮬레이션이 실행되었고, Signal Preemption을 적용하였을 경우 차량 당 지체시간은 약 9초가량인 것으로 나타났다. 또한, Signal Preemption의 미적용 시 30개 시나리오 모두에서 건널목위의 대기차량과 열차가 충돌하는 것으로 나타난 반면, Signal Preemption 적용 시 모든 시나리오에서 대기차량과 열차의 충돌은 발생하지 않았다.

      • KCI등재

        회전교차로의 접근로 신호최적화를 통한 도입효과 분석

        엄정은,정희진,배상훈 한국도로학회 2015 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.17 No.1

        PURPOSES : Although signalized intersections have been considered the best way to control traffic volume in urban areas for several decades, roundabouts are currently being discussed as an alternative way to control traffic volume, especially when traffic is light. Because a roundabout’s efficiency depends on the load geometry as well as the traffic volume, design guidelines for roundabouts are recommended only if the incoming traffic volume is very low. It is rare to substitute a roundabout for an existing signalized intersection in urban areas. This study aims to estimate the benefits from the transformation of an existing signalized intersection into a roundabout in an urban area. When there is a more moderate volume of traffic, roundabouts can be effectively used by optimizing signals located at an approaching roadway. METHODS : The methodologies of this paper are as follows: First, a signalized intersection was analyzed to determine the traffic characteristics. Second, the signalized intersection was transformed into a roundabout using VISSIM microscopic traffic simulation. Then, we estimated and analyzed the effects and the performance of the roundabout. In addition, we adjusted a method to improve the benefits of the transformation via the optimization of signals located at an approaching road to control the incoming traffic volume. RESULTS : The results of this research are as follows: The signal-optimized roundabout improved delays compared with the signalized intersection during the morning peak hour, non-peak hour, and evening peak hour by 1.78%, 12.45%, and 12.72%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS : According to the simulation results of each scenarios, the signal-optimized roundabout had less delay time than the signalized intersection. If optimized signal control algorithms are installed in roundabouts in the future, this will lead to more efficient traffic management.

      • KCI등재

        효율적인 신호교차로 운영방안 연구

        황인식 ( In Sik Hwang ),김수성 ( Su Sung Kim ),오세경 ( Se Kyung Oh ) 한국지리정보학회 2009 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        This study was intended to increase efficiency of traffic flow management on intersection. The result suggested to establish a left-turn at own risk lane to increase efficiency of traffic flow on intersection. The scope of the research was to investigate the geometric structure of a signal-controlled intersection, traffic volume(density) with respect to directions and traffic signal display, and to select a signalling intersection into which a car waiting for a traffic signal enters by adjusting the display sequence of traffic signal. The delay with respect to directions and for the whole intersection was compared for the current situation and an improvement plan. Using TSIS, a traffic analysis package, the traffic situation on an intersection was investigated. Based on the simulation result for Seok-Jeon intersection in Ma-San selected from the field investigation of intersections to which an improvement plans would be applicable, the waiting time in the direction without a entering traffic signal was decreased to be 78.6 seconds per car and that of the direction expecting the increase of waiting time was increased by 4 seconds per car only. It was confirmed that the waiting time for the whole intersection was improved.

      • KCI등재

        신호현시 표출 방법에 따른 교통사고 발생빈도 분석 연구: 대전광역시 관내 중심으로

        윤소식,이민호,이철기 한국ITS학회 2023 한국ITS학회논문지 Vol.22 No.3

        Although traffic signal installations are continuously expanding, the effect of preventing traffic accidents remains unverified. Totally, 7,045 traffic accident data (such as signal violations) registered with TCS were manually searched for a 7-year period from 2013 to 2019 for 1,602 traffic signals in Daejeon Metropolitan City. The top 20 traffic accident intersections were identified, the traffic accident investigation records and field maps were viewed to compare the driving direction and signal phase of the violated vehicle, and the cause of the traffic accident was divided into insufficient signal operation design (operation) and driver negligence (intentional). Results of the analysis revealed that 75% of traffic accidents occurred in thru-left-turn traffic signals and overlap; moreover, extending the yellow time or operating all red signals due to countermeasures against traffic accidents occurring in yellow signals resulted in reduced traffic accidents. Data indicated that Permissive Left Turn requires improvement with the signal operation. In addition, since The Korean National Police Agency is not computerized for traffic accident sites and signal-related data, the lack of manpower necessitates improvement and utilization of TCS when establishing traffic accident prevention measures. It is believed that it will contribute to signal operation by analyzing vast amounts of data collected in the field and presenting improvement measures.

      • KCI등재


        Y.-K. PARK,Y.-J. MOON,Y.-S. CHO,금기정 한국자동차공학회 2013 International journal of automotive technology Vol.14 No.2

        This paper demonstrates the results of field tests for assessing a cooperative intersection signal violation warning system (CISVWS), which consists of (a) hardware, including an in-vehicle warning device, roadside antenna, and traffic signal controller, and (b) software to operate and test the cooperative system through vehicle to infrastructure (V2I)communication systems. Field tests were performed under real traffic situations in order to test the system in terms of the initiation time of the signal violation warning from the signal controller, the activation and duration of on board equipment (OBE), and the warning delay based on the relationships between distance variables, including the safe stopping distance, and the location of road side equipment (RSE). Findings from the field test at the real-world signalized intersection sites indicated that the system would be capable of reducing red light violations and intersection collisions through use of the in-vehicle warning device at signalized intersections.

      • KCI등재

        신호등 설치 밀도가 일반국도의 구간 통행속도에 미치는 영향분석

        정준화,김영록,문재필 대한교통학회 2007 대한교통학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Korea's national highways, which emphasize a high level of mobility, serve primarily intercity travel and are used as a detour for freeways.However, at the present, the highways do not have consistent geometric features or other characteristics: for example, some highways have full access control and others have uncontrolled access. Generally, geometric and traffic conditions affect pronouncedly travel speeds in the highway sections. This study focused on the effect of signalized intersection relative factors on the speeds: signalized intersection densities, signal phases, and volume levels. The study shows that signalized intersection density was the strongest variable affecting the travel speeds: the speeds held fairly constant over intersection densities below 0.3 intersections/km, decreased sharply through intersection density of 0.7 intersections/km, and appeared constant at the lowest level over intersection densities above 0.7 intersections/km.The results also indicate that the effect of signal and traffic volume levels on the speeds was similar to that of the signalized intersection density. 국내 일반국도는 고속도로와 함께 도시 간을 연결하는 이동성 기능중심의 도로로 고속도로의 우회도로로써의 성격도 함께 가지고 있다. 그러나 최근 국내 현황을 살펴보면 유출입이 완전히 통제된 수준의 도로에서부터 신호교차로가 빈번하게 설치되어 시가화 된 수준의 도로까지 다양한 형태로 나타난다. 일반적으로 일반국도의 구간 통행속도에 미치는 영향분석을 위해 주로 사용되는 변수로는 도로의 기하구조와 교통상황 등이 있는데, 본 연구에서는 이 중에서 신호등에 의한 속도영향을 살펴보았다. 그 결과, 일반국도의 통행속도에 가장 크게 영향을 미치는 요인은 신호등 설치밀도였으며, 신호등 설치밀도가 0.3개/km 이하에서는 일정속도를 유지하고 0.7개/km까지는 급격히 감소하다가 이후에는 속도가 낮게 안정화 되었고, g/C=0.6은 0.8에 비해 3~9km/h로 감속되었다. 교통량 수준별로는 신호등 설치밀도가 미치는 영향이 거의 유사한 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        회전교차로의 접근로 신호최적화를 통한 도입효과 분석

        엄정은,정희진,배상훈 한국도로학회 2015 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.17 No.1

        PURPOSES : Although signalized intersections have been considered the best way to control traffic volume in urban areas for several decades, roundabouts are currently being discussed as an alternative way to control traffic volume, especially when traffic is light. Because a roundabout’s efficiency depends on the load geometry as well as the traffic volume, design guidelines for roundabouts are recommended only if the incoming traffic volume is very low. It is rare to substitute a roundabout for an existing signalized intersection in urban areas. This study aims to estimate the benefits from the transformation of an existing signalized intersection into a roundabout in an urban area. When there is a more moderate volume of traffic, roundabouts can be effectively used by optimizing signals located at an approaching roadway. METHODS : The methodologies of this paper are as follows: First, a signalized intersection was analyzed to determine the traffic characteristics. Second, the signalized intersection was transformed into a roundabout using VISSIM microscopic traffic simulation. Then, we estimated and analyzed the effects and the performance of the roundabout. In addition, we adjusted a method to improve the benefits of the transformation via the optimization of signals located at an approaching road to control the incoming traffic volume. RESULTS : The results of this research are as follows: The signal-optimized roundabout improved delays compared with the signalized intersection during the morning peak hour, non-peak hour, and evening peak hour by 1.78%, 12.45%, and 12.72%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS : According to the simulation results of each scenarios, the signal-optimized roundabout had less delay time than the signalized intersection. If optimized signal control algorithms are installed in roundabouts in the future, this will lead to more efficient traffic management.

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