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        일반연구논문 ; 마약수사에서의 통제배달기법 고찰 - 마약류관리에관한법률위반사범 중 밀수범죄와 관련하여 -

        예상균 ( Sang Kyun Ye ) 한국법정책학회 2015 법과 정책연구 Vol.15 No.2

        우리나라는 마약 청정국으로 분류되고 있다. 그 만큼 국가에서 강력한 의지를 가지고 마약 통제정책을 실시하고 있다는 의미이다. 강력한 마약 통제정책은 국내에서의 마약유통을 근절하는 것뿐만 아니라 국외로부터의 마약반입을 원천적으로 봉쇄하겠다는 의미도 포함한다. 마약의 국내제조가 사실상 사라진 현시점에서 마약통제 정책을 효과적으로 달성하려면 해외로부터의 마약반입 차단이 무엇보다도 중요하다. 결국 공항 및 항만 등에서 엄격한 감시체계를 구축하여 여행객 내지 수화물에 대한 철저한 감시의 필요성이 높아졌다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 현재 출입국 및 통관절차는 서비스적 측면이 부각되어 간편한 출입국 심사, 신속한 통관절차를 지향하고 있는 실정이므로 수화물 등에 대한 철저한 감시는 매우 어려운 일이다. 그렇다면 최첨단 기술을 이용한 간편하고 신속한 검사 및 정보 축적을 통한 마약 혐의자에 국한된 조사만이 현재의 서비스 정신에 충실한 사정이다. 마약밀수 사건에서는 통제배달 수사기법이 종종 사용되고 있다. 사람이 직접 마약을 운반하는 경우보다는 국제우편 및 소포를 통하여 한국으로 마약이 반입되는 것이 더 빈번히 발생하는 일이기 때문이다. 마약이 들어있는 우편물의 이동경로를 따라 실제 반입자를 추적하여야만 이를 수입하고자 했던 범인들을 검거할 수 있다. 최근에는 통제배달의 前단계에서 세관직원이 압수·수색영장 없이 국제우편물을 개봉한 후 시료를 채취한 행위가 적법한지, 수사기관이 압수·수색영장 없이 통제배달 수사기법을 활용한 것이 불법이 아닌지에 대한 유의미한 대법원 판결이 선고되었다. 통제배달 수사기법과 관련된 일련의 과정에 영장주의를 관철하려는 주장들은 세관에서의 해당 우편물의 검사과정 자체를 강제수사인 압수·수색으로 보거나 수사기관이 마약을 확보한 사실 자체를 강제수사인 압수로 보아 이에 대한 영장을 발부받지 아니한 채 배달한 것 자체가 위법하다는 견해를 제시하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 그러나 세관 통관절차에서의 검사는 수사개시 이전단계로서 이에 대하여 형사 소송법적 잣대를 일률적으로 적용하기에는 어려운 점이 있고, 통제배달 수사기 법은 용어 자체적으로도 수사기관의 압수를 전제로 하지 않을 뿐만 아니라 ‘마약류의 분산을 방지하기 위하여 충분한 감시체제가 확보되어 있는 마약류범죄의 수사’기법이기 때문에 배달과정에서의 수사기관의 마약확보를 강제수사인 압수로 보기에는 어렵다. South Korea is classified as a drug-free country. It means that South Korea government carries out the powerful drug control policy with strong will. Powerful drug control policy means it will fundamentally block the importation of drugs from abroad as well as it will eradicate drug trafficking in the country. In order to achieve the drug control policies efficiently, It is most important to block the import of drugs from abroad at the present time domestic production of drug is disappeared. Eventually, it increases the need to establish a strict monitoring system in the airport and port can be a need for thorough monitoring of the traveler and luggage. But, now immigration and customs clearance procedures are highlighted by this easy and speedy service aspect, so it is very difficult to make a perfect surveillance for the traveler and luggage. Then, the speedy surveillance by using high-tech and the limited investigation on the drug suspect by acuumulating information are the only way which agree with the present service mind. Controlled delivery is often used in the case of drug smuggling, because the drug import case by international mail or package more often happens than the direct personal delivery case. The only way to arrest the real importer is to trace the true receiver along the path of movement of the mail containing the drug. Recently, the supreme court ruling was sentenced whether it is legal or not that customs agent open the international package without search and seizure warrant at the previous step of controlled delivery and whether it is illegal or not that investigator do controlled delivery without search and seizure warrant. The arguments which attain its goals of warrant ideology at the controlled delivery procedure consider the screening of the mail by Customs and the possession of drug by investigator as compulsory investigation like search and seizure. So they assert that the controlled delivery without warrant is illegal. But, Criminal procedure yardstick is diffiult to be applied in all cases in point that the inspection at the customs clearence process is prior to the beginning of an investigation. Controlled delivery, the term of itself is not based upon a premise of investigator`s seizure. And because Controlled delivery is drug crime investigation techniques equipped with sufficient monitoring system in order to prevent the spread of drug, it is not seizure as compulsory investigation that the investigator has a possession of drug.


        뇌동정맥기형 환자의 수술후 경련 치료 성적

        권오기,오창완,한대희 대한신경외과학회 1996 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.25 No.6

        This study was intended to investigate the pre- and postoperative profile of seizures in the patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations(AVM's), and to evaluate various preoperative factors to predict the postoperative occurence of seizures. The patients consisted of 46 consecutive cases with supratentorial AVM's operated on from May 1987 to May 1993. Their mean follow-up duration was 40 months. The pre- and postoperative seizure profiles were similar to each other. The overall incidence of patients experiencing seizure were 50% preoperatively and 52% postoperatively, and the incidence of intractable seizure was 15%, which was the same in both the pre- and postoperative period. The presence of preoperative seizure and large size of AVM were significant indicators of high incidence of postoperative seizures(P<0.05), while other factors such as preoperative intracerebral hemorrhage or embolization showed no significant influence on the occurrence of postoperative seizures. About 70% of the patients with preoperative seizures also had postoperative seizures, while those without preoperative seizures developed new ones only in 35% of the cases postoperatively. The mean size of the AVM's in the group with postoperative seizures was larger than that of the group without postoperative seizures(4.50 vs. 3.02 cm). Regarding postoperative intractable seizures, 57% of the group with preoperative intractable seizures remained intractable postoperatively and groups with preoperatively controlled and groups without seizures demonstrated postoperative intractablity only in 13% and 4% respectively. In conclusion, surgery of AVM's did not change the overall incidence of seizures, both controlled and intractable and patients with preoperative seizures and large sized AVM's had significantly higher possibility of postoperative seizures. Patients with preoperative intractable seizures resulted in control of seizures in 43% after removal of AVM, while 57% remained intractable. Extirpation of epileptic foci, after localization with preoperative study, seems to be needed to improve the outcome of the postoperative seizures.

      • Long-term surgical outcomes of temporal lobe epilepsy associated with low-grade brain tumors

        Phi, Ji Hoon,Kim, Seung-Ki,Cho, Byung-Kyu,Lee, Seo Young,Park, Su Yeon,Park, Sung-joon,Lee, Sang Kun,Kim, Ki Joong,Chung, Chun Kee Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company 2009 Cancer Vol.115 No.24

        <B>BACKGROUND:</B><P>Tumor-related temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) has a high likelihood of medical intractability and requires surgical treatment. The aims of this study were to analyze the long-term surgical outcomes of and to present appropriate surgical strategies for tumor-related TLE.</P><B>METHODS:</B><P>The clinical data of 87 consecutive patients diagnosed with tumor-related TLE were analyzed. The median age at surgery was 22 years. Sixteen patients had a tumor confined to the amygdala or the parahippocampal gyrus, and 10 of them received a tailored lesionectomy without hippocampectomy. The surgical outcome was evaluated based on 3 aspects: seizure control, tumor control, and discontinuation of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs).</P><B>RESULTS:</B><P>The actuarial seizure and tumor control rates at the fifth year postoperatively were 79% and 90%, respectively. Seizure control was highly correlated with tumor control. The following factors were found to be significantly associated with poor seizure control: duration of epilepsy >10 years, presence of a remote focus on surface electroencephalography, and incomplete tumor removal. The actuarial AED maintenance rates were 47% at the second year and 11% at the fifth year. The median time to AED discontinuation was 22 months. A younger age at surgery was found to be significantly associated with an increased chance of AED discontinuation. Tailored resection focusing on the tumor resulted in a favorable outcome, even for tumors confined to the amygdala or the parahippocampal gyrus.</P><B>CONCLUSIONS:</B><P>Surgical treatment of tumor-related TLE resulted in long-term seizure control in the majority of patients. Maximal tumor removal can be recommended for tumor-related TLE. Cancer 2009. © 2009 American Cancer Society.</P>

      • KCI등재

        열성 경련에 대한 중의학 임상 연구 동향 - RCT를 중심으로 -

        이보람,이은주,이지홍,장규태,Lee, Bo Ram,Lee, Eun Ju,Lee, Ji Hong,Chang, Gyu Tae 대한한방소아과학회 2016 대한한방소아과학회지 Vol.30 No.3

        Objectives The purpose of this study is to provide clinical evidence of Korean medicine for febrile seizure by review of randomized controlled trials on the effect of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) for febrile seizure. Methods We searched randomized controlled trials about TCM treatment of febrile seizure from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) (January 2008 to June 2016). The selected literatures were assessed by Jadad scale. Results 40 papers were selected from 160 studies. Analyses of selected studies indicated that the TCM treatment group has significantly higher cure rate for febrile seizure than first aid or western medicine group. The most commonly used herbs were Gardeniae Fructus (梔子), Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis (鉤藤), Cornus Gazeliae (羚羊角), Margarita (珍珠), Scutellariae Radix (黃芩), Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草). The most commonly used acupoints were GV26 (人中), LI4 (合谷), KI1 (湧泉), GV20 (百會). There were no serious adverse events reported from the TCM treatment group during the treatment period. Conclusions TCM has been shown as not only effective but also safe treatment on febrile seizure. This finding can be widely utilized in clinical practice and can form the basis for development of clinical practice guidelines in future.

      • KCI등재후보

        영장주의의 본질을 기초로 한 전자정보 압수・수색의 참여권의 범위

        김혜경 연세법학회 2020 연세법학 Vol.35 No.-

        Under the digital or cyber environment the method of search and seizure is very different from that of ordinary search or seizure. Because the characteristic of digital evidence is invisible, extensive, and blended with what is unrelated to corresponding incident, search and seizure of digital evidence have risk of infringement of the right to control personal information. Especially Criminal Procedure Law article 106 is that the data storage medium or such may be seized, when it is deemed substantially impossible to print out or copy the specified scope of the data or deemed substantially impracticable to accomplish the purpose of seizure. But it has some internal contradiction. According to warrant requirement, prosecutor, the criminal defendant, or his defense counsel may be present when a warrant of seizure or of search is being executed. When it comes to search and seizure of the data storage medium, when is the time of seizure or of search is very ambiguous, so Participation right is at risk of infringement by prosecutor. In this study will be focused above problems. 본 논문은 영장주의의 헌법정신을 바탕으로 하여, 전자정보의 압수 수색에 있어서영장주의가 가지는 함의 및 영장주의 정신을 반영하기 위한 당사자의 참여권의내용을 주체와 시기를 중심으로 하여 살펴보고자 한다. 우선 참여권의 주체는 수사상의 대물적 강제처분으로 인하여 침해되는 기본권의 내용을 중심으로 하여 검토할필요가 있다. 헌법상 보장되는 주거권, 개인정보자기결정권, 사생활의 비밀과 자유, 통신의 비밀, 재산권 등이 강제적 수사행위로 인하여 침해되는 기본권이라면 해당기본권의 향유 주체가 강제처분절차에의 참여자가 되어야 한다. 각 기본권은 중첩적으로 귀속되는 성향이 있지만, 대체로 주거권자, 정보소유권자, 피의자 및 변호인등이 기본권의 주체가 될 수 있다. 다음으로 참여권의 행사시기 즉, 참여시기는 영장에 의하여 적법하게 이루어지는강제처분으로서 수색과 압수의 전 과정에서 보장되어야 한다. 전자정보의 특성으로인하여 일반 유체물에 대한 압수와는 달리 정보저장매체를 통해서만이 전자정보는그 실체를 확인할 수 있다. 따라서 전자정보가 저장된 정보저장매체를 특정하고이를 현장에서 특정하여 출력하는 이외에 많은 경우에는 정보저장매체 자체의 반출이이루어지게 된다. 그 결과 수색과 압수의 절차는 반출, 선별, 이미징, 복제, 분석의다섯 단계 중에서 특정하여야 한다. 여기에서는 반출부터 이미징까지의 단계가 영장의효력이 미치는 수색 및 압수절차로 이해하고자 한다. 따라서 당사자의 참여시기는수사기관 내에서 정보저장매체의 전자정보 중에서 관련성 있는 정보를 선별하여수사기관이 보유한 통합시스템에 이전하는 시점까지로 보고자 한다. 이와 같은 참여권자 및 참여시기의 문제는 궁극적으로는 증거법상의 위법수집증거배제법칙 및 증거능력의 문제와 연관되지만, 이는 영장주의의 결과이지 증거법의 직접적 효력이라고는 하기 어렵다. 형사절차 특히 그중에서도 수사절차는 관여자의 기본권침해를 속성으로하는 국가권력의 강제적 행사를 본질로 한다는 점에서, 관여자 의 기본권보장은 영장주의의 핵심이다. 영장주의의 헌법정신을 형사절차에서 보장하기 위한 노력은 기술발전에 따른 형사사법의 환경변화에도 그대로 투영되어야 할 것이다.

      • 압수·수색 절차의 개선방안에 관한 연구

        손지영,김주석 ( Kim Joo-seok ) 사법정책연구원 2016 연구보고서 Vol.2016 No.7

        The aim of criminal procedure is to achieve harmony between two possibly conflicting goals: protecting constitutional freedom or minimizing the intrusion of constitutional rights, and defending social security or protecting society against crime. Searches and seizures, as coercive means of investigation, may intrude the constitutional rights of interested persons or entities. The Constitution and the Criminal Procedure Code mandate due process and the judicial control by warrant requirement for these measures. Accordingly, the court is charged with the task of ensuring the adequacy of searches and seizures on each stage of the criminal procedure; from the issuance of warrant, through the execution thereof, and to the decision about whether to admit or suppress the acquired evidence pursuant to the exclusionary rule in a related trial. From the past, there have been unceasing criticisms that in Korea, searches and seizures are performed too comprehensively and broadly, leading to massive intrusions on the interested parties’ fundamental rights and to unduly excessive interference with related businesses. This is usually due to the long-existing customary practices of removing all papers or computer devices regardless of their responsiveness to the suspected crime to the offices of investigation and performing covert examinations targeting vast quantities of properties and information therein over a long period of time. That is why the rationalization of the search and seizure process is urgently needed. At the same time, however, we cannot let the effectiveness of the investigation to find the truth be largely sacrificed by highlighting only the value of protecting fundamental rights and just overlooking the other value of truth-finding and the realization of justice. Therefore, this study first focuses on comparing how major countries such as Japan, the U.S. and Germany provide and operate search and seizure procedures in order to harmonize these two conflicting aspects and ensure that proper service is done. For this purpose, we first summarize the existing codes and case laws, and then introduce the current academic and practical discussions of the aforesaid foreign countries surrounding the interpretation and application of their laws on search and seizure. Then using these discussions as references, we seek to find some possible legislative and practical ways of improving the current system. Specifically, the substantial hearing system for the issuance of warrants, the electronic warrant process, the separate issuance of search warrants and seizure warrants, additional ex ante regulations, the guarantee of the right to attendance in execution, judicial control after the execution of warrants, and revitalization of motions for the return of property are the main topics addressed in this study. Hopefully this research will help promote further discussions about checking the current status of the search and seizure procedure in Korea and seeking reasonable measures of its improvement.

      • 압수ㆍ수색 절차의 개선방안에 관한 연구

        손지영,김주석(Kim, Joo-Seok) 사법정책연구원 2016 사법정책연구원 연구총서 Vol.2016 No.-

        형사소송법은 개인의 헌법상 자유의 보호 및 권리 침해의 최소화와 범죄로부터 사회 안전의 확보라는 상충될 수 있는 목적을 조화롭게 달성해야 하는 과제를 안고 있다. 압수·수색 절차는 대물적 강제수사로서 개인의 헌법상 기본권 보호와 충돌할 가능성이 존재한다. 헌법과 형사소송법은 이러한 강제처분에 대해 적법절차와 영장주의에 의한 사법적 통제가 이루어지도록 규정하고 있다. 이에 따라 법원은 영장 발부 단계와 압수·수색 집행단계, 나아가 형사재판 본안에서의 위법수집증거 배제법칙에 의거한 증거능력 판단에 이르기까지 압수·수색의 적정성을 유지하고 통제해야 할 헌법적 책무를 진다. 종전부터 우리나라에서는 수사기관의 압수·수색이 지나치게 포괄적이고 광범위하게 이루어짐으로써 당사자의 기본권이 과도하게 침해되고, 정상적인 영업 활동이나 업무에 과도한 지장을 주고 있다는 비판이 꾸준히 제기되어 왔다. 이는 주로 범죄와의 관련성 유무를 불문하고 서류 전체 또는 컴퓨터 장비 일체를 일괄적으로 수사기관의 사무실 등으로 옮긴다음 장기간에 걸쳐 대량의 물건, 정보를 대상으로 은밀한 탐색을 행하는 관행에 기인한다. 압수·수색 절차의 적정화, 합리화가 시급한 이유이다. 한편으로는 당사자의 기본권 침해 측면만을 강조하여 실체 진실 규명과 정의 구현을 위한 수사의 실효성을 크게 희생시키는 결과를 초래하여서도 곤란하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 우선 상반되는 이 두 가지 측면을 조화시키고, 적정한 압수·수색이 이루어지도록 하기 위하여 각국이 어떠한 압수·수색 절차를 마련하여 운용하는지 비교법적으로 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 먼저 현행법상의 압수·수색 절차에 관한 규정과 판례등을 요약하여 정리하고, 일본, 미국, 독일 등 주요국의 압수·수색 관련 법령과 그 해석, 적용을 둘러싼 학계와 실무계의 중요한 논의 동향을 소개하였다. 다음으로 이를 참고하여 우리 압수·수색 절차에 대한 입법적, 실무적 개선방안을 모색하여 보았다. 구체적으로 영장 발부 요건에 관한 실질적 심리 제도, 전자영장 절차의 도입, 수색영장과 압수영장의 분리 발부, 적정한 사전적 제한 방법의 부가, 참여권 보장, 집행 후 사법적 통제 방안, 환부 및 가환부 제도의 활성화 등 기존에 논의되어 온 개선방안들을 소개함과 아울러 새로운 개선방안도 함께 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구가 우리나라의 압수·수색 제도와 그 실무 현황을 점검하고 합리적인 개선방안을 모색하는 논의에 도움이 되기를 기대한다. The aim of criminal procedure is to achieve harmony between two possibly conflicting goals: protecting constitutional freedom or minimizing the intrusion of constitutional rights, and defending social security or protecting society against crime. Searches and seizures, as coercive means of investigation, may intrude the constitutional rights of interested persons or entities. The Constitution and the Criminal Procedure Code mandate due process and the judicial control by warrant requirement for these measures. Accordingly, the court is charged with the task of ensuring the adequacy of searches and seizures on each stage of the criminal procedure; from the issuance of warrant, through the execution thereof, and to the decision about whether to admit or suppress the acquired evidence pursuant to the exclusionary rule in a related trial. From the past, there have been unceasing criticisms that in Korea, searches and seizures are performed too comprehensively and broadly, leading to massive intrusions on the interested parties’ fundamental rights and to unduly excessive interference with related businesses. This is usually due to the long-existing customary practices of removing all papers or computer devices regardless of their responsiveness to the suspected crime to the offices of investigation and performing covert examinations targeting vast quantities of properties and information therein over a long period of time. That is why the rationalization of the search and seizure process is urgently needed. At the same time, however, we cannot let the effectiveness of the investigation to find the truth be largely sacrificed by highlighting only the value of protecting fundamental rights and just overlooking the other value of truth-finding and the realization of justice. Therefore, this study first focuses on comparing how major countries such as Japan, the U.S. and Germany provide and operate search and seizure procedures in order to harmonize these two conflicting aspects and ensure that proper service is done. For this purpose, we first summarize the existing codes and case laws, and then introduce the current academic and practical discussions of the aforesaid foreign countries surrounding the interpretation and application of their laws on search and seizure. Then using these discussions as references, we seek to find some possible legislative and practical ways of improving the current system. Specifically, the substantial hearing system for the issuance of warrants, the electronic warrant process, the separate issuance of search warrants and seizure warrants, additional ex ante regulations, the guarantee of the right to attendance in execution, judicial control after the execution of warrants, and revitalization of motions for the return of property are the main topics addressed in this study. Hopefully this research will help promote further discussions about checking the current status of the search and seizure procedure in Korea and seeking reasonable measures of its improvement.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 미란다 원칙 - 전자정보에 대한 압수·수색과 당사자의 참여권

        조성훈 사법발전재단 2016 사법 Vol.1 No.36

        As technology advances, the use of electronically stored information is becoming more important in criminal investigations. On the other hand, many people have expressed concerns over the possibility of harmful consequences related with the invasiveness of computer searches and seizures. In this regard, recent decision by Supreme Court of Korea elevated participation right to the position of core institution in the criminal procedure of searches and seizures. In this article, I examine theoretical foundations, scope, and contents of participation rights in the searches and seizures of digital evidence and argue that participation right is an essential institution for materializing personal information control right and right to defense in criminal procedure. 대량성 및 다양성, 비가시성 등의 특성 때문에 기존의 압수·수색 제한 법리는 디지털증거에 있어 그 본래의 역할을 할 수 없으므로 별도의 법리가 필요하다는 주장이 국내외에서 제시되는 상황에서, 대법원은 2015. 7. 16.자 2011모1839 전원합의체 결정을 통하여 당사자 참여권을 전자정보에 대한 압수·수색 과정에서 영장주의와 적법절차 원칙을 관철할 수 있는 핵심 제도의 위치로 격상시킨바 있다. 위 결정을 통하여 당사자 참여권은 진술거부권에 버금가는 의미를 가지게 되었는바, 위 결정은 실로 ‘디지털시대의 미란다 원칙’을 정립한 것이라 평가할 수 있다. 당사자 참여권 보장은 전자정보 압수·수색에 있어 법원에 의한 사전통제와 사후통제의 중간 영역에 위치하는바, ‘전자정보 자기결정권’ 및 ‘정보 비대칭성 극복과 방어권’의 보장을 위해 인정할 이론적·현실적 이유가 인정되며, 저장매체 자체 또는 복제본에서 유관정보를 복제·탐색·추출하여 압수의 대상을 최종적으로 확정하는 단계까지 실질적 내용의 참여권이 보장되어야 할 것이다. 이를 통하여 정당한 법집행이라는 공익과 사생활보호라는 사익의 적절한 균형점을 찾고 전자정보 압수·수색에 있어 적법절차와 영장주의 원칙을 관철할 수 있을 것이라 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        디지털증거 압수ㆍ수색에서 참여권 보장을 통한 개인정보통제권 구현 방안

        안민탁,권헌영 한국디지털포렌식학회 2022 디지털 포렌식 연구 Vol.16 No.3

        The most effective way to protect personal information and privacy is to guarantee an active legal right for individuals to manage, decide and control their own information. If you can directly control your own information, you will not only block in advance any falsification or leakage that may occur in the process of information processing, but will also greatly reduce anxiety and distrust of investigative agencies. In this paper, we would like to discuss how to implement the right to control personal information in the current seizure and search procedures. First, for a theoretical review of the right to control personal information in Chapter 2, the concept of personal information and the meaning and limitations of the right to control personal information will be explored. In Chapter 3, we will look for examples of the realization of personal information control rights in the private and public sectors at home and abroad, and in Chapter 4 we will look at foreign personal information related laws and cases. Lastly, in Chapter 5, after accessing the existing integrated digital evidence management system in 'participant mode' to realize the right to control personal information in the process of confiscating and searching digital evidence, We would like to propose a self-directed participation system that allows viewing, inquiry, and even confirmation of deletion. 개인정보와 프라이버시 보호를 위해 가장 효과적인 방법은 개인이 스스로 자신의 정보를 관리ㆍ결정ㆍ통제할 수 있도록 적극적인 법적 권리를 보장하는 것이다. 자신의 정보를 직접 통제할 수 있게 되면 정보처리 과정에서 일어날 수 있는 변조나 유출을 사전에 차단하는 것은 물론, 수사기관에 대한 불안과 불신도 훨씬 줄어들 것이다. 본 논문에서는 현행 압수ㆍ수색 절차에 개인정보통제권을 어떻게 구현할 수 있을지에 대해서 논의하고자 한다. 우선 제2장에서 개인정보통제권에 대한 이론적인 검토를 위해 개인정보의 개념, 개인정보통제권의 의의와 한계에 대하여 알아볼 것이다. 제3장에서는 국내외 민간·공공 부문의 개인정보통제권 구현 사례를 찾아보고, 제4장에서 외국의 개인정보 관련 법제 및 사례를 살펴볼 것이다. 마지막으로 제5장에서는 디지털증거 압수ㆍ수색 절차에서 개인정보통제권 구현을 위하여 기존 디지털증거 통합관리시스템에 ‘참여인 모드’로 접속 후, 정보주체 여부에 따라 사전에 허용된 범위의 증거들에 대해 열람 및 조회, 삭제 확인까지 하는 자기통제형 참여 시스템을 제안하고자 한다.


        Sodium Valproate(Depakine^(�)) 정맥주사의 임상적 효능에 관한 연구 : 신경외과 수술후 1주일간의 간질억제효과와 안전성 Antiepileptic Effect and Safety Assessment During the Postoperative Seven Days in Neurosurgical Patients

        백선하,왕규창,오창완,정천기,김동규,정희원,김현집,조병규,최길수,한대희 대한신경외과학회 1996 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.25 No.7

        Diphenylhydantoin(DPH) has been used intravenously as a drug of choice in conditions which seizure patients are incapable of oral Teeding or in a state of status epilepticus However, its clinical use has limitations because of its serious side effects o# cardiac depression or systemic hypotension In Western countries. the recently do- veloped intravenous sodium valproate has been reported as safe and e#Tective for seizure control in such patients To assess the safety and effectiveness in seizure control we investigated the serum levels of the drug at f4 hours 48 hours and 7 days after intravenous administration of sodium valproate(Depakine른. occurrence of seizures in the perioperative period and the side eT#ects of the drugs in 30 neurosurgical patients older than 3 years of age The mean serum concentrations of valproic acid after bolus injection To IS mg/kg followed by continuous infusion with the rate To OSmg/kg/hour, were over 450 rg/ml . 좌S 0± IS 3 ff/ml at 운4 hours, 504±fl 0 f(g/ml at 좌』 hours and 58 9±tO 7 賠,/1 at 7 days aTter the sta「t of the adinistration All the Patients whose se「u vaIProic acid levelwas witHin the therapeutic range(40-100 rr/ml). had never experienced an episode of seizure attack during the perioperative days There was no evidence of elevated liver enzyme activity, but there were evidence of some tendencyof decreased platelet count in the peripheral blood at f days a#ter the administration of intravenous Yalproic acid Four patients experienced episodes of mild nausea and/or vomiting in conclusion per'ioperat'ive intravenous administration of valproic acids in neurosurgical patients was safe and effective in seizure control However it must be used precauciously in the patients with compromized coagulation system

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