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        형사절차에서 전자정보의 탐색 및 압수

        하태인 한국비교형사법학회 2023 비교형사법연구 Vol.24 No.4

        Electronic information stores a huge amount of information even on very small physical devices. Therefore, there is a risk of comprehensive seizure and search execution. In preparation for this, it is stipulated in laws and regulations such as the Criminal Procedure Act. In principle, when information(electronic information) stored in an data storage media is confiscated, the scope of electronic information related to criminal facts shall be determined and printed or reproduced. In addition, if it is impossible to execute the seizure method due to output or reproduction, or if it is significantly difficult to achieve the purpose of seizure, search, or verification, electronic information contained in the data storage media may be all reproduced and the copy(imaging) may be taken to a location other than the data storage media. Selective seizure is to prevent the risk of comprehensive seizure and search execution beyond the scope of relevance. Therefore, even when electronic information is all reproduced or the data storage media is taken out and searched and confiscated from the outside, it should be limited to relevant parts. In other words, if the seizure of electronic information is intended to be carried out without distinction, such as the place of execution of the warrant or an external place, the scope thereof must be determined (selective seizure). The reason is that comprehensive seizure or overall seizure of electronic information violates the principle of specificity in seizure and search. In addition, problems such as abuse of investigative power and separate investigations may arise that are contrary to the principle of proportionality. In addition, the seizure and search of electronic information should be limited to information that is related to the fact of criminal charges(objective relevance, personal relevance). In the event of a violation of the requirements for relevance, the admissibility of evidence must be denied as evidence illegally collected as a violation of the principle of due process and rule of warrant. Therefore, in principle, electronic information unrelated to the fact of criminal charges should be discarded. If an investigative agency accidentally finds electronic information related to a separate criminal charge in the process of legally searching for electronic information, the search should be stopped. In addition, a separate seizure and search warrant must be issued by the court for separate evidence in order to conduct a seizure and search. The participation of the seized and searched parties is for selective seizure, and it is also to guarantee defense rights, prohibit access and copying of information storage media, and to prevent distortion, abuse, and arbitrary copying or copying of electronic information. Therefore, even in voluntary submission by a third party, the subject of seizure should be regarded as a suspect. Therefore, it would be said that the right to participate belongs to the suspect. 전자정보의 증거수집은 원칙적으로 정보저장매체에 기억된 정보(전자정보)를 압수하는 경우에는 범죄사실과 관련된 전자정보의 범위를 정하여 출력하거나 복제하는 방법으로 한다. 또 출력 또는 복제에 따른 압수 방법의 실행이 불가능하거나 그 방법으로는 압수의 목적을 달성하는 것이 현저히 곤란한 경우에는 압수ㆍ수색 또는 검증 현장에서 정보저장매체 등에 들어 있는 전자정보 전부를 복제(이미징)하여 그 복제본을 정보저장매체 등의 소재지 외의 장소로 반출할 수 있다. 그리고 범위를 정한 출력 또는 복제와 전부 복제에 따른 압수 방법의 실행이 불가능하거나 그 방법으로는 압수의 목적을 달성하는 것이 현저히 곤란한 경우에는 정보저장매체등의 원본을 봉인(封印)하여 정보저장매체등의 소재지 외의 장소로 반출할 수 있다. 선별적 압수는 관련성의 범위를 넘는 포괄적인 압수⋅수색 집행의 위험성을 방지하기 위한 것이다. 그러므로 전자정보의 전부 복제 또는 정보저장매체를 반출하여 수사기관의 사무실 등 외부에서 이를 탐색하고 압수하는 경우에도 관련성 있는 부분에 한정되어야 한다. 즉 전자정보의 압수는 영장의 집행장소든 수사기관 사무실과 같은 외부적 장소든 구별 없이 압수⋅수색을 하고자 하는 경우에는 그 범위를 정하여(선별적 압수) 이루어져야 한다. 또한 전자정보의 압수⋅수색은 범죄혐의 사실과 관련성(객관적 관련성, 인적관련성) 있는 정보에 한정되어야 한다. 관련성 요건을 어긴 경우에는 적법절차원칙 및 영장주의 위배로서 위법하게 수집한 증거로서 증거능력이 부정되어야 한다. 그리고 전자정보를 적법하게 탐색하는 과정에서 별건의 범죄혐의와 관련된 전자정보를 우연히 발견한 경우에는 수사기관은 더 이상의 추가 탐색을 중단하고 법원으로부터 별도의 범죄혐의에 대한 압수·수색영장을 발부받아야 별건 증거에 대하여 압수⋅수색을 할 수 있다. 참여권, 즉 피압수⋅수색 당사자의 참여는 선별적 압수를 위한 것이며, 또한 방어권 보장, 정보저장매체에 대한 열람⋅복사 금지 및 전자정보의 왜곡이나 훼손과 오⋅남용, 임의적인 복제나 복사 등을 막기 위한 것에도 있다. 즉 참여권 통하여 정보의 자기결정권 및 방어권이 보장되며, 나아가 정보의 무결성이 보장된다는 의미이기도 하다. 따라서 참여권은 피의자에게 있다고 할 것이다. 정보저장매체를 임의로 제출받아 압수한 후 반출하여 가져간 경우 그 안에 내장된 전자정보를 포렌식으로 탐색하는 시점에는 최소한 피고인에게 통지하고 참여권을 보장하여야 한다. 그것이 참여권을 보장한 취지에 부합한다.

      • KCI등재

        압수·수색절차에서 ‘관련성’에 관한 고찰

        조광훈 사법발전재단 2015 사법 Vol.1 No.33

        Consideration of ‘Relevancy’ in Search and Seizure Procedures Cho, Kwang-hoon Comprehensive and extensive search and seizure has mostly been pointed out as a problem in the search and seizure procedure on information storage devices. Accordingly, ‘relevancy’ provisions were newly prescribed under several articles including Article 106(1) of the Criminal Procedure Act on July 18, 2011. The relevancy provision may ensure admissibility of evidence by lawfully verifying the search and seizure and protect the privacy and property rights of those subject to seizure. Relevancy should be seen as a criteria distinct from necessity, while very closely related to reasonableness and proportionality. Cases to which the relevancy doctrine is applicable include the defendant's case in front of the court and the accused case under investigation by an investigative agency. Secret investigation cases are not subject to search and seizure of an investigative agency. The decision-maker of relevancy is the investigative agency in cases under investigation, and the judge in defendant’s cases. The timing of relevancy decision should be at the time of execution of the search and seizure warrant. The personal scope of a pertinent case is, as a matter of principle, the accused of a given case who became the actual object of investigation based on the investigative agency’s subjective perception of the criminal charges. However, the Criminal Procedure Act of Korea only specifies relevancy as to the defendant's case, without limiting the scope of objects of search and seizure to those properties owned by the accused. As such, the scope of search and seizure is not limited to the person of, or the properties owned by, the accused. The subsumed scope of relevancy of location does not raise a major issue in terms of physical space. However, inasmuch as computer servers are inter-connected over the information and communications network, along with a range of unique features of electronic information, the concept of physical space becomes diluted in the context of search and seizure of electronic information. As a matter of principle, search and seizure procedure on electronic information is likewise not restricted to the concept of space, to the extent of relevancy. Unlike seizure, search procedure inevitably involves a comprehensive search to a certain extent. Even in the place of confinement, the site of arrest, and the crime scene, search and seizure is possible only when the requirement for relevancy with the instant case (instant crime) is met. Some of the reasonable and practical ways to apply the relevancy doctrine in search and seizure procedure include clearly specifying the fact to which the warrant applies and the object(s) of search and seizure, as well as positively considering the following: (a) the immediate disposal of irrelevant parts, (b) guaranteeing the participation right of those subject to investigation and their attorneys, (c) plain-view doctrine, (d) the introduction of emergency seizure policy, and (e) the introduction of a policy of seizure after a record order. An active discussion should continue on an ongoing basis toward establishing a clear set of standards on the concept, scope, and limits of relevancy. 기존에 정보저장매체에 대한 압수·수색절차에서는 주로 포괄적이고 광범위한 압수·수색이 문제점으로 지적되곤 하였다. 그리하여 이를 개선하기 위하여 2011. 7. 18. 형사소송법 제106조 제1항 등을 비롯한 몇 개 조항에 ‘관련성’ 규정을 마련하였다. 관련성의 규정은 적법한 압수·수색·검증에 의한 증거능력을 담보하고 피압수자의 프라이버시와 재산권을 보호할 수 있다. 관련성은 필요성과 별도의 요건으로 보아야 하며 상당성과 비례성과도 매우 밀접한 관련이 있다. 해당 사건은 법원의 심판 대상이 된 피고사건과 수사기관이 수사를 개시한 피의사건이다. 하지만 해당 사건에는 내사사건은 포함되지 않는다. 관련성의 판단주체는 수사 중인 사건은 수사기관이며, 피고사건은 법관이며, 판단 시기는 수사기관이 압수·수색영장을 집행할 당시를 기준으로 판단하여야 한다. 해당 사건의 인적범위는 원칙적으로는 수사기관이 주관적으로 범죄혐의를 인식하고 현실적으로 수사의 대상이 된 당해사건의 피의자가 대상이 될 것이다. 하지만 우리 형사소송법은 압수·수색의 대상물은 피의자가 소유한 물건에만 한정하지 않고 피고사건과의 관련성만을 규정하고 있으므로 피의자나 피고인 소유의 물건에 한정되지 않는다. 장소에 대한 관련성의 포섭범위는 물리적 공간에서는 큰 논쟁거리는 아니다. 전자정보에 대한 압수·수색에서는 전자정보의 여러 가지의 특성과 서버와 서버가 정보통신망으로 연결되어 있다는 점에서 물리적 공간의 개념이 희석되어진다. 정보저장매체에 대한 수색절차에서는 압수단계와는 달리 어느 정도의 포괄적인 수색은 불가피하게 대두될 수밖에 없다. 구속 장소, 체포현장, 범죄 장소에서 압수·수색도 해당 사건(해당 범죄)과 관련성 있는 경우에만 압수·수색이 가능하다. 압수·수색절차에서 관련성의 합리적 실천방안으로는 압수·수색영장의 영장사실과 그 대상을 특정하는 것이 필요하고, 관련성이 없는 부분의 즉시 폐기, 수사대상자 및 변호인 등의 참여권 보장, 육안 발견의 원칙(plain-view doctrine), 긴급압수제도 도입, 기록명령 후 압수제도를 적극 검토할 필요가 있다. 앞으로도 관련성의 개념과 그 범위, 그리고 한계에 대한 명확한 기준의 설정을 위한 활발한 논의가 계속되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        영장주의 예외인 형사소송법 제216조 제1항 제2호의 적용 요건과 효과

        신이철 사법발전재단 2020 사법 Vol.1 No.53

        Although a prior warrant is required for seizure and search by investigative agencies (Article 215 of the Criminal Prosecution Act) in principle, search for seizure without warrants is permitted in exceptional cases in view of urgency, etc. (Articles 216 to 218). In particular, a warrantless search for confiscation will not be unduly expanded on the basis that Article 216(1)(ii) (confiscation search and verification at the site of arrest) should be acknowledged only when it is urgent. Furthermore, under the legal requirements of Article 216(1)(ii), a search with an arrest warrant may be conducted at “the site of arrest” at “the arrest or when needed for confinement”, wherein arrest or confinement refers to “lawful” arrest or confinement, and relevance is required in addition to urgency. Moreover, since this is limited to “the site of arrest”, it would be necessary to have temporal closeness under the premise that there is a close connection between the arrest and the seizure search and verification. In such case, an arrest can only be based on an act at least adjacent to an arrest from the view of the arrester, and the arrested, in principle, refers to a person on site, but it would be proper to interpret that seizure and search is permitted even if the suspect has fled the site after the arrest has begun. In order to eliminate unnecessary dispute in this regard, it would be advisable to establish a proviso in Article 216(1)(ii) and revise a request for a post-warrant within 48 hours from the “time of seizure.” Meanwhile, insofar as the basis of admitting a warrantless seizure search and verification at the site of the arrest lies in the urgency of act, it would be logical to interpret the scope of the place as the place of the arrest, and the goods and bodies at the site. However, if the site of the arrest is changed due to a temporary fleeing during or after the arrest or the police station to which the arrestee has been taken is changed due to unforeseen road conditions or the suspect’s resistance, the changed site can be seen as the site of the arrest. With regard to the physical scope, the subject of seizure and search must be limited to the evidence of the crime and the means of fleeing, or other weapons under the possession of the suspect. In this regard, the seizure of arbitrary submissions by the holder or a person arrested at the site of the arrest is possible (Article 218), but needs strict determination since this can be exploited as a means to circumvent the warrant requirement. There are many disputes particularly regarding mobile phones, arguing that the entire process, such as the search, duplication and printing of information stored on a mobile phone that are deemed to be related to the suspected case, may be considered as part of the seizure search and verification. In addition, the restoration (recovery) and analysis of deleted data are also collateral means and, thus, must be considered lawfully done even if the said recovery and analysis is performed without a warrant. Of course, if it is necessary to continue seizure of goods that have been seized at the site of the arrest, the prosecutor or police officer must request a seizure and search warrant without delay (within 48 hours of the arrest). Furthermore, failure to meet the requirements of a warrantless seizure at the site of the arrest constitutes an illegal seizure, and thus cannot be used as evidence of guilt, and even if a “consent to voluntary submission of seizures” is obtained from the accused immediately after the illegal confiscation, it would still constitute an illegal seizure unless extenuating circumstances emerge. The problem emerges when the illegally confiscated goods are returned and confiscated again in a form of immediate arbitrary submission. In such case, it is unlikely that the causal relationship between illegal seizure and voluntary submission will be seen as severed unless there are special circu... 수사기관의 압수수색에는 원칙적으로 사전영장이 요구되지만(형사소송법 제215조) 예외적으로 긴급성 등을 고려하여 무영장 압수수색이 허용되고 있다(제216조 내지 제218조). 그중에서도 특히 제216조 제1항 제2호(체포현장에서의 압수, 수색, 검증)를 인정하는 근거는 긴급행위라는 점을 찾아야 무영장 압수수색이 부당하게 확대되지 않을 것이다. 그리고 제216조 제1항 제2호의 적법요건으로 ‘체포 또는 구속하는 경우에 필요한 때’에 ‘체포현장’에서 무영장 압수수색을 할 수 있는데, 여기서 체포 또는 구속은 ‘적법’한 체포 또는 구속을 의미하며, ‘필요한 때’라는 요건에는 긴급성은 물론 관련성 요건도 당연히 요구된다. 그리고 ‘체포현장’에 한하므로 체포와 압수수색검증 사이의 밀접한 관련이 전제되면서 시간적 접착성이 있어야 하는데, 그 정도에 대해서는 체포자 입장에서는 적어도 체포착수에 근접하는 행위를 해야만 체포하는 경우에 해당하고, 체포대상자는 원칙적으로 현장에 있는 것을 말하지만 체포에 착수하였는데 피의자가 도주한 경우에도 압수·수색이 허용된다고 해석함이 타당하다고 본다. 이와 관련하여 불필요한 논란을 없애기 위해서는 제216조 제1항 제2호에 단서를 신설하여 사후 영장청구를 ‘압수한 때’로부터 48시간 이내로 개정하는 것이 바람직하다고 생각된다. 한편으로 체포현장으로 인정되기 위한 장소적 범위로는 체포현장에서 무영장 압수수색검증의 인정 근거를 긴급행위설로 본 이상, 체포행위가 행해진 장소, 그곳에 있는 물건과 신체를 말한다고 보는 것이 논리적이다. 다만 예외적으로 도로 사정이나 피의자의 저항 등으로 연행된 경찰서와, 체포되는 과정 또는 체포 이후 일시 도주하여 체포현장이 변경된 경우라면 체포현장으로 볼 수 있을 것이다. 또한 물적 범위로서 압수수색의 대상은 피의자가 소지하는 무기 기타의 흉기, 도주 수단의 물건 및 당해 범죄사실에 대한 증거물에 제한되어야 한다. 이와 관련하여 체포현장에서도 체포된 사람이나 소지자로부터 임의제출물의 압수(제218조)가 가능하지만, 영장주의를 잠탈하기 위한 수단으로 악용될 수가 있어 매우 엄격하게 판단해야 한다. 특히 휴대폰에 대해서는 최근에 논란이 적지 않은데, 피의사건 관련성이 인정되는 휴대폰 속에 저장된 전자정보가 압수수색의 대상인 경우에는 휴대폰에 저장된 정보의 탐색과 복제 및 출력 등 전 과정이 압수수색과정의 일환이 될 수 있다고 본다. 그리고 삭제된 데이터의 복원(복구)과 분석행위도 부수처분이므로 영장 없이 복원·분석이 이루어지더라도 적법하다고 해야 한다. 물론 검사 또는 사법경찰관은 체포현장에서 압수한 물건을 계속 압수할 필요가 있는 경우에는 지체 없이(체포한 때로부터 48시간 이내) 압수·수색영장을 청구하여야 한다. 그리고 체포현장에서 무영장 압수수색의 요건을 충족하지 못하면 위법한 압수가 되어 유죄의 증거로 사용할 수 없으며, 위법한 압수가 있은 직후에 피고인으로부터 작성 받은 그 ‘압수물에 대한 임의제출 동의서’도 특별한 사정이 없는 한 마찬가지이다. 문제는 위법한 압수물을 일단 환부하고 곧바로 임의제출을 받는 형식으로 다시 압수하는 경우인데, 위법한 압수상태에 의한 영향이 완전히 배제되지 않고 제출자의 의사결정의 자유가 확실하게 보장되었다고 볼 만한 특별한 사정이 없는 이상 위법압수와 ...

      • KCI우수등재

        수색 대상 컴퓨터를 이용한 원격 압수수색의쟁점과 입법론

        정대용,김기범,이상진 법조협회 2016 法曹 Vol.65 No.3

        Digital evidence is being saved, transmitted, and processed via network beyond the wall of time, space and borders. Therefore, it often occurs that computer system is approached through the network for the purpose of obtaining digital evidence that has evidential value. While search and seizure has been confined to the objects that are written on the venues of the search and seizure warrants, the objective of search and seizure cannot be accomplished anymore under the current online network system only with the search and seizure of the computer that is placed on the spot. In reality, the number of long-distance search and seizure is increasing through the network of the remote searching computer in order to gain information and evidence for investigation cases, because the network environment is expanding and digital evidence is also growing rapidly. However, the legal issues about the search and seizure of the long-distance computer is not yet defined clearly and various problems are raised with respect to its admissibility, methods, limits and counter measures against privacy invasion. Considering the long-distance search and seizure is required very often in practice and the overseas legislations on it, legislative institutionalization is very necessary. Nevertheless, prudent legislative approach and various considerations are prioritized because digital evidence in the long-distance server has abundant privacy information and the public have very high expectation of privacy protection. Especially, the criminal evidential principles of search and seizure should be fully obeyed and there should be restrictions in regard to admissibility, the scope of search. Additionally, the method of search and seizure should be limited to the ordinary log-in way of the user, and the participation and exclusion of the person under search and seizure should be considered for the purpose of obtaining transparency. Through these, prevention of human-right invasion, protection of privacy, and the establishment of efficient investigative system for criminal justice will be realized. 디지털 증거는 네트워크를 통해서 시간과 공간, 국경의 벽을 넘어서 저장․전송․처리되고 있다. 따라서 증거가치가 있는 디지털 정보를 수집하기 위해서는 네트워크를 통해 시스템에 접근해야 하는 경우도 생기게 된다. 그 동안 압수수색은 영장에 기재된 ‘압수․수색․검증할 장소’에 물리적으로 위치하는 물건만을 대상으로 하였다. 그러나 온라인화 되어 있는 현재의 컴퓨터 네트워크 환경에서는 압수수색 현장의 컴퓨터에 대한 압수수색만으로는 압수수색의 목적을 달성하기 어렵게 되었다. 갈수록 증가되는 네트워크 환경의 디지털 증거에 대하여 실무적으로 수색 대상 컴퓨터를 통해 원격지 컴퓨터에 접속하여 사건과 관련된 정보를 압수하는 방법이 나타나고 있다. 그러나 원격지 컴퓨터에 대한 압수수색이 우리 법제 하에서 허용되는 것인지, 허용된다면 어떠한 경우인지, 수색의 방법과 범위 및 프라이버시와 방어권의 보장은 어떻게 이루어져야 하는지 등 다양한 문제가 제기되고 있다. 원격 압수수색에 대한 필요성의 증가와 해외 입법사례들을 볼 때, 입법을 통해 제도화할 필요가 있다. 그러나 원격 서버에는 수많은 개인정보가 존재하고 프라이버시에 대한 기대수준이 높기에 입법시 신중한 접근과 다양한 고려사항에 대한 검토가 선행되어야 한다. 특히 압수수색의 기본원칙의 철저한 준수, 허용범위의 제한, 수색의 범위 특정을 고려하여야 하며, 또한 집행의 방법도 피압수자의 통상적인 계정접속 방법으로 제한되어야 하며, 투명성 보장을 위한 피압수자의 참여와 집행과정의 방해배제도 고려해야 한다. 이러한 고려사항을 통해 인권침해의 예방과 프라이버시의 보호 및 사법정의 실현을 위한 효율적 수사제도의 구현이 가능할 것이다.

      • 디지털 증거 압수수색 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 법률 개정에 관한 논의를 중심으로 -

        박병민 ( Park Byung-min ),서용성 사법정책연구원 2021 연구보고서 Vol.2021 No.5

        Digital technology allows a large amount of information to be stored in a data storage medium without error. Network technology allows this information to be distributed to a seemingly unlimited extent. This information, however, cannot be seen without a program to read and display it. All the records of citizens’ behaviors and expression materials are stored “as is” in their computers, smart-phones and, internet service providers’ servers. The collection and subsequent analysis of these data, particularly when combined with other data, can threaten the privacy of citizens. Such characteristics of digital evidence give government agencies incentives to devote all efforts to the collection of digital evidence for public interest, such as investigations. In response to changes in social environments, such as the rapid development and popularization of digital technology, rulings of the Supreme Court of Korea and academic theories have been attempting to evolve the existing jurisprudence of search and seizure laws, but, there are limits without legislative changes. This research, thus, focuses on finding ways through legislation to evolve this area of law, including summarizing implications derived from comparative legal analysis of the United States, Germany, and Japan, and examinations of Korea’s laws, cases, and practices. In order to examine the laws and jurisprudence of the U.S., the history and content of the interpretation of the Fourth Amendment by the Supreme Court of the United States, Which is implied by the term “Technology Exceptionalism,” were examined in depth. Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure that governs searches and seizures, and Electronic Communication Private Act (ECPA) that regulates the collection method of information stored by third parties such as internet service providers, were also reviewed in detail. Furthermore, this research examined decisions rendered by the U.S. courts and discourse in academia to prevent searches and seizures of digital evidence from being conducted under a general warrant, which includes discussions on ex ante regulations, limitation of exceptions to the warrant requirement (e.g., plain view doctrine, search incident to arrest, consent, etc.), extraterritorial application of searches and seizures, and decryption. Searches and seizures of digital evidence in Germany is thoroughly ruled by the principle of proportionality. Since the legal nature of searches and seizures, excluding wiretappings, is regarded as a public disposition in Germany, pre- and post- notifications, guarantees of right to be present during the search and seizure, and the return or deletion of unrelated information have been emphasized as procedural regulations of searches and seizures of digital evidence, and a copy of warrant is given in execution of searches and seizures. With the implications derived from comparative legal analysis, this research offered legislative suggestions and examined improvement measures in the judicial practice of courts in Korea. First, it provided several measures of ex ante regulations that could be imposed by courts, and analyzed in detail the option of issuing a search warrant first and issuing a seizure warrant only after the information to be seized is specified. This research also proposed legislative improvement on the right to be present during search and seizure and reporting of execution results as a way to improve the process for screening crime-related information. This research also examined measures to grant the obligation to return or delete unrelated information after analysis of the storage medium. As other procedural regulations are considered, this research also suggested not only to present a warrant, but to provide a copy, and to receive verification from the seized person in the issuance of the inventory. This is because having a warrant makes it meaningful to participate in the screening and seizure process, and makes it possible to quasi-appeal against illegal enforcement. In addition, based on the comparative legal examinations, this research proposed legislative suggestions (e.g., notification of the right to refuse consent, etc.) regarding consent to search of digital evidence, which has been the most debated issue recently and offered improvement measures for information stored by third parties―in particular, subscriber records. This research also analyzed remote searches and seizures, requests to preserve evidence, obligations to cooperate, and etc., which were discussed as new systems, focusing on the bills presented in the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, and proposed alternatives. In the modern digital environment, the king of evidence is no longer a confession, but a smart-phone. The delicate legal design for civil rights protection prepared for the statement evidence in the past should be applicable to the searches and seizures of digital evidence as well. It is necessary to turn our backs on the perception of the past that divided the dispositions by legal force on person and on asset, and the latter may be less regulated than the former.

      • KCI등재

        수사절차상 압수,수색규정에 대한 비판적 검토

        김신규 ( Shin Kyu Kim ) 한국비교형사법학회 2015 비교형사법연구 Vol.17 No.3

        This paper is reviewed critically on the execution method of search and seizure warrant, objects of seizure, and requirements of search and seizure articles regulated in Criminal Procedure Act that was amended in 2011 according to environmental change. As a result, first, with regard to the degree of criminal suspicion required as general requirements of search and seizure to which investigative agencies need, heretofore the majority of theories have explained the meaning of phrase as a sense of ‘mere suspicion`` or ‘first suspicion`` because article 215 Criminal Procedure Act has only regulated as a phrase of ‘the necessity of investigation``. But ‘the circumstantial existence of crime suspicion`` in the article 215 of Criminal Procedure Act requires more than ‘mere suspicion`` of crime, and therefore the level of suspicion is explicitly needed a higher stage than ‘mere suspicion`` and ‘relevancy with the criminal case``. For the substantial judgment to search and seizure warrant, these requirements should be respectively independent elements of search and seizure. Second, there are many controversies in the interpretation because a current Criminal Procedure Act is not expressed explicitly concerning whether electronic information is still object of seizure or not. Relevant regulations concerning electronic information as the object of seizure should be enacted or revised to eliminate these debates. According to a view of de lege ferenda electronic information should be expressed as the object of seizure in paragraph 1, article 106 Criminal Procedure Act. Third, the content of paragraph 3, Article 106 Criminal Procedure Act newly revised was not included electronic information as the object of seizure, but it was defined the execution method of search and seizure warrant concerning electronic information. Current regulations regarding search and seizure are insufficient to apply for the search and seizure of electronic information in investigation procedure. Accordingly, electronic information should be stipulated as object of search and seizure in Paragraph 1, Article 106 Criminal Procedure Act. However, if electronic information is considered as the object of seizure, the finished time of execution of search and seizure warrant is time to be acquired the content of electronic information. therefore, to extract criminal relevant information in the information storage device is a part of continuous process in the execution of search and seizure warrant. This point of view is equal to the opinion of Supreme Court. In addition, concerning problems on the return of seizures article, extent of participation in the enforcement process of search and seizure warrant of a party to the seizure, and discovered evidences in enforcement process of search and seizure warrant are required the revision of relevant regulation in considerations of the efficiency of investigation and security of human rights.

      • KCI우수등재

        연구논문(硏究論文) : 수색 대상 컴퓨터를 이용한 원격 압수수색의 쟁점과 입법론

        정대용(제1저자) ( Dae Yong Jeong ),김기범(공동저자) ( Gi Bum Kim ),이상진(교신저자) ( Sang Jin Lee ) 법조협회 2016 法曹 Vol.65 No.3

        디지털 증거는 네트워크를 통해서 시간과 공간, 국경의 벽을 넘어서 저장ㆍ전송ㆍ처리되고 있다. 따라서 증거가치가 있는 디지털 정보를 수집하기 위해서는 네트워크를 통해 시스템에 접근해야 하는 경우도 생기게 된다. 그 동안 압수수색은 영장에 기재된‘압수ㆍ수색ㆍ검증할 장소’에 물리적으로 위치하는 물건만을 대상으로 하였다. 그러나 온라인화 되어 있는 현재의 컴퓨터 네트워크 환경에서는 압수수색 현장의 컴퓨터에 대한 압수수색만으로는 압수수색의 목적을 달성하기 어렵게 되었다. 갈수록 증가되는 네트워크 환경의 디지털 증거에 대하여 실무적으로 수색 대상 컴퓨터를 통해 원격지 컴퓨터에 접속하여 사건과 관련된 정보를 압수하는 방법이 나타나고 있다. 그러나 원격지 컴퓨터에 대한 압수수색이 우리 법제 하에서 허용되는 것인지, 허용된다면 어떠한 경우인지, 수색의 방법과 범위 및 프라이버시와 방어권의 보장은 어떻게 이루어져야 하는지 등 다양한 문제가 제기되고 있다. 원격 압수수색에 대한 필요성의 증가와 해외 입법사례들을 볼 때, 입법을 통해 제도화할 필요가 있다. 그러나 원격 서버에는 수많은 개인정보가 존재하고 프라이버시에 대한 기대수준이 높기에 입법시 신중한 접근과 다양한 고려사항에 대한 검토가 선행되어야 한다. 특히 압수수색의 기본원칙의 철저한 준수, 허용범위의 제한, 수색의 범위특정을 고려하여야 하며, 또한 집행의 방법도 피압수자의 통상적인 계정접속 방법으로 제한되어야 하며, 투명성 보장을 위한 피압수자의 참여와 집행과정의 방해배제도 고려해야 한다. 이러한 고려사항을 통해 인권침해의 예방과 프라이버시의 보호 및 사법정의 실현을 위한 효율적 수사제도의 구현이 가능할 것이다. Digital evidence is being saved, transmitted, and processed via network beyond the wall of time, space and borders. Therefore, it often occurs that computer system is approached through the network for the purpose of obtaining digital evidence that has evidential value. While search and seizure has been confined to the objects that are written on the venues of the search and seizure warrants, the objective of search and seizure cannot be accomplished anymore under the current online network system only with the search and seizure of the computer that is placed on the spot. In reality, the number of long-distance search and seizure is increasing through the network of the remote searching computer in order to gain information and evidence for investigation cases, because the network environment is expanding and digital evidence is also growing rapidly. However, the legal issues about the search and seizure of the long-distance computer is not yet defined clearly and various problems are raised with respect to its admissibility, methods, limits and counter measures against privacy invasion. Considering the long-distance search and seizure is required very often in practice and the overseas legislations on it, legislative institutionalization is very necessary. Nevertheless, prudent legislative approach and various considerations are prioritized because digital evidence in the long-distance server has abundant privacy information and the public have very high expectation of privacy protection. Especially, the criminal evidential principles of search and seizure should be fully obeyed and there should be restrictions in regard to admissibility, the scope of search. Additionally, the method of search and seizure should be limited to the ordinary log-in way of the user, and the participation and exclusion of the person under search and seizure should be considered for the purpose of obtaining transparency. Through these, prevention of human-right invasion, protection of privacy, and the establishment of efficient investigative system for criminal justice will be realized.

      • KCI등재

        정보저장매체 등의 압수 · 수색에서 참여권

        조광훈(Cho Kwang-hoon) 한국법학원 2015 저스티스 Vol.- No.151

        수사기관의 정보저장매체 또는 전자정보에 대한 압수수색절차에서는 자칫 위법수집증거 배제법칙의 논란에 휩싸이기 쉽다. 이는 전자정보의 특성상 해당사건과 관련성이 없는 전자정보까지도 광범위하게 압수수색의 대상이 될 수도 있기 때문이다. 압수수색절차에서의 참여권에 관한 규정은 일반 물건에 대한 압수수색절차에서 보다는 정보저장매체 등에 대한 압수수색절차에서 더욱 중요한 의미가 있다. 정보저장매체의 압수수색절차에서 참여권은 최초의 압수수색현장과 수사기관의 사무실에서는 포괄적 탐색행위도 억제한다. 그리고 피압수자 등의 재산권과 정보기본권을 보호하여 압수수색절차에서 적정절차를 유지시켜준다. 그리고 피압수자 등의 재산권과 정보기본권을 보호해 준다. 정보저장매체의 압수수색절차에서 참여권을 논함에 있어 압수수색의 종료시점과 관련된 문제, 수사기관의 분석행위와 관련성의 상관성 문제에 대한 합리적 해석이 전제되어야 한다. 또한 피압수자 등에 대한 참여권의 사전통지의 문제와 분석행위에서 참여권의 남용 문제도 적절하게 해결되어야 한다. 정보저장매체의 압수수색절차에서 참여권의 합리적 보장방안으로는 현장 압수수색절차(제1의 장소)와 정보저장매체나 복제 또는 출력한 전자정보를 옮겨 분석하는 장소(제2의 장소)에서 참여권을 분리하여 검토하는 것이 필요하다. 제1의 장소에서부터 제2의 장소까지 4단계별로 분리하여 참여권을 검토하여야 한다. 최초의 정보저장매체가 놓여 있던 장소에서 정보저장매체나 복제 또는 출력한 전자정보를 수사기관의 사무실 또는 디지털 포렌식센터로 옮겨 봉인을 해제하기 전까지의 단계(제1단계), 당사자의 참여하에 정보저장매체의 봉인을 해제하는 단계(제2단계), 해당사건과 관련성 있는 전자정보를 탐색하여 이를 출력한 후 원본을 재봉인하는 단계(제3단계), 출력한 전자정보를 분석하는 단계(제4단계)로 나누어 참여권을 검토하는 것이 합리적이다. 따라서 제1-3단계까지는 참여권을 반드시 보장할 필요가 있겠지만 해당사건과 관련성이 있는 부분을 출력한 이후에 순수한 분석절차가 이루어지는 제4단계에서는 참여권을 인정하지 않아도 무방하다고 본다. 여기에 해당사건과 관련성 없는 전자정보에 대한 분석은 금지되어야 한다. 궁극적으로는 참여권을 보장하기 위해서는 정보저장매체 등의 압수수색절차에서 참여권에 관한 규정을 명문으로 마련하는 것이 필요하다. The search and seizure procedure on information storage device or electronic information by investigative agency is prone to a controversy of the exclusionary rule of the illegally obtained evidence. It is because electronic information unrelated to corresponding incident can also become the subject of search seizure according to the characteristics of electronic information. The regulation on the participation right in search and seizure procedure has more important significance in the search and seizure procedure of information storage device compared to the search and seizure procedure of general items. In regards to the participation right in the search and seizure procedure of information storage device, comprehensive search action is also suppresses at the initial search and seizure site and the investigative agency office. In addition, it maintains reasonable procedures during search and seizure procedure by protecting the property rights and information rights of those subject to seizure. In the discussions of participation right in the search and seizure procedure of information storage device, reasonable interpretation is required regarding the issue related to the completion time of search and seizure and the correlation issue of the analysis action and relevance of investigative agency. In addition, issue of prior notification of participation right regarding those subject to seizure and issue of abuse of participation right in analysis action also need to be reasonably resolved. In regards to reasonable assurance measures of participation right in the search and seizure procedure of information storage device, it is necessary to separately review the participation right during the site search and seizure procedure (location 1) and the participation right at a location (location 2) to where information storage device or replicated/printed electronic information is moved for analysis. It would be necessary to review participation right by separating in four steps from location 1 to location 2. It would be reasonable to review participation right by dividing into four steps, namely the step of moving information storage device or replicated/printed electronic information from a location where information storage device was initially placed to investigative agency office or digital forensic center for unsealing (step 1); the step of unsealing information storage device in the presence of involved parties (step 2); the step of searching and printing electronic information related to corresponding incident and resealing original text (step 3); and the step of analyzing printed electronic information (step 4). Accordingly, it would be required to guarantee participation right in steps 1-3 but it would be fine to not recognize participation right in step 4 in which analytical procedure is conducted after printing information related to corresponding incident. During this procedure, it should be prohibited to analyze electronic information unrelated to corresponding incident. For the purpose of guaranteeing participation right, it would be necessary to stipulate regulations on participation right during the search and seizure procedure of information storage device.

      • KCI등재

        정보저장매체 등의 압수·수색절차에서 참여권의 입법론에 관한 타당성 검토

        조광훈 ( Cho Gwang-hoon ) 영남대학교 법학연구소 2020 영남법학 Vol.0 No.51

        최근 정보저장매체나 전자정보의 압수·수색절차에서 참여권에 관한 입법론이 꾸준하게 제기되고 있다. 제기되고 있는 입법론은 정보저장매체나 전자정보에 관한 압수·수색의 과정에서 피압수자 등의 참여권이 매우 중요하므로 이에 참여권에 관한 추가적인 규정을 두어야 한다는 것이다. 현재 우리 형사소송법에는 압수·수색절차에서 참여권에 관한 여러 규정을 두고 있음에도 불구하고 이러한 주장이 대두되는 배경에는 전자정보에 대한 압수·수색절차에서 해당 범죄사실과 관련성이 없는 전자정보를 별건수사에 활용하는 것을 억제하고 개인정보의 오·남용을 방지하여 결국에는 피압수자 등을 기본권이 불필요하게 침해되는 것을 막자는 의도에서도 대두되고 있다. 그런데 만일 참여권에 관한 추가적인 규정이 필요하다면 현재 참여권의 규정을 보완 내지는 보충하여야 할 것이고, 그렇지 못하다면 불필요한 규정만 하나 더 늘어날 뿐이다. 살펴보면, 압수·수색절차에서 참여권은 압수·수색의 착수에서부터 종료될 때까지 보장되어야 하는 참여권에 관한 규정을 좀 더 세밀하게 규정할 필요가 있을 것이다. 한편, 전자정보에 관한 압수·수색도 일반 물건에 관한 압수·수색과 달리 볼 필요는 없지만 정보저장매체나 전자정보에 관한 압수·수색절차는 일반 물건에 대한 압수·수색의 절차와는 달리 보다 세밀함이 요구된다. 전자정보의 특성상 범죄사실과 관련성이 없는 피압수자를 비롯한 제3자의 개인정보도 다량 포함될 수 있다는 점에서 참여권의 중요성이 대두된다고 할 것이다. 따라서 정보저장매체나 전자정보에 대한 압수·수색절차에서 참여권에 관한 규정을 추가로 마련한다면 정보저장매체(전자정보)의 압수·수색절차의 착수에서부터 종료에 이르기까지 피압수자 등의 참여권이 충분하고도 실질적으로 보장될 수 있도록 규정하여야 한다. 다만 피압수자 등이 참여권의 행사를 포기하거나 참여권을 빙자하여 수사방해를 꾀할 것에 대한 부분도 규정함으로써 피압수자의 기본권 보호와 실체적 진실발견의 적절한 조화를 이루어야 할 것이다. Recently, the theory of legislation on the participation right in the procedure of search·seizure of data storage media or electronic information has been raised continuously. Theory of legislation raised recently is about establishment of additional regulation on the participation right as participation right of subject to seizure is very important in the process of search·seizure of data storage media or electronic information. The background such assertion is raised despite our current Criminal Procedure Act has regulations on the participation right in the procedure of search·seizure is to keep fundamental rights of subject to seizure from being infringed by preventing use of electronic information not associated with criminal fact for another cases and preventing misuse·abuse of personal information in the procedure of search·seizure of electronic information. If additional regulations on the participation right are necessary, however, such regulations must be supplemented or added to the existing regulations of participation right, but if not, it may end in addition of unnecessary regulation. If we take a close look, there is a need to take a closer look on the regulations of participation right that must be guaranteed from commencement to the end of search·seizure in the procedure of search·seizure. Meanwhile, there is no need to view search·seizure of electronic information differently from search·seizure of general objects, but unlike procedure of search·seizure of general objects, details are required for the procedure of search·seizure of data storage media or electronic information. Due to the nature of electronic information, volume of personal information of a third party as well as subject to seizure which is not related to the criminal fact, so the importance of participation right is on the rise. Therefore, if new regulations on the participation right are added to the procedure of search·seizure of data storage media or electronic information, participation right of subject to seizure must be regulated to be guaranteed sufficiently and substantially from commencement to the end of the procedure of search·seizure of data storage media (electronic information). However, protection of fundamental rights of subject to seizure and finding of substantial truth shall also be in harmony by enacting a regulation to prevent subject to seizure from giving up exercise of participation right or attempting obstruction to investigation under the pretext of participation right.

      • KCI등재

        압수수색에 있어 ‘관련성’의 의미와 ‘탐색’ 행위의 법적 성질

        이종수 ( Lee Jongsoo ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2020 法學硏究 Vol.30 No.4

        The investigative institution tends to regard extensive ‘seizure and search’ as an essential method to reveal the truth of the case, however, the search and seizure should be limited as it severely restricts the basic rights of citizens and can dampen the normal management activities of companies. The Criminal Procedure Act added ‘relevance’ through the revision of July 18, 2011, to strengthen the requirement for search and seizure. The Supreme Court ruled that the seizure is possible to the extent that the basic facts are the same as those listed on the warrant. However, the objective and the only criteria for determining the relevance of a search and seizure is the criminal facts listed on the search and seizure warrant. Extending relevant cases of search and seizure to the criminal facts listed on the warrant, basically similar facts, and the relevant facts could destroy the constitutional primacy of prohibiting general warrants. In order to check the “relevance” of the electronic information taken out to the investigative institution, the process of “searching” the information is necessary. Some say that the procedure is just a confirmation process, so there is no need to guarantee the right to participate in the process. However, as the Supreme Court appropriately ruled through 2015, the series of processes in which investigative agencies search for the information should be viewed as part of the overall search and seizure, ensuring participation in the process and not allowing seizure of materials that are not relevant. In the course of the search and seizure, if the investigative institution finds evidence of the unrelated separate fact, it should (i) obtain a separate search warrant or (ii) request voluntary submission. The ‘Plain View’ theory is accepted in the United States, but it is impossible to accept such a system under our criminal procedure law. While investigative agencies often ask the suspect to submit the evidence voluntarily rather than obtaining a separate warrant, it is necessary to limit the meaning of “voluntariness” to ensure that the voluntary submission system does not degenerate into a system that sinks the search and seizure of the Criminal Procedure Act.

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