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      • 일본의 군사전략과 우리의 대응

        권태환 ( Kwon Tae Whan ) 한국군사학회 2020 군사논단 Vol.100 No.1

        최근 일본은 인도-태평양 전략을 토대로 미일 동맹을 강화하는 한편, 집단적 자위권 행사 용인과 해병대와 항모 전력 배비 등 새로운 군사전략을 추진하면서 보통국가 행보를 지속하고 있다. 이러한 움직임은 일대일로 구상을 통해 역내 패권을 추구하는 중국의 군사력 증강과 해양진출, 북한의 핵 및 미사일 발사 등 군사적 위협 증대와 맞물리며 역내 군비경쟁을 가속화시키고 있다. 일본은 전후 냉전 해체 등 급변하는 국내외 안보환경 변화 가운데 「적극적 평화주의」를 내세우면서, 미일 동맹을 중심으로 보통국가를 적극 추진하고 있다. 지난 1960년 미일 상호안보조약을 체결하고, 미일 동맹에 의존하는 국가안보를 추진해 왔던 일본은 1976년 방위계획대강과 1978년 미일 가이드라인을 채택한다. 이후 방위계획대강은 2018년 5번째, 미일 가이드라인은 2015년 2번째 개정하고, 2013년 국가안보전략을 발표하며 국가안보체계를 갖춘다. 이러한 관점에서 본다면 일본의 군사전략은 안정된 미일 동맹을 토대로 일관성을 유지하면서도, 정세변화 등 다양한 변화를 반영하여 발전되어 왔다. 일본의 군사전략 분석을 위해 ① 국가안보전략 차원에서 방위계획대강과 미일 가이드라인, 안보법제, 미일 인도-태평양 전략 ② 자위대의 편성과 배치, 방위비 운용, 육해공 전력평가, 방위산업 측면을 대상으로 분석하였다. 도출된 일본의 군사전략은 ① 미일 일체화 전략 ② 미래 선점 군사전략 ③ 독자적 원거리 전력투사가 가능한 자기완결 군사전략 ④ 동맹 네트웍 군사전략 ⑤ 다차원 통합 군사전략이며, 향후 전망과 과제로서 ① 미중 관계의 변화 ② 동북아 군비경쟁의 가속화 ③ 일본 국민들의 안보의식 변화 ④ 한반도 통일 한국의 가능성이다. 결론적으로 우리의 대응을 한일 및 한미일 안보협력 관점에서 제시한다면 ① 한미 동맹 차원에서 한미일 안보협력을 적극 추진 ② 한반도 유사 억제와 대처를 위한 실효적 한일 및 한미일 안보협력 추진 ③ 한일 국방장관 상호방문 등 협력증진 추진 ④ 유엔을 비롯한 우방국과의 연합작전 능력 확대 ⑤ 한일 국민적 공감대 확산이다. 한일 관계는 만들어 지는 것이 아니라 만들어 나가는 것이다. 전쟁은 준비하는 자에게만 승리를 보장한다. 최근 동북아 지역 내 군사적 긴장 고조와 불확실성이 우려되는 상황 가운데 위기를 기회로 만들기 위해 일본 군사전략 분석이 한일은 물론 한미일 안보협력 개선 노력에 도움이 될 수 있기를 기대한다. In recent years, Japan has continued its normal state by strengthening the US-Japan alliance based on the Indo-Pacific strategy, while promoting new military strategies such as concession of collective self-defense rights, and the distribution of marine Corps and aircraft carrier forces. These activities accelerate the arms race in the region, coupled with increased military threats such as China's 「one belt-one road」 for pursuit of regional hegemony and sea-going North Korean nuclear and missile launches. Japan is actively pursuing normal nations based on the USJapan alliance, with [active pacifism] among the rapidly changing domestic and international security environments, such as the dissolution of the Cold War. Japan, which signed the US-Japan Security Treaty in 1960, and has pursued national security that relies on the US-Japan alliance, adopts the 1976 National Defense Prom Guideline, and the 1978 US-Japan guidelines. Afterwards, the defense plan outline was revised five times in 2018, and the USJapan guideline was revised two times in 2015, and 2013 announced a national security strategy and equipped with a national security system. From this point of view, Japan's military strategy has been developed to reflect various changes, including changes in the situation, while maintaining consistency based on a stable USJapan alliance. To analyze Japan's military strategy 1) At the national security strategy level, defense plan outline, US-Japan guideline, security legislation, Japan-India-Pacific strategy. 2) Performance Deployment of Self-Defense Forces Defense Cost Management Analysis of the defense industry by land and air power evaluation. Japan's military strategy was: 1) US-Japan unification strategy; 2) future-first military strategy; 3) self-contained military strategy capable of independent remote power projection; 4) alliance network military strategy; 5) multidimensional integrated military strategy. The future prospects and challenges are: 1) changes in USChina relations, 2) accelerated arms competition in Northeast Asia, 3) changes in security awareness among Japanese people, and 4) the possibility of Korean Peninsula unification. In conclusion, if we present our response from the perspective of Korea-Japan and Korea-US-Japan security cooperation, 1) actively promote Korea-US security cooperation at the ROK-US alliance level. 2) Promote effective Korea-Japan and Korea-USJapan security cooperation in order to suppress and cope with the Korean peninsula. 3) Promote cooperation, including mutual visits by the defense ministers. 4) Expanding capacity for allied operations with the United Nations and other allies. 5) Korea-Japan national consensus spreads Korean-Japanese relations are not just created, but to be created. War guarantees victory only to those who prepare. It is hoped that the analysis of Japan's military strategy will help not only the perspective of Korea and Japan but also Korea-US-Japan security cooperation actually improve their relations in order to turn the crisis into an opportunity amid rising military tensions and uncertainties in Northeast Asia.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 국가안보전략에 대한 소고: 참여정부의 평화번영정책

        신성호 세종연구소 2008 국가전략 Vol.14 No.1

        This paper analyses South Korea's national security strategy under the Roh Moo-hyun administration. For this, a discussion of security concept by David Baldwin provides useful framework. Contrary to general belief of security as the most important goal of a country, national security is a mean to protect other core values of country and should be treated in relative terms. A country's national security strategy can be assessed by seven factors; whose security, for which values, from which threat, how much security, through what means, at what cost, and in what time period. The Roh administration published its national security strategy in an official document. Peace and Prosperity Policy of the Roh government adopted three strategies. Peaceful resolution of North Korea's nuclear issue was set up as number one priority for national survival. Cooperative self-defense pursued national autonomy and pride by building self-reliant defense capability away from the ROK-US alliance. Balanced pragmatic diplomacy tried to promote multilateral security regime and South Korea's role of agenda setting in Northeast Asia with more future oriented approach. There has been heated controversy over Roh's bold security initiatives. The success of Roh's national security strategies remains to be seen. As South Korea's role in world politics grow, there is increasing demand for a systematic analysis of South Korea's national security strategy. 본 논문은 참여정부의 안보전략을 평가하기 위해 국가안보전략의 전략과 안보개념에 대한 이론적 고찰을 제시한다. 이 과정에서 국가가 지향하는 모든 가치를 추구하는 적극적 의미의 ‘국가전략’과 위협으로부터 국가가 최소한 지켜야 할 핵심가치를 보호하는 소극적 의미의 ‘국가안보전략과’의 차이를 구분 한다. 이를 위해 안보의 개념자체에 대한 볼드윈과 월포스의 논의를 살펴봄으로써 안보가 가지는 수단적, 상대적 가치로써의 특성을 정의한다. 다음 장에서는 참여정부의 구체적 국가안보전략을 볼드윈이 제시한 일곱가지 요소를 통해 분석 평가한다. 마지막으로 참여정부에서 안보전략의 정책기조로 삼은 된 평화번영, 협력적 자주국방, 그리고 실용적 균형자외교 정책을 둘러싼 논쟁의 허와 실을 분석함으로써 향후 국가안보전략 수립에 참고가 될 교훈을 알아본다.

      • KCI등재후보

        탈냉전 초기 중국의 대미안보전략

        이원봉 경희대학교(국제캠퍼스) 국제지역연구원 2008 아태연구 Vol.15 No.2

        With the cold war over, China and America faced a big change in their relationship. At that time, China tried to find out a new security strategy to America. In the light of Linkage Theory, China's new security strategy was created with environment input and polity input. In other words, it was affected by not only external factors but also internal factors; while the political change in East Asia and the change in U.S.' security strategy to China are external factors, the advent of a new leadership and rapid development of China are internal factors. JiangZeMin administration adopted 'new strategy attitude' and 'multilateralism strategy' as its new security strategy. Declaring "Great China in Responsibility", China emphasized that they were in pursuit of peace. Based on this strategy, China could drive dual and flexible strategy to America. In relationship with America, China took a firm stance when it comes to sovereignty while trying to keep cooperation. It is sovereignty that lies in the core of China's security strategy to America. China's security strategy to America developed military relation of China-America in 1990s. Security system in East Asia in 21C could be founded upon the changes in relationship between China and America and upon the alteration of China's security strategy to America in 1990s. 냉전 종식 이후 중미관계는 크게 변화하기 시작하였다. 냉전 종식 이후 중국은 대미 안보전략에 새로운 변화를 모색하였다. 중국의 대미안보전략의 등장의 배경으로 연계이론적 관점에서 환경투입과 체제투입을 들 수 있다. 즉 대외적 요인과 대내적 요인을 들 수 있다. 중국의 대미 안보전략에 영향을 준 대외적 요인으로는 동아시아 정세의 변화와 미국의 대중국 안보전략의 변화를 들 수 있다. 그리고 대내적 요인으로는 중국의 새로운 지도체제의 등장과 중국의 급속한 성장을 들 수 있다. 냉전 종식 이후 중국 장쩌민체제는 새로운 안보전략으로 신안보관과 다자주의전략을 수립하였다. 동시에 중국은 ‘책임 대국(大國)’을 통해 중국이 평화지향적인 국가임을 강조하였다. 중국은 이를 기반으로 유연하고 이중적인 대미전략을 추진하였다. 중국은 미국에 대해 주권문제에 대해서는 강경하게 대응하면서도 미국과의 협력을 중시해 왔다. 중국의 대미안보전략의 핵심은 주권문제이다. 1990년대 이후 중국의 대미 안보전략은 중미 간의 군사교류로 발전하였다. 1990년대 중미관계의 변화와 중국의 대미 안보전략의 변화는 21세기 동아시아 안보질서의 초석이 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        전략과 정보에 대한 논의 : 국가안보에서의 전략과 정보의 의미와 관계

        윤민우 한국치안행정학회 2021 한국치안행정논집 Vol.18 No.3

        여전히 전략과 정보의 명확한 개념과 관계가 정리 되지 않고 사용되고 있다. 이와 같은 개념들의 불명 확함은 안보분야에 대한 이해와 체계적인 지식과 전문성의 축적에 걸림돌이 된다. 또한 안보업무를 수행 하는 데에도 상당한 어려움을 안겨준다. 안보 즉 시큐리티(security)는 “근심이나 불안이 없는 상태”를 의 미한다. 국가 또는 정부는 자신의 주권 범위에 속한 구성원들의 “근심이나 불안이 없는 상태”를 보장하는 것이 주요한 존재의 이유이다. 대체로 안보는 국가 외부로부터의 위협에 대한 관리에 해당하는 국가안보 의 영역과 국내로부터의 위협에 대한 관리에 해당하는 치안의 영역으로 나뉜다. 여기에 최근 사이버 공간 이 의미 있는 삶의 공간으로 편입되면서 사이버 안보가 등장했다. 하지만 이와 같은 구분은 개념적 원론 적 구분에 불과하다. 현실적으로 국가안보와 치안, 그리고 사이버 안보의 구분은 불분명하며 혼재되어 나 타난다. 이는 21세기의 뚜렷한 현상이다. 안보를 실행하는 두 축은 전략과 정보이다. 전략은 안보라는 목 표를 실행하기 위한 방법 즉 “어떻게”에 해당한다. 반면 정보는 그 전략을 실행하기 위해 필요로 하는 주 변 환경과 위협 상대방, 그리고 자신에 대해 아는 것을 의미한다. 즉 안보 목표 달성을 위해 알고-실행해 야 하는데 이 과정이 정보-전략으로 연결된다. 이런 맥락에서 안보 목표를 위해 전략과 정보를 정확히 이 해하는 것은 매우 중요하다. 이 글은 전략과 정보에 대한 것이다. 치안을 포함하는 국가의 안보활동의 효 율성 또는 효과성 제고는 이 전략과 정보의 개념과 그 관계를 분명히 이해하는 것으로부터 출발해야 한 다. 특히 국가안보와 치안, 그리고 사이버 안보 등이 불분명하게 혼재되어 작동하는 21세기 환경에서는 더 욱 그러하다. 그럼에도 불구하고 아직 국내에서는 이 문제에 대해 분명한 개념정의와 관계 설정에 대한 논의가 이루어지고 있지 않다. 이 글은 이와 같은 문제인식에서 시도되었으며 오늘날 21세기 국가안보와 치안, 그리고 사이버 안보가 뒤섞인 복합안보환경에서 어떻게 전략과 정보를 이해할 것인지에 대해 논의 하였다. 이 글은 정보와 전략이 유기적으로 연계되어 있다는 사실을 주장한다. 효과적인 안보목표를 달성 하기 위해서는 이 정보-전략의 사이클이 안정적으로 유지되어야 한다. 불확실한 안보환경에서 성공적인 안보목표달성을 위해서는 정보를 바탕으로 전략이 수립되어야 하며, 다시 전략 수행의 성공-실패의 피드 백이 다시 정보로 환원되어 수정된 전략이 다시 적용되는 사이클이 유지되어야 한다. Still, strategy and intelligence are not clearly defined and their relations are hardly clarified. Such a uncertainty tends to become a huddle of the development of systematic and comprehensive knowledge and practices in the field of security. Security is the condition of the absence of instability and anxiety. The primary task of the state is to provide its constituents with such a security. Overall, security is divided into national security dealing with external threats and domestic security dealing with internal threats. Recently, cyber security has been added to it due to the emergence of cyber space as a meaningful and critical security issue. Nevertheless, such a division of different security areas is only artificial. Realistically, different types of security matters are not clearly demarcated and often co-related. It is the 21st century phenomenon of security. Security and intelligence are two fundamental pillars of security practices and managements. Strategy is related to “how”, which is method to achieve the security goal. Intelligence is to know about environment, sources of threats, and oneself in order to execute strategy. In this context, intelligence-strategy cycle is a critically important for the achievement of security objectives. This article is about strategy and intelligence. The improvement of national security activities needs to begin with the clear understanding of intelligence, security, and their co-relations. Particularly, it is important in the contemporary world where national, domestic, and cyber security are all blurred. Nevertheless, such an issue is not clearly resolved in the filed of security studies in the contemporary South Korea. Starting from such an awareness of deficiency, this article talks about how to understand strategy and intelligence in the contemporary complex and ambiguous security environment. It argues that intelligence and strategy is closely integrated. In order to achieve an effective security objective, the intelligence-strategy cycle should be stably sustained. Strategy should be designed based on intelligence, the outcome of strategic practices should be an feedback for intelligence production. Such a circular cycle should be maintained and effectively operated at all times.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국의 경제안보 개념과 전략에 관한 연구

        홍길동 중한연구학회 2024 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.33

        본 연구는 미중 전략경쟁시기, 각국이 경제안보를 재점검하고 전략을 수립하는 상황에서 중국의 경제안보 개념을 살펴보고, 경제안보 전략을 탐구하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 연구방법은 문헌연구방법이며, 중국 정부문건 등 1차 자료를 최대한 활용하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 경제안보 용어는 중국에서 개혁개방 이후 처음 사용되기 시작하였으며, ‘평화와 발전’, ‘신안보관’, ‘총체적국가안보관’으로 변화하며, 국가안보의 구성요소로자리잡았다. 둘째, 중국은 수⋅공세적 성격에 따라 경제안보 전략을 수립하여, 정책을 추진하고 있다. 수세적 경제안보는 외부로부터 자국의 경제를 보호하기 위한 것으로, ①쌍순환 전략, ②지역네트워크 강화전략이 세부적으로 추진되었다. 공세적 경제안보는 자국의 경제수호를 위해 상대국의경제적 행동변화를 유도하는 것으로, ①일대일로 전략, ② 경제통치술 강화 전략이 세부적으로 추진되었다. 중국의 경제안보 전략에 대응하기 위해우리는 체계적인 경제안보전략을 수립하고, 제3국들과 소통을 강화해야 할 필요가 있다. 이를 위해 앞으로 학제 간 융합연구를 통해 중국 경제안보 전략 분석을 더욱 다양화할필요가 있다. This paper aims to examine China’s concept of economic security and explore strategies in a situation where each country re-examines its economic security and establishes a strategy in Era of US-China Competition. The research method is a literature research method, and primary data such as Chinese government documents were used as much as possible. As a result of the study, first, the term economic security began to be used for the first time after reform and opening in China, and it changed to ‘peace and development’, ‘new security view’, ‘overall national security view’ and settled as a component of national security. Second, China has established an economic security strategy based on its defensive and offensive nature and is implementing policies. Defensive economic security was intended to protect the country’s economy from the outside world, and ①Double-cycle strategy, ②Strategy to strengthen regional networks were implemented in detail. Offensive economic security is to induce changes in the economic behavior of the other country in order to protect the economy of the country and ①One belt, One road strategy, ②Strategy to economic governance were implemented in detail. In order to respond to China’s economic security strategy, we need to establish a systematic economic security strategy and strengthen communication with third countries. To this end, it is necessary to further diversify the analysis of China’s economic security strategy through interdisciplinary convergence research.

      • KCI등재

        상하이 협력기구(SCO)의 중국 국가안보전략에서의 함의

        김옥준,김관옥 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2008 中國硏究 Vol.43 No.-

        China began to increasingly adopt a "comprehensive security strategy" in order to adjust the changing security environment of the Post-Cold War. Especially, the 'new security idea' which has been formulated since early 1990s provided a foundation for the new security strategy of China. The strategy of cooperative security stemmed from the 'new security idea' has become the key concept of the national security strategy of China to deal with either conventional or unconventional threats in the 21st century. Since the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was the first case that China applied the 'new security idea' to achieve security cooperation, it is necessary to examine the SCO in order to understand full picture of the new national security strategy of China. Based on the analysis of the SCO, this paper first argues that the SCO was designed to check the U. S. hegemonic power and to pursue a multipolar system. Second, it also argues that the SCO was created to promote security of energy and economy of China. Third, it states that China utilizes the SCO to deal with the problems of secessionism, terrorism, and extremism. Therefore, it is clear that the SCO could be a touchstone of the new national security strategy of China in 21st century and has significant implications on new international order in Asia.


        Development of a quantitative method for evaluating the efficacy of cyber security controls in NPPs based on intrusion tolerant concept

        Lee, Chanyoung,Yim, Ho Bin,Seong, Poong Hyun Elsevier 2018 Annals of nuclear energy Vol.112 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Many regulatory documents, guides, and standards for cyber security issues in the nuclear industry have been published since Digital Instrumentation and Control (DI&C) systems were introduced to Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). However, there are still difficulties when it comes to deciding which security controls are needed and to defining appropriate security control requirements for NPPs. With these regard, a quantitative method for evaluating the efficacy of security controls for DI&C systems in NPPs based on the intrusion tolerant concept is proposed in this study. The essence of the suggested method, <B> <I>In</I> </B>trusion <B> <I>To</I> </B>lerance based <B> <I>C</I> </B>yber <B> <I>S</I> </B>ecurity <B> <I>I</I> </B>ndex (<I>InTo-CSI</I>), is defined as a reduction ratio of probability that a cyber-attack damages a target system. The intrusion tolerant concept is applied to the evaluation method because availability of system’s safety functions is the first priority in the nuclear industry. “How much the system is intrusion-tolerant” means that to what extent does the system provide the minimum level of safe operation when facing unexpected intrusions. Based on intrusion tolerant strategies, an event tree was constructed, and <I>InTo-CSI</I> was estimated by failure probability of intrusion tolerant strategies: the resistance strategy, the detection strategy, and the graceful-degradation strategy. Among these three strategies, quantifying failure probability of the resistance strategy is more challenging than the other two strategies because its relation with attack-difficulty. Attack-difficulty has a strong dependence on unexpected and abstract factors such as attacker’s skills and accessibility to information of the target system. For this reason, the model of Mean Time To Compromise (MTTC) was adopted to estimate abstract variables, and the adopted model was revised in accordance with the suggested evaluation method. Validity of the suggested method was proven by conducting a case study. The suggested method can help assess how much the system security can be improved by applying specific cyber security controls, and which types of additional cyber security controls should be taken. Furthermore, <I>InTo-CSI</I> can make security designers achieve efficacy levels of the specific target system by quantitatively evaluating cyber security controls.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> A quantitative index was developed to evaluate the efficacy of security controls in NPPs. </LI> <LI> The intrusion tolerant concept was applied to the evaluation method. </LI> <LI> The model of Mean Time To Compromise (MTTC) was adopted to estimate abstract variables. </LI> <LI> The adopted model and concept were revised in accordance with the suggested method. </LI> <LI> The validity of the suggested method was demonstrated by conducting a case study. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        동북아 안보환경의 변화와 미국의 안보전략

        윤지원,심세현 한국정치외교사학회 2016 한국정치외교사논총 Vol.38 No.1

        The paradigm shift in security, and changes in security in the twenty-first century represented by the rise of China caused a fundamental change in the security strategy of the United States. America’s reaction against the rise of China starts to be sighted in their changes in security strategy. In order to reach their goal of securing a strong and sustained American leadership in national security strategy, they are pursuing a new security strategy to keep China in check, trying to sustain their hegemony and leadership. If their security strategy changes while focusing on China, it means there is a high chance for them to change the policy in Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian regions. Therefore, as Korea is keeping a close relationship in terms of security, we need to consider the changing security strategies of the United States in more detail. 안보 패러다임의 변화, 중국의 부상으로 대변되는 21세기 안보환경의 변화는 미국 안보전략의 근본적인 변화를 초래했다. 중국의 부상에 대한 미국의 대응은 안보전략의 변화에서부터 목격되기 시작한다. 미국은 “강력하고 지속가능한 리더십”의 확보라는 미국 국가안보전략의 목표를 달성하기위해 중국을 견제하고 패권과 리더십을 유지하기 위한 새로운 안보전략을추진하고 있다. 미국의 안보전략이 중국을 중심으로 변화한다면 이것은미국의 한반도 및 동북아 정책도 변화할 가능성이 높다는 것을 의미한다. 따라서 안보적 측면에서 미국과 긴밀한 관계를 유지하고 있는 한국의 입장에서는 변화하는 미국의 안보전략을 더욱 세밀하게 검토할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        The Emergence of the Post-Post-Cold War Order and National Security Strategy of South Korea

        ( Young Ho Kim ) 국방대학교 안보문제연구소 2003 The Korean Journal of Security Affairs Vol.8 No.1

        This paper attempts to analyze the current situation on the Korean peninsula and discuss its implication for formulating the new South Korean administration`s national security strategy. Defining the current world order as the post-post-Cold War order, this paper analyzes the security conditions of South Korea in terms of three levels international, regional, and two Koreas. The U.S.-led, post-post-Cold War order is dictated by the U.S. short-term and long-term strategies. The short-term strategy seeks antiterrorism and non-proliferation, while the long-term strategy aims at establishing multilateral arrangements to ensure its dominance. After discussing regional influence of four global trends, this paper also looks into each of bilateral relations among four major powers in Northeast Asia. Then, this paper examines the domestic impact of four global trends on each of two Koreas. Based on the analysis of the changing security situation of Korean peninsula, it discusses possible directions of the new South Korean administration`s national security policy. After dividing national security strategy of South Korea into three components, it emphasizes skillful and competent diplomacy of the South Korean government in pursuing its national security policy under the current security situation.

      • 학술논문 3 : 한미군사동맹과 한,중안보협력의 상관관계

        정경영 ( Kyung Young Chung ) 한국군사학회 2014 군사논단 Vol.79 No.-

        This paper explores the connectivity between the ROK.U.S. military alliance and the ROK. China military security cooperation as the most critical foreign security issue which the Republic of Korea faces. The ROK.U.S. alliance is the backbone of South Korea’s national security, considering North Korea’s contingencies possibility as well as its nuclear and missile threats. And the trade between South Korea and China has significantly increased ever since their normalization and now retains a quarter of the total trade of South Korea. The paper makes policy recommendations in two areas in terms of strategy and personnel manning, and security military cooperation. The first part of policy recommendation is as follow: First, South Korea should develop national security strategy for both the Republic of Korea and the unified Korea through comprehensive security assessment and visions upgraded by national power and diplomatic security capability. South Korea’s foreign security policy towards the United States and China should be established to implement the national security strategy. In addition, South Korean government should employ persons equipped with strategic and governance capability with their counterparts as well as inter-related agencies; second, South Korea.U.S..China trilateral strategic dialogue should be institutionalized to cope with North Korea military confrontation, denuclearization, and North Korea non-military contingencies; and third, the four party talks should consist of two Koreas, the United States, and China in order to transform the armistice structure into peace structure. The construction of the international peace park in DMZ could be significant indicator of confidence-building measures and peace-making. The second part of policy recommendations for military security cooperation is as follow: first, regional counter-disaster and PKO training complex center should be established at Camp Casey, stationed by the main body of the U.S. Second Infantry Division which be relocated to Camp Humphrey in 2016; second, the government of South Korea, the United States, and China should facilitate their cadets and military officers should take exchange courses program at their counterparts military education institution; and third, junior officers from South Korea, the United States, China, and also Japan should take parts in battlefield visitation program to realize the tragedy and grief of wars, including Sino-Japanese War, the Pacific War, and the Korean War, in order to forge them to be determined in preventing another war. Finally, the Republic of Korea should play centripetal roles to enhance mutual respect and security cooperation among key major states in order to mitigate global rivalry hegemony between the United States and China, and regional power struggle between China and Japan. This friendly and cooperative security environment will eventually resolve the division of Korean peninsula and create peace and cooperation in Northeast Asia.

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