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      • KCI등재후보

        Can a Sector-Wide Approach Underpin and Advance Universal Health Coverage?

        Anar Ulikpan,Peter Hill,Asmat Ullah Malik,George Shakarishvili,Indermohan Narula 한국사회복지학회 2012 Asian Social Work and Policy Review Vol.6 No.1

        Fragmented management approach makes the provision of comprehensive health care for achievinguniversal health coverage very unlikely. This article aims to explore the potential contributionof a systemic approach—the sector-wide approach (SWAp)—to achieving universal health coverage(UHC), using the Mongolian context as an example. The paper describes UHC and factors thathinder its achievement in developing countries, based on the Mongolian experience. The analysisfocuses on the root factors hindering the achievement of UHC and examines how these affect systemand local capacity critical for achieving UHC. Two principally different approaches, a sectorwide(holistic) approach and a standalone project (fragmented) approach are compared in terms oftheir contribution to the main indicators of achieving UHC. The current stage of the Mongolianhealth SWAp is identified and early rewards of a SWAp are presented. The paper proposes aSWAp as a potential approach to tackle these root factors to help in achieving UHC, because it isa promising instrument that promotes a systems-strengthening and capacity-building approachto enable effective coordination of standalone projects in alignment with the national priorities.

      • KCI등재

        공공부문 혁신의 접근방법에 관한 인식론적 비평: 현상학적 접근방법을 중심으로

        김선명 한국행정학회 2005 韓國行政學報 Vol.39 No.4

        This study criticized the functionalist and positivistic appraoch which has been reinventing government in the way of new public management and discussed the different approaches about innovation in public sector. The approaches is the phenomenological, critical theory, and praxis's approaches to an understanding of the human side of reinventing government. 본 연구는 한국의 공공부문 혁신이 주로 신공공관리론으로 집약되는 합리주의적 접근방법에 의해 실행되는 현상을 비평하고, 합리주의적 접근과 탈합리주의적 접근간의 인식론상의 차이와 특성들을 중심으로 고찰하였다. 공공부문 혁신에서 합리주의적 접근은 조직의 합리성과 효율성을 높였지만, 합리주의적 접근방법이 본원적으로 갖고 있는 탈인간화 경향에 의해서 혁신의 주체가 되어야 할 인간이 오히려 수단이나 대상화되어 버리는 물화 현상을 파생시켰다. 반면 현상학적 접근은 의식의 지향성을 지닌 인간의 내재적 특성들로 인해 행위 이면의 의식적 정향에 대한 이해를 우선하고, 그러한 이해를 바탕으로 하는 실천(praxis)의 원리를 강조하고 있다. 공공부문 혁신에 대한 현상학적 접근의 원리는 조직 구성원의 상호주관적 의미 소통의 방식에 근거한 성찰적인 실천론으로 혁신 문제를 풀어가려 한다. 혁신에 대한 현상학적 접근방법은 무엇보다도 인간 자신이 대상을 창조하며 변화시킬 수 있는 능동적 존재로 인식케 한다는 데에서 인식론적 함의를 찾아볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Is the Mongolian Health Sector Ready for a Sector-Wide Approach?

        Anar Ulikpan,Tolib N. Mirzoev,Indermohan S. Narula 한국사회복지학회 2008 Asian Social Work and Policy Review Vol.2 No.2

        Mongolia has experienced major social and economic changes since the early 1990s. Large-scalereforms have been introduced in all sectors over the last 10 years. Implementing health reformsrequires a more coordinated approach and the Mongolian health sector has been exploring anoption of implementing a Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) to the health sector. This article aims todevelop and apply an analytical framework for assessing the feasibility of implementing SWAp inthe Mongolian health sector. Review of published and unpublished evidence at the national andinternational levels is undertaken and complemented by semi-structured interviews with keyrespondents from Mongolian Ministry of Health. A framework for assessing the feasibility ofSWAp in Mongolia has been developed which comprises the key elements and stages of developmentof SWAp in a particular context. This framework has been then applied to assess the feasibilityof implementing SWAp in the Mongolian health sector. The main SWAp elements are in place. Emerging central level capacity, increasing donor confidence and willingness to move towards sector-wide management is now becoming more evident in Mongolia. It looks like Mongolia is readyfor a national level government-led SWAp with the potential to implement a fully-fledged SWAp inthe health sector. The essential ground-work for starting a SWAp is in place, but further capacitystrengthening is needed. A framework for implementing health SWAp in Mongolia is suggested. It is important to consider the improvement of existing government systems in future SWAparrangements to ensure local ownership.

      • KCI등재

        The Role of the Manufacturing Sector in Promoting Economic Growth in the Saudi Economy: A Cointegration and VECM Approach

        Mohamed A. M. SALLAM 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.7

        This study examines the role of the manufacturing sector in stimulating economic growth in the Saudi economy. Even though the economic literature shows how the manufacturing sector stimulates economic growth, it does not clearly show the role of the manufacturing sector in economic growth. The study employed annual time-series data spanning the 1980–2018 period from the databases of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority. Moreover, the cointegration and VECM approaches were employed to examine the short- and long-run relationship causality between variables. The results show a two-way causal relationship exists between the manufacturing sector and economic growth. Furthermore, the results indicate that a unidirectional causal relationship exists, running from the manufacturing sector to the services sector. The study recommends that the determinants of the growth of the Saudi manufacturing sector must be investigated. Moreover, the most productive Saudi manufacturing industries must be identified, and the productivity of other sectors must be increased in a way that contributes to economic plans and policies. Thus, adopting economic policies that stimulate investment in the manufacturing sector contributes to increasing non-oil exports to diversify sources of income to achieve vision 2030 of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

      • KCI등재

        민간부문 개인정보보호에 관한 소고

        강구철(Kang Koo-Chul) 국민대학교 법학연구소 2005 법학논총 Vol.17 No.-

        The data protection systems are distinguished into a rights-dominated approach and a market-dominated approach. EU has adopted a rights-dominated approach, for example Germany, and The U. S. has adopted a market-dominated approach. Germany has ever had a comprehensive data protection law which covers the personal data processing both in the public and private sector. The U. S. has no comprehensive data protection law but many special laws in the private sector. Japan has many special laws in the private sector, but in 2003, established Data Protection Act which covers the personal data processing in the private sector. Many countries has established a unified data protection law in private sector, and the others, including The U. S., try to do recently. These are suggesting the trend of the world to us who has no comprehensive data protection law.

      • KCI등재

        Nonlinear vibration of thin circular sector cylinder: An analytical approach

        Iman Pakar,Mahmoud Bayat,Mahdi Bayat 국제구조공학회 2014 Steel and Composite Structures, An International J Vol.17 No.1

        In this paper, we try to prepare an accurate analytical solution for solving nonlinear vibration of thin circular sector cylinder. A new approximate solution called variational approach is presented and correctly applied to the governing equation of thin circular sector cylinder. The effect of important parameters on the response of the problem is considered. Some comparisons have been presented between the numerical solution and the present approach. The results show an excellent agreement between these methods. It has been illustrated that the variational approach can be a useful method to solve nonlinear problems by considering the effects of important parameters.

      • KCI우수등재

        인공지능의 개념 및 공공부문 활용 사례: 주요 접근법 소개 및 향후 연구 방향에 대한 제언

        이창용 한국행정학회 2023 韓國行政學報 Vol.57 No.3

        While previous studies have explored the policy implications and challenges of utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) in the public sector, little effort has been made to present an overview of the methodological characteristics and contributions of AI. This study aims to fill this gap by delineating the major approaches and applications of AI and suggesting avenues for future research. Initially, we elucidate the principles underlying different types of machine learning and deep learning approaches, as well as the concepts of explainable AI. Subsequently, we highlight examples of AI applications in the public sector with a particular focus on the science and technology sectors. Lastly, we outline potential directions for future research, taking into account key factors that should be considered when implementing AI in the public sector. It is expected that this study will not only promote research on administrative innovation in the public sector through AI, but also contribute to diversifying research methods in the fields of public administration and policy studies.

      • KCI등재

        Optimal Capital Structure of Listed Firms: A Structural Approach: Evidence from Vietnam

        Anh Thi Van NGUYEN,Binh Thi Thanh DAO 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.11

        The paper attempts to investigate the optimal capital structure of Vietnamese listed firms based on a structural approach. Using the data from around 70 companies in the Consumer Staples sector listed on the Vietnamese Stock Exchange during the period 2018–2020, this study finds that the optimal capital structure of examined companies has a wide range of diversification. This can be explained by the various types of actual products for each typical firm within the chosen sector. The result also confirms that a large proportion of researched firms were actually overleveraged, which is consistent with the trade-off hypothesis that firms wish to take tax advantages while using more debt, which creates the benefits from tax-shield. Furthermore, the research highlights the reversed correlation, which suggests that the lower the company’s risk (the lower the sigma of the assets), the greater the optimal capital structure is suggested. Another interesting finding is that almost all consumer staples companies have a better optimal capital structure under the Leland and Toft (1996) model than under the Leland (1994) model. Furthermore, there is a strong correlation of optimal financial leverage ratio between years. In other words, the optimal debt levels of the latter year are strongly dependent on the gearing levels of the previous years.

      • KCI등재

        에너지부문 원조 효과성 제고를 위한 수원국 중심의 전략적 접근방안 연구

        윤주철(Joochul Yoon),동그라미(Grami Dong),박상욱(Sanguk Park) 국제개발협력학회 2013 국제개발협력연구 Vol.5 No.1

        이 연구는 한국의 에너지 ODA의 효과성을 제고하기 위해 에너 지부문 ODA 수원국 선정방안과 수원국 유형에 따른 원조 전략을 제안한다. 먼저 에너지부문 ODA의 국제동향을 분석하고, 수원국 중심의 협력을 위해 수원국들의 에너지 수요와 에너지 ODA의 경제성장 기여도를 분석함으로써 에너지부문 원조의 사회경제개발 효과가 클 것으로 예측되는 국가들을 선별하였다. 이러한 기준에 추가하여 전략적 접근을 위해 한국 정부가 선정한 중점협력국을 반영하여 최종적으로 10개 국가(아시아 6개국, 아프리카 2개국, 중남미 2개국)를 도출하였고, 수원국 유형에 따른 전략적 접근이 필요함을 강조하였다. 연구 결과는 국제사회의 원조 규범과 동향, 공여국의 정책, 그리고 수원국 중심의 접근이 포괄적·전략적으로 고려될 수 있다는 것을 시사한다. This research aims to provide a strategic method of recipient selection for enhancing aid effectiveness in energy sector. By analyzing the trend in international ODA, the contribution of energy ODA to recipient countries’ economic growth, and the energy demand in each country, a selection of countries, which are anticipated to achieve better socioeconomic development by receiving energy sector ODA than other countries, has been made and presented. In addition to those measures, we consider Korea’s 26 priority partner countries to reflex the doner’s perspective for the narrower selection. The selected set includes ten countries, for which it is emphasized that a strategic approach is necessary in accordance to each recipient country’s conditions, needs, and geographic location. The result of the research implies that it is not only possible but also desirable to take into a comprehensive and strategic consideration of the aid norm of international community, doner’s policies, and the recipient-oriented approach.

      • KCI등재후보

        GATT/WTO 협정상 내국민대우 원칙과 투자협정상 내국민대우 원칙

        이영희 연세대학교 법학연구원 2010 法學硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        일반적으로 외국인 투자자가 투자를 할 때 우려하는 것 중 하나는 투자유치국으로부터 유치국의 자국민 투자자 혹은 제3국의 투자자에 비해 불리한 대우를 받을 수 있다는 점이다. 이러한 우려를 반영하여 대부분의 투자협정에서는 내국민대우(National Treatment)원칙과 최혜국대우(Most-Favored-Nation Treatment)원칙을 명문화하고 있다. 내국인 투자자와 외국인 투자자의 차별, 즉 ‘종적 차별’을금지하는 내국민대우 원칙은 국제무역에 관한 규범인 GATT/WTO에 비해 투자협정에서 일관된 법리가 상대적으로 덜 축적되어 있다. 투자협정과 무역규범은 그 용어, 대상, 적용측면에서 많은 차이를 보인다. 그러나 상대적으로 일관된 법리가 축적되어 있는 GATT/WTO 내국민대우의 법리를 분석하고 투자협정의 내국민대우원칙 규정과 관련 판례를 살펴봄으로써 GATT/WTO의 내국민대우 법리를 투자협정과 비교분석하고자 하였다. 투자협정상 내국민대우 위반을 판정하기 위한 1단계는 비교대상인 국내투자자/투자와 외국인투자자/투자가 ‘동일 상황’에 있는가이다. 2단계는 ‘불리한 대우’(less favorable treatment)의 존재이며 3단계는 내국민대우 위반인 투자유치국의 조치를 정당화할 수 있는 예외의 존재여부에 대한 검토이다. 투자협정상 내국민대우 위반과 관련된 중재판례의 태도가 상이하게 나타나나, 대략적인 공통점을 찾아보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 내국민대우 위반 판정의핵심인 ‘동일 상황’(like circumstances)의 판단에 있어 가장 많이 이용되는 방법은 ‘동일 사업 혹은 산업’기준(the same business or economic sector)이다. 그러나 같은 사업을 영위하더라도 동일 상황에 있지 않다고 판정한 사례가 존재함은 앞서 살펴본 바와 같다. 둘째, 불리한 대우(less favorable treatment)의존재 검토단계에서 다수 중재판례의 입장은 ‘법적 차별’ 뿐만 아니라 ‘사실상 차별’도 포함하는 것이다. ‘차별적 의도’가 내국민대우 위반의 독립적인 검토요건인가에 대해 대다수의 판례는 조치의 ‘의도’가 아닌 ‘영향 혹은 결과’(impact or result)가 결정적인 요건이라는 입장인 것으로 보인다. 셋째, 내국민대우 위반을정당화하는 요건에 대한 검토에 있어서는 협정에서 명시적으로 언급된 예외에해당하는 경우, 투자유치국의 차별적 조치는 정당화 될 수 있다. 주목할 부분은 일부 중재판례에서는 정부의 정당한 정책 목표를 ‘like circumstances’단계에서 고려하여 정당한 정책 목표가 존재할 경우, 동일한 산업에 있는 내외국인 투자자/투자인 경우라도 like circumstances에 있지 않는 것으로 간주하여내국민대우 위반이 성립하지 않는 것으로 판시하였다는 점이다. 이는 GATT/WTO의 내국민대우 위반 판정 시 동종상품 판정단계에서 ‘조치목적설’을 연상하게 한다. ‘정부의 정당한 정책적 목적’은 투자유치국의 조치가 일응 내국민대우 위반을 구성하는 것으로 간주되는 경우 그러한 위반을 정당화하기 위한 단계에서 고려될 수도 있다. GATT/WTO분쟁에서 패널과 상소기구는 ‘조치목적설’이 GATT 제XX조를 형해화 할 수 있다는 점 등을 들어 주로 BTA Approach에따라 ‘사안별 원칙’에 입각하여 ‘동종상품’을 판단하고, ‘정부의 정당한 목적’은주로 제XX조의 일반적 예외에서 판단해 왔다. GATT/WTO협정과 투자협정은 조약기초자들의 의도, 협정문의 문언, 조약의객체와 목적면에 비추어 볼 때 구별되며, 따라서 GATT/WTO 법리를 그대로투자협정에 적용하기... What many foreign investors are highly concerned about is the risks of being given less favorable treatment than national investors of host state. Mindful of this concern, therefore, most international investment agreements (IIA) stipulate National Treatment Clause under which member states shall not give less favorable treatment to foreign investors or investments in like situations(or circumstances) than domestic investors or investments. Stipulated in the GATT Art. III, National Treatment constitutes one of the core non-discrimination principle along with Most-Favored-Nation Treatment and has coherent and consistent jurisprudence cumulated by Panel and Appellate Body reports. On the contrary, lack of coherent national treatment jurisprudence in IIA is likely to lead to investment disputes between foreign investors and host state. Therefore, a study on GATT/WTO Panel and Appellate Body reports and practices relating to national treatment disputes will help to prevent possible disputes concerning national treatment between foreign investors and host state. True, IIAs are quite different from international trade agreements in many respects including their wordings, subjects and application. In order to examine whether the host state violates national treatment clause in investment treaty, above all, it is necessary to identify whether domestic investors/investments and foreign investors/investments concerned are situated in ‘like circumstances.’ Second, the existence of less favorable treatment should be established by the claimant. Third, if there are legitimate non-protectionist rationales, the host state should justify differences in treatment. First, in examining like circumstances, many IIA tribunals have frequently relied on the element of ‘the same business or economic sector’. However,the tribunals have taken inconsistent approaches in determining the appropriate comparator for the purposes of the national treatment analysis. Some national treatment cases generally illustrates a tendency to narrowly define the comparator (i.e. in Methanex case, the tribunal like in all relevant aspects), while other tribunals compares investments in very different economic sectors that are not in a competitive relationship. Second, when it comes to the analysis of less favorable treatment, most tribunals state that both de jure and de facto discrimination are prohibited. Moreover, it is said that proof of protectionist or discriminatory intent is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for a finding that there has been a breach of national treatment. The analysis focuses on the objective effect of the treatment in question. Third, an assessment of the host state`s legitimate policy rationale is relevant to the first step of analysis in determining like circumstances and the third step in assessing whether it is possible to justify the host state`s different treatment between foreign and domestic investors/investments. Considering host state`s regulatory purpose of treatment in the first step in determining like circumstances, which is mostly rejected by many IIA tribunals, is similar to “Aim-and-Effect” approach in assessing ‘likeness’ of domestic and imported goods under GATT Art. III. Given differences in texts, wording, objects and purposes of GATT and IIAs, it is clear that GATT jurisprudnece should not be uncritically transported into international investment law. In several IIA national treatment cases, however, claimants have relied on Article III, GATT,national treatment and like products jurisprudence to support arguments that investments are in like circumstances. The possibility cannot be excluded completely that there might be cases where ‘like product’ test is one of the important factors to consider in determining ‘like circumstances’. In that case, GATT national treatment jurisprudence might be useful for a tribunal in assessing whether the goods produced by foreign and domestic investo...

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