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      • KCI등재

        지속가능발전교육을 위한 학교와 지역사회의 협력에 대한 한국과 일본 교사들의 인식과 실행

        이선경(Sun-Kyung Lee),김남수(Nam-soo Kim),정소여(Soyeo Jung),서현숙(Hyunsook Seo) 한국환경교육학회 2014 環境 敎育 Vol.27 No.3

        Key factors of the education for sustainable development (ESD) include implementations on various issues in the local community and the partnership between and participation by various subjects, and they require the collaboration between schools and the local community. The purpose of the study is to survey the awareness and implementations of Korean and Japanese teachers on school-community collaboration in relation to ESD. A questionnaire survey was conducted on teachers who took part in the Korea-Japan Teachers Forum on ESD organized by the Korean National Commission for UNESCO. The development of the questionnaire and the survey were carried out between July and August of 2012, and the survey items consisted of the meanings of the local community and partners for the local community, experiences of cooperative activities, difficulties faced in the activities and their solutions, outcomes of the collaboration, desired scope of future activities, etc. The questionnaire was distributed and collected via e-mail, and the data submitted by 46 out of 53 Japanese participants and 50 Korean participants was analyzed. The results show most Korean and Japanese teachers (90%) responded that the collaboration between schools and the local community is important and more than 60% of the teachers have had experiences of participating in the collaboration between schools and the local community. In actual cooperative activities, the themes of environment and cultural diversity appear most frequently, and a lot of teachers have experienced difficulties in the collaboration process. It appears that the collaboration between schools and the local community led the schools to understand the local community better and the local community to benefit from the revitalization of the community. The teachers answered that it was important to build the cooperative system and provide external financial and administrative support to facilitate the collaboration between schools and the local community. From these results, it could be seen that for various cooperative activities between schools and the local community to be carried out and continued for ESD in a meaningful way, it is necessary to have an in-depth understanding of the collaboration process and support cooperative activities.

      • KCI등재후보

        환경교육에서 지역사회단체와 학교의 협력 사례 연구

        김수연,김인호,김종욱 한국환경교육학회 2005 環境 敎育 Vol.18 No.3

        This paper examines procedure of informal institute-public school collaboration in an elementary school and analysis environmental effects of informal institute-public school collaboration that follows up curriculum based environmental education programs. The purpose of this program is to improve environmental knowledge, attitudes of elementary students. Partnership between informal environmental institute(NGO's) and public elementary school teachers established through program. Teachers are encouraged to be involved in student's activities and program assesment. The program we discuss here is a community collaboration project that combines environmental and outdoor education based on school curriculum and student's regional properties. The aim of the study was to describe environmental educational-based school-community partnerships and to examine the advantages and limitations for such collaborations. Qualitative and Quantitative Data are collected and analysed. Outcomes of this program are very positive. Students who were participated in this program gained more environmental awareness, attitude, knowledge, skills and affection to their region. More this programs were helpful to teachers who were participated. Further study needs to practice an exemplary collaboration and development of local school-community partnerships, which yields a blueprint for more productive collaboration in other communities.

      • KCI등재

        미국 지역사회 기반 시민사회조직의 학교개혁 참여

        김영화(Young-Hwa Kim) 한국비교교육학회 2008 比較敎育硏究 Vol.18 No.3

          이 연구에서는 미국의 시민사회조직이 지역의 학교개혁을 위해 어떻게 참여하여 기여하고 있는지를 검토하였다. 먼저 미국 시민사회조직의 학교개혁 참여 현황을 살펴보고, 이어 시민사회조직의 학교개혁 참여 전략, 학교개혁 참여 성과 및 장애 요인, 효과적인 학교개혁 참여를 위한 과제를 검토하였다. 미국에서는 지난 20년간 지역에 기반을 둔 다양한 시민사회조직들이 독자적 전략을 가지고 학교와 협력을 추구하는 새로운 움직임이 활발하게 전개되어 왔다. 학교와 지역사회조직간 협력은 작은 학교의 설립과 과밀학교 문제 해소, 학교시설 개선 등 학습 환경 개선, 학업성취도?출석률?졸업률?대학진학동기 향상 등 학생들의 교육성과 향상, 학부모의 학교교육 참여 촉진, 학교 구성원간 공동체 의식과 학교에 대한 신뢰 제고, 교직원과 학부모간 의사소통 활성화 등 학교문화 개선, 성과가 낮은 교장과 교육감의 퇴출 등 교육책무성 촉구에 의미 있는 기여를 하고 있는 것으로 평가받고 있다. 그러나 시민사회조직의 참여에 대한 학교의 불신과 저항, 시민사회조직의 참여에 대한 교육관료제의 불신과 참여를 위한 공식적 장치 부재, 교육관료제의 폐쇄성과 정보 접근의 어려움, 교육정책 책임 소재의 불투명성, 인적?재정적 자원의 부족, 단체간?학교간 갈등, 취약지역 학교 교직원의 빈번한 이직 등은 지역사회단체의 학교개혁 참여 효과를 높이는데 장애 요인으로 작용한다. 시민사회조직이 학교개혁에 성공적으로 참여하기 위해서는 단체의 견실한 운영과 조직 역량 확대, 지지기반 확대, 다양한 조직화 전략의 개발, 포괄적이고 정확한 정보 수집, 언론매체와 재단 등 지원체제의 구축, 교육운동의 틀과 기반이 될 수 있는 철학적, 종교적, 이념적 지향성을 규명 및 학교, 정치체제, 사회변혁, 사회운동 등을 조망하는 개념적 틀의 명료화 등이 요구된다.   This study examined how community organizations have engaged in and contributed to urban school reform in America. I reviewed the current status of the community organizations engaged in school improvement, their strategies, outcomes and obstacles, and tasks. Over the past 20 years, new movement has emerged that pursues to build partnerships between community-based organizations and schools. The partnerships have been found to yield significant positive outcomes: relieving the problem of overcrowded schools; improving learning environment; enhancing student outcomes; promoting the participation of parents in their children"s education; raising the community consciousness and trust in schools among school constituents; improving school cultures; and increasing educational accountability through the withdrawal of low-achieving principals and superintendents. However, a number of obstacles inhibit community organizations from enlarging the effects of their activities: distrust in and resistance to community organizations of schools and education authorities; the lack of official mechanisms for their engagement; the closed educational bureaucracy and difficulties in the access to information; the lack of clarity in the location of accountability of educational policies; the insufficiency of human and financial resources; conflicts among organizations and among schools; and the frequent mobility of teachers and principals of low-income and low-achieving schools. The tasks for the successful education organizing are following: expanding organizational capacities; expanding the base for support; developing a variety of organizing strategies; collecting and analysing comprehensive and accurate information and data; establishing strategic allies with media, foundations and schools; and identifying philosophical, religious and ideological inclinations of education organizing.

      • KCI등재

        Covid 19상황에서 학교와 지역사회 협력에 대한 기대: 아동복지종사자 인식을 중심으로

        김선숙,김진숙 한국학교사회복지학회 2020 학교사회복지 Vol.0 No.52

        The spread of Corona19 infection and social distancing, which began in early 2020, are having a big impact on children’s lives. The longer time left at home due to school restrictions, academic gaps, abuse and safety issuesare affecting not only education-vulnerable students, but also general children. With the COVID19 Pandemic, cooperation among families, schools, and communities is more emphasized on the protection and growth of children. The purpose of this study was to identify what the school and the community would connect with, the community’s desire, expectation, and necessary activities for cooperation. The responses of 274 child welfare workers who provide services for children in the community were analyzed. As a result, the difficulties of children due to COVID-19 that workers think are ‘longer neglect time’ and ‘learning gaps’, and the difficulties of workers are ‘worries about children’s risk of infection’, ‘difficulty in monitoring of child safety without face-to-face’. Most of the respondents said they needed to connect with the school, but about half said they had no experience of actually connecting. The reason was that “no social workers were assigned to schools in the region” and “there were no programs or projects associate with”. The most cooperated are ‘information sharing’ and ‘monitoring and referral for children at risk’. Children’s problems that the school social worker should intervene were responded in the order of school maladjustment, abuse, and poor learning. Respondents thought that “the bridge between community institutions and schools” and “discovery and referral of children at risk’ are important roles for school social workers in COVID 19 Pandemic. The more experienced respondents had related to school social workers, the more respondents said that the need for connection with school social workers for various occupations in the Corona 19 situation, and the higher expectations for the role of school social workers. Based on these results, the direction of cooperation between schools and communities was discussed. 2020년 초부터 시작된 코로나19 감염의 확산과 그에 대한 사회적 거리두기 상황은 아동의 삶에 큰 영향을 미치고 있다. 등교제한으로 인한 돌봄의 공백, 학업격차, 학대와 안전문제 등 전통적인 교육취약학생이 아닌 아동에게까지 광범위한 영향을 미치고 있다. 이런 아동들의 상황에 대한 대응은 가족, 학교, 지역사회가 함께 협력해야만 한다. 이에 본 연구는 지역사회의 학교에 대한 연계 협력의 욕구, 기대, 협업을 위해 필요한 활동 등이 무엇인지 확인하고자 학교외 지역사회기관의 아동복지종사자 274명의 응답을 분석하였다. 그 결과, 응답자들이 생각하는 코로나19로 인한 아동의 어려움은 ‘방임시간이 길어지는 것’과 ‘학습격차’로 나타났으며, 응답자 자신의 어려움은 ‘아동의 감염위험에 대한 걱정’, ‘아동안전에 대한 비대면 모니터링의 어려움’ 순서로 대답하였다. 학교와 연계 필요성은 대부분이 필요하다고 응답하였으나 실제로 연계한 경험이 없는 응답자도 절반 정도로 나타났다. 그 이유는 ‘지역내 학교에 사회복지사가 배치되어 있지 않은 것’과 ‘연계할 프로그램이나 사업이 없기’ 때문이었고, ‘정보공유’와 ‘위기아동 모니터링과 사례연계 역할 수행’ 방식의 연계가 활발한 것으로 나타났다. 학교사회복지사가 발굴하거나 개입하길 기대하는 아동의 문제는 학교부적응, 학대피해, 학습부진 등의 순서로 나타났으며, 응답자들이 코로나19 상황에서 학교사회복지사에게 가장 많이 기대하는 것은 ‘기관과 학교의 가교역할’과 ‘대상아동의 발굴 및 의뢰’ 순으로 나타났다. 또한, 응답자 중 학교사회복지사와의 연계경험이 있는 경우에 코로나19 상황의 다양한 직무에 학교사회복지사와의 연계가 더 필요하다고 응답하였고, 학교사회복지사의 역할기대도 더 높게 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 학교와 지역사회가 아동의 건강한 발달을 위해 어떠한 역할을 해야 하는지, 협력방향에 대해 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        The vision and the reality of professional learning communities in Korean schools

        서경혜,한유경 한국교육개발원 2012 KEDI Journal of Educational Policy Vol.9 No.2

        Professional learning communities have received increasing attention as a key ingredient for improving schools. This study investigated professional learning communities in schools in Korea. The following two research questions guided this investigation. First, to what extent do schools in Korea exhibit the characteristics of professional learning communities? Second, is the development of professional learning communities closely related to teacher, student, and parent satisfaction with their schools? This study used the data from a survey administered by the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education during the summer of 2010. A total of 1,738 teachers,9,748 students, and 14,397 parents from 265 elementary and secondary schools participated in the survey. The results show that, first, schools in Korea exhibit the characteristics of professional learning communities to some extent, though not to the full extent. Second, some characteristics, such as collaboration, tend to be less common in schools in Korea. Third, there are significant school level differences. Elementary schools generally exhibit a higher level of professional learning communities than do secondary schools. Fourth, professional learning communities are closely related to teacher satisfaction with their schools. Finally, there is little correlation between professional learning communities and student and parent satisfaction with their schools. Based on the results of this study, implications for current school reform efforts are discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        전문가학습공동체가 학교혁신에 주는 정책적 시사점 - 미국의 성공적 학교운영 사례를 중심으로 -

        이경호,박종필 한국교육정치학회 2012 敎育政治學硏究 Vol.19 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 최근 교육계에서 주목받고 있는 전문가학습공동체(Professional Learning Community)가 우리나라 학교혁신에 주는 정책적 시사점을 탐색하는데 있다. 이를 위해 학생들의 학업성취 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 보고되어 최근 주목받고 있는 전문가학습공동체의 개념과 속성 그리고 미국 학교의 성공사례들을 살펴본다. 그리고 전문가학습공동체에 대한 이론 검토 및 사례분석에 터해 전문가학습공동체가 우리나라 학교혁신에 주는 정책적 시사점을 도출하고 이에 따른 구체적 실천방안을 제시한다. 본 연구는 전문가학습공동체가 우리나라 학교혁신에 주는 정책적 시사점으로, 학교장의 학교 비전 설정 및 중요 사안에 대한 의사결정권한의 배분, 협력하는 문화 구축을 통한 공동 탐구와 학습 분위기 조성, 협력과 정보 공유를 위한 충분한 장소와 시간 그리고 자금을 포함한 기타 자원(resources)의 제공, 수업공개를 통한 교육 실천(practice)의 검증 및 개혁실행에 대한 평가 및 환류체제 구축 등을 제시한다. The purpose of this study is to get the policy implications for the school innovation in Korea through exploring the professional learning community(hereafter referred to as "PLC”). For this purpose, first, the theory of professional learning community, especially the definition and characteristics, was examined. Secondly, the 3 successful professional learning community cases, Northland Elementary School, Shoreline Elementary School, Boones Elementary School were analyzed. The main findings of this study are as follows: First, the administrators including principal need to support the development of self-leadership of the people in school through the distributed leadership and empowerment. Secondly, the culture of collaborative inquiry and learning need to be nurtured through the collegial relationship among the people in school. Thirdly, the successful PLC needs to be provided with the sufficient time, space, money and effective communication system. Fouthly, the teachers need to open their classrooms and educational activities frequently and autonomously. The monitoring and feedback system on the process and results of the school innovation is also needed. Finally, the liaison between the school system and the local communities needs to be consolidated

      • KCI등재

        학교-사회 협력 환경교육 모델 개발을 위한 실행 연구

        권혜선(Hyeseon Kwon),김찬국(Chankook Kim),김수연(Suyoen Kim),현명주(Myeongju Hyeon) 한국환경교육학회 2015 環境 敎育 Vol.28 No.2

        이 연구는 학교 교사가 주도하여 사회환경교육단체와 협력 환경교육을 수행한 과정 및 결과를 담은 실행연구로써, 수행 결과를 바탕으로 학교-사회 협력 환경교육을 위한 모델을 개발하여 제안하였다. 협력 환경교육은 경기도 D초등학교와 같은 지역의 S단체를 중심으로 1) 파악, 2) 탐색, 3) 계획, 4) 실행, 5) 마무리의 단계로 실행되었고, 실행 결과를 바탕으로 1) 전제 조건의 확인, 2) 사전 조사, 3) 준비, 4) 실행, 5) 평가의 단계로 수정되어 학교와 사회의 협력 환경교육을 위한 모델이 개발되었다. 연구 결과, 학교 교사와 단체 교육 담당자의 파트너십을 바탕으로 환경교육에 대한 서로의 장점과 단점이 보완되었으며, 학생의 교육 효과, 교사와 단체교육 담당자의 상호 학습, 협력 과정의 세 측면에서 성공적인 협력이 이루어질 수 있었다. 파트너십은 지속적인 의사소통 과정에서의 서로에 대한 이해와 공동 과업의 공유를 통해 형성되었다. 성공적인 협력 환경교육을 위해서는 안정적이고 지속적인 의사소통의 기회를 제공하고, 서로를 인정하고 존중하는 태도가 필요하다. This study shares the experiences to develop a type of school-community EE collaboration model through an action research. The model is based on needs of school teachers who look for collaboration with EE organizations in civil society. The model includes rationale, characteristics, and step-by-step procedure of collaboration to provides those who initiate school-community collaboration with what to consider, how to prepare, when to start, why set common goals together, and so on. In this study, a group of teachers/researchers planned and implemented the EE collaboration model. For that, a teacher who are less experienced in EE joined in action research, from recruiting a community group and joint-planning a program, to describing procedural steps and guidelines for the model. The suggested EE collaboration can be implemented in following stages: Pre-requisite for collaboration, Planning, Preparation, Implementation, Reflection and evaluation, and Further collaboration. A well-designed school- community collaboration can be a great chance for mutual learning among school teachers and informal environmental educators while contributing to fostering citizens for sustainable society.

      • KCI등재

        성공적인 학교-사회 협력 환경교육을 위한 요소 탐색

        김희경(Heekyung Kim),김찬국(Chankook Kim),권혜선(Hyeseon Kwon),김수연(Suyoen Kim),남윤희(Yunhee Nam),조성화(Seonghoa Cho) 한국환경교육학회 2014 環境 敎育 Vol.27 No.4

        Environmental Education (EE) is not just limited to classrooms of public school system or outdoor settings with EE organizations in civil society. There have been many attempts of collaboration among schools and communities for EE. Collaboration cannot be a panacea without appropriate prescription although it is meaningful for success. Collaboration among schools and communities presupposes that participants understand why and how to work together with other partners. The purpose of this study is to explore and share the knowledge from experiences on successful school-community collaboration for EE. In understanding school-community EE collaboration, the stories of collaborative experiences were searched through a snowball sampling. In-depth interviews were conducted with eight experts and practitioners who have experiences on school-community collaboration: why/how to collaborate, what to consider, success factors, barriers, and lessons from previous experiences. This exploratory study may have its implications for environmental educators those who want to initiate school-community collaborations with vision of mutual learning for EE.

      • KCI등재

        학교-지역사회 협력 환경교육에 대한 내러티브 탐구: 교사와 활동가의 이야기

        주형선,김남수,이선경 한국환경교육학회 2023 環境 敎育 Vol.36 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of teachers and an activist involved in school-community collaboration for environmental education. To this end, a narrative inquiry was used. The research participants were Leader Choi from A Energy Independent Village, Teacher Kim from B Middle School, and Teacher Park from C High School in Seoul. The primary field texts were transcripts of conversations with three participants. The four conversations with them were conducted online between October 2020 and November 2021. The researchers read the transcripts multiple times to explore themes that emerged from the participants’ narratives of their experiences. The results of the study were divided into two parts. The first part was the participants’ stories about their experiences of collaboration. The second part was the researcher’s description of why they engaged in the collaboration and what it meant to them. Participants’ reasons for collaborating with their communities or schools were to do their jobs well as teachers and activist. Meaningful changes in the participants’ lives as teachers and activist were found during the course of the collaboration, as well as contributions to community development. The participants’ pedagogical repertoire was expanded, their students’ understanding of the region increased, and we saw the potential to spread awareness of the importance of energy transition in their communities as a result of the collaboration. 본 연구에서는 학교-지역사회 협력 환경교육에 참여한 교사와 활동가의 경험을 이해하기 위해 내러티브 탐구 방법을 사용하였다. 연구참여자는 A 에너지자립마을을 중심으로 협력 관계를 맺어 온 A 마을의 최 대표와 B 중학교의 김 교사, C 고등학교의 박 교사 세 사람이었다. 본 연구의 주된 현장텍스트는 세 명의 연구참여자들과의 대화전사록이었다. 연구자들은 대화전사록을 여러 번 읽으면서 연구참여자의 경험 이야기에서 드러나는 주제를 탐색하였다. 연구결과는 크게 두 부분이다. 첫 번째 부분은 연구참여자들의 협력 경험에 대한 이야기이다. 두 번째 부분은 연구참여자들의 협력 경험에 대한 이야기를 바탕으로 연구자가 협력의 이유와 의미를 기술한 것이다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 세 가지 사항을 제안하였다. 첫째, 협력에 참여하는 다양한 이해관계자들의 경험을 이해하기 위한 연구를 확대하고 둘째, 학교-지역사회 협력에 있어 학교의 리더십과 교사문화가 중요하다는 점에 주목하고 셋째, 교육청별로 환경교육자원 현황 자료를 만들어 이를 각급 학교와 공유할 필요가 있다는 점을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        혁신학교 교사학습공동체에 관한 질적 메타분석

        박상완 한국교육개발원 2018 한국교육 Vol.45 No.4

        Purpose: This study is a qualitative metasynthesis of qualitative studies on teacher learning communities in innovative schools which were carried out in different contexts. This study focuses on defining the characteristics of teacher learning communities and finding the themes which contribute to building and developing teacher learning communities and the themes on the outcome of teacher learning communities in innovative schools. Approach: This study applied a qualitative metasynthesis process following Noblit & Hare (1998) and Walsh & Downe (2005) in collecting and analysing data. Eleven studies were selected for this analysis. The analysis of this study focused on four factors (dimension) for building and developing teacher learning communities such as personal orientation, group dynamics, school context and external influences following Stoll et al. (2006). Findings: This study shows the following results: First, teacher learning communities in innovative schools are considered key factors for school innovation. Second, personal orientation and group dynamics are main themes for building and developing teacher learning communities. Third, collaboration is a common theme for the creation, development and outcome of a teacher learning community, but the distinction of influences and priorities among themes is not clear. Values: This study provides a foundation for comprehensive analysis to find out generalizable themes from qualitative studies of teacher learning communities in innovative schools. 이 연구는 그동안 개별 사례를 중심으로 각각의 독특한 맥락에서 이루어져 온 혁신학교의 교사학습공동체에 관한 질적 연구를 대상으로 질적 메타분석을 실시하였다. 자료 수집 및 분석을 통해 최종적으로 설정한 연구문제는 크게 세 가지이다. 첫째, 혁신학교에서 교사학습공동체의 성격 및 이를 규정하는 주요 주제는 무엇인가? 둘째, 혁신학교 교사학습공동체의 형성, 유지・발전 요인 관련 핵심 주제는 무엇인가? 셋째, 혁신학교 교사학습공동체의 주요 성과 관련 핵심 주제는 무엇인가? 연구 문제 탐색을 위해 Noblit & Hare(1998), Walsh & Downe(2005)의 질적 메타분석 과정을 활용하여 자료 수집 및 분석 절차를 거쳤다. 이 연구에서 선정한 분석 대상 문헌은 총 11편이다. 혁신학교 교사학습공동체의 형성, 유지・발달, 성과 분석을 위해서는 Stoll 외(2006)가 교사학습공동체의 형성・발달 영향 요인으로 도출한 4가지 차원(개인 성향, 집단 역학, 학교 맥락, 외부 영향)을 분석 틀로 활용하였다. 분석 결과, 첫째, 혁신학교에서 교사학습공동체의 성격은 교사의 전문성・주체성 함양을 통한 교육실천의 질 향상, 학교혁신의 동인으로 도출하였다. 둘째, 교사학습공동체의 형성, 유지・발달, 성과 요인(주제)은 상호 중첩되며, 개인 성향과 집단 역학 관련 주제가 다수를 이루고 있다. 셋째, 교사학습공동체의 형성, 유지・발달 요인과 성과 요인 간 영향 관계, 선후 관계는 명확하게 확인하기 어려운 복합적인 성격을 띠고 있으며, 협력은 교사학습공동체의 형성, 유지・발달, 성과에서 공통적으로 나타난 요인이다. 이 연구는 교사학습공동체에 관한 질적 연구 중 혁신학교 맥락에서 이루어진 연구를 중심으로, 교사학습공동체의 형성, 유지・발달, 성과에 대한 개별 사례연구의 주요 결과를 종합적으로 분석하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다.

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