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        언어학과 정신분석학 소쉬르에서 라캉으로, 라캉에서 소쉬르로 -시니피앙에 관하여

        최용호 ( Choe Yong Ho ) 한국불어불문학회 2003 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.55

        Lire Lacan n`est pas facile. Et de me^me lire Saussure aujourd`hui devient de plus en plus difficile. Dans ces conditions, l`entreprise de lire Lacan et en me^me temps Saussure parait trop difficile, d`autant plus difficile qu`ils ne font pas partie du me^me domaine scientifique. Or, ce n`est pourtant pas tout a` fait vrai. Si l`on peut re´sumer l`aventure intellectuelle de Lacan en quelques mots, ce serait, on en conviendra, le retour a` Freud, On sait que ce retour e´tait au moins au de´but un de´tour par Saussure. Ainsi s`e´tablit une filie`re de Saussure a` Lacan. Cette filie`re est au plus haut point e´piste´mologique. On est au sein du mouvement du structuraliseme en France dans les anne´es 60. On peut e´clairer la question de savoir comment Lacan a rencontre´ Saussure, en le lisant, c`est-a`-dire, en le relisant a` sa guise, en le reformulant, bref, en le de´formant, Ce qui est inte´ressant, c`est que dans cette relecture tre`s originale on peut trouver un des aspects de Saussure qu`on n`a pas reconnu dans les anne´es 60. Il s`agit pas d`un Saussure qui re´pond mais d`un Saussure qui pose des questions, des probe`mes a` propos de ce que voualit dire parler, Discours, sujets parlants, signifiant en tant que tel, tous ces sujets, laisse´s de co^te´ a` l`e´poque du structralisme, sont ainsi a` l`ordre du jour dans la proble´matique saussurienne. En lisant Lacan a` partir Saussure et en lisant Saussure a` partir de Lacan, nous nous sommes concentre´, seulement sur un the`me: le signifiant. Mainte fois cite´, commente´, critique´, et de´laisse´, ce the`me reste pourtant encore a` de´sirer. Il ne s`agit pas ici de re´pe´ter ou de re´sumer en quelques mots ce qui a` e´te´ poursuivi dans cet article, mais de citer une des conclusions de notre relecture: en lisant et relisant Lacan et Saussure, on a` l`impression d`e^tre plus pre`s de Lacan saussurien et en me^me temps que de Saussure lacanien.

      • KCI등재

        김방한의 소쉬르 연구

        김현권(Hyun-Kwon Kim) 사단법인 한국언어학회 2012 언어학 Vol.0 No.62

        This article tries to analyse Prof. Kim’s interpretations of some important of some important linguistic principles of F. de Saussure from his major works on Saussure. His interest and studies on Saussure. His interest and studies on Saussure have commenced with his early academic life and continued just up to his death. The whole story is fascinatingly described in his own autobiography, Memories of a Linguist. As a general historical linguist, he worked in various domains. Strictly speaking, he is not a Saussurean, but he had recognized his importance in the general linguistics. He published many articles on Saussure and a monograph in 1988, the title of which is Saussure: Ancestre of Modern Linguistics. The book focused on the analysis of Saussure’s Cours de Linguistique Generale with some detail, and added the translation of Saussure’s second lecture on general linguistics in the appendix. He explained, commented, and interpreted main issues in Saussurean linguistics without any mention on the subjects of the historical linguistics of Saussure’s work.

      • KCI등재

        세종과 소쉬르의 통합언어학적 비교 연구

        김슬옹(Kim Seul-ong) 한국사회언어학회 2008 사회언어학 Vol.16 No.1

          This paper stipulates Sejong and Saussure as integrative linguists that based their work on scholastic research, and by comparing their representative works, "Hunminjeongeum with Commentaries" and "General Linguistics Lectures" which were published by people close to them, this paper shows the modernity and post-modernity of their linguistics in terms of their discursive significance.<BR>  The modernity of Saussure’s linguistics was revealed through scientific methodology of language research using such analysis strategies as langue-centered language research. Although Sejong’s methods were different, he also applied the same scientific and universal rationalism in his invention of letters. Saussure was definitely a modern structuralist, he also opened the possibility of integrative linguistics. Sejong also fully showed such two-sided characteristic through Hunminjeongeum. He had thoroughly expressed the two-sided characteristic in the principles of Hunminjeongeum letters by paying attention to both universality and uniqueness. The differences between these two become prominent interms of history and the subject. Saussure used the strategy of trying to eliminate historicity through the dichotomy of diachronie and synchronie. In contrast, Sejong naturally accommodated the Asian historical tradition.<BR>  Ultimately, the linguistics of Sejong and Saussure are integrative (fusional). The setting of the issues and strategy of Saussure, who wanted to establish a unique domain for linguistics, in fact premised a fusion or integration between linguistics and other scholarly disciplines, or requested such a result. The creation of Sejong’s Hunminjeongeum is the result of scholastic fusion of such disciplines as linguistics, music, and science.

      • KCI등재

        소쉬르 F. de Saussure의 언어학은 -소위- ‘과학 Wissenschaft’인가? (II) -『일반언어학의 근본 문제들 Grundfragen der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft』(1916/1967)을 중심으로-

        이재원 ( Lee Jaewon ) 한국텍스트언어학회 2024 텍스트언어학 Vol.56 No.0

        F. de Saussure, der als Begründer der ‘Modernen Sprachwissenschaft’ betrachtet wird, wurde in der Schweiz geboren. Das Konzept von der ‘modern’ kann hier mit dem Begriff ‘Wissenschaft’ zu tun haben. Basierend auf den Vorlesungen, die F. de Saussure für seine Junger hielt, wurde das Buch “Grundlagen der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft”(1916/1967) nach seinem Tod veröffentlicht. In diesem Buch kommt an vielen Stellen das Wort ‘Wissenschaft’ vor. Dieser Aufsatz beschäftigen sich mit den Themen ‘Was ist das Konzept Wissenschaft bei F. de Saussure?’, ‘Was ist der Unterschied zwischen dem Konzept von F. de Saussure und dem der Sprachforscher, die von F. de Saussure als nicht-wissenschaftlich kritisiert wurden?’ und ‘Was ist der Unterschied zwischen dem Wissenschaftkonzept in der (Natur)Wissenschaft und dem von F. de Saussure?’.

      • KCI등재

        소쉬르 F. de Saussure의 언어학은 - 소위 - ‘과학 Wissenschaft’인가? (I) - 『일반언어학의 근본 문제들 Grundfragen der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft』(1967)을 중심으로

        이재원 한국독어독문학교육학회 2017 獨語敎育 Vol.69 No.69

        F. de Saussure, der als der Begründer der ‘Modernen Sprachwissenschaft’ betrachtet wird, wurde in der Schweiz geboren. Das Konzept von der ‘Modern’ kann hier mit dem Begriff “Wissenschaft” zu tun haben. Basierend auf den Vorlesungen, die F. de Saussure für seine Jünger hielt, wurde das Buch “Grundlagen der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft”(1915/1967) nach seinem Tod veröffentlicht. In diesem Buch kommt an vielen Stellen das Wort ‘Wissenschaft’ vor. Dieser Aufsatz beschäftigen sich mit den Themen ‘Was ist das Konzept Wissenschaft bei F. de Saussure’, ‘Was ist der Unterschied zwischen dem Konzept von F. de Saussure und dem der Sprachforscher, die von F. de Saussure als nicht-wissenschaftlich kritisiert wurden’ und ‘Was ist der Unterschied zwischen dem Wissenschaftkonzept in der (Natur)Wissenschaft und dem von F. de Saussure’. 장하석은 『과학, 철학을 만나다』(2015, 6)에서 다음과 같은 질문들을 ‘과학철학’ 논쟁의 출발점으로 삼고 있다. 1) 과학은 어떻게 해서 그토록 훌륭한 성과를 얻을 수 있는가? 과학적 방법이란 무엇인가? 2) ‘과학적’이라는 것은 과연 어떤 의미인가? 과학적인 것이 비과학적인 것보다 훌륭한가? 왜? 3) 과학이론이 자주 바뀌는데, 현재 과학자들이 자신 있게 하는 말도 나중에는 변하는 것 아닌가? 변하지 않는다는 보장이 있는가? 4) 과학적으로 증명되었다는 것은 어떤 의미인가? 비전문자들은 과학자들의 말을 무조건 믿고 그대로 따르는 것이 좋은가? 그렇지 않다면 누구의 말을 따라야 하는가? 5) 새로운 사실을 발견하고, 새로운 이론을 지어내는 그 과학적 창조력의 기반은 무엇인가? 그런 창조력을 살려주는 특별한 교육방법이 있는가? 따라서 현대 언어학의 출발점으로 일컬어지는 소쉬르가 ‘언어학은 과학의 한 분야’라고 주장했다면, 그의 언어학 연구를 위한 다양한 질문들도 위의 것과 유사해야 한다고 유추할 수 있다. 또한 언어학을 하나의 과학으로서 파악한다는 것은 과학화된 언어학이 어떤 명확한 지식을 우리에게 부여한다는 소위 과학에 대한 확신 때문일 것이다. 어쨌든 과학은 거의 모든 학문의 세계에서 엄청난 긍정의 키워드 중의 하나로 간주된다. 그래서 소쉬르는 『일반언어학의 근본 문제들 Grundfragen der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft』(1967)에서 위와 유사한 물음을 연구의 출발점으로 삼고 있음을 알 수 있다. 본고는 소쉬르가 자신의 저서에서 자주 언급한 ‘과학’이 현대적 개념의 과학과 얼마만큼 유사하고, 그의 ‘과학’ 개념이 정말 일관성이 있는지, 또한 그의 ‘과학’은 현대 과학 철학 논쟁에서 어느 정도의 위치에 있는지를 따지는 것을 목표로 삼는다. 따라서 구체적인 연구대상이 되는 지점들은 저서를 통틀어 그가 언급한 ‘과학’ 개념의 출현 장소이다.

      • KCI등재


        Michel ARRIVE 국제언어인문학회 2006 인문언어 Vol.8 No.-

        This paper is a philological and epistemological study of the concept of the unconscious envisaged in Saussure. The study investigates whether the unconscious in Saussure can be put to question. Most Saussurian specialists have not as of yet raised any questions on this subject. The researches were simply limited to various comparisons between Saussurian concepts with those of Freud. The paper reconstructs the very concept of the unconscious in the Course in General Linguistics, using Lacan as a mediator between Saussure and Freud. Special attention is given to the linguistic subject who is unconscious about the law of langue, which contrasts it to the conscious of other social subjects and can be observed in the semiotic change of a social system. While not suggesting a hasty comparison between Saussure and Freud the paper draws an epistemological point of convergence. In other words, the paper tries to prove that the descriptive unconsciousness operates and intervene in the paradigmatic function of langue and that the topical unconsciousness operates to the syntagmatic function.

      • KCI등재

        퍼스의 기호학적 관점을 통해 본 소쉬르의 가치이론: 언어가치 개념과 삼차성 개념의 비교 고찰

        이윤희 ( Yun Hee Lee ) 한국기호학회 2013 기호학연구 Vol.37 No.-

        The conceptions of sign in Saussure and in Peirce are considered incomparable because of the dyadic and the triadic components of sign respectively: the two components comprising signifer and signified and the three components comprising sign, object, and interpretant. Actually, however, Saussure`s inchoate ideas about linguistic value can be compared with the concept of interpretant in Peirce. This paper examines the possible comparison of the two concepts based on the phenomenon of representation of generality in the linguistic sign, with the hypothesis that there are two possible concepts of generality which are based on conventionality and continuity in Saussure and in Peirce, respectively. The paper will develop the argument on discussing Saussure`s concepts of identities, realities and values with an interlocking relation of the three. The paper thus argues that the concept of linguistic value has common ground with the concept of interpretant based on Thirdness in Peirce`s theory of category as mediation between sign and object; however, the two conceptions of linguistic value and Thirdness differ in terms of the dyadic structure of language as a form and the triadic concept in semiosis as evolution of language. In assessing this I will look into the ontology of collection with type and token in Peirce`s conception of sign, thus explaining how conventionality is related to abstraction for creative thinking based on value in similarity rather than that in identity. Consequently, this idea leads to evolution of language by valuation instead of static value in the linguistic system. Ultimately, the concepts of linguistic value and Thirdness share the common feature of connectedness in the form of mediation between sign and object. But the dimension of study of sign is derived from different interests and concerns from each of these. One concerns only linguistic form and the other concerns semiosis in evolution of language in teleological development. Naturally, it is this delimitation that causes the sign study to proceed in different directions.

      • KCI등재


        ARRIVE, Michel International Association for Humanistic Studies i 2006 인문언어 Vol.8 No.-

        This paper is a philological and epistemological study of the concept of the unconscious envisaged in Saussure. The study investigates whether the unconscious in Saussure can be put to question. Most Saussurian specialists have not as of yet raised any questions on this subject. The researches were simply limited to various comparisons between Saussurian concepts with those of Freud. The paper reconstructs the very concept of the unconscious in the Course in General Linguistics, using Lacan as a mediator between Saussure and Freud. Special attention is given to the linguistic subject who is unconscious about the law of langue, which contrasts it to the conscious of other social subjects and can be observed in the semiotic change of a social system. While not suggesting a hasty comparison between Saussure and Freud the paper draws an epistemological point of convergence. In other words, the paper tries to prove that the descriptive unconsciousness operates and intervene in the paradigmatic function of langue and that the topical unconsciousness operates to the syntagmatic function.

      • KCI등재

        소쉬르의 숭고한 대상 -차이의 우주로서의 랑그

        최용호 ( Yong Ho Choi ) 한국기호학회 2012 기호학연구 Vol.33 No.-

        This paper begins with claiming that Saussure`s idea exists today in the form of a text, not in the form of a book and ends by attempting to answer the question why Saussure seems to give up his work on general linguistics. At the core of this paper stands the question of ``langue``. My working hypothesis is that the Saussurean langue cannot be reduced by the well defined concept of system that is closed. Instead, I have proposed a concept of network in order to bring to light the dynamism of the Saussurean langue. It is interesting to note that Saussure illustrates his concept of langue through the image of a machine that is still working even though it is deteriorated. Based on the analysis of a text fragment where Saussure shows how a christian missionary translates the French word <ame> into a vernacular, I have suggested a concept of surplus value embedded in the sign while being questioned by a translator. My thesis is that it is due to the existence of the value that all types of linguistic communication can be made possible.

      • KCI등재

        바로(Varro)의 문법론과 소쉬르(Saussure)의 언어학 비교

        안재원(Jaewon Ahn) 사단법인 한국언어학회 2009 언어학 Vol.0 No.53

        In this article I have compared Varro"s concept of analogia with that of Saussure. The comparison is summarized as the following: There were two reasons for Varro"s constitution of ars grammatica. One of them was external reason which was related with the corrupted state of Latin language. As for this, what to say is that Latin language was so-called lingua franca which was full of problems of barbarismus and soloecismus. The other of them was internal reason which resulted from the so-called poverty of Latin language. The poverty of Latin language was exposed especially in translations of terms and thoughts of Greek scholarship into Latin language. In order to solve this problem, Varro tried to constitute ars grammatica as institutional system like law. For this, Varro used some terms like populus universus, consuetudo communis, analogia and anomalia. In this paper I have tried to analyze how did these terms work and cooperate together in the constitution of ars grammatica. According to my analysis, Varro"s ars grammatica started from the some socio-linguistic requirement. In relation with this what to mention is that Varro regarded ars grammatica as a social institution. This is evidently exposed by uses of some terms like populus universus and consuetudo communis in the constitution of Latin grammar. This is to be compared with the constitution of law and the systematization of scientia iuris. On the other hand what I would like to emphasize is that Varros ars grammatica is characterized by the morphological paradigm which consists of two elements. One of them is figura. This is to be considered as voice phenomena described and formalized by grammatical rules. The other of them is materia which are morphological terms. In this point what to notice is the separation of the verba (sign, significans) from res (things, significatum). From this what I want to suggest is that Saussure"s idea of sign and language might be oriented from Varro"s thought. In comparison with Varro, Saussure did not treat problems of language from the point of view that language is a kind of social institution but he did concentrate on seeing the nature of language itself and the language as human nature in general perspective. Thus, his concern lies in seeing the function of analogia in the language which does not aim at the constitution of grammar but at the exploration of the nature of human language. On this account Saussure did not begin his so called general linguistics not from the traditional Grammar and thus he has no reason for returning to old Grammar.

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