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        국내 원전 성능기반 화재방호 규제검사 기준/지침 개발을 위한 고려사항에 관한 고찰

        정용훈(Jung, Yong Hun),강대일(Kang, Dae Il),문영섭(Moon, Young Seob) 표준인증안전학회 2021 표준인증안전학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        원전 화재방호 분야에서 새로이 등장하는 기술적 현안과 그에 맞춰 보다 엄격해지는 규제요건에 효과적으로 대응하기 위해 국내 원전을 대상으로 성능기반(Performance-based) 화재방호 체제의 도입이 시급한 상황임에도불구하고, 그동안 이에 대해 현실적이고 구체적인 논의가 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구의 목적은 국내 원전 성능기반 화재방호 체제를 개발하기 위해 요구되는 주요 규제검사기술을 확보하는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 관련 기술을주도하는 미국 NRC가 활용 중인 성능기반 화재방호 규제검사기술을 검토하고, 이를 참조하되 국내 원전을 대상으로 성능기반 화재방호 규제검사기술을 개발 시 고려해야 할 사항들에 대해 고찰하였다. 미국 NRC가 활용 중인성능기반 화재방호 규제검사기술의 핵심은 화재방호 안전중요도평가체계(Significance Determination Process) 로 확인하였으며, 이를 상세히 검토하였다. 관련 국내외 환경 및 기술 현황에 비추어 국내 화재방호 안전중요도평가체계 개발 시 필수적으로 고려해야 할 두 개의 사항을 도출하였으며, 다음과 같다: 사업자가 보유한 화재 확률론적안전성평가(Probabilistic Safety/Risk Assessment) 모델의 활용; 최신 화재 확률론적안전성평가 기술의 반영. 본 연구를 통해 확보된 결과는 국내 원전 성능기반 화재방호 규제검사 지침안을 개발하는데 활용될 예정이다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 개발될 국내 원전 성능기반 화재방호 규제검사 지침안은 최종적으로 원전 화재안전성을 효과적이고 효율적으로 향상하는데 기여할 것으로 기대된다. There have barely been any practical and specific efforts for adopting a performance-based fire protection framework to Korean NPPs, although it is urgent that this advanced framework should be adopted to effectively and efficiently cope with technical issues recently emerged and regulatory requirements getting stricter in accordance with them. The objective of this study is to establish key regulatory inspection technologies required for developing the NPP performancebased fire protection framework in Korea. This study, first, reviews key regulatory inspection technologies used under U.S. NRC s NPP performance-based fire protection framework. Then, this study identifies items that needs to be considered for adopting them to Korean NPPs by taking into account all the relevant factors. The development and operation of a fire protection significance determination process were found to be the core regulatory inspection technologies of the NPP performance-based fire protection framework. In light of relevant environmental and technical conditions, the following two items were identified to be essential considerations for developing the fire protection significance determination process in Korea: the utilization of licensee s fire probabilistic safety/risk assessment models; and the application of the state-ofthe- art fire probabilistic safety/risk assessment technologies. The results obtained through this study will be used to develop a regulatory inspection proposal for domestic NPP performancebased fire protection framework in the foreseeable future. The regulatory inspection proposal which will be developed based on this study would ultimately contribute to protect public health and safety from NPP fire threats in a more effective and efficient way.

      • 공기구동밸브 안전중요도 결정 및 범주분류 방법론 개발

        김대웅(Kim Dae Woong),김학중(Kim Hak Joong),박성근(Park Sung Gun),김양석(Kim Yang Seok) 대한기계학회 2006 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2006 No.6

        POV(Power-operated valve) consists of actuator that produces power and valve. Power-operated valves are classified into MOV(motor-operated valve), AOV(air-operated valve), extra valves such as solenoid valve according to actuator type; gate valve, globe valve and butterfly valve according to valve type. Since some POVs in US had been failed to perform a safety function, US NRC had recommended to verify the operability of POVs through Generic Letters. Korean regulatory organization also recommended to perform the safety evaluation for POVs. This paper describes the determining safety-significance and categorization methodology in the safety evaluation methodology for AOVs. In general, nuclear power plants have a large population of AOVs with varying degrees of safety-significance. Therefore, to perform an effective AOV evaluation, it is essential to establish a method to clearly identify those AOVs with the highest contribution to safe plant operation. The AOV evaluation program utilizes risk-informed methods to determine the in-scope AOV population. It is expected that utilities will develop a plant specific AOV evaluation program. There are many various type of Nuclear Power Plants in Korea. Through this study, it will be provided all Korean NPPs applicable methodology for determining safety-significance and categorization of AOV. The safety-significance classification shall involve a blended process of risk ranking and plant expert panel evaluation. AOVs are placed in one of two categories (Categories 1 and 2) based on their contribution to safe plant operation and/or accident mitigation. The requirements of the AOV evaluation are dependent on the category in which each AOV is assigned. These categories determine the extent of design review and testing activities to be performed.

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