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      • KCI등재

        AWOT 기반의 국내 화물자동차운송사업 발전전략

        박두진,김정이 한국항만경제학회 2023 韓國港灣經濟學會誌 Vol.39 No.4

        This paper analyzed the overall status of the domestic freight transportation business, established SWOT analysis and strategy through existing literature research and designed an AHP model to derive priorities for each strategy. The SWOT analysis analyzed the management model of the consignment borrowers belonging to a transportation company that did not handle the supplies with the lowest satisfaction with the consignment system. The AHP model was designed by establishing a SWOT strategy through SWOT analysis. As a result of the analysis of the upper class, priorities were derived in the order of WO strategy, SO strategy, ST strategy, and WT strategy. As a result of comprehensive priorities for the development strategy of the domestic freight transportation business, WO strategy's "Improvement of cooperative relations between transportation companies and consignment owners through fair consignment contracts" was first, SO strategy's "Public promotion of the necessity of consignment systems based on high economic feasibility and reliability" was second, and ST strategy's "Proposal of policies to strengthen financial performance through the introduction of freight transport platforms" was fourth, followed by WT strategy's "Improvement of satisfaction with transport services through the introduction of freight transport platforms" and SO strategy's "Expansion of safe freight systems" in sixth, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Strategy-based Instruction on Korean EFL College-level Students' English Speaking Abilities and their Communication Strategy Use

        Kyung-Ah Yu 한국언어연구학회 2016 언어학연구 Vol.21 No.1

        The research of communication strategies has been conducted over three decades. A considerable amount of studies have focused on the identification and classification of communication strategies. However, there has been relatively a small amount of research on the relationship of communication strategy use, types of task, and strategy instruction effect. This study examines how strategy-based instruction could affect Korean EFL college-level students' English speaking abilities and their strategy use in relation to two speaking task types. A total of 81 students participated in the research, and they were divided into the experimental group who received the strategy instruction and the control group who had no strategy instruction. The results showed that both control and experimental groups have significantly improved their speaking proficiency in terms of their overall speaking performance. However, when their speaking abilities were compared by subscales, such as accuracy, fluency and pronunciation, significant differences were found in the accuracy and fluency areas on the picture description. The findings also revealed that the strategy instruction positively influenced the students' use of the speaking strategies, and their strategy uses were somewhat different from the task type. Theoretical and pedagogical implications are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 경영전략과 자본비용

        유현수(제1저자) ( Hyun Soo Ryu ),김갑순(교신저자) ( Kap Soon Kim ),최규담(공동저자) ( Gyu Dam Choi ) 한국회계학회 2015 회계저널 Vol.24 No.6

        본 연구는 Miles and Snow (1978, 2003) 경영전략 이론에 따라 기업의 전략을 선도형, 분석형 및 방어형으로 구분하고 각 유형에 따라 기업의 가중평균자본비용이 어떻게 달라지는지에 대하여 실증적으로 분석한 것이다. 즉, 각 기업의 최고경영진의 경영철학이 표출되어 있는 경영전략은 매우 포괄적이기는 하지만 기존의 개별적인 기업특성변수들이 제공하지 못하는 중요한 정보가치를 내포하고 있다면, 선행연구에서 자본비용을 설명하는 개별적인 요소들을 모두 통제한 후에도 경영전략이 자본비용을 설명할 수 있을 것이라는 것이 본 연구에서 확인하고자 하는 가설의 배경이다. 본 연구는 2000년부터 2013년까지 유가증권시장과 코스닥시장에 상장된 기업을 대상으로 6,005개의 표본을 대상으로 방어형(defender)보다 선도형(prospector)형에 가까울수록(즉, 경영전략지수가 높아질수록)자본비용 수준이 더 높을 것이라는 가설을 검증하였다. 자본비용은 NICE신용평가정보(주)가 제공하는 가중평균자본비용을 사용하였고 경영전략의 측정은 Miles and Snow(1978, 2003)이론에 따라 경영전략의 유형별 특성을 구분하여 측정할 수 있는 6가지 요소를 기초로 종합점수를 산출한 뒤 이를 연속변수로 사용하거나 선도형(prospector), 분석형(analyzer) 및 방어형(defender)으로 구분하여 더미변수로 활용하였다. 분석 결과, 연속변수인 경영전략지수가 높아지는 경우 1% 유의수준에서 자본비용이 증가하였고, 선도형인 경우가 유의하게 분석형 또는 방어형인 경우보다 자본비용이 더 높았다. 경영자지분율이 높은 수준을 5%, 10% 및 20% 이상으로 측정하여 경영자지분율을 추가로 통제한 경우에도 경영전략지수가 높아지는 경우 유의하게 자본비용이 증가하는 결과는 달라지지 않았다. 대부분의 통제변수는 유의성에 다소 차이는 있었지만 선행연구에 근거하여 예측한부호와 대체로 방향성이 일치하였다. 본 연구 결과는 자본비용에 영향을 미치는 요소로 선행연구와 같이 개별적인 기업특성변수 대신 보다 포괄적인 ``경영전략지수``라는 종합측정치를 사용하였다는 점에서 큰 의미가 있다. The ``tone at the top`` the executives set or the executives`` willingness to take strategic risks in their competitive markets spill over into specific operation areas including the business and financial risk, willingness to take the uncertainty, stability or complexity of organizational structure, the value of assets secured and attitude towards growth and corporate governance, etc. Furthermore, such top management``s tone are also most effectively implemented into a firm``s business strategy. Accordingly, it might be inferred that a firm``s business strategy has other separate and comprehensive information value than a firm``s specific individual information factors. While many prior studies are investigating what can more explain the level of cost of capital, a firm``s business strategy may provide the approach which is more comprehensive and generalizable across industries than those specific individual variables. The business strategy provides a theoretical background for an even broader understanding of the factors that are ex ante determinants of cost of capital level. Ittner et al.(1997), Higgins et al.(2015) and Bentley et al.(2013) are main prior accounting researches that used a comprehensive and composite measure of business strategy as an explanatory variables for the quality of accounting information. Such prior research are all based on Miles and Snow(1978, 2003)``s strategy theory. Prospectors defined by Miles and Snow(1978, 2003) focus on innovation, pursue new products and geographic markets and have high growth potential and high level of capital needs, which are positively related to the business and financial risks and the uncertainty demanding higher level of cost of capital. However, defenders focus on comparatively sound, stable and predictable areas and their aversion to risk and uncertainty would lead to be lower level of cost of capital. Using business strategy typology defined by Miles and Snow (1978, 2003), this study examines the relation between a firm``s business strategy and its cost of capital. We investigate whether a firm``s business strategy is associated with its cost of capital and predict that firms close to prospector show higher level of cost of capital than those close to analyzer and defender (Hypothesis 1). According to the Miles and Snow(1978, 2003), prospectors focus on innovation, pursue new products and geographic markets and are more likely to be aggressive, which have relatively more tax planning opportunities. Further, given that their products tend not to have readily available substitutes, prospectors are less concerned about negative publicity arising from tax avoidance. By contrast, defenders focus on comparatively sound, stable and predictable areas and put the stress on the economy of scale. defenders`` aversion to risk and uncertainty also suggests that given the set of tax opportunities available, they would avoid tax less aggressively. Since their products have viable substitutes, defenders could incur reputation costs associated with tax avoidance. To address our research questions, we used publicly available weighted averaged cost of capital (WACC). We also compute a discrete STRATEGY composite index measure (STRATEGY) based on variables from prior literature (Higgins et al. 2015) that reflect different facets of the strategy: (1) the ratio of research and development to sales, (2) the ratio of employees to sales, (3) a growth opportunity measure (market-to-book ratio), (4) the ratio of marketing (SG&A) to sales, (5) employee fluctuations (standard deviation of total number of employees), and (6) capital intensity (net PPE scaled by total assets). Each is intended to capture different elements of a firm``s business strategy. We find from the test of Hypothesis 1 that STRATEGY is positively related to WACC at 1% significance level and prospector``s WACC are higher than those of analyzer and defender, which is consistent with our anticipation. The results above suggest that a firm closer prospector(defender) group has higher(lower) cost of capital. From the robust test adding as control variable whether management ownership is higher level (which is defined as the shareholding by directors and officers exceeds 5%, 10% or 20%), we further find that adding management ownership does not change previous the main results(i.e., a firm closer prospector group has higher cost of capital) while the firms with higher level of management ownership show higher level of cost of capital. Our study contribute to a better understanding of a firm``s cost of capital. While prior studies have focused individual factors explaining the level of cost of capital, our study investigate a firm``s business strategy which plays a broader and more comprehensive role than those specific individual variables. The distinguishing feature of our study is that it is grounded in a theoretical framework that is used to make clear predictions regarding the link between a firm``s business strategy and its cost of capital.

      • KCI우수등재

        경영전략과 조세회피

        최규담 ( Gyu Dam Choi ),김갑순 ( Kap Soon Kim ),유현수 ( Hyun Soo Ryu ) 한국회계학회 2015 회계학연구 Vol.40 No.5

        본 연구는 Miles and Snow(1978, 2003)의 경영전략 분류에 따른 선도성(先導性)의 차이가 조세회피 수준에 영향을 미치는지에 대한 실증연구이다. 최고경영진의 경영전략적 특성은 신시장 또는 신제품에 대한 접근방식, 위험에 대한 태도 등에 영향을 미칠것이다. 그리고 이러한 경영전략상 특징은 종국적으로 조세전략에도 영향을 미쳐 조세회피수준에 차이를 가져올 것이라는 것이 본 연구에서 확인하고자 하는 가설의 배경이다. 이를 위해 2001년부터 2013년까지 한국거래소에 상장된 기업 3,707개의 표본을 대상으로 방어형(defender)보다 선도형(prospector)형에 가까울수록 조세회피 수준이 더 높을 것(가설1)이고 조세회피 측정치의 변동성도 더 클 것(가설2)이라는 가설을 검증하였다. 한편, 조세혜택이 많은 중소기업 해당 여부가 경영전략과 조세회피 수준 사이의 관계에 영향을 미칠 것(가설3)이라는 가설도 검증하였다. 설명변수인 경영전략지수(STRATEGY_INDEX)은 Miles and Snow(1978, 2003) 이론에 따라 선행연구에서 사용된 지표를 참조하여 연구개발비비율, 직원수비율, 주가순자산비율, 마케팅비용비율, 직원수변동 및 자본집약도라는 6개 요소별 측정치를 해당 산업-연도에서의 상대적 순위에 따라 산출하였다. 종속변수인 조세회피 수준은 유효법인세율(BOOK_ETR), 현금유효법인세율(CASH_ETR), 재무이익과 보고이익의 차이(BTD) 및 재량적 BTD(DD_BTD)의 네 가지 방법으로 측정하였다. (가설1)에 대한 분석결과, 유효법인세율(BOOK_ETR), 현금유효법인세율(CASH_ETR), BTD 및 재량적 BTD(DD_BTD) 모두 1% 내지 10%의 수준에서 경영전략지수가 높아지는 경우 조세회피 수준이 높아지는 것으로 나타나 예측과 일치하였다. (가설2)에 대한 분석결과, 유효법인세율(BOOK_ETR)과 현금유효법인세율(CASH_ETR)의 변동성은 경영전략지수와 유의한 양(+)의 관계가 나타났다. (가설3)의 분석에서 우리나라의 중소기업일 경우 경영전략이 조세회피수준에 미치는 영향이 감소하여 기업의 조세관련특성(tax status)에 따라 경영전략이 조세회피에 미치는 영향도 달라질 수 있다는 것을 발견하였다. 본 연구 결과는 기업의 경영전략이 선도형에 가까워질수록 신제품이나 신시장을 적극적으로 찾아 나서기 때문에 조세회피 기회가 더 많고 이를 충분히 활용한다고 해석할 수 있다. 본 연구는 조세회피 수준에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 기업특성 변수를 개별적으로 고려하는 대신 ‘경영전략지수’라는 종합측정치를 사용하였다는 점에서 큰 의미가 있다. The "tone at the top" which the executives set or the executives’ willingness to take strategic risks in their competitive markets spills over into specific operation areas including tax planning or tax strategy. Furthermore, such top management’s tone about corporate culture or risk tolerance are also most effectively implemented into a firm``s business strategy. Accordingly, it might be inferred that there is some association between a firm``s business strategy and its tax strategy. While many studies are investigating what can more explain reasons or motivations for tax avoidance, a firm’s business strategy may provide the approach which is more comprehensive and generalizable across industries than those specific individual variables previously considered for tax avoidance. The business strategy provides a theoretical background for an even broader understanding of the factors that are ex ante determinants of tax avoidance level. Ittner et al. (1997), Higgins et al. (2015) and Bentley et al. (2013) are main prior accounting researches that used a comprehensive and composite measure of business strategy as an explanatory variables. Such prior research are all based on Miles and Snow(1978, 2003)’s strategy theory. According to the Miles and Snow(1978, 2003), prospectors focus on innovation, pursue new products and geographic markets and are more likely to be aggressive, which have relatively more tax planning opportunities. Further, given that their products tend not to have readily available substitutes, prospectors are less concerned about negative publicity arising from tax avoidance. By contrast, defenders focus on comparatively sound, stable and predictable areas and put the stress on the economy of scale. defenders`` aversion to risk and uncertainty also suggests that given the set of tax opportunities available, they would avoid tax less aggressively. Since their products have viable substitutes, defenders could incur reputation costs associated with tax avoidance. Using the Miles and Snow(1978, 2003) theoretical business strategy framework, this study examines the relation between the aggressiveness of a firm’s business strategy and tax avoidance level for the Korean listed companies. We first investigate whether a firm’s business strategy aggressiveness is associated with its level of tax avoidance and predict that firms close to prospector engage in more tax aggressive behaviors than those close to defender(Hypothesis 1). Next, we investigate the association between a firm’s business strategy aggressiveness and volatility of firms’ tax avoidance and predict that the firms close to prospector have more volatility in their measures of tax avoidance than those close to defender(Hypothesis 2). We finally investigate the fact that a firm is a small and medium-sized enterprise under the Korean law affect the association between business strategy and the level of tax avoidance. To address our research questions, we used four alternative tax avoidance measures (the book and cash effective tax rate, BTD and DD BTD. We also compute a discrete STRATEGY composite index measure(STRATEGY_INDEX), which proxies for a firm’s business strategy aggressiveness. This measure is based on variables from prior literature (e.g., Ittner et al. 1997; Bentley, et al. 2013 and Higgins et al. 2015) that reflect different facets of this strategy: (1) the ratio of research and development to sales, (2) the ratio of employees to sales, (3) a growth opportunity measure (market-to-book ratio), (4) the ratio of marketing (SG&A) to sales, (5) employee fluctuations (standard deviation of total employees), and (6) capital intensity (net PPE scaled by total assets). Each of the six measures is intended to capture different elements of a firm’s business strategy. We find from the test of Hypothesis 1 that four (4) measures of tax avoidance level have positive (+) associations with the business strategy aggressiveness, which is consistent with our prediction. From the test of Hypothesis 2, we also find that the association between a firm’s business strategy aggressiveness and volatility of firms’ tax avoidance is positive (+) for all measures, provided that statistical significance is found only for two tax avoidance measures(BOOK_ETR and CASH_ETR). The test of Hypothesis 3 indicates that a small and medium-sized enterprise(SME) reduces the positive (+) the association between the business strategy aggressiveness and tax avoidance level. The results above suggest that a firm with aggressive business strategy engages in more aggressive tax avoidance activities since it pursues new product and new geographic markets entailing more tax avoidance planning opportunities. However, such aggressive tax avoidance activities are comparatively weaker in small and medium-sized firms than large firms even if they are pursuing aggressive business strategy. Our study is distinct from the prior tax literature (i.e., Higgins et al. 2015) in several ways: First, we separate SMEs from non-SMEs at the same level of business strategy, and we found that the level of tax avoidance of SMEs is lower than that of non-SMEs. Second, this study is for the Korean firms which are affected by the Korean specific management system and tax regime that are different from those of U.S. This study considered the Korean specific situations (e.g., 2009 is excluded from the sample due to the external shock (i.e., international financial crisis) and other control variables such as operating cash flow(OCFS), management ownership(MOWN) and foreign investor‘s shareholding(FSH) and SMEs(SMS) which are associated with tax avoidance under prior Korean researches. Third, we conducted both one (1) dummy regression model using samples of only prospector and defender group and the continuous variable model rather than 2-dummies regression model used by Higgins et al. (2015). Fourth, we conducted a robust test to investigate whether 6 facets composing the strategy are endogenously related with the tax avoidance level and factor analysis to test whether our strategy index is much stronger than the common factor. This research is important because it helps provide a better understanding of the factors that affect a firm’s propensity to engage in aggressive tax avoidance behavior. The distinguishing feature of our study is that it is grounded in a theoretical framework that is used to make clear predictions regarding the link between the aggressiveness of a firm’s business strategy and its tax aggressiveness.

      • KCI등재후보

        광해군 시대의 군사전략

        장성진 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소 2011 한국군사학논집 Vol.67 No.1

        In the era of King Kwanghaegun in the Joseon Dynasty going through the period of transition from ImJin War(倭亂) into Invasion of the Qing Dynasty (胡亂), the Joseon Dynasty has been trying to prevent and deter a war with Qing(淸, 後金). The purpose of this thesis is to study the military strategy of King Kwanghaegun and to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy. To achieve this goal, I analyze the components of the military strategy of this era,that is weapon, tactics, and defense system and evaluate the derived military strategy. In the terms of weapon and tactics, the Joseon Dynasty strived to reorganize and redevised the army with 『Jixiao-Xinshe(紀效書)』written by Qi, ji-Gunag (戚繼光), in order to prepare for the invasion of the Qing. For examples, there were skill trainings on the anti-cavalry weapons, tactics had moved from war-mobiles, infantry, cavalry, and firearms. But these weapon and tactics couldn't successfully executed, so supplemented by the Defense System(關防). The goal of defense system was to return to the Garrison Administrative System(鎭管體制) and this goal couldn't work because of the shortage in the troops, budget, technology and time. Before the battle of Simha(深河), Joseon propelled the sequential defense fort in the key terrain focus of river and hill. After the battle, Joseon propelled the showdown on the capital-area not the sequential defense. That is, Kwanghaegun tried to protect the leadership(保障處) and thus install four independence military defense facilities(防禦營) in Gyeonggi-do. The military strategy of the King Kwanghaegun was passive defensive strategy(守勢戰略) which used the weapon, tactics and defense system. The features of this era include the same aim of the strategy, that is the return of the Garrison Administrative System(鎭管體制) and the pursuit of the strategy based on the threats and capability. But this strategy had two limits. This passive defensive strategy couldn't control or prevent the expansion of the Qing's power. And in the strategy, the military wasn't in line with politics and diplomacy.

      • KCI등재

        사업전략과 주가급락위험

        최영목 ( Young-mok Choi ),송인욱 ( Inwook Song ) 한국리스크관리학회 2022 리스크 管理硏究 Vol.33 No.2

        본 연구는 기업의 사업전략(경쟁전략)을 공격적전략(혁신 및 위험추구), 방어적전략(원가우위 및 위험회피), 분석적전략(절충형)으로 나누고, 이러한 사업전략과 주가급락위험의 관계를 분석하였다. 국내 유가증권시장에 상장된 비금융기업을 대상으로 회귀모형을 OLS로 추정한 결과에서 방어적전략을 추구하는 기업이 공격적전략 및 분석적전략을 추구하는 기업에 비해 주가급락위험이 큰 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 내생성을 경감시키기 위해 사용한 패널고정효과모형과 동태적패널회귀모형으로 추정한 결과에서도 동일하게 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 방어적전략을 추구하는 기업이 기존 자원의 효율성 제고에 중점을 두고 원가우위와 위험회피성향이 강하지만, 경영자에게 모든 주요 정보가 집중되고 결정되는 의사결정구조를 갖기 때문에 부정적 정보를 은폐할 유인이 높아 주가급락위험이 크다는 가설의 설명력이 높다는 것으로 받아들일 수 있다. 또한 이러한 결과는 급변하는 경영환경 하에서 혁신하지 못하고 기존 사업에 치중하면서 위험을 회피하는 방어적전략이 오히려 기업가치 측면에서 부정적일 수 있음을 시사한다. This study classified the business strategy into aggressive strategy (innovation and risk-seeking), defensive strategy (cost leadership and risk aversion), and analytical strategy (compromised), and analyzed the relationship between these business strategies and stock price crash risk. According to regression analysis(OLS) of non-financial companies listed on stock market, it was found that companies pursuing a defensive strategy had a higher risk of a stock price plunge than companies pursuing an aggressive strategy and an analytical strategy. These results were also found in the results estimated by panel fixed-effect model and dynamic panel regression model used to reduce endogeneity. These results strengthen the hypothesis that there is a high risk of stock price plunge as companies pursuing defensive strategy have a strong cost advantage and hedging tendency, but have a high risk of concealing negative information as they have a decision-making structure in which all key information is concentrated and decided by the executives. In addition, these results suggest that defensive strategy that avoids risks while focusing on existing businesses without innovation under a rapidly changing business environment may be rather negative in terms of corporate value.

      • KCI우수등재

        공급사슬통합 유형과 다각화 전략의 연계

        김수욱(Soo Wook Kim) 한국경영학회 2005 經營學硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        Supply chain strategies and practices depend on not only the nature of the business, the competitive environment, technological intensity of the product, but also product and market characteristics. Consequently the effect of supply chain integration should be evaluated, in the light of a company’s market and product strategies. The premise of this paper is that coordination between marketing strategies (diversification) and manufacturing strategies (SCM) will lead to better performance than when the two strategies are pursued independently. The particular interface between marketing and manufacturing that this paper investigates is the interaction effect of diversification and SC integration strategies on SCM performance and firm performance. We further hypothesize that coordinated SCI and diversification strategies constitute matched strategy pairs that are associated with higher performance compared to unmatched strategy pairs. This paper, by ANOVA and moderated multiple regression, examines the effect of the interaction between supply chain integration and market/product diversification strategies on a firm’s competitive performance and supply chain performance. Specifically, by comparing the main effect of diversification and interaction effects of diversification and supply chain integration on performance, this paper shows that coordinated use of supply chain integration and diversification has a significant effect on both SCM performance and firm performance. Further, the results derived a typology of matching set of diversification strategies and SC integration types that could lead to beneficial impact on performance. The results of this study can be useful in integrating supply chain management (SCM) strategy into the overall corporate strategy.Results of this study make several theoretical contributions. First, strategy literature has not shown conclusively that there is a linkage between diversification and performance. Researchers have offered different reasons for the lack of this relationship. We started with the hypothesis that SCI strategies of a firm might influence this relationship. We have shown that it does. Second, having shown that the interaction effect between diversification and SC integration is statistically significant, we then derived a set of “compatible”diversification and SC integration strategies that could lead to beneficial impact on performance. This set can be construed to define a typology of matching set of strategies. Third, we were able to identify how these compatible strategies influence different competitive performance measures. This suggests that, depending on which competitive performance measures the firm is pursuing, there is a matched strategy pair that is most appropriate. Fourth, in order to analyze potential differences in hypothesized relationships in Korea and Japan, a separate analysis was done for the samples from the two countries. The separate analyses done on Korean and Japanese firms suggested that “size effect”might be a reason for the differences in the relationship between diversification and firm performance in the two samples.The results have some practical implications for managers. They suggest that contingent strategy combinations must be considered for enhancing performance. As can be seen in table 9, both Korean and Japanese results indicate that product diversification strategy leads to high performance in sales growth and market share growth, when it is combined with internal integration strategy (in the SC domain), whereas the results show that it leads to high performance in profitability and cost reduction when combined with supplier based integration strategy. Both these matched pairs of strategies can be used as contingent strategies by firms employing product diversification strategy. For firms employing market diversification strategy, it must be paired with either external integration or customer based integration strategies (in the SC domain)

      • KCI등재

        경쟁우위를 위한 해외진출기업의 중점화전략에 관한 실증분석 : 전자산업을 중심으로 Laying Stress on Electronic Industry

        장병익,박광일 韓日經商學會 1999 韓日經商論集 Vol.17 No.-

        This study will suggest ways for korean manufacturing companies to expend hemselves in the global market in order to get the competitive advantages. The study will be divided into product, markets, and technological characteristic group through factor analysis and clustering analysis based on products, markets, and technological characteristic factor. This study will be sorted out the same way, i.e. : overseas factory task group based on overseas factory task factor, process strategy group based on process strategy factor, localization strategy group based on localization strategy factor, factory strategy group based on factory strategy factor. The study will positively analysis factory focused and economic results around Korean electronic industries. The result of positive analysis abstracted are as follow: Factory focused is stored is sorted out by products, markets, technological characteristic, overseas competitive strategy, overseas process strategy, overseas factory tasks, localization strategy, overseas factory strategy. In the result of analysis the factory focused and economic results, economic results, economic result show higher than that of the average of the relevant industries when focused, pursuing the dominant specified strategy factor. Accordingly, it's advisable that overseas factory managers focus the strategy factors to increase the economic result. Hence for firms to get competitive advantage, they must manage their production system in terms of strategic dimensions and there must be in consistency between competitive strategy and manufacturing strategy. Hence, the competitive performance of production system depends upon the role of manufacturing managers in strategic decision making but their influence competitive Performance.

      • KCI등재

        레이건 행정부의 대소련 전략(1981-1985)과트럼프 행정부의 대중국 전략(2017-2021) 비교연구: 대전략의 관점에서

        유나영 (사) 한국전략문제연구소 2023 전략연구 Vol.30 No.1

        The Trump administration's strategies toward China and the Reagan administration's strategies toward the Soviet Union are significant in showing the transformation of America's hegemonic strategy. Therefore, this study compared Reagan's Soviet Union Strategy to Trump's China strategy with the critical official documents of the United States, dividing the strategy of the military, economic, and political system from the perspective of the grand strategy. As a result, Reagan Administration used an aggressive military strategy with alliances, an indirect retaliation economic one related to national security, and a political system strategy that encouraged liberal democracy. In the case of the Trump administration, they did a robust military strategy, a direct trade retaliation against China based on illiberal hegemony. However, they shifted their political system strategy from an appeasement approach to a more stubborn one. 레이건 행정부의 대 소련전략과 트럼프 행정부의 대중국전략은 미국 패권전략의 변화를 볼 수 있다는 측면에서 매우 중요하다. 따라서 이 연구는 미국 주요 문서를 중심으로 1981년부터 1985년까지 레이건 행정부의 대소전략과 2017년부터 2021년까지 트럼프 행정부의 대중전략을 대전략의 관점에서 군사, 경제, 정치체제 부문으로 나누어 비교하였다. 연구결과, 레이건 행정부는 봉쇄전략이라는 대전략의 원칙하 공세적 군사전략, 유럽을 통한 간접보복 방식의 경제 전략, 자유 민주주의 독려 전략을 시행하였다. 트럼프 행정부의 경우 비자유 패권주의라는 대전략의 전제하에 중국에 대한 공격적인 군사전략, 직접 무역보복 전략을 행하였다. 그러나 정치체제 부문의 전략에 있어서는 초기 유화책에서 강경책으로 선회하였다.

      • KCI등재

        한국군 군사전략의 역할과 전략구상에 대한 담론

        오순근,공형준 한국국방연구원 2018 국방정책연구 Vol.34 No.4

        The security environments in the Korean peninsula has been rapidly changing. Increase in the fog of uncertainty evidently requires the important role of military strategy in national security. That is because the role of strategy is to provide directions in midst of the uncertainty. So far there has been a low level of linkages between strategy and operation / force planning. Due to North Korea’s persistent military threat and repeated provocations, the military strategy - which requires a deep thinking and a long-term perspective - had difficulty in fully engaging with the operation and force planning processes. Thus both had developed their own independent territories outside of the influence of military strategy. Now is the time to revisit and reexamine the role, position, and function of military strategy as well as strategy planning process. This study suggests that the role of military strategy lies on all realm of government policies, not only security and defense arena, but also political, economy, societal, and cultural arena. This paper also defines the position and function of military strategy by explaining interaction between the horizontal evolution and the vertical diversification of military strategy. Lastly, the study underscores the importance of the three elements of military strategy in the planning process - ends, ways, and means - and how the interact with each other to develp valid strategic concepts.

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