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        기술 준비도와 소비자 준비도가 Self Service Technology 사용동기와 태도 및 사용의도에 미치는 영향

        심현숙,한상린,Shim, Hyeon Sook,Han, Sang Lin 한국마케팅학회 2012 ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL Vol.14 No.1

        정보기술의 활용이 마케팅 전략의 중요한 부분으로 부각되는 시장 환경에서 본 논문에서는 패스트푸드 레스토랑에서 주문시 Self Service Technology(SST)를 사용 할 때 기술준비도와 소비자 준비도에 따른 사용동기, 태도, 사용의도의 차이를 검증하고자 하였다. Parasuraman이 TRI를 개발한 이후 SST와 TRI를 접목한 연구가 이루어져 왔지만 여전히 부족한 실정이다. 소비자 준비도 역시 SST사용에 대한 소비자의 동기와 태도 및 의도와 직접적인 영향을 미칠 수 있지만 이에 대한 연구는 이루어지지 않았다. 이에 본 연구에서는 패스트푸드 레스토랑에서 터치스크린 SST를 도입함에 있어 소비자의 기술준비도와 소비자 준비도가 Dabholkar & Bagozzi(1994)가 제안한 SST 핵심태도모델에 미치는 영향을 고찰하였다. 이때 모든 소비자와 상황적 요인에 따른 차이를 파악하고자 자아의식, 상호작용욕구, 기술에 대한 두려움 등의 소비자특성과 지각된 대기시간, 지각된 과밀 등의 상황적 요인에 따른 조절 효과를 검증하였다. AMOS 18.0프로그램을 사용하여 구조방정식 모델로 분석하였고 연구 결과 기술준비도 중 낙관성은 사용용이성과 재미 동기에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 혁신성은 사용용이성과 성과에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 역할의 명확성, 능력 및 자아 효능감으로 구성된 소비자준비도는 사용용이성, 성과와 재미 등 모든 SST사용동기 요소에 기술준비도보다 강하고 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 SST 핵심태도모델 내의 SST 사용 동기, 사용 태도 및 사용의도 간의 관계에서 소비자 특성과 상황적 요인의 조절효과를 검증한 결과 지각된 과밀을 제외한 모든 변수들이 조절효과를 지니는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 터치스크린 SST를 도입하려는 기업에 실무적 제언을 하였다. Researches about the relationship between SST(Self Service Technology) and TRI(Technology Readiness Index) have been carried out after TRI was developed by Parasuraman and his colleagues(2000). We hypothesize Consumer Readiness can also influence consumer's motivation, attitude, and intent to use SST. Currently, there has been no research on this subject. In this study, we investigated the relationship between TR, Consumer Readiness and SST Core Attitudinal Model which Dabholkar & Bagozzi(1994) proposed. The researchers also investigated moderating effects of consumer traits and situational factors to verify the acceptance of such forms of service delivery by all kinds of consumers and under different situational contexts. Self consciousness, the need for interaction with an employee, and the technology anxiety were used as consumer trait variables. Perceived waiting time and perceived crowding were used as situational variables. 380 questionnaires were distributed to a sample group of people in their 20's and 30's, and the data were analyzed with structural equation model using AMOS 18.0 program. All of Cronbach's alpha values representing reliabilities were satisfactory. The values of Composite Reliability(CR) and Average Variance Extracted(AVE) also showed the above criteria, thus providing evidence of convergent validity. To confirm discriminant validity among the constructs, confirmatory factor analysis and correlations among all the variables were examined. The results were satisfactory. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. Optimism and innovativeness of TR partially influenced the motivation to use SST. People who tend to be optimistic use SST because of ease of use and fun. The innovative however, usually use SST due to its performance. However, consumer readiness of role clarity, ability and self-efficacy influence all the components of motivation to use SST, ease of use, performance and fun. The relative effect of consumer readiness on the motivation to use SST was much stronger and more significant than that of TR. No other previous studies have examined the effects of Consumer Readiness on SST usage motivation, attitude and intention. It is academically meaningful that the researchers verified that Consumer Readiness is the important precedent construct influencing the self service technology core Attitudinal Model. Our findings suggest that marketers should consider fun and ease of use attributes to promote the use of self service technology. In addition, the SST usage frequency will rise rapidly when role clarity, ability, and self-efficacy which anybody can easily handle SST is assured. If the SST usage rate is increased, waiting times for customers could be decreased. Shorter waiting time could lead to higher customer satisfaction. It may also result in making a long-term profit owing to the reduced number of employees. Thus, presentation of using SST by employees or videos showing how to use it will promote the usage attitude and intent. 2. In SST core attitudinal model, performance and fun factors among SST usage motivation affected attitudes of using SST. The attitude of using SST highly influenced intent to use SST. This result is consistent with previous researches that dealt with the relationship between motivation, attitude and intention. Expectation of using SST could result in good performance just like the effect of ordering menu to service employees and to have fun since fun during its use could promote more SST usage rate. 3. In the relationship among motivation, attitude and intent in SST core attitudinal model, the moderating effect of consumer traits(self-consciousness, need for interaction with service employees and technology anxiety) and situational factors(perceived crowding and perceived waiting time) were tested. The results also supported the hypothesized moderating effects except perceived crowding. The highly self-conscious tended to form attitudes to use SST because o

      • KCI등재

        Communication : Variations of SST around Korea Inferred from NOAA AVHRR Data

        Yong Q. Kang,Sang Bok Hahn,Young Sang Suh,Sung Joo Park 大韓遠隔探査學會 2001 大韓遠隔探査學會誌 Vol.17 No.2

        The NOAA AVHRR remotely sensed SST data, collected by the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI), are analyzed in order to understand the spatial and temporal distributions of SST in the sea near korea. Our study is based on 10-day SST images during last 7 years (1991-1997). For a time series analysis of multiple SST images, all of images must be consistent exactly at the same position by adjusting the scales and positions of each SST image. We devised an algorithm which automatically detects cloud pixels from multiple SST images. The cloud detection algorithm is based on a physical constraint that SST anomalies in the ocean do not exceed certain limits (we used ±3℃ as a criterion of SST anomalies). The remotely sensed SST data are tuned by comparing remotely sensed data with observed SST at coastal stations. Seasonal variations of SST are studied by harmonic fit of SST normals at each pixel and the SST anomalies are studied by statistical method. It was found that the SST anomalies are rather persistent for one or two months. Utilizing the persistency of SST anomalies, we devised an algorithm for a prediction of future SST. In the Markov process model of SST anomalies, autoregression coefficients of SST anomalies during a time elapse of 10 days are between 0.5 and 0.7. The developed algorithm with automatic cloud pixel detection and rediction of future SST is expected to be incorporated to the operational real time service of SST around Korea.

      • KCI등재

        귀인이론을 바탕으로 한 도서관 SST(Self-Service Technology)기반 서비스실패와 서비스회복 전략 탐색

        이성신,Lee, Seong-Sin 한국도서관정보학회 2011 한국도서관정보학회지 Vol.42 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to make a general overview of SST-Based(Self-Service Technology Based) services and understand SST-Based service failure by users and service recovery strategy based on attribution theory. To achieve these purposes, the study reviewed literature related to the unique characteristics of SST-Based service and user studies of SST-Based service. As a result, it was found that there are no significant differences between general SST-Based service and library SST-Based service. In addition, this study suggested appropriate service recovery strategies of service failure by users through the understanding of attribution theory. The finding was that the most important SST-Based service recovery strategy is to improve technical service quality of the services. 본 연구의 목적은 SST(Self-Service Technology)기반 서비스 이용자 관련 연구를 개관하고 귀인이론을 통해 이용자에 의해 발생되는 서비스실패와 이에 대한 회복전략을 이해하는데 있다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 사적영역에서 논의되고 있는 SST기반 서비스의 특성 및 이용자연구를 문헌조사를 통해 살펴본 결과 도서관 SST기반 서비스도 일반적인 SST기반 서비스와 크게 다르지 않음을 발견하였다. 일반적인 서비스와 다른 특성을 지니는 SST기반 서비스의 경우 이용자에 의한 서비스 실패가 발생했을 경우 적합한 회복 전략은 무엇인지를 귀인이론을 기초로 하여 제시하였다. 연구결과 도서관 SST기반 서비스를 비롯한 SST기반 서비스의 이용자에 의한 실패를 회복하기위한 전략은 서비스자체의 기술적 품질을 향상시키는 것이 중요한 것으로 나타났다

      • KCI등재

        Variations of SST around Korea Inferred from NOAA AVHRR Data

        Kang, Yong-Q.,Hahn, Sang-Bok,Suh, Young-Sang,Park, Sung-Joo The Korean Society of Remote Sensing 2001 大韓遠隔探査學會誌 Vol.17 No.2

        The NOAA AVHRR remotely sensed SST data, collected by the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI), are analyzed in order to understand the spatial and temporal distributions of SST in the sea near korea. Our study is based on 10-day SST images during last 7 years (1991-1997). For a time series analysis of multiple SST images, all of images must be consistent exactly at the same position by adjusting the scales and positions of each SST image. We devised an algorithm which automatically detects cloud pixels from multiple SST images. The cloud detection algorithm is based on a physical constraint that SST anomalies in the ocean do not exceed certain limits (we used $\pm$3$^{\circ}C$ as a criterion of SST anomalies). The remotely sensed SST data are tuned by comparing remotely sensed data with observed SST at coastal stations. Seasonal variations of SST are studied by harmonic fit of SST normals at each pixel and the SST anomalies are studied by statistical method. It was found that the SST anomalies are rather persistent for one or two months. Utilizing the persistency of SST anomalies, we devised an algorithm for a prediction of future SST. In the Markov lprocess model of SST anomalies, autoregression coefficients of SST anomalies during a time elapse of 10 days are between 0.5 and 0.7. The developed algorithm with automatic cloud pixel detection and rediction of future SST is expected to be incorporated to the operational real time service of SST around Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Satellite-Derived SST Validation based on In-Situ Data during Summer in the East China Sea and Western North Pacific

        김은진,강석구,장성태,이재학,김영호,강현우,승영호,권영연 한국해양과학기술원 2010 Ocean science journal Vol.45 No.3

        Satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) is validated based on in-situ data from the East China Sea (ECS) and western North Pacific where most typhoons, which make landfall on the Korean peninsula, are formed and pass. While forecasting typhoons in terms of intensity and track, coupled ocean-typhoon models are significantly influenced by initial ocean condition. Potentially, satellite-derived SST is a very useful dataset to obtain initial ocean field because of its wide spatial coverage and high temporal resolution. In this study, satellite-derived SST from various sources such as Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager (TMI), Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) and New Generation Sea Surface Temperature for Open Ocean (NGSST-O) datasets from merged SSTs were compared with in-situ observation data using an indirect method which is using near surface temperature for validation of satellite derived SST. In-situ observation data included shipboard measurements such as Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT), and Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), and Argo buoy data. This study shows that in-situ data can be used for microwave derived SST validation because homogeneous features of seawater prevail at water depths of 2 m to 10 m under favorable wind conditions during the summer season in the East China Sea. As a result of validation, root-mean-square errors (RMSEs) are shown to be 0.55 ℃ between microwave SST and XBT/CTD data mostly under weak wind conditions, and 0.7 ℃ between XBT/CTD measurement and NGSST-O data. Microwave SST RMSE of 0.55 ℃ is a potentially valuable data source for general application. Change of SST before and after typhoon passing may imply strength of ocean mixing due to upwelling and turbulent mixing driven by the typhoon. Based on SST change, ocean mixing, driven by Typhoon Nari, was examined. Satellite-derived SST reveals a significant SST drop around the track immediately following the passing of Typhoon Nari in October, 2007.

      • KCI등재

        주의력결핍, 과잉행동 청소년의 부모교육 병행 SST기반 문학치료 프로그램과 SST기반 문학치료 프로그램 단독 중재의 효과 비교

        김성범 ( Kim Sung-bum ) 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2017 특수교육재활과학연구 Vol.56 No.2

        본 연구는 부모교육을 병행한 SST기반 문학치료 프로그램이 청소년의 주의력결핍, 과잉행동 감소에 미치는 영향과 그 지속성에 대해 SST기반 문학치료 프로그램의 단독 중재효과와 비교하여 그 효과를 살펴보기 위하여 수행되었다. 본 조사연구의 대상은 D시 소재 J고등학교의 주의력결핍, 과잉행동 의심 청소년이 포함된 총 25명의 청소년이며, 선정된 청소년들을 대상으로 각각 9명, 8명, 8명씩 문학치료 프로그램 참여집단과 부모교육병행 문학치료 프로그램 참여집단, 그리고 통제집단으로 무선 배치하였다. 세 집단에 대해 사전-사후-추후 통제집단 설계로 실험의 처치와 그 효과에 대해 검증하였다. 부모교육을 병행한 SST기반 문학치료 프로그램과 SST기반 문학치료 프로그램을 선정하고 사전검사를 실시한 후, 5주에 걸쳐 주 2회씩 총 10회 실시하였으며, 사후검사, 그리고 추후검사를 실시하였다. 부모교육 프로그램 집단에는 부모교육을 5주에 걸쳐 총 10회 실시 하였다. 프로그램의 효과를 검증하기 위해, SST기반 문학치료 프로그램과 부모교육을 병행한 SST기반 문학치료 프로그램 참여 여부를 독립변수로 설정하였고, 주의력결핍, 과잉행동 변화량을 종속변수로 하여 일원배치 분산분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같이 나타났다. 첫째, SST기반 문학치료 프로그램을 통하여 청소년의 주의력결핍, 과잉행동이 감소되었다. 둘째, 부모교육을 병행한 SST기반 문학치료 프로그램을 통하여 청소년의 주의력결핍, 과잉행동이 감소되었다. 셋째, 부모교육을 병행한 SST기반 문학치료 프로그램의 상호작용을 통하여 청소년의 주의력결핍, 과잉행동은 추후검사에서도 주의력결핍, 과잉행동 감소 효과의 지속이 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통하여 부모교육을 병행한 SST기반 문학치료 프로그램이 청소년의 주의력결핍, 과잉행동 감소와 효과성 지속에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. This study was intended to examine the effects of literary therapy program based on SST(Social Skills Training) combined with parents education to decrease ADHD of adolescents for EBD. 25 adolescents of `J` highschool located in `D` City were participated in this study. 9 adolescents who agreed to participate were the literary therapy experiment group, another 8 adolescents who agreed to participate were the literary therapy combined parent education experiment group, and the others adolescents were the control group. The results are as follows; First, literary therapy program based on SST was an effective intervention program for adolescents with EBD. Literary therapy program based on SST as a tool of integrated therapy with EBD adolescents based upon the results, and the value of the study can be found in the empirical data. Second, the literary therapy program based on SST in a combination of parents education influenced positively effective to reduce the ADHD of adolescents with EBD. Lastly, ADHD in adolescents with EBD showed a greater persistence of ADHD reduction in later tests through the interaction of SST - based literary therapy programs with parent education. In conclusion, this study showed that the SST - based literary therapy program with parents` education affects the decrease and persistence of ADHD in EBD adolescents.

      • KCI우수등재

        한국 연안역의 해수면온도와 평균해수면 변화에 관한 고찰

        이문옥,김종규,김병국 한국해양환경·에너지학회 2024 한국해양환경·에너지학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        본 연구에서는 지난 50여년간 국립수산과학원과 해양조사원이 우리나라 연안의 6개 정점(동해의 포항, 울릉도, 남해의 부산, 제주, 서해의 인천, 군산)에서 관측한 해수면온도(SST)와 평균해수면(MSL) 자료를 분석하여 그 변화를 고찰하였다. 조사기간 중 SST는 동계(2월)에는 남해의 부산과 제주도에서 가장 높았고, 서해의 인천과 군산에서 가장 낮은 반면, 하계(8월)에는 서해의 인천과 군산에서 가장 높았고, 동해의 포항과 울릉도에서 가장 낮았다. SST의 평균값은 남해의 부산과 제주도가 동해의 포항과 울릉도에 비해 약 1-2°C, 서해의 인천과 군산에 비해서는 약 3°C 이상 더 높았다. SST의 상승속도 (또는 상승률)는 동해 울릉도가 0.0412 °C·yr-1로 가장 높았고, 남해 제주도가 0.0101 °C·yr-1로 가장 낮았으며, 이들 6개 해역에서의 SST의 평균 상승속도는 0.0259 °C·yr-1로 나타났다. MSL은 6개 해역 모두 상승추세에 있었으며, 계절적으로는 하계(8월)에 가장 높았고, 동계(2월)에 가장 낮았다. 평균 MSL은 폐쇄 해역인 서해의 인천과 군산에서 높았고, 개방 해역인 동해의 포항과 울릉도에서 낮았다. MSL의 연평균 상승속도는 동해의 포항이 0.5218 cm·yr-1로 가장 높았고, 남해의 부산이 0.2433 cm·yr-1로 가장 낮았으며, 이들 6개 해역의 MSL의 평균 상승속도는 0.3664 cm·yr-1로 나타났다. SST와 MSL의 월변화 패턴은 해역에 따라 다르나 동일 해역내에서는 서로 유사하였으며, 따라서 SST의 월변화가 MSL의 월변화를 야기하는 1차적 요인으로 생각된다. 동해의 울릉도는 SST와 MSL의 상승속도 모두 타 해역에 비해 비교적 빠른 지역으로 생각되지만, 그 이유에 대해서는 불명하다. 결론적으로, 서해, 남해, 동해 모두 SST와 MSL은 전반적으로 상승추세에 있는 것으로 나타나, 연안에서의 자연 재해 위험성(취약성)이 그만큼 증가할 것으로 판단된다. 따라서, 지역사회는 물론 연안의 해양생태계도 상당한 변화를 겪게 될 것으로 예상되므로 앞으로 각 해역의 특성에 맞는 구체적이고 실효성 있는 환경보전대책이 시급히 마련되어야 할 것으로 생각된다. We analyzed a long term data of sea surface temperature (SST) and mean sea level (MSL) NIFS (National Institute of Fisheries Science) and KHOA (Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency) have acquired at six stations in coastal waters of Korea and then examined their variations. During the investigation period, in February, SST was most high in Busan and Jejudo but it was most low in Incheon and Gunsan whereas in August SST was most high in Incheon and Gunsan but it was most low in Pohang and Ulleungdo. The mean value of SST for Busan and Jejudo was 1-2°C higher than Pohang and Ulleungdo or 3°C higher than Incheon and Gunsan. The rise rate of SST was most high with 0.0412 °C·yr-1 in Ulleungdo whereas it was most low with 0.0101 °C·yr-1 in Jejudo and the mean value of the rise rate of SST for these six stations appeared to be 0.0259 °C·yr-1. On the other hand, MSL had a tendency to rise at all six stations, with a seasonal variation of most high in August and most low in February. The mean value of MSL was high in Incheon and Gunsan, which are located in the semi-enclosed sea, whereas it was low in Pohang and Ulleungdo, which are located in the open sea. The annual mean rise rate of MSL was most high with 0.5218 cm·yr-1 in Pohang whereas it was most low with 0.2433 cm·yr-1 in Busan and the mean value of the rise rate of MSL at all six stations appeared to be 0.3664 cm·yr-1. The patterns of the monthly variation in SST and MSL indicated differences from sea region to sea region but had similarities within the same sea region. Thus, the monthly variation of SST was deduced to be the first factor to induce the monthly variation of MSL. Ulleungdo in the east sea seemed like the region with a high rise rate of SST as well as MSL but it is still unclear why it is so. Consequently, SST and MSL proved to be in a rising trend for all the west sea, south sea and east sea so that the coastal communities can be more vulnerable to natural disasters. Therefore, we will have to urgently prepare for environmental conservation countermeasures which are concrete and realistic since local communities as well as coastal marine ecosystems are expected to experience substantial changes in the future.

      • KCI등재

        한국 남부 해역 SST의 계절 및 경년 변동이 단기 딥러닝 모델의 SST 예측에 미치는 영향

        주호정,채정엽,이은주,김영택,박재훈,JU, HO-JEONG,CHAE, JEONG-YEOB,LEE, EUN-JOO,KIM, YOUNG-TAEG,PARK, JAE-HUN 한국해양학회 2022 바다 Vol.27 No.2

        Sea Surface Temperature (SST), one of the ocean features, has a significant impact on climate, marine ecosystem and human activities. Therefore, SST prediction has been always an important issue. Recently, deep learning has drawn much attentions, since it can predict SST by training past SST patterns. Compared to the numerical simulations, deep learning model is highly efficient, since it can estimate nonlinear relationships between input data. With the recent development of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) in computer, large amounts of data can be calculated repeatedly and rapidly. In this study, Short-term SST will be predicted through Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based U-Net that can handle spatiotemporal data concurrently and overcome the drawbacks of previously existing deep learning-based models. The SST prediction performance depends on the seasonal and interannual SST variabilities around the southern coast of Korea. The predicted SST has a wide range of variance during spring and summer, while it has small range of variance during fall and winter. A wide range of variance also has a significant correlation with the change of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index. These results are found to be affected by the intensity of the seasonal and PDO-related interannual SST fronts and their intensity variations along the southern Korean seas. This study implies that the SST prediction performance using the developed deep learning model can be significantly varied by seasonal and interannual variabilities in SST.

      • 성장호르몬 분비성 뇌하수체 선종에서 소마토스타틴 수용체 (제2아형, 제5아형), G_i2α 및 Pit-1 유전자 발현

        류미숙,양인명,박철영,우정택,김성운,김진우,김영설,최영길,김은희,박승준,김국기 대한내분비학회 2002 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.17 No.2

        Background: Mutation of Gs protein subunit (gsp oncogene), detected in about 30∼40% of growth hormone (GH)-secreting pituitary tumors, is associated with an increased long-acting somatostatin analog octreotide sensitivity. However, the mRNA expression of somatostatin receptor (sst) was not changed in the GH-secreting pituitary tumor, regardless of whether they were gsp oncogene positive or negative. This suggests that the expression of genes coding for G_i2α, Pit-1 and the other factors involved in the regulation of secretory activity in somatotrophs is likely to be altered in gsp oncogene positive tumors. We observed the impact of the gsp oncogene on the expression of the genes coding for Gi2, Pit-1 and sst (2&5) in GH-secreting pituitary tumors. Methods: The GH response to octreotide was examined in 13 acromegalic patients before transsphenoidal adenomectomy. Genomic DNA and RNA were extracted from fresh frozen tumor tissues. PCR was performed to amplify and sequence the region between codon 184 and 251 that includes exons 8 and 9 of the Gs gene. Sst2, sst5, G_i2α and Pit-1 mRNA levels were measured by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Results: Sst2 and sst5 mRNA transcripts were detected in all tumors (7 gsp +, 6 gsp-). The amount of sst transcripts varied considerably varied between the tumors. There were no significant differences in sex, age, tumor size, grade or basal GH levels. Pit-1 and sst2 mRNA levels were not different. In contrast, G_i2 mRNA levels were significantly higher in gsp (+) while sst5 mRNA levels were higher in gsp (-). Conclusion: These data suggests that gsp oncogene may increase Gi2α levels but decrease sst5 mRNA levels. However, Pit-1 and sst2 mRNA expression may not be affected by gsp oncogene. The increased expression of the G_i2α gene might be an inhibitory compensatory response to the action of gsp oncogene

      • KCI등재

        NOAA AVHRR 자료를 이용한 해수면온도 산출에 황사가 미치는 영향

        전형욱 ( Hyoung Wook Chun ),손병주 ( Byung Ju Sohn ) 大韓遠隔探査學會 2009 大韓遠隔探査學會誌 Vol.25 No.1

        본 연구에서는 NOAA AVHRR 밝기온도 자료로부터 해수면 온도 (SST) 산출에 황사 에어로솔이 미치는 영향을 복사전달 모델을 사용하여 분석하고, SST 복원 알고리즘을 개선하였다. 봄철의 황사에 의한 AVHRR 밝기온도 변화를 모의하기 위한 복사전달 모델의 입력 자료로서 지상 태양광 관측 자료로부터 분석한 황사 에어로솔 광학적 특성 (에어로솔 광학적 두께 및 크기분포)과 라디오 존데 연직분포 자료(기압, 기온, 및 습도)를 이용하였다. 황사 에어로솔은 적외선 복사대에서 흡수에 비해 산란이 매우 큼을 보였으며, 이러한 특징은 지표면에서 방출되는 상향복사량을 산란시켜 대기상부에서 관측되는 밝기온도를 감소시키는 경향과 관련이 있다. 광학적 두께가 1인 황사의 경우 직하점에서 약 2K, 위성 천정각이 50°인 경우에는 약 4 K의 감쇄를 유발하였다. 황사 존재시 AVHRR 적외채널 11, 12 μm의 밝기온도 차 역시 감소하는 경향을 보이고 있지만 그 값은 미미하였다. 기존 SST 복원 알고리즘은 황사발생시 SST를 실제 값보다도 낮게 산출함을 보였으며, 이를 보정하기 위해 에어로솔 광학적 두께, 11 μm에서의 밝기온도 그리고 위성 천정각을 추가하여 알고리즘을 개선하였다. 개선된 SST 복원 알고리즘은 황사의 두께가 1인 경우 2.7 K정도의 오차를 개선하였다. This research presents the effect of Asian dust on the derived sea surface temperature (SST) from measurements of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) instrument flown onboard NOAA polar orbiting satellites. To analyze the effect, AVHRR infrared brightness temperature (TB) is estimated from simulated radiance calculated from radiative transfer model on various atmospheric conditions. Vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, and humidity from radiosonde observation are used to build up the East Asian atmospheric conditions in spring. Aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and size distribution are derived from skyradiation measurements to be used as inputs to the radiative transfer model. The simulation results show that single channel TB at window region is depressed under the Asian dust condition. The magnitude of depression is about 2K at nadir under moderate aerosol loading, but the magnitude reaches up to 4K at slant path. The dual channel difference (DCD) in spilt window region is also reduced under the Asian dust condition, but the reduction of DCD is much smaller than that shown in single channel TB simulation. Owing to the depression of TB, SST has cold bias. In addition, the effect of AOT on SST is amplified at large satellite zenith angle (SZA), resulting in high variance in derived SSTs. The SST depression due to the presence of Asian dust can be expressed as a linear function of AOT and SZA. On the basis of this relationship, the effect of Asian dust on the SST retrieval from the conventional daytime multi-channel SST algorithm can be derived as a function of AOT and SZA.

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