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        Rosenberg의 비폭력 의사소통훈련 프로그램이 배척아동의 자아존중감과 또래관계에 미치는 효과

        이은아 ( Eun A Lee ),박상복 ( Sang Bok Park ) 한국동서정신과학회 2007 동서정신과학 Vol.10 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to testify the effect of Rosenberg`s Nonviolent Communication Training Program on rejected children`s self-esteem and their peer relationships. The research hypotheses set to achieve this goal were as follows. First, Rosenberg`s nonviolent communication training might improve self-esteem of rejected children. Second, Rosenberg`s nonviolent communication training might improve peer relationships of rejected children. To test these hypotheses, 18 rejected children were selected out of 64 4th-grade students in G Elementary School in Busan. And they were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group. The students in the experimental group took part in the 10-session Rosenberg`s Nonviolent Communication Training Program based on the nonviolent communication developed by Rosenberg(2003) while the students in the control group did not get any treatment. The Self-esteem Scale(Coopersmith, 1967) translated by B. G. Choi and G. Y. Jeon`s(1993) and the Peer Relationship Scale revised from O. S. Hong`s(1984) were given to the students in both groups. The pretest was given before the program and the posttest after the program. The retention test was given 7 weeks later after the program. The data was treated with SPSS/WIN 10.0 program, in which standard deviation and mean of the pretest, posttest and retention test of each group were got and t-test and ANCOVA were used for the statistical analysis. The results of this study were as follows. First, the self-esteem of the students in the experimental group was significantly improved compared with that of the control group students. Second, the peer relationship of the students in the experimental group was significantly improved compared with that of the control group students. Third, the effects of this program lasted for 7 weeks. Therefore, it is suggested that Rosenberg`s Nonviolent Communication Training Program had positive effect on rejected children`s self-esteem and their peer relationships.

      • KCI등재

        아이작 로젠버그의 전쟁시 읽기

        조규택(Kyu-taek Cho) 한국영미어문학회 2010 영미어문학 Vol.- No.96

        This paper attempts to introduce Isaac Rosenberg's war poetry written during the First World War. Rosenberg reveals the reality of war through his own war experience and his participation on the Western Front. In order to understand his war poetry, I introduced Rosenberg's early childhood and educational background. He was the son of poor Jewish immigrant in Bristol, England. He was interested in painting and particularly good at writing poetry. As soon as World War I broke out, he returned to England from South Africa and enlisted as a soldier, as most young people did. As opposed to most war poets, Rosenberg was not an officer but a simple soldier. In this paper, I classified Rosenberg's war poetry in three periods; the early period, the middle period, and the last period. In his early period, Rosenberg watched the war with an objective attitude as a mere observer writing his poems based on his experiences as a soldier. In the middle period, he viewed the war as a severe, horrific and disgusting immortal darkness through his famous poems from the trench. In the last period, he revealed his transcendental view toward the war and also accepted his religious attitude from the war poems. By reading Rosenberg's war poetry, I was able to grasp his own unique style toward war poetry, where he showed his introvert and shy personality based on his biographical background. This paper reveals that Rosenberg's unique personality accounts for the difference between his war poetry and other's war poetry.

      • KCI등재

        독일법의 증명책임과 증명경감론의 전개와 동향 – Rosenberg와 Schwab의 공헌과 실체법상의 새 규정을 중심으로 –

        반흥식 한국민사소송법학회 2012 민사소송 Vol.16 No.2

        Die große Bedeutung des Beweisrechts für die Rechtsptaxis und die Rechtsanwendung ist unbestritten. Nach dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts war die Bindungswirkung eines schriftlichen, mittelbaren und geheimen Verfahrens beseitigt. Damit entfielen auch die gestaltenden Faktoren der Verfahrenstrennung und der Eventualmaxime. Richterliche Freiheit im Bewisrecht war und is nicht grenzenlos. Welche Freiheit hat des Richrer dei der Beweiswürdigung? Wer trägt die Beweislast und nach welchen Regeln ist zu entscheiden, wenn der Richter im Stadium der Beweislosigkeit verbleibt?In diesen Fragen hat Leo Rosenberg(1879-1963) als 21 jähriger im Jahre 1900eine Dissertation zur Beweislast vorgelegt. Zum einen ging es darum, dass es neben der subjektiven Beweisführungslast eine objektive Beweislast(Feststellunglast) gibt. Zum anderen hat Rosenberg erkannt, dass sich die Verteilung der Beweislast nicht aus dem Ermessen des Richters oder einzelnen Prinzipien oder Vermutungen ergibt,sondern dass die Beweislastverteilung im Gesetz, in der Art der Normen und im Satzbau verankert ist. Das heißt “Normentheorie”. Karl Heinz Schwab hat sich in der Fortentwicklung dieses führenden Lehrbuchs eines Standardwerks wie des Lehrbuchs von Rosenberg/Schwab ein massiver Einfluss auf Theorie und Praxis des Zivilprozessrechts ausgeübt wurde. Herausragende Gelehrte vom Range eines Leo Rosenberg und Karl Heinz Schwab wirken aber nicht nur durch ihre Arbeit. Durch die Ausstrahlung ihre Gedanken wirken sie nicht selten schulenbildend. Peter Gottwald im Jahre 1979 als Habilitationsschrift eine Arbeit zur richterlichen Schadensschätzung gemäß § 287 ZPO vorgelegt hat und dass Reinhard Greger im Jehre 1978 seine Doktorarbeit zum Thema “Beweis und Wahrscheilichkit”" geschrieben hat. Beide Arbeiten sind in der wissenschaftlichen Rezeption und in der Praxis als deutliche wissenschaftliche Fortschritte insbesondere auf dem Gebiet des Beweismaßes empfunden und angenommen worden. Am 1. 1. 2002 wird das neue deutsche Schuldrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz in Kraft getreten. Der zentrale punkte der Schuldrechtsreform bestand in der Einführung des zentralen Haftungstatbestands der “Pflichtverletzung” in § 280 I BGB. Von besonderer praktischer Bedeutung ist dabei in Bezug auf die Beweislast die Abgrenzung der Pflichtverletzung von Vertretenmüssen des Schuldners, da Ersteres der Gläubiger darzulegen und zu beweisen hat,während Letzteres nach § 280 I 2 BGB vermutet wird. Es besteht mittlerweile Einigkeit darüber, dass der Begriff der Pflichten selbst im falle der Unmöglichkeit und damit nach § 275 I BGB einhergehenden Befreiung von der Primärleistungspflicht Schlicht und einfach in der Tatsache besteht, dass die Leistung nicht bzw. nicht wie geschuldet erbracht wird. Alles weitere, das heißt die Gründe, welche dazu geführt haben, wird als Frage des Vertretenmüssens § 280 I 2 BGB vermutet. Die Vermutungsregelung des § 476 BGB Stellt, wenn sie denn eingreift und nicht wegen der Art der Sache oder der Art des Mangels ausgeschlossen ist, eine bedeutende Besserstellung des Verbrauchers gegenüber der bisherigen Rechtslage dar. Der Anscheinsbeweis in der deutschen gerichtlichen Praxis(vor allem in Haftpflichtrecht) von eminenter Bedeutung. Bei Anscheinsbeweis handelt es sich um ein besonderes Beweismittel, sondern es geht um die Berücksichtigung der allgemeinen Lebenserfahrung durch den Richter im Rahmen der freien Beweiswürdigung. Von der Rechtsprechung wird eine Beweislastumkehr bezüglich Kausalität und Verschulden bejaht, wenn der Arzt seine Verpflichtung zur ordnungsgemäßen Dokumentation verletzt oder wenn er in erheblichem Umfang gebotene Diagnose-und Kontrollbefunde nicht erhoben hat. Das § 529 ZPO ist Ausdruck der neuen Zweckbestimmung der Berufung als einer Instanz vornehmlich der Fehlerkontrolle und Fehlerbeseitigung. In Abs. I drückt sich diese Zweckbestimmung unmittelbar aus, wenn er das Berufungsgericht grundsätzlich an...

      • KCI등재

        부정문항이 포함된 척도의 요인구조 및 방법효과 검증과 남녀 간의 차이 비교: Rosenberg 자기존중감 척도를 중심으로

        최수미,조영일 한국심리학회 2013 한국심리학회지 일반 Vol.32 No.3

        In many scales in social science, negatively worded items were often employed to prevent bias of response tendency. However, using the negatively worded items in the scale might reduce its reliability and distort its factor structure. In order to clarify those problems, researchers have suggested to employ a factor structure including a method factor accounting for negatively worded items. In this study, Rosenberg's Self-Esteem scale which employs two types of items(i.e., positively and negatively worded items) was investigated to uncover its factor structure. Additionally, measurement invariance and latent mean difference between males and females were studied. In conclusion, the factor model considering the method factor of negatively worded items was preferred over others. Measurement invariance between males and females were supported and females showed the lower self-esteem level than males after controling for the effect of the method effect. Finally, limitation and implication of the current study are discussed. 하나의 척도에 긍정 및 부정문항을 동시에 포함하고 있는 검사들의 경우 신뢰도가 과소 추정되거나 단일요인이 아닌 서로 다른 요인으로 밝혀지는 등 문제점들이 제기되었다. 본 연구는 긍정 및 부정문항을 동시에 포함하는 Rosenberg 자기존중감 척도의 요인구조와 관련해서 제기되는 문제점들을 해결하기 위해 본 척도를 가장 잘 설명하는 요인모형을 찾고자 하였다. 또한, 자기존중감 척도의 성차간 요인구조의 차이검증과 방법효과를 고려한 후 성차간 자기존중감의 요인평균을 비교하였다. 본 연구는 한국 아동․청소년패널조사의 1차년도 조사자료 중에서 중학교 1학년 2,351명(남학생 1,177명, 여학생 1,174명)의 응답을 사용하였다. 연구결과, 자기존중감 척도의 문항 간의 공분산을 설명하는 여섯 개의 요인모형 중, 일반요인과 방법요인을 고려한 2요인 모형이 가장 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 성차간 측정모형의 동일성 검증을 실시한 결과, 측정모형의 동일성 가정이 지지되었다. 셋째, 자기존중감척도의 부정문항에 대한 방법효과를 고려한 2요인구조모형의 남녀 간에 부정문항에 대한 반응 수준에 차이가 있음을 확인하였다. 끝으로, 본 연구의 제한점과 의의를 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        국제란 무엇인가?: 월츠의 무정부상태 vs. 로젠버그의 불균등결합발전

        이경아,이혜정 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2018 국제지역연구 Vol.27 No.4

        What is ‘the International’? This is arguably the foundational question of International Relations (IR). IR theories have mainly theorized ‘the international’ by the lack of government ? the domestic analogy. This article examines an alternative theory of the international - Justin Rosenberg’s theory of Uneven and Combined Development (U&CD). First, this article critically reviews how conventional theories of International Relations, in particular Waltz’s Neorealism, have theorized the ‘International’. Second, this article examines why Rosenberg has severely criticized the mainstream theories and how he has reformulated Trotsky’s concept of U&CD. Finally, this article traces the several rounds of debates mainly in European IR over Rosenberg’s U&CD. The article argues that he has successfully developed ‘International’ theory with causality and generative mechanism of multiple political units and international structure. Moreover, his theory has framed lots of empirical studies, and thereby has become a new and influential research program in IR. ‘국제란 무엇인가’는 국제정치학의 태생적이고 근본적인 연구 주제이지만, 이에 대한 학계의 이론화는 세계정부의 부재라는 국내 유추를 크게 벗어나지 못해왔다. 이러한 문제의식에서, 본 논문은 마르크스주의 역사사회학적 관점에서 국제 그 자체의 독자적 논리체계를 규명하고자 하는 로젠버그의 ‘불균등결합발전론’을 세 가지 차원에서 검토한다. 첫째, 월츠의 신현실주의를 중심으로 기존의 국제정치이론이 ‘국제’를 이론화하고 설명해왔던 방식을 비판적으로 검토한다. 둘째, 로젠버그가 ‘국제’의 재정립을 주장하는 이론적 근거를 살펴보고 그가 어떻게 트로츠키의 ‘불균등결합발전’ 개념을 차용하여 ‘국제’를 새롭게 이론화하는지 면밀히 살펴본다. 셋째, 유럽 국제정치학계 안에서꾸준히 진행되어 온 로젠버그의 불균등결합발전 이론을 둘러싼 다양한 논쟁을 검토한다. 이를 통해, 본 논문은 로젠버그의 불균등결합발전 이론이 다양한 정치적 단위로부터 국제정치의 구조가 형성되고 재생성되는 인과론적 이론을 정립하는 데 성공하였고, 이를 바탕으로 다양하고 방대한 실증연구들을 추동하여 국제정치학계의 주요한 연구 프로그램으로 자리잡았다고 평가한다.

      • KCI등재

        The Narrative Strategy of Heart of Darkness and Its Film Adaptations

        이만식 문학과영상학회 2009 문학과영상 Vol.10 No.1

        The narrative strategy of Heart of Darkness, which has not been satisfactorily explained, is one of the major causes of continuous critical debates on its literary and cultural significance and also on its recent film adaptations such as Francis Coppola’s Apocalypse Now (1979/2001), Bob Christiansen and Rick Rosenberg’s Heart of Darkness (1994) and Peter Jackson’s King Kong (2005). The critical evaluation of Heart of Darkness is, therefore, closely related with the analysis of its narrative strategy. Heart of Darkness is a story of the writing of Marlow as well as a writing of the story of Kurtz. There is a multi-level narrative structure here, with the frame structure of Chinese boxes, in which more narrative levels are likely to be detected than the levels of Kurtz’s episode and Marlow’s tale. Heart of Darkness has a multi-level frame narrative structure. Each narrative has a double time structure: story time and discourse time. Heart of Darkness has a least quadruple time structure: Kurtz’s episode, Marlow’s tale, the frame narrative and the implied writer’s writing. The space of each narrative is quite different. Kurtz’s episode happens in the River Congo area. Marlow’s yarn is spinning on the Nellie on the Thames. The frame narrative is narrated somewhere in London. The ideal space for literary creation is assumed for the implied writer. Each space is independent in its own purpose for each narrative but metaphorically enclosed by its neighboring higher narrative. Each narrative is independent in its own progress but dependent on its neighboring narrative for its significance. The enclosure of higher narrative level is not flawless. Its incompleteness is rather accentuated in many ways. The topological hierarchy of layers of narrations in this Chinese box structure is often disturbed so that the relationship between two neighboring narratives may be described as subversive ironic relationship as in the case of Marlow’s tale and the frame narrative. The narrative structure of film is not so similar to that of the novel. The difference between the two modes of narrative is principally caused by the fact that film narrative is presented mainly by way of showing while literary narrative is represented by way of telling. The narrator, i.e., a telling person, is, therefore, a prime presenter of the main story in novel for its dominant medium is language. Director plays a major role in film. This is why narrator is not easy to express in the film in which telling is not so dominant a mode of communication as in the novel. But it is rather spontaneous and natural to assume the director in a position quite similar to the implied author which is really difficult to discern in novel as another agent of directing its narrative flow. The narrative strategy of film is different from that of novel. This is one of the reasons why Francis Coppola has to struggle to find out a suitable narrative structure for Apocalypse Now as a film adaptation of Heart of Darkness whose complex narrative structure has been examined in this paper. This is one of the main reasons why Apocalypse Now, Heart of Darkness the movie and King Kong are examined in this paper for the film adaptations of Heart of Darkness espacially in terms of its narrative strategy. The narrative strategy of Heart of Darkness, which has not been satisfactorily explained, is one of the major causes of continuous critical debates on its literary and cultural significance and also on its recent film adaptations such as Francis Coppola’s Apocalypse Now (1979/2001), Bob Christiansen and Rick Rosenberg’s Heart of Darkness (1994) and Peter Jackson’s King Kong (2005). The critical evaluation of Heart of Darkness is, therefore, closely related with the analysis of its narrative strategy. Heart of Darkness is a story of the writing of Marlow as well as a writing of the story of Kurtz. There is a multi-level narrative structure here, with the frame structure of Chinese boxes, in which more narrative levels are likely to be detected than the levels of Kurtz’s episode and Marlow’s tale. Heart of Darkness has a multi-level frame narrative structure. Each narrative has a double time structure: story time and discourse time. Heart of Darkness has a least quadruple time structure: Kurtz’s episode, Marlow’s tale, the frame narrative and the implied writer’s writing. The space of each narrative is quite different. Kurtz’s episode happens in the River Congo area. Marlow’s yarn is spinning on the Nellie on the Thames. The frame narrative is narrated somewhere in London. The ideal space for literary creation is assumed for the implied writer. Each space is independent in its own purpose for each narrative but metaphorically enclosed by its neighboring higher narrative. Each narrative is independent in its own progress but dependent on its neighboring narrative for its significance. The enclosure of higher narrative level is not flawless. Its incompleteness is rather accentuated in many ways. The topological hierarchy of layers of narrations in this Chinese box structure is often disturbed so that the relationship between two neighboring narratives may be described as subversive ironic relationship as in the case of Marlow’s tale and the frame narrative. The narrative structure of film is not so similar to that of the novel. The difference between the two modes of narrative is principally caused by the fact that film narrative is presented mainly by way of showing while literary narrative is represented by way of telling. The narrator, i.e., a telling person, is, therefore, a prime presenter of the main story in novel for its dominant medium is language. Director plays a major role in film. This is why narrator is not easy to express in the film in which telling is not so dominant a mode of communication as in the novel. But it is rather spontaneous and natural to assume the director in a position quite similar to the implied author which is really difficult to discern in novel as another agent of directing its narrative flow. The narrative strategy of film is different from that of novel. This is one of the reasons why Francis Coppola has to struggle to find out a suitable narrative structure for Apocalypse Now as a film adaptation of Heart of Darkness whose complex narrative structure has been examined in this paper. This is one of the main reasons why Apocalypse Now, Heart of Darkness the movie and King Kong are examined in this paper for the film adaptations of Heart of Darkness espacially in terms of its narrative strategy.

      • KCI등재

        등급 문항 반응 모형에서 개인 합치도를 추정하기 위한 lz의 분포와 효율성

        최윤영,조영일 한국심리학회 2012 한국심리학회지 일반 Vol.31 No.4

        A person-fit analysis (PFA) has been developed to identify individuals whose latent traits are not measured accurately by a test. This study investigated the distribution and effectiveness of a person-fit index: the standardized log-likelihood index (lz) for Graded Response Model(GRM). Findings in simulation studies employing various manipulated variables demonstrated that the empirical distribution of the lz were close to the standard normal distribution and the lz was effective in detecting individuals showing aberrant response patterns given the IRT model (i.e., graded response models). The application of the lz to the empirical data of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale (1965, 1979) illustrated that GRM was suitable to the scale, producing relatively few individuals of a significantly large value. 개인 합치도 분석(person fit analysis)은 통계적 모형에서 예측되거나 혹은 표본 집단의 수검자들에게서 관찰된 문항 반응 형태와 다른 형태를 보이는 수검자들을 발견함으로써 개인적 수준에서 검사의 적합도를 평가하는 연구이다. 이분 문항을 위한 문항 반응 모형들에서 개인 합치도 지수 중 하나인 lz 지수의 분포와 효과성을 조사한 연구들은 존재하지만, 다분 문항을 위한 문항 반응 모형들에서의 개인 합치도 지수에 대한 분포와 효과성를 검증한 연구는 미비하다. 본 연구에서는 등급 문항 반응 모형에서 lz의 분포와 효율성을 조사하였다. 첫 번째 시뮬레이션 연구에서는 lz가 다양한 조건들 하에서 표준정규분포를 보이고 있음을 입증했으며, 두 번째 시뮬레이션 연구에서는 lz가 등급 반응 모형에서 다양한 수준의 비정상적인 반응을 보인 개인들을 탐지할 수 있음을 보여주었다. 마지막으로, lz를 실증 자료에 적용했을 때 등급 반응 모형이 Rosenberg의 자존감 척도에 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 대부분의 개인들은 등급 반응 모형과 일치하는 문항 반응 형태들을 보였지만, 유의미한 lz값을 가진 몇몇 참가자들은 기대했던 것과는 달리 비전형적인 문항 반응 형태를 보였다. 결론적으로, lz가 등급 반응 모형에서 비정상적인 문항 반응 형태를 보이는 개인들을 식별해 낼 수 있는 검증력을 가졌음을 실증연구를 통해서 재확인하였다.

      • Investigating distinctive psychological characteristics of successful and unsuccessful elite Iranian Taekwondo athletes

        ( Hassan Gharayagh Zandi ),( Mahmoud Mohebi ) 국제태권도학회 2016 Journal of the International Association for Taekw Vol.3 No.1

        The aim of the present study is to investigate the eminent psychological characteristics of successful and unsuccessful elite Iranian Taekwondo athletes. The population of this study included all Taekwondo athletes who participated in Iranian Championship competitions, from which 60 male athletes (30 successful, 30 unsuccessful) were selected randomly. Two groups completed a battery of psychological tests that included measures of sport orientation, sport mental toughness, Rosenberg`s self-esteem scale, sport competitive anxiety traits, and multidimensional perfectionism. After determining descriptive statistics indexes, data were analyzed by a one-way variance test. The results revealed that successful athletes scored significantly higher on mental toughness dimensions (confidence, consistency, and control). Generally, the results showed the importance of specific psychological characteristics in distinctive successful and unsuccessful Taekwondo athletes; therefore, psychologists and coaches need to consider developing mental toughness among athletes at higher competitive levels in order to achieve success.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        지체장애인에 대한 Rosenberg 자아존중감 척도 타당화: Rasch 모형 사용

        양현규 한국지체.중복.건강장애교육학회 2016 지체.중복.건강장애연구 Vol.59 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the Rosenberg self-esteem scale(RSES) configuration which confirms the validity and reliability by analysing the psychometric properties of the RSES for people with physical disabilities by using the Rasch model. Method: The raw data to be analyzed was obtained from the fifth panel survey of employment for the disabled, which was conducted by Korea Employment Development Institute in 2012. The self-esteem data for 2,175 people with physical disabilities were extracted from the raw data and used to verify how well the RSES fits the Rasch model. Initially, an analysis of the RSES with all ten items was performed. If an item did not demonstrate acceptable goodness-of-fit to the model according to the set criteria, the item was removed and psychometric properties were re-analyzed with the remaining items. Results: The results of these analyses were as follows. First, it was found that the validities and reliabilities of the RSES with ten items didn't meet the set criteria. Second, the validities and reliabilities of the RSES with nine items after removal of the item(I wish I could have more respect for myself.) met the set criteria. Conclusion: When the RSES is applied to people with physical disabilities, the item i.e., "I wish I could have more respect for myself." of the RSES should be removed or modified. 연구목적: 본 연구의 목표는 지체장애인에 대한 Rosenberg 자아존중감 척도의 심리측정적 특성을 Rasch 모형으로 분석하고 타당도와 신뢰도가 확보되는 척도구성을 살펴보는데 있다. 연구방법: 이를 위해 한국장애인고용공단 고용개발원의 2012년 장애인고용패널조사 자료 중 2,175명의 지체장애인을 대상으로 하는 자아존중감 조사 결과 자료에 Rasch 모형을 사용하였다. 그리고 심리측정적 특성 결과로부터 타당도와 신뢰도를 측정하고 이를 저해하는 문항은 삭제 후 재분석하여 타당도와 신뢰도가 확보되는 척도구성을 살펴보았다. 연구결과: 분석을 통한 주요결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 지체장애인에 대한 열 문항의 Rosenberg 자아존중감 척도의 타당도와 신뢰도는 만족할 만한 수준이 아니었다. 둘째, ‘나는 내 자신을 좀 더 존경할 수 있으면 좋겠다.’ 문항을 삭제한 아홉 문항의 자아존중감 척도의 타당도와 신뢰도는 만족할만한 수준을 보이고 있다. 결론: 지체장애인에 대해서는 ‘나는 내 자신을 좀 더 존경할 수 있으면 좋겠다.’ 문항을 척도에서 삭제한 축소된 척도를 사용하거나, 문항 수정 후 재검증하여 사용해야 할 것이다.

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