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        수도 밭 재배에 따른 생육 및 수량

        이인,김석언,민경수 한국국제농업개발학회 2004 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.16 No.2

        원곡통의 양토인 밭에서 벼 재배시 수도 품종들 중에서 밭에 적응성이 높은 품종을 선정하고자 2000년에 농림나 1호와 상남밭벼 2품종과 금오벼, 진부찰벼. 삼천벼, 상주찰벼, 화영벼, 신선찰벼, 남평벼. 동진찰벼 등 수도 8품종.2001년에는 2000년 시험품종에 수도 품종 10개를 추가하여 시험을 실시하였다. 1.출아소요일수는 4월 20일 파종에서 29일, 5월 15일은 20일.6월 10일은 12일로 파종기가 늦을수록 평균기온 상승으로 인하여 빨라졌다. 품종별 출아기간은 파종시기에 관계없이 평균 출아소요일수와 비슷하였으나 상주찰벼의 경우 평균 출아 소요일수 보다 1~2일 늦었다. 품종별 입모수는 상주찰벼를 제외하고는 ㎡당 100개 이상의 입모수를 확보하였다. 2. 출수기는 시험품종 모두가 4월 20일과 5월 15일 파종에서 안전출수한계기 이내에 출수되었다. 수전일수는 파종시기에 따라 약간 차이가 있으나 대체로 조생종인 금오벼, 진부찰벼, 삼천벼 및 상주찰벼는 1~8일, 중생종인 화영벼와 신선찰벼는 9~10일, 중만생종인 남평벼와 동진찰벼는 10~12일, 밭벼인 농림나 1호와 상남밭벼는 8일이었다. 3.유효경비율은 4월 20일, 5월 15일 파종에서 수도 품종이 밭벼 품종보다 10%정도 높았다. 간장은 밭벼 품종보다 수도 품종이 현저히 작았고, 수도 품종 중에서는 찰벼 품종보다 메벼 품종에서 더 작아졌다. 포장도복은 4월 20일 파종에서 밭벼 품종인 농림나 1호와 상남밭벼는 각각 9와 7정도 심하게 발생하였으나 금오벼, 진부찰벼, 신선찰벼가 3정도 발생하였다. 5월 15일 파종에서도 4월 20일과 거의 같은 경향을 보였다. 4. ㎡당 수수는 수토 품종이 254~272개로 밭벼 품종의 217~239개 보다 높았고 4월 20일 파종시기가 5월 15일 파종 시기 보다 많아지는 경향이었다. 파종시기에 따른 수당 입수는 수도 품종인 경우 4월 20일 파종이 84개로 5월 15일 파종 80개 보다 많았으나 밭벼 품종인 경우 4월 20일 파종이 116개로 5월 15일 파종 129개 보다 적었다. 둥숙율은 수도 품종이 67.5~74.5%로 밭벼 품종의 60.7~67.6%보다 높았고 수도·밭 벼 품종에 관계없이 4월 20일 파종이 5월 15일 파종 보다 높아지는 경향이었다. 현미 천립중은 수도 품종인 경우 4월 20일 파종이 20.1g으로 5월 15일 파종의 19.7g보다 다소 무거웠으나 밭벼 품종의 경우 수도 품종과 반대의 경향이었다. 10a당 수량은 4월 20일 파종에서 수도 품종이 252㎏으로 밭벼 품종 277㎏보다 다소 적었고 5월 15일 파종에서도 같은 경향 이었다. 5. 현미의 완전미 비율은 파종시기가 늦을수록 약간 증가하였고 청미의 비율도 같은 경향을 보였다. 현미의 장폭비는 논·밭 재배조건에서 대부분의 품종에서 큰 차이가 없었으나 알칼리 붕괴도는 메벼의 경우 밭 재배가 논 재배보다 낮았으나 찰벼의 경우 반대의 경향이었다. 식미지수는 전반적으로는 밭 재배가 논 재배보다 낮아 식미가 떨어졌다. 6. 내도복, 수량, 현미의 품위, 알칼리 붕괴도 및 식미지수 등을 고려할 때 밭에 적응성이 높은 수도품종은 조생종인 상주찰벼, 중생종인 화영벼, 신선찰벼, 중만생종인 남평벼이였다. This study was carried out to select paddy rice cultivars suited upland soil. Soil series was Weonkog loam. We used ten rice cultivars such as Nonglimna 1, Jinbuchalbyeo, Sangjuchalbyeo, Hwayeongbyeo, and Nampyeongbyeo, etc in year 2000. Here, ten rice varieties such as Daesanbyeo and llmibyeo, etc were added in year 2001. The necessary days from seeding to emergence in seeding time at April 20, May 15, and June 10 were 29, 20, and 12 days, respectively. The necessary days from seeding to emergence was faster because of rising average temperature according to seeding time late. Emergence period by rice cultivars was similar to the average necessary days from seeding to emergence regardless of seeding time but Sangjuchalbyeo was later about 1~2 days than the others. The number of seedling stand per m was over 100 in rice cultivars except Sangjuchalbyeo. All experiment cultivars had been heading within threshold heading date in the seeding at April 20 and May 15. The days from heading initiation to hill heading had a little difference according to seeding time. The days from heading initiation to full heading was generally 7~8 days in Keumobyeo, Jinbuchalbyeo, Samcheonbyeo, and Sangjuchalbyeo as early maturing rice, 9~10days in Hwayeongbyeo and Shinseonchalbyeo as middle maturing rice, 10~12days in Nampyeongbyeo and Dongjinchalbyeo as middle and late maturing rice, also, 8days in Nonglimna 1 and Sangnambapbyeo as upland rice. The percentage of effective tillers of paddy rice was higher over 10% than that of upland rice in seeding at April 20 and May 15. The culm length in paddy rice was more shorter than that in upland rice. Also, the culm length in non-glutinous rice was more shorter than that in glutinous rice. Field lodging degree in Hwayeongbyeo, Shinseonchalbyeo, Nampyeongbyeo, Nonglimna 1, and Sangnambapbyeo was 1, 3, 0, 9, and 7, respectively in the seeding at April 20. And field lodging degree in seeding at May 15 showed the same trends as April 20. The panicle number per m² was 254~272 in paddy rice and 217~239 in upland rice. The panicle number per m² in seeding at April 20 was higher than that at May 15. The grain number per panicle was 84 in seeding at April 20 and 80 in seeding at May 15 in paddy rice and also, 116 in seeding at April 20 and 129 in seeding at May 15 in upland rice. The percent ripened grain was 67.5~74.5% in paddy rice and 60.7~67.6% in upland rice. The percent ripened grain in seeding at April 20 was higher trends than that at May 15 regardless of paddy rice and upland rice. 1,000 grain weight in brown rice was 20.1g in seeding at April and 19.7g in seeding at May 15 in paddy rice, but that in upland rice was reverse tendency as paddy rice. Yield per 10a was 252 ㎏ in paddy rice and 277 ㎏ in upland rice in seeding at April 20, and that in seeding at May 15 showed the same tendency as April 20. Head kernel ratio in brown rice was a little increased as seeding time late and green kernel ratio was same tendency as head kernel ratio. The length-width ratio of brown rice was not different in almost cultivars under lowland and upland cultivation condition. Alkali digestion value in upland cultivation was lower than that of lowland cultivation in non-glutinous rice, but reverse tendency in glutinous rice. Eating quality index in upland cultivation was generally lower than that of lowland cultivation. Considering lodging tolerance, rice yield, milling properties, alkali digestion, and eating quality value, etc, paddy rice cultivars suited upland soil were Sangjuchalbyeo as early maturing rice, Hwayeongbyeo and Shinseonchalbyeo as middle maturing rice, and Nampyeongbyeo as middle and late maturing rice.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        단보 : 우리나라 논 이용 조류 현황

        김미란 ( Mi Ran Kim ),남형규 ( Hyung Kyu Nam ),김명현 ( Myung Hyun Kim ),조광진 ( Kwang Jin Cho ),강기경 ( Kee Kyung Kang ),나영은 ( Young Eun Na ) 한국환경농학회 2013 한국환경농학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        BACKGROUND: Rice paddies not only produce food but also provides wildlife habitats. Although more than half agricultural land of South Korea is rice paddy, a few studies have been conducted in rice paddy ecosystem. We investigated a status of bird using a rice paddy in South Korea using published data. METHODS AND RESULTS: Birds using a rice paddy have been defined as birds which breed, rest or forage on rice paddy, bank, reservoirs or irrigation ditches. According to the publication from 1980s, birds using a rice paddy were total 47 families 279 species. Scolopacidae and Charadriidae (18%), Falconidae, Accipitridae and Strigidae (12%) and Anatidae (11%) used a rice paddy. Half of bird species using a rice paddy visited a dried rice paddy during the winter and 39.4% of them used a flooded rice paddy in spring, autumn or summer. Dependency on a rice paddy was high in ducks, egrets, cranes, and shorebirds. Population of dabbling ducks has decreased for last 12 years while cranes have increased. CONCLUSION(S): Rice paddies provide both migratory and terrestrial birds including endangered species for habitate all through the year in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        영남지역 무형문화재 지정 논매기 상사소리의 수용에 관한 현장론적 연구

        최자운 한국민요학회 2016 한국민요학 Vol.46 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to investigate Acceptance factor of the weeding a rice paddy Sangsa-sori in Youngnam area. There are no native song in Gyungnam Gaehwa village, Wusan-li and Gyungbuk Singwan-li. A way of weeding a rice paddy are equal too. These villages had a decided advantage to examine acceptance factor of the Sangsa-sori. To weed a rice paddy the long side of the rice paddy come into Fundamental requirement of the accept. The third weeding a rice paddy less harder than the first weeding a rice paddy. All investigation villagers song a Sangsa-sori in the Second and third weeding a rice paddy. Because the rice is doing well and have much to do villagers leave no room for song. Singers regard a Sangsa(祥事) as an auspicious event. Sangsa(祥事) abstraction combined with Rice grows and the second weeding a rice paddy. Since then arrived at a abstraction of the Sangsa-sori. Sangsa(祥事) abstraction contribute to used on working. During a fundamental requirement villagers song Sangsa-sori often. Singing frequency concern with function expansion. Because there is no native song, When finish weeding a rice paddy accepted in the second weeding a rice paddy. A Labor manpower, A way of weeding a rice paddy, Number of singing and Sangsa(祥事) abstraction have an influenced singing in villages. 본 논문에서는 논매기 상사소리가 영남지역 여러 마을에서 수용, 전승되는데 중요하게 작용한 요인을 현장조사를 통해 살펴보았다. 8개 조사마을 중 경남 거창 개화마을과 고성 우산리, 경북 경산 자인면은 노동 방식이 동일하고 자생소리 없다는 점에서 상사소리의 수용 요인을 검토하는데 유리한 조건이다. 논배미의 규모 대비 노동 투입 인원이 충분하지 않은 상황에서 초벌에 비해 덜 힘든 세벌 논매기 때 모 주변의 잡초를 제거하기 위한 목적으로 논의 긴 쪽으로 훔치는 방식이 상사소리 수용의 기본 요건이 되었다. 8개 조사마을에서는 공통적으로 두벌 이후 손으로 훔치는 일에서 상사소리를 구연하였다. 한창 벼가 커가는 상황에서 해야 하는 일도 많고 힘 역시 더 드는 논매기 때는 외래소리가 들어갈 만한 여지가 없었다. 이런 상황에서 가창자들이 상사(祥事) 자체를 상서로운 일, 좋은 일로 인식하고 있고, 어느 정도 모가 크고, 힘도 덜 드는 논 훔치는 상황은 이 소리의 문자적 의미와 결합하여 상사소리의 특유의 관념이 형성되었다. 상사소리는 좋은 소리, 풍년을 부르는 소리라는 관념은 이 소리가 훔치거나 쌈싸는 일에 활용되는데 일조하였다. 모든 논매기 과정에서 일하는 내내 수시로 상사소리를 부르되 선소리 가창자 수도 많은 경남 거창 개화마을과 고성 우산리, 그리고 부잣집 논의 만물 논매기 때만 소리를 부르되, 전체 가구 대비 선소리 가창자 비율이 낮은 경산 자인의 사례를 통해 구연 빈도와 소리의 기능 확장이 관계가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 대전 들말에서 두벌 훔치기에서 시작된 상사소리가 초벌 매기로 확장된 것 역시 구연 빈도와 관련이 있었다. 영남지역 논매기 상사소리는 자생소리가 없는 상황에서 손으로 훔치면서 크게 힘들지 않고 논의 긴 쪽으로 일하는 경우와 손으로 훔치면서 크게 힘들지 않은데 자생소리 있기 때문에 쌈싸는 소리로 수용된 경우, 그리고 자생소리가 없어 훔치는 소리로 수용된 경우로 수용되었다. 이후 손으로 훔치면서도 더 꼼꼼하고 품이 많이 드는 일과 호미로 매는 일로 기능이 확장되었다. 이렇게 상사소리가 각 마을에 전승되는데 노동 인력 및 논매기 방식, 구연 횟수, 그리고 상사(祥事) 관념이 중요한 역할을 했다. 앞으로 본고의 논의 결과를 바탕으로 상사소리 흐름에 있어 중요한 지역에 대한 현장조사를 실시하여 본 논문의 결과를 검증하는 동시에 및 새로운 요인은 없었는지 검토할 것이다. 아울러, 경기도에서 출발하여 충남 부여와 논산을 경유, 전북으로 진출한 방아소리의 수용 요인에 대한 연구를 수행하여 우리나라 논매는 소리의 수용 요인을 보다 명확히 이해하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Impact of the Rice-Duck Farming System on Regional Agricultural Environment at Hongsung Area

        Kee-An Roh(노기안),Min-Kyeong Kim(김민경),Byong-Gu Ko(고병구),Gun-Yeob Kim(김건엽),Kyo-Moon Shim(심교문),Hyun-Cheol Jeong,Deog-Bae Lee(이덕배) 한국토양비료학회 2009 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.42 No.S2

        우리나라에서 가축 사육밀도가 가장 높고 오리농법을 가장 대규모로 실시하고 있는 충남 홍성군 홍동면, 장곡면의 홍동저수지 유역을 사례지역으로 선정하여 오리농법에 의한 벼 재배가 지역 환경과 주변 수질에 미치는 영향을 밝히고 이를 바탕으로 친환경농업의 달성을 위한 올바른 발전방안을 제시코자 오리농법에 의한 벼 재배가 토양 환경과 주변 수질에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 오리농법 실시 논의 토양화학성은 벼농사를 위한 적정범위 안에 있었지만 일반농법 실시 논보다 유기물 함량과 유효인산 함량이 높아 오리농법 실시 논의 양분투입량이 상대적으로 많은 것으로 추정되어 지속농업의 달성을 위해서는 적정량의 퇴비나 유기질비료의 시용이 요구됨을 알 수 있었다. 조사지역 하천수의 수질은 T-N, T-P, COD 값들이 높아 상당히 인근의 하천들이 오염되었음을 나타내고 있으며, T-N, T-P, COD 등으로 평가한 수질의 오염도가 논으로부터 비료성분의 유출 가능성과 일치한 결과로 볼 때 이 지역의 하천수가 벼재배에 의해 배출되는 오염물질의 영향을 일정부분 받고 있는 것으로 평가될 수 있었다. 오리농법 실시 논의 표면수 수질은 일반농법 실시 논보다 EC는 135.7%, COD는 220.1%, T-N는 172.0%, T-P는 227.9%가 높았으며 특히, COD와 T-P는 2배 이상이 높았으며 오리의 활동에 의해 발생하는 물의 탁도와 유의성 있는 상관관계를 보여 오리농법에 의한 벼 재배는 일반농법에 의한 벼 재배 방법보다 논물유출에 의한 잠재 수질오염 가능성이 큰 것으로 평가되었다. 따라서 오리농법 실시 논은 논물 유출에 의한 주변 수질오염 방지를 위해 더욱 철저한 물꼬관리가 필요한 것으로 판단되었다. To clarify the impact of the rice-duck farming system on the regional environment and the surrounding, a case study was carried out at Hongdong Reservoir valley of Hongdong-myeon and Janggok-myeon, Hongseong-gun, Chungcheongnam-do where the density of livestock grazing is the highest and rice cultivation with the rice-duck farming system is extensively practiced. The soil characteristics and water qualities at paddy fields were compared between two rice cultivation methods of rice-duck farming system and conventional farming system. The organic matters and available phosphate contents in soil of paddy fields where the rice-duck farming system was practiced were higher than those of paddy fields where conventional farming system was practiced. However, the available phosphate content was lower than the optimum for rice cultivation and the mean concentration of paddy soil in Korea. The surface water quality of the paddy field with the rice-duck farming system was practiced had higher EC (137 %), CODCr (220 %), T-N (172 %), and T-P (226 %) contents than that with the conventional farming system was practiced. Especially, CODCr and T-P were more than 2 times higher, which tells that the possibility of water pollution by drainage water of paddy field is higher in the paddy fields with the rice-duck farming system practiced than in those with the conventional farming practiced. The higher contents of T-P and CODCr in surface water at the paddy field of rice-duck farming system practiced were directly caused by soil particles in the muddy water. Consequently, it is necessary to thoroughly manage the irrigation and drainage system of rice-duck farming system practiced to prevent outflow of surface water from paddy and pollution of surrounding water system.

      • KCI등재

        Impact of the Rice-Duck Farming System on Regional Agricultural Environment at Hongsung Area

        노기안,김민경,고병구,김건엽,심교문,이덕배 한국토양비료학회 2009 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.42 No.4

        To clarify the impact of the rice-duck farming system on the regional environment and the surrounding, a case study was carried out at Hongdong Reservoir valley of Hongdong-myeon and Janggok-myeon, Hongseong-gun, Chungcheongnam-do where the density of livestock grazing is the highest and rice cultivation with the rice-duck farming system is extensively practiced. The soil characteristics and water qualities at paddy fields were compared between two rice cultivation methods of rice-duck farming system and conventional farming system. The organic matters and available phosphate contents in soil of paddy fields where the rice-duck farming system was practiced were higher than those of paddy fields where conventional farming system was practiced. However, the available phosphate content was lower than the optimum for rice cultivation and the mean concentration of paddy soil in Korea. The surface water quality of the paddy field with the rice-duck farming system was practiced had higher EC (137 %), CODCrr (220 %), T-N (172 %), and T-P (226 %) contents than that with the conventional farming system was practiced. Especially, CODCr and T-P were more than 2 times higher, which tells that the possibility of water pollution by drainage water of paddy field is higher in the paddy fields with the rice-duck farming system practiced than in those with the conventional farming practiced. The higher contents of T-P and CODCr in surface water at the paddy field of rice-duck farming system practiced were directly caused by soil particles in the muddy water. Consequently, it is necessary to thoroughly manage the irrigation and drainage system of rice-duck farming system practiced to prevent outflow of surface water from paddy and pollution of surrounding water system.

      • KCI등재

        논·밭윤환 복원논의 벼 생육특성 및 질소흡수량 변화

        서종호,이충근,조영손,이춘기,김정곤 한국작물학회 2010 Korean journal of crop science Vol.55 No.2

        논을 밭으로 1년 전환 후 다시 논으로 복원한 논에서의 벼의 생육촉진 및 질소흡수 증가의 효과를 살펴보기 위하여 복원논 1년 및 2년차인 2006년 및 2007년에 복원논 및 연작논을 대상으로 질소비료를 0, 3, 6 kg 10a1 시용하여 벼의 생육량, 질소흡수량, 쌀의 수량 및 단백질 함량 등을 조사하였는데 결과는 다음과 같다. 연작논에 비해 복원논에서 복원 1년 및 2년차 모두 벼의 초기생육이 크게 증가하여 유수형성기 건물중 및 질소함량이 증가하였으며, 복원논에서도 질소시비량 증가에 따라 건물중 및 질소량이 증가하여 질소시비량 6 kg 10a1까지 질소시비 효과가 뚜렷이 나타났는데, 복원논 1년차 및 2년차의 질소무비구의 건물중 및 질소흡수량은 각각 연작논의 질소시비량 6 및 3 kg 10a1와 동일한 값을 나타내었다. 수확기에서의 벼의 건물중 및 질소흡수량도 유수형성기와 비슷한 경향을 보였으며, 질소시비 방법으로는 같은 량의 질소시비량이라도 전량을 기비로 시용한 것보다 유수형성기에 추비로 3 kg 10a1를 시용한구가 질소흡수량이 다소 높았다. 수량구성요소에서는 연작논에 비해 복원논에서 벼의 수당립수가 증가하는 경향이었으며, 질소시비량이 많아질수록 등숙율이 감소하였는데, 특히 질소흡수량이 많았던 복원논-질소시비량 6 kg 10a1 구에서의 등숙비율이 많이 감소하였다. 벼의 수량도 복원논이 연작논에 비해 복원 1년차 및 2년차 모두 연작논보다 증가하였는데, 복원 1년차는 질소시비량간 벼수량의 차이가 없었지만, 복원 2년차에는 무질소시비구에서 벼의 수량이 다소 감소하였다. 현미 및 백미의 단백질 함량은 복원논이 연작논보다, 질소시비량이 증대할수록 높아졌는데, 질소시비방법에서는 질소시비량 모두 3, 6 kg 10a1 모두 유수형성기에서 추비로 3 kg 10a1를 준 구에서 높아 질소흡수량이 많은 복원논에서 질소를 추비로 줄 때 단백질함량이 증대할 위험성이 높았다. Excess nitrogen (N) uptake of rice, which could cause much lodging, disease and reduction of rice quality, could be occurred at the paddy field with previous upland condition at which much soil N could be mineralized by soil-drying effect. N fertilizers of 0, 3, and 6 kg N 10a-1 were applied to early-maturity rice, cultivar Joanbyeo at the paddy field of first and second year after upland condition, and rice growth and nitrogen uptake were investigated to know the increase of rice N uptake at the paddy field with previous upland condition for one-year. Total dry matter (DM) and N uptake of rice at the paddy field with previous upland condition increased more than continuous paddy field. Total DM and N uptake of rice at the paddy field with previous upland condition increased linearly to N fertilizer 6 kg 10a-1 at the paddy field owing to vigorous growth compared to continuous paddy field. Rice N uptake was higher at the paddy field of the first year than the second year after upland condition in considering N uptake at the plot of no N fertilizer. Vigorous growth at the paddy field with previous upland condition resulted in higher rice yield which was related with high panicle and spikelet, but much N fertilizer as much as 6 kg 10a-1 at the paddy field with previous upland condition resulted in higher lodging and protein content of brown and milled rice. Particularly, protein content of brown and milled rice increased more when the same N fertilizer was applied two times splitly at transplanting and panicle initiation stage than when N fertilizer was applied one time at transplanting as basal N. N application with under 3 kg 10a-1 as only basal N was recommended at the paddy field with previous upland condition to obtain high quality rice without lodging.

      • KCI등재

        Impact of the Rice-Duck Farming System on Regional Agricultural Environment at Hongsung Area

        노기안,김민경,고병구,김건엽,심교문,이덕배,Roh, Kee-An,Kim, Min-Kyeong,Ko, Byong-Gu,Kim, Gun-Yeob,Shim, Kyo-Moon,Jeong, Hyun-Cheol,Lee, Deog-Bae 한국토양비료학회 2009 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.42 No.S2

        우리나라에서 가축 사육밀도가 가장 높고 오리농법을 가장 대규모로 실시하고 있는 충남 홍성군 홍동면, 장곡면의 흥동저수지 유역을 사례지역으로 선정하여 오리농법에 의한 벼 재배가 지역 환경과 주변 수질에 미치는 영향을 밝히고 이를 바탕으로 친환경농업의 달성을 위한 올바른 발전방안을 제시코자 오리농법에 의한 벼 재배가 토양 환경과 주변 수질에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 오리농법 실시 논의 토양화학성은 벼농사를 위한 적정범위 안에 있었지만 일반농법 실시 논보다 유기물 함량과 유효인산 함량이 높아 오리농법 실시 논의 양분투입량이 상대적으로 많은 것으로 추정되어 지속농업의 달성을 위해서는 적정량의 퇴비나 유기질비료의 시용이 요구됨을 알 수 있었다. 조사지역 하천수의 수질은 T-N, T-P, COD 값들이 높아 상당히 인근의 하천들이 오염되었음을 나타내고 있으며, T-N, T-P, COD 등으로 평가한 수질의 오염도가 논으로부터 비료성분의 유출 가능성과 일치한 결과로 볼 때 이 지역의 하천수가 벼재배에 의해 배출되는 오염물질의 영향을 일정부분 받고 있는 것으로 평가될 수 있었다. 오리농법 실시 논의 표면수 수질은 일반농법 실시 논보다 EC는 135.7%, COD는 220.1%, T-N는 172.0%, T-P는 227.9%가 높았으며 특히, COD와 T-P는 2배 이상이 높았으며 오리의 활동에 의해 발생하는 물의 탁도와 유의성 있는 상관관계를 보여 오리농법에 의한 벼 재배는 일반농법에 의한 벼 재배 방법보다 논물유출에 의한 잠재 수질오염 가능성이 큰 것으로 평가되었다. 따라서 오리농법 실시 논은 논물 유출에 의한 주변 수질오염 방지를 위해 더욱 철저한 물꼬관리가 필요한 것으로 판단되었다. To clarify the impact of the rice-duck farming system on the regional environment and the surrounding, a case study was carried out at Hongdong Reservoir valley of Hongdong-myeon and Janggok-myeon, Hongseong-gun, Chungcheongnam-do where the density of livestock grazing is the highest and rice cultivation with the rice-duck farming system is extensively practiced. The soil characteristics and water qualities at paddy fields were compared between two rice cultivation methods of rice-duck farming system and conventional farming system. The organic matters and available phosphate contents in soil of paddy fields where the rice-duck farming system was practiced were higher than those of paddy fields where conventional farming system was practiced. However, the available phosphate content was lower than the optimum for rice cultivation and the mean concentration of paddy soil in Korea. The surface water quality of the paddy field with the rice-duck farming system was practiced had higher EC (137 %), $COD_{Cr}$ (220 %), T-N (172 %), and T-P (226 %) contents than that with the conventional farming system was practiced. Especially, $COD_{Cr}$ and T-P were more than 2 times higher, which tells that the possibility of water pollution by drainage water of paddy field is higher in the paddy fields with the rice-duck farming system practiced than in those with the conventional farming practiced. The higher contents of T-P and $COD_{Cr}$ in surface water at the paddy field of rice-duck farming system practiced were directly caused by soil particles in the muddy water. Consequently, it is necessary to thoroughly manage the irrigation and drainage system of rice-duck farming system practiced to prevent outflow of surface water from paddy and pollution of surrounding water system.

      • KCI등재

        韓․日 <모심는소리>(田植歌)의 제의성(祭儀性) 비교 연구

        권오경 한국민요학회 2008 한국민요학 Vol.24 No.-

        The function of Korean and Japanese rice planting song is praying to the God of paddy for the well harvest and reducing the pain of labor related planting rice. But in the case of Korea, There is nothing paper especially for the ritual quality. So, the aim of this paper is to research the ritual quality of Korean rice planting song comparing with Japanese’s. The purpose of comparison with Japan’s rice planting song specially in the area of Joo-koku, near the Hirosima is that there are some equal qualities of singing and text composing methods. At first, I prepared the assumption related structure of rice planting song with the time of physical and ritual, and there two times are divided but not separated and are united in the texts of rice planting songs. In other words, the texts of these songs are basically composed with ritual time and real time-the labor time. This assumption was verified with the procedure of performance of songs in turn. Ritual quality is composed in the orders of reception, amusement, and sending off the God. But the last order is not appeared because for the good harvest always the God is needed in the paddy from spring to fall. In stead of last order, There is another order related sunset. Farmers feel the uncertainty of life with the sunset and sing about that. And at the same time, they think about dead and separated with their family and also feel the fear and they sing a song about sexual song to conquer fear and uncertainty. This performance means that human wants revival and also they symbolize that little rice which is planted in paddy grow up healthy so get a abundant grain. These orders and structure of texts are similar with Japanese rice planting song. But in the case of Japanese, The texts are composed closely by the ritual especially in the point of God of paddy. Korean paddy God is Dragon and Japanese God is ‘Sanbai’-this name is equal with leading singer’s-. So we have to recognize that Korean songs are symbolized with ritual. But on the surface of texts there are more sexual and amusable contents than ritual. In this paper, I only treated rice planting song in Yung-Nam province. But If we scale up the texts regarding rice songs, we could get more ritual quality. This ritual quality can give us informations about the contents of texts. So we can understand why these words are used and how these texts perform in the real time. These are very important things that how can Korean farming songs get a competitive power in the world and how can we develop and transmit our traditional farming songs. Ritual quality in traditional farming songs is not on the surface but live under the texts and performance. The function of Korean and Japanese rice planting song is praying to the God of paddy for the well harvest and reducing the pain of labor related planting rice. But in the case of Korea, There is nothing paper especially for the ritual quality. So, the aim of this paper is to research the ritual quality of Korean rice planting song comparing with Japanese’s. The purpose of comparison with Japan’s rice planting song specially in the area of Joo-koku, near the Hirosima is that there are some equal qualities of singing and text composing methods. At first, I prepared the assumption related structure of rice planting song with the time of physical and ritual, and there two times are divided but not separated and are united in the texts of rice planting songs. In other words, the texts of these songs are basically composed with ritual time and real time-the labor time. This assumption was verified with the procedure of performance of songs in turn. Ritual quality is composed in the orders of reception, amusement, and sending off the God. But the last order is not appeared because for the good harvest always the God is needed in the paddy from spring to fall. In stead of last order, There is another order related sunset. Farmers feel the uncertainty of life with the sunset and sing about that. And at the same time, they think about dead and separated with their family and also feel the fear and they sing a song about sexual song to conquer fear and uncertainty. This performance means that human wants revival and also they symbolize that little rice which is planted in paddy grow up healthy so get a abundant grain. These orders and structure of texts are similar with Japanese rice planting song. But in the case of Japanese, The texts are composed closely by the ritual especially in the point of God of paddy. Korean paddy God is Dragon and Japanese God is ‘Sanbai’-this name is equal with leading singer’s-. So we have to recognize that Korean songs are symbolized with ritual. But on the surface of texts there are more sexual and amusable contents than ritual. In this paper, I only treated rice planting song in Yung-Nam province. But If we scale up the texts regarding rice songs, we could get more ritual quality. This ritual quality can give us informations about the contents of texts. So we can understand why these words are used and how these texts perform in the real time. These are very important things that how can Korean farming songs get a competitive power in the world and how can we develop and transmit our traditional farming songs. Ritual quality in traditional farming songs is not on the surface but live under the texts and performance.

      • KCI등재후보

        드론 원격탐사를 활용한 벼 성장 모니터링 연구

        이진형,이승국 (사)지오에이아이데이터학회 2023 GEO DATA Vol.5 No.3

        Rice paddy is one of the key crops of Korean agriculture and it has long been regarded as an important crop. Due to the high self-sufficiency of rice in Korea, the need to establish systematic rice paddy field data is increasing, and rice paddy research using remote sensing is being conducted several times in Korea. The optical satellite remote sensing method faces difficulties in data acquisition due to the abundance of clouds caused by the summer monsoon season, a characteristic of the domestic climate. However, the drone remote sensing method equipped with an optical sensor has the advantage of being able to freely acquire data, avoiding periods with high cloud cover. In this study, a drone equipped with a multispectral optical sensor was utilized to measure the height of rice paddy. Compared to satellites, drones provide the advantage of flexible timing for observations, allowing for the acquisition of high-frequency time-series data according to specific preferences. In this study, we seek to obtain values related to rice growth rates by analyzing optical data acquired through drone remote sensing. The DJI MAVIC 2 PRO drone was employed, and the Metashape program was utilized to generate a highresolution digital elevation model (DEM) from optical data. After the harvest period, rice-free rice paddy data were assumed to be digital terrain model (DTM), the height of the rice paddies. During the rice growth period, a digital surface model (DSM) was generated from drone imagery, and by calculating the difference between DSM and DTM, the height and growth of the rice plants were observed. Using network GPS measurement data, we validated monthly DEM models. This allowed us to anticipate the acquisition of precise rice growth data throughout the year, from planting to harvest.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Effect of Quality Characteristics on Brown Rice Produced from Paddy Rice with Different Moisture Contents

        Kim, Seong Yeong,Lee, Ho 한국응용생명화학회 2013 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.56 No.3

        Relationship between moisture content of paddy rice and quality characteristics of dehusked brown rice was investigated using paddy rice samples with different moisture contents (11, 13, 15, 17, and 19%). General characteristics of brown rice such as yield, normal, immature, damaged, chalky, discolored, and cracked brown rice ratios, hardness, and whiteness were determined. The results showed that brown rice with 15 and 17% moisture contents had relatively higher values for all quality tests compared to those of the other rice samples with the exception of cracked brown rice ratio. The cracked brown rice ratio increased with the increase in moisture content (p <0.05), whereas hardness of the brown rice decreased with the increase in moisture content (p <0.05). These results suggest that paddy rice with 15-17% moisture content produce high quality brown rice.

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