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        광역 문화자원의 수집과 기록 : 아시아 목화문화자원을 중심으로

        노시훈 한국기록학회 2011 기록학연구 Vol.0 No.28

        In Asia, when cotton and cotton fabrics cultivated and produced in India of Southern Asia had spread to the whole Asia area by land and by sea, the Cotton Road and cotton fabric cultural area could be formed. In Korea, the traditional cotton (Gossypium arboreum) brought by Moon Ik-Jeom in 1363 was cultivated and then the Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) brought via Japan could be produced from 1904. Especially, Gwangju/Jeonnam was the most active place in producing traditional cotton, and eventually became the center of cotton cultivation and fabric production after bringing in Upland cotton. In order to collect and record the cotton cultural resources in the broad area, the Cultural Resources Set, classified its component parts should be made first and then the collecting objects should be investigated. The collecting areas are selected based on the spreading paths and the regional significance of cotton. Since its difficulty of collecting the relevant resources from all of the places in Asia, it should be planned to share the resources through exchanges and cooperation among private, institution and organization. The relevant experts from the various fields should participate in the interdisciplinary researches which are necessary for collecting and recording of wide area cultural resources. Considering the collecting limitation of genuine relics, the digital archives should be established and then offered through a web site that everyone can use them freely by remote. It also needs to plan to display on and off-line for users to perceive the similarity, difference and interconnections of the resources with ease. 아시아에서는 기원전부터 남아시아의 인도에서 재배·생산한 목화와 면직물이 아시아 전 권역으로 육로와 해로를 통해 전파됨으로써 목화길과 면문화권이 형성되었다. 우리나라에서는 1363년 문익점이 중국에서 들여온 재래면을 재배하다가 1904년부터 일본을 통해 들어온 육지면을 재배하였다. 특히 광주·전남은 조선시대까지 재래면 생산이 가장 활발한 지역이었고, 육지면 도입 후에는 목화 재배와 면직물 생산의 중심지였다. 이처럼 넓은 지역을 대상으로 목화문화자원을 수집·기록하기 위해서는 먼저 그 구성 요소들을 분류한 문화자원세트를 만들고 그에 따라 수집할 객체를 조사한다. 수집 대상 지역은 전파 경로와 목화에 관해 지역이 갖는 의미를 토대로 선정한다. 아시아 전체에서 관련 자원을 직접 수집하기 어려우므로 자료를 소장하고 있는 개인·기관·단체와의 교류·협력을 통해 자원을 공유하는 방안을 마련해야 한다. 광역 문화자원의 수집·기록에 필요한 학제간 연구를 위해 다양한 분야의 관련 전문가를 적극 활용하여야 한다. 실제 유물 수집의 한계를 고려하여 디지털 형태의 자료를 위주로 아카이브를 구축하고 이를 누구나 원격으로 향유·활용할 수 있도록 웹을 통해 제공하여야 한다. 사용자가 자원들의 유사와 차이, 상호간의 맥락을 이해할 수 있도록 온·오프라인에서 비교 전시하는 방법을 마련하여야 한다.

      • 8. 기본연구보고서 2015-08 : 기후변화 적응을 고려한 지역자원 관리 방안(1)

        박창석,이정호,강영은,안윤정,박지영,손민수 한국환경정책평가연구원 2015 기본연구보고서 Vol.2015 No.-

        기후변화 영향의 가중으로 국제적, 국가적 기후변화 대응 전략들이 체계화되면서, 기후변화에 의한 자극과 영향을 줄이고, 기회를 극대화하는 것을 의미하는 ``적응 전략``에 대한 중요성이 높아지고 있다. 기후변화는 세계적 수준의 위협이며, 기후변화 대응 전략은 국가 간 많은 부분에 연계될 수 있기 때문에 적응 계획 역시 국제적인 흐름을 충분히 반영할 필요가 있으나, 현재 우리나라 적응 대책은 이에 대한 고려 부족과 지역의 특성을 고려한 체계적 분석의 부재가 큰 문제점으로 지적되고 있는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 기후변화 적응과 관련한 국제적인 흐름을 반영한 지역자원 활용 및 관리 전략과 더불어 이의 효율적 추진 및 기반 구축을 위한 정책적 시사점 제시를 목적으로 하였으며, 연구의 내용은 크게 메가트렌드 기반 기후변화 적응전략 도출, 사례지역 지역자원 관리방향, 적응을 고려한 지역자원 관리 정책 방향으로 구분하였다. 첫째, 메가트렌드 분석 및 국내·외 적응 전략 분석을 통하여 도출한 핵심적 기후변화 적응 전략은 24개로 도출하였다. 24개 적응 전략의 현재 및 중요도 평가 내용에 기반을 두고 단기 및 장기적 관점에서 중요성이 부각되는 적응 전략들을 검토하였으며, 특히 단기적 측면의 적응 전략뿐만 아니라 지역자원 관리 측면에서 고려되어야 할 전략들은 그린/블루 인프라, 재난/재해 위험관리, 리스크 맵핑 및 토지이용 반영 등으로 나타냈다. 둘째, 본 연구에서는 기후변화 적응 측면에서 지역자원 관리 방향을 다루었기 때문에 적응 측면의 지역자원 개념 정립 및 유형 구분을 수행하였다. 사례 지역 분석에서는 순천만, 보성 녹차밭, 동강, 한려해상국립공원, 제주도 생물권보전지역의 5곳을 선정하고 핵심지역자원 및 관리도구를 분석하였으며, 기후변화 영향 관계 고려를 통하여 지역자원의 적절한 활용 및 관리 방향을 제시하였다. 지역자원 활용 및 관리 방향 설정에 있어서는 앞서 도출한 핵심 적응 전략을 분석의 구조적 틀로 활용하였으며, 지역자원으로서 대상지의 자원 속성, 기후변화로 인한 영향 검토 내용을 기반으로 지역자원의 유지·보전 측면에서 지역별 특징이 반영된 지역자원별 관리 방향을 제시하였다. 대상지별 적응 전략 매칭 분석을 통하여 해당 지역에서 주도적으로 추구해야 할 적응 전략 및 지역자원 활용방안을 제시하였는데 종합적으로 ``위험(Risk) 관리 전략``의 유형에 해당하는 공간관리 전략들의 고려가 부족한 것으로 파악되었다. 셋째, 효과적인 지역자원 관리의 기반 구축을 위하여 지역자원 관리 정책 방향을 제시하였다. 크게 적응 기반 자원관리 체계를 구축하는 방향, 기후변화 영향 평가 체계에 지역자원을 연계하는 방향, 기존의 기후변화 적응 대책에 지역자원을 전략적으로 고려하는 방향으로 구분하였다. 적응 기반 자원관리 및 활용 체계 구축에서는 지역자원 발굴을 위한 지역자원 인벤토리 구축 방안 마련이 재조명되었으며, 자산(asset)으로서 핵심지역자원과 관리도구의 구분, 자원 간 상호보완 측면에서 중층적 이용의 필요성, 지역 커뮤니티 강화 측면이 집중적으로 논의되었다. 지역자원과 기후변화 영향평가 연계 체계 구축에서는 지역자원 관리와 기후변화 적응 고리 간의 연계를 목표로 하는 구조적 틀의 가능성 및 도약이 필요하다고 판단하였다. 마지막으로 기후변화 적응 대책에 지역자원 관리 내용을 포함시킬 수 있는 방안의 검토는 본 연구에서 도출한 사례대상지별 관리 방향(적응옵션)과 기존 지자체 적응대책의 세부과제 간 연관성 매칭을 통하여 그 가능성을 확인하였다. 따라서 기존의 적응대책 수립 절차 검토를 통하여 영향/취약성 평가 단계를 거친 중점 사업의 선정 시, 지역의 핵심지역자원을 고려하는 방안이 검토될 수 있으며, 기후변화 적응 대책의 내용적 측면 보완으로 ``장소중심적 접근 방안 강화``, 2~3개 지자체를 연계하는 ``광역권 개념``이 적극적으로 도입될 필요가 있다. As international and national responses to climate change have been systematically structured due to the growing impact of climate change, the importance of adaptation strategies aimed at minimizing impacts and maximizing opportunities has gradually risen as well. Whereas climate change is a global threat and adaptation strategies can be connected between countries, Korea`s climate change adaptation plan currently has shortcomings when it comes to reflecting global influences and systematically analyzing regional characteristics. This study, therefore, aims to suggest regional resources management that considers global trend and regional characteristics and offer policy implications in order to lay the foundation for regional resources management. To that end, the contents are divided into climate change adaptation strategies based on mega-trend, direction of regional resources management in case regions, and regional resources policy direction that takes climate change adaptation into consideration. Firstly, 24 climate change adaptation strategies were deducted by analyzing the adaptation strategies from references and mega-trend. Adaptation strategies that received high scores on experts importance evaluation were reviewed, where "Green infra/Blue infra management", "Disaster risk management ", and "Risk mapping and land use" were found to be the adaptation strategies that are especially important both in terms of short-term and regional resources management. Secondly, this study attempted to define the concept of regional resources and classify them from the perspective of climate change adaptation because it mainly discusses climate change adaptation. "Suncheonman Bay", "Green T ea Farm in Boseong", "Donggang River", "Hallyeohaesang National Marine Park", and "BiospereReserve in Jeju Island" were selected as case regions in this study in order to analyze their assets, management tools and regional management impact from several climate drivers. The 24 climate change adaptation strategies were used as the structural frame in defining the direction for regional resources utilization and management. Through this frame, regional resources management including the threats and opportunities of climate change in each case region were suggested by mapping climate change impact and regional resources. It was found that in overall, not enough considerations were made for "risk management strategies" in structural frame for climate change adaptation. Thirdly, policy directions for regional resources management were suggested for an effective regional resources management, and it was classified into "Building resources management system based on adaptation", "Linking regional resources with climate change impact evaluation system", and "Strategically considering regional resources within the existing climate change adaptation plan". In "Building resources management system based on adaptation", constructing a regional resources inventory for discovering regional resources was discussed. In particular, the classification between asset and management tool, multi-layered use of resources from the perspective of mutual supplementation, and strengthening regional communities were highlighted. Also, strategies of linking regional resources management with climate change impact and vulnerability analysis were discussed. Matching resources management and adaptation options in adaptation plan, and its implications were suggested in "Strategically considering regional resources within the existing climate change adaptation plan". Therefore, strategies that consider regional assets when deciding all core regional projects in climate change adaptation plan need to be considered along with "strengthening the place-based approach", and "introducing the regional zone concept" of connecting two to three local governments.

      • KCI등재

        관광자원 분류에 관한 일고찰 -경기도 양주시 사례를 중심으로-

        김상원 동북아관광학회 2020 동북아관광연구 Vol.16 No.4

        Based on the general survey of tourism resources in Yangju-City, Gyeonggi-do, which was conducted from May 27 to July 25, 2019, proposed an alternative plan by drawing up problems that emerged in the process of categorizing tourism resources. In addition to tourism, which is a tourism resource of consultation, Yangju City classified and examined tourism resources other than tourism departments that manage and supervise tourism, which are tourism business, tourist facilities business, amusement facilities business, tourism convenience business (excluding tourism accommodation business, international conference business, casino business, etc. because they do not exist in Yangju City) and other tourism resources other than the tourism department that manages and supervises tourism business, which is a vast tourist resource. In other words, the tourism resources classified by the local government were covered, as well as other recreational facilities, transportation (rent a car), lodging (public health control laws), and convenience facilities, in addition to the resources of the tourism department as well as the relevant departments. There is a limit to dealing with all the tourism resources because the phenomenon of tourism is complicated. Therefore, the classification was carried out based on tourism resources that were identified according to the reality of local governments. This resulted in problems such as mixed industry, different data on the same place by department, mixed industry and terminology, mixed business terms, overuse of terms and misuse. In order to improve this, it was found that it was necessary to consolidate and correct the mixing of industries, and correct the use of terms that were different from the contents of the permits. Since the scope of tourism and tourism resources is so wide, it is true that they are related to various departments, but it gives a policy implication that the mix or misuse of tourism resources should be corrected and the classification of tourism resources should be properly settled. 본고는 2019년 5월 27일부터 7월 25일까지 진행한 경기도 양주시 관광자원 총조사를 기초로, 관광자원을 분류하는 과정에서 나타난 문제점을 도출하여 대안을 제안한것이다. 양주시는 협의의 관광자원인 관광지 외에 관광사업 7개 영역 중에서 양주시에존재하는 여행업, 관광객이용시설업, 유원시설업, 관광편의시설업 4개 사업(관광숙박업과 국제회의업, 카지노업은 양주시에 존재하지 않아 분류에서 제외)과 기타 광의의관광자원인 관광사업을 관리ᆞ감독하는 관광 부서 외의 관광자원까지 분류하여 고찰하였다. 즉, 협의의 관광자원 분류는 물론, 실제 지자체에서 분류하고 있는 광의의 관광자원을, 관광 부서는 물론 관련 부서의 자원 외에 기타 위락시설, 교통(렌터카), 숙박(공중위생관리법), 편의시설까지 포함해 다루었다. 관광이라는 현상이 복잡다단하여 관광자원을 모두 다루기에는 한계가 있다. 따라서 일단 지자체의 현실에 맞게 파악된 관광자원을 중심으로 분류를 진행하였다. 이를 통해 업종 혼용, 부서별 동일 장소 자료 상이, 업종 및 용어 혼용, 동일 사업 용어 혼용, 용어 남발 및 오용 등의 문제가 나타났다. 이를 개선하기 위해 업종의 통폐합과 혼용 시정, 허가사항의 내용과 다른 용어 사용시정 등이 필요한 것으로 파악되었다. 관광과 관광자원의 범위가 넓어 다양한 부서와 관련이 있는 것은 사실이나, 관광자원의 혼용이나 오용은 시정하고 관광자원 분류가 올바르게 정착되어야 한다는 정책적시사점을 준다.

      • A Model of Human Resources Competitiveness Based on Multi-Attribute Grey Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

        Shasha Yu 보안공학연구지원센터 2014 International Journal of u- and e- Service, Scienc Vol.7 No.6

        Human resources are crucial in the enterprise’s development. The evaluation of the human resources competitiveness plays an important role in ensuring companies with good human resources. This paper investigates the multi-attribute evaluation of human resources competitiveness considering the characteristics of evaluation, such as complexity, multi-attribute and uncertainty. Thus, a model of human resources competitiveness based on the multi-attribute grey fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is proposed in this paper. This model has set up a multi-criteria evaluation system of human resources competitiveness of the enterprise. By analyzing quality of employee, resources inside the enterprise and potential for development of the enterprise, it creates a fuzzy evaluation model based on different criteria on evaluating human resources competitiveness and a grey relational evaluation model. A grey fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is formed when the two models are combined together. Finally, cases are raised to prove the effectiveness and feasibility of the model and the algorithm.


        Maciej Mitrega 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        Marketing literature have widely discussed the interplay between marketing capabilities (i.e. company resources and competences in marketing-mix area), market orientation, company innovativeness and company performance (e.g. Knight & Cavusgil, 2004; Luca & Atuahene-Gima, 2007; Moorman & Slotegraaf, 1999; Morgan, Vorhies, & Mason, 2009). However, these studies presented static view of marketing capabilities and resources which becomes less and less relevant in today uncertain market environments (Day, 2011). In this study we follow dynamic capability view (DCV) in management research (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997) and we distinguish dynamic marketing capabilities (DMC) from other dynamic capabilities, company resources and competencies (Barrales - Molina, Mart?nez - L?pez, & G?zquez - Abad, 2014; Morgan, 2012). Specifically, we conceptualize Dynamic Marketing Reconfiguration (DMR) as a DMC grounded explicitly in dynamic capability view and we provide empirical test for a research model, where DMR is hypothesized as factor complementing Market Orientation and influencing on company product innovation success. Corresponding with contingency theory (Donaldson, 2001; Drazin & Van de Ven, 1985), in this study we hypothesize and test the idea that DMR is a company capability that is in a good “fit” with certain organizational and environmental factors. Morgan (2012) and Barrales - Molina, et al. (2014) have proposed dynamic marketing capabilities (DMC) aligned with concepts of “market knowledge” and “marketing resources” and they distinguish DMC from other company capabilities (e.g. manufacturing capabilities, SCM capabilities). Recent marketing literature illustrated empirically that there are actually various DMCs that the focal company may utilize to achieve competitive advantage. For example, Narver, Slater & MacLachlan (2004) focus on Proactive Market Orientation that enable dynamic sensing and satisfying unconscious consumer needs through new product development. Weerawardena, et al. (2015) tested the impact of global dynamic marketing capability and market focused learning on innovation performance and company early internationalization. In this study we focus on specific dynamic marketing capability that complements prior works in this area, namely Dynamic Marketing Reconfiguration (DMR). In line with DCV we conceptualize DMR as company routines oriented at transforming market knowledge into modified and new configurations of marketing resources that are better aligned with market changes. Corresponding with prior studies on static marketing resources and capabilities (Knight & Cavusgil, 2004; Moorman & Slotegraaf, 1999; Morgan, Vorhies, & Mason, 2009), we argue that DMR utilizes such static resources dynamically by systematic enriching and combining them, and,as the consequence, the company equipped with advanced DMR can improve their alignment with the market environment. We do not assume that DMR equals strategy orientating company only at new marketing resources (e.g. utilizing new market knowledge, implementing new advertising instruments, brand repositioning, entering new market segments), but rather at improved configurations of marketing resources (e.g. combing existing resources and marketing experience with new marketing tools in effective way). Our conceptualization of DMR mirrors some real marketing practices that are observable in case of companies operating successfully in regional markets and companies operating on global scale today. The spectacular illustration of DMR is Disney corporation strategy with regard to their new product “Star Wars: the Force Awakens” that was released in December 2015. Disney have implemented very dynamic, innovative and massive approach to promotion of their new product, complementing their traditional advertising tools (e.g. TV advertisement, toys) by modern instruments, such as fan events, new computer games, cartoons and PR in social media (Bart, 2015; Schwartz, 2015). The positive influence of Market Orientation (MO) on company product innovations and company performance was widely discussed in prior studies (Atuahene-Gima, 1996; Han, Kim, & Srivastava, 1998; Hurley & Hult, 1998; Kumar, Jones, Venkatesan, & Leone, 2011). Following Narver, et al. (2004), in this study we treat MO as business’s attempt to understand and to satisfy customers’ needs. Such understanding is useful at every stage of new product development. Additionally, MO does not help the company only through positive impact on product innovativeness, but also through leveraging effectiveness of all marketing resources and instruments, because they are aligned with knowledge about customer needs. Thus, we hypothesize: H1.1: The higher Market Orientation of the company, the stronger success of its product innovations. H1.2: The higher Market Orientation of the company, the better company performance. Dynamic Marketing Reconfiguration (DMR) complements company MO in attempts to improve product innovation success, because understanding and satisfying customer needs present rather static approach to marketing-market alignment. MO is not enough in today volatile markets, when company needs to constantly reconfigure marketing resources to develop and, especially commercialize, new products (Day, 2011; Barrales - Molina, et al. 2014). DMR does not only influence positively on product innovations, but it also directly influences on company performance. Systematically adjusting marketing resources to changes in market environment leverages sales of all company products, not only newly introduced ones. Therefore, we hypothesize: H2.1: The higher Dynamic Marketing Reconfiguration in the company, the stronger success of its product innovations. H2.2: The higher Dynamic Marketing Reconfiguration in the company, the better company performance. This research is focused on product (offering) innovations as the key innovation outcome of a firm’s marketing routines. Product innovation has been established in the management and strategy literature as an important driver of firm performance (e.g. Han et al., 1998). Thus, our hypothesis is:H3: The stronger Product Innovation Success, the better company performance. Companies do not operate in a vacuum, so this study follows contingency theory that postulates finding the “fit” between environmental contingencies and internal configurations within the company (Donaldson, 2001; Van de Ven & Drazin, 1984). So far, only a few studies applying dynamic capabilities perspective have discussed the role of contingencies which creates a research gap for our understanding of DCV (Barreto, 2010). Such research gap is even more visible with regard to our knowledge of dynamic marketing capabilities (DMC), because prior empirical studies in this area have largely ignored contingencies, except environmental uncertainty and firm age (Flatten, et al., 2015). Consequently, in this study we analyse the role of two contingency factors, namely: company size (internal configuration) and industry norms related to product customization (external configuration). Prior studies have presented blurred picture of the role of company size, because dynamic capabilities were also found effective in case of small enterprises (Døving & Gooderham, 2008; Salvato, 2003). Nevertheless, in this study we incorporate original DCV reasoning, because intuitively, in SMEs company routines may be replaced by other factors that are typical advantages of small scale enterprise. On the extreme point, in micro firms (e.g. below 10 employees), there is no need to standardize certain behaviours among employees at all, because all marketing actions, including planning, execution and control are performed usually by one person. Therefore, we hypothesize: H4.1: The Dynamic Marketing Reconfiguration has stronger influence on Product Innovation Success in big and medium companies in comparison to small companies. Contingency theory suggests controlling for the effects from not only organizational features, but also environmental factors (Donaldson, 2001; Van de Ven & Drazin, 1984). We follow Lampel & Mintzberg (1996) suggestion that “…some industries favour customization and some foster standardization…” (p. 21) and we assume that all industries may be distinguished into two main categories: High customization industry vs. Low customization industry. Such distinction is based on perceived dominance of customization vs. standardization practices among competing companies and it may be treated as a proxy to the popularization of relationship marketing strategy (Gr?nroos, 1994) and service-dominant logic (Vargo & Lusch, 2004) in a given industry. In industries, where high product customization function as a norm, the new product development works through collaborative efforts with customers and value co-creation (Hoyer, Chandy, Dorotic, Krafft, & Singh, 2010). Dynamic marketing capabilities oriented at marketing reconfiguration may be not effective in case of companies working in high customization industries, as close customer relationships popular in such industries demand customer trust and commitment rather than dynamic marketing, including utilizing newest marketing instruments (Mitrega & Katrichis, 2010; Palmatier, Dant, Grewal, & Evans, 2006). In sum, we hypothesize: H4.2: The Dynamic Marketing Reconfiguration has weaker influence on Product Innovation Success, when it is implemented in the industry that favours high product customization. We tested our hypotheses on the cross-sectional survey data based on the sample of 155 companies operating in Poland and we applied structural equation modeling(PLS-SEM) to estimate the hypothesized research model using SmartPLS 3.0 (Hair, Hult, Ringle, & Sarstedt, 2013; Ringle, Wende, & Becker, 2014). As our conceptualization of DMR is grounded in the dynamic capabilities view, we searched for such scales for this construct, which would reflect actions standardized among managers and other people involved in marketing (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Teece, 2007). Thus, for DMR we have adapted selected scales proposed for dynamic capabilities by Pavlou & El Sawy (2011). The market orientation was measured in line with reactive market orientation (Narver, et al. 2004), product innovation success was measured according to Ritter and Gem?nden (2003) and company performance according to Reinartz et al. (2004). We applied single item measurement for our contingency factors. Specifically, company size was measured due to number of people employed in the company and industry norms with regard to product customization were measured through question: “Please specify, if your industry demands adjusting company offering to individual requirements of a given customer (e.g. detailed negotiations, product adjustments)”. After purifying measurement model through Exploratory Factor Analysis, we retained 18 items for our 4 latent constructs. The items are available by email upon request. Our measurement model received empirical support for its validity and reliability with regard to literature suggestions, i.e. AVE > 0.5; Cronbach Alpha >0.7; Alpha and Fornell-Larcker discriminant validity criterion (Fornell & Larcker, 1981; Hair et al., 2012). We conducted PLS-SEM analysis following Hair et al. (2013) suggestions. T-statistics were computed by applying a bootstrapping procedure with 5000 bootstrap samples. The detailed results of model estimation are available upon request. Path coefficients for the research model appeared to be all significant except the link between market orientation and company performance, which supports hypotheses H1.1, H2.1; H2.2 and H3, but rejects H1.2. Additionally, contingency effects were tested using Multi-Group Analysis (MGA) implemented in SmartPLS 3.0 (Ringle, et al.2014). The differences in coefficient for path DMR -> PROD. INNOV SUCCESS were found significant in sub-samples according to company size and according to customization industry norms. Specifically, in case of medium and big companies (n = 71) the influence of DMR on product innovation success was significantly stronger (b=0.59) than in case of small companies (n=84; b = 0.28). In case of companies that did not report product customization as industry norm (n=93) the influence of DMR on product innovation success was significantly stronger (b=0.46) than in case of companies that reported industry pressure on product customization (n=62; b=0.27). Thus, all hypotheses connected with contingency effects (H4.1; H4.2) received support. Our study corresponds with recent research devoted to dynamic marketing capabilities (Flatten, et al, 2015; Weerawardena, et al. 2015) and it enriches this research by looking at DMCs from a different angle. Dynamic Marketing Reconfiguration (DMR) that we focus on embraces explicitly these company routines that transform existing marketing resources into their new combinations better aligned with market changes. Thus, DMR is different to proactive market orientation (Narver, at al. 2004) as such PMO is oriented at latent customer needs, but does not assume marketing reconfiguration, e.g. in terms of utilizing new marketing tools. In contrast to Flatten et al. (2015), DMR does not focus only on dynamic pricing capabilities, but it refers to reconfiguration of all marketing resources (i.e. pricing and other marketing-mix elements as well). Our study validates and enriches study by Weerawardena, et al.(2015), where dynamic marketing capabilities were found as the leverage for innovation performance. Similarly to this recent study, our study also confirms positive influence of dynamic marketing capability on innovation performance, but study by Weerawardena et al. (2015) was limited to early internationalizing firms in US and Australia, so we provide different empirical setting for testing this influence (i.e. companies based in Poland in various stages of their internationalization). More importantly, we qualify Weerawardena et al. (2015) by combining insights from dynamic capabilities theory (Teece et al., 1997) and contingency theory (Donaldson, 2001; Van de Ven & Drazin, 1984) and we test previously neglected contingency effects, namely: company size and industry norms with regard to product customization. Our research results suggest that dynamic marketing capabilities, namely DMR, are especially important for bigger companies and for these companies that are not under pressure for strong product customization. It may mean that DMR should be not applied in case of these companies that follow relationship marketing approach (Palmatier, Scheer, Evans, & Arnold, 2008), especially these companies that operate in B2B settings. In general, our study follows recent call for better understanding of dynamic marketing capabilities through more rigorous conceptualizations and providing tests in various empirical settings (Barrales - Molina, et al, 2014).

      • KCI우수등재

        자원, 제휴, 전략적 의도와 그들의 상호작용이 기업의 국제진출에 미치는 영향

        이장호(Jang Ho Lee) 한국경영학회 2004 經營學硏究 Vol.33 No.6

        The resource-based view of the firm regards the firm as a bundle of resources and suggests that their attributes significantly affect the firm’s competitive advantage and, by implication, its performance. The resource-based view of the firm emphasizes firm idiosyncratic resources, especially resources that reside within organizations. The resource-based view of the firm, however, does not explain how and why some entrepreneurial firms are able to grow despite the lack of significant firm-specific resources. And venture firms are typified by a lack of sufficient internal resources. In this connection, as an extension of the resource-based view of the firm, the relational perspective maintains that competitive advantage derives not solely from firm-level resources but also from difficult-to-imitate capabilities embedded in dyadic and network relationships. Previous research have pointed out that alliances are often instrumental to extending a firm’s collection of distinctive resources and capabilities. In this paper I consider arguments suggested by both the resource-based view of the firm and the relational perspective of social capital theory, and explore whether young firms can increase international sales by using firm-specific resources and leveraging interorganizational relationships. Thus the goal of this paper is to undertake empirically grounded and systematic test of the proposition that small-and-medium-sized venture firm’s resources, the interaction of its resources and its alliance with other organizations, the interaction of its strategic intent and its alliance with other organizations positively affect its international sales. Specifically I test three hypotheses in this paper. The first hypothesis is that firm-specific resources will be positively related to international sales intensity of the firm. It is based on the resource-based view of the firm. Firms establish alliances for many reasons. Salient among the incentives to collaborate is the possibility of bringing together complementary assets owned by different organizations. For instance, two firms may establish an alliance when each one possesses strength in a different stage in a product’s value chain. Thus the second hypothesis is that the interaction of technological intensity of the firm and its marketing alliance and the interaction of advertising intensity of the firm and its technological alliance will be positively related to international sales intensity of the firm. It is based on the relational perspective of the social capital theory. Previous research has indicated that the primary reason young firms internationalize is to pursue growth opportunities and that they often collaborate for that purpose. Therefore the third hypothesis is that the interaction of the strategic intent to grow and alliance will be positively related to international sales intensity of the firm.Regression results show that firm’s R&D capabilities positively affected its international sales, but that its marketing capabilities did not at the statistically significant level. The findings also show that the interaction of firm’s R&D capabilities and its marketing alliance with other organizations had positive impacts on its international sales. Statistical test results also show that the interaction of its marketing capabilities and its R&D alliance with other organizations positively affected its international sales. Thus the findings suggest that firm’s resources and its alliance with other organizations that have complementary resources interacted positively on its international sales. Finally the study finds that firm’s strategic intent interacted only with its marketing alliance with other organizations to have a statistically positive effect on its international sales.

      • Cultural Resources Development Potential Evaluation of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone

        Tian, Hong 한중경제문화학회 2017 한중경제문화연구 Vol.8 No.-

        The 13th “Five year plan” clearly puts forward the goal of making cultural industry become the pillar industry of national economy in the next five years, which means cultural industry becomes a new development momentum, and are attached much greater importance by the government. Cultural resources are the material basis for the cultural industry, to scientifically classify and evaluate the cultural resources is the key to transform cultural resource advantage into industrial advantage. Firstly, referring to the method of national tourist resources classification, the cultural resources in the Shandong peninsula blue economic zone can be divided into seven types, which are natural landscape culture resources, historical culture resources, folk customs culture resources, religious culture resources, festival events culture resources, literature and art, reality culture resources. Then, the development potential of cultural resources in the Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone were evaluated using the multilevel grey method. The evaluation results showed that the development potential of the cultural resources in the Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone is the highest and the development potential order of each type was W (natural)>W(historical)>W(folk)>W(literaryarts)>W(festivalevent)>W(Religion)>W(real), among which natural landscape culture resources and history culture resources has the greatest development potential, festival event culture resources and reality culture resources has a comparative advantage, literature and art resources has a advantaged talent and outstanding development characteristics, and festival events culture resources has great potential market demand and expected development benefits.

      • KCI등재

        한국 농업에서의 유전자원 활용 현황과 금후 전망

        김창영,이정란,윤문섭,조규택,백형진,고호철,조양희,전영아,김정곤 한국국제농업개발학회 2010 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.22 No.3

        농업유전자원의 그동안 활용상황을 리뷰를 통하여 살펴보고 금후의 적극적인 활용방안을 모색하기 위하여 해방후 한국 농업의 시대적 변천에 따른 농업특성과 유전자원의 활용 상황, 국가농업유전자원은행의 역할과 금후 유전자원의 활용 전망에 대하여 검토하여 본 바를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 해방이후 우리나라 농업의 시대적 변천상황은 1960년대 이전은 자급형 영세농업의 시대로서 한국고유 재래종 위주 재배에서 외국품종 도입 및 국내품종 육성초기의 시대였고, 1960~1970년대는 국가적 식량문제 해결시대로서 통일벼 육성·보급 재배에 따라 다수성 품종육성을 위한 유전자원의 필요성이 대두되었고, 1980~1990년대는 농산물 소비 다양화시대로서 엽채류, 과채류의 이용성 증가로 4계절 재배가 가능한 원예작물의 육성 및 보급이 이루어졌으며, 2000년대 이후는 고부가 가치 농업을 추구하는 시대로 변천하였으며 시대적 변천에 의한 고품질, 기능성 작물재배가 증가함에 따라 다양한 형질의 유전자원 및 수출경쟁력 있는 품종을 요구하고 있다. 2. 농촌진흥청은 국가 농업유전자원 종합관리를 위하여 농업유전자원 관리기관 91개소를 지정운영 하는 등 국내외적으로 역할을 확대하고 있으며, 식물종자유전자원을 중기 및 장기보존 각각 50만점 저장이 가능한 첨단시설을 갖추고 현재 종자자원 16만점을 보존하고 있으며, 이들 유전자원을 활용하여 2,477품종을 개발하여 보급하였다. 3. 국가 농업유전자원은행의 주요 역할을 요약하면, 국내 보존유전자원을 체계적으로 관리하고 국제적 흐름에 대응할 수 있도록 하는 국가 농업유전자원의 종합관리가 첫 번째 역할이고, 두 번째는 국가 유전자원은행(Genebank) 사업으로 국내외로부터 현재 및 미래가치에 의한 유용한 유전자원의 다양성 확보, 확보한 유전자원의 증식 및 특성평가, 안전한 보존관리 및 분양서비스에 의한 활용이며, 세 번째는 유전자원 관련 기술개발 연구로서 다양성 분석, 종자수명 및 보존기술, 증식 및 특성평가 기술, 기능성 및 유용 유전자 이용을 위한 탐색기술 개발 연구 등이고, 네 번째는 국내외 협력체계를 구축하여 관련분야 및 국제적으로 대응하는 역할로서 국가를 대표하고 국격을 높이는 주요 기능을 하여야 한다. 4. 농업유전자원의 금후 활용전망을 살펴보면 경쟁력 있는 최고의 농산물 생산에 지속적으로 기여할 것이고, 안정적인 식량공급과 국민의 참살이 수요를 충족하는 기본자원으로 활용되며, 농촌환경 생태계를 건전하고 윤택하게 보존하는데 활용되고, 에너지, 신물질, 신소재 등 차세대 성장동력원 창출의 원천 자원이 될 것이다. The application and use of agricultural genetic resources have been reviewed since Korea was freed from the rule of Japanese imperialism in 1945. The whole changes that took place in the Korean agriculture, such as, characteristics of agriculture, application trends of genetic resources, roles of agricultural genebank, and future utilization perspectives of plant genetic resources were reviewed and summarized. The whole changes that took place in the Korean agriculture since the liberation from the Japanese rule were as follows. Before 1960s, Korean agriculture was a subsistence farming system with the landraces, introduction of foreign cultivars, and the beginning stage of domestic breedings. In 1960-1970s, the importance of genetic resources came up because the Korean government had to solve the national shortage of foods by developing and disseminating high-yielding cultivars such as 'tongil rice'. In 1980-1990s, four-season-long cultivation of horticultural products were reared and predominantly based on the public needs. Since 2000s, diverse varieties of genetic resources became more important because of the need to cultivate crops with healthy function and high nutritional value. Hence, the interest in the diversity of agricultural genetic resources increased. The Rural Development Administration (RDA) has designated 91 local sub-banks for managing the overall national agricultural genetic resources. RDA installed the seed bank that contain more than 500,000 accessions with high technologies to preserve plant germplasms. Currently, the RDA deposits approximately 160,000 accessions of seeds, and developed and disseminated 2,477 cultivars using these genetic resources. In summary, the major role of national agricultural genebank are as follows: 1) to manage national agricultural genetic resources. 2) to secure diverse genetic resources of current and future values, to conduct multiplication and characteristic assessment of genetic resources, and to utilize genetic resources through safe preservation and distribution service. 3) to conduct a variety of researches such as genetic diversity analyses, develop seed dormancy and preservation tools, assess seed characteristics and multiplication of seeds, develop technology to discover valuable resources using functional genes. 4) to raise the national status for preservation of agricultural genetic resources through international and domestic cooperation. Agricultural genetic resources will be used for the following purposes: to continuously produce competitive cultivars with high quality, to be utilized as raw materials to meet a constant food supply and demands of the general public's well-being, to be applied to make agri-ecosystem healthy and prosperous, and to be used as a driving force for new growth of industries related to energy, new materials and stuffs.

      • KCI등재

        조직자원, 흡수역량과 혁신역량이 기술 사업화 역량에 미치는 영향:여유자원의 조절효과를 중심으로

        정헌수,이홍배 한국경영교육학회 2015 경영교육연구 Vol.30 No.5

        본 연구는 조직자원에 기반을 둔 관점에서 조직자원, 흡수역량, 혁신역량이 기술사업화 역량에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 그리고 조직이 보유하고 있는 특수한 자원 행태인 여유자원(slack resources) 수준이 조직자원-매개변수-기술사업화 역량 관계에 미치는 조절효과를 분석, 검토하였다. 분석결과, 본 연구에서는 조직자원이 흡수역량과 혁신역량의 매개를 통해 기술사업화 역량에 중요한 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인하였다. 인적자원과 물적자원으로 세분화하여 검토한 조직자원이 기술사업화 역량에 직접적인 영향을 미치지는 않지만, 탐색 흡수역량, 활용 흡수역량과 혁신역량의 매개를 통하여 기술사업화 역량에 정(+)의 영향을 미치고 있음을 확인하였다. 조절효과 분석에서는 여유자원의 특성에 따라서 조절 효과의 차이가 뚜렷하게 나타나고 있음을 확인하였다. 예산과 인력 여유자원에서는 통계적으로 유의한 조절 효과가 없었고, 시간과 직무/기술역량 여유자원에서는 통계적으로 유의한 조절 효과가 있음을 확인하였다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the organizational resources on technology commercialization capabilities through the mediating variables, absorption capacity and innovative capabilities, and also to review the moderating effect of the slack resources on the constructs relationships. We formulate the structural equation model(SEM) for analysing the relations among the five construct or latent variables. And we analysis the mediating effect of the absorption capacity/innovative capabilities, and the moderating effect of the slack resources. The empirical results are as follows. First, the organizational resources(human & tangible resources) has the statistically significant positive relation about the technology commercialization capabilities through the mediating effect of the absorption capacity and innovative capabilities. Second, We recognized the moderating effect of the two slack resources(time and job competency) on the relations among the five construct or latent variables. Especially, we recognized the positive result that the higher level of slack resources is to promote the innovation in the time slack resource levels. Whereas we found that the lower level of slack resources is to promote the innovation in the job competency slack resource levels.

      • KCI등재

        한국 농업에서의 유전자원 활용 현황과 금후 전망

        김창영 ( Chang Yung Kim ),이정란 ( Jeong Ran Lee ),윤문섭 ( Mun Sup Yoon ),조규택 ( Gyu Taek Cho ),백형진 ( Hyung Jin Baek ),고호철 ( Ho Cheol Ko ),조양희 ( Yang Hee Cho ),전영아 ( Young Ah Jeon ),김정곤 ( Chung Kon Kim ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2010 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.22 No.3

        The application and use of agricultural genetic resources have been reviewed since Korea was freed from the rule of Japanese imperialism in 1945. The whole changes that took place in the Korean agriculture, such as, characteristics of agriculture, application trends of genetic resources, roles of agricultural genebank, and future utilization perspectives of plant genetic resources were reviewed and summarized. The whole changes that took place in the Korean agriculture since the liberation from the Japanese rule were as follows. Before 1960s, Korean agriculture was a subsistence farming system with the landraces, introduction of foreign cultivars, and the beginning stage of domestic breedings. In 1960-1970s, the importance of genetic resources came up because the Korean government had to solve the national shortage of foods by developing and disseminating high-yielding cultivars such as `tongil rice`. In 1980-1990s, four-season-long cultivation of horticultural products were reared and predominantly based on the public needs. Since 2000s, diverse varieties of genetic resources became more important because of the need to cultivate crops with healthy function and high nutritional value. Hence, the interest in the diversity of agricultural genetic resources increased. The Rural Development Administration (RDA) has designated 91 local sub-banks for managing the overall national agricultural genetic resources. RDA installed the seed bank that contain more than 500,000 accessions with high technologies to preserve plant germplasms. Currently, the RDA deposits approximately 160,000 accessions of seeds, and developed and disseminated 2,477 cultivars using these genetic resources. In summary, the major role of national agricultural genebank are as follows: 1) to manage national agricultural genetic resources. 2) to secure diverse genetic resources of current and future values, to conduct multiplication and characteristic assessment of genetic resources, and to utilize genetic resources through safe preservation and distribution service. 3) to conduct a variety of researches such as genetic diversity analyses, develop seed dormancy and preservation tools, assess seed characteristics and multiplication of seeds, develop technology to discover valuable resources using functional genes. 4) to raise the national status for preservation of agricultural genetic resources through international and domestic cooperation. Agricultural genetic resources will be used for the following purposes: to continuously produce competitive cultivars with high quality, to be utilized as raw materials to meet a constant food supply and demands of the general public`s well-being, to be applied to make agri-ecosystem healthy and prosperous, and to be used as a driving force for new growth of industries related to energy, new materials and stuffs.

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