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        중국의 자녀 가정교육 특성과 융합한 주거 공간 디자인 방향 연구

        고성림,고성림 한국전시산업융합연구원 2018 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.36 No.-

        This thesis modern family education in China is deeply influenced by traditional education. Based on the basic viewpoints of government documents, it not only inherits the fine characteristics of traditional ethical education, but also combined with modern family lifestyles and living patterns. It proposes a more free and sustained mode of education. Based on the characteristics of Chinese family education, this study has derived the relationship between educational and residential space with its function. Comparing Chinese traditional education with modern education reveals the direction of future children's education in China. It shows the spatial composition, functional roles and conceptual orientation of residential space. At the same time for the future design of residential space provides the basis for the design. The research results and contents are as follows: The first, collects and collate academic documents of Chinese education, and looks for the relevance between Chinese family education and residential space design. The second, we analyze the traditional family education and modern family education from six aspects: family literacy, life style, language method, study habits, life value and public activities. The third, Combined with the residential space to derive the future of social housing, independence and creative functions and specific research to analyze the concept of residential space concept. The fourth, though the three basic functions of the future residential space derived from the previous studies. This paper analyzes nine necessary space functions of family actions which are family culture, individual development, creative learning, perceptual cognition, artistic experience, personality cultivation, social communication and economic management Space elements. Through the integration and composite research of family education and design, the "borderless" structure of modular living space was constructed, so as to combine freely in the space and create various possibilities of space activities. Semi-intimate organization in independent space, expanding the flexible space of interaction, realizing the interaction of human space and efficiency space, and meeting the personalized living demand of art space and growth space with new technologies and intelligent media. The significance of this study is Using different time of the outdoor natural elements are led into the public environment of the indoor natural space to create the mood of the scene space so as to realize the 4D interactive life mode. 본 연구는 제도 교육에 기초한 현대 중국의 가정교 육은 전통 윤리교육의 우수한 특성을 계승하여, 라이 프스타일과 주거요소를 결부하여 자유롭고 지속적인 교육모델에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 목적으로 실시 되었다. 본 연구는 중국 가정교육 특성을 기초 연구 대상으로 주거공간 기능과의 관련성을 도출하고, 중국 의 전통과 현대 가정교육 특성을 비교 분석하였다. 이 를 통해 중국 미래 가정의 자녀육성 방향 도출하고, 주거 공간 기능, 역할, 공간용도, 디자인방향을 이끌어 내어 후속 연구로써 미래 중국 주거 공간 디자인 방 향을 분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과 및 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 현대 중국 교육 특성과 관련된 문헌자료를 분석하여 현대 중국의 가정교육과 주거 공간 디자인의 연관성을 설명하 였다. 둘째, 전통 가정교육과 현대 가정교육을 가정소 양, 생활방식, 언어사상, 학습습관, 인생가치, 공공활동 의 6가지 기준으로 분석하였다. 셋째, 이러한 과정을 통해 가정교육과 주거공간의 연관성을 결합하여 주거 공간의 3가지 기능인 사회성, 독립성, 창의성을 도출 하여 미래 주거 공간에서 실행 가능한 주거공간의 디 자인 방향을 제시하였다. 넷째, 미래 주거공간에 필요 한 3가지 기능에 가정에서의 활동을 결합하여 분석하 였으며, 이를 통해 언어감정, 가정문화, 개체발전, 학 습창조, 감성인식, 예술체험, 개성육성, 시회교제, 경제 관리 9가지 역할의 필요성을 검증하였다. 이러한 본 연구의 결과는 가정교육과 디자인의 융 복합적 연구 과정을 통해 모듈화 된 거주 공간 내에 “무경계” 구조를 도입하여 공간 내에 자유로운 조합 을 통한 다양한 공간 활동 가능성을 도출하였다. 독립 적 공간의 반사적인 조직, 소통하기 위한 유동적 공간 (다용도 공간)확대, 인문 공간의 동시 구축, 공간관계 의 상호작용 효율성 확보, 또한 신기술과 디지털적 매 체를 통해 예술 공간을 확대함으로써 자녀 성장공간 의 개성과 거주수요를 만족시킬 수 있었다. 실시간으 로 실외의 자연 요소들을 실내 자연공간의 공공환경 으로 인입시켜 정경(情景)공간의 정취를 조성함으로써 4차원적 라이프스타일을 실증적인 근거를 제시하고 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        멀티페르소나 사용자 중심의 주거(住居)공간 메타버스 디자인 전략 연구

        한수진,이정교 한국공간디자인학회 2023 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.18 No.3

        (Background and Purpose) Since the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals have assumed selective and diverse roles through non-social experiences, and the concept of a multi-persona, or multi-identity, has become commonplace due to the awareness of self-actualization needs. In addition, the experience and activities of communication based on real space are changing to non-face-to-face communication based on virtual spaces owing to the development of the IT industry, and users of the multi-persona type are paying attention to metaverse spaces as a new medium capable of individualized self-expression. Therefore, this study focused on residential spaces, which are indispensable in the physical world but are limited in satisfying users' desire for self-expression due to economic and environmental factors, and require services that transcend the limits of space. Therefore, this study examined residential spatial design strategies for multi-persons or users through a metaverse environment to determine the possibilities of the metaverse platform and the activation method, and to derive the necessary requirements for future development. (Method) This was a study on the metaverse design strategy of residential spaces based on multi-personas. First, the social phenomenon of multi-personas was analyzed through theoretical considerations, and components were derived from the main concepts and characteristics of residential and metaverse spaces. Second, the relationship between the multi-persona and the residential space metabus was derived as a relational model, and the relationship for the design strategy assignment was studied. Third, this study analyzed residential space marketing cases in an existing metaverse environment and proposed a specific strategic design direction by analyzing the satisfaction of various needs of multi-persons or users in a residential space metaverse environment based on the results. (Results) Through three case studies of “my house,” “Gucci house,” and “bondee,” which are brand marketing platforms based on the metabus residential space, it was found that the important factors differed according to the purpose and direction of the platform. When the measured scores were synthesized, the simulation and reality spaces were analyzed as the most important factors in the multi-person or user-centered residential spatial design strategy in the current metabus space. (Conclusions) The researcher extracted six elements, simulation, reality space, interior coordinator, panoramic worldview, economic activity, and five-sense streaming, as strategic elements of metaverse residential spaces for multi-persona users and redefined the characteristics. Through this study, it is expected that the strategic value of residential spaces will come to be viewed from an important perspective to expand the contact point with multi-persons and users in the metaverse space, and it will be utilized as part of a plan to activate the metaverse space in the future.

      • KCI등재

        중국 주거문화와 가정교육을 융합한 주거 공간에서의 교육행위 특성 연구

        고성림(Gao Cheng Lin),노박문(Lu Bo Wen),정미선(Chung Mi Sun) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2019 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.37 No.3

        본 논문은 중국 주거문화의 교육 속성을 기초 연구대상으로 하여, 주거 공간에서의 “상(象)”(무형)과 문화적 사상, 심미(审美), 상징과 “형(形)”(유형)문의 공간을 표현, 장식적 상징성을 융합 및 연구하였다. 각 요소가 반영된 주거공간의 특성과 가정교육의 연관성을 기준으로 분석하였다. 또한 중국의 전통 주거공간(명청시대를 대표하는 삼진사합원(三进四合院)) 과 현대 주거공간(20세기 말의 공동주택)에서의 교육행위 특성을 비교하고, 주거공간 설계에서의 교육의 중요성을 강조하여 “덕육(德育)”교육과 학습 성장의 연관성, 교육의 역할, 교육 공간, 정경체험(情景体验) 특성의 차이성 등을 도출해내어 미래 주거 공간에서 가정교육 공간의 디자인 방향의 근거를 제시하고 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 연구과정과 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫 번째, 중국 주거문화와 가정교육의 융합성을 바탕으로 주거공간의 “상(象)”(무형)문화와 “형(形)” 문화 두 가지 측면에서 출발하여, 사상, 심미, 상징, 공간표현, 장식의 5가지 측면에서 문화적 배경에 기초한 주택공간과 교육특성의 상관성을 연구 분석한다. 둘째, 전통주거공간과 현재주거공간의 교육적 속성에 기초하여 "상(象)"문화에서는 조상 숭배, 존비유서(尊卑有序), 장유유서, 남녀유별, 좌북남조(坐坎朝离), 사법자연(师法自然:자연에서 배우다), 경중구분, 도덕품격 등의 8개 요소, 그리고 "형(形)"문화에서는 향심성(向心性), 방향성, 주거공간의 내외부, 실내공간의 방과 방, 문양 등의 5개요소를 기준으로 하여 분석하였다. 셋째, 위에서의 과정을 통해 전통과 현대 주거 공간에서의 교육적 특성을 구체적으로 비교 분석하고, 전통 주택 공간에서 가풍가규(家风家规), 학규(学规)성장, 품행 가치와 현대주택 공간에서의 가족 문화, 학습 성장, 사회적 가치 등의 6가지 측면의 통일성과 차이점을 도출한다. 네 번째, 전통과 현대 주거 공간의 6대 교육특성을 기준으로 주거공간에서의 “덕육(德育)”과 학습 성장 두 가지 측면을 비교하여 가정교육을 도출하고, 현대 주거공간 디자인에 접목 시킬 수 있는 새로운 니즈를 도출한다. 본 연구를 통해 얻은 결과는 가정교육 행위가 미래주거 공간의 디자인 및 발전에 영향을 끼친다는 것이다. 또한, 전통과 현대의 가정교육과 주거 공간의 연관성을 비교하여 주거문화와 가정교육을 융합한 주거공간에서의 교육행위 특성을 도출 및 아래 몇 가지 측면으로 정리할 수 있다. 공통점은 (1) 주거 공간 중 가정에서 “덕육(德育)”은 가정교육의 핵심이다. (2) 학습 성장은 가정교육의 주체이다. 위 두 가지로 정리 할 수 있고, 차이점은 전통 주거 공간에서의 교육 행위는 가정의 교육과 교육의 계승에 중점을 두는 반면, 현대 주거 공간에서의 교육 행위는 우수한 전통적 교육 문화 계승을 제외한다는 것에 있다. (1) 교육 역할의 갱신에 더 중점을 두고 있으며, 전통 방식의 수동적 교육행위에서 주동적 “활(活)교육”행위로 전환 되었다. (2) 탄력적인 교육공간의 확대. 주거 공간 내부의 사용은 평등하며, 명확한 공간의 경계가 없다. 또한 공공 공간이 확대되어, 자녀와 함께하며 자녀의 학습습관을 기르는 을 중시한다. (3) 정경체험(情景体验) 기능과의 융합. 현대 주거 공간은 디지털 기술 매체의 발전으로, 상황 시뮬레이션과 예술 체험 등의 보조 교육을 통해 아이들의 봉사 의식과 창의력을 키운다. 이 내용은 향후 미래 주거 공간에서의 가정교육 공간 디자인 갱신을 위한 기초와 근거로 제시될 수 있다. In this thesis, the author takes the educational attribute of Chinese residential culture as the basic research object and integrates the ideology, aesthetic appreciation and symbolization of residence space’s “XIANG” (Intangible Factor) culture and the space expression and decoration factors of “XING” (Tangible Factor) to reflect the relevance between residence space’s characters and family education, which are taken as the analysis standard. Moreover, the author makes a comparative analysis on educational behavior characteristic of Chinese traditional spacing residence space (represented by three-tier courtyard house in the period of Ming and Qing Dynasty) and modern residence space(suite residence in the late 20C). The author also emphasizes education’s importance in residence space design and highlights the correlation between “moral” education and learning growth, the differences of educational roles, educational spaces and scene experience characteristics, thus providing a basis for the design of family education space in the future residence. Firstly, from the perspective of integration between Chinese residential culture and family education, the author starts to make analysis from residence space’s “XIANG” (Intangible Factor) culture and “XING” (Tangible Factor) culture so as to discuss and analyze the correlation between residence space and educational characteristics on the cultural background from the five aspects: ideology, aesthetic appreciation, symbolization and space expression. Secondly, based on educational attribute of traditional residence space and modern residence space, the author makes an analysis on the standard of “XIANG” culture’s ancestral worship, respect for hierarchy and order, differences between man and woman, face south, learning from nature, clear distinction between the primary and the secondary as well as “XING” culture’s five factors: centrality, directionality, inside and outside of residence space, rooms of residence interior space and pattern design. Thirdly, through the process mentioned above, the author specifically makes a comparative analysis on the educational characteristics of traditional and modern residence space, thus leading out the uniformity and differences between traditional residence space’s family traditions and rules, learning rules for growth, moral value and modern residence space’s family culture, learning growth and social value. Fourthly, on the basis of six major educational characteristics of traditional and modern residence, the author makes a comparison, thus getting family education’s importance in residence space’s “moral education” and learning growth. Moreover, new requirements for modern residence space design are proposed. From this research, the author gets a consequence that family’s educational behaviors have an influence on the design and development of future residence space. In contrast with traditional and modern family education’s relevance with residence space, the author gets that the educational behavior characteristics of residence space with the integration of residential culture and family education are mainly presented as the following aspects: the similarities are: (1) Family’s “moral education” in residence space is the core of family education. (2) Learning growth is the main part of family education; The different points are: Traditional residence space’s educational behaviors place emphasis on the inheritance of education for home teaching rules; while in modern residence space’s educational behaviors, besides inheriting traditional educational culture, (1) The update of educational role is paid more attention. The educational behavior of traditional passive teaching is changed into positive “living education” behavior. (2) The flexible educational space is enlarged. Residence space’s internal use is equal without specific space limit; public space is expanded and the interactive behaviors and learning habit of parent-offs

      • KCI등재

        한국 현대 주거공간에 반영된 전통성 표현 연구 -1990년대 이후 전통성이 표현된 단독주택공간을 중심으로-

        이영원 ( Youngwon Lee ),윤성호 ( Sungho Yoon ) 한국공간디자인학회 2015 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.10 No.4

        (Background and Purpose)Korean traditional residential design has focused on the relationship with the surrounding natural environment and communication between the architecture and humans. However, contemporary residential design has emphasized more values at form and function. The combination of internal and external communication between people and nature inherent in Korean traditional residential design has led to its ongoing attention from scholars. The reassessment of traditional dwelling designs attracted increased focus from 1990, with a number of new projects and architects who aimed to refocus the value of traditional residential construction. Active discussions have taken place on how contemporary residential spaces overcome the shortcomings of Western housing by providing values and attributes that directly complement the living space. Not imitating Korean traditional structures. Understanding the organization principles and intentions of traditional housing and plans to reinterpret these in a modern style, along with the formation of suitable residential culture for Koreans by understanding the characteristics and changes within traditional representations of housing today. It also investigates the development patterns that evolve according to modern living spaces, and the continuation and transformation of tradition. (Method) This study identifies the features of traditional residential architecture through a literature review, and considers the features of such architecture in terms of background, place, plan, elevation, structure, materials, and environmental control. Based on the characteristics of traditional residential architecture, we also analyze the case of modern living spaces. (Results) Most of the center plane of the yard which are in the form of arrangement surrounding the yard, appeared a lot of segments, combined with aspects of the building mass that can be understood by differentiation of the traditional residential space while the space between that various changes in time occurring naturally arose. Similarly, copper used to connect the internal to external space on modern housing has been changed by actively introducing traditional elements. Contemporary dwelling projects also emphasize aspects and methods of spatial configuration that consider the spatial relationship between nature and architecture. (Conclusions) This study aims to identify trends and changes in the traditional compared to contemporary living spaces, and explores modern structures through a prior review by the traditional features of residential spaces, and an analysis of case studies. The changes in housing can be seen to be intended to improve quality of life and recover traditional values. The traditional architectural identity should be reinterpreted to generate indigenous residential environments.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Architectural Plans for Securing Diversity of Urban Cooperation Residential Spaces through Urban Cooperation Residential Building Plan Based on the Modular System

        김대선,최동혁 사단법인 미래융합기술연구학회 2022 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.8 No.2

        Nowadays, it is essential to secure a diversity of spaces for a suitable residential space for each individual. To this end, the purpose of this study is to propose an architectural plan for co-living space as a new alternative that can respond to the changing trends of modern society and secure the diversity applicable to the lives of different individuals. Furthermore, it aims to apply the modular system as a planning concept that can secure diversity through community formation and social communication among residents in the communal living space. The contents of the study are as follows. First, the theory and contents of resident participation, modular system, co-housing, and community are reviewed in order to find a way to secure the diversity of communal living spaces. Second, it proposed an architectural plan for urban cooperation residential building that can secure diversity by community formation and social communication among residents in communal living space. The contents of the architectural plan proposed in this study are summarized as follows. First, by applying the unit modular system which allows various types of spatial planning, the diversity of planning can be selectively increased. Second, within the framework of the modular structure, the desired area and spatial form are selected to secure the morphological diversity of the residential space. This is a method of planning a space suitable for various activities according to the needs of the residents, and securing the morphological diversity of the building from the perspective of the urban landscape by various spatial forms within the framework of the modular structure. Third, by applying a modular system that is relatively easy to quantify space, secure the functional diversity of residential spaces by distribution and combination of public facilities. The urban cooperation residential building plan proposed in this study has meaning as an alternative to communal living space that can contain various activities in the residential space and has diversity to meet individual needs.

      • KCI등재

        유비쿼터스 환경에 나타난 미래도시 모빌리티 주거공간 리좀화 특성 연구

        박현아 ( Park Hyuna ),윤재은 ( Yoon Jaeeun ) 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.7

        (Background and Purpose) The purpose of this study is to examines the theory of mobility residence space and ubiquitous characteristics, and based on this, explore the spatial characteristics with rhizome philosophy of Deleuze. Due to the influence of mobile housing, the realm of human life has been expanded differently from the existing ones, and is still expanding today. In the future society, it is likely that we will acknowledge the space as an ambiguous one without division of areas. Modern society is witnessing the weakening of the boundaries between places due to advancement of transportation and science, eventually depriving the meaning of the boundaries of spaces due to ubiquitous environment. Thus, this study explains the rhizomal characteristics of the future mobility residential space present in modern ubiquitous environment, and explore the spatial characteristics of the future mobility residence space. (Method) In this study, we analyze the ubiquitous environment with its scientific and technical characteristics. Preceding studies of mobility spaces applied various view points of the information technology space. We apply literature survey and case analysis to reveal the characteristics of the mobility residential space. (Result) In this study, the rhizomal characteristics of future urban mobility residential spaces in a ubiquitous environment were analyzed by dividing them into a rhizome of a place, a rhizome of a time, and a rhizome of a shape. The results were derived as coherence, mobility, flexibility, expandability, and connectivity, and coherence was shown as the overlapping of digital space and real space, and mobility was shown as fluidity due to the change in space concept. Flexibility appears as transcendence in time and space due to changes in space, expandability appears as infinite space without concept of domain, and finally, connectivity appears as spatiality due to the network of space. Future urban residence space may be characterized as above, and due to the development of ubiquitous technology, it will evolve into a network space that combines function and space. (Conclusion) The conclusion of this study is to derive the rhizomal characteristics of the future mobility residential space within the ubiquitous environment by analyzing the theory of ubiquitousness and the theory of mobility residential space. We attampted explore the characteristics of future urban mobility residential space environment, and also to present a new standard of the future residence space. We anticipate analyses of diverse future urban space ubiquitous residence space and smart space based on this study.

      • KCI등재

        청년창업 지원형 업무ㆍ주거 복합공간 계획방향 - 서울특별시 창업공간 이용자 및 전문가를 대상으로

        강선주(Kang, Sunju),이상훈(Lee, Sanghoon),이건원(Lee, Gunwon) 한국도시설계학회 2024 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        본 연구는 청년창업 지원형 업무ㆍ주거 복합공간의 수요가 다양해짐에 따라 청년 창업자를 위한 업무 및 주거공간에 대한 공간별 특성을 파악하고, 창업공간 이용자 및 건축 분야의 전문가를 대상으로 혼합연구 방법을 통해 공간계획 방향과 구성 요소별 중요도를 도출하여 공간설계 기준을 제시하는 목적이 있다. 그 결과 첫째, 초기 창업의 경우 기업의 성장단계별 규모 및 형태 등 유동적인 특성과 업종별 공간구성의 다양화 및 이용자의 수요를 고려한 공간계획 기준설정이 필요하므로 가변형 구조를 제안한다. 둘째, 공간별 목적 및 역할을 명확히 규정하고, 이용자의 삶의 질을 고려한 효율적인 공간구성을 위해 업무공간과 주거공간의 명확한 공간적 분리가 필요하다. 마지막으로 건축물 규모에 따라 공간구성 요소의 우선순위를 설정하고, 공간의 질적 개선을 위해 업무 및 주거 공간별 최소한의 공간 면적 및 적정인원 등 세부 기준설정이 필요하다. 연구 결과를 토대로 향후 조성될 청년창업 지원형 업무ㆍ주거 복합공간의 계획기준과 이용자 중심의 공간설계 기초자료를 제시하고, 공간의 효율적 이용을 통한 청년 창업자의 삶의 질을 제고할 수 있다는 점에서 의미가 있다. This study aims to identify the spatial characteristics of work and residential space for youth entrepreneurs as the demand for youth enterpreneurship support type workㆍresidential complex space becomes more diverse, and to provide space design standard by deriving the direction of spatial planning and the importance of each component through a mixed research method based on start-up space users and experts in the field of architecture. As a result, at first, in case of early-stage startups, this study suggests flexible structure as spatial planning standards are required to be established considering fluid characteristics of company size and form, diversification of spatial composition by industry and user demand in the growth stage. Secondly, it is necessary to clearly define the purposes and roles of each space, and ensure clear spatial separation between work space and residential space for efficient spatial composition considering the quality of life of users. Lastly, it is necessary to set priorities of spatial composition according to the size of building, and to establish detail criteria such as the minimum space area and appropriate number of people for each work and residential space to improve the quality of the space. Based on this study results, it is meaningful to provide planning standards of youth enterpreneurship support type workㆍresidential complex space and basic data on user-centered space design and to improve the quality of life for young entrepreneurs through efficient space utilization.

      • KCI등재

        세시와 주거공간의 관련 양상

        배영동(Bae Young-Dong) 비교민속학회 2008 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.37

        세시는 1년 단위의 시E면영 구조를 반영하는 풍속이고, 주거공간은 가족이 생활하기 위해서 나름의 규칙에 따라서 조성한 공간이다. 전통적으로 주거공간은 세시의 기본공간이자 중심 공간이었다. 주거공간은 가족, 친족, 마을단위로 진행되던 다양한 세시의 수행 공간이었다. 세시 수행과정에서 주거공간은 단순히 장소적 가능만 하는 경우가 있지만, 대체로 성격 변환을 통하여 세시 수행을 효과적으로 지원하는 가능을 담당하였다. 그리하여 주거공간은 조상과 후손을 연결하는 공간이 되고, 제액ㆍ초복의 공간이 되고, 익숙한 시간질서를 연장하는 공간이라는 의미를 가지게 되었다. 한편 주거공간에 대한 세시는 주거공간을 정화ㆍ보수하는 것, 주거공간 안을 제액ㆍ초복하는 것, 주거공간의 문화적 질서를 교체하는 것 등이었다. 이는 주거공간의 의의와 가치를 사료들에게 다시 일깨우고 인식시키면서 좀더 나은 주거생활을 하도록 유도하는 것이다. 인정적인 주거생활을 위한 세시의 기본구조는, 한 해의 초반기에 주거공간에 대한 세시의례를 하여 1년간 주거생활에 지장이 없도록 하고, 가을에는 월동준비와 지붕이기를 하고, 연말에 다시 1년을 매듭짓는 차원에서 보강하여 새해를 맞이하고, 윤년에는 일상적 주거생활의 궤도 밖으로까지 확장하여 주거공간을 증수축하는 것이다. The Sesi(歲時) is calendaric custom; reflects the structure by which time is operated on an annual basis. The residential space for living of family is a space made by its own rules. Traditionally, the latter was central in the custom of Sesi. In the course of performing Sesi, space sometimes functioned as a place but generally, space had the function of carrying out the efficient performance of Sesi through characteristic transformation. Thus, residential space had the function of connecting good ancestors with descendents, and was a place for activities which brought fortune and warded off a bad fortune. Moreover, residential space was a place for lengthening out the time which people got accustomed to. On the other hand, the meaning of Sesi over the residential space was to purity and repair the place, to bring good fortune, to ward off the evil fortune from the space, and to replace the cultural order in it. This activity has the function of teaching the value of Sesi to people and guiding people to a better life at home. The basic structure of Sesi for the security of residential space is to get rid of the danger for one year in the early part of the year through a ceremony of Sesi over the residential space, to prepare for the winter, and to install the roof during fall. Also, its meaning rings in a good new year after people finalize the previous year before new year's. During leap year, Sesi functions as a way for people to enlarge their living space out of their usual residential space.

      • KCI등재

        정신적 장애가 있는 노인을 위한 주거공간계획

        정윤혜,이윤재 한국생태환경건축학회 2017 한국생태환경건축학회 논문집 Vol.17 No.6

        Purpose: Recently, as Korea has become an aging society, numerous problems related to the elderly have occurred. In particular, issues related to the psychological wellness of the elderly are becoming more and more serious. In general, most of the elderly suffering from psychological disorders are hospitalized in facilities which due to their poor conditions has in fact been pointed out as a violation of their human rights. Therefore, based on the findings of previous research, this study aims to suggest design guidelines or basic design guidelines for residential space planning for the elderly with psychological disorders to support their living in residential spaces, rather than in facilities. Method: First, by referring to precedent studies and performing a review on the literature, the overall types and symptoms of the psychological disorders in the elderly were analyzed. Secondly, among the experimental research from Korea and abroad concerning wellness, the research in which positive effects on the wellness of the elderly suffering from psychological disorders were achieved were derived through a keyword search. Thirdly, design strategies for a residential space for the elderly with psychological disorders and specific plans for residential space planning were derived by grouping similar results among the foregoing experimental research with positive influences. Result: Based on the experimental research, seven design strategies were elicited for the residential space planning for the elderly with psychological disorders. The following is an overall summary of the specific guidelines depending on the design strategies: (i) for the elderly with psychological disorders, mental stability should be provide by controlling contact with others through the provision of separate personal provision of private space, and (ii) for the elderly with anxiety disorder, spaces should be planned to support the visual accessibility from rest of the family members. Furthermore, (iii) for the elderly with depression and anxiety disorder, orientation, locations and sizes of windows should be planned to allow the inflow of sunlight in the morning and (iv) natural or artificial 'natural' elements having positive effects on stress reduction should also be planned for the residential space. (iv) natural or artificial 'natural' elements should also be planned for the residential space to alleviate the stress level. Lastly (v) devices such as controlling TV channels, opening and closing of curtains should be installed to ensure that the elderly can control the spaces by themselves. Also a plan for reducing noises which may cause stress or sleep disturbance is also required.

      • KCI등재

        MZ세대의 주거공간 이용행태 및 공간개선요구 연구 - COVID-19 이후 변화된 공간이용행태 대응을 중심으로 -

        소슬기,조민정 한국문화공간건축학회 2023 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.0 No.81

        This study investigates the problems of existing residential spaces and proposes spatial improvements to support various changes in residential space use behaviors of the MZ generation after COVID-19. In the literature review, existing residential space use behaviors and their changes after COVID-19 were identified. In the subsequent user-study, 55 unmarried MZ households dwelling in multifamily housing in Seoul and metropolitan areas were surveyed. The respondents’ socio-economic and housing characteristics, their residential space use behavioral patterns(i.e., behaviors, frequency of behaviors, and related rooms), problems of existing residential spaces, and improvement needs in response to behavioral pattern changes after COVID-19 were investigated. As result, the duration of staying at home increased after COVID-19 and most of the residential use behaviors occurred in the bedroom. The factor analysis revealed four behavioral types such as ‘cleaning and organizing behavior’, ‘appearance management and displaying behavior’, ‘hobby-seeking behavior’, and ’independent and static behavior’ for the residential space use behaviors of the MZ generation. Among these behaviors, the ‘SNS activities’ from the ‘appearance management and displaying behavior’ factor and the ‘watching video’ from the ‘independent and static behavior’ factor were found most frequently and were affected less by the related, executed room(i.e., bedroom). The respondents needed to reduce the living/dining room to expand the bedroom due to its increased usage after COVID-19. The respondents’ preferences for their overall residential floor area were found related to their current household size. In addition, the respondents preferred to have sufficient space to improve efficiency, spaciousness, and ease of management. The respondents addressed that not only a variety of behaviors but also new activities related to health and hygiene occurred at home. However, conversations among family members decreased due to the increase in personal and social activities at home after COVID-19. The implications of the results and the limitations of the research methods are discussed.

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