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      • KCI등재후보

        부산 북항 매축과 시가지 형성

        차철욱 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2006 한국민족문화 Vol.28 No.-

        This research is about the process acquiring the right of the reclamation in Busan north harbor, the charge of the reclaimed area and Japanese's reaction in Busan surrounding reclaimed area etc. Japanese from Kumamotoken led acquiring the right of the reclamation. And Japanese bureaucrats in the Foreign office including the Minister of Foreign Affairs made it available. Japanese residents in Busan and The Seoul-Busan Railroad Inn conceded and supported acquiring the right of the reclamation. By the by, in fact the person taking charge in is Okurakihanhirou who was Japanese representative leader. He propelled this business establishing the Busan reclamation Inc. The public facilities and the commerce facilities appeared after the completion of reclamation area. The public facilities are the Busan station, the customs, the quay, the post office ten. The pier was the part of the harbor works formed the financial support of Japanese government. I can think the property of the aggression that the reclamation has in view of the facilities for connecting Japan and the continent. and The commerce facilities are the shipping company, the transport company and the warehouse etc. They are connected to the part of the harbor. In a way, I was interested that there are many inns connecting Busan station and the attach ferry etc. The other side, Japanese in Busan thought much of the reclamation area as their living place and economic factor. Japanese nook much interest in problems that are the security of the facilities which ships can anchor in and the principal road passing a new urban district. Japanese were opposed no the Busan reclamation company because of the economic concern in this problem. The reclamation area affected on the modernization of Busan after many modern facilities appeared. Sun the purpose of reclamation included the Japanese necessity of the harbor facilities, the necessity of magnifying the economic living place for Japanese in Busan and the economic understanding of the reclamation company etc.

      • KCI등재후보

        1910년대 부산진 매축과 그 성격

        차철욱 ( Cha Chul-wook ) 부경역사연구소 2007 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.20

        The reclamation was needed Japanese in Busan to make an industrial complex. Many people were concerned about securing the reclamation in 1900 off and on. The reclamation was devided into two classes. One was what diplomatic officer dipatched in local gave the residents living near Busanjin. The other was what the central government gave Park Deok Su and Song Un Yong etc. However in 1908, Sugiyama Sigemaru secured all reclamation by the support of the Residency- General. He purchased some, but absorbed some. The reclamation of Busanjin that Sugiyama Sigemaru secured was made possible by the support of the colonial rule named The Residency-General. Sugiyama Sigemaru handed over the reclamation to Joseon enterprise in 1912. This company received a preference from the Government-General presenting the reclamation of Busanjin had a little economical efficiency. The Government-General purchased a part of the site as high price. And it offered needed soil for filling in Busanjin almost for nothing. From this special favor, Joseon enterprise established the company and advanced the reclamation. But the reclamation was propelled only one third. Because they couldn’t guarantee earning of a site that purchase was unexpected. In the reclamation site, modern social indirect facilities like railroad facilities and thoroughfares etc were appeared not factories. Busanjin station was made newly and the Gyeongbuseon Road was moved into this area. A national road and a streetcar line connecting Dongnae and Busan were constructed. The reclamation of Busanjin played a role that made Busan and Dongnae one area. An an urban district and roads were started the modernization by the reclamation of Busanjin. But the reclamation of Busanjin had the background of the Government- General that gave Sugiyama Sigemaru and Joseon enterprise special favor. Accordingly, the reclamation of Busanjin, modern creature was made possible in the situation of the times, colony.

      • 조선 후기 서해연안 간척의 기술적 과정과 개간의 정치

        양선아 ( Sun Ah Yang ) 쌀.삶.문명연구원 2011 쌀삶문명 연구 Vol.4 No.-

        경제적 행위인 동시에 정치적 과정으로서 개간에 부여된 정치성을 규명하기 위해서는 개간의 기술적 과정과 개간지가 놓인 생태환경적인 특징에 대한 고려가 필수적으로 요청된다. 조선 후기 서해연안 간척은 연해부 간척과 감조구역 내에 있는 육지부의 포변 간척으로 구분된다. 연해부 간척은 다시 큰 갯고랑을 끼고 이루어지는 대규모 간척과 그렇지 않은 소규모 간척으로 나누어볼 수 있다. 연해부 간척과 육지부 간척은 지형적인 조건 상 상이한 특징을 보이기도 하나 규모가 클수록 갯고랑을 다스리는 데 있어서 비슷한 특징을 나타내기도 한다. 규모를 떠나서 조선 후기 간척 기술의 핵심은 인간 노동력에 있었다. 소규모 간척은 입지적인 조건상 좀 더 안정적인 형태로 이루어질 수 있었던 반면 대규모 간척은 몇 차례의 실패를 감수해야 했을 만큼 투기적인 성격을 가지고 있었다. 노동과정 상에 있어서도 소규모 간척은 가족 노동력만으로도 어느 정도의 공정을 마칠 수 있었기 때문에 일반 농민들도 간척에 참여할 수 있었다. 그러나 간척의 규모가 커질수록 노동력과 소용물에 대한 부담이 커졌으며, 따라서 대규모 간척에 참여하는 사회집단의 범위는 제한될 수밖에 없었다. 이와 같은 간척의 기술적 특징에 대한 이해는 조선 후기 간척 주체를 규명하는 데 도움을 줄 것이다. Tidal land reclamation is an act of producing land through a transformation of natural space on the frontier between land and sea. In terms of economic processes, the characteristics of a tidal land`s natural environment, as well as the reclamation`s technical process, require treatment as important variables in the history of reclamation. There were two types of reclamations on the west coast in the Late Joseon Dynasty, the tidal flat reclamation on the coast and riverfront in the tidal area. The former that was practiced in the way of blocking the entrance of a bay can be divided into the large and small-scale reclamations contingent upon the tidal way`s penetration. The complex buildings as banks for breaking a tide and river and irrigation facilities were developed on the riverfront in the tidal area. Joseon Dynasty`s reclamation technology was based on human labor. Having had to rely on labor in the face of natural limitations, the process of making reclaimed land served as the technical basis for a coexistence of large and small-scale reclamation, as well as the condition that determined the ability to implement largescale reclamation. Because the West Coast`s conditions of location enabled smallscale tidal land reclamation that involved family labor, even ordinary farmers could participate. Yet, because the burden for labor and materials increased along with the scale of reclamation, the range of social groups participating in large-scale reclamation became limited. In particular, large-scale reclamation required as a necessity the securing of ability to mobilize large-scale labor in a short period of time. This technological features of tidal reclamation can help to examine the reclamation`s subjects and the politics of reclamation in the Late Joseon Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        16,17세기 해남윤씨(海南尹氏)의 화산(花山) 竹島 해언전(海堰田) 개간 -윤이후(尹爾厚)의 『지암일기(支菴日記)』를 중심으로-

        정윤섭 ( Yoon Seob Jeong ) 호남사학회(구-전남사학회) 2012 역사학연구 Vol.46 No.-

        이 논문은 16·17세기 무렵 해남윤씨에 의해 진행된 도서지역의 海堰田 개발을 살펴보고자 한 것이다. 해남윤씨는 우리나라 서남해 지역의 가장 끝인 해남에 기반을 두고 세거해온 집안으로 서남해 연안지역은 潮水간만의 차가 크고 갯벌이 잘 발달되어 있어 간척을 하기에 매우 유리한 조건을 지니고 있었다. 연해지역의 海堰田 간척은 經濟力과 勞動力 그리고 간척이 용이한 지리적 조건을 요구하고 있었다. 이 때문에 海堰田 간척은 주로 왕실과 특권신분층을 비롯하여 양반 재지사족들이 참여하고 있었지만 이들 모두가 海堰田 개발에 참여할 수는 없었다. 해남윤씨는 16세기 무렵부터 중앙의 관직 진출과 妻邊의 재산상속을 통한 부의 획득, 양자입양으로 양부와 친부로부터 물려받은 재산의 배가 등에 의해 튼튼한 경제적 기반을 마련하고 풍부한 노비노동력을 동원해 民間에서는 매우 이른 시기에 海堰田 간척을 시작한다. 해남윤씨의 海堰田 간척은 주로 내륙의 연해 지역을 중심으로 이루어졌지만 도서지역에서도 이루어지고 있었다. 진도 굴포와 완도 노화도 등은 도서지역에 간척한 대표적인 곳이며 17세기 무렵 화산 죽도에서 진행되었던 간척은 해남의 대표적인 도서지역 海堰田 간척지이다. 화산 죽도의 海堰田 개발은 이시기 재지 양반가의 도서경영이 어떻게 이루어지고 있었는지를 구체적으로 살펴볼 수 있으리라 본다. 화산 죽도의 海堰田 개발을 살펴보기 위해서 특히 해남윤씨의 문헌자료로 전해져 온 尹爾厚의 『支菴日記』를 살펴보았다. 『支菴日記』는 17세기 당시 재지양반가의 생활과 토지경영의 모습을 살펴볼 수 있는 일기로 海堰田 개발과 관련된 사항을 기록하고 있다. 고산 尹善道의 손자인 지암 尹爾厚가 기록한 『支菴日記』는 17세기 당시 해남윤씨의 海堰田 개발에 관한 기록을 여러 곳에서 찾아볼 수 있으며, 이를 통해 海堰田 개발에 동원된 노동력과 海堰田 개발과정 등을 살펴볼 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 이처럼 사림정치기를 통해 재지양반가문으로 성장한 해남윤씨의 海堰田 개발이 16세기와 17세기 무렵 花山 竹島를 중심으로 어떻게 진행되고 관리되었는가를 고찰해 본 것이다. This study is 16 and 17th century, preceded by Haenam Yoon Family islands for the reclamation of the sea are discussed. Haenam Yoon Family`s the end of the country in Southwestern region`s most live been based on the Southwestern Coastal areas in the house tides are large and well developed tidal land reclamation was to have a very favorable conditions. Reclamation of the sea, the coastal area of ??labor and the economic and geographical conditions requiring reclamation was easy. Because of this, the reclamation of the sea floor, including mainly noble status and privileges of the royal redirected to participate, but all of them could not participate in land reclamation. Haenam Yoon Family office in the center of the 16th century from the time advance and the wife of the wealth acquired through inheritance, adoption and paternity adoption adoptive father to the wealth inherited from a ship by a strong economic foundation, etc, and mobilizing private sector wealth in the very early labor Novi Reclamation will start when the sea. Haenam Yoon Family inland sea of land reclamation mainly focused on the coastal area was performed, but also were observed as islands. Aging also islands, etc. Progress in Jindo gulpo, wando nohawdo typical 17th century the hwasan jukdo is where has been progress in the Haenam Reclamation Reclaimed islands is typical. Reclamation of the sea, the hwasan jukdo of this period yangban family how redirected specifically look at whether you know that it may have been. In particular, the reclamation of hwasan jukdo in order to examine the Haenam Yoon Family was passed on to the literature of the Yoon ihoo`s 『jiamilgi』 examined. 『Jiamilgi』 during the 17th century yangban family redirect the appearance of life and land management to look at matters relating to land reclamation in the diary is written. Grandson of yunseondo jiam Yoon ihoo`s(1636-1699) recorded 『jiamilgi』 Haenam Yoon Family during the 17th century on the development of the reclamation of history can be found in many places, and through this process of reclamation and development in the labor force mobilized and can look at. In this study, such a public sphere through political groups grown Moon country Haenam Yoon Family redirect the reclamation of the 16th century and 17th century development of around the hwasan jukdo were being managed study What`s happening is this.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮初期 土産物 變動과 貢案改正의 推移

        김동진 조선시대사학회 2009 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.50 No.-

        본고는 조선 초기에 진행된 토산물의 분포와 생산의 변동에 따른 공안 개정의 추이를 분석하였다. 국초부터 국가정책으로 추진된 농지개간, 포호 및 강무활동 등은 한반도에서 급격한 생태환경의 변화를 야기하였다. 이에 任土作貢을 원리로 공납제를 운영한 조선국가는 생태환경의 변화에 수반하는 토산물의 변화에 조응하여 여러 차례 공안개정을 단행하였다. 임토작공에서 ‘土’란 토지생산력을 기준으로 공물을 분정하여 수취한다는 것으로, 공물분정은 ‘分田制貢’과 ‘隨其所産’을 조화시키는 과정이었다. 국초의 농지개간 정책으로 인해 삼남 지방은 농지개간의 진전에 따라 야생금수류의 서식지가 급격히 줄어들고, 수산물의 산지가 늘어나기 시작했다. 조선국가는 공물의 수취보다 농본주의 경제정책에 부합하는 농지개간을 더욱 중시하였고, 농지개간이 초래하는 산물의 변화에 조응하여 공안을 改正하였다. 태조 1년(1392)에 貢賦詳定都監에서 마련한 공안은 ‘分田制貢’과 ‘隨其所産’의 조화를 추구한 것이었다. 농지개간의 진전에 따라 태종 8년에는 제주도에 공안을 처음 마련하였고, 태종 13년(1413) 이후에는 양계 지역에서도 임토작공에 따른 공납제를 시행하였다. 농지개간에 따른 토산물의 변화가 나타남에 따라 태종 15년에서 17년까지 다양한 공안개정론이 제기되었다. 이는 태종 18년 국가의 경비를 절감하면서 각 지방에서 생산할 수 있는 것으로 공물을 분정한다는 ‘隨其所産’의 원칙을 관철하는 것이었다. 세종대에 지속된 농지개간과 강무활동으로 인한 가용공간의 확대와 산물의 변화 역시 전국적으로 진행되었다. 세종대 전반에는 농지개간의 진전으로 각 지방의 땔감과 야생금수류 생산이 감소하였다. 이와 달리 새로운 가용공간으로 편입된 하천과 해안지역에서는 새로운 어장과 수량의 설치에 비례하여 수산물의 생산이 크게 늘어났다. 이에 세종 21년(1439)에는 隨其所産을 준용하면서 평안도와 하삼도의 공안을 개록하였으며, 이러한 기준은 세종 30년에 함길도 갑산부의 공물감면에도 적용되었다. 세종 집권 후반기에 지속된 농지개간으로 하삼도의 공안을 개록한 지 7년이 지난 세종 28년에 田制詳定所에서 다시 공물상정을 시작했다. 그리고 지속적인 논의와 상정과정을 거쳐 세조 11년에 乙酉貢案(1465)으로 정리하고, 2년 뒤에 『新定收貢法』을 인반하는 것으로 일단락 지었다. 이 시기 실록의 기록은 농지개간으로 하삼도의 야생금수류가 핍절되는 가운데, 수산물의 생산은 큰 폭으로 증가하였음을 보여준다. 이러한 산물변화에 대응하여 하삼도에 분정했던 야생금수류의 공액 가운데 많은 부분을 강무장과 북삼도 지역으로 이정하였다. 대신 하삼도에서는 관어전의 결전을 허용하고, 어전으로부터 국용을 충당하기 시작하였다. 이러한 세조대의 공안개정에서도 임토작공 가운데 隨其所産의 원칙을 지키려고 노력하였음을 확인할 수 있다. In the early Chosun Dynasty, farmland reclamation, tiger hunting and military training activities promoted as national policies from the beginning of the dynasty brought rapid changes in ecological environment to the Korean Peninsula. Thus, the country revised the tribute system several times in response to changes in local products accompanying such changes in ecological environment. The Chosun Dynasty tried to operate the tribute system based on the rule of Imtojakgong (任土作貢:tribute collection based on local products). In Imtojakgong, ‘to’ means that tributes are imposed and collected based on land productivity. Because tribute imposition was to meet the state’s financial demand, the state’s financial need was the primary consideration in tribute imposition. The secondary consideration was tribute imposition based on productivity, which involved the process of harmonizing ‘Bunjeonjegong(分田制貢)’ and ‘Sugisosan(隨其所産).’ Due to farmland reclamation promoted as a national policy in the early Chosun Dynasty, local products were changed rapidly. In the three southern provinces, the habitats of wild animals were reduced and the production of marine products increased. Out of its agriculture‐oriented economic policies, the government emphasized farmland reclamation rather than the collection of tributes, and revised the tribute system in response to changes in products resulting from farmland reclamation. The tribute system prepared by Gongbusangjeongdogam in the 1st year of King Taejo (1392) pursued harmony between ‘Bunjeonjegong’ and ‘Sugisosan.’ With progress in farmland reclamation, the tribute system was established first in the Jeju Island in the 8th year of King Taejong, and the tribute system based on Imtojakgong was enacted in the Yanggye area in the 13th year of King Taejong (1413). With the appearance of changes in local products resulting from farmland reclamation, various suggestions were made on the revision of the tribute system during the period from the 15th to 17th year of King Taejong. As a result, in the 18th year of King Taejong, the principle of ‘Sugisosan,’ which means imposing tributes that can be produced in each province while saving national expenditures, was implemented. Due to farmland reclamation and military training activities that continued through the reign of King Sejong, available spaces were expanded and products were changed throughout the country. During the early period of King Sejong, progress in farmland reclamation decreased the production of firewood and wild animals. On the contrary, new fishing grounds and facilities were created in rivers and coastal areas that were newly included as available spaces, and this increased the production of marine products considerably. As Sugisosan was adopted in the 21st year of King Sejong, the tribute system was revised in Pyeongan‐do and the three southern provinces, and in the 30th year of King Sejong, this standard was applied also to the reduction and exemption of tribute in Gapsan‐bu, Hamgil‐do. Due to farmland reclamation that continued in the late period of King Sejong, in the 28th year of King Sejong (1446) after 7 years from the revision of the tribute system in the three southern provinces, Jeonjesangjeongso began to review the tribute system again. Through continuous discussion and review, the tribute system was revised again in the 11th year of King Sejo, and after two years, Sinjeongsugongbeop was approved. Historical records in those days show that, because of farmland reclamation, the number of wild animals was reduced drastically but the production of marine products increased remarkably in the three southern provinces. In response to such changes in products, a large part of wild animals imposed upon the three southern provinces was transferred to Gangmujang and the three northern provinces. Instead, the three southern provinces were allowed to pay tributes with products ...

      • KCI등재

        일제말 적기만 추가매축 연구

        배석만 ( Suk Man Bae ) 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2013 항도부산 Vol.29 No.-

        This study analyzed the specific conditions of the second-stage reclamation construction of Jeokgi Bay (赤崎灣) by Suketada Ikeda (池田 佐忠). In order to sell his previous reclamation land, Section B, and secure the site necessary for his oil business, Ikeda carried out the additional reclamation of Jeokgi Bay immediately after the first-stage reclamation. However, his plan did not succeed. It was because oil traders who owned oil storage facilities in the customs bonded area opposed to him. The Japanese Government-General of Korea that had the authorization right of reclamation found in favor of the oil traders after one-year consideration. The military authorities opposed to Ikeda`s plan and exerted influence on this decision because they concerned about the unstable supply and demand of oil, an important war material. Thus, the reclamation plan by Ikeda had to accept large changes such as reduction of site area from his original plan and change in location and use of the site. However, Ikeda accepted the changed plan and performed the additional reclamation. The reasons include two conditions as follows: First, there was a practical problem of securing the site for oil refining facility of Daedong Oil Company (大東石油株式會社) founded by Ikeda as a main body for his oil business. Second, he planned the third-stage additional reclamation developing the second quayside in Jeokgi Bay in conjunction with plans of the Japanese Government-General of Korea to expand the port functions of Port of Busan. The construction that started from June 1937 was completed in February 1940 and cost 550,000 yen as a construction cost. As a result, a new site of 18,678 pyeong (≒61,745.4545 square meters) was additionally developed on the sea surface in front of Section A.

      • KCI등재

        새만금 간척지역 박물관 유물수집을 통해 본 지역사회의 참여 양상

        양지영(Yang Jiyoung),이정우(Lee Jungwoo) 한국문화융합학회 2021 문화와 융합 Vol.43 No.9

        본 연구는 새만금 간척지역에 2023년 건립예정인 ‘국립새만금간척박물관’ 유물수집과정을 통해 지역주민의 박물관 활동 참여와 지역사회에서의 상생과정을 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 대규모 간척이 이루어지고 있는 새만금은전라북도에 위치한 금강, 만경강, 그리고 동진강 하구를 포함하고 있으며 행정구역으로는 군산과 김제, 부안의 일부 지역이 속해 있다. 과거 간척과 개간사업은 농경지 확보를 위한 목적으로 이루어졌으며, 새만금 간척사업도 초기에는 식량 확보를 위한 농지 조성이 목적이었다. 그러나 2007년 농지개발이 아닌 융․복합기지 개발로 토지이용구상안이 재조정 되는 등 그 목적과 기능이 변화되었다. 새만금 간척지역에 건립될 박물관은 새만금과 간척의 역사적․사회적 미래가치를 재조명하는 복합문화공간으로서의 역할이 기대되는 곳이다. 일반적으로 박물관은 역사성과희소성을 가진 유물수집활동이 주로 이루어지는 곳이다. 그러나 최근 일부 박물관에서는 현재와 평범한 일상, 그리고 사람들의 생활사와 관련된 유물에 주목하고 있다. 이처럼 생활유물이 주목받는 이유는 그것이 사람들의 삶과문화, 역사, 사회적 맥락을 읽어낼 수 있는 중요한 자료로 기능하기 때문이다. 이러한 방식으로 수집된 유물은 수장고 안에 보존되는 데서 그치지 않고 적극적인 활용을 통해 박물관이 속해있는 지역의 주민들과 박물관을 찾는관람객들의 적극적인 참여와 소통을 유도하고 있다. 따라서 실제 지역민들이 사용했거나 기억 속에 남아있는 일상의 물건들은 박물관이라는 공간을 통해 지역민의 참여를 이끌어내고 있으며, 이러한 박물관활동은 지역민과 지역사회, 박물관 사이의 협력과 상생구조를 생성해내고 있다. This study aims to examine the participation of local residents and community growth through the collection process of antiquity at the National Saemangeum Reclamation Museum, which is scheduled to be built in 2023. The Saemangeum area is a large-scale reclamation site, which includes the Geumgang, Mangyonggang, and Dongjingang estuaries located in Jeollabuk-do, and includes Gunsan, Gimje, and parts of Buan are administrative districts. Reclamation and reclamation projects have long been aimed to secure agricultural land and Saemangeum reclamation projects were initially aimed at creating farmland to secure food. However, the purpose and function of the land-use initiative were changed in 2007, when the land-use initiative was readjusted to development of convergence and complex bases, not farmland development. Along with the background of this reclamation history, the construction of a museum in the Saemangeum reclamation area is expected to serve as cultural spaces to recertify the historical, social and future value of Saemangeum and reclamation. In general, museums have been the main collection of historical and sparse artifacts, but museums are now paying attention to artifacts related to daily life. The reason why these living artifacts are attracting attention is that they can be interpreted as important data to study people s lives, culture, history, and social contexts. In addition, the collected artifacts are not only preserved, but also encouraged active participation and communication between locals and visitors through utilization. Therefore, we would like to collect artifacts through field investigations of everyday objects that are left in the memories used by local people, and pay attention to how local people participate and coexist with the region along with changes in the function of the museum.

      • KCI등재

        화성호 간척사업이 어촌 주민의 삶에 미치는 영향

        정병곤 ( Byung-gon Jeong ),장호영 ( Ho-young Chang ) 한국어업기술학회 2017 수산해양기술연구 Vol.53 No.1

        In order to investigate the effect of land reclamation on the life of local fishermen, a survey was conducted with the 246 people living in 12 different adjacent villages located in Hwasung District. It was found that income of residents decreased, while the amount of debts increased after reclamation. 65% of the people surveyed answered that their economic situation became worse than before and they blamed the decrease of fishery resources as the main cause. It further led to the loss of the family`s means of livelihood. 40% of the people surveyed claimed that they wanted to leave the fishing village and believed that reclamation divested them of all their hope for the future. Regarding to the effect of reclamation project on the image of Hwasung District, most of the respondents have a negative view on the reclamation project. They have negative views even on the tourism, regional welfare, employment of community residents and local infrastructure. Therefore, it can be concluded that local community residents thought that reclamation project had negatively influenced their overall quality of life.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 공유수면매립 기본계획 사전환경성검토의 합리적인 대안비교에 관한 연구

        맹준호 ( Jun Ho Maeng ),조광우 ( Kwang Woo Cho ),변성수 ( Seong Soo Byon ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2010 환경영향평가 Vol.19 No.6

        In carrying out the prior review on environmental conditions for basic plan of public waters reclamation, the important item is review on conditions of location on prearranged reclaimed land. In this study, environmental assessment which needs careful consideration in the first stage of selecting location is presented by analyzing environmental impact assessment on public waters reclamation projects for about 10 years. The assessment index for alternative comparison is divided into two parts according to importance level. What is most important in alternative comparison is the comparison on direct influence due to reclamation. In other words, it figures out damaged extent of natural shoreline as well as intertidal and infralittoral zones. Comparing influence extent due to reclamation through the 1st comparison on this is regarded as to be important. In case there is no significant difference by alternatives through the 1st assessment, the 2nd assessment should be carried out. In the 2nd assessment indexes are damaged quantity of benthic organism, change in seawater current, erosion, accumulation and exchangeable rate of seawater. The plan for selecting optimal location which minimizes environmental influence in establishing public waters reclamation plan is demonstrated through model cases. For this, 3 districts which have similar environment and scale are selected, and then comparison on location alternative is made through environmental assessment index. In addition, the comparison on 3 arrangement alternatives are conducted, targeting certain areas. It is thought that carrying out comparison review on respective areas in the same cities and counties, not merely comparing arrangement plan by selecting 1 targeting area in advance, is the most appropriate. Besides, selection of arrangement plan considering environment, which minimizes damage of natural shoreline and influence due to change of seawater current is required in alternative comparison on arrangement plan as well. In case of the prior review on environmental conditions though alternative comparison method presented in this study is carried out, it is safely said that the influence on ocean environment due to public waters reclamation can be minimized.

      • KCI등재

        UML을 이용한 GIS기반 새만금 DIPSDRM 공법 모바일 관리 시스템 설계 및 구현

        백정호 ( Jeong Ho Baek ),이홍로 ( Hong Ro Lee ) 한국지리정보학회 2013 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        The world largest land reclamation project in the name of Saemangeum(Ariul) from 1991 to the present has been implementing in a part of the west coast of Korea. In the Saemangeum reclamation project, the large-scale project cost is used for the landfill reclamation. A number of landfill reclamation methods have been studied in order to reduce the large-scale cost of the Saemangeum project under construction. There are many studies related to the on-site real-time monitoring with mobile systems for operating a wide range of landfill. In order to apply the work method for efficient cost-savings in the landfill operations to the Samangeum project, this paper develops a mobile management system that is composed of a mobile interface module, a data server module for data transmission and storage, and an analysis server module to analyze the input data and derive the results. The mobile system is designed by analysing user`s and system requirements, functional interactions, and data flow using unified modeling language(UML). The user interface is developed for the on-site real-time monitoring through the status and related attributes of land reclamation by using the digital maps of the Samangeum coverage via mobile devices. Finally, a mobile management system would be developed that can provide a 3D GIS service based on the Dry Internal Project Site Digging Reclamation Method(DIPSDRM).

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