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      • KCI등재

        몽골국 소재 거란대자(契丹大字) 자료 연구

        류병재 ( Yoo Byungjae ) 중앙아시아학회 2020 中央아시아硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        This study strived to attempt the restoration of those characters along with the accurate locations of the Khitan large script(契丹大字) materials that now exist in Mongolia, and to decipher some inscriptions among the rest. However, Khitan large script, which remains in Mongolia, is mostly recorded in the form of ink inscription(墨書). Even among them, there were few characters available for clear confirmation owing to a long-standing storm. The decoding level of Khitan large script is now only 10% or so. Thus, there is a limitation to deciphering the materials of Khitan large script in Mongolia. Nevertheless, a few characters could be identified among ink inscriptions of Khitan large script in Rashaan-Khad and Mount Erdene. Stone carving(石刻) of Khitan large script in Mount Salbar was confirmed to have room for reconsideration by the existing previous research. There are most cases that Khitan large scripts, which are found on the mainland of the Khitan in China, are excavated in the form of epitaph(墓誌銘). In this case, the epitaph with Chinese character and the epitaph with Khitan large script were discovered at the same time, thereby giving a help to decoding the corresponding Khitan large script. However, the Khitan large script letters in Mongolian region are possessed the majority by what was written in the form of ink inscription on the rock face, and were verified to be difficult for the decipher because of having been worn out or erased by wind waves.

      • KCI등재

        라샨하드 유적과 몽골 동부의 이른 시기 돌날석기 공작

        이선복(Seon-bok Yi) 한국구석기학회 2013 한국구석기학보 Vol.- No.28

        라샨하드 유적은 몽골 동부지역의 대표적 구석기시대 유적이다. 이곳에서는 특히 1980년을 전후해 그 주요 부분이 조사되었으나, 조사 결과에 대해서는 지극히 간략한 내용만이 알려졌다. 따라서 몽골 동부지역의 구석기에 대한 정보는 거의 알려진 것이 없는 형편이다. 서울대학교 박물관과 몽골 과학원 고고학연구소가 합동으로 2010년과 2011년에 실시한 조사에서는 퇴적층의 상당한 부분이 동물에 의한 굴 파기 등의 생물학적 요인으로 심하게 교란되었음이 확인되었다. 수습 유물의 특징으로 미루 어볼 때 퇴적층이 긴 시간에 걸쳐 형성되었음을 알 수 있지만, 이러한 교란으로 인해 문화층의 구별이나 시간의 흐름에 따른 유물의 변화 양상은 판단하기 어렵다. 발굴은 지표에서 1.5m 내외까지 이루어졌고 퇴적층은 그 아래로도 이어지는데, 발굴 부분의 가장 아래에서는 낙반으로 후대에 동물이 훼손하지 못한 구역이 확인되었다. 이 파괴를 면한 퇴적층에서는 돌날 석기 공작의 특징을 보여주는 석기가 수습되었 고, 함께 발견된 동물 뼈에서는 약 4만 년 전의 방사성탄소연대가 얻어졌다. 이와 유사한 석기공작은 몽골 서북부 오르혼 강 유역 및 중국 내몽고와 영하에서도 발견되고 있는바, MIS 3 단계에 동북아시아 내륙 지방에서는 돌날석기 공작이 광범위하게 분포하였음을 시사해준다. Rashaan Khad is perhaps the only palaeolithic site so far known in eastern Mongolia, but we know little about its stratigraphy and lithic industry. In 2011 and 2012, a joint Mongolian-Korean team from the Institute of Archaeology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences and the Seoul Natonal University tested the site. It was revealed that the bulk of the deposit had been destroyed by various biological agents, particularly by burrowing animals. Only the small portion of the lowermost part of the excavated deposit escaped such wholesale destruction where stone tools made on blades were recovered. C-14 dates obtained from faunal remains suggest an age of ca. 40 ka. Artifacts of similar nature are known from the Orkhon River basin in northwestern Mongolia. Also, it may well be that the sites of Jinsitai in Inner Mongolia and Shuidonggou in Ningxia, China, also share similar materials. Reduction sequence related to blade production at these sites is not clear yet. However, when taken together, it appears that blade production had been widely adopted in inner parts of Northeast Asia prior to ca. 30 ka.

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