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      • KCI등재

        외식상품의 소셜네트워킹서비스 특성이 지각된 사용 용이성·유용성과 온라인 구전의도에 미치는 영향

        오왕규,Oh, Wang-Kyu 한국식품영양학회 2016 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.29 No.6

        SNS (Social network service) characteristics are perceived to simplify use. We carried out empirical studies on these parameters to observe the impact on the image of catering SNS online by word-of-mouth. The subjects of the study were as follows: 32.3% (392 persons) 19 years old, 67.7% (821 persons) over 19 years, 51.0% (619 persons) in their 20s, 22.1% (268 persons) in their 30s, 17.6% in their 50s, and 9.3% (112 persons) over 50 years. After verifying the hypothesis proposed that SNS characteristics perceived the ease of use, the significant factor identified in usability were connectivity Speed (${\beta}=0.213$), playfulness (${\beta}=0.246$), information (${\beta}=0.115$), and reciprocity (${\beta}=0.357$). Dual reciprocity had the most impact. It was observed that a longer impact of these significant factors improved the feel and fun of use. If SNS companies cater to, quick and easy, diverse, reliable and latest information, they can increase the ease of use, and availability, depending on the goals. Also, significant factors in the SNS features and online word of mouth was playfulness (${\beta}=0.312$), information (${\beta}=0.207$), reciprocity (${\beta}=0.066$) and perceived ease of use, and usefulness (${\beta}=0.293$), double playfulness had the maximum impact. These features provided more fun, reliable information, and could quickly deliver the latest information. The more the perceived usefulness, and ease of use, higher was the online word-of-mouth effect. SNS usage characteristics of connectivity Speed did not show any statistical significance in online word-of-mouth. Thus, catering businesses need to find ways to increase the ease of use, make the usefulness multifaceted, constantly checking the catering information on the SNS and ensuring to get the latest information is from diverse and reliable sources. This would increase the fun for the customer making the SNS to actively be utilized as a marketing tool.

      • KCI등재

        웹기반 데이터 시각화 도구를 활용한 플로우 데이터의 지리적 시각화 기법 탐색

        김지우,이건학 한국지도학회 2017 한국지도학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        플로우 데이터는 지역간 공간적 상호작용이나 상호작용에 따른 공간 조직의 형성과 변화 등을 분석하고 이해하는데 중요한 자료로 활용되고 있다. 플로우 데이터에 대한 전통적인 지도학적 시각화 방법으로 널리 사용되고 있는 유선도는 복잡하고 많은 유선의 표현에 따른 낮은 가독성이나 중첩성 등이 한계로 지적되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 최근 비공간적 데이터 뿐 아니라 공간 데이터의 새로운 재현 방법으로 각광받고 있는 정보 시각화 도구에 주목하여, 플로우 데이터의 지리적 시각화 기법으로서 정보 시각화 도구의 적용가능성을 탐색하고 각 기법에 대한 유용성을 체계적으로 평가하고자 한다. 이를 위해 자바스크립트 기반의 데이터 시각화 라이브러리인 D3.js의 강제 유향 그래프, 코드 다이어그램, 위계적 엣지 번들링, 생키 다이어그램, 시간 거리 그래프를 활용하였으며, 실제 고속 철도 운행 플로우에 대한 다양한 시각화 사례를 실제로 개발하여 보여주고 있다. 사례 분석 결과, 각 정보 시각화 기법은 전통적인 유선도가 갖는 한계들을 효과적으로 극복할 수 있으며, 플로우 데이터에 대한 대안적인 시각화 기법으로 유용하다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 이를 통해 본 연구는 플로우 데이터의 지리적 시각화 분야에 유용한 가이드라인을 제공할 수 있고, 지리학, 지도학 및 공간 정보 분야에서 공간 정보의 매핑과 시각화 방법에 대한 인식적 변화를 가져올 것으로 기대한다. Flow data have been utilized for analyzing and understating a regional spatial interaction and the dynamics of spatial organization by spatial interaction. As a classical cartographic visualization method, flow map has been broadly used for representing flow data. A flow map, however, has technical limitations such as lower readability and occlusion by representing complicated many flows. In this regard, this research focuses on an information visualization tool which has been paid attention as a new approach for representing not only non spatial data but also spatial data. We attempt to explore the applicability of a information visualization tool for geovisualization of flow data and evaluates the usability of various information visualization graphs. To do this, we utilize several graphs of Java script library of D3.js, including forced-directed graph, chord diagram, hierarchical edge bundling, Sankey diagram, and time-distance graph and present various geovisualization ways of rapid-trasit railway flows. From a result of case study, it turns out that each of information visualization techniques is able to overcome limitations of a traditional flow mapping technique in an effective way, and is quite useful as an alternative way of visualizing flow data. Also, it is expected that this paper provides a useful guideline for geovisualization of flow data, and leads a cognitive change of spatial information mapping and visualization in geography, cartography, and other areas dealing with spatial information.

      • KCI등재

        정보공유를 위한 응답신속성이 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 대학교 환경에서의 실증분석

        류춘호(Ryu, Choon-Ho)임승준(Yim, Seung-Jun) 한국물류학회 2021 물류학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        본 연구는 공급사슬 내 개체들의 정보공유를 위한 의사소통의 민첩성, 즉 응답신속성이 공급사슬 성과에 미치는 영향을 대학교 환경에서 이를 실증적으로 확인해 보고자 한다. 본 연구에서 교육 서비스(상품)의 공급자(교수)와 구매자(학생) 사이의 응답신속성은 설명변수로서 공급사슬 내 개체 간 의사소통의 민첩성과 관련한 요인으로 고려될 수 있고, 학업 성과는 종속변수로서 공급사슬 성과와 관련한 변수로 간주될 수 있다. 본 연구는 우선 교수의 수업과제 공시 시점과 수강생의 과제 제출 시점의 차이를 응답신속성으로 정의하였다. 수업과제의 응답신속성이 학업 성과에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지, 전공필수과목과 전공선택과목의 수강생 간 응답신속성이 학업 성과에 미치는 영향에 유의한 차이가 있는지, 성적과 연관이 있는 수업과제와 성적과 연관이 없는 수업과제의 응답신속성이 학업 성과에 미치는 영향이 다른지를 검증한다. 분석 결과 성적과 연관이 있는 수업과제의 응답신속성과 성적과 무관한 수업과제의 응답신속성이 학업성과에 미치는 영향력은 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 전공선택과목은 성적과 연관이 있거나 성적과 무관한 수업과제의 응답신속성이 학업 성과에 미치는 영향은 모두 유의하지 않았다. 반면 전공필수과목은 성적과 연관이 있거나 성적과 무관한 수업과제의 응답신속성이 학업 성과에 미치는 영향은 모두 유의하였다. 자발적인 목적이 강한 수업과목(전공선택과목)에서 수업과제의 응답신속성은 이것이 성적과 연관이 있든 없든 학업 성과에 영향을 미치지 못했다. 반면, 자발적인 목적이 약한 수업과목(전공필수과목)에서 수업과제의 응답신속성은 이것이 성적과 연관이 있든 없든 학업 성과에 영향을 미쳤다는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 조직의 의사결정자에게 공급사슬 내 개체들의 정보공유를 위한 의사소통의 민첩성이 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 시사점을 제공한다. The purpose of this study is to empirically verify the effect of response rapidity on communication for information sharing among individuals in the supply chain on the supply chain performance in a university environment. The time difference between the professor’s class assignment disclosure time and the student’s assignment submission time is defined as response rapidity and the academic achievement is defined as grades(credits). We verified whether there is a significant difference in the effect of response rapidity on grades between subjects and elective major courses and whether the effects of response rapidity of class assignments related to grades and class assignments not related to grades have different effects on grades. In class subjects with a strong voluntary purpose(elective major courses), the response rapidity of class assignments did not affect academic achievement, whether or not related to grades. On the other hand, in class subjects with a weak voluntary purpose(required major courses), the response rapidity of class assignments had an affect academic achievement, whether or not related to grades. The results of the study provide implications for organizational decision makers on the impact of communication agility for information sharing among entities in the supply chain on performance.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Implementation of Rapid Application Development Method in the Development of Geographic Information Systems of Industrial Centers

        Sasmito, Ginanjar Wiro,Wibowo, Dega Surono,Dairoh, Dairoh The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation 2020 Journal of information and communication convergen Vol.18 No.3

        Cities in Indonesia include diverse scattered industrial centers comprising industries that can sustain the existing economic pace. For industrial data collection, the city government still relies on census that consumes extensive time and money. The public are unfamiliar with industries owing to their lack of industry information; therefore, the market share is not optimal. In addition, the opportunity to procure investors for business development is limited. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system that can record, store, write, analyze, and display geographical data. Using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method, GIS was developed on a website platform to provide information on industry profiles, types of production, investment values, industry maps, and industrial locations in each village and sub-district to a wider community. The RAD method was chosen compared to the waterfall method because it could accelerate website development process.

      • KCI등재

        Information Status and Prosodic Prominence as Perceived by Korean Learners of English

        임수연 서울대학교 언어교육원 2019 語學硏究 Vol.55 No.2

        This study investigates the relationship between information status and prosodic prominence perceived by Korean learners of the English language, compared to English native speakers, in a complete public speech. Both groups of speakers were asked to mark words that they perceived as being prominent, while listening to a speech in real time. The information status of a word was annotated as a function of referential and lexical information, as well as focus. The results show that Korean native speakers perceive prosodic prominence in a similar manner to that of English native speakers. Both groups are more likely to perceive prominence for new or focused words than for given or non-focused words. The two groups, however, differ in that Korean native speakers tend to more frequently perceive prominence for words carrying lexical information than English native speakers. This bias seems to be influenced by parts-of-speech, in alignment with the findings of previous studies.

      • KCI등재

        Information Status and Prosodic Prominence as Perceived by Korean Learners of English

        Suyeon Im 서울대학교 언어교육원 2019 語學硏究 Vol.55 No.2

        This study investigates the relationship between information status and prosodic prominence perceived by Korean learners of the English language, compared to English native speakers, in a complete public speech. Both groups of speakers were asked to mark words that they perceived as being prominent, while listening to a speech in real time. The information status of a word was annotated as a function of referential and lexical information, as well as focus. The results show that Korean native speakers perceive prosodic prominence in a similar manner to that of English native speakers. Both groups are more likely to perceive prominence for new or focused words than for given or non-focused words. The two groups, however, differ in that Korean native speakers tend to more frequently perceive prominence for words carrying lexical information than English native speakers. This bias seems to be influenced by parts-of-speech, in alignment with the findings of previous studies.

      • KCI등재후보

        스마트 PRT를 위한 사용자중심 정보시스템의 요구 분석

        조수선(Soosun Cho) 한국도시철도학회 2016 한국도시철도학회논문집 Vol.4 No.4

        The Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) is a transportation system that uses stations and moves without stopping to the destination through driverless train operation. It is basically a public transport for small group transportation. In this paper, we analyzed the requirements of various user - oriented information systems for the development of high - quality service for the re - birth of PRT, which has characteristics of public transportation, safety and timeliness. Along with the requirements of the user perspective for smart PRT, we analyzed the requirements of the information system for major decision making. Therefore, we tried to carry out basic research for the development of railway transportation system with competitive services in the future transportation sector.

      • KCI등재

        배달앱의 속성이 고객만족에 미치는 영향: 한국 ‘배민'과 중국 ‘메이투안(Meituan)' 사용자 비교

        마맹,박철 경성대학교 산업개발연구소 2024 산업혁신연구 Vol.40 No.1

        모바일 인터넷 기술의 급속한 발전과 현대인의 편리한 생활 방식을 지속적으로 추구함에 따라 배달 애플리케이션의 이용률이 높아지면서 O2O 기반의 배달 시장이 급격하게 성장하고 있다. 본 연구는 배달 앱의 속성이 고객 만족에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위해 시도되었다. 한국의 대표적인 배달앱 ‘배달의 민족’과 중국 대표적인 배달앱 ‘메이투안’ 사용자를 대상으로 배달앱의 어떤 속성이 고객 만족에 유의한 영향을 미치는지를 알아보았다. 분석결과, 한국 ‘배민’과 중국‘메이투안’의 배달앱 사용자가 인지하는 신속성, 사용편리성, 정보제공성 속성은 모두 고객만족에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 사용편리성은 한국이 중국보다 만족도에 더 영향을 미쳐서, 국가 간 차이가 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 분석결과를 통해 배달 앱 업체에게 시사점을 제시하였다. With the rapid development of mobile Internet technology and the continuous pursuit of a convenient lifestyle by modern people, the utilization of delivery applications has increased, resulting in a rapid growth of the O2O-based delivery market. This study attempts to identify the impact of O2O delivery app attributes on customer satisfaction. Focusing on the Korean delivery app 'Baemin' and the Chinese delivery app 'Meituan', this study identifies which attributes of delivery apps have a relatively significant impact on customer satisfaction. The results showed that the delivery app attributes of rapidity, convenience, and informativeness all had a significant impact on customer satisfaction in Korea and China, with convenience being more significant in Korea than in China. In this study, we intend to present marketing implications to companies that provide delivery apps or delivery services through the analysis results.

      • KCI등재

        스마트폰의 특성이 개인의 업무성과에 미치는 영향과 혁신 저항성의 조절효과

        김경남 ( Kyung Nam Kim ),박지혜 ( Ji Hye Park ),정도범 ( Do Bum Chung ) 한국정보시스템학회 2011 情報시스템硏究 Vol.20 No.2

        This study analyzed the effects of smart phone using for business on work performance in the field. We classified functional and practical aspects of smart phone affecting employee`s work performance through former studies. As independent variables, we selected portability of equipment, rapidity of information and ease of use for functional side, and selected fit to work and subjective norms for practical side. And dependent variable was work performance. We also suggested that innovation resistance would be a moderator. The results showed that the effect of work performance was influenced by portability of equipment and fit to work. However, hypotheses on moderating effects of innovation resistance were not supported. This study made a discrimination in terms of an application phase of smart phone as against former studies. The results of this study will provide practical implications for related enterprises in the field to develop ways of using smart phone as an effective strategy.

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