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        평안도지역의 근대적 변화와 국사교과서 서술내용 개선방안

        김상태(Kim Sang-tae) 역사문화학회 2005 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.8 No.2

        Since the ending days of the Daehan Empire and through the Japanese occupation period, the Pyeongan-do province had been the central area of the Korean Protestant church, with the Presbyterian church in full action. Pyeongan-do region had also been the battle field for the Qing-Japan war and the Russia-Japan war, and that kind of regional events enabled the Protestant church to expand its influence throughout the area in a rather fierce fashion, because the public scarred by the warfare tended to hope mercy, guidance and salvation from religious leaders. But it seems that actually a more fundamental reason, no other than the regional characteristics of the Pyeongan-do province, engineered the explosive expansion of the Protestant church inside the Pyeongan-do region after all. Pyeongan-do province had been a rather estranged, neglected region during the latter half period of the Joseon dynasty, and as a result, certain level of local order which had been prevailing throughout the Korean peninsula during the Joseon dynasty period. and devised and favored by the Yangban Sajok/士族 figures. was not that well established in this region. At the time, the economy based upon commercial goods and currency was being upgraded and revamped due to the developments that were continuing inside the areas of commerce and handicraft businesses. Such developments were encouraged by the ever-increasing trades and transactions with the Chinese Qing dynasty. The active economy enabled new figures in commercial & industrial businesses to accumulate a considerable amount of economic power. But they also became targets of the government’s taxation and also the illegal exploitation of the local prefects. As we can see from the insurrection of Hong Gyeong Rae(洪景來亂) which happened in the 19th century, the population of the Pyeongan-do province was showing a rather anti-governmental attitude, and it was entirely possible for them to passionately dream for a new social order based upon the capabilities of the new figures in commercial businesses. This kind of environment was what made the Pyeongan-do region the perfect base for the Protestant church and also the Cheondo-gyo religious order in the modern days of Korea. Those two religious orders were very different from one another (as one from overseas, and one developed inside), but they had something in common as well, as their thoughts were based upon their faiths in social equality and civilized enlightenment, and they also aspired to establish a modern capitalist social structure which would be very different from the Neo-Confucian social order of the Joseon dynasty. The Protestant church had a tremendous influence upon the formation of the modern elites inside the Pyeongan-do area, by opening private schools delivering the teaching of the Protestant church. Unlike any other regions inside the Korean peninsula, the Pyeongan-do province showed the highest percentage of Protestant-based schools in all levels, from elementary to middle and to high schools. With the support of the missionaries, highly educated graduates of those Protestant schools had the opportunity to visit U.S., where they encountered modern studies and embraced the American values. Compared to the students who went over to Japan, who had majors mostly in laws and politics, the students from the Pyeongan-do province who went over to U.S. showed more various majors including theology, education, or science and engineering. Such choices of majors clearly mirror the students’ (the population’s) inherent and general animosity toward everything governmental, and also their Western modern values which they acquired under the influence of the American missionaries. Due to the Pyeongan-do province’s distinctive characteristics in terms of religion and education, the region also displayed distinctive actions in the line of National movements. Social figures from the region were well aware of or directly appreciated concepts such a

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 평안감영 재원의 성격과 물류의 추이

        박범 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2021 한국문화 Vol.- No.94

        This paper examines the nature of the resources and logistics of Pyeongan-do from the 17th to 18th centuries. Previous studies have taken a method of statistics of all quantities in rice or coins. However, it was difficult to identify the characteristics of each object. Therefore, this study expected that if we look at the trend by item, we can better show the characteristics of financial resources. It is better represented by the question of transport, or jurisdiction. The problem with transportation is to track how rice and cotton are moved among the resources of Pyeongan-do. Cotton was an easy item to bring to the central government from Pyeongan-do. It was mainly brought from the Pyeongan barracks. However, after the military reform, the government did not move to the center as no more wood was piled up. Rice was a very difficult item to transfer. Although it was occasionally moved for relief purposes, it was rarely moved due to difficulties in shipping. The issue of jurisdiction was the question of which government office had a “old jurisdiction” in terms of the late Joseon Dynasty. Even if it is under the control of Hojo, the execution of Hojo was not an easy problem because of the need to preserve it in Pyeongan-do. The land tax in Pyeongan-do was kept in Pyeongan-do for defense reasons. After all, when the financial problems of good standing arose, the Minister continued to demand repayment. When the governor of Pyeongan-do Province prepared a separate resource, Hojo insisted that even this should be secured from the center. Minister Hojo and the governor of Pyeongan-do were very strongly opposed over the jurisdiction of Pyeongan-do’s financial resources. Minister Hojo claimed that he had the right to sell, and the governor of Pyeongan-do prevented it. King Yeongjo had no choice but to abide by the circumstances on this matter. Because both sides of the argument were reasonable. Finally, the issue of securing silver was addressed. Unlike other regions, it was silver that secured the most resources as a single item. No more silver came from trade with Japan. However, the Joseon government still needed a lot of silver. More silver was secured in peace than in central government. The reason is that I was purchasing in the mountains. These attempts were more advantageous to the Pyeongan province than to the central government. In order to examine the nature and trends of the Pyeongan Inspection Institute, the issue of natural disasters should also be dealt with beyond just understanding the flow of financial resources, but this paper did not. I would like to make it a later task. .

      • KCI등재

        1950년대∼1960년대 초반 평안도 출신 『사상계』 지식인층의 사상

        김상태 한국사상문화학회 2008 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.45 No.-

        지금까지 한국 근현대사 연구자들의 지역사 연구는 특정 지역의 총체적 지역 특성에 대한 분석보다는 개별 주제의 지역사례 연구에 초점을 맞춰왔다. 한국의 각 지역을 면밀히 살펴보았을 때 지역 특성이 가장 뚜렷하게 나타났던 지역으로 근대의 평안도를 들 수 있다. 평안도는 신흥 상공인층과 근대적 지식인층을 중심으로 개신교를 적극 수용하고 實力養成論에 입각한 자본주의 근대화를 지향하여 우익진영의 중심지가 되었다. 해방 후 평안도에서 남한으로 이주한 사람들은 興士團, 朝鮮民主黨, 西北靑年會 등을 중심으로 우익ㆍ친미ㆍ반공 이념을 일관되게 견지하면서 분단체제 형성을 주도하였다. 1950년대의 대표적 학술ㆍ시사잡지였던 『思想界』의 중심 세력도 평안도 출신의 지식인들이었다. 발행인 장준하를 비롯하여 안병욱ㆍ김준엽ㆍ양호민ㆍ지명관 등 역대 편집주간과 편집위원 50명 중 20명이 평안도 출신이었다. 함석헌ㆍ신상초ㆍ김창순 등 주요 필자도 평안도 출신이었다. 요약하면 『사상계』는 평안도 출신 지식인들의 학술ㆍ시사잡지였다고 해도 과언이 아닌 것이다. 그들은 興士團이나 朝鮮民主黨의 중심세력보다 한 세대 아래의 신진 인사들로서, 평안도 출신 지식인층이 남한 사회에서 학술적으로 1950년대 냉전 이데올로기를 선도한 세력이었다는 점을 확인할 수 있는 대표적 사례였다. 본 논문에서는 평안도 출신 『사상계』지식인층의 순기능과 역기능에 대해 살펴보았다. 평안도 출신 『사상계』 지식인층은 언론활동을 통하여 자유와 민권, 주권재민, 언론ㆍ사상의 자유 등 자유민주주의의 기본 원칙을 강조하면서 이승만ㆍ자유당정권의 장기독재와 부정부패를 강력하게 비판하였다. 특히 1950년대 말에 이르러서는 이승만ㆍ자유당정권에 대한 국민들의 직접적인 저항, 즉 ‘혁명’을 촉구하기도 했다. 결국 그들은 4ㆍ19혁명을 이끌어내는 데 일정 정도 기여하였다. 그러나 그들은 민주당에 대한 오랜 불신으로 말미암아 4ㆍ19혁명과 제2공화국을 부정한 5ㆍ16의 정당성을 인정하여 ‘군사혁명’으로 인식하는 경향을 드러냈다. 그리고 그 근원적 배경은 그들의 철저한 친미ㆍ반공 성향이었다. 그들은 냉전 이데올로기의 소유자들이었다. 미국은 대한민국의 우방이요 은혜를 베푸는 존재였고, 공산주의사상과 소련은 사실상 ‘악마’에 해당하였다. 그들에게는 중도파도, 혁신 정치세력도, 중립화 통일논의도 모두 ‘적’이었다. 자유민주주의야말로 통일에 우선하는 절대적인 가치였다. 결국 평안도 출신의 『사상계』 지식인들은 실제적으로는 반공 보다 자유민주주의를 상위 개념으로 설정하는 데 실패하였다. 민주주의가 반공과 승공의 전제조건으로 인식되는 한, 반공과 승공을 위해서는 민주주의의 희생도 완전 배제할 수 없었던 것이다. 그들은 민주당정권의 무능 속에 공산주의에 대한 일정 정도의 위기의식을 느끼고 있었으므로 군부 쿠데타를 승인할 수 있었던 것이다. 요약하면 1950년대의 대표적 학술잡지로 자리잡은 『사상계』의 전반적인 논조 역시 철저한 냉전이데올로기 속에서 반공 친미 성향을 유지하였으며, 그것이 5ㆍ16을 인정하는 계기가 되었다. So far 'Region studies', by scholars studying the modern and contemporary history of Korea, have usually focused upon examining regional situations in terms of particular topics, rather than examining all the characteristics featured by a particular region and presenting a general analysis of that region. Careful examination of all the regions in Korea reveals that the region that featured the most peculiar and distinctive characteristics, was the Pyeongan-do province in the modern era. In the Pyeongan-do province, new-coming merchants & industrial personnel and also modern intellectuals embraced Protestantism, and established the region as the central base for right-wing figures aiming for a Capitalist modernization based upon the argument of 'building strength first('實力養成論')'. After the liberation, people who moved from this province to South Korea played a leading role in establishing and reinforcing the state of division on the Korean peninsula, by firmly maintaining their right-wing, pro-U.S., and anti-Communist ideology, through activities in several organizations such as Heungsa-dan/興士團, Joseon Democratic party(朝鮮民主黨), and the Seobuk(Northwest) Youth group(西北靑年會). The central inner circle behind 『Sasang-gyae/思想界(The Intellectual Society)』, which was a renowned and also representative academic and current-issue magazine in the 1950s, was also composed of intellectuals who hailed from the Pyeongan-do region. Publisher Jang Jun Ha, all the editors including An Byeong UkㆍKim Jun YeobㆍYang Ho MinㆍJi Myeong Gwan, and 20 out of total of 50 editing committee members were from the Pyeongan-do province. Major authors like Ham Seok HeonㆍShin Sang ChoㆍKim Chang Sun were also from the region. In short, 『Sasang-gyae』 was an academic and current-issue magazine created by the Pyeongan-do region intellectuals. They were the next generation after the Heungsa-dan's or Joseon Democratic party's leaders, and they became the most distinctive case which shows us that intellectuals from the Pyeongan-do region led the cold-war ideology in an academic way inside South Korea in the 1950s. Examined in this article are the positive roles the 『Sasang-gyae』 intellectuals from the Pyeongan-do region played, and also the negative aspects of their actions. The 『Sasang-gyae』 intellectuals from the Pyeongan-do region emphasized the basic principles of a free and democratic society, such as freedom, human rights, the principle of sovereignty resting with the people, free speeches and thoughts, through their journalist activities. And they also strongly criticised the prolonged dictatorship and corruption of the Lee Seung Man administration and Freedom party's regime. Especially in the late 1950s, they asked for a full scale resistance of the public and also a 'revolution' against the Lee administration and Freedom party regime. In the end, one can say that they played a certain role in initiating the Revolution of April 19th. Yet they did not have faith in the Democratic party, they didn't for a long time, and therefore came to exhibit an attitude considering the May 16th Coup D'Etat as a legitimate one, and perceiving it, which negated the April 19th Revolution and also the 2nd Republic, as a 'military revolution'. The ultimate source of such perception was their thorough pro-U.S., anti-Communist attitude. They clearly possessed the cold-war ideology and mentality. To them, America was a friend of Republic of Korea, and was its most dear benefactor. The Communist ideology and U.S.S.R were demons. To them, the neutral thinkers, progressive political factions, and discussions of a unification by 'neutralization' were all 'enemies'. Free Democracy was the absolute and ultimate value preceeding all else, including unification. In other words, The 『Sasang-gyae』 intellectuals from the Pyeongan-do region failed to put the ideals and principles of Free democracy before anti-Communism. The...

      • KCI등재

        평안도 방언 연구사 검토

        임선우 한국방언학회 2022 방언학 Vol.- No.35

        The purpose of this article is to review the studies that discussed the Pyeongan-do dialect to confirm the research results of the Pyeongan-do dialect and to examine future research tasks. The characteristics of Pyeongan-do dialect research can be largely classified based on three criteria: region, subfield of linguistics, and data. First, the dialect of Pyeongan-do is concentrated on the study of the dialects of Uiju, Cheolsan, Chosan, and Pyongyang, and other regions have been studied mainly in the dialects of the border with China. In addition, Pyeongan-do dialect is focused on the study of phonetic and phonological categories due to the characteristics of dialect research, and there were not many studies of syntactic and semantic categories. Lastly, in the case of direct investigation, there were the most discussions on investigating people living in China, and in the case of referring to existing data, only limited data such as the ≪Corean Primer≫ were referred. In the future, studies using North Korean defectors' survey data, such as the comparison between the latest Pyeongan-do dialect obtained through the North Korean defectors' survey and the data on displaced people, should be conducted. 이 글은 평안도 방언을 논의한 연구들을 검토하여 그동안의 평안도 방언의 연구 성과를 확인하고, 향후 연구 과제를 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 평안도 방언 연구의 특징은 크게 지역, 언어학의 하위 분야, 자료의 세 가지를 기준으로 하여 분류할 수 있다. 먼저, 평안도 방언은 의주, 철산, 초산, 평양 방언 연구에 집중되어 있으며, 그 외 지역은 중국 접경지역의 방언 위주로 연구되었다. 또한 평안도 방언은 방언 연구 특성상 음성·음운 범주 연구에 집중되어 있고, 통사, 의미 범주의 연구는 많지 않았다. 마지막으로 제보자를 직접 조사하는 경우 중국 거주민을 조사한 논의가 제일 많았고, 기존에 있는 자료를 참고하는 경우에는 ≪Corean Primer≫등 한정적인 자료만이 참고되었다. 향후에는 북한이탈주민 조사를 통해 얻은 최신의 평안도 방언과 실향민을 조사한 자료 간의 비교 등 북한이탈주민 조사 자료를 활용한 연구들이 진행되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        1847년 평안도 안주지역의 乙支文德碑 건립과 의미

        이정빈(Lee, Jeong-Bin) 역사실학회 2013 역사와실학 Vol.51 No.-

        In modern writings on Korean history, Uljimundeok is invariably portrayed as a deeply revered historical figure. Before the modern era, on the other hand, he was depicted as an exemplary model of Confucian Minister-Centered Politics. There is a variation in the historical context and intended purpose of the Uljumundeok reverence. This paper analyzes such context and purpose of the reverence from the 19th century Pyeongan-do’s perspective, by considering the Stele of Uljumundeok erected in Anju in 1847. The stele was a reconstruction of the existing Uljimundeok in the region led by the upper class, and it praised his military contributions based on various historical texts and folktales. The context of this stele construction is found in the social at mosphere of 17th and 18th century that had renewed reverence for Uljimundeok. Chosun dynasty saw an active country-wide construction of Sawoo. In Pyeongan do, two Sawoos ?Chungmoo in Pyongyang and Cheongju in Anju? were built in remembrance of Uljumundeok. However, in contrast to Sawoo built in other provinces which reflected the political commitment of Yangban Sajok to dominate the local politics, construction of Chungmoo Sawoo was led by a provincial governor, and the Uljimundeok reverence was directed at national level. Although Yangban-Sajok was absent in the Pyeongan-do, the ruling-class and intellectuals began to reinterpret Uljimundeok as a guardian of Confucian order and its values. The construction of Uljimundeok stele built in Anju coincides with this broader change in the thinking at the centre of Chosun dynasty. Pyeongan-do had been continually developing throughout the 17th and 18th century. Despite this growth, deep discrimination against Pyeongan-do still persisted until the late 19th century. Against this social background, re-discovery of local historical hero was employed as a means to overcome the pervasive discrimination, and Uljimundeok was a perfect such historical figure. The purpose of 1847 Uljimundeok stele, therefore, was to discover and publicize a local hero as a political effort to fight off the regional discrimination. In that sense, the 1847 stele was a product of conscious reinterpretation of a local historical figure and the related history from the perspective of Pyeongan-do.

      • KCI등재

        김제학(金濟學)의 관서(關西) 죽지사(竹枝詞)에 나타난 역사 인식

        이은주 ( Yi Eun-ju ) 한국실학학회 2021 한국실학연구 Vol.- No.42

        19세기에 창작된 金濟學의 「次申石北關西樂府百八韻」은 申光洙의 「關西樂府」를 차운한 작품이다. 차운시의 특성상 원시의 다양한 요소를 계승하면서도 평양보다는 평안도 지역에 초점을 맞추고 있다는 점에서 차별점이 있다. 이 시는 김제학이 접한 다양한 정보를 반영하고 있기 때문에 19세기 중엽 평안도의 여러 상황과 평안도를 바라보는 인식을 살펴볼 수 있다. 이 시는 평안도 지역사의 비중이 높기 때문에 본고에서는 이 시의 특이점을 짚어가면서 김제학이 어떤 관점에서 여러 지역의 사건들을 선별하여 하나의 흐름으로 만들어 냈는지를 논의하였다. 예컨대 심하 전투, 최효일 사건 등을 보면 평안도의 유명 인물보다는 대명의리를 강조하는 시각이 두드러진다. 또 이 시는 홍경래의 난이 상당히 비중 있게 제시되어 있다는 특징을 가지고 있는데 이것은 이전 시기부터 만연했던 영고탑 회귀설의 소환, 곧 홍경래의 난으로 변방의 위협이 고조된 맥락 속에서 과거 사건들을 선택한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 요컨대 이 시에서 지역사를 바라보는 구도는 대명의리와 변방의 위협으로 양분되며 그런 맥락에서 국가의 수호, 충성, 절의 같은 것들이 강조되고 있다. 이 시에 나타난 평안도 지역사는 외부인이 평안도를 국경을 지키는 울타리로 인식하는 방법이자 평안도 지역민에게 기대했던 모습이었다고 생각할 수 있다. Kim Je-hak's “Bouts-rimés of Gwanseo-akbu” is a work that following the rhymes used by Shin Kwang-soo's “Gwanseo-akbu” created in the late 18th century. Due to the nature of bouts-rimes, it inherits various elements of the original poem, but at the same time, it focuses all over Pyeongan-do rather than Pyongyang. Since this poem reflects various information encountered by Kim Je-hak, we can read various information and perceptions of Pyeongan-do in the mid-19th century. Since the proportion of local history in Pyeongan-do is high in this poem, this paper discussed from what perspective Kim Je-hak selected local incidents and created the flow, by following the peculiarities of this poem. In particular, it is possible to derive a flow that emphasizes Loyalty to the Ming Dynasty rather than Pyeongan-do's famous figures, such as the Battle of Sarhu and the incident of Choi Hyo-il. In addition, since Hong Kyung-rae's rebellion are presented with considerable weight in this poem, it can be thought that past events were selected in the context of the the Rumor of Manchurian return to Ningguda, which was prevalent from the past. In other words, the structure of evaluating local history in this poem is divided into the Loyalty to the Ming Dynasty and the Frontier areas under military threat, and in that context, the protection, loyalty, and patriotism of the state are emphasized. The local history of Pyeongan-do shown in this poem can be thought of as a way for outsiders to perceive Pyeongan-do as a fence protecting the border. They expected loyalty to protect the country from the people of Pyeongan-do.

      • KCI등재후보

        1847년 평안도 안주지역의 乙支文德碑 건립과 의미- 조선후기 을지문덕 숭앙과 平安道人의 지역사 재인식 -

        이정빈 역사실학회 2013 역사와실학 Vol.52 No.-

        In modern writings on Korean history, Uljimundeok is invaria bly portrayed as a deeply revered historical figure. Before the m odern era, on the other hand, he was depicted as an exemplary model of Confucian Minister-Centered Politics. There is a variat ion in the historical context and intended purpose of the Uljumu ndeok reverence. This paper analyzes such context and purpose of the reverence from the 19th century Pyeongan-do’s perspecti ve, by considering the Stele of Uljumundeok erected in Anju in 1847. The stele was a reconstruction of the existing Uljimundeo k in the region led by the upper class, and it praised his military contributions based on various historical texts and folktales. The context of this stele construction is found in the social at mosphere of 17th and 18th century that had renewed reverence for Uljimundeok. Chosun dynasty saw an active country-wide c onstruction of Sawoo. In Pyeongan do, two Sawoos –Chungmo o in Pyongyang and Cheongju in Anju– were built in remembr ance of Uljumundeok. However, in contrast to Sawoo built in ot her provinces which reflected the political commitment of Yangb an Sajok to dominate the local politics, construction of Chungmo o Sawoo was led by a provincial governor, and the Uljimundeok reverence was directed at national level. Although Yangban-Saj ok was absent in the Pyeongan-do, the ruling-class and intellec tuals began to reinterpret Uljimundeok as a guardian of Confuci an order and its values. The construction of Uljimundeok stele b uilt in Anju coincides with this broader change in the thinking a t the centre of Chosun dynasty. Pyeongan-do had been continually developing throughout the 17th and 18th century. Despite this growth, deep discrimination against Pyeongan-do still persisted until the late 19th century. Against this social background, re-discovery of local historical h ero was employed as a means to overcome the pervasive discri mination, and Uljimundeok was a perfect such historical figure. The purpose of 1847 Uljimundeok stele, therefore, was to discov er and publicize a local hero as a political effort to fight off the regional discrimination. In that sense, the 1847 stele was a prod uct of conscious reinterpretation of a local historical figure and t he related history from the perspective of Pyeongan-do.

      • KCI등재

        痴巖 金鉉中의 생애와 시가문학

        조지형 ( Cho Jihyoung ) 한국시가학회 2022 韓國 詩歌硏究 Vol.55 No.-

        This paper explored the life of Kim Hyeon-jung(金鉉中), a literary man who worked in Yeongbyeon(寧邊), Pyeongan-do, from the mid-17th century to the early 18th century, and his poetry literature. Kim Hyeon-jung and his poetry literature are meaningful in expanding the scope of local literature research and supplementing the poetry history of the late Joseon Dynasty in that they show examples of the aristocratic class in provinces in Pyeongan-do. Kim Hyeon-jung, a Confucian scholar in Yeongbyeon, Pyeongan-do, had a will to enter the world through the past but failed to achieve it and spent his life as a local celebrity while staying in his residence. For this reason, it was highly regarded literary in the Pyeongan-do region. In addition, his status as a local literary man is so unique that he is listed at the beginning of the “scholar” item of 『Yeongbyeonji(寧邊志)』, a government-led geography book, and his poems are included in the “literary arts” item. In this paper, attention was paid to < Hwaryusa(花柳詞) > and < Hyangsanrok (香山錄) > as representative works of Kim Hyeon-jung. These two works are recognized for their representativeness in their life cycle and written language notation. < Hwaryusa > can be understood as a rhetorical work to relieve resentment by appeasing the woman who harassed her, taking the form of a love poem that expresses meeting, parting, longing, and reunion wishes, centering on male speakers. < Hyangsanrok > looks around the Myohyangsan Mountain(妙香山) attractions, immerses in the impressions of the beautiful scenery, expresses the atmosphere of being fresh, and reveals the appearance of enjoying alcohol.

      • KCI등재

        조선전기 최고위 국방 전문가 이극균의 생애와 활동

        김순남(Kim, Soon-nam) 역사실학회 2015 역사와실학 Vol.57 No.-

        이극균은 광주 사람으로 1437년(세종19)에 태어나 1456년(세조2)에 20세로 문과에 급제했다. 이후 거의 50년 가까이를 조선의 관료로 살아가다가 1504년(연산10) 67세로 생을 마감했다. 이극균은 문무를 겸하여 세조로부터 장수를 맡을 만한 자로 평가받았다. 이극균은 함길도 도절제사의 도사, 강원 함길도 도체찰사의 종사관, 평안도도체찰사의 비장, 만포 절제사, 평안도와 영안도의 감사와 병사 등을 역임했다. 또한 지변사재상으로 활약하면서 서북면 도원수, 경변사가 되어 북방 대책을 수립하고 실천했다. 이극균은 근 70년 인생 중 40년 가까이를 외직으로 돌았다. 그 과정에서 실제의 현장에서 구현되어야 할 국방 대책의 방향과 내용을 구체적으로 파악했다. 특히 북방 2도에 특화되어 있었던 이극균의 이러한 경험은 조선의 국방에 절대적인 도움이 되었다. 이 시기 국방 대책은 이처럼 실제의 현장으로 관료를 직접 파견하여 그곳에서 얻은 정보와 경험을 바탕으로 수립되었던 능동성을 내포하고 있었다. Born in 1437 (19th year of King Sejong) in Gwangju, Yi Geuk-gyun passed the national civil service examination in 1456 (2nd year of King Sejo) at the age of 20. Thereafter, he served the king of Joseon as a government official for almost 50 years before passing away in 1504 (10th year of the Yeonsangun) at the age of 67. Skilled at both literary and martial arts, Yi Geuk-gyun was evaluated by King Sejo as having the skills to be a capable general. During the reign of King Sejo, Yi was appointed to local positions such as Inspector (dosa) for the Deputy Commander(dojeoljesa )of Hamgil-do, Lieutenant(jongsagwan) for the Supreme Commander of Gangwon Hamgil-do, Commandant(bijang) for the Supreme Commander(dochechalsa) of Pyeongan-do, and Commander(jeoljesa) of Manpo. In addition, he was also actively involved in the establishment of military strategy in his capacity as a high ranking strategist(jibyeonsajaesang) while serving as governor(gamsa) and military commander(byeongsa) of Pyeongan-do and Yeongan-do during the reign of King Seongjong. Because of his career paths, Yi was appointed as Commander-in-Chief(dowonsu) of the Seobukmyeon region and emerged victorious at the Battle of Gosan-ri during the late reign of King Seongjong. In his capacity as a special envoy dispatched to resolve military issues(gyeongbyeonsa), Yi established and implemented a military plan for the defense of the northern region. He also proved himself to be one of the architects of Joseon’s future military system by encouraging capable civil officials to cultivate military strategists. Yi Geuk-gyun served in various local positions for some 40 years. During this process, he came to understand the directions and details of the implementation of national defense policy at the local level. Yi’s experiences in the two northern provinces played a definite role in helping to establish the national defense of Joseon. The defense strategy established during this period was of a proactive nature in that it was based on information and experiences gleaned from the direct dispatch of officials to actual sites.

      • KCI등재

        언어 접촉과 모음 변화-부산 거주 평안도 출신 화자의 모음 포먼트 분석을 중심으로-

        이옥희 한국문학언어학회 2020 어문론총 Vol.85 No.-

        The study aimed to examine whether there is a change in the sound value of the single vowel phoneme in the speaker when language contact occurs. We looked at whether the change was influenced by the dialect that constitutes a language community and what caused it. For this study, the vowel pronunciation of speakers from Pyeongan-do, who has been living in Busan, were analyzed acoustically. The analysis results were as follows. First, the monophthong system of the speaker from Pyeongan-do, Busan, was the eight-monophthong system of /i, e, u, o, a/. The monophthong/e/ and /ɛ/, /ə/ and /o/ are in the mergering process and cross the six the monophthong system. Second, the combination of /ɛ/ and /e/ was more active in South Pyongan Province, and the informant of North Pyongan Province had a clear distinction between the two vowels. Third, the degree of merger /ə/ and /o/, merger /ɨ/and /o/ was weaker than the joining phenomenon of the Pyeongando vowel reported in the previous discussion. This may be a result of language contact due to the structural influence of the Busan local language monophthong system. 이 연구는 언어 접촉이 일어날 때 유입된 화자의 단모음 음소의 음가에 변화가 있는지를 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 그 변화가 언어 공동체를 구성하고 있는 방언의 영향을 받은 것인지 알아보고 원인이 무엇인지 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 부산 지역에 거주하는 평안도 출신 화자의 단모음을 음향음성학적으로 분석하였다. 그 결과는 아래와 같다. 첫째, 부산 거주 평안도 출신 화자는 /ㅣ, ㅔ, ㅐ, ㅡ, ㅓ, ㅏ, ㅜ, ㅗ/의 8단모음 체계를 보인다. 하지만 /ㅔ/와 /ㅐ/, /ㅓ/와 /ㅗ/는 합류 과정 중에 있어서 6단모음 체계를 보이기도 한다. 둘째, /ㅐ/와 /ㅔ/의 합류 현상은 평안남도가 더 활발했고, 평안북도 제보자는 두 모음을 뚜렷하게 구분했다. 셋째, /ㅓ/와 /ㅗ/, /ㅡ/와 /ㅗ/의 합류 정도성은 기존 논의에서 보고된 평안도 모음의 합류 현상보다 약했으며, 이는 부산 지역어의 단모음 체계 내 구조적 영향에 의한 언어 접촉의 결과로 추정된다.

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