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      • KCI등재

        Lattice Design and Electron Cloud Instability in a High-Intensity Proton Synchrotron

        김은산 한국물리학회 2008 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.52 No.4

        The proton accelerators for the neutron spallation source and nuclear experiments usually consist of a high-intensity linac and a synchrotron. An important issue in such a high intensity accelerator is to keep particle losses by beam injection from the linac and beam instabilities in the synchrotron down to an acceptable level. We show the analysis results of optics design and beam dynamics for a 4-GeV high-intensity proton synchrotron. A lattice with a high transition gamma is chosen to avoid the beam loss at the transition crossing, and the stabilities on the lattice are also investigated by examining the effects of machine errors. We investigate the characteristics of the electron cloud instability, which may limit the beam performance in the high-intensity proton synchrotron. We present the analysis on the beam dynamics in the proton synchrotron with a low injection energy of around 100 MeV. From these results, we present the results on the choice of injection beam energy and on the available beam power in terms of the space charge effects and the electron cloud instability.



        Lee, Yong-Yung Korean Nuclear Society 2005 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.37 No.5

        The development of accelerator science and technology has been accommodating ever increasing demand from scientific community of the beam energy and intensity of proton beams. The use of high-powered proton beams has extended from the traditional application of nuclear and high-energy physics to other applications, including spallation neutron source replacing nuclear reactor, nuclear actinide transmutation, energy amplification reactors. This article attempts to review development of proton accelerator, both linear and circular, and issues related to the proton beam energy, intensity as well as its output power. For related accelerator physics and technical review, one should refer to the recent article in the Reviews of Modem Physics [1]

      • KCI등재

        Component Prototyping for the China Spallation Neutron Source Project

        Jie Wei,Yanwei Chen,Yunlong Chi,Changdong Deng,Haiyi Dong,Shinian Fu,Wei He,Kaixi Huang,Wen Kang,Jian Li,Huafu Ouyang,Huamin Qu,Caitu Shi,Hong Sun,Jingyu Tang,Juzhou Tao,Sheng Wang,Zhongxiong Xu,Xueju 한국물리학회 2009 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.54 No.5

        The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) complex consists of an H- linear accelerator, a rapid cycling synchrotron accelerating the beam to 1.6 GeV, a solid tungsten target station and instruments for spallation neutron applications. The facility operates at a 25-Hz repetition rate with an initial design beam power of 120 kW and is upgradeable to 500 kW. The primary challenge is to build a robust and reliable user-friendly facility with upgrade potential at a fraction of the \world standard" cost. Success of the project relies on the results of prototyping research & development (R&D) of key technical systems and components. This paper discusses the prototyping experiences of the past two and a half years. The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) complex consists of an H- linear accelerator, a rapid cycling synchrotron accelerating the beam to 1.6 GeV, a solid tungsten target station and instruments for spallation neutron applications. The facility operates at a 25-Hz repetition rate with an initial design beam power of 120 kW and is upgradeable to 500 kW. The primary challenge is to build a robust and reliable user-friendly facility with upgrade potential at a fraction of the \world standard" cost. Success of the project relies on the results of prototyping research & development (R&D) of key technical systems and components. This paper discusses the prototyping experiences of the past two and a half years.

      • KCI등재

        The National Centre for Oncological Hadron therapy (CNAO): Present Status and Future Perspectives

        Rossi S. 한국물리학회 2020 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.77 No.5

        Some elementary particles used for experiments of fundamental physics have properties useful to the treatments of patients affected by oncological pathologies. They are protons and carbon ions, collectively named hadrons, hence the term hadron therapy. Hadrons, in particular carbon ions, are more precise on the target than conventional X-rays and possess radiobiological characteristics suited to treat radioresistant or inoperable tumors. Italy is at the forefront of these techniques, and in Pavia a clinical facility called CNAO (Italian acronym that stands for National Centre for Oncological Hadron therapy) has treated so far more than 2800 patients with very good results. The CNAO was created by the Health Ministry and was realized by the CNAO Foundation in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), CERN, GSI and other institutions in Italy and abroad. The facility in Pavia delivers beams of hadrons in three treatment rooms with four fixed beam ports: three horizontal and one vertical. A new room, with an horizontal beamline and multiple isocenters, was completed and will be fully devoted to research applications. The CNAO has also launched a development programe to add a new single room for proton therapy with a gantry and a dedicated accelerator. Attention is also devoted to the most interesting aspects of research and development in the hadron therapy domain, like the creation of a new BNCT (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy) facility and the design of a novel gantry for carbon ions.

      • KCI등재

        Conceptual Design of a Beam Line for Detector Tests at a Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility

        유인권 한국물리학회 2012 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.61 No.5

        A test facility is essential for effective research and development of high-performance particle detectors. Such a facility requires not only a specific particle beam with variable momenta and intensities but also an infrastructure including several detectors for beam control and peripherals. A novel test beam line, as well as its infrastructure, for such detector performance tests is conceptually suggested for use at heavy ion accelerator facilities in Korea, and the detector test beam lines at the PS (proton synchrotron) in CERN are introduced.

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