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        압록강에 등장한 동양 최대의 발전소, 수풍댐과 동아시아 기술체계의 형성

        오선실 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2020 인문사회과학연구 Vol.21 No.1

        1938년 동아시아 최대 규모이자 세계에서 두 번째로 큰 수풍댐이 식민지 조선과 만주 국의 사이를 가르는 국경하천 압록강에 건설됐다. 수풍댐에서 생산된 대량의 전기는 고 압 송전망을 통해 식민지 조선의 각지는 물론 만주국의 주요 산업도시에도 송전되어 산 업화를 진작하는 기반이 되었다. 이렇듯 제국의 변방에서 일어난 기술혁신을 통해 식민 지 조선과 만주국은 오히려 제국의 중심지 일본보다도 풍족하고 안정된 전력공급체계를 구성할 수 있었다. 이러한 수풍댐의 등장과 고압 송전망 체계 구축 과정에서 주목해야할 것은 수풍댐의 규모가 제국의 중심지, 일본에서는 시도조차 된 바 없는 수준이었을 뿐 아니라 무엇보다 당시 식민지 조선과 만주국의 전력산업 규모에 비해 과도하게 컸다는 것이다. 남아도 저장할 수 없는 전기 산업의 특성상 산업 규모를 뛰어넘는 발전소 건설은 시도되기 어려운 것이었다. 더욱이 만주국은 안정적으로 유지되고 있던 기존 화력발전 중심의 전력체계를 수력발전 중심으로 전환하고자 시도했다. 이러한 식민지 조선과 만 주국 사이의 협력 사업에서 전력다소비 업체이자 발전소 건설의 실질적 주체로서 일본 질소는 식민지 조선과 만주국 사이를 오가며 양 측의 이해관계를 조절하고 매개하는 역 할을 했다. 일본질소가 이러한 역할을 할 수 있었던 데에는, 일본질소가 그간 대규모 발 전소 건설을 해온 풍부한 경험을 바탕으로 양 측 모두에게 깊은 신뢰를 받고 있었다는 점 외에도 일본질소가 비료사업체를 가진 사기업이라는 점이 중요했다. 일본질소는 양국 의 이해가 충돌할 때마다 실용적인 해답을 제시했고, 대규모로 생산된 전기를 소비할 생 산업체를 가지고 있다는 점에서 프로젝트를 실질적으로 진행할 수 있도록 했던 것이다. 이러한 과정을 통해 제국의 중심지가 아닌 식민지 변방에서 거대한 기술혁신이 일어날 수 있었으며, 결국 통제권을 가진 식민지 통치기구와 이권을 보장받은 기업 사이에 강력 한 협력을 통해 개발이 이뤄지는 식민지 조선의 독특한 전원개발방식이 동아시아의 기 술개발체제로 확대될 수 있었다. In 1938, Sup’ung Dam, the largest scale dam in Asia and 2nd in the world, was constructed at the Yalu River, the border between colonial Korea and Manchukuo. Sup’ung hydropower plant linked the north industrial area of colonial Korea with newly developed cities in Manchuria through high-voltage transmission lines. Consequently, Korean and Manchuria had more stable electric power systems as compared to the Japanese system, which was still based upon small- and middle-scale power plants. This paper explores how this innovation of electric power system was made possible in the colonial periphery of the Japanese empire. Originally, the innovation began in colonial Korea when large-scale power plants were advanced as product of negotiation between Nitchitu and Government-General of Korea in the early 1930s. Since the Nippon Chisso Hiryō(Nitchitu) had failed to acquire sufficient electricity in Japan, it tried to secure new power resources in Korea; the Government-General of Korea, suffering from the resistance of existing power suppliers and the lack of enough money for stabilizing the public power system, chose Nitchitu as an ideal partner. The cooperation between two made the construction of large-scale plants, which would provide the foundation not only for expanding Nitchitu business, but also for the stable grid system in the colony. Sup’ung dam was the third plant constructed by their partnership, and the first plant, built by cooperation between colonial Korea and Manchukuo. A Newly “independent” country, Manchukuo, established in 1932 by Japanese Kwantung army, launched a strong government-led industrialization program. Kwantung army and young Japanese reformist bureaucrats planed big industrial cities and heavy chemical industrial complexes that required abundant power resources. Finding an ideal model of electric power system from colonial Korea, not Japan, they suggested the plan for construction of large-scale plants to the Government-General of Korea. Soon, this international project for constructing large scale plants at Yalu River was materialized. Nitchitu played an important role in mediating the two colonial governments’ uneasy partnership as well as providing technology and experience of construction. When their interests were conflicted, Nitchitu built bridges by suggesting practical and flexible solutions. One of the problems was that two countries used different power frequencies. In a way that tooled up generators of each country’s exclusive use, instead of unifying two systems, they could avoid social controversy as well as saving money and time. In the end, the two countries shared Sup’ung plant while at the same time preserving different electric power systems. In Colonial Korea, Sup’ung plant was connected a multiplicity of factories and houses via existing power suppliers’ distribution. In Manchukuo, it, as the result of development led by strong nation, provided power for planed industrial cities, and become a part of fanatical nationalistic system.

      • Removal of iron oxide scale from boiler feed-water in thermal power plant by high gradient magnetic separation : field experiment

        Yoko Akiyama,Suqin Li,Koshiro Akiyama,Tatsuya Mori,Hidehiko Okada,Noriyuki Hirota,Tsuyoshi Yamaji,Hideki Matsuura,Seitoku Namba,Tomokazu Sekine,Fumihito Mishima,Shigehiro Nishijima 한국초전도저온공학회 2021 초전도와 저온공학 Vol.23 No.3

        The reduction of carbon dioxide emissions becomes a global issue, the main source of carbon dioxide emissions in the Asian region is the energy conversion sector, especially coal-fired power plants. We are working to develop technologies that will at least limit the increase in carbon dioxide emissions from the thermal power plants as one way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Our research aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by removing iron oxide scale from the feedwater system of thermal power plants using a superconducting high-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) system, thereby reducing the loss of power generation efficiency. In this paper, the background of thermal power plants in Asia is outlined, followed by a case study of the introduction of a chemical cleaning line at an actual thermal power plant in Japan, and the possibility of introducing it into the thermal power plants in China based on the results.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Removal of iron oxide scale from boiler feed-water in thermal power plant by high gradient magnetic separation: field experiment

        Akiyama, Yoko,Li, Suqin,Akiyama, Koshiro,Mori, Tatsuya,Okada, Hidehiko,Hirota, Noriyuki,Yamaji, Tsuyoshi,Matsuura, Hideki,Namba, Seitoku,Sekine, Tomokazu,Mishima, Fumihito,Nishijima, Shigehiro The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryoge 2021 한국초전도저온공학회논문지 Vol.23 No.3

        The reduction of carbon dioxide emissions becomes a global issue, the main source of carbon dioxide emissions in the Asian region is the energy conversion sector, especially coal-fired power plants. We are working to develop technologies that will at least limit the increase in carbon dioxide emissions from the thermal power plants as one way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Our research aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by removing iron oxide scale from the feedwater system of thermal power plants using a superconducting high-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) system, thereby reducing the loss of power generation efficiency. In this paper, the background of thermal power plants in Asia is outlined, followed by a case study of the introduction of a chemical cleaning line at an actual thermal power plant in Japan, and the possibility of introducing it into the thermal power plants in China based on the results.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Removal of iron scale from feed-water in thermal power plant by magnetic separation - Introduction to chemical cleaning line -

        Yamamoto, Junya,Mori, Tatsuya,Hiramatsu, Mami,Akiyama, Yoko,Okada, Hidehiko,Hirota, Noriyuki,Matsuura, Hideki,Namba, Seitoku,Sekine, Tomokazu,Mishima, Fumihito,Nishijim, Sigehiro The Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity a 2018 한국초전도저온공학회논문지 Vol.20 No.2

        Removal of iron oxide scale from feed-water in thermal power plant can improve power generation efficiency. We have proposed a novel scale removal system utilizing High Gradient Magnetic Separation (HGMS). This system can be applied to high temperature and pressure area. We have conducted the lab-scale model experiments using ${\varphi}50mm$ filters and it demonstrated high removal efficiency in HGMS, but scale-up of the system is required toward practical use. In this study, we conducted a large scale mock-up HGMS experiment. We used the superconducting solenoidal magnet with ${\varphi}400mm$ bore and demonstrated that our HGMS system can achieve sufficient scale removal capacity that is required to introduce into both off-line and on-line system.

      • KCI등재

        Removal of iron oxide scale from feed-water in thermal power plant using superconducting magnetic separation

        S. Nishijima 한국초전도.저온공학회 2019 한국초전도저온공학회논문지 Vol.21 No.2

        The superconducting magnetic separation system has been developing to separate the iron oxide scale from the feed water of the thermal power plant. The accumulation in the boiler lowers the heat exchange rate or in the worst case damages it. For this reason, in order to prevent scale generation, controlling pH and redox potential is employed. However, these methods are not sufficient and then the chemical cleaning is performed regularly. A superconducting magnetic separation system is investigated for removing iron oxide scale in a feed water system. Water supply conditions of the thermal power plant are as follows, flow rate 400 t / h, flow speed 0.2 m / s, pressure 2 MPa, temperature 160 - 200 ° C, amount of scale generation 50 - 120 t / 2 years. The main iron oxide scale is magnetite (ferromagnetic substance) and its particle size is several tens μm. As the first step we are considering to introduce the system to the chemical cleaning process of the thermal power plant instead of the thermal power plant itself. The current status of development will be reported.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Removal of iron oxide scale from feed-water in thermal power plant using superconducting magnetic separation

        Nishijima, S. The Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity a 2019 한국초전도저온공학회논문지 Vol.21 No.2

        The superconducting magnetic separation system has been developing to separate the iron oxide scale from the feed water of the thermal power plant. The accumulation in the boiler lowers the heat exchange rate or in the worst case damages it. For this reason, in order to prevent scale generation, controlling pH and redox potential is employed. However, these methods are not sufficient and then the chemical cleaning is performed regularly. A superconducting magnetic separation system is investigated for removing iron oxide scale in a feed water system. Water supply conditions of the thermal power plant are as follows, flow rate 400 t / h, flow speed 0.2 m / s, pressure 2 MPa, temperature $160-200^{\circ}C$, amount of scale generation 50 - 120 t / 2 years. The main iron oxide scale is magnetite (ferromagnetic substance) and its particle size is several tens ${\mu}m$. As the first step we are considering to introduce the system to the chemical cleaning process of the thermal power plant instead of the thermal power plant itself. The current status of development will be reported.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Development of superconducting high gradient magnetic separation system for scale removal from feed-water in thermal power plant

        Shibatani, Saori,Nakanishi, Motohiro,Mizuno, Nobumi,Mishima, Fumihito,Akiyama, Yoko,Okada, Hidehiko,Hirota, Noriyuki,Matsuura, Hideki,Maeda, Tatsumi,Shigemoto, Naoya,Nishijima, Shigehiro The Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity a 2016 한국초전도저온공학회논문지 Vol.18 No.1

        A Superconducting High Gradient Magnetic Separation (HGMS) system is proposed for treatment of feed-water in thermal power plant [1]. This is a method to remove the iron scale from feed-water utilizing magnetic force. One of the issues for practical use of HGMS system is to extend continuous operation period. In this study, we designed the magnetic filters by particle trajectory simulation and HGMS experiments in order to solve this problem. As a result, the quantity of magnetite captured by each filter was equalized and filter blockage was prevented. A design method of the magnetic filter was proposed which is suitable for the long-term continuous scale removal in the feed-water system of the thermal power plant.

      • KCI등재

        Removal of iron scale from feed-water in thermal power plant by magnetic separation - Introduction to chemical cleaning line -

        Junya Yamamoto,Tatsuya Mori,Mami Hiramatsu,Yoko AKIYAMA,Hidehiko Okada,Noriyuki Hirota,Hideki Matsuura,Seitoku Namba,Tomokazu Sekine,Fumihito Mishima,Sigehiro Nishijima 한국초전도.저온공학회 2018 한국초전도저온공학회논문지 Vol.20 No.2

        Removal of iron oxide scale from feed-water in thermal power plant can improve power generation efficiency. We have proposed a novel scale removal system utilizing High Gradient Magnetic Separation (HGMS). This system can be applied to high temperature and pressure area. We have conducted the lab-scale model experiments using φ50 mm filters and it demonstrated high removal efficiency in HGMS, but scale-up of the system is required toward practical use. In this study, we conducted a large scale mock-up HGMS experiment. We used the superconducting solenoidal magnet with φ400 mm bore and demonstrated that our HGMS system can achieve sufficient scale removal capacity that is required to introduce into both off-line and on-line system.

      • KCI등재

        기후변화를 고려한 핵발전소 지역의 PMP 추정

        이옥정(Lee Ok jeong),장주형(Jang Ju young),박무종(Park Moo Jong),이영곤(Lee Young gon),김상단(Kim Sang dan) 한국방재학회 2017 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.17 No.6

        기후변화의 영향으로 최근 자연재해에 대한 사회적인 관심이 증가되고 있다. 특히 핵발전소와 같은 국가 중요 시설물이 자연재해로 피해를 입을 경우에는 경제적 환경적 사회적인 파장이 매우 심각할 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 핵발전소 지역을 대상으로 기후변화를 고려한 가능최대강수량(Probable Maximum Precipitation, PMP)을 추정하고 현재의 값과 비교하였다. 미래기후정보는 기상청에서 제공하는 12.5-km 해상도의 지역기후모형으로부터 생산된 RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5, RCP 6.0, RCP 8.5 미래 기후변화 시나리오 자료를 이용하였으며, 미래 PMP 추정을 위한 핵심 기상변수들 중 하나인 미래 극한 이슬점은 scale-invariance 기법을 이용하여 산정하였다. 영향면적 25 ㎢ 지속시간 24-시간 기준으로 미래 PMP는 시나리오별 핵발전소 지역별 편차가 있으나, 대략적으로 2040년경에는 현재대비 약 12% 증가, 2070년경에는 약 18% 증가할 것으로 전망되었다. Due to climate change, social interest in natural disasters is increasing. Especially when the important facilities such as nuclear power plants are damaged by natural disasters, the economic, environmental and social waves will be very serious. In this study, future probable maximum precipitation(PMP) was estimated for the nuclear power plant area under climate change scenarios and compared with the corresponding values estimated by the present design standard. Future climate information was derived from the RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5, RCP 6.0, and RCP 8.5 future climate change scenarios data from the Korea Meteorological Agency’s 12.5-km spatial resolution regional climate model. Future extreme dew-point temperatures which are one of key climate variables in calculating future PMPs were estimates by using scale-invariance technique. The future PMPs at nuclear power plant areas with influence-area 25 ㎢ and duration 24-hour were projected to increase by about 12 % in 2040 and about 18 % in 2070, though there is regional variation in each scenario.

      • KCI등재

        Global technologies for the removal of water scaling & water recovery - Department of Energy (DOE) USA

        Ramakrishna, Chilakala,Thriveni, Thenepalli,Whan, Ahn Ji The Korean Society for Energy 2018 에너지공학 Vol.27 No.1

        In this paper, we reported the current technologies of water scaling removal and also water recovery from the flue gases, which are funded by Department of Energy (DOE), USA. Globally, water resources are limited due to the climate change. The potential impacts of climate change is food and water shortages. In the $21^{st}$ century, water shortages and pollution are expected to become more acute as populations grow and concentrate in cities. At present, the water stress increases over 62.0 ~ 75.8% of total water basin area and decreases over 19.7 ~ 29.0%. Many renewable energy sources demand secure water resources. Water is critical for successful climate change mitigation, as many efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions depend on reliable access to water resources. Water hardness is one of the major challenge to coal power plants. Department of energy (DOE) funded and encouraged for the development of advanced technologies for the removal of hardness of water (scaling) and also water recovery from the flue gases from coal power plants.

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