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      • KCI우수등재

        대한민국 유권자들의 정당 지지 변화에 대한 거시적 탐구

        이한수 한국정치학회 2023 한국정치학회보 Vol.57 No.3

        What explains party support at the aggregate level? This study answers the question by analyzing dynamics in party support at the aggregate level in Korea. In particular, I focus on the relationship between presidential popularity and party support. This study examines quarterly data of presidential approval ratings and party support level from 1994 to 2022 and estimates the effects of presidential popularity on macropartisanship. According to the results of time series analyses in this study, increases in presidential approval ratings tend to raise ruling party support level and lower opposition party support level. However, presidential popularity does not significantly explain changes in the proportion of nonpartisans. Furthermore, this article reveals that the flow of party support occurs between ruling and opposition parties and between ruling parties and nonpartisans when presidential popularity changes. However, presidential popularity does not significantly affect the flow of party support between opposition parties and nonpartisans.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 전통 이념과 극단 민예극장의 ‘전통’

        김기란 대중서사학회 2020 대중서사연구 Vol.26 No.3

        In this article, the “modernization of the tradition” constructed on the cultural politics and the way in which it appropriated in the korean theatre in the 1970s were analyzed. It is trying to reveal its implications. It is also a work to critically review the aspects of self-censorship in the korean theatre in the 70s. To that end, we looked at the theatre company Minye Theatre, which preoccupied the traditional discussions in the 1970s by creating national dramas. Until now, the evaluation of the theatre company Minye Theatre in the 1970s has focused on the achievement on the directing of Heo Gyu, who promoted the succession and transformation of tradition. However, the traditional ideology constructed in the state-led cultural politics in the 70s and the way in which it was operated cannot be evaluated only in terms of artistic achievement. The ideology of tradition is selected according to the selective criteria of the subject to appropriate tradition. What’s important is that certain objects are excluded, discarded, re-elected, re-interpreted and re-recognized in the selection process of selected traditional ideology. This is the situation in the ‘70s, when tradition was constantly re-recognized amid differences between the decadent and the disorder that were then designated as non-cultural, and led to a new way of appropriate. The nation-led traditional discussion of the ‘70s legalized the tradition with stable values, one of the its way was the national literary and artistic support. Under the banner of modernization of tradition, theatre company Minye preoccupied the discussions on the tradition and presented folk drama as a new theatre. As an alternative to the crisis of korean theatre at the time, the Minye chose the method of inheriting and transforming tradition. It is noteworthy that Heo Gyu, the representative director of the theatre company Minye, recognized the succession and transformation of traditional performance as both a calling and an experiment. For Heo Gyu, tradition was accepted as an irresistible stable value and an unquestionable calling, and as a result, his performance, filled with excessive traditional practices, became overambitious, especially when it failed to reflect the present-here reality, the repeated use of traditional expression tools resulted in skilled craftsmanship, not artistic creation. The traditional ideology of the 70s unfolds in a new aspect of appropriation in the 80s. In 1986, Son Jin-Cheok, Kim Seong-nyeo, and Yoon Mun-sik, who were key members of the theatre company Minye Theatre, left the theatre to create the theatre company Michu, and secured popularity through Madangnori(popular folk yard theatre). Son Jin-Cheok's Madangnori is overbearing through satire and humor. It gained popularity by criticizing and mocking state power. On the other hand, not only the form of traditional performance, but also the university-centered Madanggeuk movement, which appropriated on the spirit of resistance from the people to its traditional values, has rapidly grown. In the field of traditional discussions of the 70s, Madanggeuk was self-born through appropriation in which the spirit of resistance of the people is used as a traditional value. Madanggeuk as well as Michu that achieved the popularization of Madangnori cannot be discussed solely by the artistic achievement of the modernization of tradition. Critics of korean theatre in response to state-led traditional discussions in the 70s was focused only on the qualitative achievement of performing arts based on artistry. I am very sorry for that. As a result, the popular resistance of the Madanggeuk and the Madangnori were established in the ‘difference’ with the traditions of the theatre company Minye Theatre. Theatre company Minye Theatre was an opportunity for the modernization of tradition, but the fact that it did not continuously produce significant differences. This is the meaning and limitation of the “tra...

      • KCI등재

        Presidential Electoral Influence in Congressional Districts, Public Approval, and Presidential Success in Congress

        신유섭 한국국제정치학회 2015 The Korean Journal of International Studies Vol.13 No.2

        This paper proposes the electoral influence that the president can exert over legislators as a condition under which presidential popularity generates different influence over legislators. With the two types of presidential support scores in the 95th to 110th House of Representatives as the dependent variable, this paper provides supporting evidence for the argument. Nationallevel presidential popularity has been posited as an important resource that presidents can use for their success in Congress. National-level presidential popularity, however, does not consistently show a significant effect on legislators’ voting decisions and it remains as a puzzle why this is so. To solve this puzzle, this paper proposes the electoral influence that the president can exert over legislators as a condition under which national-level presidential popularity generates different influence over legislators. Presidential electoral influence was measured by comparing a president’s electoral strength and legislators’ electoral strength in congressional districts. With the two types of presidential support scores (non-unanimous support scores and key vote support scores) in the 95th to 110th House of Representatives during the five most recent (Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. Bush, William Clinton, and George W. Bush) administrations as the dependent variable, this paper provides supporting evidence for the argument. National-level presidential popularity exerts a small amount of influence over legislators’ voting decisions, as suggested by previous studies. However, according to the findings of this paper, the effect of national-level presidential popularity on legislators’ support for the president can increase, as the president can exert a greater influence over legislators in congressional elections.

      • KCI등재

        대통령 국정지지, 정당지지, 그리고 경제전망의 동태적 관계에 관한 연구

        조성대(Cho Sungdai),한귀영(Han Guiyoung) 한국정치학회 2010 한국정치학회보 Vol.44 No.2

        이 글은 대통령 지지율에 대한 기존연구가 정당 지지율 및 경제전망과의 동태적인 관계를 고찰하지 못했음을 지적하면서 세 변수 간의 역동적인 비대칭적 관계에 대해 실험적 가설 및 경험분석을 제시함을 목적으로 한다. 경험분석에는 일반적인 다중회귀분석 외에 벡터자기회귀(VAR) 방법이 사용된다. VAR은 전통적인 다중회귀분석과 달리 변수들의 동시적 관계를 살펴볼 수 있다는 장점을 지니고 있다. 특히 VAR의 충격반응함수는 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션과 함께 주어진 독립변수의 효과를 규모와 지속도 면에서 살펴볼 수 있게 해 이 글의 목적에 가장 잘 부합하는 방법적 틀을 제공해 준다. 가설검증을 위해 한국사회여론연구소(www.ksoi.org)가 2003년 5월부터 2007년 5월까지 격주 간(biweekly) 실시한 여론조사 자료를 사용한다. 분석결과의 주요부분을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 집권당 지지율의 변화가 대통령 지지율의 변화에 미치는 효과는 강하고 일시적인 반면, 반대당 지지율은 상대적으로 약하나 장기적인 증감 효과를 나타내었다. 둘째, 대통령 지지율이 집권당지지율에 미치는 영향은 그 역의 인과관계와 비교해 상대적으로 약하지만 장기적인 효과를 보이는 반면, 반대당 지지율에 미치는 영향은 크지 않았다. 셋째, 경제평가에 있어 처벌의 효과가 보상의 효과보다 크다는 기존연구의 결과와 반대로 노무현 행정부시기에 경제에 대한 전망적 평가에서는 보상의 효과가 처벌의 효과보다 크게 나타났다. This paper aims to present an experimental hypothesis regarding the dynamic relationship among presidential popularity, partisan support, and prospective economic judgement. The empirical analysis was conducted by using the VAR(vector autoregression) method. VAR method has a strength in investigating a simultaneous relationship among variables suggested. Particularly, the impulse response function of VAR, based on Monte-Carlo simulation, gives the effects of independent variables in terms of magnitude and persistence, and thus it fits well to the purpose of this study. The biweekly survey data are provided by KSOI(Korea Society Opinion Institute), which cover from May, 2003 to May, 2007. The empirical findings are as follows. First, the effect of ruling party support on presidential approval is sharp but short, while the effect of opposition party support is week but lasting. Second, the influence of presidential approval on ruling party support is week but long-termly persistent, while its effect on opposition party support is negligible. Lastly, contrary to the conventional wisdom that public punishment of president is not less than their reward in economic performance, the public’s prospective economic judgement in Roh, Moo-Hyun administration shows a reverse pattern.

      • KCI등재

        인문도시지원사업의 현황 및 시사점

        김지원(Kim, Jiwon),윤영득(Yoon, Youngdeak) 한국문화산업학회 2017 문화산업연구 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구는 2014년부터 한국연구재단에서 추진해 오고있는 인문도시지원사업을 살펴보고 현황 분석을 통해 그 시사점을 제시하고자 한다. 본 사업의 선정사업을 대상으로 연구계획서를 분석한 결과 지역민들이 인문학을 쉽게 접할 수 있도록 하는 인문강좌, 인문체험, 인문축제 등 다양한 프로그램이 제시되었다. 특히 결과보고서의 검토 결과 당초의 계획보다 초과달성(특히 군부대, 학교) 하거나 참석자의 호응 또한 높았던 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 인문지원사업의 시사점으로는 첫째, 인문도시지원사업을 추진함에 있어서 ‘지속가능성’ 을 미리 고려하는 것이 중요할 것이다. 이것은 지역민이 ‘주체’로서 사업에 참여함으로써 가능해질 것이다. 둘째, 행사의 참여자들이 컨텐츠를 직접 기획하고 실행 해 볼 수 있는 기회를 마련하는 방안이 필요할 것이다. 셋째, 해당 지역만이 가지고 있는 컨텐츠를 실질적인 브랜드(관광 상품화)로 연결할 수 있는 프로그램이 필요할 것이다. 넷째, 지역민의 수요를 토대로 한 수준 높은 프로그램과 보다 많은 지역민들이 참여할 수 있는 프로그램을 발굴해야 할 것이다. This study aims to suggest implications by examining and analyzing the current status of humanities city support projects performed by National Research Foundation of Korea from 2014. In the results of analyzing the research plan of the selected projects, there were diverse programs like humanities course, humanities experience, and humanities festival to easily introduce humanities to local residents. Especially, in the results of reviewing the result report, there were excessive achievements(expecially, military unit, school) than the initial plan or high responses from participants. The implications of this humanities support project are like below. First, when carrying forward a humanities city support project, it would be essential to consider its" sustainability" in advance, which can be done when local residents participate in it as "main agent". Second, it would be necessary to provide event participants with opportunities to plan and execute it. Third, it would be necessary to have programs that can connect local contents with the actual brand(commercialization of tourism). Fourth, it would be needed to discover high-quality programs based on local residents" demand and also programs that can accommodate more local residents. 본 연구는 2014년부터 한국연구재단에서 추진해 오고있는 인문도시지원사업을 살펴보고 현황 분석을 통해 그 시사점을 제시하고자 한다. 본 사업의 선정사업을 대상으로 연구계획서를 분석한 결과 지역민들이 인문학을 쉽게 접할 수 있도록 하는 인문강좌, 인문체험, 인문축제 등 다양한 프로그램이 제시되었다. 특히 결과보고서의 검토 결과 당초의 계획보다 초과달성(특히 군부대, 학교) 하거나 참석자의 호응 또한 높았던 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 인문지원사업의 시사점으로는 첫째, 인문도시지원사업을 추진함에 있어서 ‘지속가능성’ 을 미리 고려하는 것이 중요할 것이다. 이것은 지역민이 ‘주체’로서 사업에 참여함으로써 가능해질 것이다. 둘째, 행사의 참여자들이 컨텐츠를 직접 기획하고 실행 해 볼 수 있는 기회를 마련하는 방안이 필요할 것이다. 셋째, 해당 지역만이 가지고 있는 컨텐츠를 실질적인 브랜드(관광 상품화)로 연결할 수 있는 프로그램이 필요할 것이다. 넷째, 지역민의 수요를 토대로 한 수준 높은 프로그램과 보다 많은 지역민들이 참여할 수 있는 프로그램을 발굴해야 할 것이다. This study aims to suggest implications by examining and analyzing the current status of humanities city support projects performed by National Research Foundation of Korea from 2014. In the results of analyzing the research plan of the selected projects, there were diverse programs like humanities course, humanities experience, and humanities festival to easily introduce humanities to local residents. Especially, in the results of reviewing the result report, there were excessive achievements(expecially, military unit, school) than the initial plan or high responses from participants. The implications of this humanities support project are like below. First, when carrying forward a humanities city support project, it would be essential to consider its" sustainability" in advance, which can be done when local residents participate in it as "main agent". Second, it would be necessary to provide event participants with opportunities to plan and execute it. Third, it would be necessary to have programs that can connect local contents with the actual brand(commercialization of tourism). Fourth, it would be needed to discover high-quality programs based on local residents" demand and also programs that can accommodate more local residents.

      • KCI등재

        대중문화예술인의 스트레스와 제도적 요인의 관계 연구

        유상민(Sang-Min Yu),이윤석(Yun-Suk Lee) 한국문화경제학회 2024 문화경제연구 Vol.27 No.1

        본 연구는 대중문화예술인이 받는 스트레스와 제도적 요소 간 관련성을 분석하여 변화 하는 노동환경 속 예술인들이 겪는 어려움을 이해하고자 한다. 『2021년 예술인실태조사』 데이터를 활용하여 영화, 방송연예, 대중음악 영역 예술인의 스트레스와 제도적 요인 간 관계를 순서형 로지스틱 회귀분석으로 살펴보았다. 분석 결과, 주요 변수 중에서는 방송 연예 예술인의 공적연금 직장가입자 여부, 대중음악 예술인의 단체 및 협회 가입 여부에 서 유의한 관련성이 도출됐지만, 예술인 고용보험 경험은 유의하지 않게 나타났다. 본 연 구는 대중문화산업의 영역별 성격에 따라 제도적 요인의 영향이 다를 수 있음을 제시하 고, 예술인 고용보험 제도의 사회적 한계를 지적하였다. 이러한 결과를 통해 기존 복지제 도 수혜대상 범위에 예술인을 포함하는 등 제도적 개선이 필요함을 제언하였다. This study aims to analyze the stress experienced by popular culture artists in the changing work environment. This study used the data from the '2021 Survey on Artists & Activities' in Korea. We analyzed the impact of institutional factors on artists' stress by popular culture field through Ordered logistic regression analysis between film, broadcast, and popular music artists and their stress levels. Career Interruption, Activities period, education, On-the-job injury, residence area and full-time status of broadcast artist significantly affected artist's stress. Also, Public Pension Salaried Workers of broadcast artist, and Group membership of popular music artist significantly affected artists' stress. On the other hand, Experience with Artist Unemployment Insurance were not found to be significant variables. This study suggests that the impact of institutional factors may differ depending on the nature of the popular culture sector, and shows the social limitations of the Artist Unemployment Insurance. The findings suggest that institutional improvements are needed, such as including artists in the scope of existing welfare schemes.

      • KCI등재

        문화콘텐츠 기업 문화재단의 예술지원 차별적 특성 연구 - CJ문화재단을 중심으로

        김진각 한국문화경제학회 2022 문화경제연구 Vol.25 No.1

        This study analyzed the operational characteristics of cultural foundations established by companies focusing on culture-related businesses. This is an attempt to understand the difference in the management of cultural foundations by companies specialized in cultural projects, unlike general companies that operate cultural foundations as a means of social contribution activities and cultural marketing. The subject of the study was the CJ Cultural Foundation established by CJ Group, a representative cultural contents company in Korea, and the business status was analyzed through qualitative research using the foundation's annual report and various documents. As a result of the study, the CJ Cultural Foundation was relatively faithful to the role of the corporate cultural foundation, but had operational characteristics that differentiated it from other cultural foundations. It was a support focused on popular art fields such as popular music, movies, and musicals, and it showed a striking difference compared to other large cultural foundations that focused on supporting fine arts fields such as classical music and fine arts. This study suggests the need for a developmental reexamination of the operational direction of cultural content companies' cultural foundations that are focused on supporting popular arts. 본 연구는 문화 관련 사업을 주력으로 하는 기업이 설립한 문화재단의 운영 특성을 분석했다. 이것은 일반 기업들이 사회공헌 활동 및 문화마케팅 수단으로서 문화재단을 운영하고 있는 것과 달리, 문화 사업에 특화된 기업의 문화재단 운영의 차별성을 파악 할 수 있는 시도이다. 연구 대상은 국내 대표적인 문화콘텐츠 기업인 CJ그룹이 설립한 CJ문화재단이었으며, 재단의 연차보고서와 각종 문헌 등을 활용한 질적 연구를 통한 사업 현황 분석이 이루어졌다. 연구 결과, CJ문화재단은 기업 문화재단의 역할에 비교 적 충실하면서도 다른 문화재단과는 차별화하는 운영적 특성을 갖추고 있었다. 그것은 대중음악과 영화, 뮤지컬 등 대중예술 분야에 집중된 지원으로, 다른 대기업 문화재단 이 클래식과 미술 등 순수예술 분야 지원 중심인 것과 비교할 때 두드러진 차이를 보 였다. CJ문화재단의 차별화된 운영은 재단에 자산을 출연한 그룹 계열사의 특성과 연 관성을 띠었다. 본 연구는 문화콘텐츠 기업의 문화재단이 대중예술 지원에 편중되어 있는 운영 방향성에 대한 발전적 재검토가 필요하다는 시사점을 제시한다.

      • Based on the Correlation of the File Dynamic Replication Strategy in Multi-Tier Data Grid

        Zhongqiang Cui,Decheng zuo,Zhan Zhang 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Database Theory and Appli Vol.8 No.1

        The data grid is one of the infrastructures for data and storage resource management. Data replication can improve data access performance, fault tolerance, and reduce network transmission bandwidth. As the site storage space is limited in the grid, how to effectively use grid resources become an important challenge. This paper introduces a dynamic grid replication algorithm based on popularity support and confidence (BPSC). Through the algorithm, data and its associated copy can be placed on a suitable site, with reduced access latency. Through Optorsim, simulation results show that the algorithm can provide better performance compared with other algorithms

      • 군사규제의 실태와 지역적 영향

        김재한 청주대학교 학술연구소 2005 淸大學術論集 Vol.5 No.-

        This study aims to discuss military regulations and its regional negative externalities in the 'Military Facilities Protection Area' and to find out how to improve military regulation policy in the future. Since 1990s, the military regulations have been alleviated gradually for the purpose of consolidating private property rights in forms to reduce the 'Military Facilities Protection Area' and to permit the civil activities patially. And the in 1999 enacted 'Border Region Support Law' stands for economical support to the people and local governments in the border region to North Korea from the viewpoint of compensation against military regulations. Nevertheless, the popular complaints are still increasing. However, the problems of relocation of the military facilities in the city to suburban area and acquisition of new military training place are still evident because of military budget shortage and counteraction of the residents or environmental movement organization. The military authorities have no special alternatives but to enhance cooperations with the central and local government. In this context it is meaningful that the planning authorities of the military facility examine strategical coalition with the national/regional land use planning. Furthermore, it is very important for the military bases to build a social solidarity and to improve economical cooperation with their surrounding regional society.

      • KCI등재

        민선체육회장 시대 “충청북도체육회, 지방비 정률 지원” 제도화 전략

        김세명(Kim, Se-Myeong),최종환(Choi, Jong-Hwan) 한국스포츠사회학회 2023 한국스포츠사회학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        본 연구는 충청북도체육회가 변화하는 제도 속에서 자주성, 전문성, 특수성을 바탕으로 안정적인 재정 지원을 제도화하는 방안을 제시하는 데 있다. 연구의 목적을 도출하기 위해 도체육회의 재정 조사와 PEST 분석을 통해 대내·외 환경을 분석했다. 연구 결과 도체육회는 재정적으로 지방비에 편중되어 있으며, 법정법인이 되었으나 안정적 재정 확보에는 한계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 소비자 물자 지수 증가와 신규 사업의 추진, 스포츠과학화에 따라 더 많은 재정이 요구되고 있다. 따라서 안정적인 재정 지원 제도화를 위해서는 첫째, 전전년도 도세 보통세의 1000분의 20 정률 지원이 포함된 체육 재정 지원 조례 제정. 둘째, 도세 정률 지원에 대한 논리확보. 셋째, 도민 공감대 형성이 필요할 것으로 사료된다. 앞으로 도체육회의 재정적 자율성 확보를 위해서는 국민체육진흥법상 지방비 지원은 ‘조례의 위임’이 아닌 ‘대통령령으로 개정’, 지역별 체육진흥조례에 대한 세부적인 조사, 지방비 대비 균형적인 국비 지원에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요하다. This study aims to propose plans for Chungcheongbuk-do Sport Council to institutionalize stable financial support based on its independence, professionalism, and uniqueness amid changing systems. For this purpose, the study analyzed internal and external environments through the financial investigation and PEST analysis of the sport council. The findings show that the sport council was financially concentrated on local expenses and had limitations with securing its stable finance despite its status as a legal corporate body. It also faced growing demand for more finance according to the rising consumer price index, new projects, and scientific approaches to sports. The study made the following proposals to institutionalize stable financial support for the sport council: first, an ordinance should be enacted to support sports financially, and it should include a fixed rate of 20/1000 for the ordinary taxes of the province two years ago; secondly, it should secure logic for supports at a fixed rate of provincial taxes; and finally, a consensus should be formed among the residents of the province. In the future, the sports council should secure its financial autonomy by ensuring support based on local expenses in the National Sports Promotion Act through revision to an executive order instead of delegation of an ordinance, conducting a detailed survey on each regions ordinances on sports promotion, and carrying out additional researches on balanced national expenditure supports against local expenses.

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