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        정당과 정치인의 이미지 일치성이 유권자의 정당 충성도에 미치는 영향: 정치인 평판의 조절효과를 중심으로

        안가영,진명지 한국정치커뮤니케이션학회 2022 정치커뮤니케이션 연구 Vol.- No.66

        In the recent 20th presidential election in Korea, the fact that the image of a political party or politician to the public is a factor that can influence voters' voting behavior was proved through the case of Yoon, Seok-Yeol (the People's Power Party) and Lee, Jae-Myung (the Democratic Party). Accordingly, this study examined how the image of a political party and the image of a politician affect voters’loyalty to a political party. In addition, it was intended to find out how politicians' reputation (moral, political ability, leadership, communication, and administrative abilities) moderates the relationship between the image congruency of a political party with a politician and voters' loyalty to a political party. To this end, a survey was conducted on 431 adults (male: 215 and female: 216). The result showed that the image of a party had a positive effect on voters' party loyalty, and the image of a politician had a positive effect on voters’ loyalty to a party. However, it was found that the image congruency of a political party and a politician had a negative effect on voters’party loyalty. Additionally, it was revealed that only the reputation of a politician's administrative abilities showed a moderating effect in the relationship between party image and party loyalty of voters. Whereas the moderating effect of politician reputation was not confirmed in the relationship between politician image and party loyalty, and in the relationship between party and politician image congruency and party loyalty. The implication of this study is that voters do not recognize that the image of the party and the image of the politician are congruent, and the image of the party rather than the image of the politician may be a variable that affects the voters' choices. 최근 대한민국 제20대 대통령선거에서 국민에게 정당이나 정치인의 이미지가 유권자의 투표 행위에 영향을 줄 수 있는 요인이라는 점이 주요 후보자였던 윤석열(국민의힘)과 이재명(더불어민주당)을 통해 증명되었다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 정당의 이미지와 정치인의 이미지가 정당에 대한 유권자의 충성도에 어떤 영향을 주는지를 살펴보았다. 또한, 정당 및 정치인의 이미지 일치성과 유권자의 정당에 대한 충성도 간의 관계를 정치인의 평판(도덕성, 정치적 능력, 리더십, 소통력, 행정력)이 어떻게 조절하는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 성인 431명(남: 215명, 여: 216명)을 대상으로 설문을 진행하였다. 그 결과, 정당 이미지가 정당 충성도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고, 정치인의 이미지도 정당에 대한 유권자의 충성도에 긍정적인 영향을 준다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 정당 및 정치인의 이미지 일치성은 정당 충성도에 부정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 정당 이미지와 유권자들의 정당 충성도 간의 관계에서 정치인의 행정력 평판만이 조절효과를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 반면에, 정치인 이미지와 정당 충성도 간의 관계에서와 정당 및 정치인의 이미지 일치성과 정당 충성도의 관계에서 정치인 평판의 조절효과는 확인되지 않았다. 본 연구를 통해 유권자들은 정당의 이미지와 정치인의 이미지를 일치시켜 인지하지 않으며, 정치인의 이미지보다 정당의 이미지가 유권자들의 선택에 영향을 주는 변인일 수 있다는 시사점을 갖는다.

      • KCI등재

        여성의 정치참여와 국민의식의 연관성 : 여성국회의원에 대한 국민들의 평가를 중심으로

        鄭惠淑(Jung Hye-Sug) 한국지역사회학회 2007 지역사회연구 Vol.15 No.4

        Along with the expanded demand for woman's political participation, a study was conducted on the nation's mind and how the populous evaluates female politicians who participate in the 17th round congress. Regardless of gender, education level, occupation, and income, most people evaluated female politicians positively, however, 50% of people still evaluated female politicians as similar to male politicians, which means they don't feel that there is a significant difference between male and female politicians. Many female politicians have received high attention for their activities, however, due to the small number of female politicians, it is difficult to show their role well during the amendment process because they are overrun by the majority opinion in their party. Moreover, it was determined that local size or conservative mind of the locality has a greater effect on evaluating female politicians than the age, income, and education level. Also because conservative men have negative views and opinions about female politicians, one of the most important things is 'changing the mind set' to overcome conservative and paternalism mind towards female politicians. Favorable impressions about female politicians were significantly high regardless of the variables. Also there was a large percentage of pros regarding the female quota system for party nominations. Now, it requires a great deal of effort from politics, woman associations, and various citizen societies to make continuous interaction between various efforts and systematical execution to expand the participation of female politicians because those efforts can bring a more positive evaluation about female politicians, and furthermore, it can increase the amount of attention and evaluation about the overall congress and politics in general.

      • KCI등재

        노동운동의 위기와 지역노동운동의 대응전략 : 전라북도 대기업 노동조합의 지역사회 개입을 중심으로

        이성호(Lee Seong-ho) 한국지역사회학회 2008 지역사회연구 Vol.16 No.1

        Along with the expanded demand for woman's political participation, a study was conducted on the nation's mind and how the populous evaluates female politicians who participate in the 17th round congress. Regardless of gender, education level, occupation, and income, most people evaluated female politicians positively, however, 50% of people still evaluated female politicians as similar to male politicians, which means they don't feel that there is a significant difference between male and female politicians. Many female politicians have received high attention for their activities, however, due to the small number of female politicians, it is difficult to show their role well during the amendment process because they are overrun by the majority opinion in their party. Moreover, it was determined that local size or conservative mind of the locality has a greater effect on evaluating female politicians than the age, income, and education level. Also because conservative men have negative views and opinions about female politicians, one of the most important things is 'changing the mind set' to overcome conservative and paternalism mind towards female politicians. Favorable impressions about female politicians were significantly high regardless of the variables. Also there was a large percentage of pros regarding the female quota system for party nominations. Now, it requires a great deal of effort from politics, woman associations, and various citizen societies to make continuous interaction between various efforts and systematical execution to expand the participation of female politicians because those efforts can bring a more positive evaluation about female politicians, and furthermore, it can increase the amount of attention and evaluation about the overall congress and politics in general.

      • Problems and Improvement Plan for Security against KOREAN Politician TERRORISM

        Jung Kwi young,Kim Ha kyeong J-INSTITUTE 2017 Public Value Vol.2 No.2

        It is a very big problem in our society to cause anxiety to the people because of the terrorism against politicians. In this respect, it is necessary to prepare new measures against the terrorist attacks on politicians. Despite the many security measures that have been carried out so far, there is a need for a new improvement plan due to the change of the age, new security equipment, and various new terrorist attacks taken place. Therefore, this study aims to identify the current problems of security for the politician and to propose a new improvement plan. This study is a case study analyzing terrorist incidents targeting politicians, after analyzing the causes of se-curity failures based on the cases of terrorist attacks on politicians in Korea, it suggested the following improve-ment plan. First, in order to improve the crisis management response and the ability of security performance in the event of the terrorist attack against politicians, it is required for the security personnel to have excellent professional knowledge on politician security and excellent practical ability. When it comes to having these qualifications required, it is necessary to study the professional knowledge at university first, along with having excellent prac-tical skills. Second, in order to improve the problems of inspection and preliminary detection that can be found through cases of terrorist attacks against politicians, it is vital to increase security personnel for politicians to develop the ability to detect in the field, to increase the number of inspection manpower before and during the security ser-vice for frequent inspections, and to improve the efficiency of the inspection through the dedicated area inspec-tion.

      • KCI등재

        What Contingency Factors Affect the Image of Korean Politicians?

        Sungwook Hwang,Hyo Jung Kim 한국학술연구원 2020 Korea Observer Vol.51 No.3

        This study applies the contingency theory of accommodation (CTA) to examine the extent to which the contingent variables surrounding a politician can influence the public s perception of the politician s image and their voting intentions in Korea. A total of 1,126 respondents were asked to view two aspects of a politician s image: (1) the politician s capabilities and attractiveness, and (2) the corruptness and self-righteousness (RQ1). The following factors had a significant impact on the respondents perception of a politician s capabilities and attractiveness: their party leader s transformational leadership, the politician s communication activity and family history, prominent issues that the politician encounters, voter characteristics, the political party s relationship with the electorate, and the respondents monthly income (RQ2). The following factors had a significant impact on the respondents perception of a politician s corruption and self-righteousness: their party s political stability, the party s internal threats, the political environment, prominent issues that the politician encounters, and external threats to the politician (RQ2). The respondents voting intentions were positively influenced by the openness of the party, the party leader s transformational leadership, relationship between the party and the voters, the politician s communication activities, and their perceived capability and attractiveness (RQ3). Interestingly, the higher the degree of party stability and perceived corruption of a politician, the lower the respondents intention to vote for them (RQ3). After detailing these results, this study presents an in-depth discussion of its theoretical and practical implications.

      • KCI등재

        한국 청소년이 지각하는 긍정적인 정치가 상(像) 분석

        박희현 한국인간발달학회 2014 人間發達硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        This study was conducted in order to analyze positive images based on model politicians and their characteristics as they are perceived by Korean adolescents. The sample comprised 1908 Korean middle and high school students. The methodology used was inquiry based. The collected data were analyzed by content analysis. The politicians who were seen as being positive models by adolescents were mostly presidents and kings. The content analysis was divided into 5 sub-categories; personality, cognitive․thought․behavioral characteristic, attitudes toward politics, political achievement and ability, and external features. Honesty and leadership were perceived to be the most characteristics of a good politician. Politicians who did their best, worked hard, had distinct values were perceived as being the better politicians. In term of public politics, having the public interest at heart, instead of their own interests, and thinking from the position of ordinary people were perceived to be the most favorable political skills of good politicians. Ending slavery and realizing equality, development and growth in the economy, and creating Hangul were perceived to be the most important political achievements. These results will help create positive images of politicians. Additionally by analyzing images of positive politicians, this study will contribute to an educational model of respected politicians for adolescents.

      • KCI등재

        정치인 SNS의 메시지와 정치인 유형이 수용자의 반응에 미치는 영향

        조정식,이재영,임지은 한국PR학회 2019 PR연구 Vol.23 No.5

        <Objectives> In this study, we investigated the effects of politicians’ Facebook messages. We mainly studied Facebook because it is the most commonly used medium among SNS. Specifically, this study aimed to examine the effects of different message types (personal / social messages), information sources (celebrities / general politicians), and audience factors (political orientation) based on the previous findings and the characteristics of that medium. <Methods> This study conducted an online experiment to examine the effects of different types of messages posted by politicians on SNS as well as the types of politicians. Data was collected from actual voters through an online survey program in which the subjects were presented with experimental stimuli with different message types and politician types. The collected responses were examined afterwards. The subjects of this study were eligible to vote and were users of SNS, which totaled to be 237 respondents. <Results> The findings indicate that there is a statistically significant interaction effect in audiences’ attitudes and word of mouth intentions based on politician types and message types. With regards to online behavioral reaction intentions, there were significant differences in ‘comments’ and ‘shares’. Participants rated social messages more positively than personal messages. In addition, moderating effects of the types of politicians and the political orientations of the respondents were not found in the audience response according to the message types. However, the interaction effect of message type and political orientation was seen in the intention to ‘share’. <Conclusions> The authors believe that the results of this study are meaningful because they provide a new perspective in how SNS messages can influence political communication effects. In terms of academic implications, this study elucidates the effects of SNS messages on political communication as there are several important variables in the area of SNS and political communication used in this study. In addition, the results could be very beneficial to politicians, because this study focused on the actual messaging strategies in Facebook. <배경 및 목적> 본 연구에서는 SNS 중 보편적으로 사용되고 있는 페이스북을 중심으로 정치인의 SNS 활용에 대한 효과를살펴보고자 한다. 구체적으로 정치 커뮤니케이션 효과에 영향을 주는 메시지(개인적/사회적 메시지), 정보원(유명/일반 정치인), 그리고 수용자 요인(이념적 성향)에 대한 선행 연구들을 토대로 SNS 맥락에서의 정치커뮤니케이션 효과를 살펴보고자 하였다. <방법> 본 연구는 정치인 SNS 내 게시된 메시지 유형과 정치인 유형에 따른 효과를 살펴보기 위해 실제 유권자들을대상으로 한 온라인 실험을 진행하였다. 자료 수집은 온라인 조사 프로그램을 통하여 진행되었는데, 메시지유형과 정치인 유형을 다르게 처치한 실험 자극물을 수용자에게 제시한 후 그 반응을 조사하였다. 실험에 참여한 피험자는 투표권이 있으며, SNS를 사용하고 있는 개인이었으며, 총 응답자 수는 237명이었다. <결과> 메시지 유형에 따른 정치인에 대한 태도와 구전 의도는 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 나타났으며, 즉각적 반응 의도의 경우, ‘댓글 달기’와 ‘공유하기’에서 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 실험 참가자들은 개인적 메시지보다 사회적 메시지에 보다 긍정적으로 평가하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 메시지 유형에 따른 수용자 반응에 있어서 정치인의 유형과 수용자의 정치적 이념의 조절 효과는 대체로 나타나지 않았다. 그러나 ‘공유하기’ 반응 의도에 있어서 메시지 유형과 정치적 성향의 상호작용 효과는 나타났다. <논의 및 결론> 본 연구는 정치 커뮤니케이션 효과 연구에 있어서 SNS의 특징을 고려한 새로운 관점을 제시한 것에 의의가있다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구의 결과는 학문적으로 SNS 공간에서 정치 커뮤니케이션 메시지의 효과를 그간의SNS 매체 이용 행동 연구 및 정치 커뮤니케이션 연구들을 종합적으로 반영하여 진행한 연구라는 점에서 의의를 가질 수 있다. 또한 본 연구의 결과를 통하여 정치인들은 자신들의 유명 정도에 따라 메시지 전략이 달라져야 함을 알 수 있었고, 더불어 커뮤니케이션 대상이 누구인가에 따라서도 커뮤니케이션 전략이 달라짐을 본 연구는 보고하였다.

      • 선거에서 나타나는 정치인들의 윤리의식과 윤리의식 강화방안

        배수한 한국시민윤리학회 2014 한국시민윤리학회보 Vol.27 No.2

        최근 정치인들의 자질이나 도덕성이 점점 더 중요시되고 있지만, 이들의 도덕성은 국민들 의 기대치에 충족되지 못하고 있다. 우리 정치인들이 사회의 존경을 받지 못하는 이유가 바 로 이러한 인간의 가장 기본적인 윤리의식의 부족에서 기인한다고 볼 수 있다. 국민들과 다 양한 시민사회의 정치개혁 요구에도 불구하고 여전히 정치인의 정치윤리의식은 쉽사리 개선 되지 않고 있다. 이미 한국도 선진국처럼 체계적인 각종 정치윤리와 관련된 제도개선을 통하 여 점진적인 개혁이 이루어지고 있지만, 아무리 훌륭한 제도적 장치를 마련해도 이를 실행하 는 주체인 정치인들의 적극적인 의지가 없다면 무용지물에 불과하다. 국제투명성기구의 발표를 따르면 특히, 한국의 공무원과 정치인들의 청렴도가 3년 연속적 으로 떨어지고 있음을 보여주고 있다. 이러한 부패지수는 개선되지 않았지만 정치관계법은 상당한 수준으로 개선되어가고 있다. 윤리의식 향상을 위한 법적 장치의 마련도 중요하지만 우리 정치발전의 가장 근본적인 과제는 정치권에 대한 국민신뢰의 회복이다. 품위있게 일하 는 국회, 정책으로 경쟁하는 선진적인 정당은 일차적으로 정치인들의 몫이다. 정치인들 스스로 국민의 대표자라는 자긍섬을 가지고 도덕성을 회복하고 윤리의식을 강화해야함이 마땅하다. 최근에도 어떠한 선거에서도 당선된 당사자들이 도덕성 시비가 있고 선거가 끝난 다음에 도 여전히 법적 분쟁에 휩싸이게 되는 모습을 자주 발견할 수 있다. 이러한 정치인들의 비리 문제는 대부분 정치인들 개인의 윤리적 문제에 그 주된 원인이 있다. 이에 이 논문에서는 한 국 공무원들의 윤리교육 현황과 실태를 분석해보고, 이러한 윤리교육을 통하여 향후 정치인 들의 윤리의식 강화될 수 있는 방안을 모색해 보고자 한다. In recent years, the qualifications and morality of politicians are increasingly considered important, but they fall short of people’ s expectations in terms of morality. Ethics is part of the most basic human consciousness, and a poor sense of ethics can be said to be the very reason that politicians aren’t highly regarded in our country. Although people and various civic groups call for political reform, there isn’t yet any notable change in the ethics of politicians. Like advanced countries, Korea has made gradual reforms by improving the systems related to political ethics, but even the best measure cannot work properly if politicians themselves aren’t willing to improve their own sense of ethics. According to the announcement of Transparency International , the integrity of Korean govemment workers and politicians has continued to be worse for three consecutive years. No change is found in the corruption index, but there is a noteworthy improvement in the acts related to politics. It’ s important to take legal measures to foster a sense of ethics, but what matters most is to regain people’ s confidence in politics to accelerate the development of Korean politics. It’s primarily the responsibility of politicians to make the national assembly decent and refined, and to create more advanced political parties that put their efforts into fair policy competition. Politicians should try to improve their own morality and sense of ethics to become people ’ s representatives who are respectable and self-esteemed. The morality of some winners of recent elections came into question , and they were even embroiled in legal battle. The corruption of politicians is mostly attributed to their own ethical problems. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to examine the state of ethics education among Korean public officials and how to strengthen the ethics of politicians through ethics education.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 가족 정치인

        박명호(Park, MyoungHo) 동국대학교 사회과학연구원 2020 사회과학연구 Vol.27 No.4

        본 논문은 한국의 가족 정치인의 현황과 선거 경쟁력을 검증한다. 제헌국회 이후 20대 국회까지 총 70 가족의 정치인 가문이 탄생하였으며 20회의 국회의원 선거에서 594명이 국회의원 선거에 출마 418명이 당선되었다. 한국의 가족 정치인은 다음과 같은 특성을 가진다. 첫째, 정치 입문의 연령이 비가족 정치인에 비해 약 6세 정도 낮고 여성 비율이 상대적으로 높다. 둘째, 지역별로 보면 인구 및 국회의원 수 대비 충남의 가족 정치인 비율이 높고 보수정당의 후보가 상대적으로 더 많았다. 셋째, 가족 정치인의 최종학력은 전체 국회의원 평균이상으로 높고 박사 이상의 학력을 가진 가족 정치인의 비율이 67%로 나타난다. 넷째, 가족 정치인의 선거 경쟁력은 비가족 정치인에 비해 높았고 특히 현직여부와 정당 및 지역 변수 등을 통제하고도 비가족 정치인을 압도하는 것으로 나타난다. 이 같은 분석결과는 한국 가족 정치인의 특성과 변화에 대한 우리의 이해를 제고하고 가족 정치인이 우리 정치의 발전과 민주주의 공고화에 기여하는지에 대한 향후 연구의 기초가 될 것이다. This paper aims at investigating dynastic politicians in Korea and finding differences between dynastic politicians and non-dynastic politicians. First, dynastic politicians in Korea enter have stepped into political arena earlier age than non-dynastic politicians. Second, dynastic politicians have contributed to women’s representation in the Korean national assembly since the first assembly in Korea. Third, Chungnam-province is the place where produced the most political dynasties among broad election districts in Korea, followed by Gyounggi and Seoul. Fourth, Fourth, 46% of political dynasties came from conservative parties and 37% from liberal parties. Fifth, the level of education among dynastic political families is much higher than average congressmen. 67% of political dynasties have doctoral degree. I test electoral advantages of dynastic status. Regression model reports that the vote share of dynastic politicians is much higher than non-dynastic politicians. While I did not test whether the presence of dynastic politicians change election outcome, dynastic status will receive 13% more votes from 17th to 20th Korean assembly. Considering sizable elections have be decided in a very competitive vote share, the advantages that the dynastic politician enjoy is huge. Like most previous literature, my paper also maintains that political dynasties could lead to a deterioration of political competition.

      • KCI등재

        정치의 세습화와 일본의 세습의원

        한의석(Han Eui Suok)(韓義錫) 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2016 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.67

        This study explores reasons of the increase of hereditary politicians in Japan and their impact on politics and policy-making. Political resources called san-ban are beneficial to a hereditary politician's electoral campaigning and its political power within his/her own political party. San-ban means awareness(family name), money and supporters' association, which provide great advantage to a hereditary politician's electoral campaigning. In addition, seniority system of the Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) and its electoral motivation have strengthened political position of hereditary politicians within the party. As a result, a large portion of cabinet positions has been recruited by hereditary politicians. Those hereditary politicians, meanwhile, tend to support traditional rural-oriented LDP policies and to have strong conservative ideology. This study may contribute to an analysis of the increase of hereditary politicians in many democracies.

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