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        К вопросу преподавания фонетики русского языка в иностранной аудитории

        이바노바 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2009 외국학연구 Vol.13 No.1

        Given article is devoted to problems which the teacher of phonetics of Russian can face at training of foreign students, first of all Koreans. The author underlines a phonetics role as aspect of teaching of foreign languages. Article can be divided into two parts. In the first part methodical recommendations about formation of articulation base of the Russian language at training on articulation-acoustic phonetics are offered a method. After S.J.Bershtejn articulation-acoustic phonetics method is considered a unique correct method of training to Russian phonetics. The second part is devoted to training of Russian intonation. In this part typical errors of the Korean students in the use of Russian intonational patterns are analyzed. Here the data of phonetic experiment on realisation by the Korean students of Russian intonational patterns is cited. In the conclusion recommendations about the organisation of lessons of phonetics at different grade levels are made. In article practical grants on Russian pronunciation, rhythmics and the intonations intended for work in a foreign audience, for development and fastening of skills of perception and realisation sound, the parties of Russian speech, its rhythmic and intonational parties also are recommended.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        On the Relation between Phonetics and Phonology

        ( Woo Hyeok Chang ) 경희대학교 언어연구소 2012 언어연구 Vol.29 No.1

        Chang Woohyeok. 2012, On the Relation between Phonetics and Phonology, Linguistic Research 29(1), 127-156. This study examines the nature of the relationship between phonology and phonetics and advocates a modular view in which there is a principled mapping between phonological representations and phonetic expressions. In particular, this modular view is advocated by Laboratory Phonology that can be characterized by two beliefs. First, it is believed that there should be a division between phonetics and phonology. Second, there should be a considerable interconnection between them. Contrary to this modular view, other approaches are somewhat radical in that abstract phonological features are not associated with phonetic facts and that phonetics and phonology are integrated into a single module which is all phonetic. In favor of the modular theory, I propose a principle about phonology-phonetics interface: unmarked items display a wider range of phonetic realization but cannot be realized in a more marked way than their marked counterparts, One representative evidence would be that the higher pitch value of a tone compared with other tones has to be a phonological high tone rather than a low tone. Further discussions about phonology-phonetics interface are done with regard to speech perception and production. It is shown that perception and production data are valid when they are used as phonetic evidence to resolve phonological controversies. On the other hand, the P-map hypothesis seems invalid when dealing with some cases where speech production and perception do not match.

      • KCI등재

        The Study of the Relationship Between English Phonetic Learning Belief System and Learning Strategies in the Acquisition of English Phonetics

        ( Wenguang Zhang ),( Jaewoo Shim ),( Heechul Lee ) 대한언어학회 2021 언어학 Vol.29 No.4

        This study investigated the relationship between Chinese senior high school students’ beliefs and learning strategies in the acquisition of English phonetics. Sixty-six subjects responded to two Likert-type questionnaires. The first instrument measured phonetics learning beliefs consisting of three dimensions and the second one assessed phonetics learning strategies with six dimensions. The results of the data analysis showed subjects had positive learning beliefs towards English phonetic learning. However, they did not use phonetic learning strategies often. Among the phonetic learning strategies use, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and memory strategies were the three dimensions that contributed to distinguishing high phonetic learning beliefs group from low phonetic learning beliefs group. Based on the results, some implications for teaching pronunciation were suggested.

      • KCI등재

        On the Relation between Phonetics and Phonology

        장우혁 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2012 언어연구 Vol.29 No.1

        This study examines the nature of the relationship between phonology and phonetics and advocates a modular view in which there is a principled mapping between phonological representations and phonetic expressions. In particular, this modular view is advocated by Laboratory Phonology that can be characterized by two beliefs. First, it is believed that there should be a division between phonetics and phonology. Second, there should be a considerable interconnection between them. Contrary to this modular view, other approaches are somewhat radical in that abstract phonological features are not associated with phonetic facts and that phonetics and phonology are integrated into a single module which is all phonetic. In favor of the modular theory, I propose a principle about phonology-phonetics interface: unmarked items display a wider range of phonetic realization but cannot be realized in a more marked way than their marked counterparts. One representative evidence would be that the higher pitch value of a tone compared with other tones has to be a phonological high tone rather than a low tone. Further discussions about phonology-phonetics interface are done with regard to speech perception and production. It is shown that perception and production data are valid when they are used as phonetic evidence to resolve phonological controversies. On the other hand, the P-map hypothesis seems invalid when dealing with some cases where speech production and perception do not match.

      • KCI등재


        姜永超 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2023 한자연구 Vol.- No.37

        There is a view in the scholarly community that although the Codex Yupian (卷軸本《玉篇》) was a detailed text with many explanations, it neglected the phonetic-meaning relations. Taking the Codex Yupian as the research material, we analyze the phonetic-meaning relations of the initial tone of one phonetic, initial tone of one phonetic+youyin (又音), initial tone of two phonetics, initial tone of two phonetics+youyin, initial tone of three phonetics, and no phonetic entries, and analyze the relations between phonetic and meaning in the context of literature, The similarities and differences in the meanings of the items, and the comparison with the Daguang Yihui Yupian (《大廣益會玉篇》), Jingdian Shiwen (《經典釋文》) and Codex Yupian, as well as the source of youyin and the corresponding relationships between phonetics and meanings, to illustrate that Codex Yupian edited by Gu Yewang (顧野王) has a very complicated explanation. This study shows that Gu Yewang had a clear explanatory style and a matching relations between sound and meaning, and that the emergence of multiple sounds and multiple meanings. It is the result of Gu Yewang’s “summarizing all the texts and studying all the classics” and “studying the Six Classics and studying all the Hundred Books”, and it is the result of the fusion of the peoples of the North and South Dynasties. It is also the result of the development of language under the ethnic fusion of the North and South Dynasties and the compilation of the literature of the time. The book plays an important role in standardizing and clarifying the relationship between morphology, phonology and meaning during the North and South Dynasties.

      • KCI등재

        국어교육을 위한 음성학 연구의 경향과 과제

        왕영준(Wang, Yongzhun) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2020 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.20 No.9

        이 글은 국내 석·박사학위논문과 학술지에서 꾸준히 발표되어온 국어 음성학적 연구들의 동향을 정리한 것이다. 국어 음성학적 연구는 모국어와 외국어의 발음교육, 음악, 음성공학 등의 다양한 분야에서 폭넓게 응용되고 있다. 또한 음성학적 연구는 연구방법에 따라서 조음 음성학과 음향음성학, 청취 음성학 등의 실험 음성학 분야로 나뉘어 이루어지고 있다. 각 분야의 하위 주제별 논문의 흐름을 종합한 결과, 전반적으로 음성학적 연구의 양적 성장을 확인할 수 있었으며, 특정 분야에 편중되지 않고 고르게 연구되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 다만, 본 글은 키워드 검색을 통해 수집된 논문들에 국한하여 살펴본 것이기 때문에, 전반적인 성과와 앞으로의 연구방향에 대하여 전망하는 데는 한계가 있다. Phonetics subsumes the physical aspects of speech production and their relation to speech perception. The present paper reviews publications included master’s thesis, doctoral dissertations, and research papers on phonetics in Korean language. The phonetic study within Korean language has been applied widely in numerous areas of pronunciation learning, music, phonetic search technology for both native and foreign language. It si also conducted with articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics, and experimental phonetics. Based on reviewed research in education, we identified the quantitative growth in the trends of phonetic studies and quality empirical research in many areas of phonetics in Korean language. Study findings are discussed with respect to specific directions for future research on phonetics of Korean language.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 말소리연구에 대한 고찰

        이기동(Lee Ki-dong) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2011 한국학연구 Vol.38 No.-

        북한에서 간행된 규범서의 성격을 지닌 『조선어학전서』 가운데 어음론에 해당하는 자료 가운데 주로 『조선어실험음성학』을 중심으로 『조선어어음론』과 『조선어음운론』의 내용을 더하여 살펴 보았다. 이들 연구서들 역시 각각 규범적 성격을 가지며 각 분야의 그간의 연구 성과를 종합하되 연구자의 새로운 견해를 덧붙여 이루어진 것이다. 특히 어음론에서는 단지 소개에 그쳤지만 야콥슨의 변별적 자질을 기술하기도 하고 내용상의 차이는 크지 않다고 해도 그동안 어음론과 구분하지 않았던 음운론을 따로 연구서로 보인 것은 새로운 변화를 보인 것이라 할 수 있다. 실험음성학에 대한 연구는 1980년대에 이르러 시작되어 이후 일련의 성과를 보여 주었다. 일반적으로 어음론이라 하여 음성학과 음운론의 영역에 걸쳐 있던 부분을 각각 구분하고 있다. 비록 연구의 실제 내용에서는 종래의 어음론적 내용에서 크게 벗어나지는 못했지만 특히 음운론의 개념을 분명히 하였다는 점에서 의의를 갖는다. 음성학과 관련한 주된 연구 과정은 각종 음성실험 기기 등을 활용하며 개별음의 음향음성학적 실험과 다양한 음성조건에서 나타나는 어음의 특징을 분석하였다. 그러나 음향음성학적인 연구만이 아닌 조음음성학적 방법도 활용되었는데 특히 말소리의 실현과정에서 드러나는 음운체계의 기초단위는 소리마디이며 이를 정확하게 분석하기 위해서 표기마디의 구성을 통해야 한다는 독특한 관점을 보이기도 한다. In this paper, we will figure out centering on 『Joseoneo silheomeuseonghak』 (Korean experimental phonetics) in 『Joseoneohak jeonseo』(Korean Linguistics Series), which was published in the North Korea. Add to that, we will consider the contents of 『Joseoneo eoeumron』(Study on Korean speech sound) and 『Joseoneo eumullon』(Korean Phonology), too. These were normative books that put various reports together and included some new views. Especially, there was described a distinctive feature theory by R. Jakobson in 『Joseoneo eoumron』 and was separated from ‘eoeumron’ in 『Joseoneohak jeonseo』. All of this is a new change. In the North Korea, the experimental phonetics began in 1980s and has so far been studied extensively after that. Study on phonology was still on its early stage and did not overcome existing ‘eoeumron’, but interesting from our point of view is that they distinguished phonology and phonetics clearly. Main study on phonetics had been analyzed speech sound properties through acoustic phonetics experiments with various experimental instruments in phonetics and phonological environment. However, they used method of acoustic phonetics plus articulatory phonetics. Then they argued that the basic unit of phonological system on realization of speech sound is ‘sorimadi’. In addition, they insisted that have to work through composition of ‘phyogimadi’ to analyzed exactly it.

      • KCI등재

        The phonetics and phonology of vowel length variation in Korean reduplicated ideophones

        Hyung-Soo Kim(김형수) 한국음운론학회 2008 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.14 No.2

          Reduplicated ideophones in Korean present interesting problems in phonetics and phonology of vowel length variation. The vowel in the first syllable is short in the partially reduplicated type, e.g. s?l?l? "gently", but long in the fully reduplicated type, e.g. s?lsal. The long vowel in the corresponding ideophone of the latter type, on the other hand, often appears as short after laryngealized obstruents, e.g. s"?ls"al. In this paper three attempts are made to explain this length variation. The first of these is phonetically based, on the hypothesis that laryngeal onsets influence the duration of the following vowel, while the remaining analyses are based on two independent phonological theories, one making use of the feature [long] for tense and aspirated consonants and the Obligatory Contour Principle and the other the concepts of strength fluxion and the Inertial Development Principle. Although some questions are left for future studies, analyzing this and related problems illuminates many of the skills required of a typical phonetic/phonological analysis: sorting out the data and interpreting its relevance, establishing viable hypotheses using one"s phonetic and phonological knowledge, and integrating them for a plausible explanation.

      • KCI등재

        음성학을 활용한 발음 교육 및 습득 연구 동향

        김선정 한국언어문화교육학회 2013 언어와 문화 Vol.9 No.3

        This study aims to survey researches regarding teaching and learning of pronunciation utilizing experimental phonetics. Until the 1990s, contrastive analysis and some phonological theories have long constituted an important domain of research regarding teaching and learning of pronunciation. However, development of experimental phonetics influences strongly on researches regarding teaching and learning of pronunciation. This results in a great increase of research which is based on experimental phonetics related to teaching and learning of Korean pronunciation in the academic publication in 2000s. The rapid growth about teaching and learning of pronunciation related to experimental phonetics would be thanks to Praat which is easy to use without theoretical background or pre-education for use. Praat is a speech analyser which can download through the internet at free of charge, and has various functions such as the measurement of VOT, CD, the values of formant, and providing the contour line of intonation on its spectrogram. Kalvin is a Korean version of Alvin, and is used to evaluate the pronunciation accuracy and audition ability of foreign language learners. In this paper, researches regarding teaching and learning of pronunciation utilizing experimental phonetics are briefly introduced, focusing on the researches using Praat and Kalvin.

      • KCI등재

        華語類抄(1883)에 수록된 어휘의 華音表記 연구-성모를 중심으로-

        런멍지에 한국언어문학회 2024 한국언어문학 Vol.127 No.-

        This study aims to analyze the Chinese character notation in the “Hua Yu Lei Chao,” a type of rhyme book published around 1883, and to examine the tonal scales these notations reflect. The research utilized Korean script to record how Chinese was notated and explored the trends in the changes of initial consonants in modern Chinese. Additionally, by comparing the lexical notations in this document with those from earlier periods, the study specifically investigated the commonalities and differences in lexical notation. Throughout this process, the research focused on the continuity and changes in the linguistic features of modern Sino-Korean languages. Generally speaking, while many cases were interpreted based on the Northern phonetics as standard, many also required consideration from the perspective of Southern phonetics. Particularly in cases related to dialects such as Cantonese, Hakka, Wu, or Southern Min, detailed analyses were necessary. This involves whether they reflect Southern phonetics or the dialectical characteristics of actual pronunciations circulating within China, which requires further inference. Additionally, some notations reflected phenomena of literary and colloquial readings or were influenced by Korean pronunciations of Chinese characters, providing important clues for understanding how these dialects differ phonologically from Standard Mandarin.

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