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        Meixiang Cui,Subin Im 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2017 No.07

        Along with the growth of disposable income and the improvement of consumers’ living condition, consumers are no longer satisfied only with the fulfillment of functional needs of products. Instead, they seek to meet higher level of demand such as emotional and symbolic needs when consuming products. One reflection of this kind of pursuit in consumer behavior is “conspicuous consumption”, which is the tendency for individuals to enhance their image and communicate status to others through overt consumption of possessions (O’Cass & McEwen, 2004). Moreover, the emergence of social networking service (SNS) has boosted the phenomenon of such overt consumption. For example, a consumer who bought a new luxury sports car uploads a photo of his/her car on Facebook to show off his/her wealth, status, uniqueness, taste, etc. In this context, if a product is scarce due to a limited supply, then consumers might use the product for conspicuous consumption (Gierl & Huettl, 2010). Thus, it can be inferred that consumers who have conspicuous consumption tendency will be attracted by new product which is scarce in its early diffusion process. Moreover, the literature has added new content to conspicuous consumption with the development of social economy and value. Consumption value goes far beyond satisfying functional needs, and consumption and possessions are regarded as the extension of the self (Belk, 1988). Hence, consumers would be eager to present and show off their “extended self” on SNS using new products. As a consequence, this research aims at exploring the relationship and internal mechanism between the new paradigm of conspicuous consumption and consumers’ new product adoption intention, mediated through perceived consumption value. Different traits of consumers and resulting value perceptions are influential on consumer adoption behavioral intention and outcomes (e.g., Kastanakis & Balabanis, 2014). Despite the fact that identifying and adequately meet the needs of target consumers is essential in new product success, current literature still lacks understanding on how consumers perceive value of new products based on their needs for conspicuous consumption in adopting new products. Moreover, even though there are some evidence in the literature showing that consumers with high needs for conspicuous consumption accept new products more quickly, there is limited guideline for managers for how and why different perspectives of conspicuous consumption tendency affect new product adoption intention through perceived value of the product. In addition, consumer behavior literature of conspicuous consumption has overemphasized the role of status seeking without fully understanding other motives and needs for it. Accordingly, we will start by examining different types of conspicuous consumption tendencies and studying how they affect different value perceptions, which lead to new product adoption intention. A large number of studies from various disciplines have defined “conspicuous consumption” differently. Earlier, Veblen (1899) proposed the term “conspicuous consumption” to describe the behavior of rich American people who spent a significant portion of their time and money on unnecessary and unproductive leisure expenditures. As indicated, in early days, “conspicuous consumption” was thought to be only occurred to the upper class of the society that wishes to display wealth or status through luxury consumption. However, Mason (1988) pointed out that conspicuous consumption is not only associated with the rich and privileged, but is a worldwide phenomenon that is easily observed at all social and economic levels. Moreover, recent research advocates that conspicuous consumption is not only about displaying wealth, but also about delivering self-images and enhancing social standing through consumption. The symbolic meaning of products is commonly used as an outward expression of consumer self-concept and connection to the society (Chaudhuri & Majumdar, 2006). The motives to show their social status, unique taste or conformity trigger overt consumption of different kinds of goods to satisfy the need of belonging, increase their popularity, as well as be highly respected, admired, or envied (Gierl & Huettle, 2010). Drawing from current literature (e.g., Chaudhuri & Majumdar, 2006; Chen, Yeh, & Wang, 2008; Gierl & Huettl, 2010; O’Cass & McEwen, 2004; Shukla, 2008), this research defines conspicuous consumption as the tendency for individuals to enhance their image and communicate status to others through overt consumption, and proposes it to be a multidimensional concept consists of three dimensions namely ostentation of a high social status (a superior position within a social hierarchy), demonstration of uniqueness (differences from people belonging to the same social group), and demonstration of conformity (similarity to people belonging to a certain social group). We aim at examining the individual differences in three different conspicuous consumption tendencies and how they are related to new product adoption intention. It is important to study new product success from the consumer’s perspective because the success of new product eventually depends on the decisions of consumers to adopt or reject the new product (Im, Bhat, & Lee, 2015). According to Hirschman (1980), innate personality of the consumer has an important influence on whether to adopt new product or not. Moreover, Venkatesh and Brown (2001) found that relevant others such as friends, family, and other important connections can influence the adoption decision. As such, those who are influenced by the people around them will choose products that can convey an image congruent with the social image they wish to project. (Sheth, Newman, & Gross, 1991). New products, depending on their characteristics and types, can be used to show social status, uniqueness, or conformity. When the new product is first launched in the market, it is often released at a high price, though it is not a necessity to most consumers. Thus, adopting the high priced but unnecessary new products or frequently upgraded products in a certain category can signal economically rich status. In addition, consumers adopt new products to demonstrate their needs for uniqueness due to the scarcity in early diffusion process. Finally, new product can also help consumers conform to a certain group they wish to belong. For example, when most of a consumer’s friends or colleagues have adopted iPhone, he/she also is willing to adopt iPhone in order to assimilate with the group member and achieve a sense of belonging. In conclusion, there might be positive relationships between consumers’ tendency to demonstrate high social status, uniqueness and conformity and new product adoption. Im et al. (2015) argued that consumers’ evaluation of or attitude toward a product and ultimate decision to adopt depends on their perceptions of the product’s value. Thus, perceived value may act as an important determinant in new product adoption. Besides, now that perceived value is derived from subjective evaluation and judgement of consumers, different consumers involved in the purchasing process can vary on the perceptions of new products (Perkins, 1993). Moreover, individuals tend to perceive what they need and want while ignoring other irrelevant stimuli around (Schiffman & Wisenblit, 2016). Since consumers with three different types of conspicuous consumption tendency have different needs and wants, they will respond differently to the value offered by products. Thus, we propose the mediating role of perceived value between conspicuous consumption and consumers’ intention of new product adoption. Another important individual level variable that impacts perception of new product is creativity-seeking personality, which refers to the tendency to seek information that is novel and meaningful (Im et al., 2015). Since novelty and meaningfulness are important features of innovation that are embedded in new products, consumers who seek for them are more likely to appreciate the new products more. Thus, we assert that creativity-seeking personality is also important in forming new product adoption behavior. Moreover, according to Im et al. (2015), novelty affects perceived hedonic value while meaningfulness influences perceived utilitarian value. This research attempts to explore the moderating role of creativity-seeking personality on the relationship between conspicuous consumption and perceived value to reveal the synergy effect of conspicuous consumption and creativity-seeking personality. Creativity-seeking personality consists of a novelty-seeking personality (a personal tendency related to the willingness to seek information that is new and different), and a meaningfulness-seeking personality (a personal tendency related to the willingness to seek information that is useful and relevant) (Hirshman, 1980; Im et al., 2015). Specifically, we propose that demonstration of uniqueness has a stronger impact on hedonic value among consumers with high level of novelty-seeking personality and demonstration of conformity has a stronger impact on utilitarian value among consumers with high level of meaningfulness-seeking personality. As such, drawing on the existing literature about conspicuous consumption, creativity-seeking personality, perceived value and purchase intention, this research proposes the mediating role of perceived value through which conspicuous consumption impact consumers’ new product adoption intention. In the meantime, this research explores the moderating role of creativity-seeking personality on the effect of conspicuous consumption on perceived value of new products. Accordingly, our research model is given as demonstrated in Figure 1. We expect the positive relationship between conspicuous consumption and new product adoption intention. Moreover, we predict perceived value mediates the impact of conspicuous consumption on new product adoption intention whereas creativity-seeking personality plays a moderating role. This research has several academic contributions and managerial implications. First, this research distinguished three types of conspicuous consumption from modern perspective including ostentation of a high social status, demonstration of uniqueness, and demonstration of conformity. By testing the impact of three types of conspicuous consumption on new product adoption intention, this study extends existing literature by identifying drivers of new product adoption. Second, it shed light on a mediating mechanism of perceived value through which conspicuous consumption conveys its effect on new product adoption. Third, it identified the moderating role of novelty-seeking personality and meaningfulness-seeking personality on the effect of conspicuous consumption on perceived value. Though we are proposing the theoretical model in Figure 1 based on prior literature in this paper, we expect to empirically validate the relationships in the model by collecting data through multiple experiments using Mechanical Turk. Before the data collection, we will go through the IRB approval for the subject pool and research design. As for managers, they can flexibly apply the consumers’ tendency of conspicuous consumption and creativity-seeking personality as market segmentation tool and implement the appropriate marketing strategy to improve new product adoption behavior for better new product performance. First, managers should be aware that conspicuous consumers are not a homogeneous group. They need to understand the heterogeneous drivers of consumers’ motives regarding conspicuous consumption and formulate appropriate marketing strategy to segment them. Second, this research provides some guidelines in new product promotion. For example, advertisement of the new products can highlight the different kinds of value when targeting consumers with different types of conspicuous consumption tendency. Third, as for sales people, they can provide novel product information to consumers who have tendency to demonstrate uniqueness and provide meaningful product information to consumers who have tendency to demonstrate conformity to increase purchase intention of consumers.

      • KCI등재

        소비자가 지각한 제품사용상황이 하이테크제품 교체구매의향에 미치는 영향

        이현민 ( Hyun Min Lee ),이완수 ( Wan Soo Lee ),황미진 ( Mee Jin Whang ),황용희 ( Yong Hee Hwang ) 한국소비자학회 2011 소비자학연구 Vol.22 No.3

        기업 간 경쟁 심화와 소비자들의 교체구매가 높은 비중을 차지하는 성숙기 하이테크 제품 시장은 소비자의 사용경험이 교체구매의향을 형성하는 영향관계의 규명을 통한 대고객 전략의 제안이 중요한 시기이다. 본 연구는 하이테크 제품에 대한 소비자의 교체구매의향이 소비자의 지각된 제품사용상황(perceived product-usage situation)에서 발현되어 제품속성 중요도 및 소비자 추구편익간의 조절적 관계를 통해 형성됨을 검증하였다. Fennell(1978)의 제안을 토대로, 첫째 소비자에게 지각된 제품사용상황을 제품관련 문제점이 지각된 사용상황(perceived situation of the product-related problems)과 심리적 욕구불만이 지각된 사용상황(perceived situation of the psychological frustration)의 두 차원으로 구성하고, 둘째 각각의 문제 상황이 특정 제품속성 중요도 평가에 미치는 영향관계를 검증하였으며, 셋째 소비자의 교체구매의향 유발에 영향을 미치는 제품 속성이 무엇인지를 구조방정식 모형에 근거하여 규명하였다. 연구 결과 하이테크 제품에 있어 소비자가 지각하는 제품사용상황 중, 첫째 제품관련 문제를 지각한 상황은 디자인, 브랜드, 주기능, 부가기능의 제품속성 중요도 평가를 증가시키며, 특히 주기능과 디자인, 브랜드 중요도는 교체구매의향으로 연계됨을 확인하였다. 둘째, 심리적 욕구불만을 지각한 상황은 제품의 디자인과 브랜드 속성중요도를 각각 증가시키며, 이중 브랜드 속성중요도가 교체구매의향을 증가시킴을 규명하였다. 또한 지각한 제품사용상황이 제품속성 중요도 평가에 미치는 영향은 소비자가 추구하는 편익에 따라 차이를 보이는 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구의 시사점은 기존의 사용상황 연구에서 다루어지지 않았던 제품관련 문제 상황과 심리적 욕구 불만 지각상황이 소비자의 교체구매의향 형성에 미치는 영향관계를 규명함으로써 향후 교체구매 행동 연구의 토대를 마련하는 탐색적 연구로서 의의를 지닌다. 또한 기업의 하이테크 신제품 개발 전략 수립시, 소비자의 교체구매의향 발현을 위한 제품 컨셉 설정 및 마케팅 전략방향을 제시하고 있다. Intense competition among companies and replacement purchasing for consumers are features of a mature high-tech product market. Currently, suggestions for consumer strategy from investigations of the relationship between consumer experience and the formation of replacement purchase intention has become increasingly important. Consumers` perception of product-usage situation illicits a desire to purchase products and creates buying motives. It is important since it decides the direction in choosing a product(Fennell 1978). In the maturity phase of the hi-tech product market, the required time for consumers to understand products and to determine purchase intention becomes shorter. Amid the severe competition in the market, companies are required to establish consumer-attracting strategies by understanding perceived product-usage situations and by investigating how perceived product-usage situations lead to the formation of replacement purchase intentions. Consumers will make after-use evaluation of products. Then, the product-usage situation is expected to serve as a constraint, helping consumers to find countermeasures and narrowing down the criteria of the consumer`s decision(Bransford and McCarrell 1974; Ratneshwar and Shocker 1991). Moreover, consumers assess future choice alternatives based on the consumption cycle from purchase to use. The perception of product-usage situation assists consumers to select appropriate alternative products by inducing the retrieval process and reminding consumers of the measures they already know of. The perception of product-usage situation defines the range of alternatives and thus, serves as a frame for problem solving, which help consumers to find the benefits of a product they seek(Warlop and Ratneshwar 1993). In this respect, consumers` after-use product evaluation can be one of the important motives for the formation of replacement purchase intention along with the product-usage situation (Gardial, Clemons, Woodruff, Schumann, and Burns 1994). Especially, the situations subjectively perceived by consumers can be major factors affecting decision-making and other consumer behaviors(Kakkar and Lutz 1975). In this regard, the problems and complaints that consumers have during the use of hi-tech products will definitely influence after-use evaluation and the formation of replacement of purchase intentions. Therefore, verification of the aforementioned relationship is expected to bring to light new strategic points for further discussion. In addition, based on the means-ends chain model that explains the relationship between the results of product use and buying intention(Woodruff 1997), replacement purchase intention is assumed to be derived from the product-usage situation where consumers constantly try to perceive the results from the use of the product and from the process of re-evaluating the features of the product. This study verifies that consumer purchasing intention for product replacement of high-tech products is manifested by the perceived product usage and formed by moderating the relationship between the important product attributes and the benefits sought by the consumer. This study investigated the formation process of the replacement purchase intention based on the meansends chain model, a mechanism that explains how consumers` after-use evaluation of product features is connected to the replacement purchase intention in consecutive buying decisions. An empirical analysis verified that, in perceived product-usage situations, replacement purchase intention is formed by the customers` evaluation with much importance placed on the features that they particularly hope to acquire from the product. Fennell(1978) suggested that, first, two perceived product use situations were created as the perceived situation of product related problems and the perceived situation of psychological frustration. Second, the affect of the problem situation on the evaluation of importance of product attributes was conducted. Third, the product attributes that affect intention for replacement purchase were investigated based on structural equation models. Our results showed that for high-tech products, from the perceived product use situations that are perceived with product related problems increased the importance of design, brand, main function, and additional functions in product attribute evaluation. It was confirmed that main function, design, and brand importance led to replacement purchase intention. In perceived situations of psychological frustration, the importance of design and brand attributes increased, and identified with brand attribute importance was increased by intentions of replacement purchase. In addition, the influence of perceived usage situation on product attribute importance evaluation indicated a difference from the benefits pursued by consumers. The implications of this study are the identification of the affective relationship between product related problems and those psychologically frustrating situations caused by replacement purchase intention of consumers. This has not been addressed by existing product usage research. An empirical analysis verified that, in perceived product-usage situations, replacement purchase intention is formed by the customers` evaluation with much importance placed on the features that they particularly hope to acquire from the product. The significance of this research is that it sheds new light on the importance of considering product features when analyzing replacement purchase intentions. Re-evaluation of the importance level of the product features was confirmed to be one of the factors explaining the motive behind the replacement purchase intention. In addition, the perceived product-usage situation was confirmed to be an influential variable in the evaluation of the importance level of the product features. Product features were the main motive in the process of making a replacement purchase decision, which has not been studied to date. This study examined perceived product-usage situations where consumers used high-tech products and perceived the results from the use of the product. The situations were broken down into a functional one and psychological one. It was also confirmed that the discrepancy in the psychological part of a situation had a significant influence on the evaluation of the importance of the product features just as the functional part also did. Of note, it was also confirmed that there is a significant influence from the strengthened moderating effect, which is one of the sought variables for the subjective benefits that is caused by the individual differences between consumers. The moderating effect was observed to influence the perceived situation of psychological frustration about brand image for products. The moderating effect was also found to influence the perceived situation of product-related problems on the importance of the main function of products. The results of this study confirmed that the interaction effect of the sought variables for the subjective benefits, which is caused by differences between situations and consumers, have more influence on a consumer`s behavior than the independent influence of the situation. The reason is that the consumers` behaviors constantly change according to the situations(Belk 1974; Dickson 1982; Quester and Smart 1998). Our research is meaningful as an explorative study to provide foundation for future research on consumer replacement purchase behavior. In addition, our study suggests better product concepts and marketing strategy directions to induce consumer replacement purchase intentions and for companies seeking to establish development strategies for new high-tech products.

      • KCI등재

        지역이미지와 소재원산지 평가가 지역제품구입에 미치는 효과

        김해룡 ( Hae Ryong Kim ),이형탁 ( Hyoung Tark Lee ) 한국소비자학회 2011 소비자학연구 Vol.22 No.2

        최근 지역원산지효과와 관련된 연구들이 늘고 있다. 본 연구는 국내 사과산지에서 생산되는 와인에 대한 소비자들의 구입의사를 소재원산지평가 관점에서 살펴보고 있다. 본 연구는 지역이미지를 소재원산지평가의 선행변수로 제시하면서 지역이미지가 구입의사에 미치는 직·간접효과를 살폈다. 또한 소재원산지평가가 구입의사에 미치는 영향력을 지각된 가치와 지각된 위험의 매개과정으로 설명하였다. 연구결과 지역의 인지적이미지와 정서적이미지는 모두 해당지역의 소재원산지평가에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 지역이미지가 구입의사에 미치는 직접효과는 입증되지 않았다. 한편 소재원산지평가는 와인의 구입의사에 직접적이고 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 뿐만 아니라, 와인에 대한 지각된 가치를 높이거나 지각된 위험을 낮추는 과정을 통해서 간접적으로 구입의사에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이를 통해 지역브랜드와 제품생산과 관련된 소재원산지 단서를 체계적으로 활용하는 전략이 해당 지역에서 제품을 생산하여 판매하는 기업들에게 유용한 마케팅전략이 될 수 있음을 알 수 있다. Several studies have shown that a product`s country of origin(hereafter COO) can influence consumers` evaluations of the product. However, despite their importance, the studies of place-of-origin effects(hereafter POO) have remained largely neglected. Consider, though, that POO may be expected to have a large effect on product evaluation, it is unclear what process by which product evaluation is formed. The existing literature suggests that COO construct can be broadly understood and decomposed from a single measure to a multidimensional construct. For example, country-of-design(COD) and country-of-parts(COP) evaluations affect consumer perceptions of product quality. In the present research, we investigate the relationship among place image, POO evaluations, and consumers` purchase intentions of the regional product. Especially, we will consider the POO evaluations, giving a highlight on the place-of-parts(hereafter POP) for the regional product. To explain how POP evaluations create purchase intentions of the regional product, we suggest the role of both perceived value and perceived risk. Specifically, this study explains how both perceived value and perceived risk can mediate the effects of POP evaluations on purchase intentions of the regional product(apple-wine). We also suggest that adding place image is needed to consider different effects on purchase intentions. The present study considers place image as an antecedent of consumers` POP evaluations. It also considers the direct relationship between place image and purchase intentions of the regional product. To test the hypotheses, we took a survey with 245 adult consumers. Apple-wine was selected for the study because wine consumers are highly influenced by wine attributes such as brand and producers. POO information also could be one of the most important factors influencing wine consumption. We established the following hypotheses. H 1.1: Consumers` cognitive associations for the place(place image) have a positive relationship with POP evaluations. H 1.2: Consumers` affective associations for the place(place image) have a positive relationship with POP evaluations. H 2.1: Consumers` cognitive associations for the place(place image) have a positive relationship with purchase intentions of the regional product. H 2.1: Consumers` affective associations for the place(place image) have a positive relationship with purchase intentions of the regional product. H 3.1: Consumers` POP evaluations have a positive relationship with perceived value of the regional product. H 3.2: Consumers` perceived value has a positive relationship with purchase intentions of the regional product. H 3.3: Consumers` POP evaluations have a negative relationship with perceived risk of the regional product. H 3.4: Consumers` perceived risk has a negative relationship with purchase intentions of the regional product. H 4: Consumers` POP evaluations have a positive relationship with purchase intentions of the regional product. The results of measurement model indicate that the across construct confirmatory factor analysis provided an acceptable fit to the data. We tested the proposed conceptual model using structural equation modeling. The results also indicate that the data fit our conceptual model acceptably. The results show that both cognitive and affective place image have influence on POP evaluations in the positive direction. However, place image has no direct effect on purchase intentions. Meanwhile, POP evaluations can also have a positive direct influence on purchase intentions. This study also found that POP evaluations increase purchase intentions, mediated by customers` perceived value and perceived risk. Perceived risk also has a negative relations with perceived value. This study extends the existing research stream on place marketing. Based on the COO related theories, the present study confirms that POP can be a key factor in terms of building consumers` positive attitude for the regional products. This study also offers insight in to understanding of marketing strategy for the regional products. Specifically, results provide support for the contention that the application of place image and product-related origin informations is an effective way to increase the regional product`s marketing performance.

      • KCI등재

        Multi-Structural Analysis of Perceived Supervisor Support, Perceived Team and Organizational Support and Withdrawal Intention of Hotel Employees

        Woo Jin Kim,Kyung Yeon Park,Won Seok Seo 한국호텔외식관광경영학회 2010 호텔경영학연구 Vol.19 No.5

        This study is to identify multi-structural relation among perceived supervisor support, perceived team support, perceived organizational support, team change intention and turnover intention of hotel employees. Data was collected from employees of 5 star hotel in Seoul, Korea. Based on collecting data, hypotheses were examined by using path analysis. The results are summarized as follows. First, perceived supervisor support has positive effect on perceived team support. Second, perceived supervisor support has positive effect on perceived organizational support. Third, Perceived Team support has negative effect on team change intention. Fourth, perceived organizational support has negative effect on turnover intention. Fifth, perceived team support has positive effect on perceived organizational support. Lastly, team change intention has positive effect on turnover intention.

      • KCI등재

        소비자 독특성 및 편의점 관련 특성에 따른 편의점 재이용의도: 지각된 즐거움의 조절효과를 중심으로

        류미현 한국소비문화학회 2017 소비문화연구 Vol.20 No.4

        Lately, along with the increase of one-or two-person households, changes in consuming trends like preferring small goods or shopping at a near distance, or development of PB products, consumers are using convenience stores more and more. To suggest ways to satisfy convenience store users’ needs, it would be meaningful to analyze consumers’ recognition on the convenience store and factors influencing their reuse intention multilaterally. Particularly, this study analyzes in using a convenience store, how one of the variables of consumer characteristics, consumer uniqueness, and convenience store-related variables, perceived risk, perceived usefulness, and social influence, are correlated with reuse intention. Furthermore, this author analyzes if perceived enjoyment has any moderating effect in correlation between all the variables and reuse intention. According to the major findings of this study, first, in analysis on difference regarding consumer uniqueness, convenience store-related variables, and convenience store reuse intention associated with perceived enjoyment, consumer uniqueness, perceived usefulness, social influence, and perceived enjoyment all indicate difference among three groups, the high, middle, and low. The high group indicates the highest convenience store reuse intention, and the next are the middle and low in order. Meanwhile, about perceived risk, the high and middle groups indicate lower convenience store reuse intention than the low group. Second, regarding the moderating effect of perceived enjoyment on convenience store reuse intention, partially significant moderating effect has been found. In other words, there is significant interaction found between perceived risk and perceived enjoyment, and between social influence and perceived enjoyment, so perceived enjoyment has been found to exert moderating effect. Accordingly, to increase convenience store reuse intention, it is important to make efforts in practical aspects, for instance, a convenience store’s efficiency or economics; however, it is also necessary to endeavor to satisfy consumer needs in terms of enjoyment or interest. 최근 1-2인 가구의 증가, 소용량․근거리 쇼핑 등 소비트렌드의 변화, 다양한 PB상품 개발 등으로 인하여 소비자들의 편의점 이용이 더욱 증가되고 있다. 따라서 편의점 이용자들의 욕구를 충족시켜 줄 수 있는 방안을 제시하기 위하여 소비자들의 편의점에 대한 인식 및 재이용의도에 대한 영향요인을 다양하게 분석해 보는 것은 의미가 있을 것이다. 본 연구에서는 편의점을 이용하는데 있어 소비자특성 변수로서 소비자 독특성과 편의점 관련변수인 지각된 위험, 지각된 유용성, 사회적인 영향이 재이용의도에 미치는 관련성을 분석하였다. 아울러 제 변수와 재이용의도와의 관계에서 지각된 즐거움의 조절효과를 분석하였다. 주요 연구 결과를 보면 첫째, 소비자 독특성, 편의점 관련 변수, 지각된 즐거움에 따른 편의점 재이용의도에대한 차이 분석에서는 소비자 독특성, 지각된 유용성, 사회적 영향, 지각된 즐거움 모두 상, 중, 하 세 집단간에차이를 보였고 상집단이 편의점 재이용의도가 가장 높았고 그 다음은 중, 하 순으로 나타났다. 반면, 지각된 위험의 경우에는 상, 중인 집단은 하인 집단보다 편의점 재이용의도는 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 편의점 재이용의도에 대한 지각된 즐거움의 조절효과에서는 부분적으로 유의한 조절효과를 나타내었다. 즉 지각된 위험과 지각된 즐거움의 상호작용 효과, 사회적 영향과 지각된 즐거움의 상호작용 효과가 유의하게 나타나 지각된 즐거움의조절효과가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 편의점의 재이용의도를 유도하기 위해 편의점의 효율성이나 경제성 등의 실용적인 측면의 노력도 중요하지만 소비자들에게 즐거움이나 흥미에 대한 욕구도 충족시켜 줄 수 있는 노력이 요구된다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 관광객의 상속자본, 사회적 지위, 지각된 위험이 지각된 가치 및 관광 행동 의도에 미치는 영향 연구

        곽초,소호,유홍도,이성환 국제지역학회 2020 국제지역연구 Vol.24 No.1

        This study set and tested a study model to find out how inherited capital, social status and perceived risk affect Chinese tourists' perceived value and tourist behavioral intention. Based on a survey of 355 copies of Chinese tourists who visited Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam, based on a survey of 355 copies of the research sample, data analysis was conducted with Smart-PLS 3.0 using the partial least squares method (PLS) of the structural equation modeling technique. The summary of the test results of this study is as follows. First, it was confirmed that the social status of Chinese tourists has a significant effect on the perceived value in the positive direction, but the social status does not directly affect the intention of tourism action. Second, it was confirmed that the inherited capital of Chinese tourists also affects social status and perceived values, but not tourism intentions. Third, the perceived value and perceived risk of Chinese tourists is that the effect on tourism intention is significant in the positive direction. Fourth, the perceived value of Chinese tourists showed that social status, inherited capital, and perceived risks play a mediating role in tourism intention. Therefore, through this study, it was found that tourism behavior is determined based on the perceived value or the value of perceived risk rather than the factors of inherited capital or acquired capital as a determinant of tourist behavior intention of Chinese tourists. This means that the evaluation of perceived value or perceived risk is secured, and the inherited capital or social status is further expanded into tourism intention by acting as a mediating role of perceived value or perceived risk. 본 연구는 중국 관광객을 대상으로 상속자본, 사회적 지위 그리고 지각된 위험이 중국 관광객이 지각한 가치와 관광행동의도에 어떻게 영향을 주는가를 알아보고자 연구모형을 설정하여 검정하였다. 부산, 울산, 경남지역을 방문한 중국 관광객을 연구 표본대상으로 한 355부의 설문조사를 토대로 구조방정식 모델링 기법 중 부분 최소제곱법(PLS)으로 자료 분석을 Smart-PLS 3.0으로 진행하였다. 본 연구의 검정결과의 요약은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중국 관광객의 사회적 지위가 지각된 가치에 정(+)의 방향으로 유의한 영향을 미치지만, 사회적 지위가 관광 행동 의도에 직접 영향을 미치지 않는다는 사실을 확인하였다. 둘째, 중국 관광객의 상속자본 또한 사회적 지위와 지각된 가치에는 영향을 주지만 관광 행동 의도에는 영향을 끼치지 않는다는 사실을 확인하였다. 셋째, 중국 관광객의 지각된 가치와 지각된 위험은 관광행동의도에 미치는 영향이 정(+)의 방향으로 유의하다는 것이다. 넷째, 중국 관광객의 지각된 가치가 사회적 지위나, 상속자본, 지각된 위험이 관광행동의도에 매개역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해서 중국 관광객의 관광행동의도의 결정요인으로 상속자본이나 획득자본의 요인보다는 지각된 가치나 지각된 위험의 가치의 기준으로 관광 행동을 결정하는 것으로 나타났으며. 이는 지각된 가치나 지각된 위험에 대한 평가가 확보되고 상속자본이나 사회적 지위는 지각된 가치나 지각된 위험이 매개역할을 함으로써 관광행동의도에 더욱 확대된다는 것을 의미한다.

      • Investigating Temporal Effects of Value and Risk Perceptions, and Product Satisfaction on Behavioral Intentions - Longitudinal Study

        Hee-Young Son,Man-Su Kang,Sang-Kyu Park 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Software Engineering and Vol.9 No.8

        This study investigates changes in the relationship between product satisfaction and behavioral intention based on perceived value and risk over time in the context of smartphones, which is a typical product in the issue of smart devices these days. As the smartphone market is a typical product market that changes rapidly, changes in user needs appear largely over time, according to improving product performance and the turning of competitive environments. Therefore, a study of the contemporary time as a parameter in the smartphone market is assessed as offering very important implications. A study of Ha & Son [7] has confirmed change over time in the relationship between product usage satisfaction and loyalty intentions based on performance and financial risk. However, it has used a portion of risk factors and provider’s overall satisfaction, switching cost and stipulated time to moderate variables, so it is necessary to extend the study on relationships between generally perceived risk and value. Thus, this study focuses change overtime in the relationship, perceived value, perceived risk and time for satisfaction and behavioral intention, based on a traditional consumption-system approach by Mittal, Kumar and Tsiros [27]. The purpose of this study is to research changes of value and risk overtime that are inherent in the psychology of customers in mobile service, product and related industries as well as the smartphone market. Findings show that perceived value and risk have an influence on product satisfaction positively and negatively at time points T and T+1, and that product satisfaction has an effect on behavioral intention [10]. However, while perceived value affects behavioral intention directly, perceived risk does not. Carryover effects appear significantly for all variables, perceived value, perceived risk, product satisfaction and behavioral intention. In this study, through finding the changes in customer’s satisfaction and intention and the effect between earlier time and continuous time, it provides theoretical implications through the extending of previous research and managerial implications to change the perception of customers due to the time variable.

      • KCI등재

        스마트 의류의 혁신속성과 지각된 위험이 제품 태도 및 수용의도에 미치는 영향

        Ko Eunju(高?珠),Heewon Sung(成喜媛),Hyerim Yoon(尹惠林) 한국마케팅과학회 2008 마케팅과학연구 Vol.18 No.2

          디지털 기술의 발전으로 일상생활에 접목시킨 스마트 의류 개발에 관한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있으나, 실질적으로 착용하게 될 소비자의 인식이나 태도에 관한 연구가 이루어지지 않고 있다. 본 연구에서는 스마트의류의 지각된 혁신속성과 위험지각 차원이 제품 태도와 수용의도에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 대학생을 대상으로 설문지법을 이용하여 조사하였다.<BR>  연구의 결과, 스마트의류의 지각된 혁신속성은 상대적 이점, 가시성, 복잡성의 3가지 요인으로, 지각된 위험은 신체/성과적 위험, 사회심리적 위험, 시간손실 위험, 경제적 위험 4가지 요인으로 추출되었다. 혁신특성 중 상대적 이점, 가시성이, 위험지각 중 사회심리적 위험과 경제적 위험이 제품 태도와 구매의도 예측에 주요한 변인으로 나타났다. 한편 사회심리적, 경제적 위험은 상대적이점과 복잡성을 설명하는데, 신체성과적, 사회심리적, 시간손실 위험은 가시성을 설명하는데 유의한 변인으로 나타났다. 제품 태도는 혁신특성과 구매 의도 사이에서는 부분매개 역할을, 위험지각과 구매의도 사이에서는 완전매개역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 스마트의류 구입 시 소비자가 인지하는 혁신특성과 지각된 위험의 유형을 파악함으로써 스마트의류 마케터들이 소비자의 긍정적인 태도 형성을 위한 마케팅 전략 수립 시 활용할 수 있는 기초 정보를 제시하였다.   Due to the development of digital technology, studies regarding smart wear integrating daily life have rapidly increased. However, consumer research about perception and attitude toward smart clothing hardly could find. The purpose of this study was to identify innovative characteristics and perceived risk of smart clothing and to analyze the influences of theses factors on product attitudes and intention to adopt. Specifically, five hypotheses were established.<BR>  H1: Perceived attributes of smart clothing except for complexity would have positive relations to product attitude or purchase intention, while complexity would be opposite.<BR>  H2: Product attitude would have positive relation to purchase intention.<BR>  H3: Product attitude would have a mediating effect between perceived attributes and purchase intention.<BR>  H4: Perceived risks of smart clothing would have negative relations to perceived attributes except for complexity, and positive relations to complexity.<BR>  H5: Product attitude would have a mediating effect between perceived risks and purchase intention.<BR>  A self-administered questionnaire was developed based on previous studies. After pretest, the data were collected during September, 2006, from university students in Korea who were relatively sensitive to innovative products. A total of 300 final useful questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS 13.0 program. About 60.3% were male with the mean age of 21.3 years old. About 59.3% reported that they were aware of smart clothing, but only 9 respondents purchased it. The mean of attitudes toward smart clothing and purchase intention was 2.96 (SD=.56) and 2.63 (SD=.65) respectively.<BR>  Factor analysis using principal components with varimax rotation was conducted to identify perceived attribute and perceived risk dimensions. Perceived attributes of smart wear were categorized into relative advantage (including compatibility), observability (including triability), and complexity. Perceived risks were identified into physical/performance risk, social psychological risk, time loss risk, and economic risk.<BR>  Regression analysis was conducted to test five hypotheses. Relative advantage and observability were significant predictors of product attitude (adj R²=.223) and purchase intention (adj R²=.221). Complexity showed negative influence on product attitude. Product attitude presented significant relation to purchase intention (adj R²=.692) and partial mediating effect between perceived attributes and purchase intention (adj R²=.698). Therefore hypothesis one to three were accepted.<BR>  In order to test hypothesis four, four dimensions of perceived risk and demographic variables (age, gender, monthly household income, awareness of smart clothing, and purchase experience) were entered as independent variables in the regression models. Social psychological risk, economic risk, and gender (female) were significant to predict relative advantage (adj R²=.276). When perceived observability was a dependent variable, social psychological risk, time loss risk, physical/performance risk, and age (younger) were significant in order (adj R²=.l44). However, physical/performance risk was positively related to observability. The more Koreans seemed to be observable of smart clothing, the more increased the probability of physical harm or performance problems received. Complexity was predicted by product awareness, social psychological risk, economic risk, and purchase experience in order (adj R²=.114). Product awareness was negatively related to complexity, meaning high level of product awareness would reduce complexity of smart clothing. However, purchase experience presented positive relation with complexity. It appears that consumers can perceive high level of complexity when they are actually consuming smart clothing in real life. Risk variables were po


        Jinghe Han,Eunju Ko 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2017 No.07

        In contemporary society, the severity of social problems, such as environment pollution, is gradually raising people’s awareness towards sustainability (Gleim, Smith, Andrews, & Cronin, 2013). The fashion industry’s interest in sustainability is growing. However, consumers have neither sufficient knowledge or, nor faith in, sustainable fashion, and often question the reasons to pursue sustainability (Skov, 2009). The success of sustainable fashion depends on effective branding and marketing communications strategies designed to enhance consumers' knowledge, benefit and value perception. Providing consumers with the benefits of new products is an effective way of communicating (Lee & Colarelli O'Connor, 2003). Knowledge is an important variable affecting consumers ' perceived benefits (Haas & Hansen, 2007). Consumers’ values, attitude, and knowledge also affect their environment awareness and actions (Laroche, Bergeron, & Barbaro-Forleo, 2001). According to a previous study, environmental knowledge plays an important role in consumer behavior (Tilikidou, 2006). Consumers perceive various kinds of value according to their knowledge (Haas & Hansen, 2007; Hartmann & Apaolaza-Ib??ez, 2012). Therefore, it is crucial to create awareness of the effect of consumer behaviors on the environment (Cegarra-Navarro, Cordoba-Pachon, & Fernandez de Bobadilla, 2009). Many studies have highlighted the leading factors influencing sustainable behavior (Cervellon & Wernerfelt, 2012). However, there a dearth of research on how sustainable knowledge influences perceived benefit, perceived value and behavior Thus, the purpose of the present research is as follows: (1) to identify the effects of sustainable fashion knowledge on perceived benefit and perceived risk, (2) to investigate how perceived benefit and perceived risk influence perceived value, and (3) to investigate perceived value’s influence on purchase intention and knowledge sharing intention. Sustainable fashion education, nationality, and uncertainty avoidance, will have a moderating effects on relationships among sustainable fashion knowledge, perceived benefit, perceived risk, perceived value, purchase intention, and knowledge sharing intention. Four hundred fifty samples were collected to measure sustainable fashion knowledge, perceived benefit, perceived risk, perceived value, purchase intention, knowledge sharing intention, uncertainty avoidance, and demographic variables. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 18.0 for descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis, and AMOS 18.0 for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), validity test and multiple group analysis on the results. A measurement model was then estimated by examining the results of the CFA. The main results of this research are as follows: (1) sustainable fashion knowledge has a positive influence on perceived benefit and perceived risk, (2) perceived benefit and perceived risk have a positive influence on perceived value, (3) perceived value has a positive influence on purchase intention and knowledge sharing intention, and (4) there was a difference in the relationship between variables according to the consumer groups (education, nationality, uncertainty avoidance tendency). This study is meaningful for taking an in-depth look at the influence of customers’ perceived value, based on their level of sustainable knowledge, on consumer behavior and on knowledge sharing related to sustainable fashion. In terms of practical applications, this study can provide in-depth and empirically-supported online education and a brand marketing strategies regarding an actual sustainable fashion brand.

      • KCI등재

        무인점포 고객의 사용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 서비스스케이프와 기술준비도를 중심으로

        김봉석,유재원 한국생산성학회 2024 生産性論集 Vol.38 No.3

        정보통신기술의 발전과 인건비 상승 등 사회적 변화로 인해 판매원이 존재하지 않는 무인점포를 우리 주변에서쉽게 발견할 수 있다. 이러한 무인점포의 확연한 발전에 비해 학문적 고찰과 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 일부 신기술과 시스템 환경을 중심으로 한 무인점포의 선행연구는 존재하나, 소비자 행동을 중심으로 한 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 무인점포 소비자의 사용의도에 영향을 미치는 사용의도에 대한 서비스스케이프와 기술준비도의 영향을 중심으로 연구하였다. 무인점포를 이용한 320명의 소비자를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 고차 요인분석과 형성적 변수(Formative construct) 분석에 용이한 PLS-SEM 구조방정식 모형으로 진행하였다. 연구 결과, 서비스스케이프와 기술준비도는 모두 무인점포 사용의도에 유의한 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 서비스스케이프는 지각된 사용용이성과 지각된 즐거움을 통해 사용의도에 긍정적인 영향을 주었으며, 기술준비도는 지각된사용용이성과 지각된 즐거움을 통해 사용의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 기술준비도는 서비스스케이프에 비해 무인점포의 사용의도에 더 큰 영향을 미친 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 연구결과는 서비스스케이프와 기술준비도가 무인점포의 사용의도를 결정하는데 중요한 요인임을 시사한다. 무인점포를 설계 및 운영하는 관리자는 편안한 서비스스케이프를 조성하는데 초점을 맞추어야 하며, 사용하기 용이하고 새로운 가치를 주는 기술을 개발하여 사용자가기술적 환경에 자연스럽게 녹아 들 수 있는 환경조성에 초점을 맞추어야 할 것이다. Due to social changes driven by advancement of information and communication technology and rising labor costs, unmanned stores without sales staff can readily prevalent in our life. Despite the clear progress of unmanned stores, there is a lack of academic consideration and research. Although there are previous studies on unmanned stores that focus on some new technologies and system environments, there is insufficient research that focuses on consumer behavior when using unmanned stores. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence consumers’ intention to use unmanned stores in a non-face-to-face distribution environment. The unmanned stores are a new distribution channel that leverages artificial intelligence and self-service technology to transform traditional retail service models. we measured technology readiness as an internal factor and servicescape as an external factor, and these are the components of technology acceptance model, such as perceived ease of use and perceived pleasure, and their impact on consumer usage intention. This research is expected to promote understanding of consumer behavior at unmanned stores in a non-face-to-face distribution environment, and contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of unmanned stores and improving con-sumer satisfaction. The research design aim to proposes and verifies a model that combines Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with Technology Readiness (TR) and Servicescape to explain the behavior of customers using unmanned stores. Technology Acceptance Theory model (TAM) explains that a user’s perceived ease of use, perceived utility, and perceived pleasure influence usage intentions. The Technology Readiness (TR) explains that users’ optimism, innovativeness, discomfort, and anxiety reflect their susceptibility to new technologies, and the TR concept is a combination of four concepts applied to a second-order formative construct. The servicescape, which includes the physical and social environment of an unmanned store, is composed of spatiality, convenience, stability, and cleanliness, and this is analyzed as a second- order reflective construct. That is, we seek to study how technology readiness and servicescapes influence consumers’ perceived ease of use, perceived pleasure, and usage intentions. The servicescape is composed of spatiality, convenience, comfort, and cleanliness, and defines a second-order reflective construct, and the technology readiness is composed of optimism, innovation, discomfort, anxiety which were defined as second-order formative indicators, and analyzed perceived Ease of use, perceived pleasure, and intention to use. As a result, show that servicescape and technology readiness have a positive (+) influence on perceived ease of use and perceived pleasure, and perceived ease of use and perceived pleasure have a positive (+) influence on usage intention. In other words, in the service environment provided by unmanned stores, a technology readiness that integrates the technology usage ability, technical understanding, and adaptability of customers using unmanned stores can be positive impacted to convenience of customer and ease of use. Unmanned stores are rapidly growing due to factors such as technological development, changes in consumer perception, and increasing demand for face-to-faceservices. Through this study, we were able to suggest the direction for the development of unmanned stores by analyzing the factors behind the intention to use them. This study presented the importance of the servicescape of unmanned stores and the technological readiness of consumers, and provided suggestions for improving the competitiveness of unmanned stores by understanding consumers desires and values. By the influence of technology readiness, which is an internal influence variable of unmanned store users, it was possible to get implications that it could have a greater impact on ease of use and enjoyment of use. Existi...

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