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      • KCI등재

        The Relationship among Country of Origin, Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty : Comparison among USA, China and Korea

        Eunju Ko(고은주),Kyung Hoon Kim(김경훈),Sook Hyun Kim(김숙현),Guofeng Li(李国锋),Peng Zou(邹鹏),Hao Zhang(张昊) 한국마케팅과학회 2009 마케팅과학연구 Vol.19 No.1

        市場環境的競爭日趋激烈, 要求企業把他們的産品投入到國際市場。但是如果不能对消费者的核心价值观和需求进行深入了解并作出充分的反应,企业就无法在全球消费市场获得有竞争性的影响力。品牌資産是企業的一種重要資産。尤其是在運動服裝領域, 品牌資産能够通過他的品牌的名字增加産品的效用和價値。不仅品牌資産會影響消費者態度. 其他因素, 如國家地區也有这種作用。本硏究探討原産國和品牌資産之間的關係, 以及它們如何影響消費者對某一品牌的忠誠。本硏究關注運動鞋市場, 這是因爲這一市場爲世界範圍內的生産者提供了更多機會。 本硏究的目的包括 : 1 原産國大品牌資産的影響 ; 2 品牌資産如何影響消費者的品牌忠誠 ; 3 在三國之間原産國和品牌資産的影響是否有所不同 ; 4 對不同的生活方式, 原産國和品牌資産的影響是否有所不同在文獻綜述的基礎上提出以下假設 : H1-a: 國家形象對原産國有積极影響 ; H1-b: 産品認知對原産國有積极影響 ; H2-a: 感知質量對品牌資産有積极影響 ; H2-b: 感知價格對品牌資産有積极影響 ; H3: 原産國對品牌資産有積极影響 ; H4: 品牌資産對品牌忠誠有有積极影響 ; 硏究結果可以歸納爲 : 在三個國歌之間, 運動鞋購買行爲、喜愛品牌、購買品牌、購買地點、信息使用和喜愛的運動項目都有顯著差異。硏究結果把原産國、品牌資産和品牌忠誠的關係擴展到運動鞋市場。品牌資産在三個國家中都與品牌忠誠有顯著關係。影響品牌資産的因素在三國之間有所不同。本硏究還將三國的消費者按生活方式劃分爲 : 前衛型、跟随型和落伍型。不考慮國家界限整合成新的消費者群體, 崱每個群體內部有相似的偏好和購買品牌。所有的消費者都認爲品牌資産影響品牌忠誠。對于前衛型消費者來說, 感知價格是影響品牌資産的唯一因素, 品牌本身更爲重要。落伍者不關心任何因素, 對于跟随型消費者, 除了感知價格其他因素都是重要的。 當一個品牌引入新的市場時, 營銷經理需要考虑品牌資産。本地化是基本策略。對于全球品牌來說, 了解各個國家消費者的共性特征比全球戰略更爲重要。 The marketing environment has become competitive to an extent that requires firms to target their products at markets that span national boundaries. However, competitive clout cannot be achieved in global consumer markets unless firms thoroughly understand and adequately respond to the core values and needs of those consumers. Brand equity is one of the most important assets to a company. Especially in sportswear markets, brand equity is the crucial value added to a product by its brand name. Factors such as country of origin also influence customer’s attitude towards brand equity. Therefore, this paper discusses the relationship between country of origin effect and brand equity, and how they influence consumers’ loyalty for respective brands. This paper focused on the sports shoes market, because it is an increasing area of opportunity for world manufacturers. The objectives of this study were the following. (1) Test the effect of country of origin on brand equity. (2) Test how brand equity influences consumers’ brand loyalty. (3) Find whether there are differences in the effects of country of origin and brand equity among the three countries. (4) Find whether there are differences in the effects of country of origin and brand equity among the different lifestyles. Based on the review of literature results, the hypotheses are concluded as the following: H1-a: Country image has positive influence on country of origin. H1-b: Product perception has positive influence on country of origin. H2-a: Perceived quality has positive effect on brand equity. H2-b: Perceived price has positive effect on brand equity. H3: Country of origin has positive effect on brand equity. H4: Brand equity has a positive impact on brand loyalty. Research model was constructed (see Fig. 1). After data analysis, the following results were concluded: sports shoes purchase behavior showed significant differences among Korean, Chinese, and American consumers for favorite brand, purchased brand, purchased place, information usage, and favorite sports games. The results of this study also extend the research of the relationship among country of origin, brand equity and brand loyalty to the sports shoes market. Brand equity was proven to have a significant relationship with brand loyalty for all countries. The factors which can influence brand equity are different for different countries. The third finding of this paper is that we identified different three lifestyles, adventurer, follower, and laggard, for Korean, Chinese and American consumers. Without the nationality boundary, seeing the emergence of a new group of consumers who have similar preferences and buy similar brands is more important. All of the consumers consider brand equity to keep their brand loyalty. Perceived price is the only factor which can influence brand equity for adventurers; brand is more important for them. The laggards were not influenced by any factor. All of the factors expect perceived price are important for the followers. Marketing managers should consider brand equity when introducing their brand into a new market. Also localization is the basic strategy that all the sports shoes companies should understand. But as a global brand, understanding the same characteristics for each country is more important to build global strategy.

      • KCI등재

        Relationships among Brand Equity Components: An Exploratory Study of the Moderating Role of Product Type

        Byeong-Joon Moon,Wonkyu Park,Sang-Chul Choi 한국마케팅과학회 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.1

        Research on the construction, measurement, and management of brand equity has been extensive since David A. Aaker (1991) and Kevin Lane Keller(1993) first advanced the concept. Recently, much attention has been devoted to the components of brand equity: brand awareness, perceived quality, brand image, and brand loyalty. This snldy explores the relationships among these components, focusing particularly on the moderating role of product type (utilitarian vs. hedonic) in their causal rclationships. A model to study the relationship among components of brand equity, particularly the moderating role of product type, is featured in Figure I. The hypotheses of the study are proposed as follows: that consumers' brand awareness has a positive influence on brand loyalty and brand image; that consumers' perceived quality has a positive influence on brand loyalty and brand Image; that consumers' brand imaoe b influences brand loyalty positively; and that relationships among components of brand equity will be moderated by product type. That is, in the case of utilitarian products, the impact of perceived quality on brand loyalty will be relatively stronger, whereas with hedonic products the impact of brand image on brand loyalty will be relatively stronger. To detennine the products for the study, a pre-test of 58 college students in the Seoul metropolitan area was conducted based on the product type scale. As a result, computers were selected as the utilitarian product and blue jeans became the hedonic product. For each product type, two brands were selected: Samsung and HP for computers, and Levis and Nix for blue jeans. In the main study, 237 college students in the metropolitan area were surveyed to measure their brand awareness perceived quality, brand image, and brand loyalty toward the selected two brands of each product type. The subjects were divided into two groups: one group (121 subjects) for computers, the other (116 subjects) for blue jeans. The survey questionnaires for the study included four pans: five questions on brand awareness and four questions each on perceived quality, brand image, and brand loyalty. All questions were to be answered using 7-point Likert scales. The data collected by the survey were processed to assess reliability and validity, and the causal relationships were analyzed to verify the hypotheses using the AMOS 7 program, a tool for analyzing structural equation modeling. A confirmatory factor analysis assessed the appropriateness of the measurement model, and the fit indices denoted that the model was satisfactory. The relationships among the components of brand equity were also analyzed using AMOS 7. The fit indices of the structural model denoted that it was also satisfactory. The paths in the structural model as will be seen in Figure 2 show that perceived quality affects brand image positively, but that brand awareness does not affect brand image. Moreover, it shows that brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand image are positively related with brand loyalty, and that this relationship is moderated by product type. In the case of utilitarian products, perceived quality has relatively more influence on brand loyalty. Conversely, in the case of hedonic products, brand image has relatively more influence on brand loyalty. The results of this empirical study contribute toward the advancement of our understanding of the relationships among the components of brand equity and expand the theoretical underpinnings for brand equity measurement. It also helps further our understanding of the effect of product type on customer-based brand equity. In a marketing management practice perspective, these results may provide managerial implications for building and maintaining brand equity effectively.

      • KCI등재

        원산지효과, 상표자산 및 상표충성 간의 관계에 관한 연구: 미국, 중국, 한국의 비교분석

        고은주,김경훈,김숙현,이구봉,추붕,장호,Ko, Eun-Ju,Kim, Kyung-Hoon,Kim, Sook-Hyun,Li, Guo-Feng,Zou, Peng,Zhang, Hao 한국마케팅과학회 2009 마케팅과학연구 Vol.19 No.1

        The marketing environment has become competitive to an extent that requires firms to target their products at markets that span national boundaries. However, competitive clout cannot be achieved in global consumer markets unless firms thoroughly understand and adequately respond to the core values and needs of those consumers. Brand equity is one of the most important assets to a company. Especially in sportswear markets, brand equity is the crucial value added to a product by its brand name. Factors such as country of origin also influence customer's attitude towards brand equity. Therefore, this paper discusses the relationship between country of origin effect and brand equity, and how they influence consumers' loyalty for respective brands. This paper focused on the sports shoes market, because it is an increasing area of opportunity for world manufacturers. The objectives of this study were the following. (1) Test the effect of country of origin on brand equity. (2) Test how brand equity influences consumers' brand loyalty. (3) Find whether there are differences in the effects of country of origin and brand equity among the three countries. (4) Find whether there are differences in the effects of country of origin and brand equity among the different lifestyles. Based on the review of literature results, the hypotheses are concluded as the following: H1-a: Country image has positive influence on country of origin. H1-b: Product perception has positive influence on country of origin. H2-a: Perceived quality has positive effect on brand equity. H2-b: Perceived price has positive effect on brand equity. H3: Country of origin has positive effect on brand equity. H4: Brand equity has a positive impact on brand loyalty. Research model was constructed (see Fig. 1). After data analysis, the following results were concluded: sports shoes purchase behavior showed significant differences among Korean, Chinese, and American consumers for favorite brand, purchased brand, purchased place, information usage, and favorite sports games. The results of this study also extend the research of the relationship among country of origin, brand equity and brand loyalty to the sports shoes market. Brand equity was proven to have a significant relationship with brand loyalty for all countries. The factors which can influence brand equity are different for different countries. The third finding of this paper is that we identified different three lifestyles, adventurer, follower, and laggard, for Korean, Chinese and American consumers. Without the nationality boundary, seeing the emergence of a new group of consumers who have similar preferences and buy similar brands is more important. All of the consumers consider brand equity to keep their brand loyalty. Perceived price is the only factor which can influence brand equity for adventurers; brand is more important for them. The laggards were not influenced by any factor. All of the factors expect perceived price are important for the followers. Marketing managers should consider brand equity when introducing their brand into a new market. Also localization is the basic strategy that all the sports shoes companies should understand. But as a global brand, understanding the same characteristics for each country is more important to build global strategy.

      • KCI등재

        Relationships among Brand Equity Components: An Exploratory Study of the Moderating Role of Product Type

        문병준,박원규,Sang-Chul Choi 한국마케팅과학회 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.1

        Research on the construction, measurement, and management of brand equity has been extensive since David A. Aaker (1991) and Kevin Lane Keller(1993) first advanced the concept. Recently, much attention has been devoted to the components of brand equity: brand awareness, perceived quality, brand image, and brand loyalty. This study explores the relationships among these components, focusing particularly on the moderating role of product type (utilitarian vs. hedonic) in their causal relationships. A model to study the relationship among components of brand equity, particularly the moderating role of product type, is featured in Figure 1. The hypotheses of the study are proposed as follows: that consumers' brand awareness has a positive influence on brand loyalty and brand image; that consumers' perceived quality has a positive influence on brand loyalty and brand image; that consumers' brand image influences brand loyalty positively; and that relationships among components of brand equity will be moderated by product type. That is, in the case of utilitarian products, the impact of perceived quality on brand loyalty will be relatively stronger, whereas with hedonic products the impact of brand image on brand loyalty will be relatively stronger. To determine the products for the study, a pre-test of 58 college students in the Seoul metropolitan area was conducted based on the product type scale (Park and Moon 2000; Vaughn 1986). As a result, computers were selected as the utilitarian product and blue jeans became the hedonic product. For each product type, two brands were selected: Samsung and HP for computers, and Levis and Nix for blue jeans. In the main study, 237 college students in the metropolitan area were surveyed to measure their brand awareness, perceived quality, brand image, and brand loyalty toward the selected two brands of each product type. The subjects were divided into two groups: one group (121 subjects) for computers, the other (116 subjects) for blue jeans. The survey questionnaires for the study included four parts: five questions on brand awareness and four questions each on perceived quality, brand image, and brand loyalty. All questions were to be answered using 7-point Likert scales. The data collected by the survey were processed to assess reliability and validity, and the causal relationships were analyzed to verify the hypotheses using the AMOS 7 program, a tool for analyzing structural equation modeling. A confirmatory factor analysis assessed the appropriateness of the measurement model, and the fit indices denoted that the model was satisfactory (Hu and Bentler 1999). The relationships among the components of brand equity were also analyzed using AMOS 7. The fit indices of the structural model denoted that it was also satisfactory. The paths in the structural model as will be seen in Figure 2 show that perceived quality affects brand image positively, but that brand awareness does not affect brand image. Moreover, it shows that brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand image are positively related with brand loyalty, and that this relationship is moderated by product type. In the case of utilitarian products, perceived quality has relatively more influence on brand loyalty. Conversely, in the case of hedonic products, brand image has relatively more influence on brand loyalty. The results of this empirical study contribute toward the advancement of our understanding of the relationships among the components of brand equity and expand the theoretical underpinnings for brand equity measurement. It also helps further our understanding of the effect of product type on customer-based brand equity. In a marketing management practice perspective, these results may provide managerial implications for building and maintaining brand equity effectively. 对于品牌资产的组成,测量和管理的研究开始于David A. Aaker (1991) 和Kevin Lane Keller(1993)。最近,很多的研究都集中于品牌资产的组成:品牌意识,质量预期,产品形象和品牌忠诚度。本文主要针对于这些成分间相互关系,而且特别主意产品种类(实用或者享受)的调节作用。基于以上所提及的关系所建立的模型可以参看图1。本文的假设如下:顾客的品牌意识对于顾客的忠诚度和品牌形象有积极的影响;顾客的质量预期对于品牌忠诚度和品牌形象有积极的影响;品牌形象对于品牌忠诚度有积极影响;这些品牌资产成分间的关系可以被产品种类所调节。具体说明就是,对于实用性产品,质量预期对于品牌忠诚度的作用会增强,而对于享受产品品牌形象对于品牌忠诚度的作用会更强。为了确定适用于本研究的产品,58名首尔的大学生参加了前测 (Park and Moon 2000; Vaughn 1986)。结果是计算机被选择成为实用性产品,而牛仔裤被选定成为享受产品。每一种产品各选择了两个品牌:三星和惠普以及李维斯和NIX。在研究中,首尔地区的237名大学生回答了问卷。研究对象被划分为两组:一组(121名)回答关于计算机的问卷,其他的116名回答关于牛仔裤的问卷。搜集的数据通过AMOS 7来验证可信度,效度以及变量间的相互关系。验证性因子分析证明本研究的模型是可以用来进一步研究的(Hu and Bentler 1999)。品牌资产成分间的相互关系也通过AMOS 7 来验证。结果模型的结果展现在图2中。质量预期对于品牌的形象有积极的影响,但是品牌意识却没有。但是品牌意识,质量预期,以及品牌形象都对品牌忠诚度有积极的影响。并且,这些关系受到产品种类的调节。本文的研究结果可以增进我们对于品牌资产成分间相互关系的了解,并且可以支撑对于品牌资产的测量。本文也对于产品种类的作用进行了阐述。在现实的营销管理中,这些结果可以提供一些建议来有效保持品牌资产。

      • KCI등재

        고급한정식당 ‘흙시루’ 이용객의 지각된 공정성에 관한 연구- 서비스회복과정을 중심으로 -

        박대섭,김경호,오창호 한국외식경영학회 2013 외식경영연구 Vol.16 No.6

        This research carried out theory studies, set of hypothesis, and actural proof through examination on former researches. Customers who use traditional Korean food restaurants are chosen for the actual proof, and SPSS, statistics program, is used for verification of the research hypothesis. The results of the research can be summarized as follows. Firstly, statistically, all types of perceived equity positively affect customer satisfaction. In particular, from all types of perceived equity, interaction equity affected most positively. Following by distribution equity and procedural equity. Secondly, statistically, all types of perceived equity positively affect customer loyalty. Especially, from all types of perceived equity, interaction equity affected most positively. Following by distribution equity and procedural equity. Thirdly, customer satisfaction statistically affect customer loyalty. These results say kindness and agreeableness is most significant and important. In other words, employees' response attitude, kindness, consideration toward the customers and service handling from the customers' point of view are most necessary.

      • KCI등재

        호텔 브랜드자산이 지각된 가치와 충성도에 미치는 영향

        김동준 한국외식경영학회 2012 외식경영연구 Vol.15 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of hotel brand equity on perceived value and consumer’s loyalty of five-star hotels in Seoul City. Brand awareness, brand image and perceived quality were tested in the relationship with both perceived value and brand loyalty. The findings and implications can be summarized as follows: First, brand equity had a significant relationship between with both perceived value and brand loyalty except for the brand awareness factor of brand equity. Second, both brand image factor and perceived quality factor caused a positive impact on both perceived value and brand loyalty. Third, perceived value also caused a positive impact on brand loyalty. Conclusively, both brand image factor and perceived quality factor caused positive impacts on perceived value, at the same time on brand loyalty. And perceived value caused positive impact on brand loyalty.

      • KCI등재후보

        커피전문점의 VMD 구성요인이 브랜드자산과 재구매의도에 미치는 영향

        김상수,송인암,황희중 한국유통과학회 2012 유통과학연구 Vol.10 No.11

        Purpose - This study identifies relationships amongst repurchase intentions, brand equity, and preference by applying VMD of fashion retail stores. The results would help coffee shop owners and coffee makers in devising an appropriate strategy for successfully managing coffee shops. Research design, data, methodology - The VMD model of a coffee shop includes harmony, trend, and attractiveness, while brand equity encompasses brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand image. In this study, the VMD factors of coffee shops, brand equity, and brand preference, are shown as independent variables, while repurchase intention is shown as the dependent variable. The study aims to ascertain the extent of the influence configuration factors of a coffee shop have on brand equity, brand preference, and repurchase intention. Regression analysis was used to verify the mediating effects of brand preference on brand equity and repurchase intention. The measurement items were already deemed as reliable and valid in the previous study, but some modifications were made for the purposes of this study. Questionnaires were distributed to 550 consumers on a national scale, and 517 consumers amongst these were finally used as a sample for analysis using the SPSS 17.0 statistical program. Results - First, amongst the VMD configuration factors of a coffee shop, trend, and attractiveness have a positive impact on brand equity (brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand image). Second, brand equity has a positive effect on brand preference. Third, brand preference has a positive effect on repurchase intention. Fourth, brand preference plays the role of a mediator in measuring the impact of brand awareness and brand image on customers’ repurchase intentions. Conclusions - The theoretical implications can be summarized as follows. First, this study proposes a theoretical basis that can be adapted to the VMD configuration factors of a coffee shop by identifying the relationship between brand equity and coffee shops. This study applies the VMD factors to the coffee shops and presents a new research model by examining the relationships amongst VMD components of coffee shops: brand equity, brand preference, and repurchase intention. Second, it clearly establishes the relationship between brand equity and brand preference by identifying the mediating effects of brand preference, given that brand equity has a positive impact on repurchase intention. The practical implications are as follows. First, development of brand equity and management can be important components for coffee shops in determining that the VMD configuration factors of coffee shops have an impact on brand equity. Second, amongst the VMD configuration factors, attractiveness and trend have a positive influence on choosing coffee shops, therefore store atmosphere should be attractively designed, while the menu and interiors should complement each other and be reviewed periodically to conform to the latest trend. Third, VMD configuration factors that are confirmed are not easily changed. Fourth, large franchises and foreign companies have strengths in scale, locations, and brand. Fifth, the different ways of campaigning should be compared to those of large franchises and foreign companies in order to increase brand equity using VMD configuration factors.

      • KCI등재

        축제체험과 브랜드자산 간의 영향연구

        이미혜 한국기업경영학회 2012 기업경영연구 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to identify the relation of cause and effect between festival experience and brand equity about ‘2011 Boryeong Mud Festival.’This study analyze that which experience factors were need to improve as well as managed. For this study purpose collection, classification, purification and validification of items for construction concept for festival experience and brand equity are performed. Experience and brand equity are regarded as a very important concept on festival practice as well as in academic research because sport event marketers can gain competitive advantage through successful brands. The measurement of experience and brand equity on festival has been a recent phenomenon in the festivals research area. Most available empirical research in sport events has been borrowed its methods extensively from other fields. The research analyzed following detailed matters to accomplish the purpose of this study. Firstly, it investigated the factors of festival experience and brand equity with conceptualizing. Secondly, it analyzed how the festival experience has an effect on the brand equity and among brand equity factors. Using a sample of 295, respondents are required to festival experience and brand equity. Spss 18.0and Amos 18.0 were used for data analysis. The results of this research are as follows: firstly, the think, act, relate of festival experience effected significant on brand equity. secondly, the sense and feel did not have significant effects on brand equity. thirdly, positively effected among factors of brand equity. The some of festival experience show positive effects of the brand equity, such as brand awareness, brand image, perceived quality and brand loyalty. Boryeong Mud Festival pointed out in common that continuos maintenance would be necessary for items, such as pleasantness, uniqueness. Festival experience is major determinant to on attitude of festival participation and to raise the brand equity. Accordingly, it is required to take efforts to continuous managements and improvements on festival experience. Boryeong government should raise their brand equity of festival through Boryeong Mud Festival and should also strengthen the brand equity of festival because the brand equity were positively related to further expansion of festival experience development. And variable programs which participants would experience some special and discriminative activites of festival, were to be developed to fulfill participants’ satisfaction. This study concluded with implications for the festival experience and brand equity a brief outlook for future study. 지역 간 경쟁우위를 도모하기 위하여 축제체험을 전략 수단으로 하여 축제의 브랜드가치를 높여야 한다. 이로서 축제체험과 브랜드자산에 대한 연구가 시기적으로 필요하여 본 연구에서는 이들 간의 영향관계를 연구하고 연구 후 결과를 토대로 전략적 시사점을 제공하였다. 축제체험과 브랜드자산 간의 영향에 대한 연구내용 및 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 축제체험과 브랜드자산에 대한 이론적 연구에서 개념적 접근을 수행하여 이론적 근간 마련과 구성요소를 도출하였다. 둘째, 축제체험중 인지, 감각, 행동, 관계적 체험은 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질에 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 따라서 축제체험이 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질의 브랜드자산을 형성하는데 중요한 영향요소임을 규명하였다. 셋째, 브랜드자산 구성요인 간의 영향관계에서 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질은 브랜드충성도에 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질과 브랜드충성도 간의 영향관계는 현재 참가수요에 이어 향후 잠재수요의 참가에 대한 결과인데 이들 간에는 영향을 미치므로 브랜드 충성도를 높이려면 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질 제고에 대한 다양한 전략이 강구되어야 한다. 본 연구는 체험과 브랜드자산을 축제에 적용함으로써 두 변수간의 영향관계만을 실증연구 함에 한계를 지녔다. 이는 축제를 대상으로 한 초기연구였으므로 앞으로 보다 깊이 있고 다양한 차원의 연구로서 다소 미흡하였으므로, 앞으로는 본 연구를 토대로 보다 발전적인 후속연구가 지속적으로 이루어져야 할 것이다

      • KCI등재

        종업원브랜드자신이 브랜드시민행동과 고객지향성에 미치는 영향 : SOBC 모델을 중심으로

        신동호(Sihn, Tongho) 한국물류학회 2020 물류학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        This paper expanded the research of brand equity perspective to employees who play an important role for building brand equity to overcome limitations of previous researches based on financial and consumer perspective to provide comprehensive strategy of brand equity. The objective of this research was to provide theoretical and managerial implications by investigating the affective relationship of employee brand equity and three dimensions of employee brand equity: brand knowledge, role clarity, and brand commitment with perceived organizational support, brand citizenship behavior and customer orientation based on the SOBC model. The 10 hypotheses were proposed and explained based on precedent researches for this study. Survey method was adopted to collect data from domestic employees in Korea. Structural equation modeling method was used to validate and verify the proposed model and hypotheses. The results of this study were as follows. First, perceived organizational support had a positive relationship with all of three dimensions of employee brand equity respectively which were brand knowledge, role clarity, and brand commitment. Second, both brand knowledge and brand commitment had significant relationships with brand citizenship behavior, but role clarity did not have direct relationship with brand citizenship behavior. Third, role clarity had a significant impact on customer orientation, but both brand knowledge and brand commitment did not have direct relationships with customer orientation. Fourth, brand citizenship behavior had a positive relationship with customer orientation. Additionally this research confirmed that perceived organizational support had indirect effects on both brand citizenship behavior and customer orientation respectively. Brand commitment also had indirect effect on customer orientation. The results of this study implicated that companies should re-evaluate the importance of employee roles to build and enhance brand equity, moreover, they are required to develop a comprehensive brand equity strategy including employee brand equity which can be the foundation for future performance indicators of employee behaviors such as brand citizenship behavior and customer orientation. 종합적인 브랜드자산 전략 수립을 위해 기존의 제한적인 소비자 관점 및 재무적 관점의 브랜드자산 연구를 확장하여 브랜드자 산 형성에 중요한 역할을 하는 종업원을 기반으로 하는 종업원브랜드자산의 연구는 의미가 있을 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구는 SOBC 모델을 적용하여 브랜드자산 연구에서 새롭게 등장한 3번째 관점인 종업원브랜드자산에 대한 타당성과 효과성을 실증하여 학문적 실무적 관심을 유도하고자 하였다. 구체적으로 종업원브랜드자산의 구성개념인 브랜드지식, 역할명료성, 브랜드몰입과 조 직지원인식, 브랜드시민행동 및 고객지향성의 영향관계를 규명함으로써 기업의 브랜드자산 전략에 대한 학문적 실무적인 시사점 을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 선행연구에 대한 이론적 고찰을 통하여 연구모형과 가설을 설정하였다. 실증연구는 국내 종업원을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 수집된 326부를 활용하여 구조모형방정식 분석을 통한 연구모형의 적 합도와 제안된 가설 검정을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫 번째, 조직지원인식은 종업원브랜드자산의 구성 요인인 브랜드지식, 역할명료성 및 브랜드몰입에 모두 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 두 번째, 종업원브랜드자산 의 구성요인인 브랜드지식과 브랜드몰입은 브랜드시민행동에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으나 역할명료성은 브 랜드시민행동에 영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 세 번째, 종업원브랜드자산의 구성요인인 역할명료성은 고객지향성에 유 의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으나 브랜드지식과 브랜드몰입은 고객지향성에 영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 브랜드시민행동은 고객지향성에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 종업원브랜드자산이 기업 성과에 직접적으로 작용하는 종업원의 브랜드시민행동과 고객지향성에 긍정적으로 영향을 미친다는 것을 실증적으로 분석하였다. 이러한 연구결과를 기반으로 기업이 성공적으로 브랜드자산을 강화하기 위해서는 브랜드에 대한 종업원 역할을 재검토하고 종업 원브랜드자산을 포함하는 확장된 브랜드자산 전략을 고려해야 한다는 시사점을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Roles of Equity on Consumer Emotion and Satisfaction

        김장현,요시모토 코지 한국상품학회 2013 商品學硏究 Vol.31 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to realize that the customer satisfaction process should be considered from the viewpoint of equity theory, and the emotion and satisfaction of consumers are varied by the aroused recognition of equity. In particular, it proposes that the relation between equity recognition and emotion/satisfaction depends on the personality of an individual, which can predict that the characteristics and difference of personalities of an individual can play the regulative role in the difference of satisfaction and emotion in accordance with equity, considering that the equity issue can occur in a human-to-human relation. In particular, among the various personal characteristic factors, this research focuses on extroversion and neuroticism because these two characteristic factors, among the sub factors of personality, are considered to largely influence the relation with others. Design/methodology/approach: For this research, an experiment was performed for 150 subjects and each subject was not exposed to the different scenario between each subjects design. Each of the subjects was exposed to one of 3 scenarios regarding equity. They were required to consider themselves as the person in the scenario after reading and evaluating the scenario. Subsequent to reading the scenario, the subjects were asked to answer the questionnaire regarding sorriness, emotion(negative emotion, positive emotion), and satisfaction. Results/findings: The results of this study are as follows. First, extraversion has a moderating role between equity and consumers responses(guilt, affects, and satisfaction). Second, the neuroticism's moderating effects were not founded between equity and consumers responses(affect and satisfaction). These results imply that the seller should treat consumers more consciously, especially high extraversion consumers. Future work/research: It is necessary to include additional personality factors. Further, there are various inequity causing factors aside from price. Hence, various factors should be considered, such as the waiting time or friendliness of the seller. Originality/value: This research is different from previous researches in verifying the moderating role of personality for the effect of equity, in the procedure of formation and variation of customer satisfaction.

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