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        A Study on the Activation of Figure Skating for People with Disabilities

        Sunghee Koh(Sunghee Koh) J-INSTITUTE 2022 Kinesiology Vol.7 No.2

        Purpose: This study aims to examine and suggest development directions to revitalize the process of figure skating with disability in Korea. Method: In this study, literature analysis was conducted by investigating research data on figure skating for the people with disability in order to examine the process in Korea and suggest ways to revitalize it. In addition, data of sports organizations such as the Korea Paralympic committee and Special Olympics Korea were collected to find out the need for sports for the people with disability, the characteristics and value of skating, and to find ways to revitalize figure skating. Results: This study grasped the current status and collected and analyzed data to cope with the changing environment of sports for the people with disability and the changes occurring in the field of figure skating for the people with disability. The conclusions and suggestions are as follows. First, as a representative organization of winter sports for people with disability, figure skating can be included in the national winter competition for people with disability, which can play a role in the increase of the ice skating population with the Special Olympic Korea Committee. Second, various positive effects can be physically and mentally through the continuous participation of disa-bled people in figure skating, and balanced development should be established by establishing a linkage system from sports people with disability to professional sports for the purpose of improving and developing perfor-mance. When planning projects related to professional sports, sports for all, and school sports for people with disabilities, the purpose of establishing pleasant experiences, social skills, and health improvement through phys-ical activities, and fostering professional athletes and developing performance. Third, there should be many sta-diums where athletes can officially practice. Dongcheon Ice Rink was established for the first time for the people with disability, but it is regrettable that there are other cases where training for the people with disability on the ice rink is restricted for safety reasons. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, Skating events for the people with disability are divided into short track and figure skating, and are held annually at the National Winter Games for the people with disability and the Special Olympics Winter Games. As a result, it is considered meaningful to find various ways to revitalize figure skating for the people with disability so that they can induce more participation than before COVID-19. In the future, if we create an environment where people with disability can train freely, more figure skaters will be created. Finally, in the follow-up study, it is considered that there is a need for expanded research targeting ex-perts in the special sports field, leaders by event, and participants.

      • KCI등재

        장애 패러다임 변화에 따른 한국교회의 장애인 선교 실천방안 연구

        이은미(Lee, Eun-mi) 한국선교신학회 2010 선교신학 Vol.25 No.-

        This study aims ar exploring the perception and attitude of Korean churches toward people with disability in terms of missionary work. There were widespread prejudice and discrimination against people with disability in both Korean society and Korean churches. However disability paradigm is on the shift from rehabilitative model to independence model which emphasizes the anti-discrimination and human rights of people with disability. The mission for people with disability started from the dedicated missionaries ar the end of 1800s. The work was restarted in 1970s by a number of individuals who committed for the people with disability However most of the Korean churches were ignorant and indifferent about people with disability so the gospel was nor reached to them up to recently, not to mention the welfare for them . Since 1990s the churches starred to involve in the welfare service for people with disability and made efforts for the integration of christian disabled people into the church. According to denomination, the types and the amount of fìnancial input to the mission for people with disability appeared to be different. Bur the effectiveness and influence of the churches work are not signifìcant yet. lt is mainly because of the perception that disability is the result of sin and it is a God’'s punishment. Korean churches are obliged to change their perception and anitudes about disability so that the genuine incegration and mission for disabled people would be achieved. In order to do this, four practical strategies could be drawn as follows. First of all, the churches should create integrative environments which are free from discrimination that derives from the physical or mental difference of people with disability. Also the difference and genuineness should be fully appreciated as it is Secondly, cross-churches and denomination network and consortium must be established on the purpose of more effective mission for people with disability. Thirdly, disability specialist group need to be organized necessarily consisted of people with disability. Lastly, rheology of mission for people with disability should be reviewed and practical manual for the mission must be developed.

      • KCI등재

        고령장애인의 고용유지에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

        서지혜 ( Seo Ji-hye ),나운환 ( Na Woon-hwan ),오소윤 ( Oh So-yun ) 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2016 특수교육재활과학연구 Vol.55 No.4

        본 연구는 고령장애인의 고용유지 영향요인을 규명하여 고령장애인의 특성에 맞는 고용 대안을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위하여 한국장애인고용공단에서 실시한 2014년 제7차 장애인고용패널조사 원자료(raw data)를 활용하여 분석을 실시하였으며, 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 고령장애인 취업자 대부분은 남성이고, 고용서비스와 직업훈련을 받은 경험이 없으며, 근로자수가 50명 미만이며 노조가 없는 소규모 사업체에서 종사중인 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 고령장애인은 평균임금이 높을수록, 신체외부장애를 가진 경우, 고용서비스 이용 경험이 없는 경우에 고용유지기간이 긴 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 고령장애인의 고용유지에 영향을 미치는 변수는 경제적 요인의 평균임금, 장애 및 건강 요인의 장애유형, 인적자본요인의 고용서비스 경험이다. 넷째, 고령장애인과 비고령장애인 두 집단 모두 고용서비스를 받은 경험이 없는 경우, 좋은 일자리에 종사하는 경우에 고용유지기간이 길었으며, 고령장애인은 인구학적 요인과 거주형태가 자가인 경우, 장애유형이 신체외부장애인 경우에 고용유지기간이 길게 나타났지만, 비고령장애인은 정규근로시간에 가까울수록 고용유지기간이 길게 나타나는 차이가 있다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 고령장애인의 고용유지를 위한 제언을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to suggest the policy alternatives for the characteristics of elderly people with disabilities by investigating analysis the factors that influence the employment maintenance for elderly people with disabilities. To achieve this study purpose, using the data set of seventh-year Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled. The targets of analysis are wage earners who are over 50 years of age and the others, and followings are the result; First, most elderly people with disabilities are employed male, haven`t experience in vocational training and employment services. They work in small companies less then 50 workers and without a trade union. Second, elderly people with disabilities has a longer period of time maintaining employment when they have higher average wages, have a physical disability and haven`t employment service experience. Third, variables affecting job maintaining for elderly people with disabilities is the average wage of the economic factors, the type of disability of disability and health factors, the experienced employment services of human factors. Fourth, elderly people with disabilities and people with disabilities has a longer period of time maintaining employment when they didn`t experience employment services, working in good jobs(higher wages, full-time, presence of unions). Elderly people with disabilities has a longer period of time maintaining employment when they are male, have a spouse, large number of families, home ownership, the physical disabilities. But non-elderly people with disabilities has a larger period of time maintaining employment when they work 40 hours per week. Thus, based on the analysis results, to present some suggestions and limitations for maintaining employment of the elderly people with disabilities, is as follows: First, the development of a variety of employment services for the elderly people with disabilities, in this process, there is a need for the development of services and policies for women elderly people with disabilities. Second, there is need for the development of a variety of support services and policies for improvement of the qualitative level of employ services and the people with internal disabilities`s job maintaining. Third, people with disabilities won a good job, so that it can be maintained, it is necessary to provide appropriate policies and life-long service. Fourth, This study have a limit to the display in consideration of the employment status of the entire country, because it compared the population of elderly people with disabilities only in the population of the non-elderly persons with disabilities. Therefore, in the subsequent study, there is a need for comparative analysis study of the employment status of the entire country.

      • KCI등재

        장애인 노동시장 내부의 분단성 연구

        강동욱 한국사회복지정책학회 2005 사회복지정책 Vol.21 No.-

        본 연구에서는 노동시상 관련이론, 선행연구 및 실증적 자료를 통해 장애인 노동시장 내부에 존재하는 다양한 형태의 취약계층, 즉 다른 장애유형이나 장애정도에 비애 상대적으로 낮은 취업률, 저임금, 열악한 근무환경 또는 불안정한 고용 등으로 인해 고통을 받고 있는 특정 집단(group)의 실태를 상세하고 체계적으로 분석하였다. 그 결과 분단시장이론(segmented market theory)에서와 같이 장애인 노동시장내부에도 장애유형과 장애정도에 따른 분단성이 비교적 강하게 존재하는 것으로 나타났다 연구결과의 정책적 함의는 첫째, 장애인들 중에서도 다른 장애인들에 비해 고실업과 저임금의 비복지(dis-welfare) 상태에 상대적으로 더 많이 노출되어 있는 특정 장애유영과 중증장애인들에 대해 장애인전용작업장, 복지공장, 지원고용, 보조공학적 지원, 더블카운터제도, 장애유형과 정도에 적합한 신규직종/직무개발, 세금감면과 임금보조 등의 적극적 노동시장정책을 통해서 최소한의 노동권과 생존권을 우선적으로 보장해 주어야 안다는 것, 둘째, 연구주제와 관련된 제도들 중 연재 시행중인 수화통역수당, 직무지도원, 중증장애인 장려금 우대 및 창업지원 등의 제도적 미비점을 대폭 보완하여 정책의 실효성을 높여야 한다는 것이다. 상기의 노력들이 충실하게 이루어질 때 비로소 우리나라 장애인 노동시장내부의 분단성이 해소되고, 동시에 장애인의 사회통합도 진일보(進一步)할 것이다. Several existing labor market theories and studies for people with disabilities which assume only one competitive labor market are not very useful for exact analyzing labor market structure. Hence, this study uses segmented labor market theories. This paper also shows, using nationwide surveys for people with disabilities, data collected by the Korean Government, much detail information about the current status of people with disabilities in the Korea labor market. According to the results of this study, the labor market for people with disabilities is divided into several parts(i.e. different labor market status according to their several disability-type & disability-degree). The employment rate and wage of people with disabilities are very low compared to those of each other people with a differnt disability-type & disability-degree. This study also analyzes the labor supply functions in the Korea labor market for people with disabilities according to their disability-type & disability-degree. In Korea, there has been a lot of effort made for promoting employment of people with disabilities and this will continue in the future. However, many employment policies for people with disabilities have not been based on accurate and systematic analysis of the labor market structure. Hence the effects of those employment policies have not been very satisfactory. Hence this paper focuses on realistic analysis & development of a general theory according to their disability-type & disability-degree. So results of this study can be very helpful for exact understanding and solving of employment problems for people with disabilities in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        고령장애인의 직업 유지 영향 요인 연구

        이성규 ( Seong Gyu Lee ),김용탁 ( Yong Tak Kim ) 한국사회보장학회 2014 사회보장연구 Vol.30 No.4

        This study aims to examine the predictors influencing the elderly people with disability’s job-maintaining and to find out the improvement measures by using the data set of the sixth-year Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled. The targets of analysis are wage earners who are over 50 years of age and they are classified by the gender and the degree of disability. The predicting variables are HRD factor, disability and health factor, financial factor, and employer factor. The results are like the following. First, in comparison with non-elderly people with disability, academic background, certificate of skills, working time, safety factors are proved to be the significant predictors which influence the elderly people with disability’s job-maintaining. Second, wage and the type of employment are proved to be significant factors for the male elderly people with disability’s job-maintaining. Third, according to the degree of disability, gender, academic background, wage, type of employment, discrimination in working, and working time are the significant predictors for the elderly people with light disability, but preparation for the retirement, wage, working time and labor union are the significant for the elderly people with severe disability. Finally, this study suggests the measures to establish financial support system for the elderly people with severe disability, to keep health and improve working environment, to guarantee the rights to work, to introduce specialized vocational training program and the proper case management of elderly people with disability.

      • KCI등재

        장애인이 인식한 비장애인의 장애 이해도와 삶의 질의 관계에서 수요자 중심서비스 이용 경험의 매개효과

        이소영(So Young Lee),강선경(Sun-Kyung Kang),서상형(Sang Hyeong Seo) 한국장애인복지학회 2024 한국장애인복지학 Vol.63 No.-

        본 연구는 장애인복지 서비스 전달체계가 공급자 중심에서 수요자 중심으로 전환 됐음에도 불구하고 수요자 중심서비스 이용 경험을 조명한 연구가 미비한 것에 주목하였다. 이에 사회통합이론과 수요자 중심이론에 근거하여 장애인이 인식한 비장애인의 이해도와 삶의 질 관계에서 수요자 중심서비스 이용 경험의 매개효과를 검증하는 것에 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 “남양주시 지역 장애인복지 전달체계 구축방안 연구”에 응답한 157명을 대상으로 빈도분석, 기술통계분석, 상관관계분석을 실시하였고, 가설 검증을 위해 Spss Process Macro를 활용하여 매개효과 검증을 하였다. 주요 결과를 살펴보면, 첫째, 장애인이 인식한 비장애인의 장애에 대한 이해도가 높을수록 장애인의 삶의 질은 높아졌다. 둘째, 수요자 중심서비스 이용 경험이 높을수록 장애인의 삶의 질이 높아졌다. 마지막으로 장애인이 인식한 비장애인의 장애에 대한 이해도와 삶의 질 관계에서 수요자 중심서비스 이용 경험은 부분매개를 하였다. 제시된 결과는 사회통합이론과 수요자 중심이론을 지지하는 바이다. 연구결과를 바탕으로 비장애인의 장애에 대한 이해와 수요자 중심의 서비스 제공의 필요성을 논의하였으며, 연구의 한계점을 통해 후속연구를 위한 제언을 하였다. This study focused on the lack of research on consumer-centered service use experiences despite the fact that the disability welfare service delivery system has shifted from provider to consumer-centered. Therefore, based on social integration theory and consumer-centered theory, this study aimed to examine the mediating effect of consumer-centered service use experience on the relationship between disabled people's understanding of non-disabled people's perceived disability and their quality of life. For this purpose, frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and SPSS PROCESS MACRO were used to conduct a mediation test on 157 respondents who responded to a study on how to build a local welfare delivery system for people with disabilities in Namyangju. The results show that, first, the higher the disabled people's understanding of non-disabled people's perceived disability the higher the quality of life for people with disabilities. Second, the higher the experience of using consumer-centered services, the higher the quality of life of people with disabilities. Finally, the relationship between disabled people's understanding of non-disabled people's perceived disability and their quality of life was partially mediated by their experience in using consumer-centered services. The presented results support the social integration theory and the consumer-centered theory. Finally, the need for non-disabled people's understanding of people with disabilities and the provision of demand-centered services was discussed, and suggestions for further research were made through the limitations of the future studies.

      • 장애인 정치참여 영향요인에 관한 연구

        곽지영 ( Jee Young Kwak ) 서울여자대학교 사회복지연구센터 2011 사회복지실천 Vol.10 No.-

        본 연구는 전국의 장애인 271명을 대상으로 장애인의 현실 및 인터넷정치참여에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 규명함으로써 장애인의 정치참여 확대를 위한 정책적 함의를 도출하고자 하였다. 주요한 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 장애인의 인터넷정치참여에 영향을 미치는 요인으로는 종교와 거주지역이 나타났다. 둘째, 장애인의 현실정치참여에는 장애유형과 장애원인, 장애인의 인터넷정치참여에는 장애유형, 장애정도가 영향을 미치고 있었다. 마지막으로 장애인의 현실정치참여에는 장애인단체소속, 장애정체감, 정치효능감이 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 장애인의 인터넷정치참여에는 장애정체감, 정치효능감, 정치신뢰감이 영향을 미치는 것으로 드러났다. 결과적으로, 장애인 정치참여를 확대시키기 위해서는 장애인의 이동권과 접근권의 확보, 장애인단체의 역할지원과 장애인 정치 할당제의 제도화와 관련된 특화된 서비스와 정책적인 마련이 시급함을 알 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to examine the degree of political participation in reality and internet of the people with disability and to find factors affecting political participation in reality and internet . The data were obtained through telephone interview and personal interview with the people with disability. The final sample was consisted of 271 respondents. The data were analyzed using statistical techniques such as T-test, ANOVA and Multiple Regression. In this study, the factors affecting political participation of the people with disability in reality and internet were divided into three dimensions: social demographic factors, disability-related factors and political psychological factors. The major findings of this study were as follows: First, the social demographics factors affecting political participation of the people with disability in internet were religion and residential district. Second, the disability-related factors affecting political participation of the people with disability in reality were types of disability and cause of disability and the factors affecting political participation of the people with disability in internet were types of disability and grades of disability. Finally, the political psychological factors affecting political participation of the people with disability in reality were the beloning of the organization for the disability, the disability identity and political sense of efficiency. the political psychological factors affecting political participation of the people with disability in internet were the disability identity, political sense of efficiency and political confidence. The current findings suggest that intervention and policy aimed at improving social support system and formal services such as freedoam of movement, access right and the disabled quota system should be considered by policy makers.

      • KCI등재

        장애인의 보건의료서비스 이용 증진을 위한 지원 방안 및 향후 과제 고찰

        이숙향,홍주희 한국지체.중복.건강장애교육학회 2017 지체.중복.건강장애연구 Vol.60 No.2

        Purpose: As quality of life of people with disabilities has received increasing attention in the field, the importance of health and medical services for people with disabilities has been more emphasized. However, health disparity between people with disabilities and without disability is still one of the biggest issues that need to be solved in society. The purpose of this study was to review supports and future directions to promote access to health and medical services for people with disabilities. Method: For this purpose, 91 articles(domestic 18, foreign 73) regarding health and medical services for people with disabilities were analyzed, which were published since 2000. Results: As a result of analysis, the topic regarding current status and needs of health and medical services was addressed the most frequently. In terms of participants, people with disabilities participated in the studies most frequently, and most of them were people with intellectual disabilities. In addition, various educational and medical/institutional supports were provided for people with disabilities, their family, and medical professionals. Conclusion: Based on the findings, future directions were suggested to promote access to health and medical services for people with disabilities as follows: 1) Facilitating research about promoting self-determination of people with disabilities in their health care and medial services, 2) developing educational supports and intervention to enhance capacities of people with disabilities, their family, and medical professionals, and 3) building collaborative delivery system to promote access to health and medical services for people with disabilities. 연구목적: 장애인의 삶의 질에 대한 관심이 높아짐에 따라 장애인의 의료서비스에 대한 중요성이 더욱 부각되고 있다. 그러나 이러한 중요성에도 불구하고 장애인과 비장애인의 의료서비스의 격차가 가시화되고 있는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 장애인의 보건의료서비스 이용 증진을 위한 지원 방안 및 향후 과제를 모색하고자 한다. 연구방법: 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 2000년 이후 국내외에서 발표된 장애인의 보건의료서비스 관련 문헌 91편(국내 18편, 국외 73편)을 선정하여 연구동향 및 지원방법에 대한 심층 분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과: 연구동향 분석결과 국내외 모두 2000년 초반부터 관련 연구가 시작되었으며 ‘보건의료서비스 이용 실태 및 지원요구’에 대한 주제가 가장 많이 연구되었다. 연구대상의 경우 국내외 모두 장애인당사자가 참여한 연구가 가장 많았으나 국외는 지적장애성인에 대한 연구가 주를 이루고 있는데 비해 국내는 상대적으로 지적장애성인의 의료서비스 접근 및 이용에 중점을 둔 연구가 미흡한 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 국외연구를 중심으로 보건의료서비스 이용 증진을 위한 장애인당사자 및 주변인, 의료인의 역량 강화를 위해 다양한 교육적, 의료적/정책적 지원방법이 제공되었다. 결론: 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 국내 장애인 보건의료서비스 이용 증진을 위한 향후 과제를 다음과 같은 측면에서 제언하였다: 1) 장애인의 건강관리 및 의료적 자기결정에 대한 연구 활성화, 2) 장애인 및 관련인의 역량 강화를 위한 교육적 지원 방안 개발, 3) 보건의료서비스의 접근성 향상을 위한 협력적 전달체계 구축.

      • Developing UX Elements for Disabled People based on Literature Survey

        Mingyu Lee,Sung H. Han,Hyun K. Kim,Hanul Bang 대한인간공학회 2014 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.11

        The purpose of this study is to identify the elements of user experience (UX) of disabled people. We focused on the UX of mobile products. Many researches about the user experience have been conducted to provide the users with a wealth of experience, but those researches have been conducted only with general users (i.e., non-disabled people). In comparison with non-disabled people, disabled people have different abilities to sense or to act, so their experience with products or services also can be different. To make a product or service for disabled people with the consideration of their experience, understanding the UX of disabled people should be required. In this study, to understand the UX of disabled people, we identified UX elements of disabled people. We analyzed previous studies on usability for disabled people and UX elements for general users. A total of 3 elements, 20 subelements, and 75 subconcepts were derived for the UX element of disabled people. This study can serve as useful criteria for development or evaluation of product or service for disabled people.

      • Emergency department utilization among people with disabilities in Korea

        Kim, Agnus M.,Lee, Jin Yong,Kim, Jayeun Elsevier 2018 Disability and health journal Vol.11 No.4

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P><B>Background</B></P> <P>According to prior studies, it is possible to consider the emergency care utilization due to ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs) as a proxy measure of access to primary care but there was no confirmed study among people with disabilities.</P> <P><B>Objective/Hypothesis</B></P> <P>We examined overall emergency department (ED) utilization patterns among people with disabilities compared with the general population and estimated factors affecting ED utilization. Additionally, we examined whether there were any differences in ED visits due to ACSCs according to type and severity of disability.</P> <P><B>Methods</B></P> <P>The nationally representative Korean Health Panel Survey was used. Data from 14,616 individuals who participated in the survey from 2008 to 2012 were analyzed. The frequency and causes of emergency visits were examined between individuals with and without disabilities. A generalized regression model with Poisson distribution was applied to identify factors that affect ED visits.</P> <P><B>Results</B></P> <P>In 2012, people with disabilities were about two times as likely to visit the ED compared to people without disabilities, and people with external disability represented the largest proportion of people with disabilities. According to generalized linear model, disability was a strong predictor of ED visits, along with lower education level, being elderly, having a chronic disease, and being less healthy. Overall, ED visits due to ACSCs were about three times higher in the disabled group than in the non-disabled group.</P> <P><B>Conclusions</B></P> <P>Public health authorities should consider strengthening the primary care system to avoid unnecessary and preventable ED utilization among all Korean people, including people with disabilities.</P>

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