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      • KCI등재

        PSM-DID결합모형을 이용한 기술지원사업의 경제적 성과분석에 관한 연구-K출연연구기관이 수행한 부품․소재종합기술지원사업을 중심으로-

        정규채,고혜수,정성창 한국관리회계학회 2017 관리회계연구 Vol.17 No.3

        The government has invested a lot of budget to support SMEs. However, only preliminary feasibility studies are conducted for some projects, and subsequent performance evaluations are not obligatory. The purpose of this study is to conduct empirical evaluation of government support. In this paper, we analyzed the financial performance of the research projects implemented by K Research Institute for 6 years, which supported by Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE) from 2001 to 2008. In order to overcome the selection bias, PSM and DID were used to ensure homogeneity of samples. We examined changes in growth, profitability, activity, and stability over the seven years following technical support. As a result of the research, we checked that the company with the largest research and development cost was selected first in the selection evaluation. There was a significant positive difference between the two- and three-year difference averages in the profitability, especially the operating margin and the return on capital investment. This study is different in that it analyzes the performance using the data of many years to measure the change of the support effect. In particular, it is meaningful to use objective financial approach to the technical support project which is difficult to measure the research result because the project cost is small. 정부는 중소기업 지원을 목적으로 많은 예산을 투입해 왔다. 그러나 일부 사업에 대해서만 사전에 예비타당성 조사를 실시하고, 이후의 성과평가는 의무사항이 아니다. 이에 본 연구는 정부에서 수행하는 지원에 대한 실증적인 평가 및 추적조사를 목적으로 한다. 본 논문에서는 산업자원부가 2001년도부터 2008년도까지 지원한 기술지원 사업 중에서 K 연구원이 6년간 수행한 과제를 대상으로 PSM-DID를 이용하여 재무적 성과를 분석하였다. 선택편의의 극복을 위하여 PSM과 DID를 사용함으로써 샘플에 대한 동질성을 확보하였으며 지원 이후 7년간의 성장성, 수익성, 활동성, 안정성을 추적 조사하였다. 연구 결과, 선정평가에서 연구개발비가 큰 기업을 우선 선정했음을 확인할 수 있었으며, 분석결과 수익성, 특히 영업이익률과 투하자본수익률 항목에서 2, 3년 차분 평균비교에서 통계적으로 유의한 정(+)의 차이가 있음을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 지원효과의 추세변화를 측정하기 위해 다년간의 데이터를 이용하여 성과를 분석했다는 점에서 차이점을 가지며, 기술개발사업에 비해 지원하는 사업비가 적어 연구 성과 측정이 어려운 기술지원 사업을 대상으로 재무제표를 사용하여 객관적인 성과를 연구하였다는 점에서 의미가 있다. PSM-DID결합모형을 사용하여 신뢰성 있는 성과평가를 제시함으로써 이를 활용하여 정부 기술혁신 프로그램 성과평가를 제도화할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        PSM과 DID를 활용한 선택적근무제도와 조직성과간의 연구: 중소기업을 중심으로

        박혜성,이영민 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2023 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.9 No.12

        본 연구에서는 중소기업의 선택적 근로시간제 도입 전과 후의 조직성과를 실증하는데 목적이 있다. 이에 사업체 패널을 활용하여 독립변수인 선택적 근로시간제가 종속변수인 1인당 매출액, 1인당 영업이익, 1인당 인건비, 1인당 부가가치 미치는 영향을 PSM과 DID 모형을 통해 분석해 보았다. 변수 설정에서 기업 연령, 연령 제곱, 노조 유무, 1인당 복리후생비, 기업 규모(99인 이하, 100-299인 이하)를 통제변수로 사용하였다. 실증분석 결과 첫째, 매칭 전 업력과 규모를 제외하고 모든 변수에서 평균 차이가 유의한 것으로 나타났고, 매칭 후 집단 간 각 변수의 평균 차이는 통계적으로 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 선택적 근로시간제를 적용한 기업은 통계적으로 유의하지는 않았지만 제도 적용 시점부터 1년 이후까지 기업 성장성 지표인 1인당 부가가치(로그), 1인당 영업이익(로그), 1인당 인건비(로그), 1인당 매출액(로그)를 뚜렷하게 높이는 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 300인 이하 중소기업에서 모든 성과 변수가 통계적으로 유의하게 나타났는데, 선택적 근로시간 제의 적용을 시작으로 중소기업에서도 선택적 근로시간 제도의 완착을 위한 정책지원이 필요할 것으로 보인다. 이러한 분석 결과를 기반으로 향후 중소기업의 선택적 근로시간제를 위한 정책적 시사점을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the organizational performance of small and medium-sized enterprises before and after the introduction of a selective working hour system. Accordingly, using the business panel, we analyzed the impact of the independent variable, the optional working hour system, on the dependent variables, sales per person, operating profit per person, labor costs per person, and added value per person through PSM and DID models. In setting variables, company age, age squared, union presence, per-capita welfare expenses, and company size (less than 99 employees, 100-299 employees) were used as control variables. As a result of the empirical analysis, first, the mean difference was found to be significant in all variables except for industry experience and size before matching, and the mean difference in each variable between groups after matching was not found to be statistically significant. Second, although it was not statistically significant for companies that applied the selective working hour system, from the time of application of the system to one year later, corporate growth indicators such as added value per capita (log), operating profit per capita (log), labor cost per capita (log), and per capita It was found to have the effect of significantly increasing sales (log). Third, all performance variables were statistically significant in small and medium-sized enterprises with fewer than 300 employees. Starting with the application of the selective working hour system, it appears that small and medium-sized enterprises will also need policy support to fully implement the selective working hour system. Based on these analysis results, policy implications for future selective working hour systems in small and medium-sized enterprises were presented.

      • KCI등재

        장애인연금 수급에 따른 소득, 지출, 빈곤 영향 분석 : 성향점수매칭(PSM)과 이중차이(DID) 결합모형을 중심으로

        강민권,이진이 한국장애인개발원 2022 장애인복지연구 Vol.13 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the effectiveness of the pension for the disabled, which is a pivotal public income guarantee for the severely disabled. The effectiveness of pensions for the disabled was analyzed, focusing on income, expenditure and poverty, in accordance with the chain mechanisms of income increase, fixed expenditure and poverty for the severely disabled. Accordingly, a total of 2,027 panel heads were finalized to analyze, who responded to all the first (2018) and second (2019) data of the Disabled Life Panel, excluding those who received pensions for the disabled in the first year. To analyze the net effectiveness of the pension for the disabled, the experimental group receiving the pension for the disabled, the comparative group and the non-recipient group with the most similar tendencies to the experimental group, were matched through Propensity Score Matching (PSM), followed by an analysis of income, expenditure and poverty patterns before and after supply and demand using Difference In Differences (DID). As a result of the analysis, it was not valid in the DID analysis for all variables of income and expenditure, but the effectiveness of receiving the disability pension in poverty was effective in the DID. In conclusion, it suggests that the effect of receiving the pension for the disabled is limited, and based on this, it is necessary to seek policy measures for the institutional maturation of the pension for the disabled. 본 연구는 중증장애인의 중추적인 공적소득보장제도인 장애인연금의 효과성을 실증 분석하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 중증장애인의 소득증대의 한계, 고정지출, 빈곤추락이라는 연쇄적인 메커니즘에 따라 소득, 지출, 빈곤을 중심으로 장애인연금 수급의 효과성을 분석하였다. 이에 『장애인삶 패널조사』자료를 바탕으로 1차(2018) 및 2차(2019) 자료에 모두 응답한 패널 가구주 중 1차 년도에 장애인연금을 수급한 대상을 제외한 총 2,027명을 최종 분석대상으로 하였다. 장애인연금의 순수한 효과성을 분석하기 위해 장애인연금을 수급한 실험집단과 이와 가장 유사한 성향을 가진 비수급 집단인 비교집단을 성향점수매칭(PSM)을 통해 매칭하였으며, 이후 이중차이분석(DID)를 통해 수급 전후의 소득, 지출, 빈곤 양상을 분석하였다. 분석결과, 소득과 지출의 모든 변수에 있어 이중차이분석에서 유효하지 않았지만, 빈곤에 있어서 장애인연금 수급에 따른 효과성이 이중차이에서 유효한 결과를 도출하였다. 결론적으로, 장애인연금 수급의 효과가 제한적으로 나타남을 시사하며, 이를 바탕으로 장애인연금의 제도적 성숙을 위한 정책적 방안을 모색할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        정부 지원이 소재부품 중소기업 성장통 극복에 미치는 영향: PSM-DID 결합모형을 활용한 정책효과 분석

        유화선(Hwasun You),김윤명(Yun-Myung Kim),정도범(Do-Bum Chung) 한국기술혁신학회 2021 기술혁신학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        2001년 제정된 「소재·부품전문기업 등의 육성에 관한 특별조치법」을 계기로 소재부품 지원정책은 20년간 다양하게 추진해 왔으나, 이러한 지원정책에 관한 효과성 분석 연구는 미흡하였다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 성장통(성장정체 또는 하락)을 겪고 있는 소재부품 중소기업을 대상으로 맞춤형 패키지 지원(기술·경영·사업화)이 이루어졌던 지원사업을 대상으로 성과를 분석함으로써 소재부품 중소기업 지원정책의 효과성을 살펴보고자 하였다. 실증분석을 위해 분석대상 지원사업과 비교집단 기업의 2013년부터 2019년까지 재무정보 자료를 기반으로, 성향점수매칭-이중차분법(PSM-DID)을 통해 지원사업의 3년 이후의 효과까지 분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과, 수혜기업은 지원 직후부터 1년 이후까지 매출액 증가율 및 자산 증가율이 증가한 것으로 확인되었다. 따라서 동 지원사업은 기술·경영·사업화 패키지 지원을 통해 기존 주력제품의 시장 확대와 신성장아이템 발굴로 기업의 성장 정체를 해소하고 단기간 성과창출을 이루는 것을 목적으로 추진된 사업으로 정책목표를 달성했다고 볼 수 있으며, 이러한 분석결과를 기반으로 향후 소재부품 중소기업 지원 고도화를 위한 정책적 시사점을 제시하였다. In the wake of the Act on Special Measures for Fostering Materials and Parts Companies enacted in 2001, various material parts support policies have been implemented for 20 years, but research on the effectiveness of these support policies has been insufficient. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effectiveness of the material parts support policy by analyzing the results of support projects that were customized package support (technology, management, commercialization) for SME suffering from growth pains(growth stagnation or decline). For empirical analysis, based on financial information data from 2013 to 2019, the effects of projects after three years were conducted through the PSM-DID. The analysis confirmed that the beneficiary of the support project increased its sales growth rate and asset growth rate from immediately after the support to a year later. Therefore, the project achieved its policy goal by supporting technology, management, and commercialization packages to solve the stagnant growth of companies and achieve short-term performance by expanding the market of main products and discovering new growth items. Based on these analysis results, we present policy implications for upgrading support for SME for materials and components in the future.

      • KCI등재

        팬데믹 시대 정부지원금이 가계소비에 미치는 효과분석: 제품군 및 가계특성 비교를 중심으로

        이제영 한국유통학회 2023 流通硏究 Vol.28 No.2

        Purpose: The polarization in the society and economy, which has been progressing along with the shock of COVID-19, continues to have an impact on changes in production and consumption activities in the market. In the case of the retail industry, consumption behavior shifted to non-contact purchasing activities in the era of pandemic, and the contraction in demand for the traditional face-to-face service industry led to the overall domestic economic recession. Using the household trend survey data of Statistics Korea, this study empirically analyzes the effectiveness of the government subsidy policy implemented to stabilize domestic households’ consumption life in the pandemic crisis by a Difference-in-Difference (DID) model based on propensity score matching (PSM). Considering the SOR (Stimulus-Organism-Response) model as a theoretical background, our study explains the change in consumer sentiment (O) of domestic households due to the external environmental stimulus (S) of the pandemic crisis and the resulting level of household spending (R) from the perspective of retail marketing. Research design, data, and methodology: In this study, the pandemic crisis is understood as an external environmental stimulus, and the change in consumption behavior according to changes in consumers’ psychological emotions is explained through the SOR model. Our study views a government subsidy as policy interventions aimed at boosting domestic consumption during the early pandemic period, and how the effect of government subsidy varies depending on product categories and household characteristics is examined. Our study uses household trend survey data in the second quarter of 2020, when the first disaster subsidy began to be paid, and the second quarter of 2019 for comparison as a control group. The household trend survey data provided by Statistics Korea is a national representative cross-sectional data conducted every month for the purpose of identifying trends in household economic activities, targeting approximately 7,200 ordinary households residing in Korea. In this study, the household trend survey data in the second quarter of 2020 and the second quarter of 2019 (for households with one or more persons nationwide) are used as a treatment group and a control group, respectively. A total of 10,712 household samples are used for the final analysis. The following PSM-DID model is considered to examine how the interaction between the first disaster subsidy policy and whether or not each household received a government subsidy affects the households’ consumption expenditure across product categories. In equation (1), i represents each household, j represents whether it is a treatment group or a control group, and t represents the period before or after the pandemic. The main coefficient of interest in the proposed model is β3, which explains whether the first disaster subsidy policy during the pandemic had a significant effect on the change in domestic households’ spending across product categories. Results: <Table 1> and <Table 2> show coefficient values estimated through the proposed PSM-DID model for each product category. β3 is a coefficient of interaction term representing the effect of government subsidy during the pandemic period, and it is found to have a significant coefficient value although there are differences by product categories. This implies that households that received the government subsidy significantly increased or decreased their consumption for certain product categories, despite the overall decline in household spending during the pandemic period. Specifically, domestic households’ consumption spending increased significantly after the implementation of the government subsidy policy, especially in the grocery category such as meat, vegetables, and alcohol, as well as durable goods such as clothing and outerwear, shoes, home appliances, and medicines whose demand rapidly soared during the pandemic....

      • KCI등재

        The Impact of Risk Investment on Enterprise Financialization -Based on the Sample Study of Non-financial Listed Enterprises in China

        동소가,옹이가,한휘 한중사회과학학회 2023 한중사회과학연구 Vol.21 No.1

        This paper attempts to examine whether and how the development of venture capital in emerging markets affects the financialization in non-financial enterprise. For this purpose, we adopt the PSM-DID method and use the panel data from the Chinese listed enterprises from 2008 to 2019 to verify the relationship between venture capital and the financialization of non-financial enterprises. By demonstrating the impact of venture capital on the financialization of non-financial enterprises, we contribute to the existing literature on the financialization of enterprises. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows. First, there exists a significantly negative effect of VC on corporate financialization, and the effect presents a U-shaped curve dynamic characteristic over time. Specifically, the best microeconomic effect is achieved in the first year after VC entry, which makes the level of CF decrease by 19.7%. Even in the third year of VC entry, VC still plays an imperative role in mitigating the level of CF. The theoretical contribution of this paper to financialization lies in the following aspects. First, by linking the rapid development of VC in China with the trend of non-financial firms investing in financial assets, this paper examines the drivers of corporate financialization from the perspective of VC participation, enriching and expanding the literature on the drivers of corporate financialization. While the previous studies have provided explanations in terms of business diversification, fiscal policies, this paper adds to the existing literature on the value of VC by providing evidence on its role in reducing corporate financialization from the perspective of VC equity participation, a market-based investment and financing mechanism, and also provides novel explanations for the declining trend of non-financial enterprises investing in financial assets. Second, in terms of identification strategy, the existing literature largely uses the traditional econometric methods to study the economic effect of VC, such as the propensity score matching (PSM) method OLS method without paying attention to omitted variables and sample selectivity bias. This paper adopts PSM-DID method to investigate the causal effect between VC entry and corporate financial asset investment by taking non-financial firms’ access to first-round VC support as an exogenous policy shock, thus making the results more reliable and convincing.

      • KCI등재

        정부 R&D 지원이 기업 R&D 투자에미치는 영향 분석

        이원홍,양희승 기술경영경제학회 2023 Journal of Technology Innovation Vol.31 No.4

        This study empirically analyzes the impact of government R&D support on firms' R&D investment in Korea. To achieve this, we constructed a panel dataset covering the years 2012 to 2019, utilizing data from the 'Survey on Research and Development,' 'Survey and Analysis of National R&D Program,' and 'KIS-Value DB.' In order to estimate the impact of government R&D support on firms' R&D investment, we employed propensity score matching (PSM) and the panel difference-in-difference method (DID). Our findings reveal that firms receiving government R&D support significantly increase their R&D investment compared to non-recipients. Moreover, upon examining subgroups, we discovered that this effect is only significant when the amount of government R&D support exceeds a certain threshold. These results indicate that government R&D support to firms in Korea plays a crucial role in compensating for the market failure of private R&D investment. Furthermore, they highlight the necessity of adopting mid- to long-term perspectives on government R&D support to enhance its policy impact. 본 연구는 우리나라에서 정부 R&D 지원이 기업의 R&D 투자에 미치는 영향에 대해 실증적으로 분석한다. 이를 위해 2012년부터 코로나 직전인 2019년까지 8년 간 『연구개발활동조사』와 『국가연구개발사업 조사·분석』 그리고 기업 재무정보를 제공하는 『KIS-Value』를 연계하여 패널 자료를 구축하고, 정부 R&D 지원을 받은 기업의 R&D 투자에 미치는 영향을 성향점수매칭법(PSM)과 패널 이중차분법(DID)을 사용하여 추정한다. PSM-패널DID 분석 결과 정부 R&D 지원을 받은 기업은 그렇지 않은 기업과 비교하여 유의한 수준에서 R&D 투자를 확대하는 것으로 확인되었다. 세부 집단별로 살펴보면 정부 R&D 지원 횟수가 커질수록 기업의 R&D 투자 확대 효과는 더 커지며, 정부 R&D 지원금 규모가 일정 수준 이상인 경우에만 기업의 R&D 투자 확대 효과가 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 우리나라에서 기업에 대한 정부 R&D 지원은 민간 R&D 투자의 시장실패를 보완하는 본연의 역할을 하고 있으며, 실질적인 정책 효과를 내기 위해서는 중장기적인 관점에서 일정 규모 이상의 지원이 뒷받침되어야 한다는 것을 시사한다. 주제어:정부 R&D 지원, 기업 R&D 투자, 성향점수매칭, 이중차분법, 구축효과

      • KCI등재

        중소기업에 대한 정부 R&D 지원 정책의 효과

        이은철,김병근 국회예산정책처 2023 예산정책연구 Vol.12 No.4

        본 연구는 중소기업기술통계조사를 이용하여 정부의 중소기업에 대한 R&D 지원 정책의 효과를 분석하였다. 정부 지원을 직접적인 R&D 자금지원과 간접적 지원(세제, 판로, 인력, 정보)으로 구분하고, 이 두 가지 지원의 조합별로 정책 시행 전후 성과를 비교 분석하였다. 정책효과를 측정하기 위해 PSM-DID를 사용하였으며, R&D 투입, 특허, 지식재산권, 매출, 고용을 성과변수로 하였다. 실증분석 결과 정부의 중소기업 지원 정책은 R&D 투입, 특허, 지식재산권에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 직접적 R&D 자금지원만을 받은 경우는 R&D 투입, 특허, 지식재산권에 긍정적인 영향이 나타났고, 간접적 지원만 받은 경우는 어떠한 성과변수에도 유의한 영향이 나타나지 않았다. 직접적 R&D 자금지원과 간접적 지원을 동시에 받은 경우는 모든 성과변수에 긍정적인 영향이 나타났으며 증가율 또한 비교적 컸다. 기업의 최종 성과인 매출과 사회적인 성과인 고용은 직접적 R&D 자금지원과 간접적 지원을 동시에 받은 경우에만 유의한 긍정적 영향이 나타났다. This study analyzed the effects of the government’s R&D support policy instruments for SMEs using the Korean SME technical statistics survey. Government R&D support was categorized as direct funding and indirect support (tax, sales channels, human resources, information), and performance before and after policy implementation was compared and analyzed by a combination of these two supports. The PSM-DID method was used to measure the effects of Government Policy. R&D input, patent, intellectual property rights, sales, and employment were used as dependent variables. Empirical results show the government policy to support SMEs had a positive effect on R&D input, patents, and intellectual property rights. In the case of receiving only direct funding, there was a positive effect on R&D input, patents, and intellectual property rights, and in the case of receiving only indirect support, there was no significant effect on any performance variables. Receiving direct and indirect support at the same time had a positive effect on all performance variables, and the rate of increase was also relatively large. Sales, which are the final performance of the company, and employment, which is a social performance, had a significant positive effect only when direct funding and indirect support were received at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        장애인 취업의 가구소득 효과에 관한 종단적 연구

        한경성 한국장애인고용공단 고용개발원 2013 장애와 고용 Vol.23 No.1

        성향점수매칭과 이중차이 결합모형은 통제집단 사전사후검사 설계가 이루어지지 않은 여건에서도 정책 개입에 대한 효과를 측정하는데 적합한 모형이다. 본 논문에서는 이 모형을 이용하여 패널장애인의 취업을 독립변수인 개입으로 가정하고 가구균등화소득과 가구원근로소득의 종단적 효과를 추정하였다. 모형 추정에 장애인고용패널 1∼4차년도 데이터를 사용하여 다음과 같은 분석 결과를 얻었다. 먼저, 성향점수매칭을 결합한 이중차이분석 결과 2008년 미취업 패널장애인이 2010년에 취업 장애인으로 전환 시 동일 기간에 약 322만원에 해당하는 가구균등화소득의 상승 효과가 나타났다. 다음으로, 2008년 미취업 장애인이 2010년에 취업으로 전환 시 가구원근로소득이 약 124만원 정도 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 장애인이 노동시장에 진입한 경우 소득계층의 상향 이동이 있었지만, 여전히 가구균등화소득의 중위소득 수준을 벗어나지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 장애인이 근로능력을 가지고 있지 않을 경우, 가족을 위한 고용정책과 활동보조지원정책의 확대가 필요함을 보여주고 있다. 끝으로, 본 연구는 증거기반정책을 위한 실증적인 근거가 되는 정보로서의 의미를 가지고 있다. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the longitudinal effect on household equivalence scale and family earned income of employment for the disabled. The statistical analyses applied panel data of employment for the disabled from 1th(2008 year) to 4th(2011 year) are the Frequency Analysis, Propensity Score Matching Analysis, T-test, and DID Combined with PSM. The main results from this study are summarized as follows; First, it is verified that household equivalence scale of employed panel disabilities is higher about 3,220,000 won than household equivalence scale of unemployed panel disabilities. When the employment status of panel disabilities transfer from unemployment in 2008 to employment in 2010, it is appeared that family earned income of panel disabilities is decreased about 1,240,000won. Second, it is appeared that household equivalence scale is increased by the employment of the disabled. but, household equivalence scale of employed panel disabilities is still less than the median income of household equivalence scale to Korean households as a whole. Third, when the disabled has not the ability to work by severe disability, the employment promotion policy for increase of earned income of family and expansion of the assistant support service for family is required. Finally, on the basis of this study results, it is suggested that the improvement of the employment policy for the disabled is required.

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